author Walther Neuper <>
Wed, 14 Feb 2018 06:06:27 +0100
changeset 59370 b829919afd7b
parent 59367 fb6f5ef2c647
child 59389 627d25067f2f
permissions -rw-r--r--
Isabelle2015->17: completed "normalise" cf. fb6f5ef2c647
     1 (* export problem-data and method-data to xml
     2    author: Walther Neuper 2004
     3    (c) isac-team
     4 *)
     6 fun file2str (path : path) (fnm : filename) =
     7   let 
     8     val file = TextIO.openIn (path ^ fnm)
     9     val str = TextIO.inputAll file
    10   in TextIO.closeIn file; str end
    12 fun str2file (fnm : filename) (str : string) =
    13   let val file = TextIO.openOut fnm
    14   in 
    15     TextIO.output (file, str);
    16     TextIO.flushOut file;
    17     TextIO.closeOut file
    18   end
    19 fun pos2filename [] = error "pos2filename called with []"
    20   | pos2filename [i] = "_" ^ string_of_int i ^ ".xml"
    21   | pos2filename (i::is) = "_" ^ string_of_int i ^ pos2filename is;
    22 (* pos2filename [1,22,3];
    23 val it = "_1_22_3.xml" : string
    24 *)
    25 fun id2filename [] = error "id2filename called with []"
    26   | id2filename [s] = s ^ ".xml"
    27   | id2filename (s::ss) = s ^ "_" ^ id2filename ss;
    28 (* id2filename ["linear","univariate","equation"];
    29 val it = "linear_univariate_equation.xml" : string
    30 *)
    32 (*ad DTD: a NODE contains an ID and zero or more NODEs*)
    33 (*old version with pos2filename*)
    34 fun hierarchy pm(*"pbl" | "met"*) h =
    35     let val j = indentation
    36 	fun nd i p (Ptyp (id,_,ns)) = 
    37 	    let val p' = Ctree.lev_on p
    38 	    in (indt i) ^ "<NODE>\n" ^ 
    39 	       (indt (i+j)) ^ "<ID> " ^ id ^ " </ID>\n" ^ 
    40 	       (indt (i+j)) ^ "<NO> " (*on this level*) ^ 
    41 	       (string_of_int o last_elem) p' ^ " </NO>\n" ^ 
    42 	       (indt (i+j)) ^ "<CONTENTREF> " ^ pm ^ pos2filename p' ^ 
    43 	       " </CONTENTREF>\n" ^
    44 	       (nds (i+j) (Ctree.lev_dn p') ns) ^ 
    45 	       (indt i) ^ "</NODE>\n"
    46 	    end
    47 	and nds _ _ [] = ""
    48 	  | nds i p (n::ns) = (nd i p n) ^ (nds i (Ctree.lev_on p) ns);
    49     in nds j [0] h end;
    50 (*.create a hierarchy with references to the guh's.*)
    51 fun hierarchy_pbl h =
    52     let val j = indentation
    53 	fun nd i p (Ptyp (id,[n as {guh,...} : pbt],ns)) = 
    54 	    let val p' = Ctree.lev_on p
    55 	    in (indt i) ^ "<NODE>\n" ^ 
    56 	       (indt (i+j)) ^ "<ID> " ^ id ^ " </ID>\n" ^ 
    57 	       (indt (i+j)) ^ "<NO> " (*on this level*) ^ 
    58 	       (string_of_int o last_elem) p' ^ " </NO>\n" ^ 
    59 	       (indt (i+j)) ^ "<CONTENTREF> " ^ guh ^ 
    60 	       " </CONTENTREF>\n" ^
    61 	       (nds (i+j) (Ctree.lev_dn p') ns) ^ 
    62 	       (indt i) ^ "</NODE>\n"
    63 	    end
    64 	and nds _ _ [] = "" 
    65 	  | nds i p (n::ns) = (nd i p n) ^ (nds i (Ctree.lev_on p) ns);
