author wenzelm
Thu, 15 Mar 2012 19:02:34 +0100
changeset 47821 b8c7eb0c2f89
parent 47676 50dbdb9e28ad
child 47836 5c6955f487e5
permissions -rw-r--r--
declare minor keywords via theory header;
     1 (*  Title:      HOL/Import/import.ML
     2     Author:     Sebastian Skalberg (TU Muenchen)
     3 *)
     5 signature IMPORT =
     6 sig
     7     val debug      : bool Unsynchronized.ref
     8     val import_tac : Proof.context -> string * string -> tactic
     9     val setup      : theory -> theory
    10 end
    12 structure ImportData = Theory_Data
    13 (
    14   type T = ProofKernel.thm option array option  (* FIXME mutable array !??!!! *)
    15   val empty = NONE
    16   val extend = I
    17   fun merge _ = NONE
    18 )
    20 structure Import : IMPORT =
    21 struct
    23 val debug = Unsynchronized.ref false
    24 fun message s = if !debug then writeln s else ()
    26 fun import_tac ctxt (thyname, thmname) =
    27     if ! quick_and_dirty
    28     then Skip_Proof.cheat_tac (Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt)
    29     else
    30      fn th =>
    31         let
    32             val thy = Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt
    33             val prem = hd (prems_of th)
    34             val _ = message ("Import_tac: thyname=" ^ thyname ^ ", thmname=" ^ thmname)
    35             val _ = message ("Import trying to prove " ^ Syntax.string_of_term ctxt prem)
    36             val int_thms = case ImportData.get thy of
    37                                NONE => fst (Replay.setup_int_thms thyname thy)
    38                              | SOME a => a
    39             val proof = snd (ProofKernel.import_proof thyname thmname thy) thy
    40             val importerthm = snd (Replay.replay_proof int_thms thyname thmname proof thy)
    41             val thm = snd (ProofKernel.to_isa_thm importerthm)
    42             val rew = ProofKernel.rewrite_importer_term (concl_of thm) thy
    43             val thm = Thm.equal_elim rew thm
    44             val prew = ProofKernel.rewrite_importer_term prem thy
    45             val prem' = #2 (Logic.dest_equals (prop_of prew))
    46             val _ = message ("Import proved " ^ Display.string_of_thm ctxt thm)
    47             val thm = ProofKernel.disambiguate_frees thm
    48             val _ = message ("Disambiguate: " ^ Display.string_of_thm ctxt thm)
    49         in
    50             case Shuffler.set_prop thy prem' [("",thm)] of
    51                 SOME (_,thm) =>
    52                 let
    53                     val _ = if prem' aconv (prop_of thm)
    54                             then message "import: Terms match up"
    55                             else message "import: Terms DO NOT match up"
    56                     val thm' = Thm.equal_elim (Thm.symmetric prew) thm
    57                     val res = Thm.bicompose true (false,thm',0) 1 th
    58                 in
    59                     res
    60                 end
    61               | NONE => (message "import: set_prop didn't succeed"; no_tac th)
    62         end
    64 val setup = Method.setup @{binding import}
    65   (Scan.lift ( -- >>
    66     (fn arg => fn ctxt => SIMPLE_METHOD (import_tac ctxt arg)))
    67   "import external theorem"
    69 (* Parsers *)
    71 val import_segment = >> set_import_segment
    74 val import_theory = ( -- >> (fn (location, thyname) =>
    75                                fn thy =>
    76                                   thy |> set_generating_thy thyname
    77                                       |> Sign.add_path thyname
    78                                       |> add_dump ("setup_theory " ^ quote location ^ " " ^ thyname))
    80 fun end_import toks =
    81     Scan.succeed
    82         (fn thy =>
    83             let
    84                 val thyname = get_generating_thy thy
    85                 val segname = get_import_segment thy
    86                 val (int_thms,facts) = Replay.setup_int_thms thyname thy
    87                 val thmnames = filter_out (should_ignore thyname thy) facts
    88                 fun replay thy = Replay.import_thms thyname int_thms thmnames thy
    89             in
    90                 thy |> clear_import_thy
    91                     |> set_segment thyname segname
    92                     |> set_used_names facts
    93                     |> replay 
    94                     |> clear_used_names
    95                     |> export_importer_pending
    96                     |> Sign.parent_path
    97                     |> dump_import_thy thyname
    98                     |> add_dump ";end_setup"
    99             end) toks
   101 val ignore_thms = Scan.repeat1
   102                                >> (fn ignored =>
   103                                    fn thy =>
   104                                       let
   105                                           val thyname = get_import_thy thy
   106                                       in
   107                                           Library.foldl (fn (thy,thmname) => ignore_importer thyname thmname thy) (thy,ignored)
   108                                       end)
   110 val thm_maps = Scan.repeat1 ( --| Parse.$$$ ">" -- Parse.xname)
   111                             >> (fn thmmaps =>
   112                                 fn thy =>
   113                                    let
   114                                        val thyname = get_import_thy thy
   115                                    in
