author Walther Neuper <>
Mon, 13 Sep 2010 18:12:15 +0200
changeset 38007 d679c1f837a7
parent 38001 15775bd26979
child 38009 b49723351533
permissions -rw-r--r--
ref --> Unsynchronized.ref tuned.

there are differences in compiling via (1) Build_Isac.thy and via (2) ROOT.ML:
# (1) still accepts ref, while (2) requires Unsynchronized.ref
# (2) is more rigid in type checking (eg. "can't find a fixed record type")
     1 (* some tests are based on specficially simple scripts etc.
     2    Author: Walther Neuper 2003
     3    (c) due to copyright terms
     4 *) 
     6 theory Test imports Atools Poly Rational Root Diff begin
     8 consts
    10 (*"cancel":: [real, real] => real    (infixl "'/'/'/" 70) ...divide 2002*)
    12   Expand'_binomtest
    13              :: "['y,  
    14 		    'y] => 'y"
    15                ("((Script Expand'_binomtest (_ =))//  
    16                    (_))" 9)
    18   Solve'_univar'_err
    19              :: "[bool,real,bool,  
    20 		    bool list] => bool list"
    21                ("((Script Solve'_univar'_err (_ _ _ =))//  
    22                    (_))" 9)
    24   Solve'_linear
    25              :: "[bool,real,  
    26 		    bool list] => bool list"
    27                ("((Script Solve'_linear (_ _ =))//  
    28                    (_))" 9)
    30 (*17.9.02 aus SqRoot.thy------------------------------vvv---*)
    32   "is'_root'_free" :: "'a => bool"           ("is'_root'_free _" 10)
    33   "contains'_root" :: "'a => bool"           ("contains'_root _" 10)
    35   Solve'_root'_equation 
    36              :: "[bool,real,  
    37 		    bool list] => bool list"
    38                ("((Script Solve'_root'_equation (_ _ =))//  
    39                    (_))" 9)
    41   Solve'_plain'_square 
    42              :: "[bool,real,  
    43 		    bool list] => bool list"
    44                ("((Script Solve'_plain'_square (_ _ =))//  
    45                    (_))" 9)
    47   Norm'_univar'_equation 
    48              :: "[bool,real,  
    49 		    bool] => bool"
    50                ("((Script Norm'_univar'_equation (_ _ =))//  
    51                    (_))" 9)
    53   STest'_simplify
    54              :: "['z,  
    55 		    'z] => 'z"
    56                ("((Script STest'_simplify (_ =))//  
    57                    (_))" 9)
    59 (*17.9.02 aus SqRoot.thy------------------------------^^^---*)  
    61 axioms (*TODO: prove as theorems*)
    63   radd_mult_distrib2:      "(k::real) * (m + n) = k * m + k * n"
    64   rdistr_right_assoc:      "(k::real) + l * n + m * n = k + (l + m) * n"
    65   rdistr_right_assoc_p:    "l * n + (m * n + (k::real)) = (l + m) * n + k"
    66   rdistr_div_right:        "((k::real) + l) / n = k / n + l / n"
    67   rcollect_right:
    68           "[| l is_const; m is_const |] ==> (l::real)*n + m*n = (l + m) * n"
    69   rcollect_one_left:
    70           "m is_const ==> (n::real) + m * n = (1 + m) * n"
    71   rcollect_one_left_assoc:
    72           "m is_const ==> (k::real) + n + m * n = k + (1 + m) * n"
    73   rcollect_one_left_assoc_p:
    74           "m is_const ==> n + (m * n + (k::real)) = (1 + m) * n + k"
    76   rtwo_of_the_same:        "a + a = 2 * a"
    77   rtwo_of_the_same_assoc:  "(x + a) + a = x + 2 * a"
    78   rtwo_of_the_same_assoc_p:"a + (a + x) = 2 * a + x"
    80   rcancel_den:             "not(a=0) ==> a * (b / a) = b"
    81   rcancel_const:           "[| a is_const; b is_const |] ==> a*(x/b) = a/b*x"
    82   rshift_nominator:        "(a::real) * b / c = a / c * b"
    84   exp_pow:                 "(a ^^^ b) ^^^ c = a ^^^ (b * c)"
    85   rsqare:                  "(a::real) * a = a ^^^ 2"
    86   power_1:                 "(a::real) ^^^ 1 = a"
    87   rbinom_power_2:          "((a::real) + b)^^^ 2 = a^^^ 2 + 2*a*b + b^^^ 2"
    89   rmult_1:                 "1 * k = (k::real)"
    90   rmult_1_right:           "k * 1 = (k::real)"
    91   rmult_0:                 "0 * k = (0::real)"
    92   rmult_0_right:           "k * 0 = (0::real)"
    93   radd_0:                  "0 + k = (k::real)"
    94   radd_0_right:            "k + 0 = (k::real)"
    96   radd_real_const_eq:
    97           "[| a is_const; c is_const; d is_const |] ==> a/d + c/d = (a+c)/(d::real)"
    98   radd_real_const:
    99           "[| a is_const; b is_const; c is_const; d is_const |] ==> a/b + c/d = (a*d + b*c)/(b*(d::real))"  
   101 (*for AC-operators*)
   102   radd_commute:            "(m::real) + (n::real) = n + m"
   103   radd_left_commute:       "(x::real) + (y + z) = y + (x + z)"
   104   radd_assoc:              "(m::real) + n + k = m + (n + k)"
   105   rmult_commute:           "(m::real) * n = n * m"
   106   rmult_left_commute:      "(x::real) * (y * z) = y * (x * z)"
   107   rmult_assoc:             "(m::real) * n * k = m * (n * k)"
   109 (*for equations: 'bdv' is a meta-constant*)
   110   risolate_bdv_add:       "((k::real) + bdv = m) = (bdv = m + (-1)*k)"
   111   risolate_bdv_mult_add:  "((k::real) + n*bdv = m) = (n*bdv = m + (-1)*k)"
   112   risolate_bdv_mult:      "((n::real) * bdv = m) = (bdv = m / n)"
   114   rnorm_equation_add:
   115       "~(b =!= 0) ==> (a = b) = (a + (-1)*b = 0)"
   117 (*17.9.02 aus SqRoot.thy------------------------------vvv---*) 
   118   root_ge0:            "0 <= a ==> 0 <= sqrt a"
   119   (*should be dropped with better simplification in eval_rls ...*)
   120   root_add_ge0:
   121 	"[| 0 <= a; 0 <= b |] ==> (0 <= sqrt a + sqrt b) = True"
   122   root_ge0_1:
   123 	"[| 0<=a; 0<=b; 0<=c |] ==> (0 <= a * sqrt b + sqrt c) = True"
   124   root_ge0_2:
   125 	"[| 0<=a; 0<=b; 0<=c |] ==> (0 <= sqrt a + b * sqrt c) = True"
   128   rroot_square_inv:         "(sqrt a)^^^ 2 = a"
   129   rroot_times_root:         "sqrt a * sqrt b = sqrt(a*b)"
   130   rroot_times_root_assoc:   "(a * sqrt b) * sqrt c = a * sqrt(b*c)"
   131   rroot_times_root_assoc_p: "sqrt b * (sqrt c * a)= sqrt(b*c) * a"
   134 (*for root-equations*)
   135   square_equation_left:
   136           "[| 0 <= a; 0 <= b |] ==> (((sqrt a)=b)=(a=(b^^^ 2)))"
   137   square_equation_right:
   138           "[| 0 <= a; 0 <= b |] ==> ((a=(sqrt b))=((a^^^ 2)=b))"
   139   (*causes frequently non-termination:*)
   140   square_equation:  
   141           "[| 0 <= a; 0 <= b |] ==> ((a=b)=((a^^^ 2)=b^^^ 2))"
   143   risolate_root_add:        "(a+  sqrt c = d) = (  sqrt c = d + (-1)*a)"
   144   risolate_root_mult:       "(a+b*sqrt c = d) = (b*sqrt c = d + (-1)*a)"
   145   risolate_root_div:        "(a * sqrt c = d) = (  sqrt c = d / a)"
   147 (*for polynomial equations of degree 2; linear case in RatArith*)
   148   mult_square:		"(a*bdv^^^2 = b) = (bdv^^^2 = b / a)"
   149   constant_square:       "(a + bdv^^^2 = b) = (bdv^^^2 = b + -1*a)"
   150   constant_mult_square:  "(a + b*bdv^^^2 = c) = (b*bdv^^^2 = c + -1*a)"
   152   square_equality: 
   153 	     "0 <= a ==> (x^^^2 = a) = ((x=sqrt a) | (x=-1*sqrt a))"
   154   square_equality_0:
   155 	     "(x^^^2 = 0) = (x = 0)"
   157 (*isolate root on the LEFT hand side of the equation
   158   otherwise shuffling from left to right would not terminate*)  
   160   rroot_to_lhs:
   161           "is_root_free a ==> (a = sqrt b) = (a + (-1)*sqrt b = 0)"
   162   rroot_to_lhs_mult:
   163           "is_root_free a ==> (a = c*sqrt b) = (a + (-1)*c*sqrt b = 0)"
   164   rroot_to_lhs_add_mult:
   165           "is_root_free a ==> (a = d+c*sqrt b) = (a + (-1)*c*sqrt b = d)"
   166 (*17.9.02 aus SqRoot.thy------------------------------^^^---*)  
   168 ML {*
   169 val thy = @{theory};
   171 (** evaluation of numerals and predicates **)
   173 (*does a term contain a root ?*)
   174 fun eval_root_free (thmid:string) _ (t as (Const(op0,t0) $ arg)) thy = 
   175   if strip_thy op0 <> "is'_root'_free" 
   176     then raise error ("eval_root_free: wrong "^op0)
   177   else if const_in (strip_thy op0) arg
   178 	 then SOME (mk_thmid thmid "" 
   179 		    ((Syntax.string_of_term (thy2ctxt thy)) arg) "", 
   180 		    Trueprop $ (mk_equality (t, false_as_term)))
   181        else SOME (mk_thmid thmid "" 
   182 		  ((Syntax.string_of_term (thy2ctxt thy)) arg) "", 
   183 		  Trueprop $ (mk_equality (t, true_as_term)))
   184   | eval_root_free _ _ _ _ = NONE; 
   186 (*does a term contain a root ?*)
   187 fun eval_contains_root (thmid:string) _ 
   188 		       (t as (Const("Test.contains'_root",t0) $ arg)) thy = 
   189     if member op = (ids_of arg) "sqrt"
   190     then SOME (mk_thmid thmid "" 
   191 			((Syntax.string_of_term (thy2ctxt thy)) arg) "", 
   192 	       Trueprop $ (mk_equality (t, true_as_term)))
   193     else SOME (mk_thmid thmid "" 
   194 			((Syntax.string_of_term (thy2ctxt thy)) arg) "", 
   195 	       Trueprop $ (mk_equality (t, false_as_term)))
   196   | eval_contains_root _ _ _ _ = NONE; 
   198 calclist':= overwritel (!calclist', 
   199    [("is_root_free", ("'_root'_free", 
   200 		      eval_root_free"#is_root_free_e")),
   201     ("contains_root", ("Test.contains'_root",
   202 		       eval_contains_root"#contains_root_"))
   203     ]);
   205 (** term order **)
   206 fun term_order (_:subst) tu = (term_ordI [] tu = LESS);
   207 *}
   208 ML {*
   209 (** rule sets **)
   211 val testerls = 
   212   Rls {id = "testerls", preconds = [], rew_ord = ("termlessI",termlessI), 
   213       erls = e_rls, srls = Erls, 
   214       calc = [], 
