author Walther Neuper <>
Wed, 08 Apr 2020 16:56:47 +0200
changeset 59857 cbb3fae0381d
parent 59851 4dd533681fef
permissions -rw-r--r--
separate struct Rewrite_Ord
     1 (* Title:  CalcElements/rule-def.sml
     2    Author: Walther Neuper
     3    (c) due to copyright terms
     5 A minimum of code for a mutual recursive datatype definition
     6 awaiting individual specification later.
     7 *)
     8 signature RULE_DEFINITION =
     9 sig
    10   type calc
    11   eqtype calID
    12   eqtype errpatID
    13   type rew_ord
    14   type rew_ord'
    15   type rew_ord_
    16   type eval_fn
    18   datatype rule_set =
    19        Empty
    20      | Repeat of {calc: calc list, erls: rule_set, errpatts: errpatID list, id: string,
    21        preconds: term list, rew_ord: rew_ord, rules: rule list, scr: program, srls: rule_set}
    22      | Seqence of {calc: calc list, erls: rule_set, errpatts: errpatID list, id: string,
    23        preconds: term list, rew_ord: rew_ord, rules: rule list, scr: program, srls: rule_set}
    24      | Rrls of {calc: calc list, erls: rule_set, errpatts: errpatID list, id: string,
    25        prepat: (term list * term) list, rew_ord: rew_ord, scr: program}
    26   and rule = Cal1 of string * eval_fn | Num_Calc of string * eval_fn | Erule
    27      | Rls_ of rule_set | Thm of string * thm
    28   and program =
    29        EmptyScr
    30      | Prog of term
    31      | Rfuns of
    32          {attach_form: rule list list -> term -> term -> (rule * (term * term list)) list,
    33           init_state: term -> term * term * rule list list * (rule * (term * term list)) list,
    34           locate_rule: rule list list -> term -> rule -> (rule * (term * term list)) list,
    35           next_rule: rule list list -> term -> rule option, normal_form: term ->
    36           (term * term list) option}
    37 (* ---- for tests only: shifted from below to remove the Warning "unused" at fun.def. --------- *)
    38   (*NONE*)
    39 (*/-------------------------------------------------------- ! aktivate for Test_Isac BEGIN ---\* )
    40   (*NONE*)
    41 ( *\--- ! aktivate for Test_Isac END ----------------------------------------------------------/*)
    42 end
    44 (**)
    45 structure Rule_Def(**): RULE_DEFINITION(**) =
    46 struct
    47 (**)
    49 type eval_fn = (string -> term -> theory -> (string * term) option);
    51 type rew_ord' = string;
    52 type rew_ord_ = (term * term) list -> term * term -> bool;
    53 type rew_ord = rew_ord' * rew_ord_;
    55 type calID = string;
    56 type cal = calID * eval_fn;
    57 type prog_calcID = string;
    58 type calc = (prog_calcID * cal);
    60 (* error patterns and fill patterns *)
    61 type errpatID = string
    63 (* all these different data justify a step in a calculation *)
    64 datatype rule =
    65     Erule                (*.the empty rule                     .*)
    66   | Thm of (string * Basic_Thm.thm) (* see TODO CLEANUP Thm     *)
    67   | Num_Calc of string *     (*.sml-code manipulating a (sub)term  .*)
    68   	  eval_fn
    69   | Cal1 of string *     (*.sml-code applied only to whole term
    70                             or left/right-hand-side of eqality .*)
    71   	  eval_fn
    72   | Rls_ of rule_set          (*.ie. rule sets may be nested.*)
    73 and program =
    74     EmptyScr
    75   | Prog of term (* a leaf is either a tactic or an 'exp' in 'let v = expr' 
    76                     where 'exp' does not contain a tactic. *)
    77   | Rfuns of     (* for Rrls, usage see rational.sml ----- reverse rewrite -----      *)
    78     {init_state : (* initialise for reverse rewriting by the Interpreter              *)
    79       term ->         (* for this the rrlsstate is initialised:                       *)
    80       term *          (* the current formula:                                         *)
    81                       (* goes locate_input_tactic -> find_next_step via istate        *)
    82       term *          (* the final formula                                            *)
    83       rule list       (* of reverse rewrite set (#1#)                                 *)
    84         list *        (*   may be serveral, eg. in norm_rational                      *)
    85       ( rule *        (* Thm (+ Thm generated from Num_Calc) resulting in ...             *)
    86         (term *       (*   ... rewrite with ...                                       *)
    87         term list))   (*   ... assumptions                                            *)
    88       list,           (* derivation from given term to normalform
    89                          in reverse order with sym_thm;
    90                                                 (#1#) could be extracted from here #1 *)  
    91 	  normal_form:  (* the function which drives the Rrls ##############################*)
    92 	    term -> (term * term list) option,
    93 	  locate_rule:  (* checks a rule R for being a cancel-rule, and if it is,
    94                      then return the list of rules (+ the terms they are rewriting to)
    95                      which need to be applied before R should be applied.
    96                      precondition: the rule is applicable to the argument-term.       *)
    97 	    rule list list -> (* the reverse rule list                                      *)
    98 	    term ->         (* ... to which the rule shall be applied                       *)
    99 	    rule ->         (* ... to be applied to term                                    *)
   100 	    ( rule *        (* value: a rule rewriting to ...                               *)
   101 	      (term *       (*   ... the resulting term ...                                 *)
   102 	      term list))   (*   ... with the assumptions ( //#0)                           *)
   103 	    list,           (*   there may be several such rules; the list is empty,          
   104                            if the rule has nothing to do with e.g. cancelation        *)
   105 	  next_rule:    (* for a given term return the next rules to be done for cancelling *)
   106 	    rule list list->(* the reverse rule list                                        *)
   107 	    term ->         (* the term for which ...                                       *)
   108 	    rule option,    (* ... this rule is appropriate for cancellation;
   109 		                     there may be no such rule (if the term is eg.canceled already*)
   110 	  attach_form:  (* checks an input term TI, if it may belong to e.g. a current 
   111                      cancellation, by trying to derive it from the given term TG.     
   112                      NOT IMPLEMENTED                                                  *)
   113 	    rule list list->(**)
   114 	    term ->         (* TG, the last one agreed upon by user + math-eng              *)
   115 	    term ->         (* TI, the next one input by the user                           *)
   116 	    ( rule *        (* the rule to be applied in order to reach TI                  *) 
   117 	      (term *       (* ... obtained by applying the rule ...                        *)
   118 	      term list))   (* ... and the respective assumptions                           *) 
   119 	    list}           (* there may be several such rules; the list is empty, if the 
   120                          users term does not belong to e.g. a cancellation of the term 
   121                          last agreed upon.                                            *)
   122 and rule_set =
   123     Empty 
   124   | Repeat of (*a confluent and terminating ruleset, in general                         *)
   125     {id : string,          (*for trace_rewrite:=true                                 *)
   126      preconds : term list, (*unused WN020820                                         *)
   127      (*WN060616 for efficiency...                                                    
   128       bdvs    : false,       (*set in prep_rls' for get_bdvs *)*)                    
   129      rew_ord  : rew_ord,   (*for rules*)                                             
   130      erls     : rule_set,       (*for the conditions in rules                             *)
   131      srls     : rule_set,       (*for evaluation of list_fns in script                    *)
   132      calc     : calc list, (*for Calculate in scr, set by prep_rls'                  *)
   133      rules    : rule list,                                                           
   134      errpatts : errpatID list,(*dialog-authoring in Build_Thydata.thy                *)
   135      scr      : program}   (*Prog term: generating intermed.steps  *)                
   136   | Seqence of (*a sequence of rules to be tried only once                               *)
   137     {id : string,          (*for trace_rewrite:=true                                 *)
   138      preconds : term list, (*unused 20.8.02                                          *)
   139      (*WN060616 for efficiency...                                                    
   140       bdvs    : false,       (*set in prep_rls' for get_bdvs *)*)                    
   141      rew_ord  : rew_ord,   (*for rules                                               *)
   142      erls     : rule_set,       (*for the conditions in rules                             *)
   143      srls     : rule_set,       (*for evaluation of list_fns in script                    *)
   144      calc     : calc list, (*for Calculate in scr, set by prep_rls'                  *)
   145      rules    : rule list,
   146      errpatts : errpatID list,(*dialog-authoring in Build_Thydata.thy*)
   147      scr      : program}   (*Prog term  (how to restrict type ???)*)
   149   (*Rrls call SML-code and simulate an rule_set
   150     difference: there is always _ONE_ redex rewritten in 1 call,
   151     thus wrap Rrls by: Rls (Rls_ ...)*)
   152   | Rrls of (* SML-functions within rewriting; step-wise execution provided;   
   153                Rrls simulate an rule_set
   154                difference: there is always _ONE_ redex rewritten in 1 call,
   155                thus wrap Rrls by: Rls (Rls_ ...)                                     *)
   156     {id : string,          (* for trace_rewrite := true                              *)
   157      prepat  : (term list *(* preconds, eval with subst from pattern;                
   158                               if [@{term True}], match decides alone                 *)
   159 		            term )     (* pattern matched with current (sub)term                 *)
   160 		   list,               (* meta-conjunction is or                                 *)
   161      rew_ord  : rew_ord,   (* for rules                                              *)
   162      erls     : rule_set,       (* for the conditions in rules and preconds               *)
   163      calc     : calc list, (* for Calculate in scr, set prep_rls'       *)
   164      errpatts : errpatID list,(*dialog-authoring in Build_Thydata.thy*)              
   165      scr      : program};      (* Rfuns {...}  (how to restrict type ???)                *)
   168 (**)end(**)