   116                                        Library.foldl (fn (thy,(hol,isa)) => add_importer_mapping thyname hol isa thy) (thy,thmmaps)
   117                                    end)
   119 val type_maps = Scan.repeat1 ( --| Parse.$$$ ">" -- Parse.xname)
   120                              >> (fn typmaps =>
   121                                  fn thy =>
   122                                     let
   123                                         val thyname = get_import_thy thy
   124                                     in
   125                                         Library.foldl (fn (thy,(hol,isa)) => add_importer_type_mapping thyname hol false isa thy) (thy,typmaps)
   126                                     end)
   128 val def_maps = Scan.repeat1 ( --| Parse.$$$ ">" -- Parse.xname)
   129                             >> (fn defmaps =>
   130                                 fn thy =>
   131                                    let
   132                                        val thyname = get_import_thy thy
   133                                    in
   134                                        Library.foldl (fn (thy,(hol,isa)) => add_defmap thyname hol isa thy) (thy,defmaps)
   135                                    end)
   137 val const_renames = Scan.repeat1 ( --| Parse.$$$ ">" --
   138                                  >> (fn renames =>
   139                                      fn thy =>
   140                                         let
   141                                             val thyname = get_import_thy thy
   142                                         in
   143                                             Library.foldl (fn (thy,(hol,isa)) => add_importer_const_renaming thyname hol isa thy) (thy,renames)
   144                                         end)
   146 val const_maps = Scan.repeat1 ( --| Parse.$$$ ">" -- Parse.xname -- Scan.option (Parse.$$$ "::" |-- Parse.typ))
   147                               >> (fn constmaps =>
   148                                   fn thy =>
   149                                      let
   150                                          val thyname = get_import_thy thy
   151                                      in
   152                                          Library.foldl (fn (thy,((hol,isa),NONE)) => add_importer_const_mapping thyname hol false isa thy
   153                                                  | (thy,((hol,isa),SOME ty)) => add_importer_const_wt_mapping thyname hol false isa (Syntax.read_typ_global thy ty) thy) (thy,constmaps)
   154                                      end)
   156 val const_moves = Scan.repeat1 ( --| Parse.$$$ ">" -- Parse.xname -- Scan.option (Parse.$$$ "::" |-- Parse.typ))
   157                                >> (fn constmaps =>
   158                                    fn thy =>
   159                                       let
   160                                           val thyname = get_import_thy thy
   161                                       in
   162                                           Library.foldl (fn (thy,((hol,isa),NONE)) => add_importer_const_mapping thyname hol true isa thy
   163                                                   | (thy,((hol,isa),SOME ty)) => add_importer_const_wt_mapping thyname hol true isa (Syntax.read_typ_global thy ty) thy) (thy,constmaps)
   164                                       end)
   166 fun import_thy location s =
   167     let
   168         val src_location = Path.append (Path.explode location) (Path.basic (s ^ ".imp"))
   169         val is = TextIO.openIn (File.platform_path src_location)
   170         val inp = TextIO.inputAll is
   171         val _ = TextIO.closeIn is
   172         val orig_source = Source.of_string inp
   173         val symb_source = Symbol.source orig_source
   174         val lexes =
   175           (Scan.make_lexicon
   176             (map Symbol.explode ["import_segment","ignore_thms","import","end",">","::","const_maps","const_moves","thm_maps","const_renames","type_maps","def_maps"]),
   177                   Scan.empty_lexicon)
   178         val token_source = Token.source {do_recover = NONE} (K lexes) Position.start symb_source
   179         val token_list = filter_out (Token.is_kind Token.Space) (Source.exhaust token_source)
   180         val import_segmentP = Parse.$$$ "import_segment" |-- import_segment
   181         val type_mapsP = Parse.$$$ "type_maps" |-- type_maps
   182         val def_mapsP = Parse.$$$ "def_maps" |-- def_maps
   183         val const_mapsP = Parse.$$$ "const_maps" |-- const_maps
   184         val const_movesP = Parse.$$$ "const_moves" |-- const_moves
   185         val const_renamesP = Parse.$$$ "const_renames" |-- const_renames
   186         val ignore_thmsP = Parse.$$$ "ignore_thms" |-- ignore_thms
   187         val thm_mapsP = Parse.$$$ "thm_maps" |-- thm_maps
   188         val parser = type_mapsP || def_mapsP || const_mapsP || const_movesP || const_renamesP || thm_mapsP || ignore_thmsP || import_segmentP
   189         val importP = Parse.$$$ "import" |-- Scan.repeat parser --| Parse.$$$ "end"
   190         fun apply [] thy = thy
   191           | apply (f::fs) thy = apply fs (f thy)
   192     in
   193         apply (set_replaying_thy s :: Sign.add_path s :: fst (importP token_list))
   194     end
   196 fun create_int_thms thyname thy =
   197     if ! quick_and_dirty
   198     then thy
   199     else
   200         case ImportData.get thy of
   201             NONE => ImportData.put (SOME (fst (Replay.setup_int_thms thyname thy))) thy
   202           | SOME _ => error "Import data not closed - forgotten an end_setup, mayhap?"
