author Walther Neuper <neuper@ist.tugraz.at>
Mon, 02 Sep 2013 16:16:08 +0200
changeset 52101 c3f399ce32af
parent 41970 25957ffe68e8
child 55445 33b0f6db720c
permissions -rw-r--r--
Test_Isac works again, almost ..

4 files raise errors:
# Interpret/solve.sml: "solve.sml: interSteps on norm_Rational 2"
# Interpret/inform.sml: "inform.sml: [rational,simplification] 2"
# Knowledge/partial_fractions.sml: "autoCalculate for met_partial_fraction changed: final result"
# Knowledge/eqsystem.sml: "eqsystem.sml: exp 7.70 normalize 4x4 by rewrite changed"

The chunk of changes is due to the fact, that Isac's code still is unstable.
The changes are accumulated since e8f46493af82.
     1 (* WN040107
     2    use"../systest/modspec.sml";
     3    use"systest/modspec.sml";
     4    use"modspec.sml";
     5  *)
     7 "--------- get_interval after replace} other 2 -------------------";
     8 "-----------------------------------------------------------------";
    11 "--------- get_interval after replace} other 2 -------------------";
    12 "--------- get_interval after replace} other 2 -------------------";
    13 "--------- get_interval after replace} other 2 -------------------";
    14  states:=[];
    15  CalcTree [(["equality (x+1=(2::real))", "solveFor x","solutions L"], 
    16    ("Test", ["sqroot-test","univariate","equation","test"],
    17     ["Test","squ-equ-test-subpbl1"]))];
    18  Iterator 1;
    19  moveActiveRoot 1;
    20  autoCalculate 1 CompleteCalc;
    21  moveActiveFormula 1 ([2],Res); (*there is "-1 + x = 0"*)
    22  replaceFormula 1 "x = 1"; 
    23  (*... returns calcChangedEvent with ...*)
    24  val (unc, del, gen) = (([1],Res), ([4],Res), ([3,2],Res));
    25  val ((pt,_),_) = get_calc 1;
    27 print_depth 99;map fst (get_interval ([],Pbl) ([],Res) 9999 pt);print_depth 3;
    28 if map fst (get_interval ([],Pbl) ([],Res) 9999 pt) = 
    29     [([], Pbl), ([1], Frm),([1], Res), ([2], Res), ([3], Pbl), ([3, 1], Frm), 
    30      ([3, 1], Res), ([3, 2, 1], Frm), ([3, 2, 1], Res), ([3, 2, 2], Res),
    31       ([3, 2], Res)] then () else
    32 error "modspec.sml: diff.behav. get_interval after replace} other 2 a";
    34 print_depth 99;map fst (get_interval ([3, 2, 1], Res) ([],Res) 9999 pt); print_depth 3;
    35 if map fst (get_interval ([3, 2, 1], Res) ([],Res) 9999 pt) = 
    36     [([3, 2, 1], Res), ([3, 2, 2], Res), ([3, 2], Res)] then () else
    37 error "modspec.sml: diff.behav. get_interval after replace} other 2 b";