author blanchet
Sat, 29 Oct 2011 13:15:58 +0200
changeset 46171 d8c8c2fcab2c
parent 46103 5509362b924b
child 46172 866b075aa99b
permissions -rw-r--r--
specify proof output level 1 (i.e. no detailed, potentially huge E proofs) to LEO-II; requires version 1.2.9
     1 (*  Title:      HOL/Tools/ATP/atp_systems.ML
     2     Author:     Fabian Immler, TU Muenchen
     3     Author:     Jasmin Blanchette, TU Muenchen
     5 Setup for supported ATPs.
     6 *)
     8 signature ATP_SYSTEMS =
     9 sig
    10   type tptp_format = ATP_Problem.tptp_format
    11   type formula_kind = ATP_Problem.formula_kind
    12   type failure = ATP_Proof.failure
    14   type atp_config =
    15     {exec : string * string,
    16      required_execs : (string * string) list,
    17      arguments :
    18        Proof.context -> bool -> string -> Time.time
    19        -> (unit -> (string * real) list) -> string,
    20      proof_delims : (string * string) list,
    21      known_failures : (failure * string) list,
    22      conj_sym_kind : formula_kind,
    23      prem_kind : formula_kind,
    24      best_slices :
    25        Proof.context
    26        -> (real * (bool * (int * tptp_format * string * string))) list}
    28   val force_sos : bool Config.T
    29   val e_smartN : string
    30   val e_autoN : string
    31   val e_fun_weightN : string
    32   val e_sym_offset_weightN : string
    33   val e_weight_method : string Config.T
    34   val e_default_fun_weight : real Config.T
    35   val e_fun_weight_base : real Config.T
    36   val e_fun_weight_span : real Config.T
    37   val e_default_sym_offs_weight : real Config.T
    38   val e_sym_offs_weight_base : real Config.T
    39   val e_sym_offs_weight_span : real Config.T
    40   val eN : string
    41   val e_sineN : string
    42   val e_tofofN : string
    43   val leo2N : string
    44   val pffN : string
    45   val phfN : string
    46   val satallaxN : string
    47   val snarkN : string
    48   val spassN : string
    49   val vampireN : string
    50   val waldmeisterN : string
    51   val z3_tptpN : string
    52   val remote_prefix : string
    53   val remote_atp :
    54     string -> string -> string list -> (string * string) list
    55     -> (failure * string) list -> formula_kind -> formula_kind
    56     -> (Proof.context -> int * tptp_format * string) -> string * atp_config
    57   val add_atp : string * atp_config -> theory -> theory
    58   val get_atp : theory -> string -> atp_config
    59   val supported_atps : theory -> string list
    60   val is_atp_installed : theory -> string -> bool
    61   val refresh_systems_on_tptp : unit -> unit
    62   val setup : theory -> theory
    63 end;
    65 structure ATP_Systems : ATP_SYSTEMS =
    66 struct
    68 open ATP_Problem
    69 open ATP_Proof
    71 (* ATP configuration *)
    73 type atp_config =
    74   {exec : string * string,
    75    required_execs : (string * string) list,
    76    arguments :
    77      Proof.context -> bool -> string -> Time.time
    78      -> (unit -> (string * real) list) -> string,
    79    proof_delims : (string * string) list,
    80    known_failures : (failure * string) list,
    81    conj_sym_kind : formula_kind,
    82    prem_kind : formula_kind,
    83    best_slices :
    84      Proof.context
    85      -> (real * (bool * (int * tptp_format * string * string))) list}
    87 (* "best_slices" must be found empirically, taking a wholistic approach since
    88    the ATPs are run in parallel. The "real" components give the faction of the
    89    time available given to the slice and should add up to 1.0. The "bool"
    90    component indicates whether the slice's strategy is complete; the "int", the
    91    preferred number of facts to pass; the first "string", the preferred type
    92    system (which should be sound or quasi-sound); the second "string", extra
    93    information to the prover (e.g., SOS or no SOS).