   204 fun clear_int_thms thy =
   205     if ! quick_and_dirty
   206     then thy
   207     else
   208         case ImportData.get thy of
   209             NONE => error "Import data already cleared - forgotten a setup_theory?"
   210           | SOME _ => ImportData.put NONE thy
   212 val setup_theory = ( --
   213                        >>
   214                        (fn (location, thyname) =>
   215                         fn thy =>
   216                            (case Importer_DefThy.get thy of
   217                                 NoImport => thy
   218                               | Generating _ => error "Currently generating a theory!"
   219                               | Replaying _ => thy |> clear_import_thy)
   220                                |> import_thy location thyname
   221                                |> create_int_thms thyname)
   223 fun end_setup toks =
   224     Scan.succeed
   225         (fn thy =>
   226             let
   227                 val thyname = get_import_thy thy
   228                 val segname = get_import_segment thy
   229             in
   230                 thy |> set_segment thyname segname
   231                     |> clear_import_thy
   232                     |> clear_int_thms
   233                     |> Sign.parent_path
   234             end) toks
   236 val set_dump  = Parse.string -- Parse.string   >> setup_dump
   237 fun fl_dump toks  = Scan.succeed flush_dump toks
   238 val append_dump = (Parse.verbatim || Parse.string) >> add_dump
   240 val _ =
   241   (Outer_Syntax.command "import_segment"
   242                        "Set import segment name"
   243                        Keyword.thy_decl (import_segment >> Toplevel.theory);
   244    Outer_Syntax.command "import_theory"
   245                        "Set default external theory name"
   246                        Keyword.thy_decl (import_theory >> Toplevel.theory);
   247    Outer_Syntax.command "end_import"
   248                        "End external import"
   249                        Keyword.thy_decl (end_import >> Toplevel.theory);
   250    Outer_Syntax.command "setup_theory"
   251                        "Setup external theory replaying"
   252                        Keyword.thy_decl (setup_theory >> Toplevel.theory);
   253    Outer_Syntax.command "end_setup"
   254                        "End external setup"
   255                        Keyword.thy_decl (end_setup >> Toplevel.theory);
   256    Outer_Syntax.command "setup_dump"
   257                        "Setup the dump file name"
   258                        Keyword.thy_decl (set_dump >> Toplevel.theory);
   259    Outer_Syntax.command "append_dump"
   260                        "Add text to dump file"
   261                        Keyword.thy_decl (append_dump >> Toplevel.theory);
   262    Outer_Syntax.command "flush_dump"
   263                        "Write the dump to file"
   264                        Keyword.thy_decl (fl_dump >> Toplevel.theory);
   265    Outer_Syntax.command "ignore_thms"
   266                        "Theorems to ignore in next external theory import"
   267                        Keyword.thy_decl (ignore_thms >> Toplevel.theory);
   268    Outer_Syntax.command "type_maps"
   269                        "Map external type names to existing Isabelle/HOL type names"
   270                        Keyword.thy_decl (type_maps >> Toplevel.theory);
   271    Outer_Syntax.command "def_maps"
   272                        "Map external constant names to their primitive definitions"
   273                        Keyword.thy_decl (def_maps >> Toplevel.theory);
   274    Outer_Syntax.command "thm_maps"
   275                        "Map external theorem names to existing Isabelle/HOL theorem names"
   276                        Keyword.thy_decl (thm_maps >> Toplevel.theory);
   277    Outer_Syntax.command "const_renames"
   278                        "Rename external const names"
   279                        Keyword.thy_decl (const_renames >> Toplevel.theory);
   280    Outer_Syntax.command "const_moves"
   281                        "Rename external const names to other external constants"
   282                        Keyword.thy_decl (const_moves >> Toplevel.theory);
   283    Outer_Syntax.command "const_maps"
   284                        "Map external const names to existing Isabelle/HOL const names"
   285                        Keyword.thy_decl (const_maps >> Toplevel.theory));
   287 end