author Walther Neuper <walther.neuper@jku.at>
Tue, 05 May 2020 13:33:23 +0200
changeset 59942 d6261de56fb0
parent 59940 acfad421e656
child 59945 bdc420a363d8
permissions -rw-r--r--
assign code struct.O_Model and I_Model, part 1
     1 (* "Knowledge/biegelinie-4.sml"
     2    author: Walther Neuper 190515
     3    (c) due to copyright terms
     4 *)
     5 "table of contents ---------------------------------------------------------------------------";
     6 "---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------";
     7 "----------- IntegrierenUndKonstanteBestimmen2: Bsp.7.70. auto TODO investigate failure ------";
     8 "----------- IntegrierenUndKonstanteBestimmen2: Bsp.7.70. me ---------------------------------";
     9 "---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------";
    10 "---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------";
    11 "---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------";
    14 "----------- IntegrierenUndKonstanteBestimmen2: Bsp.7.70. auto TODO investigate failure ------";
    15 "----------- IntegrierenUndKonstanteBestimmen2: Bsp.7.70. auto TODO investigate failure ------";
    16 "----------- IntegrierenUndKonstanteBestimmen2: Bsp.7.70. auto TODO investigate failure ------";
    17 (* the error in this test might be independent from introduction of y, dy
    18    as arguments in IntegrierenUndKonstanteBestimmen2,
    19    rather due to so far untested use of "auto" *)
    20 val fmz = ["Traegerlaenge L","Streckenlast q_0","Biegelinie y",
    21 	     "Randbedingungen [y 0 = (0::real), y L = 0, M_b 0 = 0, M_b L = 0]",
    22 	     "FunktionsVariable x", "GleichungsVariablen [c, c_2, c_3, c_4]",
    23        "AbleitungBiegelinie dy"];
    24 val (dI',pI',mI') = ("Biegelinie", ["Biegelinien"],
    25 		     ["IntegrierenUndKonstanteBestimmen2"]);
    27 reset_states ();
    28 CalcTree [(fmz, (dI',pI',mI'))];                                     
    29 Iterator 1;
    30 moveActiveRoot 1;
    31 autoCalculate 1 CompleteCalc;
    33 val ((pt, p),_) = get_calc 1;
    34 if p = ([], Pbl) then () else error ""
    35 get_obj I pt (fst p); (*TODO investigate failure*)
    37 (* NOTE: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ no progress already in isabisac15, but not noticed ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * )
    38 (*[], Met*)autoCalculate 1 CompleteCalcHead;
    39 (*[1], Pbl*)autoCalculate 1 (Steps 1); (* into SubProblem *)
    40 (*[1], Res*)autoCalculate 1 CompleteSubpbl; (**)
    41 (*[2], Pbl*)autoCalculate 1 (Steps 1); (* out of SubProblem *)
    42 (*[2], Res*)autoCalculate 1 CompleteSubpbl;
    43 (*[3], Pbl*)autoCalculate 1 (Steps 1); (* out of SubProblem *)
    44 (*[3], Met*)autoCalculate 1 CompleteCalcHead;
    45 (*[3, 1], Frm*)autoCalculate 1 (Steps 1); (* solve SubProblem *)
    46 (*(**)autoCalculate 1 CompleteSubpbl;  error in kernel 4: Step.add: not impl.for Empty_Tac_*)
    47 (*[3, 1], Res*)autoCalculate 1 (Steps 1); (* solve SubProblem *)
    48 (*[3, 2], Res*)autoCalculate 1 (Steps 1); (* solve SubProblem *)
    49 (*[3, 3], Res*)autoCalculate 1 (Steps 1); (* solve SubProblem *)
    50 (*[3, 4], Res*)autoCalculate 1 (Steps 1); (* solve SubProblem *)
    51 (*[3, 5], Res*)autoCalculate 1 (Steps 1); (* solve SubProblem *)
    52 (*[3, 6], Res*)autoCalculate 1 (Steps 1); (* solve SubProblem *)
    53 (*[3, 7], Res*)autoCalculate 1 (Steps 1); (* solve SubProblem *)
    54 (*[3, 8], Pbl*)autoCalculate 1 (Steps 1); (* solve SubProblem *)
    55 (*[3, 8], Met*)autoCalculate 1 CompleteCalcHead;
