author blanchet
Fri, 20 Jul 2012 22:19:46 +0200
changeset 49407 ca998fa08cd9
parent 49399 83dc102041e6
child 49409 82fc8c956cdc
permissions -rw-r--r--
added "learn_from_atp" command to MaSh, for patient users
     1 (*  Title:      HOL/Tools/Sledgehammer/sledgehammer_minimize.ML
     2     Author:     Philipp Meyer, TU Muenchen
     3     Author:     Jasmin Blanchette, TU Muenchen
     5 Minimization of fact list for Metis using external provers.
     6 *)
     8 signature SLEDGEHAMMER_MINIMIZE =
     9 sig
    10   type stature = ATP_Problem_Generate.stature
    11   type play =
    12   type mode = Sledgehammer_Provers.mode
    13   type params = Sledgehammer_Provers.params
    14   type prover = Sledgehammer_Provers.prover
    16   val binary_min_facts : int Config.T
    17   val auto_minimize_min_facts : int Config.T
    18   val auto_minimize_max_time : real Config.T
    19   val minimize_facts :
    20     (thm list -> unit) -> string -> params -> bool -> int -> int -> Proof.state
    21     -> ((string * stature) * thm list) list
    22     -> ((string * stature) * thm list) list option
    23        * ((unit -> play) * (play -> string) * string)
    24   val get_minimizing_prover :
    25     Proof.context -> mode -> (thm list -> unit) -> string -> prover
    26   val run_minimize :
    27     params -> (thm list -> unit) -> int -> (Facts.ref * Attrib.src list) list
    28     -> Proof.state -> unit
    29 end;
    31 structure Sledgehammer_Minimize : SLEDGEHAMMER_MINIMIZE =
    32 struct
    34 open ATP_Util
    35 open ATP_Proof
    36 open ATP_Problem_Generate
    37 open ATP_Proof_Reconstruct
    38 open Sledgehammer_Util
    39 open Sledgehammer_Fact
    40 open Sledgehammer_Provers
    42 (* wrapper for calling external prover *)
    44 fun n_facts names =
    45   let val n = length names in
    46     string_of_int n ^ " fact" ^ plural_s n ^
    47     (if n > 0 then
    48        ": " ^ (names |> map fst |> sort string_ord |> space_implode " ")
    49      else
    50        "")
    51   end
    53 fun print silent f = if silent then () else Output.urgent_message (f ())
    55 fun test_facts ({debug, verbose, overlord, provers, max_mono_iters,
    56                  max_new_mono_instances, type_enc, strict, lam_trans,
    57                  uncurried_aliases, isar_proof, isar_shrink_factor,
    58                  preplay_timeout, ...} : params)
    59                silent (prover : prover) timeout i n state facts =
    60   let
    61     val _ =
    62       print silent (fn () =>
    63           "Testing " ^ n_facts (map fst facts) ^
    64           (if verbose then " (timeout: " ^ string_from_time timeout ^ ")"
    65            else "") ^ "...")
