author nipkow
Wed, 25 Oct 2000 18:24:33 +0200
changeset 10328 bf33cbd76c05
parent 10302 74be38751d06
child 10362 c6b197ccf1f1
permissions -rw-r--r--
*** empty log message ***
     1 theory ToyList = PreList:
     3 text{*\noindent
     4 HOL already has a predefined theory of lists called @{text"List"} ---
     5 @{text"ToyList"} is merely a small fragment of it chosen as an example. In
     6 contrast to what is recommended in \S\ref{sec:Basic:Theories},
     7 @{text"ToyList"} is not based on @{text"Main"} but on @{text"PreList"}, a
     8 theory that contains pretty much everything but lists, thus avoiding
     9 ambiguities caused by defining lists twice.
    10 *}
    12 datatype 'a list = Nil                          ("[]")
    13                  | Cons 'a "'a list"            (infixr "#" 65);
    15 text{*\noindent
    16 The datatype\index{*datatype} \isaindexbold{list} introduces two
    17 constructors \isaindexbold{Nil} and \isaindexbold{Cons}, the
    18 empty~list and the operator that adds an element to the front of a list. For
    19 example, the term \isa{Cons True (Cons False Nil)} is a value of
    20 type @{typ"bool list"}, namely the list with the elements @{term"True"} and
    21 @{term"False"}. Because this notation becomes unwieldy very quickly, the
    22 datatype declaration is annotated with an alternative syntax: instead of
    23 @{term[source]Nil} and \isa{Cons x xs} we can write
    24 @{term"[]"}\index{$HOL2list@\texttt{[]}|bold} and
    25 @{term"x # xs"}\index{$HOL2list@\texttt{\#}|bold}. In fact, this
    26 alternative syntax is the standard syntax. Thus the list \isa{Cons True
    27 (Cons False Nil)} becomes @{term"True # False # []"}. The annotation
    28 \isacommand{infixr}\indexbold{*infixr} means that @{text"#"} associates to
    29 the right, i.e.\ the term @{term"x # y # z"} is read as @{text"x # (y # z)"}
    30 and not as @{text"(x # y) # z"}.
    32 \begin{warn}
    33   Syntax annotations are a powerful but completely optional feature. You
    34   could drop them from theory @{text"ToyList"} and go back to the identifiers
    35   @{term[source]Nil} and @{term[source]Cons}. However, lists are such a
    36   central datatype
    37   that their syntax is highly customized. We recommend that novices should
    38   not use syntax annotations in their own theories.
    39 \end{warn}
    40 Next, two functions @{text"app"} and \isaindexbold{rev} are declared:
    41 *}
    43 consts app :: "'a list \<Rightarrow> 'a list \<Rightarrow> 'a list"   (infixr "@" 65)
    44        rev :: "'a list \<Rightarrow> 'a list";
    46 text{*
    47 \noindent
    48 In contrast to ML, Isabelle insists on explicit declarations of all functions
    49 (keyword \isacommand{consts}).  (Apart from the declaration-before-use
    50 restriction, the order of items in a theory file is unconstrained.) Function
    51 @{term"app"} is annotated with concrete syntax too. Instead of the prefix
    52 syntax \isa{app xs ys} the infix
    53 @{term"xs @ ys"}\index{$HOL2list@\texttt{\at}|bold} becomes the preferred
    54 form. Both functions are defined recursively:
    55 *}
    57 primrec
    58 "[] @ ys       = ys"
    59 "(x # xs) @ ys = x # (xs @ ys)";
    61 primrec
    62 "rev []        = []"
    63 "rev (x # xs)  = (rev xs) @ (x # [])";
    65 text{*
    66 \noindent
    67 The equations for @{term"app"} and @{term"rev"} hardly need comments:
    68 @{term"app"} appends two lists and @{term"rev"} reverses a list.  The keyword
    69 \isacommand{primrec}\index{*primrec} indicates that the recursion is of a
    70 particularly primitive kind where each recursive call peels off a datatype
    71 constructor from one of the arguments.  Thus the
    72 recursion always terminates, i.e.\ the function is \bfindex{total}.
    74 The termination requirement is absolutely essential in HOL, a logic of total
    75 functions. If we were to drop it, inconsistencies would quickly arise: the
    76 ``definition'' $f(n) = f(n)+1$ immediately leads to $0 = 1$ by subtracting
    77 $f(n)$ on both sides.
