author haftmann
Mon, 28 Jun 2010 15:03:07 +0200
changeset 37591 d3daea901123
parent 36176 3fe7e97ccca8
child 37709 70fafefbcc98
permissions -rw-r--r--
merged constants "split" and "prod_case"
     1 (*  Title:      HOL/Library/Heap_Monad.thy
     2     Author:     John Matthews, Galois Connections; Alexander Krauss, Lukas Bulwahn & Florian Haftmann, TU Muenchen
     3 *)
     5 header {* A monad with a polymorphic heap *}
     7 theory Heap_Monad
     8 imports Heap
     9 begin
    11 subsection {* The monad *}
    13 subsubsection {* Monad combinators *}
    15 datatype exception = Exn
    17 text {* Monadic heap actions either produce values
    18   and transform the heap, or fail *}
    19 datatype 'a Heap = Heap "heap \<Rightarrow> ('a + exception) \<times> heap"
    21 primrec
    22   execute :: "'a Heap \<Rightarrow> heap \<Rightarrow> ('a + exception) \<times> heap" where
    23   "execute (Heap f) = f"
    24 lemmas [code del] = execute.simps
    26 lemma Heap_execute [simp]:
    27   "Heap (execute f) = f" by (cases f) simp_all
    29 lemma Heap_eqI:
    30   "(\<And>h. execute f h = execute g h) \<Longrightarrow> f = g"
    31     by (cases f, cases g) (auto simp: expand_fun_eq)
    33 lemma Heap_eqI':
    34   "(\<And>h. (\<lambda>x. execute (f x) h) = (\<lambda>y. execute (g y) h)) \<Longrightarrow> f = g"
    35     by (auto simp: expand_fun_eq intro: Heap_eqI)
    37 lemma Heap_strip: "(\<And>f. PROP P f) \<equiv> (\<And>g. PROP P (Heap g))"
    38 proof
    39   fix g :: "heap \<Rightarrow> ('a + exception) \<times> heap" 
    40   assume "\<And>f. PROP P f"
    41   then show "PROP P (Heap g)" .
    42 next
    43   fix f :: "'a Heap" 
    44   assume assm: "\<And>g. PROP P (Heap g)"
    45   then have "PROP P (Heap (execute f))" .
    46   then show "PROP P f" by simp
    47 qed
    49 definition
    50   heap :: "(heap \<Rightarrow> 'a \<times> heap) \<Rightarrow> 'a Heap" where
    51   [code del]: "heap f = Heap (\<lambda>h. apfst Inl (f h))"
    53 lemma execute_heap [simp]:
    54   "execute (heap f) h = apfst Inl (f h)"
    55   by (simp add: heap_def)
    57 definition
    58   bindM :: "'a Heap \<Rightarrow> ('a \<Rightarrow> 'b Heap) \<Rightarrow> 'b Heap" (infixl ">>=" 54) where
    59   [code del]: "f >>= g = Heap (\<lambda>h. case execute f h of
    60                   (Inl x, h') \<Rightarrow> execute (g x) h'
    61                 | r \<Rightarrow> r)"
    63 notation
    64   bindM (infixl "\<guillemotright>=" 54)
    66 abbreviation
    67   chainM :: "'a Heap \<Rightarrow> 'b Heap \<Rightarrow> 'b Heap"  (infixl ">>" 54) where
    68   "f >> g \<equiv> f >>= (\<lambda>_. g)"
    70 notation
    71   chainM (infixl "\<guillemotright>" 54)
    73 definition
    74   return :: "'a \<Rightarrow> 'a Heap" where
    75   [code del]: "return x = heap (Pair x)"
    77 lemma execute_return [simp]:
    78   "execute (return x) h = apfst Inl (x, h)"
    79   by (simp add: return_def)
    81 definition
    82   raise :: "string \<Rightarrow> 'a Heap" where -- {* the string is just decoration *}
    83   [code del]: "raise s = Heap (Pair (Inr Exn))"
    85 lemma execute_raise [simp]:
    86   "execute (raise s) h = (Inr Exn, h)"
    87   by (simp add: raise_def)
    90 subsubsection {* do-syntax *}
    92 text {*
    93   We provide a convenient do-notation for monadic expressions
    94   well-known from Haskell.  @{const Let} is printed
    95   specially in do-expressions.