    56 (*[3, 8, 1], Frm*)autoCalculate 1 (Steps 1); (* solve SubProblem *)
    57 (*[3, 8, 1], Res*)autoCalculate 1 (Steps 1); (* solve SubProblem *)
    58 (*(**)autoCalculate 1 (Steps 1); 
    59 *** Step.add: not impl.for Empty_Tac_ 
    62 val ((pt,_),_) = get_calc 1;
    63 val ip = get_pos 1 1;
    64 val (Form f, tac, asms) = pt_extract (pt, ip);
    66 if ip = ([3, 8, 1], Res) andalso 
    67 UnparseC.term f = "[-1 * c_4 / -1 = 0,\n (6 * c_4 * EI + 6 * L * c_3 * EI + -3 * L ^^^ 2 * c_2 + -1 * L ^^^ 3 * c) /\n (6 * EI) =\n L ^^^ 4 * q_0 / (-24 * EI),\n c_2 = 0, c_2 + L * c = L ^^^ 2 * q_0 / 2]"
    68 then 
    69   case tac of
    70     SOME (Check_Postcond ["normalise", "4x4", "LINEAR", "system"]) => ()
    71   | _ => error "ERROR biegel.7.70 changed 1"
    72 else error "ERROR biegel.7.70 changed 2";
    73 ( * NOTE: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ no progress already in isabisac15, but not noticed ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ *)
    76 "----------- IntegrierenUndKonstanteBestimmen2: Bsp.7.70. me -----";
    77 "----------- IntegrierenUndKonstanteBestimmen2: Bsp.7.70. me -----";
    78 "----------- IntegrierenUndKonstanteBestimmen2: Bsp.7.70. me -----";
    79 "----- Bsp 7.70 with me";
    80 val fmz = ["Traegerlaenge L","Streckenlast q_0","Biegelinie y",
    81 	     "Randbedingungen [y 0 = (0::real), y L = 0, M_b 0 = 0, M_b L = 0]",
    82 	     "FunktionsVariable x", "GleichungsVariablen [c, c_2, c_3, c_4]",
    83        "AbleitungBiegelinie dy"];
    84 val (dI',pI',mI') = ("Biegelinie", ["Biegelinien"],
    85 		     ["IntegrierenUndKonstanteBestimmen2"]);
    86 val p = e_pos'; val c = [];
    87 (*//----------------------------------vvv CalcTreeTEST ----------------------------------------\\*)
    88 (*[], Pbl*)val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = CalcTreeTEST [(fmz, (dI',pI',mI'))]; (*nxt = Model_Problem*)
    90 (*+*)val PblObj {probl, meth, spec = (thy, _ , metID), origin = (oris, _, _), ...} = get_obj I pt (fst p);
    91 (*+*)writeln (O_Model.to_string oris); (*[
    92 (1, ["1"], #Given,Traegerlaenge, ["L"]),
    93 (2, ["1"], #Given,Streckenlast, ["q_0"]),
    94 (3, ["1"], #Find,Biegelinie, ["y"]),
    95 (4, ["1"], #Relate,Randbedingungen, ["[y 0 = 0]","[y L = 0]","[M_b 0 = 0]","[M_b L = 0]"]),
    96 (5, ["1"], #undef,FunktionsVariable, ["x"]),
    97 (6, ["1"], #undef,GleichungsVariablen, ["[c]","[c_2]","[c_3]","[c_4]"]),
    98 (7, ["1"], #undef,AbleitungBiegelinie, ["dy"])]*)
    99 (*+*)I_Model.to_string @{context} probl = "[]";
   100 (*+*)I_Model.to_string @{context} meth = "[]";
   101 (*\\----------------------------------^^^ CalcTreeTEST ----------------------------------------//*)
   103 (*[], Pbl*)val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt; (*nxt = Add_Given "Traegerlaenge L"*)
   104 (*[], Pbl*)val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt; (*nxt = Add_Given "Streckenlast q_0"*)
   105 (*[], Pbl*)val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt; (*nxt = Add_Find "Biegelinie y"*)
   106 (*[], Pbl*)val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt; (*nxt = Add_Relation "Randbedingungen [y 0 = 0]", ERROR MISSING step: M_b 0 = 0*)
   107 (*[], Pbl*)val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt; (*nxt = Add_Relation "Randbedingungen [y L = 0, M_b 0 = 0, M_b L = 0]"*)
   108 (*[], Pbl*)val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt; (*nxt = Specify_Theory "Biegelinie"*)
   109 (*[], Pbl*)val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt; (*nxt = Specify_Problem ["Biegelinien"]*)