    66     in nds j [0] h : xml end;
    67 fun hierarchy_met h =
    68     let val j = indentation
    69 	fun nd i p (Ptyp (id,[n as {guh,...} : met],ns)) = 
    70 	    let val p' = Ctree.lev_on p
    71 	    in (indt i) ^ "<NODE>\n" ^ 
    72 	       (indt (i+j)) ^ "<ID> " ^ id ^ " </ID>\n" ^ 
    73 	       (indt (i+j)) ^ "<NO> " (*on this level*) ^ 
    74 	       (string_of_int o last_elem) p' ^ " </NO>\n" ^ 
    75 	       (indt (i+j)) ^ "<CONTENTREF> " ^ guh ^ 
    76 	       " </CONTENTREF>\n" ^
    77 	       (nds (i+j) (Ctree.lev_dn p') ns) ^ 
    78 	       (indt i) ^ "</NODE>\n"
    79 	    end
    80 	and nds _ _ [] = ""
    81 	  | nds i p (n::ns) = (nd i p n) ^ (nds i (Ctree.lev_on p) ns);
    82     in nds j [0] h  : xml end;
    83 (* (writeln o hierarchy_pbl) (!ptyps);
    84    *)
    86 fun pbl_hierarchy2file (path:path) = 
    87     str2file (path ^ "pbl_hierarchy.xml") 
    88 	     ("<NODE>\n" ^
    89 	      "  <ID> problem hierarchy </ID>\n" ^
    90 	      "  <NO> 1 </NO>\n" ^
    91 	      "  <CONTENTREF> pbl_ROOT </CONTENTREF>\n" ^
    92 	     (hierarchy_pbl (get_ptyps ())) ^
    93 	     "</NODE>");
    95 fun met_hierarchy2file (path:path) = 
    96     str2file (path ^ "met_hierarchy.xml") 
    97 	     ("<NODE>\n" ^
    98 	      "  <ID> method hierarchy </ID>\n" ^
    99 	      "  <NO> 1 </NO>\n" ^
   100 	      "  <CONTENTREF> met_ROOT </CONTENTREF>\n" ^
   101 	     (hierarchy_met (get_mets ())) ^
   102 	     "</NODE>");
   104 (**.create the xml-files for the pbls, mets from the hierarchy.**)
   106 (*.format a problem in xml for presentation on the problem browser;
   107    new version with <KESTOREREF>s -- not used because linking
   108    requires elements (rls, calc, ...) to be reorganized.*)
   109 (*######## ATTENTION: THIS IS not THE ACTUAL VERSION ################*)
   110 fun pbl2term thy (pblRD: Specify.pblRD) = (*WN120405.TODO.txt*)
   111   str2term ("Problem (" ^ (get_thy o theory2domID) thy ^ "', " ^ (strs2str' o rev) pblRD ^ ")");
   112 (* term2str (pbl2term (Thy_Info_get_theory "Isac") ["equations","univariate","normalise"]);
   113 val it = "Problem (Isac, [normalise, univariate, equations])" : string
   114 *)
   115 val i = indentation;
   117 (* new version with <KESTOREREF>s -- not used *)
   118 fun pbl2xml (id:(*pblRD*)pblID) ({guh,mathauthors,init,cas,met,ppc,prls,
   119 			 thy,where_}:pbt) =
   120     let val thy' = theory2theory' thy
   121 	val prls' = (#id o rep_rls) prls
   122     in "<NODECONTENT>\n" ^
   123        indt i ^ "<GUH> " ^ guh ^ " </GUH>\n" ^
   124        (((id2xml i)(* o rev*)) id) ^ 
   125        indt i ^ "<META> </META>\n" ^
   126        (*--------------- begin display ------------------------------*)
   127        indt i ^ "<HEADLINE>\n" ^
   128        (case cas of NONE => term2xml i (pbl2term thy id)
   129 		  | SOME t => term2xml i t) ^ "\n" ^
   130        indt i ^ "</HEADLINE>\n" ^