    96 *}
    98 nonterminals do_expr
   100 syntax
   101   "_do" :: "do_expr \<Rightarrow> 'a"
   102     ("(do (_)//done)" [12] 100)
   103   "_bindM" :: "pttrn \<Rightarrow> 'a \<Rightarrow> do_expr \<Rightarrow> do_expr"
   104     ("_ <- _;//_" [1000, 13, 12] 12)
   105   "_chainM" :: "'a \<Rightarrow> do_expr \<Rightarrow> do_expr"
   106     ("_;//_" [13, 12] 12)
   107   "_let" :: "pttrn \<Rightarrow> 'a \<Rightarrow> do_expr \<Rightarrow> do_expr"
   108     ("let _ = _;//_" [1000, 13, 12] 12)
   109   "_nil" :: "'a \<Rightarrow> do_expr"
   110     ("_" [12] 12)
   112 syntax (xsymbols)
   113   "_bindM" :: "pttrn \<Rightarrow> 'a \<Rightarrow> do_expr \<Rightarrow> do_expr"
   114     ("_ \<leftarrow> _;//_" [1000, 13, 12] 12)
   116 translations
   117   "_do f" => "f"
   118   "_bindM x f g" => "f \<guillemotright>= (\<lambda>x. g)"
   119   "_chainM f g" => "f \<guillemotright> g"
   120   "_let x t f" => "CONST Let t (\<lambda>x. f)"
   121   "_nil f" => "f"
   123 print_translation {*
   124 let
   125   fun dest_abs_eta (Abs (abs as (_, ty, _))) =
   126         let
   127           val (v, t) = Syntax.variant_abs abs;
   128         in (Free (v, ty), t) end
   129     | dest_abs_eta t =
   130         let
   131           val (v, t) = Syntax.variant_abs ("", dummyT, t $ Bound 0);
   132         in (Free (v, dummyT), t) end;
   133   fun unfold_monad (Const (@{const_syntax bindM}, _) $ f $ g) =
   134         let
   135           val (v, g') = dest_abs_eta g;
   136           val vs = fold_aterms (fn Free (v, _) => insert (op =) v | _ => I) v [];
   137           val v_used = fold_aterms
   138             (fn Free (w, _) => (fn s => s orelse member (op =) vs w) | _ => I) g' false;
   139         in if v_used then
   140           Const (@{syntax_const "_bindM"}, dummyT) $ v $ f $ unfold_monad g'
   141         else
   142           Const (@{syntax_const "_chainM"}, dummyT) $ f $ unfold_monad g'
   143         end
   144     | unfold_monad (Const (@{const_syntax chainM}, _) $ f $ g) =
   145         Const (@{syntax_const "_chainM"}, dummyT) $ f $ unfold_monad g
   146     | unfold_monad (Const (@{const_syntax Let}, _) $ f $ g) =
   147         let
   148           val (v, g') = dest_abs_eta g;
   149         in Const (@{syntax_const "_let"}, dummyT) $ v $ f $ unfold_monad g' end
   150     | unfold_monad (Const (@{const_syntax Pair}, _) $ f) =
   151         Const (@{const_syntax return}, dummyT) $ f
   152     | unfold_monad f = f;
   153   fun contains_bindM (Const (@{const_syntax bindM}, _) $ _ $ _) = true
   154     | contains_bindM (Const (@{const_syntax Let}, _) $ _ $ Abs (_, _, t)) =
   155         contains_bindM t;
   156   fun bindM_monad_tr' (f::g::ts) = list_comb
   157     (Const (@{syntax_const "_do"}, dummyT) $
   158       unfold_monad (Const (@{const_syntax bindM}, dummyT) $ f $ g), ts);
   159   fun Let_monad_tr' (f :: (g as Abs (_, _, g')) :: ts) =
   160     if contains_bindM g' then list_comb
   161       (Const (@{syntax_const "_do"}, dummyT) $
   162         unfold_monad (Const (@{const_syntax Let}, dummyT) $ f $ g), ts)
   163     else raise Match;
   164 in
   165  [(@{const_syntax bindM}, bindM_monad_tr'),
   166   (@{const_syntax Let}, Let_monad_tr')]
   167 end;
