author Walther Neuper <walther.neuper@jku.at>
Sun, 10 May 2020 15:55:30 +0200
changeset 59958 c06b7df89dcd
parent 59956 05e5a8498634
child 59965 0763aec4c5b6
permissions -rw-r--r--
collect code for struct.I_Model
     1 (* Title: tests for Interpret/mstools.sml
     2    Author: Walther Neuper 100930, Mathias Lehnfeld
     3    (c) copyright due to lincense terms.
     4 *)
     5 "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------";
     6 "table of contents -----------------------------------------------------------------------------";
     7 "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------";
     8 "----------- go through Model_Problem until nxt_tac --------------------------------------------";
     9 "----------- fun Input_Descript.join -- fun Input_Descript.split -------------------------------";
    10 "----------- type penv -------------------------------------------------------------------------";
    11 "----------- fun untouched ---------------------------------------------------------------------";
    12 "----------- fun pbl_ids -----------------------------------------------------------------------";
    13 "----------- fun upd_penv ----------------------------------------------------------------------";
    14 "----------- fun upd ---------------------------------------------------------------------------";
    15 "----------- fun upds_envv ---------------------------------------------------------------------";
    16 "----------- fun common_subthy -----------------------------------------------------------------";
    17 "--------------------------------------------------------";
    18 "--------------------------------------------------------";
    19 "--------------------------------------------------------";
    20 "--------------------------------------------------------";
    23 "----------- go through Model_Problem until nxt_tac --------------------------------------------";
    24 "----------- go through Model_Problem until nxt_tac --------------------------------------------";
    25 "----------- go through Model_Problem until nxt_tac --------------------------------------------";
    26 (*FIXME.WN110511 delete this test? (goes through "Model_Problem until nxt_tac)*)
    27 val fmz = ["equality (x+1=(2::real))", "solveFor x","solutions L"];
    28 val (dI',pI',mI') =
    29   ("Test", ["sqroot-test","univariate","equation","test"],
    30    ["Test","squ-equ-test-subpbl1"]);
    31 (*========== inhibit exn AK110725 ================================================
    32 (* ERROR: same as above, see lines 120- 123 *)
    33 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = CalcTreeTEST [(fmz, (dI',pI',mI'))];
    34 ========== inhibit exn AK110725 ================================================*)
    36 (*========== inhibit exn AK110725 ================================================
    37 (* ERROR: p, nxt, pt not declared due to above error *)
    38 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p [1] pt;
    39 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p [1] pt;
    40 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p [1] pt;
    41 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p [1] pt;
    42 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p [1] pt;
    43 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p [1] pt;
    44 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p [1] pt;
    45 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p [1] pt;
    46 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p [1] pt;
    47 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p [1] pt; (*nxt = ("Subproblem",*)