    95    The last slice should be the most "normal" one, because it will get all the
    96    time available if the other slices fail early and also because it is used if
    97    slicing is disabled (e.g., by the minimizer). *)
    99 val known_perl_failures =
   100   [(CantConnect, "HTTP error"),
   101    (NoPerl, "env: perl"),
   102    (NoLibwwwPerl, "Can't locate HTTP")]
   104 fun known_szs_failures wrap =
   105   [(Unprovable, wrap "CounterSatisfiable"),
   106    (Unprovable, wrap "Satisfiable"),
   107    (GaveUp, wrap "GaveUp"),
   108    (GaveUp, wrap "Unknown"),
   109    (GaveUp, wrap "Incomplete"),
   110    (ProofMissing, wrap "Theorem"),
   111    (ProofMissing, wrap "Unsatisfiable"),
   112    (TimedOut, wrap "Timeout"),
   113    (Inappropriate, wrap "Inappropriate"),
   114    (OutOfResources, wrap "ResourceOut"),
   115    (OutOfResources, wrap "MemoryOut"),
   116    (Interrupted, wrap "Forced"),
   117    (Interrupted, wrap "User")]
   119 val known_szs_status_failures = known_szs_failures (prefix "SZS status ")
   120 val known_says_failures = known_szs_failures (prefix " says ")
   122 (* named ATPs *)
   124 val eN = "e"
   125 val e_sineN = "e_sine"
   126 val e_tofofN = "e_tofof"
   127 val leo2N = "leo2"
   128 val pffN = "pff"
   129 val phfN = "phf"
   130 val satallaxN = "satallax"
   131 val snarkN = "snark"
   132 val spassN = "spass"
   133 val vampireN = "vampire"
   134 val waldmeisterN = "waldmeister"
   135 val z3_tptpN = "z3_tptp"
   136 val remote_prefix = "remote_"
   138 structure Data = Theory_Data
   139 (
   140   type T = (atp_config * stamp) Symtab.table
   141   val empty = Symtab.empty
   142   val extend = I
   143   fun merge data : T = Symtab.merge (eq_snd op =) data
   144     handle Symtab.DUP name => error ("Duplicate ATP: " ^ quote name ^ ".")
   145 )
   147 fun to_secs min time = Int.max (min, (Time.toMilliseconds time + 999) div 1000)
   149 val sosN = "sos"
   150 val no_sosN = "no_sos"
   152 val force_sos = Attrib.setup_config_bool @{binding atp_force_sos} (K false)
   155 (* E *)
   157 fun is_old_e_version () = (string_ord (getenv "E_VERSION", "1.2w") = LESS)
   159 val tstp_proof_delims =
   160   [("# SZS output start CNFRefutation.", "# SZS output end CNFRefutation"),
   161    ("% SZS output start CNFRefutation", "% SZS output end CNFRefutation")]
   163 val e_smartN = "smart"
   164 val e_autoN = "auto"
   165 val e_fun_weightN = "fun_weight"
   166 val e_sym_offset_weightN = "sym_offset_weight"
   168 val e_weight_method =
   169   Attrib.setup_config_string @{binding atp_e_weight_method} (K e_smartN)
   170 (* FUDGE *)
   171 val e_default_fun_weight =
   172   Attrib.setup_config_real @{binding atp_e_default_fun_weight} (K 20.0)
   173 val e_fun_weight_base =
   174   Attrib.setup_config_real @{binding atp_e_fun_weight_base} (K 0.0)
   175 val e_fun_weight_span =
   176   Attrib.setup_config_real @{binding atp_e_fun_weight_span} (K 40.0)
   177 val e_default_sym_offs_weight =
   178   Attrib.setup_config_real @{binding atp_e_default_sym_offs_weight} (K 1.0)
   179 val e_sym_offs_weight_base =
   180   Attrib.setup_config_real @{binding atp_e_sym_offs_weight_base} (K ~20.0)
   181 val e_sym_offs_weight_span =
   182   Attrib.setup_config_real @{binding atp_e_sym_offs_weight_span} (K 60.0)