   110 (*[], Pbl*)val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt; (*nxt = Specify_Method ["IntegrierenUndKonstanteBestimmen2"]*)
   111 (*[], Met*)val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt; (*nxt = Add_Given "FunktionsVariable x"*)
   112 (*----------- 10 -----------*)
   113 (*[], Met*)val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt; (*nxt = Add_Given "GleichungsVariablen [c, c_2, c_3, c_4]"*)
   114 (*[], Met*)val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt; (*nxt = Add_Given "AbleitungBiegelinie dy*)
   115 (*[], Met*)val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt; (*nxt = Apply_Method ["IntegrierenUndKonstanteBestimmen2"*)
   117 (*//----------------------------------vvv Apply_Method ["IntegrierenUndKonstanteBestimmen2"----\\*)
   118 (*[1], Pbl*)val (p''''',_,f,nxt''''',_,pt''''') = me nxt p c pt; (*nxt = Model_Problem*)
   119 (*AMBIGUITY in creating the environment from formal args. of partial_function "Biegelinie.Biegelinie2Script"
   120 and the actual args., ie. items of the guard of "["IntegrierenUndKonstanteBestimmen2"]" by "assoc_by_type":
   121 formal arg. "b" type-matches with several...actual args. "["dy","y"]"
   122 selected "dy"
   123 with
   124 formals: ["l","q","v","b","s","vs","id_abl"]
   125 actuals: ["L","q_0","x","[c, c_2, c_3, c_4]","dy","y","[y 0 = 0, y L = 0, M_b 0 = 0, M_b L = 0]"]*)
   127 "~~~~~ fun me , args:"; val (tac, p, _(*NEW remove*), pt) = (nxt, p, c, pt);
   128     val (pt''', p''') =
   129 	    (*Step.by_tactic is here for testing by me; Step.do_next would suffice in me*)
   130 	    case Step.by_tactic tac (pt,p) of
   131 		    ("ok", (_, _, ptp)) => ptp
   132 ;
   133 (*+*)p    = ([], Met);
   134 (*+*)p''' = ([1], Pbl);
   135 (*+*)val PblObj {meth, probl, spec = (thy, _ , metID), origin = (oris, _, _), ...} = get_obj I pt''' (fst p''');
   136 (*+*)(*MISSING after Step.by_tactic:*)
   137 (*+*)writeln (O_Model.to_string oris); (*[
   138 (1, ["1"], #Given,Streckenlast, ["q_0"]),
   139 (2, ["1"], #Given,FunktionsVariable, ["x"]),
   140 (3, ["1"], #Find,Funktionen, ["funs'''"])]
   141 MISSING:
   142                  Biegelinie
   143                  AbleitungBiegelinie
   144 *)
   145 "~~~~~ fun Step.by_tactic , args:"; val (tac, (ptp as (pt, p))) = (tac, (pt,p));
   146 val Applicable.Yes m = (*case*) Step.check m (pt, p) (*of*);
   147 (*if*) Library.member op = Solve.specsteps mI = false; (*else*)
   149 loc_solve_ (mI,m) ptp;
   150 "~~~~~ fun loc_solve_ , args:"; val (m, (pt, pos)) = (m, ptp);
   152            Step_Solve.by_tactic m (pt, pos);
   153 "~~~~~ fun Step_Solve.by_tactic , args:"; val (m as Tactic.Apply_Method' (mI, _, _, ctxt)), (pt, (pos as (p, _))))
   154   = (m, (pt, pos));
   155 val {srls, ...} = Specify.get_met mI;
   156       val itms = case get_obj I pt p of
   157         PblObj {meth=itms, ...} => itms
   158       | _ => error "Step_Solve.by_tactic Apply_Method: uncovered case get_obj"
   159       val thy' = get_obj g_domID pt p;
   160       val thy = ThyC.get_theory thy';
   161       val srls = LItool.get_simplifier (pt, pos)
   162       val (is, env, ctxt, sc) = case LItool.init_pstate srls ctxt itms mI of
   163         (is as Istate.Pstate ist, ctxt, sc) =>  (is, get_env ist, ctxt, sc)
   164       | _ => error "Step_Solve.by_tactic Apply_Method: uncovered case init_pstate"
   165       val ini = LItool.implicit_take sc env;
   166       val p = lev_dn p;
   167 val NONE = (*case*) ini (*of*);
   168             val (m', (is', ctxt'), _) = LI.find_next_step sc (pt, (p, Res)) is ctxt;
