author Walther Neuper <>
Tue, 05 May 2020 13:33:23 +0200
changeset 59942 d6261de56fb0
parent 59940 acfad421e656
child 59943 4816df44437f
permissions -rw-r--r--
assign code struct.O_Model and I_Model, part 1
     1 (* Title:  Specify/i-model.sml
     2    Author: Walther Neuper 110226
     3    (c) due to copyright terms
     4  *)
     6 signature MODEL_FOR_INTERACTION =
     7 sig
     8 (**)
     9   type variants = Model_Def.variants
    11 (*     itm list*)
    12   type T = Model_Def.i_model
    13 (*     itm*)                   
    14   type single = Model_Def.i_model_single
    15 (*         itm_ *)                   
    16   datatype feedback = datatype Model_Def.i_model_feedback
    17 (*    e_itm*)
    18   val empty : single 
    20 (*/------- to I_Model from Model 1 -------\*)
    21 (*val itm_2str: feedback -> string*)
    22   val feedback_to_string': feedback -> string
    23 (*val itm_2str_: Proof.context -> feedback -> string*)
    24   val feedback_to_string: Proof.context -> feedback -> string
    25 (*val itm2str_: Proof.context -> single -> string*)
    26   val single_to_string: Proof.context -> single -> string
    27 (*val itms2str: Proof.context -> T -> string*)
    28   val to_string: Proof.context -> T -> string
    30   val untouched : T -> bool
    31 (*\------- to I_Model from Model 1 -------/*)
    32 (*/------- to I_Model from Model 1a -------\*)
    33   val comp_dts : term * term list -> term
    34   val comp_dts' : term * term list -> term
    35   val comp_dts'' : term * term list -> string
    36   val comp_ts : term * term list -> term
    37   val split_dts : term -> term * term list
    38   val split_dts' : term * term -> term list
    39 (*\------- to I_Model from Model 1a -------/*)
    41 (* ---- for tests only: shifted from below to remove the Warning "unused" at fun.def. --------- *)
    42   (* NONE *)
    43 (*/-------------------------------------------------------- ! aktivate for Test_Isac BEGIN ---\* )
    44   (* NONE *)
    45 ( *\--- ! aktivate for Test_Isac END ----------------------------------------------------------/*)
    46 end
    48 (**)
    49 structure I_Model(**) : MODEL_FOR_INTERACTION(**) =
    50 struct
    51 (**)
    52 type variants =  Model_Def.variants;
    54 type T = Model_Def.i_model_single list;
    55 datatype feedback = datatype Model_Def.i_model_feedback;
    56 type single = Model_Def.i_model_single;
    57 val empty = Model_Def.i_model_empty;
    59 (*/------- to I_Model from Model 1b -------\*)
    60 val script_parse = the o (@{theory ProgLang} |> ThyC.to_ctxt |> TermC.parseNEW);
    61 val e_listReal = script_parse "[]::(real list)";
    62 val e_listBool = script_parse "[]::(bool list)";
    64 (* take list-term apart w.r.t. handling elementwise input: @{term "[a, b]"} \<rightarrow> ["[a]","[b]"] *)
    65 fun take_apart t =
    66   let val elems = TermC.isalist2list t
    67   in map ((TermC.list2isalist (type_of (hd elems))) o single) elems end;
    68 fun take_apart_inv ts = (* t = (take_apart_inv o take_apart) t *)
    69   let val elems = (flat o (map TermC.isalist2list)) ts;
    70   in TermC.list2isalist (type_of (hd elems)) elems end;
    71 (*\------- to I_Model from Model 1b -------/*)
    72 (*/------- to I_Model from Model 1a -------\*)
    73 fun is_var (Free _) = true
    74   | is_var _ = false;
    76 (* special handling for lists. ?WN:14.5.03 ??!? *)
