author wneuper <Walther.Neuper@jku.at>
Wed, 20 Sep 2023 11:30:50 +0200
changeset 60750 d4f6bfc1eb70
parent 60741 22586d7fedb0
child 60764 f82fd40eb400
permissions -rw-r--r--
prepare 6: I_Model.T(*_TEST*) towards final shape
     1 (* Title:  "BridgeJEdit/template.sml"
     2    Author: Walther Neuper
     3 *)
     5 "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------";
     6 "table of contents -----------------------------------------------------------------------------";
     7 "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------";
     8 "----------- build Template.show ---------------------------------------------------------------";
     9 "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------";
    10 "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------";
    11 "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------";
    13 open Template;
    14 "----------- build Template.show ---------------------------------------------------------------";
    15 "----------- build Template.show ---------------------------------------------------------------";
    16 "----------- build Template.show ---------------------------------------------------------------";
    17 (*/---------------------------------------- mimic input from PIDE -----------------------------\*)
    19 (* Test_Example "Diff_App-No.123a" (*complete Model, empty References*) *)
    20 val in_refs as (thy_id, probl_id, meth_id) = ("__", "__/__", "__/__")
    21 val thy = @{theory}
    22 val model_input = (*type Position.T is hidden, thus redefinition*)
    23  [("#Given", [("Constants [r = 7]", Position.none)]),
    24   ("#Where", [("0 < r", Position.none)]),
    25   ("#Find",
    26    [("Maximum A", Position.none), ("AdditionalValues [u, v]", Position.none)]),
    27   ("#Relate",
    28    [("Extremum (A = 2 * u * v - u \<up> 2)", Position.none),
    29     ("SideConditions [(u / 2) \<up> 2 + (2 / v) \<up> 2 = r \<up> 2]", Position.none)])]
    30 : (Model_Pattern.m_field * (string * Position.T) list) list
    31 val example_id = "Diff_App-No.123a";
    32 (*----------------------------------------- init state -----------------------------------------*)
    33 set_data CTbasic_TEST.EmptyPtree @{theory Calculation};
    34 (*\---------------------------------------- mimic input from PIDE -----------------------------/*)
    36 val CTbasic_TEST.EmptyPtree =
    37               (*case*) the_data @{theory Calculation} (*of*);
    39 (* Calculation.thy..*)
    40 "~~~~~ fun init_ctree , args:"; val (thy, example_id) = (thy, example_id);
    41       val user_ctxt = Proof_Context.init_global thy
    42       val example_id' = References_Def.explode_id example_id
    43       val (_, (formalise as (model, refs as (thy_id, probl_id, meth_id)))) =
    44         Store.get (Know_Store.get_expls @{theory}) example_id' example_id' 
    45       val calc_thy = ThyC.get_theory user_ctxt thy_id
    46       val {model = model_patt, ...} = Problem.from_store user_ctxt probl_id
    47       val (o_model, ctxt) = O_Model.init calc_thy model model_patt
    48 ;
    49 (*+*)o_model: O_Model.T; (* |> O_Model.to_string @{context}*)
    50 (*+*)val "Diff_App" = ctxt |> Proof_Context.theory_of |> ThyC.id_of
    51 (*+*)val ("Diff_App", ["univariate_calculus", "Optimisation"], ["Optimisation", "by_univariate_calculus"]) =
    52 (*+*)  refs
    54       val empty_i_model = I_Model.init_TEST o_model model_patt;
    56 (*+*)if I_Model.to_string_TEST @{context} empty_i_model = "[\n" ^
    57 (*+*)  "(1, [1, 2, 3], false ,#Given, (Inc_TEST Constants [] [__=__, __=__], Position.T)), \n" ^
    58 (*+*)  "(2, [1, 2, 3], false ,#Find, (Inc_TEST Maximum __, Position.T)), \n" ^
    59 (*+*)  "(3, [1, 2, 3], false ,#Find, (Inc_TEST AdditionalValues [] [__, __], Position.T)), \n" ^
    60 (*+*)  "(4, [1, 2, 3], false ,#Relate, (Inc_TEST Extremum (__=__), Position.T)), \n" ^
    61 (*+*)  "(5, [1, 2], false ,#Relate, (Inc_TEST SideConditions [] [__=__, __=__], Position.T))]"
    62 (*+*)then () else error "final test of build I_Model.init_TEST FAILED";
    64       val {where_rls, where_, ...} = MethodC.from_store ctxt meth_id;
    65       val (_, preconds) = Pre_Conds.check ctxt where_rls where_ (model_patt, empty_i_model);
    67            show ctxt preconds empty_i_model in_refs;
    68 "~~~~~ fun show , args:"; val (ctxt, preconds, i_model, in_refs) =
    69    (ctxt, preconds, empty_i_model, in_refs);
    70 (*+*)val "[\n(1, [1, 2, 3], false ,#Given, (Inc_TEST Constants [] [__=__, __=__], Position.T)), \n(2, [1, 2, 3], false ,#Find, (Inc_TEST Maximum __, Position.T)), \n(3, [1, 2, 3], false ,#Find, (Inc_TEST AdditionalValues [] [__, __], Position.T)), \n(4, [1, 2, 3], false ,#Relate, (Inc_TEST Extremum (__=__), Position.T)), \n(5, [1, 2], false ,#Relate, (Inc_TEST SideConditions [] [__=__, __=__], Position.T))]"
    71  = i_model |> I_Model.to_string_TEST @{context}
    72   (*let*)
    73     val model_out =
    74            model_to_out ctxt preconds i_model;
    75 "~~~~~ fun model_to_out , args:"; val (ctxt, where_, model) = (ctxt, preconds, i_model);
    77     val given =
    78            items_to_out ctxt "#Given" model;
    79 "~~~~~ fun items_to_out , args:"; val (ctxt, m_field, items) = (ctxt, "#Given", model);
    81 val return_ = (m_field, filter (fn (_, _, _, f, _) => f = m_field) items |>
    82       map (item_to_out ctxt));
    83 "~~~~~ fun item_to_out , args:"; val (ctxt, (_, _, _, _, (I_Model.Inc_TEST ((dsc, [])), _))) =
    84   (ctxt, nth 1 items);
    85 val return_ = (UnparseC.term ctxt dsc ^ " " ^ Model_Pattern.empty_for dsc, Incomplete)
    87 (*+*)val ("Constants [__=__, __=__]", Incomplete) = return_
    88 (*|------------------- contine show ----------------------------------------------------------*)
    89     val fake_string = model_to_string model_out ^ refs_to_string in_refs
    90     val _ = writeln fake_string
    91 ;
    92 if fake_string =
    93   "  Specification:\n" ^
    94   "    Model:\n" ^
    95   "      #Given: \"Constants [__=__, __=__]\" (Incomplete)\n" ^
    96   "      #Where: \n" ^
    97   "      #Find: \"Maximum __\" (Incomplete)\n" ^
    98   "        \"AdditionalValues [__, __]\" (Incomplete)\n" ^
    99   "      #Relate: \"Extremum (__=__)\" (Incomplete)\n" ^
   100   "        \"SideConditions [__=__, __=__]\" (Incomplete)\n" ^
   101   "    References:\n      Theory_Ref: \"__\"\n" ^
   102   "      Problem_Ref: \"__/__\"\n" ^
   103   "      Method_Ref: \"__/__\"\n" ^
   104   "  Solution:"
   105 then () else error "final test of build Template.show CHANGED"