   184 fun e_weight_method_case method fw sow =
   185   if method = e_fun_weightN then fw
   186   else if method = e_sym_offset_weightN then sow
   187   else raise Fail ("unexpected " ^ quote method)
   189 fun scaled_e_weight ctxt method w =
   190   w * Config.get ctxt
   191           (e_weight_method_case method e_fun_weight_span e_sym_offs_weight_span)
   192   + Config.get ctxt
   193         (e_weight_method_case method e_fun_weight_base e_sym_offs_weight_base)
   194   |> Real.ceil |> signed_string_of_int
   196 fun e_weight_arguments ctxt method weights =
   197   if method = e_autoN then
   198     "-xAutoDev"
   199   else
   200     (* supplied by Stephan Schulz *)
   201     "--split-clauses=4 --split-reuse-defs --simul-paramod --forward-context-sr \
   202     \--destructive-er-aggressive --destructive-er --presat-simplify \
   203     \--prefer-initial-clauses -tKBO6 -winvfreqrank -c1 -Ginvfreqconjmax -F1 \
   204     \--delete-bad-limit=150000000 -WSelectMaxLComplexAvoidPosPred \
   205     \-H'(4*" ^ e_weight_method_case method "FunWeight" "SymOffsetWeight" ^
   206     "(SimulateSOS, " ^
   207     (e_weight_method_case method e_default_fun_weight e_default_sym_offs_weight
   208      |> Config.get ctxt |> Real.ceil |> signed_string_of_int) ^
   209     ",20,1.5,1.5,1" ^
   210     (weights ()
   211      |> map (fn (s, w) => "," ^ s ^ ":" ^ scaled_e_weight ctxt method w)
   212      |> implode) ^
   213     "),3*ConjectureGeneralSymbolWeight(PreferNonGoals,200,100,200,50,50,1,100,\
   214     \1.5,1.5,1),1*Clauseweight(PreferProcessed,1,1,1),1*\
   215     \FIFOWeight(PreferProcessed))'"
   217 fun effective_e_weight_method ctxt =
   218   if is_old_e_version () then e_autoN else Config.get ctxt e_weight_method
   220 val e_config : atp_config =
   221   {exec = ("E_HOME", "eproof"),
   222    required_execs = [],
   223    arguments =
   224      fn ctxt => fn _ => fn method => fn timeout => fn weights =>
   225         "--tstp-in --tstp-out -l5 " ^ e_weight_arguments ctxt method weights ^
   226         " -tAutoDev --silent --cpu-limit=" ^ string_of_int (to_secs 2 timeout),
   227    proof_delims = tstp_proof_delims,
   228    known_failures =
   229      known_szs_status_failures @
   230      [(TimedOut, "Failure: Resource limit exceeded (time)"),
   231       (TimedOut, "time limit exceeded"),
   232       (OutOfResources, "# Cannot determine problem status")],
   233    conj_sym_kind = Hypothesis,
   234    prem_kind = Conjecture,
   235    best_slices = fn ctxt =>
   236      let val method = effective_e_weight_method ctxt in
   237        (* FUDGE *)
   238        if method = e_smartN then
   239          [(0.333, (true, (500, FOF, "mono_tags??", e_fun_weightN))),
   240           (0.334, (true, (50, FOF, "mono_guards??", e_fun_weightN))),
   241           (0.333, (true, (1000, FOF, "mono_tags??", e_sym_offset_weightN)))]
   242        else
   243          [(1.0, (true, (500, FOF, "mono_tags??", method)))]
   244      end}
   246 val e = (eN, e_config)
   249 (* LEO-II *)
   251 val leo2_thf0 = THF (TPTP_Monomorphic, TPTP_Explicit, THF_Without_Choice)
   253 val leo2_config : atp_config =
   254   {exec = ("LEO2_HOME", "leo"),
   255    required_execs = [],
   256    arguments =