    77 fun dest_list (d, ts) = 
    78   let fun dest t = 
    79     if Input_Descript.is_list_dsc d andalso not (Input_Descript.is_unl d) andalso not (is_var t) (*..for pbt*)
    80     then TermC.isalist2list t
    81     else [t]
    82   in (flat o (map dest)) ts end;
    84 (* revert split_dts only for ts; compare comp_dts *)
    85 fun comp_ts (d, ts) = 
    86   if Input_Descript.is_list_dsc d
    87   then if TermC.is_list (hd ts)
    88 	  then if Input_Descript.is_unl d
    89 	    then (hd ts)             (* e.g. someList [1,3,2] *)
    90 	    else (take_apart_inv ts) (* [ [a], [b] ] -> [a,b] *)
    91 	  else (hd ts)               (* a variable or metavariable for a list *)
    92   else (hd ts);
    93 fun comp_dts (d, []) = 
    94   	if Input_Descript.is_reall_dsc d
    95   	then (d $ e_listReal)
    96   	else if Input_Descript.is_booll_dsc d then (d $ e_listBool) else d
    97   | comp_dts (d, ts) = (d $ (comp_ts (d, ts)))
    98     handle _ => error ("comp_dts: " ^ UnparseC.term d ^ " $ " ^ UnparseC.term (hd ts)); 
    99 fun comp_dts' (d, []) = 
   100     if Input_Descript.is_reall_dsc d
   101     then (d $ e_listReal)
   102     else if Input_Descript.is_booll_dsc d then (d $ e_listBool) else d
   103   | comp_dts' (d, ts) = (d $ (comp_ts (d, ts)))
   104     handle _ => error ("comp_dts': " ^ UnparseC.term d ^ " $ " ^ UnparseC.term (hd ts)); 
   105 fun comp_dts'' (d, []) = 
   106     if Input_Descript.is_reall_dsc d
   107     then UnparseC.term (d $ e_listReal)
   108     else if Input_Descript.is_booll_dsc d
   109       then UnparseC.term (d $ e_listBool)
   110       else UnparseC.term d
   111   | comp_dts'' (d, ts) = UnparseC.term (d $ (comp_ts (d, ts)))
   112     handle _ => error ("comp_dts'': " ^ UnparseC.term d ^ " $ " ^ UnparseC.term (hd ts)); 
   114 (* decompose an input into description, terms (ev. elems of lists),
   115     and the value for the problem-environment; inv to comp_dts   *)
   116 fun split_dts (t as d $ arg) =
   117     if Input_Descript.is_dsc d
   118     then if Input_Descript.is_list_dsc d andalso TermC.is_list arg andalso Input_Descript.is_unl d |> not
   119       then (d, take_apart arg)
   120       else (d, [arg])
   121     else (TermC.empty, TermC.dest_list' t)
   122   | split_dts t =
   123     let val t' as (h, _) = strip_comb t;
   124     in
   125       if Input_Descript.is_dsc h
   126       then (h, dest_list t')
   127       else (TermC.empty, TermC.dest_list' t)
   128     end;
   129 (* version returning ts only *)
   130 fun I_Model.split_dts' (d, arg) = 
   131     if Input_Descript.is_dsc d
   132     then if Input_Descript.is_list_dsc d
   133       then if TermC.is_list arg
   134 	      then if Input_Descript.is_unl d
   135 	        then ([arg])           (* e.g. someList [1,3,2]                 *)
   136 		      else (take_apart arg)  (* [a,b] --> SML[ [a], [b] ]SML          *)
   137 	      else ([arg])             (* a variable or metavariable for a list *)
   138 	     else ([arg])
   139     else (TermC.dest_list' arg)
   140 (* WN170204: Warning "redundant"
   141   | I_Model.split_dts' (d, t) =          (*either dsc or term; 14.5.03 only copied*)
   142     let val (h,argl) = strip_comb t
   143     in
   144       if (not o is_dsc) h
   145       then (dest_list' t)
   146       else (dest_list (h,argl))