   168 *}
   171 subsection {* Monad properties *}
   173 subsubsection {* Monad laws *}
   175 lemma return_bind: "return x \<guillemotright>= f = f x"
   176   by (simp add: bindM_def return_def)
   178 lemma bind_return: "f \<guillemotright>= return = f"
   179 proof (rule Heap_eqI)
   180   fix h
   181   show "execute (f \<guillemotright>= return) h = execute f h"
   182     by (auto simp add: bindM_def return_def split: sum.splits prod.splits)
   183 qed
   185 lemma bind_bind: "(f \<guillemotright>= g) \<guillemotright>= h = f \<guillemotright>= (\<lambda>x. g x \<guillemotright>= h)"
   186   by (rule Heap_eqI) (auto simp add: bindM_def split: split: sum.splits prod.splits)
   188 lemma bind_bind': "f \<guillemotright>= (\<lambda>x. g x \<guillemotright>= h x) = f \<guillemotright>= (\<lambda>x. g x \<guillemotright>= (\<lambda>y. return (x, y))) \<guillemotright>= (\<lambda>(x, y). h x y)"
   189   by (rule Heap_eqI) (auto simp add: bindM_def split: split: sum.splits prod.splits)
   191 lemma raise_bind: "raise e \<guillemotright>= f = raise e"
   192   by (simp add: raise_def bindM_def)
   195 lemmas monad_simp = return_bind bind_return bind_bind raise_bind
   198 subsection {* Generic combinators *}
   200 definition
   201   liftM :: "('a \<Rightarrow> 'b) \<Rightarrow> 'a \<Rightarrow> 'b Heap"
   202 where
   203   "liftM f = return o f"
   205 definition
   206   compM :: "('a \<Rightarrow> 'b Heap) \<Rightarrow> ('b \<Rightarrow> 'c Heap) \<Rightarrow> 'a \<Rightarrow> 'c Heap" (infixl ">>==" 54)
   207 where
   208   "(f >>== g) = (\<lambda>x. f x \<guillemotright>= g)"
   210 notation
   211   compM (infixl "\<guillemotright>==" 54)
   213 lemma liftM_collapse: "liftM f x = return (f x)"
   214   by (simp add: liftM_def)
   216 lemma liftM_compM: "liftM f \<guillemotright>== g = g o f"
   217   by (auto intro: Heap_eqI' simp add: expand_fun_eq liftM_def compM_def bindM_def)
   219 lemma compM_return: "f \<guillemotright>== return = f"
   220   by (simp add: compM_def monad_simp)
   222 lemma compM_compM: "(f \<guillemotright>== g) \<guillemotright>== h = f \<guillemotright>== (g \<guillemotright>== h)"
   223   by (simp add: compM_def monad_simp)
   225 lemma liftM_bind:
   226   "(\<lambda>x. liftM f x \<guillemotright>= liftM g) = liftM (\<lambda>x. g (f x))"
   227   by (rule Heap_eqI') (simp add: monad_simp liftM_def bindM_def)
   229 lemma liftM_comp:
   230   "liftM f o g = liftM (f o g)"
   231   by (rule Heap_eqI') (simp add: liftM_def)
   233 lemmas monad_simp' = monad_simp liftM_compM compM_return
   234   compM_compM liftM_bind liftM_comp
   236 primrec 
   237   mapM :: "('a \<Rightarrow> 'b Heap) \<Rightarrow> 'a list \<Rightarrow> 'b list Heap"
   238 where
   239   "mapM f [] = return []"
   240   | "mapM f (x#xs) = do y \<leftarrow> f x;
   241                         ys \<leftarrow> mapM f xs;
   242                         return (y # ys)
   243                      done"
   245 primrec
   246   foldM :: "('a \<Rightarrow> 'b \<Rightarrow> 'b Heap) \<Rightarrow> 'a list \<Rightarrow> 'b \<Rightarrow> 'b Heap"
   247 where
   248   "foldM f [] s = return s"
   249   | "foldM f (x#xs) s = f x s \<guillemotright>= foldM f xs"
   251 definition