   257      fn _ => fn _ => fn sos => fn timeout => fn _ =>
   258         "--proofoutput 1 --timeout " ^ string_of_int (to_secs 1 timeout)
   259         |> sos = sosN ? prefix "--sos ",
   260    proof_delims = tstp_proof_delims,
   261    known_failures =
   262      known_szs_status_failures @
   263      [(TimedOut, "CPU time limit exceeded, terminating")],
   264    conj_sym_kind = Axiom,
   265    prem_kind = Hypothesis,
   266    best_slices = fn ctxt =>
   267      (* FUDGE *)
   268      [(0.667, (false, (150, leo2_thf0, "mono_simple_higher", sosN))),
   269       (0.333, (true, (50, leo2_thf0, "mono_simple_higher", no_sosN)))]
   270      |> (if Config.get ctxt force_sos then hd #> apfst (K 1.0) #> single
   271          else I)}
   273 val leo2 = (leo2N, leo2_config)
   276 (* Satallax *)
   278 val satallax_thf0 = THF (TPTP_Monomorphic, TPTP_Explicit, THF_With_Choice)
   280 val satallax_config : atp_config =
   281   {exec = ("SATALLAX_HOME", "satallax"),
   282    required_execs = [],
   283    arguments =
   284      fn _ => fn _ => fn _ => fn timeout => fn _ =>
   285         "-p hocore -t " ^ string_of_int (to_secs 1 timeout),
   286    proof_delims =
   287      [("% Higher-Order Unsat Core BEGIN", "% Higher-Order Unsat Core END")],
   288    known_failures = known_szs_status_failures,
   289    conj_sym_kind = Axiom,
   290    prem_kind = Hypothesis,
   291    best_slices =
   292      (* FUDGE *)
   293      K [(1.0, (true, (100, satallax_thf0, "mono_simple_higher", "")))]}
   295 val satallax = (satallaxN, satallax_config)
   298 (* SPASS *)
   300 (* The "-VarWeight=3" option helps the higher-order problems, probably by
   301    counteracting the presence of explicit application operators. *)
   302 val spass_config : atp_config =
   303   {exec = ("ISABELLE_ATP", "scripts/spass"),
   304    required_execs = [("SPASS_HOME", "SPASS"), ("SPASS_HOME", "tptp2dfg")],
   305    arguments = fn _ => fn _ => fn sos => fn timeout => fn _ =>
   306      ("-Auto -PGiven=0 -PProblem=0 -Splits=0 -FullRed=0 -DocProof \
   307       \-VarWeight=3 -TimeLimit=" ^ string_of_int (to_secs 1 timeout))
   308      |> sos = sosN ? prefix "-SOS=1 ",
   309    proof_delims = [("Here is a proof", "Formulae used in the proof")],
   310    known_failures =
   311      known_perl_failures @
   312      [(GaveUp, "SPASS beiseite: Completion found"),
   313       (TimedOut, "SPASS beiseite: Ran out of time"),
   314       (OutOfResources, "SPASS beiseite: Maximal number of loops exceeded"),
   315       (MalformedInput, "Undefined symbol"),
   316       (MalformedInput, "Free Variable"),
   317       (Unprovable, "No formulae and clauses found in input file"),
   318       (SpassTooOld, "tptp2dfg"),
   319       (InternalError, "Please report this error")],
   320    conj_sym_kind = Hypothesis,
   321    prem_kind = Conjecture,
   322    best_slices = fn ctxt =>
   323      (* FUDGE *)
   324      [(0.333, (false, (150, FOF, "mono_tags??", sosN))),
   325       (0.333, (false, (300, FOF, "poly_tags??", sosN))),
   326       (0.334, (true, (50, FOF, "mono_tags??", no_sosN)))]
   327      |> (if Config.get ctxt force_sos then hd #> apfst (K 1.0) #> single
   328          else I)}
   330 val spass = (spassN, spass_config)
   333 (* Vampire *)
