author Walther Neuper <>
Wed, 26 Dec 2018 14:24:05 +0100
changeset 59489 cfcbcac0bae8
parent 59484 c5f3da9e3645
child 59492 b4fdc7f6bcc7
permissions -rw-r--r--
[-Test_Isac] funpack: further replacement ID::type by char string

plus root' replaced by rootX, compare 863c3629ad24
     1 (* Title:  Specify-phase: specifying and modeling a problem or a subproblem. The
     2            most important types are declared in mstools.sml.
     3            TODO: allocate elements of Selem and of Stool appropriately
     4    Author: Walther Neuper 991122, Mathias Lehnfeld
     5    (c) due to copyright terms
     6 *)
     7 signature SPECIFY_ELEMENT =
     8 sig
     9   type fmz
    10   type fmz_
    11   type result
    12   val res2str : term * term list -> string
    13   datatype safe = Sundef | Safe | Unsafe | Helpless;
    14   val safe2str : safe -> string
    15   type scrstate
    16   datatype istate = RrlsState of Rule.rrlsstate | ScrState of scrstate | Uistate
    17   val istate2str : istate -> string
    18   val e_istate : istate
    19   type subs
    20   type sube
    21   type subte
    22   val subst'_to_sube : term -> Rule.cterm' list
    23   val sube2str : Rule.cterm' list -> string
    24   val sube2subst : theory -> Rule.cterm' list -> (term * term) list
    25   val sube2subte : Rule.cterm' list -> term list
    26   val subs2subst : theory -> Rule.cterm' list -> (term * term) list
    27   val subst2sube : (term * term) list -> Rule.cterm' list                 (* for datatypes.sml *)
    28   val subst2subs : (term * term) list -> Rule.cterm' list
    29   val subst2subs' : (term * term) list -> (string * string) list
    30   val subte2sube : term list -> Rule.cterm' list
    31   val e_ctxt : Proof.context
    32 (*----- needed for tac, tac_ immediately (probably pre-requisites missing)
    33   type istate
    34   type subte
    35   type subs
    36   type sube
    37 *)
    38 (* ---- for tests only: shifted from below to remove the Warning "unused" at fun.def. --------- *)
    39   val e_fmz : fmz_ * Celem.spec                                            (* for datatypes.sml *)
    40   val e_sube : Rule.cterm' list
    41   val e_subs : string list
    42   val scrstate2str : Rule.subst * Celem.loc_ * term option * term * safe * bool -> string
    43   val istates2str : istate option * istate option -> string
    44   val subte2subst : term list -> (term * term) list
    45 (*/-------------------------------------------------------- ! aktivate for Test_Isac BEGIN ---\* )
    46   (*  NONE *)
    47 ( *\--- ! aktivate for Test_Isac END ----------------------------------------------------------/*)
    49 (*----- unused code, kept as hints to design ideas ---------------------------------------------*)
    50 (*----- unused code, kept as hints to design ideas ---------------------------------------------*)
    51   (* NONE *)
    52 end
    54 structure Selem(**): SPECIFY_ELEMENT(**) =
    55 struct
    57 type fmz_ = Rule.cterm' list;
    58 (* a formalization of an example containing data 
    59    sufficient for mechanically finding the solution for the example
    60    FIXME.WN051014: dont store fmz = (_,spec) in the PblObj, this is done in origin *)
    61 type fmz = fmz_ * Celem.spec;
    62 val e_fmz = ([], Celem.e_spec);
    64 type result = term * term list
    65 fun res2str (t, ts) = pair2str (Rule.term2str t, Rule.terms2str ts); (* for tests only *)
    67 datatype safe = Sundef | Safe | Unsafe | Helpless;
    68 fun safe2str Sundef   = "Sundef"
    69   | safe2str Safe     = "Safe"
    70   | safe2str Unsafe   = "Unsafe" 
    71   | safe2str Helpless = "Helpless";
    73 type scrstate =  (* state for script interpreter                       *)
    74 	 LTool.env(*stack*)  (* used to instantiate tac for checking assod
    75 		                12.03.noticed: e_ not updated during execution ?!? *)
