author haftmann
Wed, 18 Feb 2009 08:23:11 +0100
changeset 29899 bd4dc7fa742d
parent 28924 5c8781b7d6a4
child 29961 5e9d471afef3
permissions -rw-r--r--
tuned comments, stripped ID, deleted superfluous code
     1 (*  Title:      Tools/code/code_funcgr.ML
     2     Author:     Florian Haftmann, TU Muenchen
     4 Retrieving, normalizing and structuring code equations in graph
     5 with explicit dependencies.
     6 *)
     8 signature CODE_FUNCGR =
     9 sig
    10   type T
    11   val eqns: T -> string -> (thm * bool) list
    12   val typ: T -> string -> (string * sort) list * typ
    13   val all: T -> string list
    14   val pretty: theory -> T -> Pretty.T
    15   val make: theory -> string list
    16     -> ((sort -> sort) * Sorts.algebra) * T
    17   val eval_conv: theory
    18     -> (term -> term * (((sort -> sort) * Sorts.algebra) -> T -> thm)) -> cterm -> thm
    19   val eval_term: theory
    20     -> (term -> term * (((sort -> sort) * Sorts.algebra) -> T -> 'a)) -> term -> 'a
    21   val timing: bool ref
    22 end
    24 structure Code_Funcgr : CODE_FUNCGR =
    25 struct
    27 (** the graph type **)
    29 type T = (((string * sort) list * typ) * (thm * bool) list) Graph.T;
    31 fun eqns funcgr =
    32   these o snd o try (Graph.get_node funcgr);
    34 fun typ funcgr =
    35   fst o Graph.get_node funcgr;
    37 fun all funcgr = Graph.keys funcgr;
    39 fun pretty thy funcgr =
    40   AList.make (snd o Graph.get_node funcgr) (Graph.keys funcgr)
    41   |> (map o apfst) (Code_Unit.string_of_const thy)
    42   |> sort (string_ord o pairself fst)
    43   |> map (fn (s, thms) =>
    44        (Pretty.block o Pretty.fbreaks) (
    45          Pretty.str s
    46          :: map (Display.pretty_thm o fst) thms
    47        ))
    48   |> Pretty.chunks;
    51 (** generic combinators **)
    53 fun fold_consts f thms =
    54   thms
    55   |> maps (op :: o swap o apfst (snd o strip_comb) o Logic.dest_equals o Thm.plain_prop_of)
    56   |> (fold o fold_aterms) (fn Const c => f c | _ => I);
    58 fun consts_of (const, []) = []
    59   | consts_of (const, thms as _ :: _) = 
    60       let
    61         fun the_const (c, _) = if c = const then I else insert (op =) c
    62       in fold_consts the_const (map fst thms) [] end;
    64 fun insts_of thy algebra tys sorts =
    65   let
    66     fun class_relation (x, _) _ = x;
    67     fun type_constructor tyco xs class =
    68       (tyco, class) :: (maps o maps) fst xs;
    69     fun type_variable (TVar (_, sort)) = map (pair []) sort
    70       | type_variable (TFree (_, sort)) = map (pair []) sort;
    71     fun of_sort_deriv ty sort =
    72       Sorts.of_sort_derivation (Syntax.pp_global thy) algebra
    73         { class_relation = class_relation, type_constructor = type_constructor,
    74           type_variable = type_variable }
    75         (ty, sort) handle Sorts.CLASS_ERROR _ => [] (*permissive!*)
    76   in (flat o flat) (map2 of_sort_deriv tys sorts) end;
    78 fun meets_of thy algebra =
    79   let
    80     fun meet_of ty sort tab =
    81       Sorts.meet_sort algebra (ty, sort) tab
    82         handle Sorts.CLASS_ERROR _ => tab (*permissive!*);
    83   in fold2 meet_of end;
    86 (** graph algorithm **)
    88 val timing = ref false;
    90 local
    92 fun resort_thms thy algebra typ_of thms =
    93   let
    94     val cs = fold_consts (insert (op =)) thms [];
    95     fun meets (c, ty) = case typ_of c
    96        of SOME (vs, _) =>
    97             meets_of thy algebra (Sign.const_typargs thy (c, ty)) (map snd vs)
    98         | NONE => I;
    99     val tab = fold meets cs Vartab.empty;
   100   in map (Code_Unit.inst_thm thy tab) thms end;
   102 fun resort_eqnss thy algebra funcgr =
   103   let
   104     val typ_funcgr = try (fst o Graph.get_node funcgr);
   105     val resort_dep = (apsnd o burrow_fst) (resort_thms thy algebra typ_funcgr);
   106     fun resort_rec typ_of (c, []) = (true, (c, []))
   107       | resort_rec typ_of (c, thms as (thm, _) :: _) = if is_some (AxClass.inst_of_param thy c)
   108           then (true, (c, thms))
   109           else let
   110             val (_, (vs, ty)) = Code_Unit.head_eqn thy thm;
   111             val thms' as (thm', _) :: _ = burrow_fst (resort_thms thy algebra typ_of) thms
   112             val (_, (vs', ty')) = Code_Unit.head_eqn thy thm'; (*FIXME simplify check*)
   113           in (Sign.typ_equiv thy (ty, ty'), (c, thms')) end;
   114     fun resort_recs eqnss =
   115       let
   116         fun typ_of c = case these (AList.lookup (op =) eqnss c)
   117          of (thm, _) :: _ => (SOME o snd o Code_Unit.head_eqn thy) thm
   118           | [] => NONE;
   119         val (unchangeds, eqnss') = split_list (map (resort_rec typ_of) eqnss);
   120         val unchanged = fold (fn x => fn y => x andalso y) unchangeds true;
   121       in (unchanged, eqnss') end;
   122     fun resort_rec_until eqnss =
   123       let
   124         val (unchanged, eqnss') = resort_recs eqnss;
   125       in if unchanged then eqnss' else resort_rec_until eqnss' end;
   126   in map resort_dep #> resort_rec_until end;
   128 fun instances_of thy algebra insts =
   129   let
   130     val thy_classes = (#classes o Sorts.rep_algebra o Sign.classes_of) thy;
   131     fun all_classparams tyco class =
   132       these (try (#params o AxClass.get_info thy) class)
   133       |> map_filter (fn (c, _) => try (AxClass.param_of_inst thy) (c, tyco))
   134   in
   135     Symtab.empty
   136     |> fold (fn (tyco, class) =>
   137         Symtab.map_default (tyco, []) (insert (op =) class)) insts
   138     |> (fn tab => Symtab.fold (fn (tyco, classes) => append (maps (all_classparams tyco)
   139          (Graph.all_succs thy_classes classes))) tab [])
   140   end;
   142 fun instances_of_consts thy algebra funcgr consts =
   143   let
   144     fun inst (cexpr as (c, ty)) = insts_of thy algebra
   145       (Sign.const_typargs thy (c, ty)) ((map snd o fst) (typ funcgr c));
   146   in
   147     []
   148     |> fold (fold (insert (op =)) o inst) consts
   149     |> instances_of thy algebra
   150   end;
   152 fun ensure_const' thy algebra funcgr const auxgr =
   153   if can (Graph.get_node funcgr) const
   154     then (NONE, auxgr)
   155   else if can (Graph.get_node auxgr) const
   156     then (SOME const, auxgr)
   157   else if is_some (Code.get_datatype_of_constr thy const) then
   158     auxgr
   159     |> Graph.new_node (const, [])
   160     |> pair (SOME const)
   161   else let
   162     val thms = Code.these_eqns thy const
   163       |> burrow_fst (Code_Unit.norm_args thy)
   164       |> burrow_fst (Code_Unit.norm_varnames thy Code_Name.purify_tvar Code_Name.purify_var);
   165     val rhs = consts_of (const, thms);
   166   in
   167     auxgr
   168     |> Graph.new_node (const, thms)
   169     |> fold_map (ensure_const thy algebra funcgr) rhs
   170     |-> (fn rhs' => fold (fn SOME const' => Graph.add_edge (const, const')
   171                            | NONE => I) rhs')
   172     |> pair (SOME const)
   173   end
   174 and ensure_const thy algebra funcgr const =
   175   let
   176     val timeap = if !timing
   177       then Output.timeap_msg ("time for " ^ Code_Unit.string_of_const thy const)
   178       else I;
   179   in timeap (ensure_const' thy algebra funcgr const) end;
   181 fun merge_eqnss thy algebra raw_eqnss funcgr =
   182   let
   183     val eqnss = raw_eqnss
   184       |> resort_eqnss thy algebra funcgr
   185       |> filter_out (can (Graph.get_node funcgr) o fst);
   186     fun typ_eqn c [] = Code.default_typscheme thy c
   187       | typ_eqn c (thms as (thm, _) :: _) = (snd o Code_Unit.head_eqn thy) thm;
   188     fun add_eqns (const, thms) =
   189       Graph.new_node (const, (typ_eqn const thms, thms));
   190     fun add_deps (eqns as (const, thms)) funcgr =
   191       let
   192         val deps = consts_of eqns;
   193         val insts = instances_of_consts thy algebra funcgr
   194           (fold_consts (insert (op =)) (map fst thms) []);
   195       in
   196         funcgr
   197         |> ensure_consts thy algebra insts
   198         |> fold (curry Graph.add_edge const) deps
   199         |> fold (curry Graph.add_edge const) insts
   200        end;
   201   in
   202     funcgr
   203     |> fold add_eqns eqnss
   204     |> fold add_deps eqnss
   205   end
   206 and ensure_consts thy algebra cs funcgr =
   207   let
   208     val auxgr = Graph.empty
   209       |> fold (snd oo ensure_const thy algebra funcgr) cs;
   210   in
   211     funcgr
   212     |> fold (merge_eqnss thy algebra)
   213          (map (AList.make (Graph.get_node auxgr))
   214          (rev (Graph.strong_conn auxgr)))
   215   end;
   217 in
   219 (** retrieval interfaces **)
   221 val ensure_consts = ensure_consts;
   223 fun proto_eval thy cterm_of evaluator_lift evaluator proto_ct funcgr =
   224   let
   225     val ct = cterm_of proto_ct;
   226     val _ = Sign.no_vars (Syntax.pp_global thy) (Thm.term_of ct);
   227     val _ = Term.fold_types (Type.no_tvars #> K I) (Thm.term_of ct) ();
   228     fun consts_of t =
   229       fold_aterms (fn Const c_ty => cons c_ty | _ => I) t [];
   230     val algebra = Code.coregular_algebra thy;
   231     val thm = Code.preprocess_conv thy ct;
   232     val ct' = Thm.rhs_of thm;
   233     val t' = Thm.term_of ct';
   234     val consts = map fst (consts_of t');
   235     val funcgr' = ensure_consts thy algebra consts funcgr;
   236     val (t'', evaluator_funcgr) = evaluator t';
   237     val consts' = consts_of t'';
   238     val dicts = instances_of_consts thy algebra funcgr' consts';
   239     val funcgr'' = ensure_consts thy algebra dicts funcgr';
   240   in (evaluator_lift (evaluator_funcgr (Code.operational_algebra thy)) thm funcgr'', funcgr'') end;
   242 fun proto_eval_conv thy =
   243   let
   244     fun evaluator_lift evaluator thm1 funcgr =
   245       let
   246         val thm2 = evaluator funcgr;
   247         val thm3 = Code.postprocess_conv thy (Thm.rhs_of thm2);
   248       in
   249         Thm.transitive thm1 (Thm.transitive thm2 thm3) handle THM _ =>
   250           error ("could not construct evaluation proof:\n"
   251           ^ (cat_lines o map Display.string_of_thm) [thm1, thm2, thm3])
   252       end;
   253   in proto_eval thy I evaluator_lift end;
   255 fun proto_eval_term thy =
   256   let
   257     fun evaluator_lift evaluator _ funcgr = evaluator funcgr;
   258   in proto_eval thy (Thm.cterm_of thy) evaluator_lift end;
   260 end; (*local*)
   262 structure Funcgr = CodeDataFun
   263 (
   264   type T = T;
   265   val empty = Graph.empty;
   266   fun purge _ cs funcgr =
   267     Graph.del_nodes ((Graph.all_preds funcgr 
   268       o filter (can (Graph.get_node funcgr))) cs) funcgr;
   269 );
   271 fun make thy =
   272   pair (Code.operational_algebra thy)
   273   o Funcgr.change thy o ensure_consts thy (Code.coregular_algebra thy);
   275 fun eval_conv thy f =
   276   fst o Funcgr.change_yield thy o proto_eval_conv thy f;
   278 fun eval_term thy f =
   279   fst o Funcgr.change_yield thy o proto_eval_term thy f;
   282 (** diagnostic commands **)
   284 fun code_depgr thy consts =
   285   let
   286     val (_, gr) = make thy consts;
   287     val select = Graph.all_succs gr consts;
   288   in
   289     gr
   290     |> not (null consts) ? Graph.subgraph (member (op =) select) 
   291     |> Graph.map_nodes ((apsnd o map o apfst) (AxClass.overload thy))
   292   end;
   294 fun code_thms thy = Pretty.writeln o pretty thy o code_depgr thy;
   296 fun code_deps thy consts =
   297   let
   298     val gr = code_depgr thy consts;
   299     fun mk_entry (const, (_, (_, parents))) =
   300       let
   301         val name = Code_Unit.string_of_const thy const;
   302         val nameparents = map (Code_Unit.string_of_const thy) parents;
   303       in { name = name, ID = name, dir = "", unfold = true,
   304         path = "", parents = nameparents }
   305       end;
   306     val prgr = Graph.fold ((fn x => fn xs => xs @ [x]) o mk_entry) gr [];
   307   in Present.display_graph prgr end;
   309 local
   311 structure P = OuterParse
   312 and K = OuterKeyword
   314 fun code_thms_cmd thy = code_thms thy o op @ o Code_Name.read_const_exprs thy;
   315 fun code_deps_cmd thy = code_deps thy o op @ o Code_Name.read_const_exprs thy;
   317 in
   319 val _ =
   320   OuterSyntax.improper_command "code_thms" "print system of defining equations for code" OuterKeyword.diag
   321     (Scan.repeat P.term_group
   322       >> (fn cs => Toplevel.no_timing o Toplevel.unknown_theory
   323         o Toplevel.keep ((fn thy => code_thms_cmd thy cs) o Toplevel.theory_of)));
   325 val _ =
   326   OuterSyntax.improper_command "code_deps" "visualize dependencies of defining equations for code" OuterKeyword.diag
   327     (Scan.repeat P.term_group
   328       >> (fn cs => Toplevel.no_timing o Toplevel.unknown_theory
   329         o Toplevel.keep ((fn thy => code_deps_cmd thy cs) o Toplevel.theory_of)));
   331 end;
   333 end; (*struct*)