author clasohm
Mon, 27 Nov 1995 13:44:56 +0100
changeset 1369 b82815e61b30
parent 866 2d3d020eef11
child 1380 2f8055af9c04
permissions -rw-r--r--
corrected documentation of pseudo theories;
added documentation of HTML generation
     1 %% $Id$
     3 \chapter{Theories, Terms and Types} \label{theories}
     4 \index{theories|(}\index{signatures|bold}
     5 \index{reading!axioms|see{{\tt assume_ax}}}
     6 Theories organize the syntax, declarations and axioms of a mathematical
     7 development.  They are built, starting from the Pure theory, by extending
     8 and merging existing theories.  They have the \ML\ type \mltydx{theory}.
     9 Theory operations signal errors by raising exception \xdx{THEORY},
    10 returning a message and a list of theories.
    12 Signatures, which contain information about sorts, types, constants and
    13 syntax, have the \ML\ type~\mltydx{}.  For identification, each
    14 signature carries a unique list of \bfindex{stamps}, which are \ML\
    15 references to strings.  The strings serve as human-readable names; the
    16 references serve as unique identifiers.  Each primitive signature has a
    17 single stamp.  When two signatures are merged, their lists of stamps are
    18 also merged.  Every theory carries a unique signature.
    20 Terms and types are the underlying representation of logical syntax.  Their
    21 \ML\ definitions are irrelevant to naive Isabelle users.  Programmers who
    22 wish to extend Isabelle may need to know such details, say to code a tactic
    23 that looks for subgoals of a particular form.  Terms and types may be
    24 `certified' to be well-formed with respect to a given signature.
    27 \section{Defining theories}\label{sec:ref-defining-theories}
    29 Theories are usually defined using theory definition files (which have a name
    30 suffix {\tt .thy}). There is also a low level interface provided by certain
    31 \ML{} functions (see \S\ref{BuildingATheory}).
    32 Appendix~\ref{app:TheorySyntax} presents the concrete syntax for theory
    33 definitions; here is an explanation of the constituent parts:
    34 \begin{description}
    35 \item[{\it theoryDef}]
    36   is the full definition.  The new theory is called $id$.  It is the union
    37   of the named {\bf parent theories}\indexbold{theories!parent}, possibly
    38   extended with new classes, etc.  The basic theory, which contains only
    39   the meta-logic, is called \thydx{Pure}.
    41   Normally each {\it name\/} is an identifier, the name of the parent theory.
    42   Quoted strings can be used to document additional file dependencies; see
    43   \S\ref{LoadingTheories} for details.
    45 \item[$classes$]
    46   is a series of class declarations.  Declaring {\tt$id$ < $id@1$ \dots\
    47     $id@n$} makes $id$ a subclass of the existing classes $id@1\dots
    48   id@n$.  This rules out cyclic class structures.  Isabelle automatically
    49   computes the transitive closure of subclass hierarchies; it is not
    50   necessary to declare {\tt c < e} in addition to {\tt c < d} and {\tt d <
    51     e}.
    53 \item[$default$]
    54   introduces $sort$ as the new default sort for type variables.  This applies
    55   to unconstrained type variables in an input string but not to type
    56   variables created internally.  If omitted, the default sort is the listwise
    57   union of the default sorts of the parent theories (i.e.\ their logical
    58   intersection).
    60 \item[$sort$]
    61   is a finite set of classes.  A single class $id$ abbreviates the singleton
    62   set {\tt\{}$id${\tt\}}.
    64 \item[$types$]
    65   is a series of type declarations.  Each declares a new type constructor
    66   or type synonym.  An $n$-place type constructor is specified by
    67   $(\alpha@1,\dots,\alpha@n)name$, where the type variables serve only to
    68   indicate the number~$n$.
    70   A {\bf type synonym}\indexbold{type synonyms} is an abbreviation
    71   $(\alpha@1,\dots,\alpha@n)name = \mbox{\tt"}\tau\mbox{\tt"}$, where
    72   $name$ can be a string and $\tau$ must be enclosed in quotation marks.