    48 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p [1] pt; (*nxt = ("Model_Problem",*)
    49 "~~~~~ fun me, args:"; val (tac) = nxt;
    50 val (pt, p) = case Step.by_tactic tac (pt,p) of
    51 	("ok", (_, _, ptp))  => ptp | _ => error "script.sml Step.by_tactic";
    52 "~~~~~ fun Step.do_next, args:"; val (ip as (_,p_), (ptp as (pt,p), tacis)) = (p, ((pt, e_pos'), []))
    53 val pIopt = get_pblID (pt,ip);
    54 tacis; (*= []*)
    55 pIopt; (*= SOME ["sqroot-test", "univariate", ...]*)
    56 Library.member op = [Pbl,Met] p_; (*= true*)
    57 "~~~~~ fun nxt_specify_, args:"; val (ptp as (pt, pos as (p,p_))) = (pt, ip);
    58 val pblobj as (PblObj{meth,origin=origin as (oris,(dI',pI',mI'),_),
    59 			  probl,spec=(dI,pI,mI),...}) = get_obj I pt p;
    60 just_created_ pblobj (*by Subproblem*) andalso origin <> e_origin; (*false=oldNB*)
    61 val cpI = if pI = Problem.id_empty then pI' else pI;
    62 		val cmI = if mI = e_metID then mI' else mI;
    63 		val {ppc, prls, where_, ...} = get_pbt cpI;
    64 		val pre = check_preconds "thy 100820" prls where_ probl;
    65 		val pb = foldl and_ (true, map fst pre);
    66 val (_,tac) = nxt_spec p_ pb oris (dI',pI',mI') (probl, meth) 
    67 			    (ppc, (#ppc o get_met) cmI) (dI, pI, mI); (*tac = Add_Given "equality (-1 + x = 0)"*)
    68 "~~~~~ fun Step_Specify.by_tactic_input, args:"; val (Add_Given ct, ptp) = (tac, ptp);
    69 "~~~~~ fun nxt_specif_additem, args:"; val (sel, ct, ptp as (pt, (p, Pbl))) = ("#Given", ct, ptp);
    70 val (PblObj{meth=met,origin=(oris,(dI',pI',_),_),
    71 		  probl=pbl,spec=(dI,pI,_),...}) = get_obj I pt p;
    72 val thy = if dI = ThyC.id_empty then ThyC.get_theory dI' else ThyC.get_theory dI;
    73 val cpI = if pI = Problem.id_empty then pI' else pI;
    74 val ctxt = get_ctxt pt (p, Pbl);
    75 "~~~~~ fun add_single, args:"; val (ctxt, sel, oris, ppc, pbt, str) = (ctxt, sel, oris, pbl, ((#ppc o get_pbt) cpI), ct);
    76 val SOME t = parseNEW ctxt str;
    77 is_known ctxt sel oris t;
    78 "~~~~~ fun is_known, args:"; val (ctxt, sel, ori, t) = (ctxt, sel, oris, t);
    79 val _ = tracing ("RM is_known: t=" ^ UnparseC.term t);
    80 val ots = (Library.distinct op = o flat o (map #5)) (ori:O_Model.T);
    81 val oids = ((map (fst o dest_Free)) o Library.distinct op = o flat o (map vars)) ots;
    82 val (d, ts) = Input_Descript.split t;
    83 "~~~~~ fun Input_Descript.split, args:"; val (t as d $ arg) = t;
    84 (*if Input_Descript.is_a d then () else error "TODO";*)
    85 if Input_Descript.is_a d then () else error "TODO";
    86 "----- these were the errors (call hierarchy from bottom up)";
    87 I_Model.check_single ctxt sel oris pbl ((#ppc o get_pbt) cpI) ct;(*WAS
    88 Err "[error] add_single: is_known: identifiers [equality] not in example"*)
    89 nxt_specif_additem "#Given" ct ptp;(*WAS
    90 Tac "[error] add_single: is_known: identifiers [equality] not in example"*)
    91 Step_Specify.by_tactic_input tac ptp;(*WAS
    92 Tac "[error] add_single: is_known: identifiers [equality] not in example"*)
    93 nxt_specify_ (pt,ip); (*WAS
    94 Tac "[error] add_single: is_known: identifiers [equality] not in example"*)
    95 (*val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p [1] pt; WAS
    96 Tac "[error] add_single: is_known: identifiers [equality] not in example"*)
    97 ========== inhibit exn AK110725 ================================================*)
    99 "----------- fun Input_Descript.join -- fun Input_Descript.split -------------------------------";
   100 "----------- fun Input_Descript.join -- fun Input_Descript.split -------------------------------";
