author wneuper <Walther.Neuper@jku.at>
Sun, 11 Sep 2022 14:31:15 +0200
changeset 60549 c0a775618258
parent 60533 b840894bd75a
child 60558 2350ba2640fd
permissions -rw-r--r--
resolve name clash in get_calc
     1 (* Title: \<open>\<close>
     2    Author: Walther Neuper 061019
     3    (c) due to copyright terms
     4 *)
     6 "--------------------------------------------------------";
     7 "--------------------------------------------------------";
     8 "table of contents --------------------------------------";
     9 "--------------------------------------------------------";
    10 (*"----------- CAS-command Simplify -----------------------";*)
    11 "----------- append inform with final result ------------";
    12 "--------------------------------------------------------";
    13 "--------------------------------------------------------";
    14 "--------------------------------------------------------";
    16 val thy = @{theory "Simplify"};
    18 (*
    19   This test is postponed within Isabelle/PIDE/isac development, 
    20   because respective user-requirements are not clarified.
    21   See test/../cas-command.sml --- start Calculation with CAS_Cmd ---
    22   and test/../Test_VSCode_Example.thy subsubsection \<open>Start Example with a CAS_Cmd\<close>
    23   "----------- CAS-command Simplify -----------------------";
    24   "----------- CAS-command Simplify -----------------------";
    25   "----------- CAS-command Simplify -----------------------";
    26   States.reset ();
    27   CalcTree [([], References.empty)];
    28   Iterator 1;
    29   moveActiveRoot 1;
    30   replaceFormula 1 "Simplify (2*a + 3*a)";
    31   autoCalculate 1 (Steps 1);
    32   autoCalculate 1 CompleteCalc;
    33   val ((pt,p),_) = States.get_calc 1;
    34   val Form res = (#1 o ME_Misc.pt_extract) (pt, ([],Res)); Test_Tool.show_pt pt; UnparseC.term res;
    35   if p = ([], Res) andalso UnparseC.term res = "5 * a" then ()
    36   else error "simplify.sml: diff.behav. CAScmd: Simplify (2*a + 3*a)";
    37 *)
    39 "----------- append inform with final result ------------";
    40 "----------- append inform with final result ------------";
    41 "----------- append inform with final result ------------";
    42 States.reset ();
    43 CalcTree [(["Term ((14 * x * y) / ( x * y ))", "normalform N"],
    44 	("Rational", ["rational", "simplification"], ["simplification", "of_rationals"]))];
    45 Iterator 1;
    46 moveActiveRoot 1;
    47 autoCalculate 1 CompleteCalcHead;
    48 val ((pt,p),_) = States.get_calc 1; 
    49 Test_Tool.show_pt pt; (*[
    50 (([], Frm), Simplify (14 * x * y / (x * y)))] *)
    51 ME_Misc.pt_extract (pt, p); (*determines SOME (Apply_Method ["simplification", "of_rationals"])*)
    53 (*/------------------- step into autoCalculate 1 (Steps 1) \<longrightarrow> Apply_Method ----------------\*)
    54 "~~~~~ fun autoCalculate , args:"; val (cI, auto) = (1, Steps 1);
    55      val pold = States.get_pos cI 1
    57 (** )val ("ok", [], (_, ([], Met))) =    (*case*)                                      ( *isa*)
    58 (**)val ("ok", [], (_, ([1], Frm))) =   (*case*)                                     (*isa2*)
    59 Math_Engine.autocalc [] pold (States.get_calc cI) auto (*of*);
    60 "~~~~~  fun autocalc , args:"; val (c, ip, cs, (Solve.Steps s)) = ([], pold, (States.get_calc cI), auto);
    61     (*if*) s <= 1 (*then*);
    63 (** )  val ("ok", (                                                                    (*isa*)
    64         [(Specify_Method ["simplification", "of_rationals"], _, (([], Met), (Uistate, _)))],
    65            [], (_, ([], Met)))) = ( **)
    66 (**)  val ("ok", (                                                                      (*isa2*)
    67         [(Apply_Method ["simplification", "of_rationals"], _, (([1], Frm), (pstate, _)))],
    68            [], (_, ([1], Frm)))) = (**)
    69       Step.do_next ip cs;
    70 "~~~~~ fun do_next , args:"; val ((ip as (_, p_)), (ptp as (pt, p), tacis)) = (ip, cs);
    71   (*if*) Pos.on_calc_end ip (*else*);
    72       val ("Rational", probl_id as ["rational", "simplification"], ["simplification", "of_rationals"]) =
    73   Calc.references (pt, p);                                                        (*isa == isa2*)
    74 val _ =
    75       (*case*) tacis (*of*);