   169 	          val d = Rule_Set.empty (*FIXME: get simplifier from domID*);
   170      val Safe_Step ((pt', p'), _, _, _) = (*case*) locate_input_tactic sc (pt,(p, Res)) is' ctxt' m' (*of*);
   171 Safe_Step : state * Istate.T * Proof.context * Tactic.T -> input_tactic_result;
   173 (*+*)val PblObj {meth, probl, spec = (thy, _ , metID), origin = (oris, _, _), ...} = get_obj I pt' (fst p');
   174 (*+*)(*MISSING after locate_input_tactic:*)
   175 (*+*)writeln (O_Model.to_string oris); (*[
   176 (1, ["1"], #Given,Streckenlast, ["q_0"]),
   177 (2, ["1"], #Given,FunktionsVariable, ["x"]),
   178 (3, ["1"], #Find,Funktionen, ["funs'''"])]
   179 MISSING:
   180                  Biegelinie
   181                  AbleitungBiegelinie
   182 *)
   183 "~~~~~ fun locate_input_tactic , args:"; val () = ();
   185 (*+*)val c = [];
   186 (*\\----------------------------------^^^ Apply_Method ["IntegrierenUndKonstanteBestimmen2"----//*)
   188 (*[1], Pbl*)val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt''''' p''''' c pt'''''; (*nxt = Add_Given "Streckenlast q_0"*)
   189 (*[1], Pbl*)val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt; (*nxt = Add_Given "FunktionsVariable x"*)
   190 (*[1], Pbl*)val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt; (*nxt = Add_Find "Funktionen funs'''"*)
   191 (*[1], Pbl*)val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt; (*nxt = Specify_Theory "Biegelinie"*)
   192 (*[1], Pbl*)val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt; (*nxt = Specify_Problem ["vonBelastungZu", "Biegelinien"]*)
   193 (*[1], Pbl*)val (p''''',_,f,nxt''''',_,pt''''') = me nxt p c pt; (*nxt = Specify_Method ["Biegelinien", "ausBelastung"]*)
   194 (*----------- 20 -----------*)
   195 (*//------------------------------------------------vvv Specify_Method ["Biegelinien", "ausBelastung"]-\\*)
   196 (*[1], Pbl*)(*ERROR val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt''''' p''''' c pt'''''; (*nxt = Apply_Method ["Biegelinien", "ausBelastung"]*)
   197 ERROR arguments_from_model: 'Biegelinie' not in itms*)
   199 (*SubProblem (_, [''vonBelastungZu'', ''Biegelinien''], _)
   200     [REAL q, REAL v, REAL_REAL b, REAL_REAL id_abl]
   201                      ^^^^^^^^^^^ ..ERROR arguments_from_model: 'Biegelinie' not in itms*)
   202 (*+*)val PblObj {meth, probl, spec = (thy, _ , metID), origin = (oris, _, _), ...} = get_obj I pt''''' (fst p''''');
   203 (*+*)if O_Model.to_string oris =
   204 (*+*)  "[\n(1, [\"1\"], #Given,Streckenlast, [\"q_0\"]),\n(2, [\"1\"], #Given,FunktionsVariable, [\"x\"]),\n(3, [\"1\"], #Find,Funktionen, [\"funs'''\"])]"
   205 (*+*)then () else error "([1], Pbl) Specify_Problem ['vonBelastungZu', 'Biegelinien'] changed oris";
   206 writeln (O_Model.to_string oris); (*[
   207 (1, ["1"], #Given,Streckenlast, ["q_0"]),
   208 (2, ["1"], #Given,FunktionsVariable, ["x"]),
   209 (3, ["1"], #Find,Funktionen, ["funs'''"])]*)
   210 (*+*)if I_Model.to_string @{context} probl = "[\n(1 ,[1] ,true ,#Given ,Cor Streckenlast q_0 ,(q_q, [q_0])),\n(2 ,[1] ,true ,#Given ,Cor FunktionsVariable x ,(v_v, [x])),\n(3 ,[1] ,true ,#Find ,Cor Funktionen funs''' ,(funs''', [funs''']))]"
   211 (*+*)then () else error "([1], Pbl) Specify_Problem ['vonBelastungZu', 'Biegelinien'] changed probl";
   212 writeln (I_Model.to_string @{context} probl); (*[
   213 (1 ,[1] ,true ,#Given ,Cor Streckenlast q_0 ,(q_q, [q_0])),
   214 (2 ,[1] ,true ,#Given ,Cor FunktionsVariable x ,(v_v, [x])),
   215 (3 ,[1] ,true ,#Find ,Cor Funktionen funs''' ,(funs''', [funs''']))]*)
   216 (*+*)if I_Model.to_string @{context} meth = "[]"