    66     val {goal, ...} = Proof.goal state
    67     val facts =
    68       facts |> maps (fn (n, ths) => ths |> map (Untranslated_Fact o pair n))
    69     val params =
    70       {debug = debug, verbose = verbose, overlord = overlord, blocking = true,
    71        provers = provers, type_enc = type_enc, strict = strict,
    72        lam_trans = lam_trans, uncurried_aliases = uncurried_aliases,
    73        learn = false, fact_filter = NONE, max_facts = SOME (length facts),
    74        fact_thresholds = (1.01, 1.01), max_mono_iters = max_mono_iters,
    75        max_new_mono_instances = max_new_mono_instances, isar_proof = isar_proof,
    76        isar_shrink_factor = isar_shrink_factor, slice = false,
    77        minimize = SOME false, timeout = timeout,
    78        preplay_timeout = preplay_timeout, expect = ""}
    79     val problem =
    80       {state = state, goal = goal, subgoal = i, subgoal_count = n,
    81        facts = facts}
    82     val result as {outcome, used_facts, run_time, ...} =
    83       prover params (K (K (K ""))) problem
    84   in
    85     print silent
    86           (fn () =>
    87               case outcome of
    88                 SOME failure => string_for_failure failure
    89               | NONE =>
    90                 "Found proof" ^
    91                  (if length used_facts = length facts then ""
    92                   else " with " ^ n_facts used_facts) ^
    93                  " (" ^ string_from_time run_time ^ ").");
    94     result
    95   end
    97 (* minimalization of facts *)
    99 (* Give the external prover some slack. The ATP gets further slack because the
   100    Sledgehammer preprocessing time is included in the estimate below but isn't
   101    part of the timeout. *)
   102 val slack_msecs = 200
   104 fun new_timeout timeout run_time =
   105   Int.min (Time.toMilliseconds timeout,
   106            Time.toMilliseconds run_time + slack_msecs)
   107   |> Time.fromMilliseconds
   109 (* The linear algorithm usually outperforms the binary algorithm when over 60%
   110    of the facts are actually needed. The binary algorithm is much more
   111    appropriate for provers that cannot return the list of used facts and hence
   112    returns all facts as used. Since we cannot know in advance how many facts are
   113    actually needed, we heuristically set the threshold to 10 facts. *)
   114 val binary_min_facts =
   115   Attrib.setup_config_int @{binding sledgehammer_minimize_binary_min_facts}
   116                           (K 20)
   117 val auto_minimize_min_facts =
   118   Attrib.setup_config_int @{binding sledgehammer_auto_minimize_min_facts}
   119       (fn generic => Config.get_generic generic binary_min_facts)
   120 val auto_minimize_max_time =
   121   Attrib.setup_config_real @{binding sledgehammer_auto_minimize_max_time}
   122                            (K 5.0)
   124 fun linear_minimize test timeout result xs =
   125   let
   126     fun min _ [] p = p
   127       | min timeout (x :: xs) (seen, result) =
   128         case test timeout (xs @ seen) of
   129           result as {outcome = NONE, used_facts, run_time, ...}
   130           : prover_result =>
   131           min (new_timeout timeout run_time) (filter_used_facts used_facts xs)
   132               (filter_used_facts used_facts seen, result)
   133         | _ => min timeout xs (x :: seen, result)
   134   in min timeout xs ([], result) end
   136 fun binary_minimize test timeout result xs =
   137   let
   138     fun min depth (result as {run_time, ...} : prover_result) sup
   139             (xs as _ :: _ :: _) =
   140         let
   141           val (l0, r0) = chop (length xs div 2) xs
   142 (*
   143           val _ = warning (replicate_string depth " " ^ "{ " ^
   144                            "sup: " ^ n_facts (map fst sup))
   145           val _ = warning (replicate_string depth " " ^ "  " ^
   146                            "xs: " ^ n_facts (map fst xs))
   147           val _ = warning (replicate_string depth " " ^ "  " ^
   148                            "l0: " ^ n_facts (map fst l0))
   149           val _ = warning (replicate_string depth " " ^ "  " ^
   150                            "r0: " ^ n_facts (map fst r0))
   151 *)
   152           val depth = depth + 1
   153           val timeout = new_timeout timeout run_time
   154         in
   155           case test timeout (sup @ l0) of
   156             result as {outcome = NONE, used_facts, ...} =>
   157             min depth result (filter_used_facts used_facts sup)
   158                       (filter_used_facts used_facts l0)
   159           | _ =>
   160             case test timeout (sup @ r0) of
   161               result as {outcome = NONE, used_facts, ...} =>
   162               min depth result (filter_used_facts used_facts sup)
   163                         (filter_used_facts used_facts r0)
   164             | _ =>
   165               let
   166                 val (sup_r0, (l, result)) = min depth result (sup @ r0) l0
   167                 val (sup, r0) =
   168                   (sup, r0) |> pairself (filter_used_facts (map fst sup_r0))
   169                 val (sup_l, (r, result)) = min depth result (sup @ l) r0
   170                 val sup = sup |> filter_used_facts (map fst sup_l)
   171               in (sup, (l @ r, result)) end
   172         end
   173 (*
   174         |> tap (fn _ => warning (replicate_string depth " " ^ "}"))
   175 *)
   176       | min _ result sup xs = (sup, (xs, result))
   177   in
   178     case snd (min 0 result [] xs) of
   179       ([x], result as {run_time, ...}) =>
   180       (case test (new_timeout timeout run_time) [] of
   181          result as {outcome = NONE, ...} => ([], result)
   182        | _ => ([x], result))
   183     | p => p
   184   end
   186 fun minimize_facts do_learn prover_name (params as {learn, timeout, ...}) silent
   187                    i n state facts =
   188   let
   189     val ctxt = Proof.context_of state
   190     val prover =
   191       get_prover ctxt (if silent then Auto_Minimize else Minimize) prover_name
   192     val _ = print silent (fn () => "Sledgehammer minimizer: " ^
   193                                    quote prover_name ^ ".")