   131        (*--------------- hline --------------------------------------*)
   132        pattern2xml i ppc where_ ^
   133        (*--------------- hline --------------------------------------*)
   134        indt i ^ "<EXPLANATIONS> </EXPLANATIONS>\n"
   135        (*--------------- end display --------------------------------*)
   136        ^
   137        indt i ^ "<THEORY>\n" ^ 
   138        theref2xml (i+i) thy' "Theorems" "" ^
   139        indt i ^ "</THEORY>\n" ^
   140        (case met of [] => (indt i) ^ "<METHODS> </METHODS>\n"
   141 		  | _ => (indt i) ^ "<METHODS>\n" ^
   142 			 foldl op^ ("", map (keref2xml (i+i) Met_) met) ^
   143 			 (indt i) ^ "</METHODS>\n") ^
   144        indt i ^ "<EVALPRECOND>\n" ^ 
   145        theref2xml (i+i) (snd (Rtools.thy_containing_rls thy' prls')) "Rulesets" prls'^
   146        indt i ^ "</EVALPRECOND>\n" ^
   147        authors2xml i "MATHAUTHORS" mathauthors ^
   148        authors2xml i "COURSEDESIGNS" ["isac team 2006"] ^
   149        "</NODECONTENT>" : xml
   150     end;
   151 (* old version with 'dead' strings for rls, calc, ....* *)
   152 fun pbl2xml (id:(*pblRD*)pblID) ({guh,mathauthors,init,cas,met,ppc,prls,
   153 			 thy,where_}:pbt) =
   154     "<NODECONTENT>\n" ^
   155     indt i ^ "<GUH> " ^ guh ^ " </GUH>\n" ^
   156     (((id2xml i)(* o rev*)) id) ^ 
   157     indt i ^ "<META> </META>\n" ^
   158     (*--------------- begin display ------------------------------*)
   159     indt i ^ "<HEADLINE>\n" ^
   160     (case cas of NONE => term2xml i (pbl2term thy id)
   161 	       | SOME t => term2xml i t) ^ "\n" ^
   162     indt i ^ "</HEADLINE>\n" ^
   163     (*--------------- hline --------------------------------------*)
   164     pattern2xml i ppc where_ ^
   165     (*--------------- hline --------------------------------------*)
   166     indt i ^ "<EXPLANATIONS> </EXPLANATIONS>\n"
   167     (*--------------- end display --------------------------------*)
   168     ^
   169     indt i ^ "<THEORY>\n" ^ 
   170     theref2xml (i+i) (theory2theory' thy) "Theorems" "" ^
   171     indt i ^ "</THEORY>\n" ^
   172     (case met of [] => (indt i) ^ "<METHODS> </METHODS>\n"
   173 	       | _ => (indt i) ^ "<METHODS>\n" ^
   174 		      foldl op^ ("", map (keref2xml (i+i) Met_) met) ^
   175 		      (indt i) ^ "</METHODS>\n") ^
   176     indt i ^ "<EVALPRECOND> " ^ (#id o rep_rls) 
   177 				    prls ^ " </EVALPRECOND>\n" ^ 
   178     authors2xml i "MATHAUTHORS" mathauthors ^
   179     authors2xml i "COURSEDESIGNS" ["isac team 2006"] ^
   180     "</NODECONTENT>" : xml;
   183 (**. write pbls from hierarchy to files.**)
   184 fun pbl2file (path:path) (pos: Ctree.pos) (id:metID) (pbl as {guh,...}) =
   185     (writeln ("### pbl2file: id = " ^ strs2str id ^ ", pos = " ^ Ctree.pos2str pos);
   186      ((str2file (path ^ Rtools.guh2filename guh)) o (pbl2xml id)) pbl