   217 (*+*)then () else error "([1], Pbl) Specify_Problem ['vonBelastungZu', 'Biegelinien'] changed meth";
   218 writeln (I_Model.to_string @{context} meth); (*[]*)
   220 "~~~~~ fun me , args:"; val (tac, p, _(*NEW remove*), pt) = (nxt''''', p''''', c, pt''''');
   221 (*  val (pt, p) = *)
   222 	    (*Step.by_tactic is here for testing by me; Step.do_next would suffice in me*)
   223 	    case Step.by_tactic tac (pt,p) of
   224 		    ("ok", (_, _, ptp)) => ptp
   225 ;
   226 "~~~~~ fun Step.by_tactic , args:"; val (tac, (ptp as (pt, p))) = (tac, (pt,p));
   227 val Applicable.Yes m = (*case*) Step.check m (pt, p)(*of*);
   228 (*if*) Library.member op = Solve.specsteps mI = true; (*then*)
   230 (*val Updated (_, _, (ctree, pos')) =*) loc_specify_ m ptp; (*creates meth-itms*)
   231 "~~~~~ fun loc_specify_ , args:"; val (m, (pt, pos)) = (m, ptp);
   232 (*    val (p, _, f, _, _, pt) =*) Chead.specify m pos [] pt;
   234 "~~~~~ fun specify , args:"; val ((Tactic.Specify_Method' (mID, _, _)), (pos as (p, _)), _, pt) = (m, pos, [], pt);
   235         val (oris, dI', pI', mI', dI, pI, pbl, met, ctxt) = case get_obj I pt p of
   236           PblObj {origin= (oris, (dI', pI', mI'), _), spec= (dI, pI, _), probl = pbl, meth = met, ctxt, ...} =>
   237              (oris, dI', pI', mI', dI, pI, pbl, met, ctxt)
   238         val {ppc, pre, prls,...} = Specify.get_met mID
   239         val thy = ThyC.get_theory dI
   240         val dI'' = if dI = ThyC.id_empty then dI' else dI
   241         val pI'' = if pI = Problem.id_empty then pI' else pI
   242 ;
   243 (*+*)writeln (O_Model.to_string oris); (*[
   244 (1, ["1"], #Given,Streckenlast, ["q_0"]),
   245 (2, ["1"], #Given,FunktionsVariable, ["x"]),
   246 (3, ["1"], #Find,Funktionen, ["funs'''"])]*)
   247 (*+*)writeln (pats2str' ppc);
   248 (*["(#Given, (Streckenlast, q__q))
   249 ","(#Given, (FunktionsVariable, v_v))
   250 ","(#Given, (Biegelinie, id_fun))
   251 ","(#Given, (AbleitungBiegelinie, id_abl))
   252 ","(#Find, (Funktionen, fun_s))"]*)
   253 (*+*)writeln (pats2str' ((#ppc o Specify.get_pbt) pI));
   254 (*["(#Given, (Streckenlast, q_q))
   255 ","(#Given, (FunktionsVariable, v_v))
   256 ","(#Find, (Funktionen, funs'''))"]*)
   257         val oris = Specify.add_field' thy ppc oris
   258         val met = if met = [] then pbl else met
   259         val (_, (itms, pre')) = Specify.match_itms_oris thy met (ppc, pre, prls ) oris
   260 ;
   261 (*+*)writeln (I_Model.to_string @{context} itms); (*[
   262 (1 ,[1] ,true ,#Given ,Cor Streckenlast q_0 ,(q_q, [q_0])),
   263 (2 ,[1] ,true ,#Given ,Cor FunktionsVariable x ,(v_v, [x])),
   264 (3 ,[1] ,true ,#Find ,Cor Funktionen funs''' ,(funs''', [funs''']))] *)
   266 (*//----------- hack for funpack: generalise handling of meths which extend problem items -----\\*)
   267 val itms =
   268   if mI' = ["Biegelinien", "ausBelastung"]
   269   then itms @
   270     [(4, [1], true, "#Given", Cor ((Const ("Biegelinie.Biegelinie", Type ("fun", [Type ("fun", [Type ("Real.real", []), Type ("Real.real", [])]), Type ("Input_Descript.una", [])])),
   271         [Free ("y", Type ("fun", [Type ("Real.real", []), Type ("Real.real", [])]))]),
   272       (Free ("id_fun", Type ("fun", [Type ("Real.real", []), Type ("Real.real", [])])),
   273         [Free ("y", Type ("fun", [Type ("Real.real", []), Type ("Real.real", [])]))] ))),
   274     (5, [1], true, "#Given", Cor ((Const ("Biegelinie.AbleitungBiegelinie", Type ("fun", [Type ("fun", [Type ("Real.real", []), Type ("Real.real", [])]), Type ("Input_Descript.una", [])])),