   147     end;*)
   148 (* revert split_:
   149  WN050903 we do NOT know which is from subtheory, description or term;
   150  typecheck thus may lead to TYPE-error 'unknown constant';
   151  solution: typecheck with (Thy_Info_get_theory "Isac_Knowledge"); i.e. arg 'thy' superfluous*)
   152 (*fun comp_dts thy (d,[]) = 
   153     Thm.global_cterm_of (*(sign_of o assoc_thy) "Isac_Knowledge"*)
   154 	     (Thy_Info_get_theory "Isac_Knowledge")
   155 	     (*comp_dts:FIXXME stay with term for efficiency !!!*)
   156 	     (if is_reall_dsc d then (d $ e_listReal)
   157 	      else if is_booll_dsc d then (d $ e_listBool)
   158 	      else d)
   159   | comp_dts (d,ts) =
   160     (Thm.global_cterm_of (*(sign_of o assoc_thy) "Isac_Knowledge"*)
   161 	      (Thy_Info_get_theory "Isac_Knowledge")
   162 	      (*comp_dts:FIXXME stay with term for efficiency !!*)
   163 	      (d $ (comp_ts (d, ts)))
   164        handle _ => error ("comp_dts: "^(term2str d)^
   165 				" $ "^(term2str (hd ts))));*)
   166 (*\------- to I_Model from Model 1a -------/*)
   168 (*/------- to I_Model from Model 1c -------\*)
   169 (* 27.8.01: problem-environment
   170 WN.6.5.03: FIXXME reconsider if penv is worth the effort --
   171            -- just rerun a whole expl with num/var may show the same ?!
   172 WN.9.5.03: penv-concept stalled, immediately generate script env !
   173            but [#0, epsilon] only outcommented for eventual reconsideration  *)
   174 type penv = (* problem-environment *)
   175   (term           (* err_                              *)
   176 	 * (term list)  (* [#0, epsilon] 9.5.03 outcommented *)
   177 	) list;
   178 fun pen2str ctxt (t, ts) =
   179   pair2str (UnparseC.term_in_ctxt ctxt t, (strs2str' o map (UnparseC.term_in_ctxt  ctxt)) ts);
   180 fun penv2str_ thy penv = (strs2str' o (map (pen2str thy))) penv;
   181 (*\------- to I_Model from Model 1c -------/*)
   182 (*/------- to I_Model from Model 1 -------\*)
   183 fun feedback_to_string ctxt (Cor ((d, ts), penv)) = 
   184     "Cor " ^ UnparseC.term_in_ctxt  ctxt (comp_dts (d, ts)) ^ " ," ^ pen2str ctxt penv
   185   | feedback_to_string _ (Syn c) = "Syn " ^ c
   186   | feedback_to_string _ (Typ c) = "Typ " ^ c
   187   | feedback_to_string ctxt (Inc ((d, ts), penv)) = 
   188     "Inc " ^ UnparseC.term_in_ctxt  ctxt (comp_dts (d, ts)) ^ " ," ^ pen2str ctxt penv
   189   | feedback_to_string ctxt (Sup (d, ts)) = 
   190     "Sup " ^ UnparseC.term_in_ctxt  ctxt (comp_dts (d, ts))
   191   | feedback_to_string ctxt (Mis (d, pid)) = 
   192     "Mis "^ UnparseC.term_in_ctxt  ctxt d ^ " " ^ UnparseC.term_in_ctxt  ctxt pid
   193   | feedback_to_string _ (Par s) = "Trm "^s;
   194 fun feedback_to_string' t = feedback_to_string (ThyC.id_to_ctxt "Isac_Knowledge") t;
   196 fun single_to_string ctxt (i, is, b, s, itm_) = 
   197   "(" ^ string_of_int i ^ " ," ^ ints2str' is ^ " ," ^ bool2str b ^ " ," ^
   198   s ^ " ," ^ feedback_to_string ctxt itm_ ^ ")";
   199 fun to_string ctxt itms = strs2str' (map (linefeed o (single_to_string ctxt)) itms);
   201 (* in CalcTree/Subproblem an 'untouched' model is created
   202   FIXME.WN.9.03 model should be filled to 'untouched' by Model/Refine_Problem*)
   203 fun untouched itms = foldl and_ (true , map ((curry op = 0) o (#1 : single -> int)) itms);
   204 (*\------- to I_Model from Model 1 -------/*)
   206 (**)end(**);