   187      );
   189 (**. write mets from hierarchy to files.**)
   190 (*.format a method in xml for presentation on the method browser;
   191    new version with <KESTOREREF>s -- not used because linking
   192    requires elements (rls, calc, ...) to be reorganized.*)
   193 (*######## ATTENTION: THIS IS not THE ACTUAL VERSION ################*)
   194 fun met2xml (id:metID) ({guh,mathauthors,init,ppc,pre,scr,calc,
   195 			 crls,erls,errpats,nrls,prls,srls,rew_ord'}:met) =
   196     let val thy' = "Isac" (*FIXME.WN0607 get thy from met ?!?*)
   197 	val crls' = (#id o rep_rls) crls
   198 	val erls' = (#id o rep_rls) erls
   199 	val nrls' = (#id o rep_rls) nrls
   200 	val prls' = (#id o rep_rls) prls
   201 	val srls' = (#id o rep_rls) srls
   202     in "<NODECONTENT>\n" ^
   203        indt i ^ "<GUH> " ^ guh ^ " </GUH>\n" ^
   204        id2xml i id ^ 
   205        indt i ^ "<META> </META>\n" ^
   206        scr2xml i scr ^
   207        pattern2xml i ppc pre ^
   208        indt i ^ "<EXPLANATIONS> </EXPLANATIONS>\n" ^
   209        indt i ^ "<EVALPRECOND>\n" ^ 
   210        theref2xml (i+i) (snd (Rtools.thy_containing_rls thy' prls')) "Rulesets" prls'^
   211        indt i ^ "</EVALPRECOND>\n" ^
   212        indt i ^ "<EVALCOND>\n"    ^ 
   213        theref2xml (i+i) (snd (Rtools.thy_containing_rls thy' erls')) "Rulesets" erls'^
   214        indt i ^ "</EVALCOND>\n" ^
   215        indt i ^ "<EVALLISTEXPR>\n"^ 
   216        theref2xml (i+i) (snd (Rtools.thy_containing_rls thy' srls')) "Rulesets" srls'^
   217        indt i ^ "</EVALLISTEXPR>\n" ^
   218        indt i ^ "<CHECKELEMENTWISE>\n" ^ 
   219        theref2xml (i+i) (snd (Rtools.thy_containing_rls thy' crls')) "Rulesets" crls'^
   220        indt i ^ "</CHECKELEMENTWISE>\n" ^
   221        indt i ^ "<NORMALFORM>\n"  ^ 
   222        theref2xml (i+i) (snd (Rtools.thy_containing_rls thy' nrls')) "Rulesets" nrls'^
   223        indt i ^ "</NORMALFORM>\n" ^
   224        indt i ^ "<REWORDER> " ^ rew_ord' ^ " </REWORDER>\n" ^
   225        calcs2xmlOLD i calc ^
   226        authors2xml i "MATHAUTHORS" mathauthors ^
   227        authors2xml i "COURSEDESIGNS" ["isac team 2006"] ^
   228        "</NODECONTENT>" : xml
   229     end;
   230 (*.format a method in xml for presentation on the method browser;
   231    old version with 'dead' strings for rls, calc, ....*)
   232 fun met2xml (id:metID) ({guh,mathauthors,init,ppc,pre,scr,calc,
   233 			 crls,erls,errpats,nrls,prls,srls,rew_ord'}:met) =
   234     "<NODECONTENT>\n" ^
   235     indt i ^ "<GUH> " ^ guh ^ " </GUH>\n" ^
   236     id2xml i id ^ 
   237     indt i ^ "<META> </META>\n" ^
   238     scr2xml i scr ^
   239     pattern2xml i ppc pre ^
   240     indt i ^ "<EXPLANATIONS> </EXPLANATIONS>\n" ^
   241     indt i ^ "<EVALPRECOND> " ^  (#id o rep_rls) prls ^ " </EVALPRECOND>\n" ^
   242     indt i ^ "<EVALCOND> " ^ (#id o rep_rls) erls ^ " </EVALCOND>\n" ^