   252   assert :: "('a \<Rightarrow> bool) \<Rightarrow> 'a \<Rightarrow> 'a Heap"
   253 where
   254   "assert P x = (if P x then return x else raise (''assert''))"
   256 lemma assert_cong [fundef_cong]:
   257   assumes "P = P'"
   258   assumes "\<And>x. P' x \<Longrightarrow> f x = f' x"
   259   shows "(assert P x >>= f) = (assert P' x >>= f')"
   260   using assms by (auto simp add: assert_def return_bind raise_bind)
   262 subsubsection {* A monadic combinator for simple recursive functions *}
   264 text {* Using a locale to fix arguments f and g of MREC *}
   266 locale mrec =
   267 fixes
   268   f :: "'a => ('b + 'a) Heap"
   269   and g :: "'a => 'a => 'b => 'b Heap"
   270 begin
   272 function (default "\<lambda>(x,h). (Inr Exn, undefined)") 
   273   mrec 
   274 where
   275   "mrec x h = 
   276    (case Heap_Monad.execute (f x) h of
   277      (Inl (Inl r), h') \<Rightarrow> (Inl r, h')
   278    | (Inl (Inr s), h') \<Rightarrow> 
   279           (case mrec s h' of
   280              (Inl z, h'') \<Rightarrow> Heap_Monad.execute (g x s z) h''
   281            | (Inr e, h'') \<Rightarrow> (Inr e, h''))
   282    | (Inr e, h') \<Rightarrow> (Inr e, h')
   283    )"
   284 by auto
   286 lemma graph_implies_dom:
   287   "mrec_graph x y \<Longrightarrow> mrec_dom x"
   288 apply (induct rule:mrec_graph.induct) 
   289 apply (rule accpI)
   290 apply (erule mrec_rel.cases)
   291 by simp
   293 lemma mrec_default: "\<not> mrec_dom (x, h) \<Longrightarrow> mrec x h = (Inr Exn, undefined)"
   294   unfolding mrec_def 
   295   by (rule fundef_default_value[OF mrec_sumC_def graph_implies_dom, of _ _ "(x, h)", simplified])
   297 lemma mrec_di_reverse: 
   298   assumes "\<not> mrec_dom (x, h)"
   299   shows "
   300    (case Heap_Monad.execute (f x) h of
   301      (Inl (Inl r), h') \<Rightarrow> False
   302    | (Inl (Inr s), h') \<Rightarrow> \<not> mrec_dom (s, h')
   303    | (Inr e, h') \<Rightarrow> False
   304    )" 
   305 using assms
   306 by (auto split:prod.splits sum.splits)
   307  (erule notE, rule accpI, elim mrec_rel.cases, simp)+
   310 lemma mrec_rule:
   311   "mrec x h = 
   312    (case Heap_Monad.execute (f x) h of
   313      (Inl (Inl r), h') \<Rightarrow> (Inl r, h')
   314    | (Inl (Inr s), h') \<Rightarrow> 
   315           (case mrec s h' of
   316              (Inl z, h'') \<Rightarrow> Heap_Monad.execute (g x s z) h''
   317            | (Inr e, h'') \<Rightarrow> (Inr e, h''))
   318    | (Inr e, h') \<Rightarrow> (Inr e, h')
   319    )"
   320 apply (cases "mrec_dom (x,h)", simp)
   321 apply (frule mrec_default)
   322 apply (frule mrec_di_reverse, simp)
   323 by (auto split: sum.split prod.split simp: mrec_default)
   326 definition
   327   "MREC x = Heap (mrec x)"
   329 lemma MREC_rule:
   330   "MREC x = 
   331   (do y \<leftarrow> f x;
   332                 (case y of 
   333                 Inl r \<Rightarrow> return r
   334               | Inr s \<Rightarrow> 
   335                 do z \<leftarrow> MREC s ;
   336                    g x s z
   337                 done) done)"
   338   unfolding MREC_def
   339   unfolding bindM_def return_def
   340   apply simp
   341   apply (rule ext)
   342   apply (unfold mrec_rule[of x])
   343   by (auto split:prod.splits sum.splits)