    78 % However, this is a subtle issue that we cannot discuss here further.
    80 \begin{warn}
    81   As we have indicated, the desire for total functions is not a gratuitously
    82   imposed restriction but an essential characteristic of HOL. It is only
    83   because of totality that reasoning in HOL is comparatively easy.  More
    84   generally, the philosophy in HOL is not to allow arbitrary axioms (such as
    85   function definitions whose totality has not been proved) because they
    86   quickly lead to inconsistencies. Instead, fixed constructs for introducing
    87   types and functions are offered (such as \isacommand{datatype} and
    88   \isacommand{primrec}) which are guaranteed to preserve consistency.
    89 \end{warn}
    91 A remark about syntax.  The textual definition of a theory follows a fixed
    92 syntax with keywords like \isacommand{datatype} and \isacommand{end} (see
    93 Fig.~\ref{fig:keywords} in Appendix~\ref{sec:Appendix} for a full list).
    94 Embedded in this syntax are the types and formulae of HOL, whose syntax is
    95 extensible, e.g.\ by new user-defined infix operators
    96 (see~\ref{sec:infix-syntax}). To distinguish the two levels, everything
    97 HOL-specific (terms and types) should be enclosed in
    98 \texttt{"}\dots\texttt{"}. 
    99 To lessen this burden, quotation marks around a single identifier can be
   100 dropped, unless the identifier happens to be a keyword, as in
   101 *}
   103 consts "end" :: "'a list \<Rightarrow> 'a"
   105 text{*\noindent
   106 When Isabelle prints a syntax error message, it refers to the HOL syntax as
   107 the \bfindex{inner syntax} and the enclosing theory language as the \bfindex{outer syntax}.
   110 \section{An introductory proof}
   111 \label{sec:intro-proof}
   113 Assuming you have input the declarations and definitions of \texttt{ToyList}
   114 presented so far, we are ready to prove a few simple theorems. This will
   115 illustrate not just the basic proof commands but also the typical proof
   116 process.
   118 \subsubsection*{Main goal: @{text"rev(rev xs) = xs"}}
   120 Our goal is to show that reversing a list twice produces the original
   121 list. The input line
   122 *}
   124 theorem rev_rev [simp]: "rev(rev xs) = xs";
   126 txt{*\index{*theorem|bold}\index{*simp (attribute)|bold}
   127 \begin{itemize}
   128 \item
   129 establishes a new theorem to be proved, namely @{prop"rev(rev xs) = xs"},
   130 \item
   131 gives that theorem the name @{text"rev_rev"} by which it can be
   132 referred to,
   133 \item
   134 and tells Isabelle (via @{text"[simp]"}) to use the theorem (once it has been
   135 proved) as a simplification rule, i.e.\ all future proofs involving
   136 simplification will replace occurrences of @{term"rev(rev xs)"} by
   137 @{term"xs"}.
   139 The name and the simplification attribute are optional.
   140 \end{itemize}
   141 Isabelle's response is to print
   142 \begin{isabelle}
   143 proof(prove):~step~0\isanewline
   144 \isanewline
   145 goal~(theorem~rev\_rev):\isanewline
   146 rev~(rev~xs)~=~xs\isanewline
   147 ~1.~rev~(rev~xs)~=~xs
   148 \end{isabelle}
   149 The first three lines tell us that we are 0 steps into the proof of
   150 theorem @{text"rev_rev"}; for compactness reasons we rarely show these
   151 initial lines in this tutorial. The remaining lines display the current
   152 proof state.
   153 Until we have finished a proof, the proof state always looks like this:
   154 \begin{isabelle}
   155 $G$\isanewline
   156 ~1.~$G\sb{1}$\isanewline
   157 ~~\vdots~~\isanewline
   158 ~$n$.~$G\sb{n}$
   159 \end{isabelle}
   160 where $G$
   161 is the overall goal that we are trying to prove, and the numbered lines
   162 contain the subgoals $G\sb{1}$, \dots, $G\sb{n}$ that we need to prove to
   163 establish $G$. At @{text"step 0"} there is only one subgoal, which is
   164 identical with the overall goal.  Normally $G$ is constant and only serves as
   165 a reminder. Hence we rarely show it in this tutorial.