   101 "----------- fun Input_Descript.join -- fun Input_Descript.split -------------------------------";
   102 (*val t = str2term "maximum A"; 
   103 > val (d,ts) = Input_Descript.split thy t; Input_Descript.join thy (d,ts);
   104 val it = "maximum A" : cterm
   105 > val t = str2term "fixedValues [r=Arbfix]"; 
   106 > val (d,ts) = Input_Descript.split thy t; Input_Descript.join thy (d,ts);
   107 "fixedValues [r = Arbfix]"
   108 > val t = str2term "valuesFor [a]"; 
   109 > val (d,ts) = Input_Descript.split thy t; Input_Descript.join thy (d,ts);
   110 "valuesFor [a]"
   111 > val t = str2term "valuesFor [a,b]"; 
   112 > val (d,ts) = Input_Descript.split thy t; Input_Descript.join thy (d,ts);
   113 "valuesFor [a, b]"
   114 > val t = str2term "relations [A=a*b, (a/2)^^^2 + (b/2)^^^2 = r^^^2]"; 
   115 > val (d,ts) = Input_Descript.split thy t; Input_Descript.join thy (d,ts);
   116 relations [A = a * b, (a / 2) ^^^ 2 + (b / 2) ^^^ 2 = r ^^^ 2]"
   117 > val t = str2term "boundVariable a";
   118 > val (d,ts) = Input_Descript.split thy t; Input_Descript.join thy (d,ts);
   119 "boundVariable a"
   120 > val t = str2term "interval {x::real. 0 <= x & x <= 2*r}"; 
   121 > val (d,ts) = Input_Descript.split thy t; Input_Descript.join thy (d,ts);
   122 "interval {x. 0 <= x & x <= 2 * r}"
   124 > val t = str2term "equality (sqrt(9+4*x)=sqrt x + sqrt(5+x))"; 
   125 > val (d,ts) = Input_Descript.split thy t; Input_Descript.join thy (d,ts);
   126 "equality (sqrt (9 + 4 * x) = sqrt x + sqrt (5 + x))"
   127 > val t = str2term "solveFor x"; 
   128 > val (d,ts) = Input_Descript.split thy t; Input_Descript.join thy (d,ts);
   129 "solveFor x"
   130 > val t = str2term "errorBound (eps=0)"; 
   131 > val (d,ts) = Input_Descript.split thy t; Input_Descript.join thy (d,ts);
   132 "errorBound (eps = 0)"
   133 > val t = str2term "solutions L";
   134 > val (d,ts) = Input_Descript.split thy t; Input_Descript.join thy (d,ts);
   135 "solutions L"
   137 before 6.5.03:
   138 > val t = (Thm.term_of o the o (parse thy)) "testdscforlist [#1]";
   139 > val (d,ts) = Input_Descript.split t;
   140 > Input_Descript.join thy (d,ts);
   141 val it = "testdscforlist [#1]" : cterm
   143 > val t = (Thm.term_of o the o (parse thy)) "(A::real)";
   144 > val (d,ts) = Input_Descript.split t;
   145 val d = Const ("empty","empty") : term
   146 val ts = [Free ("A","RealDef.real")] : term list
   147 > val t = (Thm.term_of o the o (parse thy)) "[R=(R::real)]";
   148 > val (d,ts) = Input_Descript.split t;
   149 val d = Const ("empty","empty") : term
   150 val ts = [Const # $ Free # $ Free (#,#)] : term list
   151 > val t = (Thm.term_of o the o (parse thy)) "[#1,#2]";
   152 > val (d,ts) = Input_Descript.split t;
   153 val ts = [Free ("#1","'a"),Free ("#2","'a")] : NOT WANTED
   154 *)
   155 "----------- type penv -------------------------------------------------------------------------";
   156 "----------- type penv -------------------------------------------------------------------------";
   157 "----------- type penv -------------------------------------------------------------------------";
   158 (*
   159   val e_ = (Thm.term_of o the o (parse thy)) "e_::bool";
   160   val ev = (Thm.term_of o the o (parse thy)) "#4 + #3 * x^^^#2 = #0";
   161   val v_ = (Thm.term_of o the o (parse thy)) "v_";
   162   val vv = (Thm.term_of o the o (parse thy)) "x";
   163   val r_ = (Thm.term_of o the o (parse thy)) "err_::bool";
   164   val rv1 = (Thm.term_of o the o (parse thy)) "#0";
   165   val rv2 = (Thm.term_of o the o (parse thy)) "eps";
   167   val penv = [(e_,[ev]),(v_,[vv]),(r_,[rv2,rv2])]:penv;
   168   map getval penv;