    76         (*if*) probl_id = Problem.id_empty (*else*);
    78 (** )  val ("ok", (                                                                     (*isa*)
    79         [(Specify_Method ["simplification", "of_rationals"], _, (([], Met), (Uistate, _)))],
    80            [], (_, ([], Met)))) = ( **)
    81 (**)  val ("ok", (                                                                      (*isa2*)
    82         [(Apply_Method ["simplification", "of_rationals"], _, (([1], Frm), (pstate, _)))],
    83            [], (_, ([1], Frm)))) = (**)
    84            switch_specify_solve p_ (pt, ip);
    85 "~~~~~ fun switch_specify_solve , args:"; val (state_pos, (pt, input_pos)) = (p_, (pt, ip));
    86       (*if*) Pos.on_specification ([], state_pos) (*then*);
    88 (** )  val ("ok", (                                                                     (*isa*)
    89         [(Specify_Method ["simplification", "of_rationals"], _, (([], Met), (Uistate, _)))],
    90            [], (_, ([], Met)))) = ( **)
    91 (**)  val ("ok", (                                                                      (*isa2*)
    92         [(Apply_Method ["simplification", "of_rationals"], _, (([1], Frm), (pstate, _)))],
    93            [], (_, ([1], Frm)))) = (**)
    94            specify_do_next (pt, input_pos);
    95 "~~~~~ fun specify_do_next , args:"; val (ptp as (pt, (p, p_))) = (pt, input_pos);
    96     val (_, (p_', tac)) = Specify.find_next_step ptp
    98 (** ) val (_, (Met, Specify_Method ["simplification", "of_rationals"])) =             ( *isa*)
    99 (**) val (_, (Met, Apply_Method ["simplification", "of_rationals"])) =               (*isa2*)
   100    Specify.find_next_step ptp;
   101 "~~~~~ fun find_next_step , args:"; val (pt, pos as (_, p_)) = (ptp);
   102     val {meth = met, origin = origin as (oris, o_refs as (_, pI', mI'), _), probl = pbl,
   103       spec = refs, ...} = Calc.specify_data (pt, pos);
   104       (*if*) Ctree.just_created (pt, pos) andalso origin <> Ctree.e_origin (*else*);
   105         (*if*) p_ = Pos.Pbl (*else*);
   107 (** ) val (_, (Met, Specify_Method ["simplification", "of_rationals"])) =             ( *isa*)
   108 (**) val (_, (Met, Apply_Method ["simplification", "of_rationals"])) =               (*isa2*)
   109            for_method oris (o_refs, refs) (pbl, met);
   110 "~~~~~ fun for_method , args:"; val (oris, ((dI', pI', mI'), (dI, pI, mI)), (pbl, met)) =
   111   (oris, (o_refs, refs), (pbl, met));
   112     val cmI = if mI = MethodC.id_empty then mI' else mI;
   113     val {ppc = mpc, prls, pre, ...} = MethodC.from_store cmI;    (*..MethodC ?*)
   115 (** ) val (preok as false, _) = Pre_Conds.check prls pre pbl 0;                       ( *isa*)
   116 (**) val (preok as true, _) = Pre_Conds.check prls pre pbl 0;                        (*isa2*)
   117  (*####  eval asms: "14 * x * y / (x * y) is_ratpolyexp = False"                       (*isa*)
   118                                                          True                        ( *isa2*)
   119 (*\------------------- step into autoCalculate 1 (Steps 1) \<longrightarrow> Apply_Method ----------------/*)
   120 val ((pt,p),_) = States.get_calc 1;  
   121 Test_Tool.show_pt pt;
   122 (*[
   123 (([], Frm), Simplify (14 * x * y / (x * y))),
   124 (([1], Frm), 14 * x * y / (x * y))] *)
   126 appendFormula 1 "14::real" 
   128 val ((pt,p),_) = States.get_calc 1; Test_Tool.show_pt pt;
   129 (*[
   130 (([], Frm), Simplify (14 * x * y / (x * y))),
   131 (([1], Frm), 14 * x * y / (x * y)),
   132 (([1,1], Frm), 14 * x * y / (x * y)),
   133 (([1,1], Res), 14 * (x * y) / (x * y)),
   134 (([1,2], Res), 14 / 1),
   135 (([1,3], Res), 14),
   136 (([1], Res), 14)]*)
   138 autoCalculate 1 (Steps 1);
   139 val ((pt,p),_) = States.get_calc 1; Test_Tool.show_pt pt;
   140 (*[
   141 (([], Frm), Simplify (14 * x * y / (x * y))),
   142 (([1], Frm), 14 * x * y / (x * y)),
   143 (([1,1], Frm), 14 * x * y / (x * y)),
   144 (([1,1], Res), 14 * (x * y) / (x * y)),
   145 (([1,2], Res), 14 / 1),
   146 (([1,3], Res), 14),
   147 (([1], Res), 14),
   148 (([], Res), 14)] *)
   149 val Form res = (#1 o ME_Misc.pt_extract) (pt, ([],Res));
   151 if p = ([], Res) andalso UnparseC.term res = "14" then ()
   152 else error "simplify.sml: append inform with final result changed";