   335 (* Vampire 1.8 has TFF support, but it's buggy and therefore disabled on
   336    SystemOnTPTP. *)
   337 fun is_old_vampire_version () =
   338   string_ord (getenv "VAMPIRE_VERSION", "1.8") <> GREATER
   340 val vampire_tff0 = TFF (TPTP_Monomorphic, TPTP_Implicit)
   342 val vampire_config : atp_config =
   343   {exec = ("VAMPIRE_HOME", "vampire"),
   344    required_execs = [],
   345    arguments = fn _ => fn _ => fn sos => fn timeout => fn _ =>
   346      "--mode casc -t " ^ string_of_int (to_secs 1 timeout) ^
   347      " --proof tptp --output_axiom_names on\
   348      \ --forced_options propositional_to_bdd=off\
   349      \ --thanks \"Andrei and Krystof\" --input_file"
   350      |> sos = sosN ? prefix "--sos on ",
   351    proof_delims =
   352      [("=========== Refutation ==========",
   353        "======= End of refutation ======="),
   354       ("% SZS output start Refutation", "% SZS output end Refutation"),
   355       ("% SZS output start Proof", "% SZS output end Proof")],
   356    known_failures =
   357      known_szs_status_failures @
   358      [(GaveUp, "UNPROVABLE"),
   359       (GaveUp, "CANNOT PROVE"),
   360       (Unprovable, "Satisfiability detected"),
   361       (Unprovable, "Termination reason: Satisfiable"),
   362       (VampireTooOld, "not a valid option"),
   363       (Interrupted, "Aborted by signal SIGINT")],
   364    conj_sym_kind = Conjecture,
   365    prem_kind = Conjecture,
   366    best_slices = fn ctxt =>
   367      (* FUDGE *)
   368      (if is_old_vampire_version () then
   369         [(0.333, (false, (150, FOF, "poly_guards??", sosN))),
   370          (0.333, (false, (500, FOF, "mono_tags??", sosN))),
   371          (0.334, (true, (50, FOF, "mono_guards??", no_sosN)))]
   372       else
   373         [(0.333, (false, (150, vampire_tff0, "poly_guards??", sosN))),
   374          (0.333, (false, (500, vampire_tff0, "mono_simple", sosN))),
   375          (0.334, (true, (50, vampire_tff0, "mono_simple", no_sosN)))])
   376      |> (if Config.get ctxt force_sos then hd #> apfst (K 1.0) #> single
   377          else I)}
   379 val vampire = (vampireN, vampire_config)
   382 (* Z3 with TPTP syntax *)
   384 val z3_tff0 = TFF (TPTP_Monomorphic, TPTP_Implicit)
   386 val z3_tptp_config : atp_config =
   387   {exec = ("Z3_HOME", "z3"),
   388    required_execs = [],
   389    arguments = fn _ => fn _ => fn _ => fn timeout => fn _ =>
   390      "MBQI=true -tptp -t:" ^ string_of_int (to_secs 1 timeout),
   391    proof_delims = [],
   392    known_failures = known_szs_status_failures,
   393    conj_sym_kind = Hypothesis,
   394    prem_kind = Hypothesis,
   395    best_slices =
   396      (* FUDGE *)
   397      K [(0.5, (false, (250, z3_tff0, "mono_simple", ""))),
   398         (0.25, (false, (125, z3_tff0, "mono_simple", ""))),
   399         (0.125, (false, (62, z3_tff0, "mono_simple", ""))),
   400         (0.125, (false, (31, z3_tff0, "mono_simple", "")))]}
   402 val z3_tptp = (z3_tptpN, z3_tptp_config)
   405 (* Not really a prover: Experimental Polymorphic TFF and THF output *)
   407 fun dummy_config format type_enc : atp_config =
   408   {exec = ("ISABELLE_ATP", "scripts/dummy_atp"),
   409    required_execs = [],
   410    arguments = K (K (K (K (K "")))),
   411    proof_delims = [],