   167 Let us now get back to @{prop"rev(rev xs) = xs"}. Properties of recursively
   168 defined functions are best established by induction. In this case there is
   169 not much choice except to induct on @{term"xs"}:
   170 *}
   172 apply(induct_tac xs);
   174 txt{*\noindent\index{*induct_tac}%
   175 This tells Isabelle to perform induction on variable @{term"xs"}. The suffix
   176 @{term"tac"} stands for ``tactic'', a synonym for ``theorem proving function''.
   177 By default, induction acts on the first subgoal. The new proof state contains
   178 two subgoals, namely the base case (@{term[source]Nil}) and the induction step
   179 (@{term[source]Cons}):
   180 \begin{isabelle}
   181 ~1.~rev~(rev~[])~=~[]\isanewline
   182 ~2.~{\isasymAnd}a~list.~rev(rev~list)~=~list~{\isasymLongrightarrow}~rev(rev(a~\#~list))~=~a~\#~list
   183 \end{isabelle}
   185 The induction step is an example of the general format of a subgoal:
   186 \begin{isabelle}
   187 ~$i$.~{\isasymAnd}$x\sb{1}$~\dots~$x\sb{n}$.~{\it assumptions}~{\isasymLongrightarrow}~{\it conclusion}
   188 \end{isabelle}\index{$IsaAnd@\isasymAnd|bold}
   189 The prefix of bound variables \isasymAnd$x\sb{1}$~\dots~$x\sb{n}$ can be
   190 ignored most of the time, or simply treated as a list of variables local to
   191 this subgoal. Their deeper significance is explained in Chapter~\ref{chap:rules}.
   192 The {\it assumptions} are the local assumptions for this subgoal and {\it
   193   conclusion} is the actual proposition to be proved. Typical proof steps
   194 that add new assumptions are induction or case distinction. In our example
   195 the only assumption is the induction hypothesis @{term"rev (rev list) =
   196   list"}, where @{term"list"} is a variable name chosen by Isabelle. If there
   197 are multiple assumptions, they are enclosed in the bracket pair
   198 \indexboldpos{\isasymlbrakk}{$Isabrl} and
   199 \indexboldpos{\isasymrbrakk}{$Isabrr} and separated by semicolons.
   201 Let us try to solve both goals automatically:
   202 *}
   204 apply(auto);
   206 txt{*\noindent
   207 This command tells Isabelle to apply a proof strategy called
   208 @{text"auto"} to all subgoals. Essentially, @{text"auto"} tries to
   209 ``simplify'' the subgoals.  In our case, subgoal~1 is solved completely (thanks
   210 to the equation @{prop"rev [] = []"}) and disappears; the simplified version
   211 of subgoal~2 becomes the new subgoal~1:
   212 \begin{isabelle}
   213 ~1.~\dots~rev(rev~list)~=~list~{\isasymLongrightarrow}~rev(rev~list~@~a~\#~[])~=~a~\#~list
   214 \end{isabelle}
   215 In order to simplify this subgoal further, a lemma suggests itself.
   216 *}
   217 (*<*)
   218 oops
   219 (*>*)
   221 subsubsection{*First lemma: @{text"rev(xs @ ys) = (rev ys) @ (rev xs)"}*}
   223 text{*
   224 After abandoning the above proof attempt\indexbold{abandon
   225 proof}\indexbold{proof!abandon} (at the shell level type
   226 \isacommand{oops}\indexbold{*oops}) we start a new proof:
   227 *}
   229 lemma rev_app [simp]: "rev(xs @ ys) = (rev ys) @ (rev xs)";
   231 txt{*\noindent The keywords \isacommand{theorem}\index{*theorem} and
   232 \isacommand{lemma}\indexbold{*lemma} are interchangable and merely indicate
   233 the importance we attach to a proposition. In general, we use the words
   234 \emph{theorem}\index{theorem} and \emph{lemma}\index{lemma} pretty much
   235 interchangeably.
   237 There are two variables that we could induct on: @{term"xs"} and
   238 @{term"ys"}. Because @{text"@"} is defined by recursion on
   239 the first argument, @{term"xs"} is the correct one:
   240 *}
   242 apply(induct_tac xs);
   244 txt{*\noindent
   245 This time not even the base case is solved automatically:
   246 *}
   248 apply(auto);
   250 txt{*
   251 \begin{isabelle}
   252 ~1.~rev~ys~=~rev~ys~@~[]\isanewline
   253 ~2. \dots
   254 \end{isabelle}
   255 Again, we need to abandon this proof attempt and prove another simple lemma first.
   256 In the future the step of abandoning an incomplete proof before embarking on
   257 the proof of a lemma usually remains implicit.
   258 *}
   259 (*<*)
   260 oops
   261 (*>*)
   263 subsubsection{*Second lemma: @{text"xs @ [] = xs"}*}
   265 text{*
   266 This time the canonical proof procedure
   267 *}
   269 lemma app_Nil2 [simp]: "xs @ [] = xs";
   270 apply(induct_tac xs);
   271 apply(auto);
   273 txt{*
   274 \noindent
   275 leads to the desired message @{text"No subgoals!"}:
   276 \begin{isabelle}
   277 xs~@~[]~=~xs\isanewline
   278 No~subgoals!
   279 \end{isabelle}
   281 We still need to confirm that the proof is now finished:
   282 *}
   284 done
   286 text{*\noindent\indexbold{done}%
   287 As a result of that final \isacommand{done}, Isabelle associates the lemma just proved
   288 with its name. In this tutorial, we sometimes omit to show that final \isacommand{done}
   289 if it is obvious from the context that the proof is finished.
   291 % Instead of \isacommand{apply} followed by a dot, you can simply write
   292 % \isacommand{by}\indexbold{by}, which we do most of the time.
   293 Notice that in lemma @{thm[source]app_Nil2}
   294 (as printed out after the final \isacommand{done}) the free variable @{term"xs"} has been
   295 replaced by the unknown @{text"?xs"}, just as explained in
   296 \S\ref{sec:variables}.
   298 Going back to the proof of the first lemma
   299 *}
   301 lemma rev_app [simp]: "rev(xs @ ys) = (rev ys) @ (rev xs)";
   302 apply(induct_tac xs);
   303 apply(auto);
   305 txt{*
   306 \noindent
   307 we find that this time @{text"auto"} solves the base case, but the
   308 induction step merely simplifies to
   309 \begin{isabelle}
   310 ~1.~{\isasymAnd}a~list.\isanewline
   311 ~~~~~~~rev~(list~@~ys)~=~rev~ys~@~rev~list~{\isasymLongrightarrow}\isanewline
   312 ~~~~~~~(rev~ys~@~rev~list)~@~a~\#~[]~=~rev~ys~@~rev~list~@~a~\#~[]
   313 \end{isabelle}
   314 Now we need to remember that @{text"@"} associates to the right, and that
   315 @{text"#"} and @{text"@"} have the same priority (namely the @{text"65"}
   316 in their \isacommand{infixr} annotation). Thus the conclusion really is
   317 \begin{isabelle}
   318 ~~~~~(rev~ys~@~rev~list)~@~(a~\#~[])~=~rev~ys~@~(rev~list~@~(a~\#~[]))
   319 \end{isabelle}
   320 and the missing lemma is associativity of @{text"@"}.
   321 *}
   322 (*<*)oops(*>*)
   324 subsubsection{*Third lemma: @{text"(xs @ ys) @ zs = xs @ (ys @ zs)"}*}
   326 text{*
   327 Abandoning the previous proof, the canonical proof procedure
   328 *}
   330 lemma app_assoc [simp]: "(xs @ ys) @ zs = xs @ (ys @ zs)";
   331 apply(induct_tac xs);
   332 apply(auto);
   333 done
   335 text{*
   336 \noindent
   337 succeeds without further ado.
   338 Now we can go back and prove the first lemma
   339 *}
   341 lemma rev_app [simp]: "rev(xs @ ys) = (rev ys) @ (rev xs)";
   342 apply(induct_tac xs);
   343 apply(auto);
   344 done
   346 text{*\noindent
   347 and then solve our main theorem:
   348 *}
   350 theorem rev_rev [simp]: "rev(rev xs) = xs";
   351 apply(induct_tac xs);
   352 apply(auto);
   353 done
   355 text{*\noindent
   356 The final \isacommand{end} tells Isabelle to close the current theory because
   357 we are finished with its development:
   358 *}
   360 end