    76 	 * Celem.loc_  (* location of tac in script                          *)
    77 	 * term option (* argument of curried functions                      *)
    78 	 * term        (* value obtained by tac executed
    79 		                updated also after a derivation by 'new_val'       *)
    80 	 * safe        (* estimation of how result will be obtained          *)
    81 	 * bool;       (* true = strongly .., false = weakly associated: 
    82 					          only used during ass_dn/up                         *)
    83 fun topt2str NONE = "NONE"
    84   | topt2str (SOME t) = "SOME" ^ Rule.term2str t;
    85 fun scrstate2str (env, loc_, topt, t, safe, bool) = (* for tests only *)
    86   "(" ^  Celem.env2str env ^ ", " ^ Celem.loc_2str loc_ ^ ", " ^ topt2str topt ^ ", \n" ^ 
    87   Rule.term2str t ^ ", " ^ safe2str safe ^ ", " ^ bool2str bool ^ ")";
    89 (* for handling type istate see fun from_pblobj_or_detail', +? *)
    90 datatype istate =                 (*interpreter state*)
    91 	  Uistate                       (*undefined in modspec, in '_deriv'ation*)
    92   | ScrState of scrstate          (*for script interpreter*)
    93   | RrlsState of Rule.rrlsstate; (*for reverse rewriting*)
    94 val e_istate = (ScrState ([], [], NONE, Rule.e_term, Sundef, false));
    96 fun rta2str (r, (t, a)) = "\n(" ^ Rule.rule2str r ^ ",(" ^ Rule.term2str t ^", " ^ Rule.terms2str a ^ "))";
    97 fun istate2str Uistate = "Uistate"
    98   | istate2str (ScrState (e, l, to, t, s, b)) =
    99     "ScrState ("^ Celem.subst2str e ^ ",\n " ^ 
   100     Celem.loc_2str l ^ ", " ^ Rule.termopt2str to ^ ",\n " ^
   101     Rule.term2str t ^ ", " ^ safe2str s ^ ", " ^ bool2str b ^ ")"
   102   | istate2str (RrlsState (t, t1, rss, rtas)) = 
   103     "RrlsState (" ^ Rule.term2str t ^ ", " ^ Rule.term2str t1 ^ ", " ^
   104     (strs2str o (map (strs2str o (map Rule.rule2str)))) rss ^ ", " ^
   105     (strs2str o (map rta2str)) rtas ^ ")";
   106 fun istates2str (NONE, NONE) = "(#NONE, #NONE)"  (* for tests only *)
   107   | istates2str (NONE, SOME ist) = "(#NONE,\n#SOME " ^ istate2str ist ^ ")"
   108   | istates2str (SOME ist, NONE) = "(#SOME " ^ istate2str ist ^ ",\n #NONE)"
   109   | istates2str (SOME i1, SOME i2) = "(#SOME " ^ istate2str i1 ^ ",\n #SOME " ^ istate2str i2 ^ ")";
   111 type subs = Rule.cterm' list; (*16.11.00 for FE-KE*)
   112 val e_subs = ["(bdv, x)"]; (* for tests only *)
   114 (* argument type of tac Rewrite_Inst *)
   115 type sube = Rule.cterm' list;
   116 val e_sube = []: Rule.cterm' list; (* for tests only *)
   117 fun sube2str s = strs2str s;
   119 (* _sub_stitution as _t_erms of _e_qualities *)
   120 type subte = term list;
   122 type subst' = term (* decomposes to "(char list * term) list", where term is Free ("xxx", _)
   123   e.g. @{term "[(''bdv_1'', x::real), (''bdv_2'', y::real), (''bdv_3'', z::real)]"} *)
   124 fun subst'_to_sube sub = (sub 
   125   |> HOLogic.dest_list 
   126   |> map HOLogic.dest_prod 
   127   |> map (fn (e1, e2) => (HOLogic.dest_string e1, Rule.term2str e2))
   128   |> map (fn (e1, e2) => "(" ^ e1 ^ ", " ^ e2 ^ ")"): Rule.cterm' list)
   129   handle TERM _ => raise TERM ("subst'_to_sube: wrong argument ", [sub])
   131 val subte2sube = map Rule.term2str;
   132 val subst2subs = map (pair2str o (apfst Rule.term2str) o (apsnd Rule.term2str));
   133 fun subst2sube subst = map Rule.term2str (map HOLogic.mk_eq subst)
   134 val subst2subs' = map ((apfst Rule.term2str) o (apsnd Rule.term2str));
   135 fun subs2subst thy s = map (TermC.isapair2pair o (TermC.parse_patt thy)) s;
   136 fun sube2subst thy s = map (TermC.dest_equals o (TermC.parse_patt thy)) s;
   137 val sube2subte = map TermC.str2term;
   138 val subte2subst = map HOLogic.dest_eq;
   139 val e_ctxt = Proof_Context.init_global @{theory "Pure"};
   141 end