author Walther Neuper <>
Fri, 02 Nov 2012 18:06:54 +0100
changeset 48775 dc0734ed5ce4
parent 48771 be1eb98aea30
child 48776 2aa274b12247
permissions -rwxr-xr-x
jrocnik: suggestions done
     1 @Misc{coq-team-10,
     2   author = 	 {Coq development team},
     3   title = 	 {Coq 8.3 Reference Manual},
     4   howpublished = {},
     5   year = 	 {2010},
     6   note = 	 {INRIA}
     7 }
     9 @Book{db:dom-eng,
    10   author = 	 {Bj{\o}rner, Dines},
    11   title = 	 {Domain Engineering. Technology Management, Research and Engineering},
    12   publisher = 	 {JAIST Press},
    13   year = 	 {2009},
    14   month = 	 {Feb},
    15   series = 	 {COE Research Monograph Series},
    16   volume = 	 {4},
    17   address = 	 {Nomi, Japan}
    18 }
    20 @INPROCEEDINGS{Hansen94b,
    21   KEY           = "Hansen94",
    22   AUTHOR        = "Kirsten Mark Hansen",
    23   EDITOR        = "M. Naftalin, T. Denvir, M. Bertran",
    24   TITLE         = "Validation of a Railway Interlocking Model",
    25   BOOKTITLE     = "FME'94: Industrial Benefit of Formal Methods",
    26   PUBLISHER     = "Springer-Verlag",
    27   YEAR          = "1994",
    28   MONTH         = "October",
    29   PAGES         = "582-601",
    30   ANNOTE        = "",
    31   COMMENT       = "PGL has got the proceedings. ADN"
    32 }
    34 @INPROCEEDINGS{Dehbonei&94,
    35   KEY           = "Dehbonei\&94",
    36   AUTHOR        = "Dehbonei, Babak and Mejia, Fernando",
    37   EDITOR        = "M. Naftalin, T. Denvir, M. Bertran",
    38   TITLE         = "Formal Methods in the Railways Signalling Industry",
    39   BOOKTITLE     = "FME'94:Industrial Benefit of Formal Methods",
    40   PUBLISHER     = "Springer-Verlag",
    41   YEAR          = "1994",
    42   MONTH         = "October",
    43   PAGES         = "26-34",
    44   ANNOTE        = "",
    45   COMMENT       = "Peter has got the proceedings. ADN"
    46 }
    48 @Book{db:SW-engIII,
    49   author = 	 {Bj{\o}rner, Dines},
    50   title = 	 {Software Engineering},
    51   publisher = 	 {Springer},
    52   year = 	 {2006},
    53   volume = 	 {3},
    54   series = 	 {Texts in Theoretical Computer Science},
    55   address = 	 {Berlin, Heidelberg}
    56 }
    58 @Book{pl:milner97,
    59   author = 	 {Robin Milner and Mads Tofte and Robert Harper and David MacQueen},
    60   title = 	 {The Definition of Standard ML (Revised)},
    61   publisher = 	 {The MIT Press},
    62   year = 	 1997,
    63   address =	 {Cambridge, London},
    64   annote =	 {97bok375}
    65 }
    67 @book{nipk:rew-all-that,
    68         title={Term rewriting and all that}, 
    69         author={Baader, Franz and Nipkow, Tobias },
    70         publisher={Cambridge University Press},year={1998}, 
    71 	volume={},series={},address={},edition={},month={}, 
    72 	note={},status={},source={},location={IST} 
    73         }
    75 @Misc{jrocnik-bakk,
    76   author = 	 {Jan Rocnik},
    77   title = 	 {Interactive Course Material for Signal Processing based on Isabelle/{\isac}},
    78   howpublished = {Bakkalaureate Thesis},
    79   year = 	 {2012},
    80   note = 	 {IST, Graz University of Technology,\_bakk.pdf}
    81 }
    83 @book{proakis2004contemporary,
    84   title={Contemporary communication systems using MATLAB and Simulink},
    85   author={Proakis, J.G. and Salehi, M. and Bauch, G.},