   346 lemma MREC_pinduct:
   347   assumes "Heap_Monad.execute (MREC x) h = (Inl r, h')"
   348   assumes non_rec_case: "\<And> x h h' r. Heap_Monad.execute (f x) h = (Inl (Inl r), h') \<Longrightarrow> P x h h' r"
   349   assumes rec_case: "\<And> x h h1 h2 h' s z r. Heap_Monad.execute (f x) h = (Inl (Inr s), h1) \<Longrightarrow> Heap_Monad.execute (MREC s) h1 = (Inl z, h2) \<Longrightarrow> P s h1 h2 z
   350     \<Longrightarrow> Heap_Monad.execute (g x s z) h2 = (Inl r, h') \<Longrightarrow> P x h h' r"
   351   shows "P x h h' r"
   352 proof -
   353   from assms(1) have mrec: "mrec x h = (Inl r, h')"
   354     unfolding MREC_def execute.simps .
   355   from mrec have dom: "mrec_dom (x, h)"
   356     apply -
   357     apply (rule ccontr)
   358     apply (drule mrec_default) by auto
   359   from mrec have h'_r: "h' = (snd (mrec x h))" "r = (Sum_Type.Projl (fst (mrec x h)))"
   360     by auto
   361   from mrec have "P x h (snd (mrec x h)) (Sum_Type.Projl (fst (mrec x h)))"
   362   proof (induct arbitrary: r h' rule: mrec.pinduct[OF dom])
   363     case (1 x h)
   364     obtain rr h' where "mrec x h = (rr, h')" by fastsimp
   365     obtain fret h1 where exec_f: "Heap_Monad.execute (f x) h = (fret, h1)" by fastsimp
   366     show ?case
   367     proof (cases fret)
   368       case (Inl a)
   369       note Inl' = this
   370       show ?thesis
   371       proof (cases a)
   372         case (Inl aa)
   373         from this Inl' 1(1) exec_f mrec non_rec_case show ?thesis
   374           by auto
   375       next
   376         case (Inr b)
   377         note Inr' = this
   378         obtain ret_mrec h2 where mrec_rec: "mrec b h1 = (ret_mrec, h2)" by fastsimp
   379         from this Inl 1(1) exec_f mrec show ?thesis
   380         proof (cases "ret_mrec")
   381           case (Inl aaa)
   382           from this mrec exec_f Inl' Inr' 1(1) mrec_rec 1(2) [OF exec_f [symmetric] Inl' Inr', of "aaa" "h2"] 1(3)
   383             show ?thesis
   384               apply auto
   385               apply (rule rec_case)
   386               unfolding MREC_def by auto
   387         next
   388           case (Inr b)
   389           from this Inl 1(1) exec_f mrec Inr' mrec_rec 1(3) show ?thesis by auto
   390         qed
   391       qed
   392     next
   393       case (Inr b)
   394       from this 1(1) mrec exec_f 1(3) show ?thesis by simp
   395     qed
   396   qed
   397   from this h'_r show ?thesis by simp
   398 qed
   400 end
   402 text {* Providing global versions of the constant and the theorems *}
   404 abbreviation "MREC == mrec.MREC"
   405 lemmas MREC_rule = mrec.MREC_rule
   406 lemmas MREC_pinduct = mrec.MREC_pinduct
   408 hide_const (open) heap execute
   411 subsection {* Code generator setup *}
   413 subsubsection {* Logical intermediate layer *}
   415 definition
   416   Fail :: "String.literal \<Rightarrow> exception"
   417 where
   418   [code del]: "Fail s = Exn"
   420 definition
   421   raise_exc :: "exception \<Rightarrow> 'a Heap"
   422 where
   423   [code del]: "raise_exc e = raise []"
   425 lemma raise_raise_exc [code, code_unfold]:
   426   "raise s = raise_exc (Fail (STR s))"
   427   unfolding Fail_def raise_exc_def raise_def ..
   429 hide_const (open) Fail raise_exc
   432 subsubsection {* SML and OCaml *}
   434 code_type Heap (SML "unit/ ->/ _")
   435 code_const Heap (SML "raise/ (Fail/ \"bare Heap\")")
   436 code_const "op \<guillemotright>=" (SML "!(fn/ f'_/ =>/ fn/ ()/ =>/ f'_/ (_/ ())/ ())")
   437 code_const return (SML "!(fn/ ()/ =>/ _)")
   438 code_const "Heap_Monad.Fail" (SML "Fail")
   439 code_const "Heap_Monad.raise_exc" (SML "!(fn/ ()/ =>/ raise/ _)")
   441 code_type Heap (OCaml "_")
   442 code_const Heap (OCaml "failwith/ \"bare Heap\"")
   443 code_const "op \<guillemotright>=" (OCaml "!(fun/ f'_/ ()/ ->/ f'_/ (_/ ())/ ())")
   444 code_const return (OCaml "!(fun/ ()/ ->/ _)")
   445 code_const "Heap_Monad.Fail" (OCaml "Failure")
   446 code_const "Heap_Monad.raise_exc" (OCaml "!(fun/ ()/ ->/ raise/ _)")
   448 setup {*
   450 let
   452 open Code_Thingol;
   454 fun imp_program naming =
   456   let
   457     fun is_const c = case lookup_const naming c
   458      of SOME c' => (fn c'' => c' = c'')
   459       | NONE => K false;
   460     val is_bindM = is_const @{const_name bindM};
   461     val is_return = is_const @{const_name return};
   462     val dummy_name = "";
   463     val dummy_type = ITyVar dummy_name;
   464     val dummy_case_term = IVar NONE;
   465     (*assumption: dummy values are not relevant for serialization*)
   466     val unitt = case lookup_const naming @{const_name Unity}
   467      of SOME unit' => IConst (unit', (([], []), []))
   468       | NONE => error ("Must include " ^ @{const_name Unity} ^ " in generated constants.");
   469     fun dest_abs ((v, ty) `|=> t, _) = ((v, ty), t)
   470       | dest_abs (t, ty) =
   471           let
   472             val vs = fold_varnames cons t [];
   473             val v = Name.variant vs "x";
   474             val ty' = (hd o fst o unfold_fun) ty;
   475           in ((SOME v, ty'), t `$ IVar (SOME v)) end;
   476     fun force (t as IConst (c, _) `$ t') = if is_return c
   477           then t' else t `$ unitt
   478       | force t = t `$ unitt;
   479     fun tr_bind' [(t1, _), (t2, ty2)] =
   480       let
   481         val ((v, ty), t) = dest_abs (t2, ty2);
   482       in ICase (((force t1, ty), [(IVar v, tr_bind'' t)]), dummy_case_term) end
   483     and tr_bind'' t = case unfold_app t
   484          of (IConst (c, (_, ty1 :: ty2 :: _)), [x1, x2]) => if is_bindM c
   485               then tr_bind' [(x1, ty1), (x2, ty2)]
   486               else force t
   487           | _ => force t;
   488     fun imp_monad_bind'' ts = (SOME dummy_name, dummy_type) `|=> ICase (((IVar (SOME dummy_name), dummy_type),
   489       [(unitt, tr_bind' ts)]), dummy_case_term)
   490     and imp_monad_bind' (const as (c, (_, tys))) ts = if is_bindM c then case (ts, tys)