   194     fun test timeout = test_facts params silent prover timeout i n state
   195   in
   196     (case test timeout facts of
   197        result as {outcome = NONE, used_facts, run_time, ...} =>
   198        let
   199          val facts = filter_used_facts used_facts facts
   200          val min =
   201            if length facts >= Config.get ctxt binary_min_facts then
   202              binary_minimize
   203            else
   204              linear_minimize
   205          val (min_facts, {preplay, message, message_tail, ...}) =
   206            min test (new_timeout timeout run_time) result facts
   207        in
   208          print silent (fn () => cat_lines
   209              ["Minimized to " ^ n_facts (map fst min_facts)] ^
   210               (case min_facts |> filter (fn ((_, (sc, _)), _) => sc = Chained)
   211                               |> length of
   212                  0 => ""
   213                | n => "\n(including " ^ string_of_int n ^ " chained)") ^ ".");
   214          (if learn then do_learn (maps snd min_facts) else ());
   215          (SOME min_facts, (preplay, message, message_tail))
   216        end
   217      | {outcome = SOME TimedOut, preplay, ...} =>
   218        (NONE,
   219         (preplay,
   220          fn _ => "Timeout: You can increase the time limit using the \
   221                  \\"timeout\" option (e.g., \"timeout = " ^
   222                  string_of_int (10 + Time.toMilliseconds timeout div 1000) ^
   223                  "\").",
   224          ""))
   225      | {preplay, message, ...} =>
   226        (NONE, (preplay, prefix "Prover error: " o message, "")))
   227     handle ERROR msg =>
   228            (NONE, (K (Failed_to_Play plain_metis), fn _ => "Error: " ^ msg, ""))
   229   end
   231 fun adjust_reconstructor_params override_params
   232         ({debug, verbose, overlord, blocking, provers, type_enc, strict,
   233          lam_trans, uncurried_aliases, learn, fact_filter, max_facts,
   234          fact_thresholds, max_mono_iters, max_new_mono_instances, isar_proof,
   235          isar_shrink_factor, slice, minimize, timeout, preplay_timeout, expect}
   236          : params) =
   237   let
   238     fun lookup_override name default_value =
   239       case AList.lookup (op =) override_params name of
   240         SOME [s] => SOME s
   241       | _ => default_value
   242     (* Only those options that reconstructors are interested in are considered
   243        here. *)
   244     val type_enc = lookup_override "type_enc" type_enc
   245     val lam_trans = lookup_override "lam_trans" lam_trans
   246   in
   247     {debug = debug, verbose = verbose, overlord = overlord, blocking = blocking,
   248      provers = provers, type_enc = type_enc, strict = strict,
   249      lam_trans = lam_trans, uncurried_aliases = uncurried_aliases,
   250      learn = learn, fact_filter = fact_filter, max_facts = max_facts,
   251      fact_thresholds = fact_thresholds, max_mono_iters = max_mono_iters,
   252      max_new_mono_instances = max_new_mono_instances, isar_proof = isar_proof,
   253      isar_shrink_factor = isar_shrink_factor, slice = slice,
   254      minimize = minimize, timeout = timeout, preplay_timeout = preplay_timeout,
   255      expect = expect}
   256   end
   258 fun maybe_minimize ctxt mode do_learn name
   259         (params as {debug, verbose, isar_proof, minimize, ...})
   260         ({state, subgoal, subgoal_count, facts, ...} : prover_problem)
   261         (result as {outcome, used_facts, run_time, preplay, message,
   262                     message_tail} : prover_result) =
   263   if is_some outcome orelse null used_facts then
   264     result
   265   else
   266     let
   267       val num_facts = length used_facts
   268       val ((perhaps_minimize, (minimize_name, params)), preplay) =
   269         if mode = Normal then
   270           if num_facts >= Config.get ctxt auto_minimize_min_facts then
   271             ((true, (name, params)), preplay)
   272           else