   215       rules = [Thm ("refl",num_str @{thm refl}),
   216 	       Thm ("real_le_refl",num_str @{thm real_le_refl}),
   217 	       Thm ("radd_left_cancel_le",num_str @{thm radd_left_cancel_le}),
   218 	       Thm ("not_true",num_str @{thm not_true}),
   219 	       Thm ("not_false",num_str @{thm not_false}),
   220 	       Thm ("and_true",num_str @{thm and_true}),
   221 	       Thm ("and_false",num_str @{thm and_false}),
   222 	       Thm ("or_true",num_str @{thm or_true}),
   223 	       Thm ("or_false",num_str @{thm or_false}),
   224 	       Thm ("and_commute",num_str @{thm and_commute}),
   225 	       Thm ("or_commute",num_str @{thm or_commute}),
   227 	       Calc ("'_const",eval_const "#is_const_"),
   228 	       Calc ("Tools.matches",eval_matches ""),
   230 	       Calc ("op +",eval_binop "#add_"),
   231 	       Calc ("op *",eval_binop "#mult_"),
   232 	       Calc ("Atools.pow" ,eval_binop "#power_"),
   234 	       Calc ("op <",eval_equ "#less_"),
   235 	       Calc ("op <=",eval_equ "#less_equal_"),
   237 	       Calc ("Atools.ident",eval_ident "#ident_")],
   238       scr = Script ((term_of o the o (parse thy)) 
   239       "empty_script")
   240       }:rls;      
   241 *}
   242 ML {*
   243 (*.for evaluation of conditions in rewrite rules.*)
   244 (*FIXXXXXXME 10.8.02: handle like _simplify*)
   245 val tval_rls =  
   246   Rls{id = "tval_rls", preconds = [], 
   247       rew_ord = ("sqrt_right",sqrt_right false (theory "Pure")), 
   248       erls=testerls,srls = e_rls, 
   249       calc=[],
   250       rules = [Thm ("refl",num_str @{thm refl}),
   251 	       Thm ("real_le_refl",num_str @{thm real_le_refl}),
   252 	       Thm ("radd_left_cancel_le",num_str @{thm radd_left_cancel_le}),
   253 	       Thm ("not_true",num_str @{thm not_true}),
   254 	       Thm ("not_false",num_str @{thm not_false}),
   255 	       Thm ("and_true",num_str @{thm and_true}),
   256 	       Thm ("and_false",num_str @{thm and_false}),
   257 	       Thm ("or_true",num_str @{thm or_true}),
   258 	       Thm ("or_false",num_str @{thm or_false}),
   259 	       Thm ("and_commute",num_str @{thm and_commute}),
   260 	       Thm ("or_commute",num_str @{thm or_commute}),
   262 	       Thm ("real_diff_minus",num_str @{thm real_diff_minus}),
   264 	       Thm ("root_ge0",num_str @{thm root_ge0}),
   265 	       Thm ("root_add_ge0",num_str @{thm root_add_ge0}),
   266 	       Thm ("root_ge0_1",num_str @{thm root_ge0_1}),
   267 	       Thm ("root_ge0_2",num_str @{thm root_ge0_2}),
   269 	       Calc ("'_const",eval_const "#is_const_"),
   270 	       Calc ("'_root'_free",eval_root_free "#is_root_free_e"),
   271 	       Calc ("Tools.matches",eval_matches ""),
   272 	       Calc ("Test.contains'_root",
   273 		     eval_contains_root"#contains_root_"),
   275 	       Calc ("op +",eval_binop "#add_"),
   276 	       Calc ("op *",eval_binop "#mult_"),
   277 	       Calc ("NthRoot.sqrt",eval_sqrt "#sqrt_"),
   278 	       Calc ("Atools.pow" ,eval_binop "#power_"),
   280 	       Calc ("op <",eval_equ "#less_"),
   281 	       Calc ("op <=",eval_equ "#less_equal_"),
   283 	       Calc ("Atools.ident",eval_ident "#ident_")],
   284       scr = Script ((term_of o the o (parse thy)) 
   285       "empty_script")
   286       }:rls;      
   287 *}
   288 ML {*
   290 ruleset' := overwritelthy @{theory} (!ruleset',
   291   [("testerls", prep_rls testerls)
   292    ]);
   295 (*make () dissappear*)   
   296 val rearrange_assoc =
   297   Rls{id = "rearrange_assoc", preconds = [], 
   298       rew_ord = ("e_rew_ord",e_rew_ord), 
   299       erls = e_rls, srls = e_rls, calc = [], (*asm_thm=[],*)
   300       rules = 
   301       [Thm ("sym_add_assoc",num_str (@{thm add_assoc} RS @{thm sym})),
   302        Thm ("sym_rmult_assoc",num_str (@{thm rmult_assoc} RS @{thm sym}))],
   303       scr = Script ((term_of o the o (parse thy)) 
   304       "empty_script")
   305       }:rls;      
   307 val ac_plus_times =
   308   Rls{id = "ac_plus_times", preconds = [], rew_ord = ("term_order",term_order),
   309       erls = e_rls, srls = e_rls, calc = [], (*asm_thm=[],*)
   310       rules = 
   311       [Thm ("radd_commute",num_str @{thm radd_commute}),
   312        Thm ("radd_left_commute",num_str @{thm radd_left_commute}),
   313        Thm ("add_assoc",num_str @{thm add_assoc}),
   314        Thm ("rmult_commute",num_str @{thm rmult_commute}),
   315        Thm ("rmult_left_commute",num_str @{thm rmult_left_commute}),
   316        Thm ("rmult_assoc",num_str @{thm rmult_assoc})],
   317       scr = Script ((term_of o the o (parse thy)) 
   318       "empty_script")
   319       }:rls;      
   321 (*todo: replace by Rewrite("rnorm_equation_add",num_str @{thm rnorm_equation_add)*)
   322 val norm_equation =
   323   Rls{id = "norm_equation", preconds = [], rew_ord = ("e_rew_ord",e_rew_ord),
   324       erls = tval_rls, srls = e_rls, calc = [], (*asm_thm=[],*)
   325       rules = [Thm ("rnorm_equation_add",num_str @{thm rnorm_equation_add})
   326 	       ],
   327       scr = Script ((term_of o the o (parse thy)) 
   328       "empty_script")
   329       }:rls;      
   330 *}
   331 ML {*
   332 (** rule sets **)
   334 val STest_simplify =     (*   vv--- not changed to real by parse*)
   335   "Script STest_simplify (t_t::'z) =                           " ^
   336   "(Repeat" ^
   337   "    ((Try (Repeat (Rewrite real_diff_minus False))) @@        " ^
   338   "     (Try (Repeat (Rewrite radd_mult_distrib2 False))) @@  " ^
   339   "     (Try (Repeat (Rewrite rdistr_right_assoc False))) @@  " ^
   340   "     (Try (Repeat (Rewrite rdistr_right_assoc_p False))) @@" ^
   341   "     (Try (Repeat (Rewrite rdistr_div_right False))) @@    " ^
   342   "     (Try (Repeat (Rewrite rbinom_power_2 False))) @@      " ^
   344   "     (Try (Repeat (Rewrite radd_commute False))) @@        " ^
   345   "     (Try (Repeat (Rewrite radd_left_commute False))) @@   " ^
   346   "     (Try (Repeat (Rewrite add_assoc False))) @@          " ^
   347   "     (Try (Repeat (Rewrite rmult_commute False))) @@       " ^
   348   "     (Try (Repeat (Rewrite rmult_left_commute False))) @@  " ^
   349   "     (Try (Repeat (Rewrite rmult_assoc False))) @@         " ^
   351   "     (Try (Repeat (Rewrite radd_real_const_eq False))) @@   " ^
   352   "     (Try (Repeat (Rewrite radd_real_const False))) @@   " ^
   353   "     (Try (Repeat (Calculate PLUS))) @@   " ^
   354   "     (Try (Repeat (Calculate TIMES))) @@   " ^
   355   "     (Try (Repeat (Calculate divide_))) @@" ^
   356   "     (Try (Repeat (Calculate POWER))) @@  " ^
   358   "     (Try (Repeat (Rewrite rcollect_right False))) @@   " ^
   359   "     (Try (Repeat (Rewrite rcollect_one_left False))) @@   " ^
   360   "     (Try (Repeat (Rewrite rcollect_one_left_assoc False))) @@   " ^
   361   "     (Try (Repeat (Rewrite rcollect_one_left_assoc_p False))) @@   " ^
   363   "     (Try (Repeat (Rewrite rshift_nominator False))) @@   " ^
   364   "     (Try (Repeat (Rewrite rcancel_den False))) @@   " ^
   365   "     (Try (Repeat (Rewrite rroot_square_inv False))) @@   " ^
   366   "     (Try (Repeat (Rewrite rroot_times_root False))) @@   " ^
   367   "     (Try (Repeat (Rewrite rroot_times_root_assoc_p False))) @@   " ^
   368   "     (Try (Repeat (Rewrite rsqare False))) @@   " ^
   369   "     (Try (Repeat (Rewrite power_1 False))) @@   " ^
   370   "     (Try (Repeat (Rewrite rtwo_of_the_same False))) @@   " ^
   371   "     (Try (Repeat (Rewrite rtwo_of_the_same_assoc_p False))) @@   " ^
   373   "     (Try (Repeat (Rewrite rmult_1 False))) @@   " ^
   374   "     (Try (Repeat (Rewrite rmult_1_right False))) @@   " ^
   375   "     (Try (Repeat (Rewrite rmult_0 False))) @@   " ^
   376   "     (Try (Repeat (Rewrite rmult_0_right False))) @@   " ^
   377   "     (Try (Repeat (Rewrite radd_0 False))) @@   " ^
   378   "     (Try (Repeat (Rewrite radd_0_right False)))) " ^
   379   " t_t)";
   381 *}
   382 ML {*
   383 (* expects * distributed over + *)
   384 val Test_simplify =
   385   Rls{id = "Test_simplify", preconds = [], 
   386       rew_ord = ("sqrt_right",sqrt_right false (theory "Pure")),
   387       erls = tval_rls, srls = e_rls, 
   388       calc=[(*since 040209 filled by prep_rls*)],
   389       (*asm_thm = [],*)
   390       rules = [
   391 	       Thm ("real_diff_minus",num_str @{thm real_diff_minus}),
   392 	       Thm ("radd_mult_distrib2",num_str @{thm radd_mult_distrib2}),
   393 	       Thm ("rdistr_right_assoc",num_str @{thm rdistr_right_assoc}),
   394 	       Thm ("rdistr_right_assoc_p",num_str @{thm rdistr_right_assoc_p}),
   395 	       Thm ("rdistr_div_right",num_str @{thm rdistr_div_right}),
   396 	       Thm ("rbinom_power_2",num_str @{thm rbinom_power_2}),	       
   398                Thm ("radd_commute",num_str @{thm radd_commute}), 
   399 	       Thm ("radd_left_commute",num_str @{thm radd_left_commute}),
   400 	       Thm ("add_assoc",num_str @{thm add_assoc}),
   401 	       Thm ("rmult_commute",num_str @{thm rmult_commute}),
   402 	       Thm ("rmult_left_commute",num_str @{thm rmult_left_commute}),
   403 	       Thm ("rmult_assoc",num_str @{thm rmult_assoc}),
   405 	       Thm ("radd_real_const_eq",num_str @{thm radd_real_const_eq}),
   406 	       Thm ("radd_real_const",num_str @{thm radd_real_const}),
   407 	       (* these 2 rules are invers to distr_div_right wrt. termination.