   275         [Free ("dy", Type ("fun", [Type ("Real.real", []), Type ("Real.real", [])]))]),
   276       (Free ("id_abl", Type ("fun", [Type ("Real.real", []), Type ("Real.real", [])])),
   277         [Free ("dy", Type ("fun", [Type ("Real.real", []), Type ("Real.real", [])]))] )))]
   278   else itms
   279 (*\\----------- hack for funpack: generalise handling of meths which extend problem items -----//*)
   281 val itms' = itms @
   282   [(4, [1], true, "#Given", Cor ((@{term "Biegelinie"},
   283       [@{term "y::real \<Rightarrow> real"}]),
   284     (@{term "id_fun::real \<Rightarrow> real"},
   285       [@{term "y::real \<Rightarrow> real"}] ))),
   286   (5, [1], true, "#Given", Cor ((@{term "AbleitungBiegelinie"},
   287       [@{term "dy::real \<Rightarrow> real"}]),
   288     (@{term "id_abl::real \<Rightarrow> real"},
   289       [@{term "dy::real \<Rightarrow> real"}] )))]
   290 val itms'' = itms @
   291   [(4, [1], true, "#Given", Cor ((Const ("Biegelinie.Biegelinie", Type ("fun", [Type ("fun", [Type ("Real.real", []), Type ("Real.real", [])]), Type ("Input_Descript.una", [])])),
   292       [Free ("y", Type ("fun", [Type ("Real.real", []), Type ("Real.real", [])]))]),
   293     (Free ("id_fun", Type ("fun", [Type ("Real.real", []), Type ("Real.real", [])])),
   294       [Free ("y", Type ("fun", [Type ("Real.real", []), Type ("Real.real", [])]))] ))),
   295   (5, [1], true, "#Given", Cor ((Const ("Biegelinie.AbleitungBiegelinie", Type ("fun", [Type ("fun", [Type ("Real.real", []), Type ("Real.real", [])]), Type ("Input_Descript.una", [])])),
   296       [Free ("dy", Type ("fun", [Type ("Real.real", []), Type ("Real.real", [])]))]),
   297     (Free ("id_abl", Type ("fun", [Type ("Real.real", []), Type ("Real.real", [])])),
   298       [Free ("dy", Type ("fun", [Type ("Real.real", []), Type ("Real.real", [])]))] )))]
   299 ;
   300 if itms' = itms'' then () else error "itms BUIT BY HAND ARE BROKEN";
   301 (*//-----------------------------------------^^^ Specify_Method ["Biegelinien", "ausBelastung"]-\\*)
   303 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt''''' p''''' c pt''''';
   304 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;
   305 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;
   306 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;
   307 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;
   308 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;
   309 (*----------- 30 -----------*)
   310 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;
   311 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;
   312 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;
   313 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;
   314 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;
   315 (*----------- 40 -----------*)
   316 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;
   317 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;
   318 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;
   319 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;
   320 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;
   321 (*----------- 50 -----------*)
   322 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;
   323 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;
   324 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;
   325 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;
   326 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;
   327 (*----------- 60 -----------*)
   328 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;
   329 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;