   412    known_failures = known_szs_status_failures,
   413    conj_sym_kind = Hypothesis,
   414    prem_kind = Hypothesis,
   415    best_slices = K [(1.0, (false, (200, format, type_enc, "")))]}
   417 val pff_format = TFF (TPTP_Polymorphic, TPTP_Explicit)
   418 val pff_config = dummy_config pff_format "poly_simple"
   419 val pff = (pffN, pff_config)
   421 val phf_format = THF (TPTP_Polymorphic, TPTP_Explicit, THF_With_Choice)
   422 val phf_config = dummy_config phf_format "poly_simple_higher"
   423 val phf = (phfN, phf_config)
   426 (* Remote ATP invocation via SystemOnTPTP *)
   428 val systems = Synchronized.var "atp_systems" ([] : string list)
   430 fun get_systems () =
   431   case Isabelle_System.bash_output
   432            "\"$ISABELLE_ATP/scripts/remote_atp\" -w 2>&1" of
   433     (output, 0) => split_lines output
   434   | (output, _) =>
   435     error (case extract_known_failure known_perl_failures output of
   436              SOME failure => string_for_failure failure
   437            | NONE => perhaps (try (unsuffix "\n")) output ^ ".")
   439 fun find_system name [] systems =
   440     find_first (String.isPrefix (name ^ "---")) systems
   441   | find_system name (version :: versions) systems =
   442     case find_first (String.isPrefix (name ^ "---" ^ version)) systems of
   443       NONE => find_system name versions systems
   444     | res => res
   446 fun get_system name versions =
   447   Synchronized.change_result systems
   448       (fn systems => (if null systems then get_systems () else systems)
   449                      |> `(`(find_system name versions)))
   451 fun the_system name versions =
   452   case get_system name versions of
   453     (SOME sys, _) => sys
   454   | (NONE, []) => error ("SystemOnTPTP is currently not available.")
   455   | (NONE, syss) =>
   456     error ("System " ^ quote name ^ " is not available at SystemOnTPTP.\n" ^
   457            "(Available systems: " ^ commas_quote syss ^ ".)")
   459 val max_remote_secs = 240 (* give Geoff Sutcliffe's servers a break *)
   461 fun remote_config system_name system_versions proof_delims known_failures
   462                   conj_sym_kind prem_kind best_slice : atp_config =
   463   {exec = ("ISABELLE_ATP", "scripts/remote_atp"),
   464    required_execs = [],
   465    arguments = fn _ => fn _ => fn _ => fn timeout => fn _ =>
   466      "-t " ^ string_of_int (Int.min (max_remote_secs, to_secs 1 timeout))
   467      ^ " -s " ^ the_system system_name system_versions,
   468    proof_delims = union (op =) tstp_proof_delims proof_delims,
   469    known_failures = known_failures @ known_perl_failures @ known_says_failures,
   470    conj_sym_kind = conj_sym_kind,
   471    prem_kind = prem_kind,
   472    best_slices = fn ctxt =>
   473      let val (max_relevant, format, type_enc) = best_slice ctxt in
   474        [(1.0, (false, (max_relevant, format, type_enc, "")))]
   475      end}
   477 fun remotify_config system_name system_versions best_slice
   478         ({proof_delims, known_failures, conj_sym_kind, prem_kind, ...}
   479          : atp_config) : atp_config =
   480   remote_config system_name system_versions proof_delims known_failures
   481                 conj_sym_kind prem_kind best_slice