   408 		  thus they MUST be done IMMEDIATELY before calc *)
   409 	       Calc ("op +", eval_binop "#add_"), 
   410 	       Calc ("op *", eval_binop "#mult_"),
   411 	       Calc ("HOL.divide", eval_cancel "#divide_e"),
   412 	       Calc ("Atools.pow", eval_binop "#power_"),
   414 	       Thm ("rcollect_right",num_str @{thm rcollect_right}),
   415 	       Thm ("rcollect_one_left",num_str @{thm rcollect_one_left}),
   416 	       Thm ("rcollect_one_left_assoc",num_str @{thm rcollect_one_left_assoc}),
   417 	       Thm ("rcollect_one_left_assoc_p",num_str @{thm rcollect_one_left_assoc_p}),
   419 	       Thm ("rshift_nominator",num_str @{thm rshift_nominator}),
   420 	       Thm ("rcancel_den",num_str @{thm rcancel_den}),
   421 	       Thm ("rroot_square_inv",num_str @{thm rroot_square_inv}),
   422 	       Thm ("rroot_times_root",num_str @{thm rroot_times_root}),
   423 	       Thm ("rroot_times_root_assoc_p",num_str @{thm rroot_times_root_assoc_p}),
   424 	       Thm ("rsqare",num_str @{thm rsqare}),
   425 	       Thm ("power_1",num_str @{thm power_1}),
   426 	       Thm ("rtwo_of_the_same",num_str @{thm rtwo_of_the_same}),
   427 	       Thm ("rtwo_of_the_same_assoc_p",num_str @{thm rtwo_of_the_same_assoc_p}),
   429 	       Thm ("rmult_1",num_str @{thm rmult_1}),
   430 	       Thm ("rmult_1_right",num_str @{thm rmult_1_right}),
   431 	       Thm ("rmult_0",num_str @{thm rmult_0}),
   432 	       Thm ("rmult_0_right",num_str @{thm rmult_0_right}),
   433 	       Thm ("radd_0",num_str @{thm radd_0}),
   434 	       Thm ("radd_0_right",num_str @{thm radd_0_right})
   435 	       ],
   436       scr = Script ((term_of o the o (parse thy)) "empty_script")
   437 		    (*since 040209 filled by prep_rls: STest_simplify*)
   438       }:rls;      
   439 *}
   440 ML {*
   442 (** rule sets **)
   446 (*isolate the root in a root-equation*)
   447 val isolate_root =
   448   Rls{id = "isolate_root", preconds = [], rew_ord = ("e_rew_ord",e_rew_ord), 
   449       erls=tval_rls,srls = e_rls, calc=[],(*asm_thm = [], *)
   450       rules = [Thm ("rroot_to_lhs",num_str @{thm rroot_to_lhs}),
   451 	       Thm ("rroot_to_lhs_mult",num_str @{thm rroot_to_lhs_mult}),
   452 	       Thm ("rroot_to_lhs_add_mult",num_str @{thm rroot_to_lhs_add_mult}),
   453 	       Thm ("risolate_root_add",num_str @{thm risolate_root_add}),
   454 	       Thm ("risolate_root_mult",num_str @{thm risolate_root_mult}),
   455 	       Thm ("risolate_root_div",num_str @{thm risolate_root_div})       ],
   456       scr = Script ((term_of o the o (parse thy)) 
   457       "empty_script")
   458       }:rls;
   460 (*isolate the bound variable in an equation; 'bdv' is a meta-constant*)
   461 val isolate_bdv =
   462     Rls{id = "isolate_bdv", preconds = [], rew_ord = ("e_rew_ord",e_rew_ord),
   463 	erls=tval_rls,srls = e_rls, calc=[],(*asm_thm = [], *)
   464 	rules = 
   465 	[Thm ("risolate_bdv_add",num_str @{thm risolate_bdv_add}),
   466 	 Thm ("risolate_bdv_mult_add",num_str @{thm risolate_bdv_mult_add}),
   467 	 Thm ("risolate_bdv_mult",num_str @{thm risolate_bdv_mult}),
   468 	 Thm ("mult_square",num_str @{thm mult_square}),
   469 	 Thm ("constant_square",num_str @{thm constant_square}),
   470 	 Thm ("constant_mult_square",num_str @{thm constant_mult_square})
   471 	 ],
   472 	scr = Script ((term_of o the o (parse thy)) 
   473 			  "empty_script")
   474 	}:rls;      
   475 *}
   476 ML {*
   478 (* association list for calculate_, calculate
   479    "op +" etc. not usable in scripts *)
   480 val calclist = 
   481     [
   482      (*as Tools.ML*)
   483      ("Vars"    ,("Tools.Vars"    ,eval_var "#Vars_")),
   484      ("matches",("Tools.matches",eval_matches "#matches_")),
   485      ("lhs"    ,("Tools.lhs"    ,eval_lhs "")),
   486      (*aus Atools.ML*)
   487      ("PLUS"    ,("op +"        ,eval_binop "#add_")),
   488      ("TIMES"   ,("op *"        ,eval_binop "#mult_")),
   489      ("DIVIDE" ,("HOL.divide"  ,eval_cancel "#divide_e")),
   490      ("POWER"  ,("Atools.pow"  ,eval_binop "#power_")),
   491      ("is_const",("'_const",eval_const "#is_const_")),
   492      ("le"      ,("op <"        ,eval_equ "#less_")),
   493      ("leq"     ,("op <="       ,eval_equ "#less_equal_")),
   494      ("ident"   ,("Atools.ident",eval_ident "#ident_")),
   495      (*von hier (ehem.SqRoot*)
   496      ("sqrt"    ,("NthRoot.sqrt"   ,eval_sqrt "#sqrt_")),
   497      ("Test.is_root_free",("is'_root'_free", eval_root_free"#is_root_free_e")),
   498      ("Test.contains_root",("contains'_root",
   499 			    eval_contains_root"#contains_root_"))
   500      ];
   502 ruleset' := overwritelthy @{theory} (!ruleset',
   503   [("Test_simplify", prep_rls Test_simplify),
   504    ("tval_rls", prep_rls tval_rls),
   505    ("isolate_root", prep_rls isolate_root),
   506    ("isolate_bdv", prep_rls isolate_bdv),
   507    ("matches", 
   508     prep_rls (append_rls "matches" testerls 
   509 			 [Calc ("Tools.matches",eval_matches "#matches_")]))
   510    ]);
   512 *}
   513 ML {*
   514 (** problem types **)
   515 store_pbt
   516  (prep_pbt thy "pbl_test" [] e_pblID
   517  (["test"],
   518   [],
   519   e_rls, NONE, []));
   520 store_pbt
   521  (prep_pbt thy "pbl_test_equ" [] e_pblID
   522  (["equation","test"],
   523   [("#Given" ,["equality e_e","solveFor v_v"]),
   524    ("#Where" ,["matches (?a = ?b) e_e"]),
   525    ("#Find"  ,["solutions v_i"])
   526   ],
   527   assoc_rls "matches",
   528   SOME "solve (e_e::bool, v_v)", []));
   530 store_pbt
   531  (prep_pbt thy "pbl_test_uni" [] e_pblID
   532  (["univariate","equation","test"],
   533   [("#Given" ,["equality e_e","solveFor v_v"]),
   534    ("#Where" ,["matches (?a = ?b) e_e"]),
   535    ("#Find"  ,["solutions v_i"])
   536   ],
   537   assoc_rls "matches",
   538   SOME "solve (e_e::bool, v_v)", []));
   540 store_pbt
   541  (prep_pbt thy "pbl_test_uni_lin" [] e_pblID
   542  (["linear","univariate","equation","test"],
   543   [("#Given" ,["equality e_e","solveFor v_v"]),
   544    ("#Where" ,["(matches (   v_v = 0) e_e) | (matches (   ?b*v_v = 0) e_e) |" ^
   545 	       "(matches (?a+v_v = 0) e_e) | (matches (?a+?b*v_v = 0) e_e)  "]),
   546    ("#Find"  ,["solutions v_i"])
   547   ],
   548   assoc_rls "matches", 
   549   SOME "solve (e_e::bool, v_v)", [["Test","solve_linear"]]));
   551 (*25.8.01 ------
   552 store_pbt
   553  (prep_pbt thy
   554  (["thy"],
   555   [("#Given" ,"boolTestGiven g_g"),
   556    ("#Find"  ,"boolTestFind f_f")
   557   ],
   558   []));
   560 store_pbt
   561  (prep_pbt thy
   562  (["testeq","thy"],
   563   [("#Given" ,"boolTestGiven g_g"),
   564    ("#Find"  ,"boolTestFind f_f")
   565   ],
   566   []));
   569 val ttt = (term_of o the o (parse (theory "Isac"))) "(matches (   v_v = 0) e_e)";
   571  ------ 25.8.01*)
   573 *}
   574 ML {*
   575 (** methods **)
   576 store_met
   577  (prep_met (theory "Diff") "met_test" [] e_metID
   578  (["Test"],
   579    [],
   580    {rew_ord'="tless_true",rls'=Atools_erls,calc = [], srls = e_rls, prls=e_rls,
   581     crls=Atools_erls, nrls=e_rls(*,
   582     asm_rls=[],asm_thm=[]*)}, "empty_script"));
   583 (*
   584 store_met
   585  (prep_met (theory "Script")
   586  (e_metID,(*empty method*)
   587    [],
   588    {rew_ord'="e_rew_ord",rls'=tval_rls,srls=e_rls,prls=e_rls,calc=[],
   589     asm_rls=[],asm_thm=[]},
   590    "Undef"));*)
   591 *}
   592 ML {*
   593 store_met
   594  (prep_met thy "met_test_solvelin" [] e_metID
   595  (["Test","solve_linear"]:metID,
   596   [("#Given" ,["equality e_e","solveFor v_v"]),
   597     ("#Where" ,["matches (?a = ?b) e_e"]),
   598     ("#Find"  ,["solutions v_i"])
   599     ],
   600    {rew_ord' = "e_rew_ord", rls' = tval_rls, srls = e_rls,
   601     prls = assoc_rls "matches", calc = [], crls = tval_rls,
   602     nrls = Test_simplify},
   603  "Script Solve_linear (e_e::bool) (v_v::real)=                     " ^
   604  "(let e_e =                                                       " ^
   605  "  Repeat                                                         " ^
   606  "    (((Rewrite_Set_Inst [(bdv,v_v::real)] isolate_bdv False) @@  " ^
   607  "      (Rewrite_Set Test_simplify False))) e_e" ^
   608  " in [e_e::bool])"
   609  )
   610 (*, prep_met thy (*test for equations*)
   611  (["Test","testeq"]:metID,
   612   [("#Given" ,["boolTestGiven g_g"]),
   613    ("#Find"  ,["boolTestFind f_f"])
   614     ],
   615   {rew_ord'="e_rew_ord",rls'="tval_rls",asm_rls=[],
   616    asm_thm=[("square_equation_left","")]},
   617  "Script Testeq (e_q::bool) =                                         " ^
   618    "Repeat                                                            " ^
   619    " (let e_e = Try (Repeat (Rewrite rroot_square_inv False e_q));      " ^
   620    "      e_e = Try (Repeat (Rewrite square_equation_left True e_e)); " ^
   621    "      e_e = Try (Repeat (Rewrite rmult_0 False e_e))                " ^
   622    "   in e_e) Until (is_root_free e_e)" (*deleted*)
   623  )
   624 , ---------27.4.02*)
   625 );
   627 *}
   628 ML {*
   630 ruleset' := overwritelthy @{theory} (!ruleset',
   631   [("norm_equation", prep_rls norm_equation),
   632    ("ac_plus_times", prep_rls ac_plus_times),
   633    ("rearrange_assoc", prep_rls rearrange_assoc)
   634    ]);
   637 fun bin_o (Const (op_,(Type ("fun",
   638 	   [Type (s2,[]),Type ("fun",
   639 	    [Type (s4,tl4),Type (s5,tl5)])])))) = 
   640     if (s2=s4)andalso(s4=s5)then[op_]else[]
   641     | bin_o _                                   = [];
   643 fun bin_op (t1 $ t2) = union op = (bin_op t1) (bin_op t2)
   644   | bin_op t         =  bin_o t;
   645 fun is_bin_op t = ((bin_op t)<>[]);
   647 fun bin_op_arg1 ((Const (op_,(Type ("fun",
   648 	   [Type (s2,[]),Type ("fun",
   649 	    [Type (s4,tl4),Type (s5,tl5)])]))))$ arg1 $ arg2) = 
   650     arg1;
   651 fun bin_op_arg2 ((Const (op_,(Type ("fun",
   652 	   [Type (s2,[]),Type ("fun",
   653 	    [Type (s4,tl4),Type (s5,tl5)])]))))$ arg1 $ arg2) = 
   654     arg2;
   657 exception NO_EQUATION_TERM;
   658 fun is_equation ((Const ("op =",(Type ("fun",
   659 		 [Type (_,[]),Type ("fun",
   660 		  [Type (_,[]),Type ("bool",[])])])))) $ _ $ _) 
   661                   = true
   662   | is_equation _ = false;
   663 fun equ_lhs ((Const ("op =",(Type ("fun",
   664 		 [Type (_,[]),Type ("fun",
   665 		  [Type (_,[]),Type ("bool",[])])])))) $ l $ r) 
   666               = l
   667   | equ_lhs _ = raise NO_EQUATION_TERM;
   668 fun equ_rhs ((Const ("op =",(Type ("fun",
   669 		 [Type (_,[]),Type ("fun",
   670 		  [Type (_,[]),Type ("bool",[])])])))) $ l $ r) 
   671               = r
   672   | equ_rhs _ = raise NO_EQUATION_TERM;
   675 fun atom (Const (_,Type (_,[])))           = true
   676   | atom (Free  (_,Type (_,[])))           = true
   677   | atom (Var   (_,Type (_,[])))           = true
   678 (*| atom (_     (_,"?DUMMY"   ))           = true ..ML-error *)
   679   | atom((Const ("Bin.integ_of_bin",_)) $ _) = true
   680   | atom _                                 = false;
   682 fun varids (Const  (s,Type (_,[])))         = [strip_thy s]
   683   | varids (Free   (s,Type (_,[])))         = if is_no s then []
   684 					      else [strip_thy s]
   685   | varids (Var((s,_),Type (_,[])))         = [strip_thy s]
   686 (*| varids (_      (s,"?DUMMY"   ))         =   ..ML-error *)
   687   | varids((Const ("Bin.integ_of_bin",_)) $ _)= [](*8.01: superfluous?*)
   688   | varids (Abs(a,T,t)) = union op = [a] (varids t)
   689   | varids (t1 $ t2) = union op = (varids t1) (varids t2)
   690   | varids _         = [];
   691 (*> val t = term_of (hd (parse Diophant.thy "x"));
   692 val t = Free ("x","?DUMMY") : term
   693 > varids t;
   694 val it = [] : string list          [] !!! *)
   697 fun bin_ops_only ((Const op_) $ t1 $ t2) = 
   698     if(is_bin_op (Const op_))
   699     then(bin_ops_only t1)andalso(bin_ops_only t2)
   700     else false
   701   | bin_ops_only t =
   702     if atom t then true else bin_ops_only t;
   704 fun polynomial opl t bdVar = (* bdVar TODO *)
   705     subset op = (bin_op t, opl) andalso (bin_ops_only t);
   707 fun poly_equ opl bdVar t = is_equation t (* bdVar TODO *) 
   708     andalso polynomial opl (equ_lhs t) bdVar 
   709     andalso polynomial opl (equ_rhs t) bdVar
   710     andalso (subset op = (varids bdVar, varids (equ_lhs t)) orelse
   711              subset op = (varids bdVar, varids (equ_lhs t)));
   713 (*fun max is =
   714     let fun max_ m [] = m 
   715 	  | max_ m (i::is) = if m<i then max_ i is else max_ m is;
   716     in max_ (hd is) is end;
   717 > max [1,5,3,7,4,2];
   718 val it = 7 : int  *)
   720 fun max (a,b) = if a < b then b else a;
   722 fun degree addl mul bdVar t =
   723 let
   724 fun deg _ _ v (Const  (s,Type (_,[])))         = if v=strip_thy s then 1 else 0
   725   | deg _ _ v (Free   (s,Type (_,[])))         = if v=strip_thy s then 1 else 0
   726   | deg _ _ v (Var((s,_),Type (_,[])))         = if v=strip_thy s then 1 else 0
   727 (*| deg _ _ v (_     (s,"?DUMMY"   ))          =   ..ML-error *) 
   728   | deg _ _ v((Const ("Bin.integ_of_bin",_)) $ _ )= 0 
   729   | deg addl mul v (h $ t1 $ t2) =
   730     if subset op = (bin_op h, addl)
   731     then max (deg addl mul v t1  ,deg addl mul v t2)
   732     else (*mul!*)(deg addl mul v t1)+(deg addl mul v t2)
   733 in if polynomial (addl @ [mul]) t bdVar
   734    then SOME (deg addl mul (id_of bdVar) t) else (NONE:int option)
   735 end;
   736 fun degree_ addl mul bdVar t = (* do not export *)
   737     let fun opt (SOME i)= i
   738 	  | opt  NONE   = 0
   739 in opt (degree addl mul bdVar t) end;
   742 fun linear addl mul t bdVar = (degree_ addl mul bdVar t)<2;
   744 fun linear_equ addl mul bdVar t =
   745     if is_equation t 
   746     then let val degl = degree_ addl mul bdVar (equ_lhs t);
   747 	     val degr = degree_ addl mul bdVar (equ_rhs t)
   748 	 in if (degl>0 orelse degr>0)andalso max(degl,degr)<2
   749 		then true else false
   750 	 end
   751     else false;
   752 (* strip_thy op_  before *)
   753 fun is_div_op (dv,(Const (op_,(Type ("fun",
   754 	   [Type (s2,[]),Type ("fun",
   755 	    [Type (s4,tl4),Type (s5,tl5)])])))) )= (dv = strip_thy op_)
   756   | is_div_op _ = false;
   758 fun is_denom bdVar div_op t =
   759     let fun is bool[v]dv (Const  (s,Type(_,[])))= bool andalso(if v=strip_thy s then true else false)
   760 	  | is bool[v]dv (Free   (s,Type(_,[])))= bool andalso(if v=strip_thy s then true else false) 
   761 	  | is bool[v]dv (Var((s,_),Type(_,[])))= bool andalso(if v=strip_thy s then true else false)
   762 	  | is bool[v]dv((Const ("Bin.integ_of_bin",_)) $ _) = false
   763 	  | is bool[v]dv (h$n$d) = 
   764 	      if is_div_op(dv,h) 
   765 	      then (is false[v]dv n)orelse(is true[v]dv d)
   766 	      else (is bool [v]dv n)orelse(is bool[v]dv d)
   767 in is false (varids bdVar) (strip_thy div_op) t end;
   770 fun rational t div_op bdVar = 
   771     is_denom bdVar div_op t andalso bin_ops_only t;
   773 *}
   774 ML {*
   776 (** problem types **)
   778 store_pbt
   779  (prep_pbt thy "pbl_test_uni_plain2" [] e_pblID
   780  (["plain_square","univariate","equation","test"],
   781   [("#Given" ,["equality e_e","solveFor v_v"]),
   782    ("#Where" ,["(matches (?a + ?b*v_v ^^^2 = 0) e_e) |" ^
   783 	       "(matches (     ?b*v_v ^^^2 = 0) e_e) |" ^
   784 	       "(matches (?a +    v_v ^^^2 = 0) e_e) |" ^
   785 	       "(matches (        v_v ^^^2 = 0) e_e)"]),
   786    ("#Find"  ,["solutions v_i"])
   787   ],
   788   assoc_rls "matches", 
   789   SOME "solve (e_e::bool, v_v)", [["Test","solve_plain_square"]]));
   790 (*
   791  val e_e = (term_of o the o (parse thy)) "e_e::bool";
   792  val ve = (term_of o the o (parse thy)) "4 + 3*x^^^2 = 0";
   793  val env = [(e_,ve)];
   795  val pre = (term_of o the o (parse thy))
   796 	      "(matches (a + b*v_v ^^^2 = 0, e_e::bool)) |" ^
   797 	      "(matches (    b*v_v ^^^2 = 0, e_e::bool)) |" ^
   798 	      "(matches (a +   v_v ^^^2 = 0, e_e::bool)) |" ^