   243     indt i ^ "<EVALLISTEXPR> "^ (#id o rep_rls) srls ^ " </EVALLISTEXPR>\n" ^
   244     indt i ^ "<CHECKELEMENTWISE> " ^ (#id o rep_rls) 
   245 					 crls ^ " </CHECKELEMENTWISE>\n" ^
   246     indt i ^ "<NORMALFORM> "  ^ (#id o rep_rls) nrls ^ " </NORMALFORM>\n" ^
   247     indt i ^ "<REWORDER> " ^ rew_ord' ^ " </REWORDER>\n" ^
   248     calcs2xmlOLD i calc ^
   249     authors2xml i "MATHAUTHORS" mathauthors ^
   250     authors2xml i "COURSEDESIGNS" ["isac team 2006"] ^
   251     "</NODECONTENT>" : xml;
   252 (* writeln (met2xml ["Test", "solve_linear"]
   253 		    (get_met ["Test", "solve_linear"]));
   254    *)
   256 (*.write the files using an int-key (pos') as filename.*)
   257 fun met2file (path:path) (pos: Ctree.pos) (id:metID) met =
   258     (writeln ("### met2file: id = " ^ strs2str id);
   259      ((str2file (path ^ "met" ^ pos2filename pos)) o (met2xml id)) met);
   261 (*.write the files using the guh as filename.*)
   262 fun met2file (path:path) (pos: Ctree.pos) (id:metID) (met as {guh,...}) =
   263     (writeln ("### met2file: id = " ^ strs2str id);
   264      ((str2file (path ^ Rtools.guh2filename guh)) o (met2xml id)) met);
   266 (*.scan the mtree Ptyp and print the nodes using wfn.*)
   267 fun node (pa:path) ids po wfn (Ptyp (id,[n],ns)) = 
   268     let val po' = Ctree.lev_on po
   269     in
   270       wfn pa po' (ids@[id]) n; 
   271       nodes pa (ids@[id]) (Ctree.lev_dn po')  wfn ns
   272     end
   273 and nodes _ _ _ _ [] = ()
   274   | nodes pa ids po wfn (n::ns) =
   275       (node pa ids po wfn n; nodes pa ids (Ctree.lev_on po) wfn ns);
   277 fun pbls2file (p:path) = nodes p [] [0] pbl2file (get_ptyps ());
   278 fun mets2file (p:path) = nodes p [] [0] met2file (get_mets ());
   279 (*
   280 val path = "/home/neuper/proto2/isac/xmldata/"; 
   281 val path = "/home/neuper/tmp/"; 
   283 pbl_hierarchy2file (path ^ "pbl/");
   284 pbls2file          (path ^ "pbl/");
   286 met_hierarchy2file (path ^ "met/");
   287 mets2file          (path ^ "met/");
   289 thy_hierarchy2file (path ^ "thy/");
   290 thes2file          (path ^ "thy/");
   291 *)
   293 fun update_metdata
   294   ({guh, mathauthors, init, rew_ord', erls, srls, prls, crls, nrls, calc, ppc, pre, scr, ...}: met)
   295     errpats' =
   296   {guh = guh, mathauthors = mathauthors, init = init, rew_ord' = rew_ord', erls = erls,
   297     srls = srls, prls = prls, crls = crls, nrls = nrls, calc = calc,
   298     ppc = ppc, pre = pre, scr = scr, errpats = errpats'}: met
   300 (* interface for dialog-authoring: call in Buld_Thydata.thy only ! *)
   301 fun update_metpair thy metID errpats = let
   302         val ret = (update_metdata (Specify.get_met' thy metID) errpats, metID)
   303           handle ERROR _ => error ("update_metpair: " ^ (strs2str metID) ^ " must address a method");
   304       in ret end;