   330 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;
   331 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;
   332 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;
   333 (*----------- 70 -----------*)
   334 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;
   335 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;
   336 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;
   337 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;
   338 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;
   339 (*----------- 80 -----------*)
   340 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;
   341 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;
   342 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;
   343 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;
   344 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;
   345 (*----------- 90 -----------*)
   346 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;
   347 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;
   348 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;
   349 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;
   350 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;
   351 (*---------- 100 -----------*)
   352 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;
   353 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;
   354 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;
   355 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;
   356 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;
   357 (*---------- 110 -----------*)
   358 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;
   359 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;
   360 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;
   361 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;
   362 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;
   363 (*---------- 120 -----------*)
   364 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;
   365 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;
   366 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;
   367 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;
   368 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;
   369 (*---------- 130 -----------*)
   370 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;
   371 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;
   372 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;
   373 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;
   374 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;
   376 if p = ([3], Pbl)
   377 then
   378   case nxt of
   379     ("Add_Given", Add_Given "solveForVars [c_2, c_3, c_4]") => 
   380     (case f of
   381       PpcKF
   382           (Problem [],
   383            {Find = [Incompl "solution []"], Given =
   384             [Correct
   385               "equalities\n [0 = -1 * c_4 / -1,\n  0 =\n  (-24 * c_4 * EI + -24 * L * c_3 * EI + 12 * L ^^^ 2 * c_2 +\n   4 * L ^^^ 3 * c +\n   -1 * L ^^^ 4 * q_0) /\n  (-24 * EI),\n  0 = c_2, 0 = (2 * c_2 + 2 * L * c + -1 * L ^^^ 2 * q_0) / 2]",
   386              Incompl "solveForVars [c]"],
   387             Relate = [], Where = [], With = []}) => ()
   388     | _ => error "Bsp.7.70 me changed 1")
   389   | _ => error "Bsp.7.70 me changed 2"
   390 else error "Bsp.7.70 me changed 3";
   391 (* NOTE: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ no progress already in isabisac15, but not noticed ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ *)