author wenzelm
Fri, 06 Oct 2000 14:19:48 +0200
changeset 10160 bb8f9412fec6
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child 10223 31346d22bb54
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     2 \chapter{Isabelle/Isar Conversion Guide}\label{ap:conv}
     4 Subsequently, we give a few practical hints on working in a mixed environment
     5 of old Isabelle ML proof scripts and new Isabelle/Isar theories.  There are
     6 basically three ways to cope with this issue.
     7 \begin{enumerate}
     8 \item Do not convert old sources at all, but communicate directly at the level
     9   of \emph{internal} theory and theorem values.
    10 \item Port old-style theory files to new-style ones (very easy), and ML proof
    11   scripts to Isar tactic-emulation scripts (quite easy).
    12 \item Actually redo ML proof scripts as human-readable Isar proof texts
    13   (probably hard, depending who wrote the original scripts).
    14 \end{enumerate}
    17 \section{No conversion}
    19 Internally, Isabelle is able to handle both old and new-style theories at the
    20 same time; the theory loader automatically detects the input format.  In any
    21 case, the results are certain internal ML values of type \texttt{theory} and
    22 \texttt{thm}.  These may be accessed from either classic Isabelle or
    23 Isabelle/Isar, provided that some minimal precautions are observed.
    26 \subsection{Referring to theorem and theory values}
    28 \begin{ttbox}
    29 thm         : xstring -> thm
    30 thms        : xstring -> thm list
    31 the_context : unit -> theory
    32 theory      : string -> theory
    33 \end{ttbox}
    35 These functions provide general means to refer to logical objects from ML.
    36 Old-style theories used to emit many ML bindings of theorems and theories, but
    37 this is no longer done in new-style Isabelle/Isar theories.
    39 \begin{descr}
    40 \item [$\mathtt{thm}~name$ and $\mathtt{thms}~name$] retrieve theorems stored
    41   in the current theory context, including any ancestor node.
    43   The convention of old-style theories was to bind any theorem as an ML value
    44   as well.  New-style theories no longer do this, so ML code may require
    45   \texttt{thm~"foo"} rather than just \texttt{foo}.
    47 \item [$\mathtt{the_context()}$] refers to the current theory context.
    49   Old-style theories often use the ML binding \texttt{thy}, which is
    50   dynamically created by the ML code generated from old theory source.  This
    51   is no longer the recommended way in any case!  Function \texttt{the_context}
    52   should be used for old scripts as well.
    54 \item [$\mathtt{theory}~name$] retrieves the named theory from the global
    55   theory-loader database.
    57   The ML code generated from old-style theories would include an ML binding
    58   $name\mathtt{.thy}$ as part of an ML structure.
    59 \end{descr}
    62 \subsection{Storing theorem values}
    64 \begin{ttbox}
    65 qed        : string -> unit
    66 bind_thm   : string * thm -> unit
    67 bind_thms  : string * thm list -> unit
    68 \end{ttbox}
    70 ML proof scripts have to be well-behaved by storing theorems properly within
    71 the current theory context, in order to enable new-style theories to retrieve
    72 these these later.
    74 \begin{descr}
    75 \item [$\mathtt{qed}~name$] is the canonical way to conclude a proof script in
    76   ML.  This already manages entry in the theorem database of the current
    77   theory context.
    78 \item [$\mathtt{bind_thm}~(name, thm)$ and $\mathtt{bind_thms}~(name, thms)$]
    79   store theorems that have been produced in ML in an ad-hoc manner.
    80 \end{descr}
    82 Note that the original ``LCF-system'' approach of binding theorem values on
    83 the ML toplevel only has long been given up in Isabelle!  Despite of this, old
    84 legacy proof scripts occasionally contain code such as \texttt{val foo =
    85   result();} which is ill-behaved in several respects.  Apart from preventing
    86 access from Isar theories, it also omits the result from the WWW presentation,
    87 for example.
    90 \subsection{ML declarations in Isar}
    92 \begin{matharray}{rcl}
    93   \isarcmd{ML} & : & \isartrans{\cdot}{\cdot} \\
    94   \isarcmd{ML_setup} & : & \isartrans{theory}{theory} \\
    95 \end{matharray}
    97 Isabelle/Isar theories may contain ML declarations as well.  For example, an
    98 old-style theorem binding may be mimicked as follows.
    99 \[
   100 \isarkeyword{ML}~\{*~\mbox{\texttt{val foo = thm "foo"}}~*\}
   101 \]
   102 Note that this command cannot be undone, so invalid theorem bindings in ML may
   103 persist.  Also note that the current theory may not be modified; use
   104 $\isarkeyword{ML_setup}$ for declarations that act on the current context.
   107 \section{Porting theories and proof scripts}\label{sec:port-scripts}
   109 Porting legacy theory and ML files to proper Isabelle/Isar theories has
   110 several advantages.  For example, the Proof~General user interface
   111 \cite{proofgeneral} for Isabelle/Isar is more robust and more comfortable to
   112 use than the version for classic Isabelle.  This is due to the fact that the
   113 generic ML toplevel has been replaced by a separate Isar interaction loop,
   114 with full control over input synchronization and error conditions.
   116 Furthermore, the Isabelle document preparation system (see also
   117 \cite{isabelle-sys}) only works properly with new-style theories.  Output of
   118 old-style sources is at the level of individual characters (and symbols),
   119 without proper document markup as in Isabelle/Isar theories.
   122 \subsection{Theories}
   124 Basically, the Isabelle/Isar theory syntax is a proper superset of the classic
   125 one.  Only a few quirks and legacy problems have been eliminated, resulting in
   126 simpler rules and less special cases.  The main changes of theory syntax are
   127 as follows.
   129 \begin{itemize}
   130 \item Quoted strings may contain arbitrary white space, and span several lines
   131   without requiring \verb,\,\,\dots\verb,\, escapes.
   132 \item Names may always be quoted.
   134   The old syntax would occasionally demand plain identifiers vs.\ quoted
   135   strings to accommodate certain syntactic features.
   136 \item Types and terms have to be \emph{atomic} as far as the theory syntax is
   137   concerned; this typically requires quoting of input strings, e.g.\ ``$x +
   138   y$''.
   140   The old theory syntax used to fake part of the syntax of types in order to
   141   require less quoting in common cases; this was hard to predict, though.  On
   142   the other hand, Isar does not require quotes for simple terms, such as plain
   143   identifiers $x$, numerals $1$, or symbols $\forall$ (input as
   144   \verb,\<forall>,).
   145 \item Theorem declarations require an explicit colon to separate the name from
   146   the statement (the name is usually optional).  Cf.\ the syntax of $\DEFS$ in
   147   \S\ref{sec:consts}, or $\THEOREMNAME$ in \S\ref{sec:axms-thms}.
   148 \end{itemize}
   150 Note that Isabelle/Isar error messages are usually quite explicit about the
   151 problem at hand.  So in cases of doubt, input syntax may be just as well tried
   152 out interactively.
   155 \subsection{Goal statements}\label{sec:conv-goal}
   157 In ML the canonical a goal statement together with a complete proof script is
   158 as follows:
   159 \begin{ttbox}
   160  Goal "\(\phi\)";
   161  by \(tac@1\);
   162    \(\vdots\)
   163  qed "\(name\)";
   164 \end{ttbox}
   165 This form may be turned into an Isar tactic-emulation script like this:
   166 \begin{matharray}{l}
   167   \LEMMA{name}\texttt"{\phi}\texttt" \\
   168   \quad \isarkeyword{apply}~meth@1 \\
   169   \qquad \vdots \\
   170   \quad \isarkeyword{done} \\
   171 \end{matharray}
   172 Note that the main statement may be $\THEOREMNAME$ as well.  See
   173 \S\ref{sec:conv-tac} for further details on how to convert actual tactic
   174 expressions into proof methods.
   176 \medskip Classic Isabelle provides many variant forms of goal commands, see
   177 \cite{isabelle-ref} for further details.  The second most common one is
   178 \texttt{Goalw}, which expands definitions before commencing the actual proof
   179 script.
   180 \begin{ttbox}
   181  Goalw [\(def@1\), \(\dots\)] "\(\phi\)";
   182 \end{ttbox}
   183 This is replaced by using the $unfold$ proof method explicitly.
   184 \begin{matharray}{l}
   185 \LEMMA{name}\texttt"{\phi}\texttt" \\
   186 \quad \isarkeyword{apply}~(unfold~def@1~\dots) \\
   187 \end{matharray}
   189 %FIXME "goal" and higher-order rules;
   192 \subsection{Tactics}\label{sec:conv-tac}
   194 Isar Proof methods closely resemble traditional tactics, when used in
   195 unstructured sequences of $\isarkeyword{apply}$ commands (cf.\ 
   196 \S\ref{sec:conv-goal}).  Isabelle/Isar provides emulations for all major ML
   197 tactics of classic Isabelle --- mostly for the sake of easy porting of
   198 existing developments, as actual Isar proof texts would demand much less
   199 diversity of proof methods.
   201 Unlike tactic expressions in ML, Isar proof methods provide proper concrete
   202 syntax for additional arguments, options, modifiers etc.  Thus a typical
   203 method text is usually more concise than the corresponding ML tactic.
   204 Furthermore, the Isar versions of classic Isabelle tactics often cover several
   205 variant forms by a single method with separate options to tune the behavior.
   206 For example, method $simp$ replaces all of \texttt{simp_tac}~/
   207 \texttt{asm_simp_tac}~/ \texttt{full_simp_tac}~/ \texttt{asm_full_simp_tac},
   208 there is also concrete syntax for augmenting the Simplifier context (the
   209 current ``simpset'') in a handsome way.
   212 \subsubsection{Resolution tactics}
   214 Classic Isabelle provides several variant forms of tactics for single-step
   215 rule applications (based on higher-order resolution).  The space of resolution
   216 tactics has the following main dimensions.
   217 \begin{enumerate}
   218 \item The ``mode'' of resolution: intro, elim, destruct, or forward (e.g.\ 
   219   \texttt{resolve_tac}, \texttt{eresolve_tac}, \texttt{dresolve_tac},
   220   \texttt{forward_tac}).
   221 \item Optional explicit instantiation (e.g.\ \texttt{resolve_tac} vs.\ 
   222   \texttt{res_inst_tac}).
   223 \item Abbreviations for singleton arguments (e.g.\ \texttt{resolve_tac} vs.\ 
   224   \texttt{rtac}).
   225 \end{enumerate}
   227 Basically, the set of Isar tactic emulations $rule_tac$, $erule_tac$,
   228 $drule_tac$, $frule_tac$ (see \S\ref{sec:tactics}) would be sufficient to
   229 cover the four modes, either with or without instantiation, and either with
   230 single or multiple arguments.  Although it is more convenient in most cases to
   231 use the plain $rule$ method (see \S\ref{sec:pure-meth-att}), or any of its
   232 ``improper'' variants $erule$, $drule$, $frule$ (see
   233 \S\ref{sec:misc-methods}).  Note that explicit goal addressing is only
   234 supported by the actual $rule_tac$ version.
   236 With this in mind, plain resolution tactics may be ported as follows.
   237 \begin{matharray}{lll}
   238   \texttt{rtac}~a~1 & & rule~a \\
   239   \texttt{resolve_tac}~[a@1, \dots]~1 & & rule~a@1~\dots \\
   240   \texttt{res_inst_tac}~[(x@1, t@1), \dots]~a~1 & &
   241   rule_tac~x@1 = t@1~and~\dots~in~a \\[0.5ex]
   242   \texttt{rtac}~a~i & & rule_tac~[i]~a \\
   243   \texttt{resolve_tac}~[a@1, \dots]~i & & rule_tac~[i]~a@1~\dots \\
   244   \texttt{res_inst_tac}~[(x@1, t@1), \dots]~a~i & &
   245   rule_tac~[i]~x@1 = t@1~and~\dots~in~a \\
   246 \end{matharray}
   248 Note that explicit goal addressing may be usually avoided by changing the
   249 order of subgoals with $\isarkeyword{defer}$ or $\isarkeyword{prefer}$ (see
   250 \S\ref{sec:tactic-commands}).
   253 \subsubsection{Simplifier tactics}
   255 The main Simplifier tactics \texttt{Simp_tac}, \texttt{simp_tac} and variants
   256 (cf.\ \cite{isabelle-ref}) are all covered by the $simp$ and $simp_all$
   257 methods (see \S\ref{sec:simp}).  Note that there is no individual goal
   258 addressing available, simplification acts either on the first goal ($simp$)
   259 or all goals ($simp_all$).
   261 \begin{matharray}{lll}
   262   \texttt{Asm_full_simp_tac 1} & & simp \\
   263   \texttt{ALLGOALS Asm_full_simp_tac} & & simp_all \\[0.5ex]
   264   \texttt{Simp_tac 1} & & simp~(no_asm) \\
   265   \texttt{Asm_simp_tac 1} & & simp~(no_asm_simp) \\
   266   \texttt{Full_simp_tac 1} & & simp~(no_asm_use) \\
   267 \end{matharray}
   269 Isar also provides separate method modifier syntax for augmenting the
   270 Simplifier context (see \S\ref{sec:simp}), which is known as the ``simpset''
   271 in ML.  A typical ML expression with simpset changes looks like this:
   272 \begin{ttbox}
   273 asm_full_simp_tac (simpset () addsimps [\(a@1\), \(\dots\)] delsimps [\(b@1\), \(\dots\)]) 1
   274 \end{ttbox}
   275 The corresponding Isar text is as follows:
   276 \[
   277 simp~add:~a@1~\dots~del:~b@1~\dots
   278 \]
   279 Global declarations of Simplifier rules (e.g.\ \texttt{Addsimps}) are covered
   280 by application of attributes, see \S\ref{sec:conv-decls} for more information.
   283 \subsubsection{Classical Reasoner tactics}
   285 The Classical Reasoner provides a rather large number of variations of
   286 automated tactics, such as \texttt{Blast_tac}, \texttt{Fast_tac},
   287 \texttt{Clarify_tac} etc.\ (see \cite{isabelle-ref}).  The corresponding Isar
   288 methods usually share the same base name, such as $blast$, $fast$, $clarify$
   289 etc.\ (see \S\ref{sec:classical-auto}).
   291 Similar to the Simplifier, there is separate method modifier syntax for
   292 augmenting the Classical Reasoner context, which is known as the ``claset'' in
   293 ML.  A typical ML expression with claset changes looks like this:
   294 \begin{ttbox}
   295 blast_tac (claset () addIs [\(a@1\), \(\dots\)] addSEs [\(b@1\), \(\dots\)]) 1
   296 \end{ttbox}
   297 The corresponding Isar text is as follows:
   298 \[
   299 blast~intro:~a@1~\dots~elim!:~b@1~\dots
   300 \]
   301 Global declarations of Classical Reasoner rules (e.g.\ \texttt{AddIs}) are
   302 covered by application of attributes, see \S\ref{sec:conv-decls} for more
   303 information.
   306 \subsubsection{Miscellaneous tactics}
   308 There are a few additional tactics defined in various theories of
   309 Isabelle/HOL, some of these also in Isabelle/FOL or Isabelle/ZF.  The most
   310 common ones of these may be ported to Isar as follows.
   312 \begin{matharray}{lll}
   313   \texttt{stac}~a~1 & & subst~a \\
   314   \texttt{hyp_subst_tac}~1 & & hypsubst \\
   315   \texttt{strip_tac}~1 & \approx & intro~strip \\
   316   \texttt{split_all_tac}~1 & & simp~(no_asm_simp)~only:~split_tupled_all \\
   317                          & \approx & simp~only:~split_tupled_all \\
   318                          & \ll & clarify \\
   319 \end{matharray}
   322 \subsubsection{Tacticals}
   324 Classic Isabelle provides a huge amount of tacticals for combination and
   325 modification of existing tactics.  This has been greatly reduced in Isar,
   326 providing the bare minimum of combinators only: ``$,$'' (sequential
   327 composition), ``$|$'' (alternative choices), ``$?$'' (try), ``$+$'' (repeat at
   328 least once).  These are usually sufficient in practice; if all fails,
   329 arbitrary ML tactic code may be invoked via the $tactic$ method (see
   330 \S\ref{sec:tactics}).
   332 \medskip Common ML tacticals may be expressed directly in Isar as follows:
   333 \begin{matharray}{lll}
   334 tac@1~\texttt{THEN}~tac@2 & & meth@1, meth@2 \\
   335 tac@1~\texttt{ORELSE}~tac@2 & & meth@1~|~meth@2 \\
   336 \texttt{TRY}~tac & & meth? \\
   337 \texttt{REPEAT1}~tac & & meth+ \\
   338 \texttt{REPEAT}~tac & & (meth+)? \\
   339 \texttt{EVERY}~[tac@1, \dots] & & meth@1, \dots \\
   340 \texttt{FIRST}~[tac@1, \dots] & & meth@1~|~\dots \\
   341 \end{matharray}
   343 \medskip \texttt{CHANGED} (see \cite{isabelle-ref}) is usually not required in
   344 Isar, since most basic proof methods already fail unless there is an actual
   345 change in the goal state.  Nevertheless, ``$?$'' (try) may be used to accept
   346 \emph{unchanged} results as well.
   348 \medskip \texttt{ALLGOALS}, \texttt{SOMEGOAL} etc.\ (see \cite{isabelle-ref})
   349 are not available in Isar, since there is no direct goal addressing.
   350 Nevertheless, some basic methods address all goals internally, notably
   351 $simp_all$ (see \S\ref{sec:simp}).  Also note that \texttt{ALLGOALS} may be
   352 often replaced by ``$+$'' (repeat at least once), although this usually has a
   353 different operational behavior, such as solving goals in a different order.
   355 \medskip Iterated resolution, such as
   356 \texttt{REPEAT~(FIRSTGOAL~(resolve_tac~$\dots$))}, is usually better expressed
   357 using the $intro$ and $elim$ methods of Isar (see
   358 \S\ref{sec:classical-basic}).
   361 \subsection{Declarations and ad-hoc operations}\label{sec:conv-decls}
   363 Apart from proof commands and tactic expressions, almost all of the remaining
   364 ML code occurring in legacy proof scripts are either global context
   365 declarations (such as \texttt{Addsimps}) or ad-hoc operations on theorems
   366 (such as \texttt{RS}).  In Isar both of these are covered by theorem
   367 expressions with \emph{attributes}.
   369 \medskip Theorem operations may be attached as attributes in the very place
   370 where theorems are referenced, say within a method argument.  The subsequent
   371 common ML combinators may be expressed directly in Isar as follows.
   372 \begin{matharray}{lll}
   373   thm@1~\texttt{RS}~thm@2 & & thm@1~[THEN~thm@2] \\
   374   thm@1~\texttt{RSN}~(i, thm@2) & & thm@1~[THEN~[i]~thm@2] \\
   375   thm@1~\texttt{COMP}~thm@2 & & thm@1~[COMP~thm@2] \\
   376   \relax[thm@1, \dots]~\texttt{MRS}~thm & & thm~[OF~thm@1~\dots] \\
   377   \texttt{read_instantiate}~[(x@1, t@1), \dots]~thm & & thm~[where~x@1 = t@1~and~\dots] \\
   378   \texttt{standard}~thm & & thm~[standard] \\
   379   \texttt{make_elim}~thm & & thm~[elim_format] \\
   380 \end{matharray}
   382 Note that $OF$ is often more readable as $THEN$; likewise positional
   383 instantiation with $of$ is more handsome than $where$.
   385 The special ML command \texttt{qed_spec_mp} of Isabelle/HOL and FOL may be
   386 replaced by passing the result of a proof through $rule_format$.
   388 \medskip Global ML declarations may be expressed using the
   389 $\isarkeyword{declare}$ command (see \S\ref{sec:tactic-commands}) together
   390 with appropriate attributes.  The most common ones are as follows.
   391 \begin{matharray}{lll}
   392   \texttt{Addsimps}~[thm] & & \isarkeyword{declare}~thm~[simp] \\
   393   \texttt{Delsimps}~[thm] & & \isarkeyword{declare}~thm~[simp~del] \\
   394   \texttt{Addsplits}~[thm] & & \isarkeyword{declare}~thm~[split] \\
   395   \texttt{Delsplits}~[thm] & & \isarkeyword{declare}~thm~[split~del] \\[0.5ex]
   396   \texttt{AddIs}~[thm] & & \isarkeyword{declare}~thm~[intro] \\
   397   \texttt{AddEs}~[thm] & & \isarkeyword{declare}~thm~[elim] \\
   398   \texttt{AddDs}~[thm] & & \isarkeyword{declare}~thm~[dest] \\
   399   \texttt{AddSIs}~[thm] & & \isarkeyword{declare}~thm~[intro!] \\
   400   \texttt{AddSEs}~[thm] & & \isarkeyword{declare}~thm~[elim!] \\
   401   \texttt{AddSDs}~[thm] & & \isarkeyword{declare}~thm~[dest!] \\[0.5ex]
   402   \texttt{AddIffs}~[thm] & & \isarkeyword{declare}~thm~[iff] \\
   403 \end{matharray}
   404 Note that explicit $\isarkeyword{declare}$ commands are actually needed only
   405 very rarely; Isar admits to declare theorems on-the-fly wherever they emerge.
   406 Consider the following ML idiom:
   407 \begin{ttbox}
   408 Goal "\(\phi\)";
   409  \(\vdots\)
   410 qed "name";
   411 Addsimps [name];
   412 \end{ttbox}
   413 This may be expressed more concisely in Isar like this:
   414 \begin{matharray}{l}
   415   \LEMMA{name~[simp]}{\phi} \\
   416   \quad\vdots
   417 \end{matharray}
   418 The $name$ may be even omitted, although this would make it difficult to
   419 declare the theorem otherwise later (e.g.\ as $[simp~del]$).
   422 \section{Converting to actual Isar proof texts}
   424 Porting legacy ML proof scripts into Isar tactic emulation scripts (see
   425 \S\ref{sec:port-scripts}) is mainly a technical issue, since the basic
   426 representation of formal ``proof script'' is preserved.  In contrast,
   427 converting existing Isabelle developments into actual human-readably Isar
   428 proof texts is more involved, due to the fundamental change of the underlying
   429 paradigm.
   431 This issue is comparable to that of converting programs written in a low-level
   432 programming languages (say Assembler) into higher-level ones (say Haskell).
   433 In order to accomplish this, one needs a working knowledge of the target
   434 language, as well an understanding of the \emph{original} idea of the piece of
   435 code expressed in the low-level language.
   437 As far as Isar proofs are concerned, it is usually much easier to re-use only
   438 definitions and the main statements directly, while following the arrangement
   439 of proof scripts only very loosely.  Ideally, one would also have some
   440 \emph{informal} proof outlines available for guidance as well.  In the worst
   441 case, obscure proof scripts would have to be re-engineered by tracing forth
   442 and backwards, and by educated guessing!
   444 \medskip This is a possible schedule to embark on actual conversion of legacy
   445 proof scripts into Isar proof texts.
   446 \begin{enumerate}
   447 \item Port ML scripts to Isar tactic emulation scripts (see
   448   \S\ref{sec:port-scripts}).
   449 \item Get sufficiently acquainted with Isabelle/Isar proof
   450   development.\footnote{As there is still no Isar tutorial around, it is best
   451     to look at existing Isar examples, see also \S\ref{sec:isar-howto}.}
   452 \item Recover the proof structure of a few important theorems.
   453 \item Rephrase the original intention of the course of reasoning in terms of
   454   Isar proof language elements.
   455 \end{enumerate}
   457 Certainly, rewriting formal reasoning in Isar requires much additional effort.
   458 On the other hand, one gains a human-readable representation of
   459 machine-checked formal proof.  Depending on the context of application, this
   460 might be even indispensable to start with!
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