   483 fun remote_atp name system_name system_versions proof_delims known_failures
   484                conj_sym_kind prem_kind best_slice =
   485   (remote_prefix ^ name,
   486    remote_config system_name system_versions proof_delims known_failures
   487                  conj_sym_kind prem_kind best_slice)
   488 fun remotify_atp (name, config) system_name system_versions best_slice =
   489   (remote_prefix ^ name,
   490    remotify_config system_name system_versions best_slice config)
   492 val explicit_tff0 = TFF (TPTP_Monomorphic, TPTP_Explicit)
   494 val remote_e =
   495   remotify_atp e "EP" ["1.0", "1.1", "1.2"]
   496                (K (750, FOF, "mono_tags??") (* FUDGE *))
   497 val remote_leo2 =
   498   remotify_atp leo2 "LEO-II" ["1.2.8", "1.2.6"]
   499                (K (100, leo2_thf0, "mono_simple_higher") (* FUDGE *))
   500 val remote_satallax =
   501   remotify_atp satallax "Satallax" ["2.1", "2.0", "2"]
   502                (K (100, satallax_thf0, "mono_simple_higher") (* FUDGE *))
   503 val remote_vampire =
   504   remotify_atp vampire "Vampire" ["1.8"]
   505                (K (250, FOF, "mono_guards??") (* FUDGE *))
   506 val remote_z3_tptp =
   507   remotify_atp z3_tptp "Z3" ["3.0"]
   508                (K (250, z3_tff0, "mono_simple") (* FUDGE *))
   509 val remote_e_sine =
   510   remote_atp e_sineN "SInE" ["0.4"] [] (#known_failures e_config) Axiom
   511              Conjecture (K (500, FOF, "mono_guards??") (* FUDGE *))
   512 val remote_snark =
   513   remote_atp snarkN "SNARK" ["20080805r029", "20080805r024"]
   514              [("refutation.", "end_refutation.")] [] Hypothesis Hypothesis
   515              (K (100, explicit_tff0, "mono_simple") (* FUDGE *))
   516 val remote_e_tofof =
   517   remote_atp e_tofofN "ToFoF" ["0.1"] [] (#known_failures e_config) Axiom
   518              Hypothesis (K (150, explicit_tff0, "mono_simple") (* FUDGE *))
   519 val remote_waldmeister =
   520   remote_atp waldmeisterN "Waldmeister" ["710"]
   521              [("#START OF PROOF", "Proved Goals:")]
   522              [(OutOfResources, "Too many function symbols"),
   523               (Crashed, "Unrecoverable Segmentation Fault")]
   524              Hypothesis Hypothesis
   525              (K (50, CNF_UEQ, "mono_tags??") (* FUDGE *))
   527 (* Setup *)
   529 fun add_atp (name, config) thy =
   530 (Symtab.update_new (name, (config, stamp ()))) thy
   531   handle Symtab.DUP name => error ("Duplicate ATP: " ^ quote name ^ ".")
   533 fun get_atp thy name =
   534   the (Symtab.lookup (Data.get thy) name) |> fst
   535   handle Option.Option => error ("Unknown ATP: " ^ name ^ ".")
   537 val supported_atps = Symtab.keys o Data.get
   539 fun is_atp_installed thy name =
   540   let val {exec, required_execs, ...} = get_atp thy name in
   541     forall (curry (op <>) "" o getenv o fst) (exec :: required_execs)
   542   end
   544 fun refresh_systems_on_tptp () =
   545   Synchronized.change systems (fn _ => get_systems ())
   547 val atps =
   548   [e, leo2, pff, phf, satallax, spass, vampire, z3_tptp, remote_e, remote_leo2,
   549    remote_satallax, remote_vampire, remote_z3_tptp, remote_e_sine, remote_snark,
   550    remote_e_tofof, remote_waldmeister]
   551 val setup = fold add_atp atps
   553 end;