    86   isbn={9780534406172},
    87   lccn={31054410},
    88   series={BookWare companion series},
    89   url={},
    90   year={2004},
    91   publisher={Thomson--Brooks/Cole}
    92 }
    93 @book{oppenheim2010discrete,
    94   title={Discrete-time signal processing},
    95   author={Oppenheim, A.V. and Schafer, R.W.},
    96   isbn={9780131988422},
    97   series={Prentice-Hall signal processing series},
    98   url={},
    99   year={2010},
   100   publisher={Prentice Hall}
   101 }
   102 @manual{wenzel2011system,
   103 	title={The Isabelle System Manual},
   104 	author={Wenzel, M. and Berghofer, S.},
   105 	organization={TU Muenchen},
   106 	year={2011},
   107 	month={January}
   108 }
   109 @Book{Nipkow-Paulson-Wenzel:2002,
   110   author	= {Tobias Nipkow and Lawrence C. Paulson and Markus Wenzel},
   111   title		= {{Isabelle/HOL} --- A Proof Assistant for Higher-Order Logic},
   112   publisher	= {Springer},
   113   series	= {LNCS},
   114   volume	= 2283,
   115   year		= 2002}
   116 @Book{progr-mathematica,
   117   author = 	 {Maeder, Roman E.},
   118   title = 	 {Programming in Mathematica},
   119   publisher = 	 {Addison-Wesley},
   120   address = 	 {Reading, Mass.},
   121   year = 	 {1997}
   122 }
   123 @Book{prog-maple06,
   124   author = 	 {Aladjav, Victor and Bogdevicius, Marijonas},
   125   title = 	 {Maple: Programming, Physical and Engineering Problems},
   126   publisher = 	 {Fultus Corporation},
   127   year = 	 {2006},
   128   month = 	 {February 27},
   129   annote = 	 {ISBN: 1596820802}
   130 }
   131 @Article{plmms10,
   132   author = 	 {Florian Haftmann and Cezary Kaliszyk and Walther Neuper},
   133   title = 	 {{CTP}-based programming languages~? Considerations about an experimental design},
   134   journal = 	 {ACM Communications in Computer Algebra},
   135   year = 	 {2010},
   136   volume = 	 {44},
   137   number = 	 {1/2},
   138   pages = 	 {27-41},
   139   month = 	 {March/June}
   140 }
   141 @inproceedings{casproto,
   142   author    = {Cezary Kaliszyk and
   143                Freek Wiedijk},
   144   title     = {Certified Computer Algebra on Top of an Interactive Theorem
   145                Prover},
   146   booktitle = {Calculemus},
   147   year      = {2007},
   148   pages     = {94-105},
   149   ee        = {},
   150   crossref  = {DBLP:conf/mkm/2007},
   151   bibsource = {DBLP,}
   152 }
   153 @InProceedings{wn:lucas-interp-12,
   154   author = 	 {Neuper, Walther},
   155   title = 	 {Automated Generation of User Guidance by Combining Computation and Deduction},
   156   booktitle = {THedu'11: CTP-compontents for educational software},
   157   year = 	 {2012},
   158   editor = 	 {Quaresma, Pedro},
   159   publisher = {EPTCS},
   160   note = {To appear}
   161 }
   162 @Manual{Huet_all:94,
   163   author = 	 {Huet, G. and Kahn, G. and  Paulin-Mohring, C.},
   164   title = 	 {The Coq Proof Assistant},
   165   institution =  {INRIA-Rocquencourt},
   166   year = 	 {1994},
   167   type = 	 {Tutorial},
   168   number = 	 {Version 5.10},
   169   address = 	 {CNRS-ENS Lyon},
   170   status={},source={Theorema},location={-}
   171 }
   172 @TECHREPORT{Back-SD09,
   173   author = {Back, Ralph-Johan},
   174   title = {Structured Derivations as a Unified Proof Style for Teaching Mathematics},