   799 	      "(matches (      v_v ^^^2 = 0, e_e::bool))";
   800  val prei = subst_atomic env pre;
   801  val cpre = (cterm_of thy) prei;
   803  val SOME (ct,_) = rewrite_set_ thy false tval_rls cpre;
   804 val ct = "True | False | False | False" : cterm 
   806 > val SOME (ct,_) = rewrite_ thy sqrt_right tval_rls false or_false ct;
   807 > val SOME (ct,_) = rewrite_ thy sqrt_right tval_rls false or_false ct;
   808 > val SOME (ct,_) = rewrite_ thy sqrt_right tval_rls false or_false ct;
   809 val ct = "True" : cterm
   811 *)
   813 *}
   814 ML {*
   815 store_pbt
   816  (prep_pbt thy "pbl_test_uni_poly" [] e_pblID
   817  (["polynomial","univariate","equation","test"],
   818   [("#Given" ,["equality (v_v ^^^2 + p_p * v_v + q__q = 0)","solveFor v_v"]),
   819    ("#Where" ,["False"]),
   820    ("#Find"  ,["solutions v_i"]) 
   821   ],
   822   e_rls, SOME "solve (e_e::bool, v_v)", []));
   824 store_pbt
   825  (prep_pbt thy "pbl_test_uni_poly_deg2" [] e_pblID
   826  (["degree_two","polynomial","univariate","equation","test"],
   827   [("#Given" ,["equality (v_v ^^^2 + p_p * v_v + q__q = 0)","solveFor v_v"]),
   828    ("#Find"  ,["solutions v_i"]) 
   829   ],
   830   e_rls, SOME "solve (v_v ^^^2 + p_p * v_v + q__q = 0, v_v)", []));
   832 store_pbt
   833  (prep_pbt thy "pbl_test_uni_poly_deg2_pq" [] e_pblID
   834  (["pq_formula","degree_two","polynomial","univariate","equation","test"],
   835   [("#Given" ,["equality (v_v ^^^2 + p_p * v_v + q__q = 0)","solveFor v_v"]),
   836    ("#Find"  ,["solutions v_i"]) 
   837   ],
   838   e_rls, SOME "solve (v_v ^^^2 + p_p * v_v + q__q = 0, v_v)", []));
   840 store_pbt
   841  (prep_pbt thy "pbl_test_uni_poly_deg2_abc" [] e_pblID
   842  (["abc_formula","degree_two","polynomial","univariate","equation","test"],
   843   [("#Given" ,["equality (a_a * x ^^^2 + b_b * x + c_c = 0)","solveFor v_v"]),
   844    ("#Find"  ,["solutions v_i"]) 
   845   ],
   846   e_rls, SOME "solve (a_a * x ^^^2 + b_b * x + c_c = 0, v_v)", []));
   848 *}
   849 ML {*
   850 store_pbt
   851  (prep_pbt thy "pbl_test_uni_root" [] e_pblID
   852  (["squareroot","univariate","equation","test"],
   853   [("#Given" ,["equality e_e","solveFor v_v"]),
   854    ("#Where" ,["contains_root (e_e::bool)"]),
   855    ("#Find"  ,["solutions v_i"]) 
   856   ],
   857   append_rls "contains_root" e_rls [Calc ("Test.contains'_root",
   858 			  eval_contains_root "#contains_root_")], 
   859   SOME "solve (e_e::bool, v_v)", [["Test","square_equation"]]));
   861 store_pbt
   862  (prep_pbt thy "pbl_test_uni_norm" [] e_pblID
   863  (["normalize","univariate","equation","test"],
   864   [("#Given" ,["equality e_e","solveFor v_v"]),
   865    ("#Where" ,[]),
   866    ("#Find"  ,["solutions v_i"]) 
   867   ],
   868   e_rls, SOME "solve (e_e::bool, v_v)", [["Test","norm_univar_equation"]]));
   870 store_pbt
   871  (prep_pbt thy "pbl_test_uni_roottest" [] e_pblID
   872  (["sqroot-test","univariate","equation","test"],
   873   [("#Given" ,["equality e_e","solveFor v_v"]),
   874    (*("#Where" ,["contains_root (e_e::bool)"]),*)
   875    ("#Find"  ,["solutions v_i"]) 
   876   ],
   877   e_rls, SOME "solve (e_e::bool, v_v)", []));
   879 (*
   880 (#ppc o get_pbt) ["sqroot-test","univariate","equation"];
   881   *)
   882 *}
   883 ML {*
   886 store_met
   887  (prep_met thy  "met_test_sqrt" [] e_metID
   888 (*root-equation, version for tests before 8.01.01*)
   889  (["Test","sqrt-equ-test"]:metID,
   890   [("#Given" ,["equality e_e","solveFor v_v"]),
   891    ("#Where" ,["contains_root (e_e::bool)"]),
   892    ("#Find"  ,["solutions v_i"])
   893    ],
   894   {rew_ord'="e_rew_ord",rls'=tval_rls,
   895    srls =append_rls "srls_contains_root" e_rls 
   896 		    [Calc ("Test.contains'_root",eval_contains_root "")],
   897    prls =append_rls "prls_contains_root" e_rls 
   898 		    [Calc ("Test.contains'_root",eval_contains_root "")],
   899    calc=[],
   900    crls=tval_rls, nrls=e_rls(*,asm_rls=[],
   901    asm_thm=[("square_equation_left",""),
   902 	    ("square_equation_right","")]*)},
   903  "Script Solve_root_equation (e_e::bool) (v_v::real) =  " ^
   904  "(let e_e = " ^
   905  "   ((While (contains_root e_e) Do" ^
   906  "      ((Rewrite square_equation_left True) @@" ^
   907  "       (Try (Rewrite_Set Test_simplify False)) @@" ^
   908  "       (Try (Rewrite_Set rearrange_assoc False)) @@" ^
   909  "       (Try (Rewrite_Set isolate_root False)) @@" ^
   910  "       (Try (Rewrite_Set Test_simplify False)))) @@" ^
   911  "    (Try (Rewrite_Set norm_equation False)) @@" ^
   912  "    (Try (Rewrite_Set Test_simplify False)) @@" ^
   913  "    (Rewrite_Set_Inst [(bdv,v_v::real)] isolate_bdv False) @@" ^
   914  "    (Try (Rewrite_Set Test_simplify False)))" ^
   915  "   e_e" ^
   916  " in [e_e::bool])"
   917   ));
   919 *}
   920 ML {*
   921 store_met
   922  (prep_met thy  "met_test_sqrt2" [] e_metID
   923 (*root-equation ... for test-*.sml until 8.01*)
   924  (["Test","squ-equ-test2"]:metID,
   925   [("#Given" ,["equality e_e","solveFor v_v"]),
   926    ("#Find"  ,["solutions v_i"])
   927    ],
   928   {rew_ord'="e_rew_ord",rls'=tval_rls,
   929    srls = append_rls "srls_contains_root" e_rls 
   930 		     [Calc ("Test.contains'_root",eval_contains_root"")],
   931    prls=e_rls,calc=[],
   932    crls=tval_rls, nrls=e_rls(*,asm_rls=[],
   933    asm_thm=[("square_equation_left",""),
   934 	    ("square_equation_right","")]*)},
   935  "Script Solve_root_equation (e_e::bool) (v_v::real) =  " ^
   936  "(let e_e = " ^
   937  "   ((While (contains_root e_e) Do" ^
   938  "      ((Rewrite square_equation_left True) @@" ^
   939  "       (Try (Rewrite_Set Test_simplify False)) @@" ^
   940  "       (Try (Rewrite_Set rearrange_assoc False)) @@" ^
   941  "       (Try (Rewrite_Set isolate_root False)) @@" ^
   942  "       (Try (Rewrite_Set Test_simplify False)))) @@" ^
   943  "    (Try (Rewrite_Set norm_equation False)) @@" ^
   944  "    (Try (Rewrite_Set Test_simplify False)) @@" ^
   945  "    (Rewrite_Set_Inst [(bdv,v_v::real)] isolate_bdv False) @@" ^
   946  "    (Try (Rewrite_Set Test_simplify False)))" ^
   947  "   e_e;" ^
   948  "  (L_L::bool list) = Tac subproblem_equation_dummy;          " ^
   949  "  L_L = Tac solve_equation_dummy                             " ^
   950  "  in Check_elementwise L_L {(v_v::real). Assumptions})"
   951   ));
   953 *}
   954 ML {*
   955 store_met
   956  (prep_met thy "met_test_squ_sub" [] e_metID
   957 (*tests subproblem fixed linear*)
   958  (["Test","squ-equ-test-subpbl1"]:metID,
   959   [("#Given" ,["equality e_e","solveFor v_v"]),
   960    ("#Find"  ,["solutions v_i"])
   961    ],
   962   {rew_ord'="e_rew_ord",rls'=tval_rls,srls=e_rls,prls=e_rls,calc=[],
   963     crls=tval_rls, nrls=Test_simplify},
   964   "Script Solve_root_equation (e_e::bool) (v_v::real) =                " ^
   965    " (let e_e = ((Try (Rewrite_Set norm_equation False)) @@            " ^
   966    "            (Try (Rewrite_Set Test_simplify False))) e_e;          " ^
   967    "(L_L::bool list) = (SubProblem (Test',                             " ^
   968    "                                [linear,univariate,equation,test], " ^
   969    "                                [Test,solve_linear])" ^
   970    "                               [BOOL e_e, REAL v_v])" ^
   971    "in Check_elementwise L_L {(v_v::real). Assumptions})"
   972   ));
   974 *}
   975 ML {*
   976 store_met
   977  (prep_met thy "met_test_squ_sub2" [] e_metID
   978  (*tests subproblem fixed degree 2*)
   979  (["Test","squ-equ-test-subpbl2"]:metID,
   980   [("#Given" ,["equality e_e","solveFor v_v"]),
   981    ("#Find"  ,["solutions v_i"])
   982    ],
   983   {rew_ord'="e_rew_ord",rls'=tval_rls,srls=e_rls,prls=e_rls,calc=[],
   984     crls=tval_rls, nrls=e_rls(*,
   985    asm_rls=[],asm_thm=[("square_equation_left",""),
   986 	    ("square_equation_right","")]*)},
   987    "Script Solve_root_equation (e_e::bool) (v_v::real) =  " ^
   988    " (let e_e = Try (Rewrite_Set norm_equation False) e_e;              " ^
   989    "(L_L::bool list) = (SubProblem (Test',[linear,univariate,equation,test]," ^
   990    "                    [Test,solve_by_pq_formula]) [BOOL e_e, REAL v_v])" ^
   991    "in Check_elementwise L_L {(v_v::real). Assumptions})"
   992    )); 
   994 *}
   995 ML {*
   996 store_met
   997  (prep_met thy "met_test_squ_nonterm" [] e_metID
   998  (*root-equation: see foils..., but notTerminating*)
   999  (["Test","square_equation...notTerminating"]:metID,
  1000   [("#Given" ,["equality e_e","solveFor v_v"]),
  1001    ("#Find"  ,["solutions v_i"])
  1002    ],
  1003   {rew_ord'="e_rew_ord",rls'=tval_rls,
  1004    srls = append_rls "srls_contains_root" e_rls 
  1005 		     [Calc ("Test.contains'_root",eval_contains_root"")],
  1006    prls=e_rls,calc=[],
  1007     crls=tval_rls, nrls=e_rls(*,asm_rls=[],
  1008    asm_thm=[("square_equation_left",""),
  1009 	    ("square_equation_right","")]*)},
  1010  "Script Solve_root_equation (e_e::bool) (v_v::real) =  " ^
  1011  "(let e_e = " ^
  1012  "   ((While (contains_root e_e) Do" ^
  1013  "      ((Rewrite square_equation_left True) @@" ^
  1014  "       (Try (Rewrite_Set Test_simplify False)) @@" ^
  1015  "       (Try (Rewrite_Set rearrange_assoc False)) @@" ^
  1016  "       (Try (Rewrite_Set isolate_root False)) @@" ^
  1017  "       (Try (Rewrite_Set Test_simplify False)))) @@" ^
  1018  "    (Try (Rewrite_Set norm_equation False)) @@" ^
  1019  "    (Try (Rewrite_Set Test_simplify False)))" ^
  1020  "   e_e;" ^
  1021  "  (L_L::bool list) =                                        " ^
  1022  "    (SubProblem (Test',[linear,univariate,equation,test]," ^
  1023  "                 [Test,solve_linear]) [BOOL e_e, REAL v_v])" ^
  1024  "in Check_elementwise L_L {(v_v::real). Assumptions})"
  1025   ));
  1027 *}
  1028 ML {*
  1029 store_met
  1030  (prep_met thy  "met_test_eq1" [] e_metID
  1031 (*root-equation1:*)
  1032  (["Test","square_equation1"]:metID,
  1033    [("#Given" ,["equality e_e","solveFor v_v"]),
  1034     ("#Find"  ,["solutions v_i"])
  1035     ],
  1036    {rew_ord'="e_rew_ord",rls'=tval_rls,
  1037    srls = append_rls "srls_contains_root" e_rls 
  1038 		     [Calc ("Test.contains'_root",eval_contains_root"")],
  1039    prls=e_rls,calc=[],
  1040     crls=tval_rls, nrls=e_rls(*,asm_rls=[],
  1041    asm_thm=[("square_equation_left",""),
  1042 	    ("square_equation_right","")]*)},
  1043  "Script Solve_root_equation (e_e::bool) (v_v::real) =  " ^
  1044  "(let e_e = " ^
  1045  "   ((While (contains_root e_e) Do" ^
  1046  "      ((Rewrite square_equation_left True) @@" ^
  1047  "       (Try (Rewrite_Set Test_simplify False)) @@" ^
  1048  "       (Try (Rewrite_Set rearrange_assoc False)) @@" ^
  1049  "       (Try (Rewrite_Set isolate_root False)) @@" ^
  1050  "       (Try (Rewrite_Set Test_simplify False)))) @@" ^
  1051  "    (Try (Rewrite_Set norm_equation False)) @@" ^
  1052  "    (Try (Rewrite_Set Test_simplify False)))" ^
  1053  "   e_e;" ^
  1054  "  (L_L::bool list) = (SubProblem (Test',[linear,univariate,equation,test]," ^
  1055  "                    [Test,solve_linear]) [BOOL e_e, REAL v_v])" ^
  1056  "  in Check_elementwise L_L {(v_v::real). Assumptions})"
  1057   ));
  1059 *}
  1060 ML {*
  1061 store_met
  1062  (prep_met thy "met_test_squ2" [] e_metID
  1063  (*root-equation2*)
  1064  (["Test","square_equation2"]:metID,
  1065    [("#Given" ,["equality e_e","solveFor v_v"]),
  1066     ("#Find"  ,["solutions v_i"])
  1067     ],
  1068    {rew_ord'="e_rew_ord",rls'=tval_rls,
  1069    srls = append_rls "srls_contains_root" e_rls 
  1070 		     [Calc ("Test.contains'_root",eval_contains_root"")],
  1071    prls=e_rls,calc=[],
  1072     crls=tval_rls, nrls=e_rls(*,asm_rls=[],
  1073    asm_thm=[("square_equation_left",""),
  1074 	    ("square_equation_right","")]*)},
  1075  "Script Solve_root_equation (e_e::bool) (v_v::real)  =  " ^
  1076  "(let e_e = " ^
  1077  "   ((While (contains_root e_e) Do" ^
  1078  "      (((Rewrite square_equation_left True) Or " ^
  1079  "        (Rewrite square_equation_right True)) @@" ^
  1080  "       (Try (Rewrite_Set Test_simplify False)) @@" ^
  1081  "       (Try (Rewrite_Set rearrange_assoc False)) @@" ^
  1082  "       (Try (Rewrite_Set isolate_root False)) @@" ^
  1083  "       (Try (Rewrite_Set Test_simplify False)))) @@" ^
  1084  "    (Try (Rewrite_Set norm_equation False)) @@" ^
  1085  "    (Try (Rewrite_Set Test_simplify False)))" ^
  1086  "   e_e;" ^
  1087  "  (L_L::bool list) = (SubProblem (Test',[plain_square,univariate,equation,test]," ^
  1088  "                    [Test,solve_plain_square]) [BOOL e_e, REAL v_v])" ^
  1089  "  in Check_elementwise L_L {(v_v::real). Assumptions})"
  1090   ));
  1092 *}
  1093 ML {*
  1094 store_met
  1095  (prep_met thy "met_test_squeq" [] e_metID
  1096  (*root-equation*)
  1097  (["Test","square_equation"]:metID,
  1098    [("#Given" ,["equality e_e","solveFor v_v"]),
  1099     ("#Find"  ,["solutions v_i"])
  1100     ],
  1101    {rew_ord'="e_rew_ord",rls'=tval_rls,
  1102    srls = append_rls "srls_contains_root" e_rls 
  1103 		     [Calc ("Test.contains'_root",eval_contains_root"")],
  1104    prls=e_rls,calc=[],
  1105     crls=tval_rls, nrls=e_rls(*,asm_rls=[],
  1106    asm_thm=[("square_equation_left",""),
  1107 	    ("square_equation_right","")]*)},
  1108  "Script Solve_root_equation (e_e::bool) (v_v::real) =  " ^
  1109  "(let e_e = " ^
  1110  "   ((While (contains_root e_e) Do" ^
  1111  "      (((Rewrite square_equation_left True) Or" ^
  1112  "        (Rewrite square_equation_right True)) @@" ^
  1113  "       (Try (Rewrite_Set Test_simplify False)) @@" ^
  1114  "       (Try (Rewrite_Set rearrange_assoc False)) @@" ^
  1115  "       (Try (Rewrite_Set isolate_root False)) @@" ^
  1116  "       (Try (Rewrite_Set Test_simplify False)))) @@" ^
  1117  "    (Try (Rewrite_Set norm_equation False)) @@" ^
  1118  "    (Try (Rewrite_Set Test_simplify False)))" ^
  1119  "   e_e;" ^
  1120  "  (L_L::bool list) = (SubProblem (Test',[univariate,equation,test]," ^
  1121  "                    [no_met]) [BOOL e_e, REAL v_v])" ^
  1122  "  in Check_elementwise L_L {(v_v::real). Assumptions})"
  1123   ) ); (*#######*)
  1125 *}
  1126 ML {*
  1127 store_met
  1128  (prep_met thy "met_test_eq_plain" [] e_metID
  1129  (*solve_plain_square*)
  1130  (["Test","solve_plain_square"]:metID,
  1131    [("#Given",["equality e_e","solveFor v_v"]),
  1132    ("#Where" ,["(matches (?a + ?b*v_v ^^^2 = 0) e_e) |" ^
  1133 	       "(matches (     ?b*v_v ^^^2 = 0) e_e) |" ^
  1134 	       "(matches (?a +    v_v ^^^2 = 0) e_e) |" ^
  1135 	       "(matches (        v_v ^^^2 = 0) e_e)"]), 
  1136    ("#Find"  ,["solutions v_i"]) 
  1137    ],
  1138    {rew_ord'="e_rew_ord",rls'=tval_rls,calc=[],srls=e_rls,
  1139     prls = assoc_rls "matches",
  1140     crls=tval_rls, nrls=e_rls(*,
  1141     asm_rls=[],asm_thm=[]*)},
  1142   "Script Solve_plain_square (e_e::bool) (v_v::real) =           " ^
  1143    " (let e_e = ((Try (Rewrite_Set isolate_bdv False)) @@         " ^
  1144    "            (Try (Rewrite_Set Test_simplify False)) @@     " ^
  1145    "            ((Rewrite square_equality_0 False) Or        " ^
  1146    "             (Rewrite square_equality True)) @@            " ^
  1147    "            (Try (Rewrite_Set tval_rls False))) e_e             " ^
  1148    "  in ((Or_to_List e_e)::bool list))"
  1149  ));
  1151 *}
  1152 ML {*
  1153 store_met
  1154  (prep_met thy "met_test_norm_univ" [] e_metID
  1155  (["Test","norm_univar_equation"]:metID,
  1156    [("#Given",["equality e_e","solveFor v_v"]),
  1157    ("#Where" ,[]), 
  1158    ("#Find"  ,["solutions v_i"]) 
  1159    ],
  1160    {rew_ord'="e_rew_ord",rls'=tval_rls,srls = e_rls,prls=e_rls,
  1161    calc=[],
  1162     crls=tval_rls, nrls=e_rls(*,asm_rls=[],asm_thm=[]*)},
  1163   "Script Norm_univar_equation (e_e::bool) (v_v::real) =      " ^
  1164    " (let e_e = ((Try (Rewrite rnorm_equation_add False)) @@   " ^
  1165    "            (Try (Rewrite_Set Test_simplify False))) e_e   " ^
  1166    "  in (SubProblem (Test',[univariate,equation,test],         " ^
  1167    "                    [no_met]) [BOOL e_e, REAL v_v]))"
  1168  ));
  1172 (*17.9.02 aus SqRoot.ML------------------------------^^^---*)  
  1173 *}
  1174 ML {*
  1176 (*8.4.03  aus Poly.ML--------------------------------vvv---
  1177   make_polynomial  ---> make_poly
  1178   ^-- for user          ^-- for systest _ONLY_*)  
  1180 local (*. for make_polytest .*)
  1182 open Term;  (* for type order = EQUAL | LESS | GREATER *)
  1184 fun pr_ord EQUAL = "EQUAL"
  1185   | pr_ord LESS  = "LESS"
  1186   | pr_ord GREATER = "GREATER";
  1188 fun dest_hd' (Const (a, T)) =                          (* ~ term.ML *)
  1189   (case a of
  1190      "Atools.pow" => ((("|||||||||||||", 0), T), 0)           (*WN greatest *)
  1191    | _ => (((a, 0), T), 0))
  1192   | dest_hd' (Free (a, T)) = (((a, 0), T), 1)
  1193   | dest_hd' (Var v) = (v, 2)
  1194   | dest_hd' (Bound i) = ((("", i), dummyT), 3)
  1195   | dest_hd' (Abs (_, T, _)) = ((("", 0), T), 4);
  1196 (* RL *)
  1197 fun get_order_pow (t $ (Free(order,_))) = 
  1198     	(case int_of_str (order) of
  1199 	             SOME d => d
  1200 		   | NONE   => 0)
  1201   | get_order_pow _ = 0;
  1203 fun size_of_term' (Const(str,_) $ t) =
  1204   if "Atools.pow"=str then 1000 + size_of_term' t else 1 + size_of_term' t(*WN*)
  1205   | size_of_term' (Abs (_,_,body)) = 1 + size_of_term' body
  1206   | size_of_term' (f$t) = size_of_term' f  +  size_of_term' t
  1207   | size_of_term' _ = 1;
  1209 fun term_ord' pr thy (Abs (_, T, t), Abs(_, U, u)) =       (* ~ term.ML *)
  1210       (case term_ord' pr thy (t, u) of EQUAL => Term_Ord.typ_ord (T, U) | ord => ord)
  1211   | term_ord' pr thy (t, u) =
  1212       (if pr then 
  1213 	 let
  1214 	   val (f, ts) = strip_comb t and (g, us) = strip_comb u;
  1215 	   val _=writeln("t= f@ts= " ^ "" ^
  1216 	      ((Syntax.string_of_term (thy2ctxt thy)) f)^ "\" @ " ^ "[" ^
  1217 	      (commas(map(Syntax.string_of_term (thy2ctxt thy)) ts)) ^ "]\"");
  1218 	   val _=writeln("u= g@us= " ^ "" ^
  1219 	      ((Syntax.string_of_term (thy2ctxt thy)) g) ^ "\" @ " ^ "[" ^
  1220 	      (commas(map(Syntax.string_of_term (thy2ctxt thy)) us))^"]\"");
  1221 	   val _=writeln("size_of_term(t,u)= ("^
  1222 	      (string_of_int(size_of_term' t)) ^ ", " ^
  1223 	      (string_of_int(size_of_term' u)) ^ ")");
  1224 	   val _=writeln("hd_ord(f,g)      = " ^ ((pr_ord o hd_ord)(f,g)));
  1225 	   val _=writeln("terms_ord(ts,us) = " ^
  1226 			   ((pr_ord o terms_ord str false)(ts,us)));
  1227 	   val _=writeln("-------");
  1228 	 in () end
  1229        else ();
  1230 	 case int_ord (size_of_term' t, size_of_term' u) of
  1231 	   EQUAL =>
  1232 	     let val (f, ts) = strip_comb t and (g, us) = strip_comb u in
  1233 	       (case hd_ord (f, g) of EQUAL => (terms_ord str pr) (ts, us) 
  1234 	     | ord => ord)
  1235 	     end
  1236 	 | ord => ord)
  1237 and hd_ord (f, g) =                                        (* ~ term.ML *)
  1238   prod_ord (prod_ord Term_Ord.indexname_ord Term_Ord.typ_ord) int_ord (dest_hd' f, dest_hd' g)
  1239 and terms_ord str pr (ts, us) = 
  1240     list_ord (term_ord' pr (assoc_thy "Isac"))(ts, us);
  1241 in
  1243 fun ord_make_polytest (pr:bool) thy (_:subst) tu = 
  1244     (term_ord' pr thy(***) tu = LESS );
  1246 end;(*local*)
  1247 *}
  1248 ML {*
  1250 rew_ord' := overwritel (!rew_ord',
  1251 [("termlessI", termlessI),
  1252  ("ord_make_polytest", ord_make_polytest false thy)
  1253  ]);
  1255 (*WN060510 this was a preparation for prep_rls ...
  1256 val scr_make_polytest = 
  1257 "Script Expand_binomtest t_t =" ^
  1258 "(Repeat                       " ^
  1259 "((Try (Repeat (Rewrite real_diff_minus         False))) @@ " ^ 
  1261 " (Try (Repeat (Rewrite left_distrib   False))) @@ " ^	 
  1262 " (Try (Repeat (Rewrite right_distrib  False))) @@ " ^	
  1263 " (Try (Repeat (Rewrite left_diff_distrib  False))) @@ " ^	
  1264 " (Try (Repeat (Rewrite right_diff_distrib False))) @@ " ^	
  1266 " (Try (Repeat (Rewrite mult_1_left             False))) @@ " ^		   
  1267 " (Try (Repeat (Rewrite mult_zero_left             False))) @@ " ^		   
  1268 " (Try (Repeat (Rewrite add_0_left      False))) @@ " ^	 
  1270 " (Try (Repeat (Rewrite real_mult_commute       False))) @@ " ^		
  1271 " (Try (Repeat (Rewrite real_mult_left_commute  False))) @@ " ^	
  1272 " (Try (Repeat (Rewrite real_mult_assoc         False))) @@ " ^		
  1273 " (Try (Repeat (Rewrite add_commute        False))) @@ " ^		
  1274 " (Try (Repeat (Rewrite add_left_commute   False))) @@ " ^	 
  1275 " (Try (Repeat (Rewrite add_assoc          False))) @@ " ^	 
  1277 " (Try (Repeat (Rewrite sym_realpow_twoI        False))) @@ " ^	 
  1278 " (Try (Repeat (Rewrite realpow_plus_1          False))) @@ " ^	 
  1279 " (Try (Repeat (Rewrite sym_real_mult_2         False))) @@ " ^		
  1280 " (Try (Repeat (Rewrite real_mult_2_assoc       False))) @@ " ^		
  1282 " (Try (Repeat (Rewrite real_num_collect        False))) @@ " ^		
  1283 " (Try (Repeat (Rewrite real_num_collect_assoc  False))) @@ " ^	
  1285 " (Try (Repeat (Rewrite real_one_collect        False))) @@ " ^		
  1286 " (Try (Repeat (Rewrite real_one_collect_assoc  False))) @@ " ^   
  1288 " (Try (Repeat (Calculate PLUS  ))) @@ " ^
  1289 " (Try (Repeat (Calculate TIMES ))) @@ " ^
  1290 " (Try (Repeat (Calculate POWER)))) " ^  
  1291 " t_t)";
  1292 -----------------------------------------------------*)
  1294 val make_polytest =
  1295   Rls{id = "make_polytest", preconds = []:term list, 
  1296       rew_ord = ("ord_make_polytest", ord_make_polytest false (theory "Poly")),
  1297       erls = testerls, srls = Erls,
  1298       calc = [("PLUS"  , ("op +", eval_binop "#add_")), 
  1299 	      ("TIMES" , ("op *", eval_binop "#mult_")),
  1300 	      ("POWER", ("Atools.pow", eval_binop "#power_"))
  1301 	      ],
  1302       (*asm_thm = [],*)
  1303       rules = [Thm ("real_diff_minus",num_str @{thm real_diff_minus}),
  1304 	       (*"a - b = a + (-1) * b"*)
  1305 	       Thm ("left_distrib" ,num_str @{thm left_distrib}),
  1306 	       (*"(z1.0 + z2.0) * w = z1.0 * w + z2.0 * w"*)
  1307 	       Thm ("right_distrib",num_str @{thm right_distrib}),
  1308 	       (*"w * (z1.0 + z2.0) = w * z1.0 + w * z2.0"*)
  1309 	       Thm ("left_diff_distrib" ,num_str @{thm left_diff_distrib}),
  1310 	       (*"(z1.0 - z2.0) * w = z1.0 * w - z2.0 * w"*)
  1311 	       Thm ("right_diff_distrib",num_str @{thm right_diff_distrib}),
  1312 	       (*"w * (z1.0 - z2.0) = w * z1.0 - w * z2.0"*)
  1313 	       Thm ("mult_1_left",num_str @{thm mult_1_left}),                 
  1314 	       (*"1 * z = z"*)
  1315 	       Thm ("mult_zero_left",num_str @{thm mult_zero_left}),        
  1316 	       (*"0 * z = 0"*)
  1317 	       Thm ("add_0_left",num_str @{thm add_0_left}),
  1318 	       (*"0 + z = z"*)
  1320 	       (*AC-rewriting*)
  1321 	       Thm ("real_mult_commute",num_str @{thm real_mult_commute}),
  1322 	       (* z * w = w * z *)
  1323 	       Thm ("real_mult_left_commute",num_str @{thm real_mult_left_commute}),
  1324 	       (*z1.0 * (z2.0 * z3.0) = z2.0 * (z1.0 * z3.0)*)
  1325 	       Thm ("real_mult_assoc",num_str @{thm real_mult_assoc}),		
  1326 	       (*z1.0 * z2.0 * z3.0 = z1.0 * (z2.0 * z3.0)*)
  1327 	       Thm ("add_commute",num_str @{thm add_commute}),	
  1328 	       (*z + w = w + z*)
  1329 	       Thm ("add_left_commute",num_str @{thm add_left_commute}),
  1330 	       (*x + (y + z) = y + (x + z)*)
  1331 	       Thm ("add_assoc",num_str @{thm add_assoc}),	               
  1332 	       (*z1.0 + z2.0 + z3.0 = z1.0 + (z2.0 + z3.0)*)
  1334 	       Thm ("sym_realpow_twoI",
  1335                      num_str (@{thm realpow_twoI} RS @{thm sym})),	
  1336 	       (*"r1 * r1 = r1 ^^^ 2"*)
  1337 	       Thm ("realpow_plus_1",num_str @{thm realpow_plus_1}),		
  1338 	       (*"r * r ^^^ n = r ^^^ (n + 1)"*)
  1339 	       Thm ("sym_real_mult_2",
  1340                      num_str (@{thm real_mult_2} RS @{thm sym})),	
  1341 	       (*"z1 + z1 = 2 * z1"*)
  1342 	       Thm ("real_mult_2_assoc",num_str @{thm real_mult_2_assoc}),	
  1343 	       (*"z1 + (z1 + k) = 2 * z1 + k"*)
  1345 	       Thm ("real_num_collect",num_str @{thm real_num_collect}), 
  1346 	       (*"[| l is_const; m is_const |]==>l * n + m * n = (l + m) * n"*)
  1347 	       Thm ("real_num_collect_assoc",num_str @{thm real_num_collect_assoc}),
  1348 	       (*"[| l is_const; m is_const |] ==>  
  1349 				l * n + (m * n + k) =  (l + m) * n + k"*)
  1350 	       Thm ("real_one_collect",num_str @{thm real_one_collect}),	
  1351 	       (*"m is_const ==> n + m * n = (1 + m) * n"*)
  1352 	       Thm ("real_one_collect_assoc",num_str @{thm real_one_collect_assoc}), 
  1353 	       (*"m is_const ==> k + (n + m * n) = k + (1 + m) * n"*)
  1355 	       Calc ("op +", eval_binop "#add_"), 
  1356 	       Calc ("op *", eval_binop "#mult_"),
  1357 	       Calc ("Atools.pow", eval_binop "#power_")
  1358 	       ],
  1359       scr = EmptyScr(*Script ((term_of o the o (parse thy)) 
  1360       scr_make_polytest)*)
  1361       }:rls; 
  1362 *}
  1363 ML {*     
  1364 (*WN060510 this was done before 'fun prep_rls' ...------------------------
  1365 val scr_expand_binomtest =
  1366 "Script Expand_binomtest t_t =" ^
  1367 "(Repeat                       " ^
  1368 "((Try (Repeat (Rewrite real_plus_binom_pow2    False))) @@ " ^
  1369 " (Try (Repeat (Rewrite real_plus_binom_times   False))) @@ " ^
  1370 " (Try (Repeat (Rewrite real_minus_binom_pow2   False))) @@ " ^
  1371 " (Try (Repeat (Rewrite real_minus_binom_times  False))) @@ " ^
  1372 " (Try (Repeat (Rewrite real_plus_minus_binom1  False))) @@ " ^
  1373 " (Try (Repeat (Rewrite real_plus_minus_binom2  False))) @@ " ^
  1375 " (Try (Repeat (Rewrite mult_1_left             False))) @@ " ^
  1376 " (Try (Repeat (Rewrite mult_zero_left             False))) @@ " ^
  1377 " (Try (Repeat (Rewrite add_0_left      False))) @@ " ^
  1379 " (Try (Repeat (Calculate PLUS  ))) @@ " ^
  1380 " (Try (Repeat (Calculate TIMES ))) @@ " ^
  1381 " (Try (Repeat (Calculate POWER))) @@ " ^
  1383 " (Try (Repeat (Rewrite sym_realpow_twoI        False))) @@ " ^
  1384 " (Try (Repeat (Rewrite realpow_plus_1          False))) @@ " ^
  1385 " (Try (Repeat (Rewrite sym_real_mult_2         False))) @@ " ^
  1386 " (Try (Repeat (Rewrite real_mult_2_assoc       False))) @@ " ^
  1388 " (Try (Repeat (Rewrite real_num_collect        False))) @@ " ^
  1389 " (Try (Repeat (Rewrite real_num_collect_assoc  False))) @@ " ^
  1391 " (Try (Repeat (Rewrite real_one_collect        False))) @@ " ^
  1392 " (Try (Repeat (Rewrite real_one_collect_assoc  False))) @@ " ^ 
  1394 " (Try (Repeat (Calculate PLUS  ))) @@ " ^
  1395 " (Try (Repeat (Calculate TIMES ))) @@ " ^
  1396 " (Try (Repeat (Calculate POWER)))) " ^  
  1397 " t_t)";
  1398 --------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
  1400 val expand_binomtest =
  1401   Rls{id = "expand_binomtest", preconds = [], 
  1402       rew_ord = ("termlessI",termlessI),
  1403       erls = testerls, srls = Erls,
  1404       calc = [("PLUS"  , ("op +", eval_binop "#add_")), 
  1405 	      ("TIMES" , ("op *", eval_binop "#mult_")),
  1406 	      ("POWER", ("Atools.pow", eval_binop "#power_"))
  1407 	      ],
  1408       rules = 
  1409       [Thm ("real_plus_binom_pow2"  ,num_str @{thm real_plus_binom_pow2}),     
  1410 	       (*"(a + b) ^^^ 2 = a ^^^ 2 + 2 * a * b + b ^^^ 2"*)
  1411        Thm ("real_plus_binom_times" ,num_str @{thm real_plus_binom_times}),    
  1412 	      (*"(a + b)*(a + b) = ...*)
  1413        Thm ("real_minus_binom_pow2" ,num_str @{thm real_minus_binom_pow2}),   
  1414        (*"(a - b) ^^^ 2 = a ^^^ 2 - 2 * a * b + b ^^^ 2"*)
  1415        Thm ("real_minus_binom_times",num_str @{thm real_minus_binom_times}),   
  1416        (*"(a - b)*(a - b) = ...*)
  1417        Thm ("real_plus_minus_binom1",num_str @{thm real_plus_minus_binom1}),   
  1418         (*"(a + b) * (a - b) = a ^^^ 2 - b ^^^ 2"*)
  1419        Thm ("real_plus_minus_binom2",num_str @{thm real_plus_minus_binom2}),   
  1420         (*"(a - b) * (a + b) = a ^^^ 2 - b ^^^ 2"*)
  1421        (*RL 020915*)
  1422        Thm ("real_pp_binom_times",num_str @{thm real_pp_binom_times}), 
  1423         (*(a + b)*(c + d) = a*c + a*d + b*c + b*d*)
  1424        Thm ("real_pm_binom_times",num_str @{thm real_pm_binom_times}), 
  1425         (*(a + b)*(c - d) = a*c - a*d + b*c - b*d*)
  1426        Thm ("real_mp_binom_times",num_str @{thm real_mp_binom_times}), 
  1427         (*(a - b)*(c p d) = a*c + a*d - b*c - b*d*)
  1428        Thm ("real_mm_binom_times",num_str @{thm real_mm_binom_times}), 
  1429         (*(a - b)*(c p d) = a*c - a*d - b*c + b*d*)
  1430        Thm ("realpow_multI",num_str @{thm realpow_multI}),                
  1431         (*(a*b)^^^n = a^^^n * b^^^n*)
  1432        Thm ("real_plus_binom_pow3",num_str @{thm real_plus_binom_pow3}),
  1433         (* (a + b)^^^3 = a^^^3 + 3*a^^^2*b + 3*a*b^^^2 + b^^^3 *)
  1434        Thm ("real_minus_binom_pow3",num_str @{thm real_minus_binom_pow3}),
  1435         (* (a - b)^^^3 = a^^^3 - 3*a^^^2*b + 3*a*b^^^2 - b^^^3 *)
  1438      (*  Thm ("left_distrib" ,num_str @{thm left_distrib}),	
  1439 	 (*"(z1.0 + z2.0) * w = z1.0 * w + z2.0 * w"*)
  1440 	Thm ("right_distrib",num_str @{thm right_distrib}),	
  1441 	(*"w * (z1.0 + z2.0) = w * z1.0 + w * z2.0"*)
  1442 	Thm ("left_diff_distrib" ,num_str @{thm left_diff_distrib}),	
  1443 	(*"(z1.0 - z2.0) * w = z1.0 * w - z2.0 * w"*)
  1444 	Thm ("right_diff_distrib",num_str @{thm right_diff_distrib}),	
  1445 	(*"w * (z1.0 - z2.0) = w * z1.0 - w * z2.0"*)
  1446 	*)
  1448 	Thm ("mult_1_left",num_str @{thm mult_1_left}),              
  1449          (*"1 * z = z"*)
  1450 	Thm ("mult_zero_left",num_str @{thm mult_zero_left}),              
  1451          (*"0 * z = 0"*)
  1452 	Thm ("add_0_left",num_str @{thm add_0_left}),
  1453          (*"0 + z = z"*)
  1455 	Calc ("op +", eval_binop "#add_"), 
  1456 	Calc ("op *", eval_binop "#mult_"),
  1457 	Calc ("Atools.pow", eval_binop "#power_"),
  1458         (*	       
  1459 	 Thm ("real_mult_commute",num_str @{thm real_mult_commute}),		
  1460         (*AC-rewriting*)
  1461 	Thm ("real_mult_left_commute",num_str @{thm real_mult_left_commute}),
  1462 	Thm ("real_mult_assoc",num_str @{thm real_mult_assoc}),
  1463 	Thm ("add_commute",num_str @{thm add_commute}),	
  1464 	Thm ("add_left_commute",num_str @{thm add_left_commute}),
  1465 	Thm ("add_assoc",num_str @{thm add_assoc}),
  1466 	*)
  1468 	Thm ("sym_realpow_twoI",
  1469               num_str (@{thm realpow_twoI} RS @{thm sym})),
  1470 	(*"r1 * r1 = r1 ^^^ 2"*)
  1471 	Thm ("realpow_plus_1",num_str @{thm realpow_plus_1}),			
  1472 	(*"r * r ^^^ n = r ^^^ (n + 1)"*)
  1473 	(*Thm ("sym_real_mult_2",
  1474                 num_str (@{thm real_mult_2} RS @{thm sym})),
  1475 	(*"z1 + z1 = 2 * z1"*)*)
  1476 	Thm ("real_mult_2_assoc",num_str @{thm real_mult_2_assoc}),		
  1477 	(*"z1 + (z1 + k) = 2 * z1 + k"*)
  1479 	Thm ("real_num_collect",num_str @{thm real_num_collect}), 
  1480 	(*"[| l is_const; m is_const |] ==> l * n + m * n = (l + m) * n"*)
  1481 	Thm ("real_num_collect_assoc",num_str @{thm real_num_collect_assoc}),	
  1482 	(*"[| l is_const; m is_const |] ==>  l * n + (m * n + k) =  (l + m) * n + k"*)
  1483 	Thm ("real_one_collect",num_str @{thm real_one_collect}),		
  1484 	(*"m is_const ==> n + m * n = (1 + m) * n"*)
  1485 	Thm ("real_one_collect_assoc",num_str @{thm real_one_collect_assoc}), 
  1486 	(*"m is_const ==> k + (n + m * n) = k + (1 + m) * n"*)
  1488 	Calc ("op +", eval_binop "#add_"), 
  1489 	Calc ("op *", eval_binop "#mult_"),
  1490 	Calc ("Atools.pow", eval_binop "#power_")
  1491 	],
  1492       scr = EmptyScr
  1493 (*Script ((term_of o the o (parse thy)) scr_expand_binomtest)*)
  1494       }:rls;      
  1497 ruleset' := overwritelthy @{theory} (!ruleset',
  1498    [("make_polytest", prep_rls make_polytest),
  1499     ("expand_binomtest", prep_rls expand_binomtest)
  1500     ]);
  1501 *}
  1503 end