   273             let
   274               fun can_min_fast_enough time =
   275                 0.001
   276                 * Real.fromInt ((num_facts + 1) * Time.toMilliseconds time)
   277                 <= Config.get ctxt auto_minimize_max_time
   278               fun prover_fast_enough () = can_min_fast_enough run_time
   279             in
   280               if isar_proof then
   281                 ((prover_fast_enough (), (name, params)), preplay)
   282               else
   283                 let val preplay = preplay () in
   284                   (case preplay of
   285                      Played (reconstr, timeout) =>
   286                      if can_min_fast_enough timeout then
   287                        (true, extract_reconstructor params reconstr
   288                               ||> (fn override_params =>
   289                                       adjust_reconstructor_params
   290                                           override_params params))
   291                      else
   292                        (prover_fast_enough (), (name, params))
   293                    | _ => (prover_fast_enough (), (name, params)),
   294                    K preplay)
   295                 end
   296             end
   297         else
   298           ((false, (name, params)), preplay)
   299       val minimize = minimize |> the_default perhaps_minimize
   300       val (used_facts, (preplay, message, _)) =
   301         if minimize then
   302           minimize_facts do_learn minimize_name params
   303                          (mode <> Normal orelse not verbose) subgoal
   304                          subgoal_count state
   305                          (filter_used_facts used_facts
   306                               (map (apsnd single o untranslated_fact) facts))
   307           |>> (map fst)
   308         else
   309           (SOME used_facts, (preplay, message, ""))
   310     in
   311       case used_facts of
   312         SOME used_facts =>
   313         (if debug andalso not (null used_facts) then
   314            tag_list 1 facts
   315            |> map (fn (j, fact) => fact |> untranslated_fact |> apsnd (K j))
   316            |> filter_used_facts used_facts
   317            |> map (fn ((name, _), j) => name ^ "@" ^ string_of_int j)
   318            |> commas
   319            |> enclose ("Fact" ^ plural_s (length facts) ^ " in " ^ quote name ^
   320                        " proof (of " ^ string_of_int (length facts) ^ "): ") "."
   321            |> Output.urgent_message
   322          else
   323            ();
   324          {outcome = NONE, used_facts = used_facts, run_time = run_time,
   325           preplay = preplay, message = message, message_tail = message_tail})
   326       | NONE => result
   327     end
   329 fun get_minimizing_prover ctxt mode do_learn name params minimize_command
   330                           problem =
   331   get_prover ctxt mode name params minimize_command problem
   332   |> maybe_minimize ctxt mode do_learn name params problem
   334 fun run_minimize (params as {provers, ...}) do_learn i refs state =
   335   let
   336     val ctxt = Proof.context_of state
   337     val reserved = reserved_isar_keyword_table ()
   338     val chained_ths = #facts (Proof.goal state)
   339     val css_table = clasimpset_rule_table_of ctxt
   340     val facts =
   341       refs |> maps (map (apsnd single)
   342                     o fact_from_ref ctxt reserved chained_ths css_table)
   343   in
   344     case subgoal_count state of
   345       0 => Output.urgent_message "No subgoal!"
   346     | n => case provers of
   347              [] => error "No prover is set."
   348            | prover :: _ =>
   349              (kill_provers ();
   350               minimize_facts do_learn prover params false i n state facts
   351               |> (fn (_, (preplay, message, message_tail)) =>
   352                      message (preplay ()) ^ message_tail
   353                      |> Output.urgent_message))
   354   end
   356 end;