   175   institution = {TUCS - Turku Centre for Computer Science},
   176   year = {2009},
   177   type = {TUCS Technical Report},
   178   number = {949},
   179   address = {Turku, Finland},
   180   month = {July}
   181 }
   182 @InProceedings{ActiveMath-MAIN11,
   183   author = 	 {Melis, Erica and Siekmann, Jörg},
   184   title = 	 {An Intelligent Tutoring System for Mathematics},
   185   booktitle = {Seventh International Conference Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing (ICAISC)},
   186   pages = 	 {91-101},
   187   year = 	 {2004},
   188   editor = 	 {Rutkowski, L. and Siekmann, J. and Tadeusiewicz, R. and Zadeh, L.A.},
   189   number = 	 {3070,},
   190   series = 	 {LNAI},
   191   publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
   192   doi =          {doi:10.1007/978-3-540-24844-6\_12}}
   193 @TechReport{mat-tutor-cmu-MAIN11,
   194   author = 	 {John R. Anderson},
   195   title = 	 {Intelligent Tutoring and High School Mathematics},
   196   institution =  {Carnegie Mellon University, Department of Psychology},
   197   year = 	 {2008},
   198   type = 	 {Technical Report},
   199   number = 	 {20},
   200   note = 	 {}
   201 }
   202 @PhdThesis{proof-strategies-11,
   203   author = 	 {Dietrich, Dominik},
   204   title = 	 {Proof Planning with Compiled Strategies},
   205   school = 	 {FR 6.2 Informatik, Saarland University},
   206   year = 	 {2011}
   207 }
   208 @proceedings{DBLP:conf/mkm/2007,
   209   editor    = {Manuel Kauers and
   210                Manfred Kerber and
   211                Robert Miner and
   212                Wolfgang Windsteiger},
   213   title     = {Towards Mechanized Mathematical Assistants, 14th Symposium,
   214                Calculemus 2007, 6th International Conference, MKM 2007,
   215                Hagenberg, Austria, June 27-30, 2007, Proceedings},
   216   booktitle = {Calculemus/MKM},
   217   publisher = {Springer},
   218   series    = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
   219   volume    = {4573},
   220   year      = {2007},
   221   isbn      = {978-3-540-73083-5},
   222   bibsource = {DBLP,}
   223 }
   225 @InProceedings{gdaroczy-EP-13,
   226   author = 	 {Gabriella Dar\'{o}czy and Walther Neuper},
   227   booktitle = {unknown},
   228   title = 	 {Error-Patterns within ``Next-Step-Guidance'' in TP-based Educational Systems},
   229   OPTpages = 	 {TODO-TODO},
   230   crossref =  {eduTPS-12},
   231   note = {to appear in this publication}
   232 }
   235 @Proceedings{eduTPS-12,
   236   title = 	 {Theorem-Prover based Systems for Education (eduTPS)},
   237   year = 	 {2013},
   238   OPTkey = 	 {},
   239   OPTbooktitle = {},
   240   OPTeditor = 	 {},
   241   OPTvolume = 	 {},
   242   OPTnumber = 	 {},
   243   OPTseries = 	 {},
   244   OPTaddress = 	 {},
   245   OPTmonth = 	 {},
   246   OPTorganization = {},
   247   publisher = {The Electronic Journal of Mathematics and Technology},
   248   note = 	 {to appear},
   249   OPTannote = 	 {}
   250 }
   252 @Misc{nipkow-prog-prove,
   253   author = 	 {Nipkow, Tobias},
   254   title = 	 {Programming and Proving in {Isabelle/HOL}},
   255   howpublished = {contained in the Isabelle distribution},
   256   month = 	 {May 22},
   257   year = 	 {2012}
   258 }
   260 @Book{pl:hind97,
   261   author = 	 {J. Roger Hindley},