   169 [(Free ("e_","bool"),
   170   Const (#,#) $ (# $ # $ (# $ #)) $ Free ("#0","RealDef.real")),
   171  (Free ("v_","RealDef.real"),Free ("x","RealDef.real")),
   172  (Free ("err_","bool"),Free ("#0","RealDef.real"))] : (term * term) list      
   173 *)
   174 "----------- fun untouched ---------------------------------------------------------------------";
   175 "----------- fun untouched ---------------------------------------------------------------------";
   176 "----------- fun untouched ---------------------------------------------------------------------";
   177 (*> untouched [];
   178 val it = true : bool
   179 > untouched [I_Model.single_empty];
   180 val it = true : bool
   181 > untouched [I_Model.single_empty, (1,[],false,"I_Model.single_empty",Syn "I_Model.single_empty")];
   182 val it = false : bool*)
   183 "----------- fun pbl_ids -----------------------------------------------------------------------";
   184 "----------- fun pbl_ids -----------------------------------------------------------------------";
   185 "----------- fun pbl_ids -----------------------------------------------------------------------";
   186 (*
   187 val t as t1 $ t2 = str2term "antiDerivativeName M_b";
   188 pbl_ids ctxt t1 t2;
   190   val t = (Thm.term_of o the o (parse thy)) "fixedValues [r=Arbfix]";
   191   val (d,argl) = strip_comb t;
   192   Input_Descript.is_a d;                      (*see Input_Descript.split*)
   193   dest_list (d,argl);
   194   val (_ $ v) = t;
   195   is_list v;
   196   pbl_ids ctxt d v;
   197 [Const ("List.list.Cons","[bool, bool List.list] => bool List.list") $
   198        (Const # $ Free # $ Const (#,#)) $ Const ("List.list.Nil","bool List..
   200   val (dsc,vl) = (Input_Descript.split o Thm.term_of o the o (parse thy)) "solveFor x";
   201 val dsc = Const ("Input_Descript.solveFor","RealDef.real => Tools.una") : term
   202 val vl = Free ("x","RealDef.real") : term 
   204   val (dsc,id) = (split_did o Thm.term_of o the o (parse thy)) "solveFor v_";
   205   pbl_ids ctxt dsc vl;
   206 val it = [Free ("x","RealDef.real")] : term list
   208   val (dsc,vl) = (Input_Descript.split o Thm.term_of o the o(parse thy))
   209 		       "errorBound (eps=#0)";
   210   val (dsc,id) = (split_did o Thm.term_of o the o(parse thy)) "errorBound err_";
   211   pbl_ids ctxt dsc vl;
   212 val it = [Free ("#0","RealDef.real"),Free ("eps","RealDef.real")] : term list     *)
   213 "----------- fun upd_penv ----------------------------------------------------------------------";
   214 "----------- fun upd_penv ----------------------------------------------------------------------";
   215 "----------- fun upd_penv ----------------------------------------------------------------------";
   216 (* 
   217   val penv = [];
   218   val (dsc,vl) = (split_did o Thm.term_of o the o (parse thy)) "solveFor x";
   219   val (dsc,id) = (split_did o Thm.term_of o the o (parse thy)) "solveFor v_";
   220   val penv = upd_penv thy penv dsc (id, vl);
   221 [(Free ("v_","RealDef.real"),
   222   [Const (#,#) $ Free (#,#) $ Free ("#0","RealDef.real")])]
   223 : (term * term list) list                                                     
   225   val (dsc,vl) = (split_did o Thm.term_of o the o(parse thy))"errorBound (eps=#0)";
   226   val (dsc,id) = (split_did o Thm.term_of o the o(parse thy))"errorBound err_";
   227   upd_penv thy penv dsc (id, vl);
   228 [(Free ("v_","RealDef.real"),
   229   [Const (#,#) $ Free (#,#) $ Free ("#0","RealDef.real")]),
   230  (Free ("err_","bool"),
   231   [Free ("#0","RealDef.real"),Free ("eps","RealDef.real")])]
   232 : (term * term list) list    ^.........!!!!
