author Walther Neuper <>
Mon, 07 Dec 2015 11:25:02 +0100
changeset 59186 d9c3e373f8f5
parent 59184 831fa972f73b
permissions -rw-r--r--
Isabelle2014-->15: term_of-->Thm.term_of
     1 (* = Tools.ML
     2    +++ outcommented tests *)
     5 fun eval_var (thmid:string) (op_:string) 
     6   (t as (Const(op0,t0) $ arg)) thy = 
     7   let 
     8     val t' = ((list2isalist HOLogic.realT) o vars) t;
     9     val thmId = thmid^(Syntax.string_of_term (thy2ctxt thy) arg);
    10   in SOME (thmId, Trueprop $ (mk_equality (t,t'))) end
    11   | eval_var _ _ _ _ = raise GO_ON;
    12 (* 
    13 > val t = (Thm.term_of o the o (parse thy)) "Var (A=a*(b::real))";
    14 > val op_ = "Var";
    15 > val eval_fn = the (assoc (!eval_list, op_));
    16 > get_pair op_ eval_fn t;
    17 > val (t as (Const(op0,t0) $ arg)) = t;
    18 > eval_fn op0 t; 
    20 > val thmid = "#Var_";
    21 > val (SOME(thmId,t')) = eval_var thmid op0 t;
    22 val it = SOME ("#Var_(A::real) = (a::real) * (b::real)",Const # $ (# $ #))
    23   : (string * term) option
    24 > Syntax.string_of_term (thy2ctxt thy) t';
    25 val it = "Var ((A::real) = (a::real) * (b::real)) = [A, a, b]" : string
    26 *)
    27 fun eval_Length (thmid:string) (op_:string) 
    28   (t as (Const(op0,t0) $ arg)) thy = 
    29   let 
    30     val t' = ((Thm.term_of_num HOLogic.realT) o length o isalist2list) arg;
    31     val thmId = thmid^(Syntax.string_of_term (thy2ctxt thy) arg);
    32   in SOME (thmId, Trueprop $ (mk_equality (t,t'))) end
    33   | eval_Length _ _ _ _ = raise GO_ON;
    34 (*
    35 > val thmid = "#Length_"; val op_ = "Length";
    36 > val s = "Length [A = a * b, a // #2 = #2]";
    37 > val (t as (Const(op0,t0) $ arg)) = (Thm.term_of o the o (parse thy)) s;
    38 > val (SOME (id,t')) = eval_Length thmid op_ t;
    39 val id = "#Length_[A = a * b, a // #2 = #2]" : string
    40 val t' = Const ("HOL.Trueprop","bool => prop") $ (Const # $ (# $ #) $ Free (#,#))
    41 val it = "Length [A = a * b, a // #2 = #2] = #2" : cterm
    42 ---------------------------------------------
    43 > val thmid = "#Length_"; val op_ = "Length";
    44 > val s = 
    45  "if #1 < Length [A = a * b, a // #2 = #2]       \
    46  \then make_fun (R, [make, function], no_met) A a_ [A = a * b, a // #2 = #2]\
    47  \else hd [A = a * b, a // #2 = #2]";
    49 > (Thm.global_cterm_of thy) t';
    50 > val t = (Thm.term_of o the o (parse thy)) s;
    51 > val eval_fn = the (assoc (!eval_list, op_));
    52 > val (SOME(_,t')) = get_pair op_ eval_fn t;
    53 val t' = Const ("HOL.Trueprop","bool => prop") $ (Const # $ (# $ #) $ Free (#,#))
    54 val it = "Length [A = a * b, a // #2 = #2] = #2" : cterm
    56 > val ct = (the o (parse thy)) s;
    57 > val (SOME(_,thm)) = get_calculation thy (op_, eval_fn) ct;
    58 val thm = "Length [A = a * b, a // #2 = #2] = #2" [[ Free ( #2, real) !!!]]
    59 > rewrite_ thy tless_true e_rls false thm ct;
    60 ("if #1 < #2
    61   then make_fun (R, [make, function], no_met)
    62        A a_ [A = a * b, a // #2 = #2] else hd [A = a * b, a // #2 = #2]",
    63  []) : (cterm * cterm list) option
    64 > val ct = (the o (parse thy)) s;
    65 > rewrite_set_ thy e_rls false eval_script ct;
    66 ("if #1 < #2
    67   then make_fun (R, [make, function], no_met)
    68        A a_ [A = a * b, a // #2 = #2] else hd [A = a * b, a // #2 = #2]",
    69  []) : (cterm * cterm list) option
    70 *)
    72 fun eval_Nth (thmid:string) (op_:string) (t as 
    73 	       (Const (op0,t0) $ t1 $ t2 )) thy =
    74 (tracing"@@@ eval_Nth";
    75   if is_num t1 andalso is_list t2
    76     then
    77       let 
    78 	val t' = (nth (num_of_term t1) (isalist2list t2))
    79 	  handle _ => raise GO_ON; 
    80 	val thmId = thmid^(Syntax.string_of_term (thy2ctxt thy) t1)^
    81 	  "_"^(Syntax.string_of_term (thy2ctxt thy) t2)^
    82 	  " = "^(Syntax.string_of_term (thy2ctxt thy) t');
    83       in SOME (thmId, Trueprop $ (mk_equality (t,t'))) end
    84   else raise GO_ON
    85 )
    86   | eval_Nth _ _ _ _ = raise GO_ON;
    87 (*
    88 > val thmid = "#Nth_"; val op_ = "Nth";
    89 > val s = "Nth #2 [A = a * b, a // #2 = #2]";
    90 > val t = (Thm.term_of o the o (parse thy)) s;
    91 > eval_Nth thmid op_ t;
    93 > val eval_fn = the (assoc (!eval_list, op_));
    94 > val (SOME(id,t')) = get_pair op_ eval_fn t;
    95 > (Thm.global_cterm_of thy) t';
    96 val it = "Nth #2 [A = a * b, a // #2 = #2] = (a // #2 = #2)"
    97 *)
   100 (*17.6.00: calc_list instead eval_list*)
   101 eval_list:= overwritel (! eval_list,
   102             [("Var",eval_var "#Var_"),
   103 	     ("Length",eval_Length "#Length_"),
   104 	     ("Nth",eval_Nth "#Nth_")
   105 	     ]);
   106 (*17.6.00: association list for calculate_, calculate*)
   107 calc_list:= overwritel (! calc_list,
   108             [
   109 	     ("Var"   ,("Var",eval_var "#Var_")),
   110 	     ("Length",("Length",eval_Length "#Length_")),
   111 	     ("Nth"   ,("Nth",eval_Nth "#Nth_"))
   112 	     ]);