   262   title = 	 {Basic Simple Type Theory},
   263   publisher = 	 {Cambridge University Press},
   264   year = 	 1997,
   265   editor =	 {S. Abramsky and P. H. Aczel and others},
   266   number =	 42,
   267   series =	 {Cambridge Tracts in Theoretical Computer Science},
   268   address =	 {Cambridge},
   269   annote =	 {97bok308}
   270 }
   272 @Article{Milner-78,
   273   author = 	 {Milner, R.},
   274   title = 	 {A Theory of Type Polymorphism in Programming},
   275   journal = 	 {Journal of Computer and System Science (JCSS)},
   276   year = 	 {1978},
   277   number = 	 {17},
   278   volume = {0},
   279   pages = 	 {348-374}
   280 }
   282 @inproceedings{Wenzel-11:doc-orient,
   283  author = {Wenzel, Makarius},
   284  title = {Isabelle as document-oriented proof assistant},
   285  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 18th Calculemus and 10th international conference on Intelligent computer mathematics},
   286  series = {MKM'11},
   287  year = {2011},
   288  isbn = {978-3-642-22672-4},
   289  location = {Bertinoro, Italy},
   290  pages = {244--259},
   291  numpages = {16},
   292  url = {},
   293  acmid = {2032732},
   294  publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
   295  address = {Berlin, Heidelberg},
   296 } 
   297 @InProceedings{makar-jedit-12,
   298   author = 	 {Makarius Wenzel},
   299   title = 	 {Isabelle/{jEdit} — a Prover IDE within the {PIDE} framework},
   300   booktitle = {Conference on Intelligent Computer Mathematics (CICM 2012)},
   301   year = 	 {2012},
   302   editor = 	 { J. Jeuring and others},
   303   number = 	 {7362},
   304   series = 	 {LNAI},
   305   publisher = {Springer}
   306 }
   308 @InProceedings{Makarius-09:parall-proof,
   309   author = 	 {Wenzel, Makarius},
   310   title = 	 {Parallel Proof Checking in {Isabelle/Isar}},
   311   booktitle = {ACM SIGSAM 2009 International Workshop on Programming Languages for Mechanized Mathematics Systems (PLMMS)},
   312   year = 	 {2009},
   313   editor = 	 {Dos Reis and L. Th\'ery},
   314   address = 	 {Munich},
   315   month = 	 {August},
   316   publisher = {ACM Digital library}
   317 }
   319 @Book{fm-03,
   320   author = 	 {Jean Francois Monin and Michael G. Hinchey},
   321   title = 	 {Understanding formal methods},
   322   publisher = 	 {Springer},
   323   year = 	 {2003}
   324 }
   326 @Book{db:dom-eng,
   327   author = 	 {Bj{\o}rner, Dines},
   328   title = 	 {Domain Engineering. Technology Management, Research and Engineering},
   329   publisher = 	 {JAIST Press},
   330   year = 	 {2009},
   331   month = 	 {Feb},
   332   series = 	 {COE Research Monograph Series},
   333   volume = 	 {4},
   334   address = 	 {Nomi, Japan}
   335 }
   337 @misc{ wiki:1,
   338    author = {Wikipedia},
   339    Title = {Table of common Z-transform pairs},
   340    year = {2012},
   341    url = {},
   342    note = {[Online; accessed 31-Oct-2012]}
   343  }
   345 @InProceedings{,
   346   author = 	 {Krempler, Alan and Neuper, Walther},
   347   title = 	 {Formative Assessment for User Guidance in Single Stepping Systems},
   348   booktitle = {Interactive Computer Aided Learning, Proceedings of ICL08},
   349   year = 	 {2008},
   350   editor = 	 {Aucher, Michael E.},
   351   address = 	 {Villach, Austria} %,
   352   %note = 	 {$\,$\\}
   353 }