   233 *)
   234 "----------- fun upd ---------------------------------------------------------------------------";
   235 "----------- fun upd ---------------------------------------------------------------------------";
   236 "----------- fun upd ---------------------------------------------------------------------------";
   237 (*
   238   val i = 2;
   239   val envv = [(1,[]:penv),(2,[]:penv),(3,[]:penv)]:envv;
   240   val (dsc,vl) = (split_did o Thm.term_of o the o(parse thy))"boundVariable b";
   241   val (dsc,id) = (split_did o Thm.term_of o the o(parse thy))"boundVariable v_";
   242   upd thy envv dsc (id, vl) i;
   243 val it = (2,[(Free ("v_","RealDef.real"),[Free ("b","RealDef.real")])])
   244   : int * (term * term list) list*)
   246 "----------- fun upds_envv ---------------------------------------------------------------------";
   247 "----------- fun upds_envv ---------------------------------------------------------------------";
   248 "----------- fun upds_envv ---------------------------------------------------------------------";
   249 (* eval test-maximum.sml until Specify_Method ...
   250   val PblObj{probl=(_,pbl),origin=(_,(_,_,mI),_),...} = get_obj I pt [];
   251   val met = (#ppc o get_met) mI;
   253   val envv = [];
   254   val eargs = flat eargs;
   255   val (vs, dsc, id, vl) = hd eargs;
   256   val envv = upds_envv thy envv [(vs, dsc, id, vl)];
   258   val (vs, dsc, id, vl) = hd (tl eargs);
   259   val envv = upds_envv thy envv [(vs, dsc, id, vl)];
   261   val (vs, dsc, id, vl) = hd (tl (tl eargs));
   262   val envv = upds_envv thy envv [(vs, dsc, id, vl)];
   264   val (vs, dsc, id, vl) = hd (tl (tl (tl eargs)));
   265   val envv = upds_envv thy envv [(vs, dsc, id, vl)];
   266 [(1,
   267   [(Free ("fix_","bool List.list"),[Const (#,#),Free (#,#)]),
   268    (Free ("m_","bool"),[Free (#,#)]),
   269    (Free ("vs_","bool List.list"),[# $ # $ Const #]),
   270    (Free ("rs_","bool List.list"),[# $ # $ (# $ #)])]),
   271  (2,
   272   [(Free ("fix_","bool List.list"),[Const (#,#),Free (#,#)]),
   273    (Free ("m_","bool"),[Free (#,#)]),
   274    (Free ("vs_","bool List.list"),[# $ # $ Const #]),
   275    (Free ("rs_","bool List.list"),[# $ # $ (# $ #)])]),
   276  (3,
   277   [(Free ("fix_","bool List.list"),[Const (#,#),Free (#,#)]),
   278    (Free ("m_","bool"),[Free (#,#)]),
   279    (Free ("vs_","bool List.list"),[# $ # $ Const #])])] : envv *)
   281 "----------- fun common_subthy -----------------------------------------------------------------";
   282 "----------- fun common_subthy -----------------------------------------------------------------";
   283 "----------- fun common_subthy -----------------------------------------------------------------";
   284 val (thy1, thy2) = (@{theory Partial_Fractions}, @{theory Inverse_Z_Transform});
   285 if Context.theory_name (common_subthy (thy1, thy2)) = "Inverse_Z_Transform"
   286 then () else error "common_subthy 1";
   288 val (thy1, thy2) = (@{theory Inverse_Z_Transform}, @{theory Partial_Fractions});(* Isac.Inverse_Z_Transform *)
   289 if Context.theory_name (common_subthy (thy1, thy2)) = "Inverse_Z_Transform"
   290 then () else error "common_subthy 2";
   292 val (thy1, thy2) = (@{theory Partial_Fractions}, @{theory PolyEq});
   293 if Context.theory_name (common_subthy (thy1, thy2)) = "Isac_Knowledge" then () else error "common_subthy 3";
   295 val (thy1, thy2) = (@{theory Partial_Fractions}, @{theory Isac_Knowledge});
   296 if Context.theory_name (common_subthy (thy1, thy2)) = "Isac_Knowledge" then () else error "common_subthy 4";
   298 val (thy1, thy2) = (@{theory PolyEq}, @{theory Partial_Fractions});
   299 if Context.theory_name (common_subthy (thy1, thy2)) = "Isac_Knowledge" then () else error "common_subthy 5";
   301 val (thy1, thy2) = (@{theory Isac_Knowledge}, @{theory Partial_Fractions});
   302 if Context.theory_name (common_subthy (thy1, thy2)) = "Isac_Knowledge" then () else error "common_subthy 6";