   491        of ([t1, t2], ty1 :: ty2 :: _) => imp_monad_bind'' [(t1, ty1), (t2, ty2)]
   492         | ([t1, t2, t3], ty1 :: ty2 :: _) => imp_monad_bind'' [(t1, ty1), (t2, ty2)] `$ t3
   493         | (ts, _) => imp_monad_bind (eta_expand 2 (const, ts))
   494       else IConst const `$$ map imp_monad_bind ts
   495     and imp_monad_bind (IConst const) = imp_monad_bind' const []
   496       | imp_monad_bind (t as IVar _) = t
   497       | imp_monad_bind (t as _ `$ _) = (case unfold_app t
   498          of (IConst const, ts) => imp_monad_bind' const ts
   499           | (t, ts) => imp_monad_bind t `$$ map imp_monad_bind ts)
   500       | imp_monad_bind (v_ty `|=> t) = v_ty `|=> imp_monad_bind t
   501       | imp_monad_bind (ICase (((t, ty), pats), t0)) = ICase
   502           (((imp_monad_bind t, ty),
   503             (map o pairself) imp_monad_bind pats),
   504               imp_monad_bind t0);
   506   in (Graph.map_nodes o map_terms_stmt) imp_monad_bind end;
   508 in
   510 Code_Target.extend_target ("SML_imp", ("SML", imp_program))
   511 #> Code_Target.extend_target ("OCaml_imp", ("OCaml", imp_program))
   513 end
   515 *}
   517 code_reserved OCaml Failure raise
   520 subsubsection {* Haskell *}
   522 text {* Adaption layer *}
   524 code_include Haskell "Heap"
   525 {*import qualified Control.Monad;
   526 import qualified Control.Monad.ST;
   527 import qualified Data.STRef;
   528 import qualified Data.Array.ST;
   530 type RealWorld = Control.Monad.ST.RealWorld;
   531 type ST s a = Control.Monad.ST.ST s a;
   532 type STRef s a = Data.STRef.STRef s a;
   533 type STArray s a = Data.Array.ST.STArray s Int a;
   535 newSTRef = Data.STRef.newSTRef;
   536 readSTRef = Data.STRef.readSTRef;
   537 writeSTRef = Data.STRef.writeSTRef;
   539 newArray :: (Int, Int) -> a -> ST s (STArray s a);
   540 newArray = Data.Array.ST.newArray;
   542 newListArray :: (Int, Int) -> [a] -> ST s (STArray s a);
   543 newListArray = Data.Array.ST.newListArray;
   545 lengthArray :: STArray s a -> ST s Int;
   546 lengthArray a = Control.Monad.liftM snd (Data.Array.ST.getBounds a);
   548 readArray :: STArray s a -> Int -> ST s a;
   549 readArray = Data.Array.ST.readArray;
   551 writeArray :: STArray s a -> Int -> a -> ST s ();
   552 writeArray = Data.Array.ST.writeArray;*}
   554 code_reserved Haskell Heap
   556 text {* Monad *}
   558 code_type Heap (Haskell "Heap.ST/ Heap.RealWorld/ _")
   559 code_const Heap (Haskell "error/ \"bare Heap\"")
   560 code_monad "op \<guillemotright>=" Haskell
   561 code_const return (Haskell "return")
   562 code_const "Heap_Monad.Fail" (Haskell "_")
   563 code_const "Heap_Monad.raise_exc" (Haskell "error")
   565 end