    74 \item[$infix$]
    75   declares a type or constant to be an infix operator of priority $nat$
    76   associating to the left ({\tt infixl}) or right ({\tt infixr}). Only
    77   2-place type constructors can have infix status; an example is {\tt
    78   ('a,'b)~"*"~(infixr~20)}, which expresses binary product types.
    80 \item[$arities$]
    81   is a series of arity declarations.  Each assigns arities to type
    82   constructors.  The $name$ must be an existing type constructor, which is
    83   given the additional arity $arity$.
    85 \item[$constDecl$]
    86   is a series of constant declarations.  Each new constant $name$ is given
    87   the type specified by the $string$.  The optional $mixfix$ annotations may
    88   attach concrete syntax to the constant. A variant of {\tt consts} is the
    89   {\tt syntax} section\index{*syntax section}, which adds just syntax without
    90   declaring logical constants.
    92 \item[$mixfix$] \index{mixfix declarations}
    93   annotations can take three forms:
    94   \begin{itemize}
    95   \item A mixfix template given as a $string$ of the form
    96     {\tt"}\dots{\tt\_}\dots{\tt\_}\dots{\tt"} where the $i$-th underscore
    97     indicates the position where the $i$-th argument should go.  The list
    98     of numbers gives the priority of each argument.  The final number gives
    99     the priority of the whole construct.
   101   \item A constant $f$ of type $\tau@1\To(\tau@2\To\tau)$ can be given {\bf
   102     infix} status.
   104   \item A constant $f$ of type $(\tau@1\To\tau@2)\To\tau$ can be given {\bf
   105     binder} status.  The declaration {\tt binder} $\cal Q$ $p$ causes
   106   ${\cal Q}\,x.F(x)$ to be treated
   107   like $f(F)$, where $p$ is the priority.
   108   \end{itemize}
   110 \item[$trans$]
   111   specifies syntactic translation rules (macros).  There are three forms:
   112   parse rules ({\tt =>}), print rules ({\tt <=}), and parse/print rules ({\tt
   113   ==}).
   115 \item[$rule$]
   116   is a series of rule declarations.  Each has a name $id$ and the formula is
   117   given by the $string$.  Rule names must be distinct within any single
   118   theory file.
   120 \item[$ml$] \index{*ML section}
   121   consists of \ML\ code, typically for parse and print translation functions.
   122 \end{description}
   123 %
   124 Chapters~\ref{Defining-Logics} and \ref{chap:syntax} explain mixfix
   125 declarations, translation rules and the {\tt ML} section in more detail.
   128 \subsection{*Classes and arities}
   129 \index{classes!context conditions}\index{arities!context conditions}
   131 In order to guarantee principal types~\cite{nipkow-prehofer},
   132 arity declarations must obey two conditions:
   133 \begin{itemize}
   134 \item There must be no two declarations $ty :: (\vec{r})c$ and $ty ::
   135   (\vec{s})c$ with $\vec{r} \neq \vec{s}$.  For example, the following is
   136   forbidden:
   137 \begin{ttbox}
   138 types
   139   'a ty
   140 arities
   141   ty :: ({\ttlbrace}logic{\ttrbrace}) logic
   142   ty :: ({\ttlbrace}{\ttrbrace})logic
   143 \end{ttbox}
   145 \item If there are two declarations $ty :: (s@1,\dots,s@n)c$ and $ty ::
   146   (s@1',\dots,s@n')c'$ such that $c' < c$ then $s@i' \preceq s@i$ must hold
   147   for $i=1,\dots,n$.  The relationship $\preceq$, defined as
   148 \[ s' \preceq s \iff \forall c\in s. \exists c'\in s'.~ c'\le c, \]
   149 expresses that the set of types represented by $s'$ is a subset of the set of
   150 types represented by $s$.  For example, the following is forbidden:
   151 \begin{ttbox}
   152 classes
   153   term < logic
   154 types
   155   'a ty
   156 arities
   157   ty :: ({\ttlbrace}logic{\ttrbrace})logic
   158   ty :: ({\ttlbrace}{\ttrbrace})term
   159 \end{ttbox}
   161 \end{itemize}
   164 \section{Loading a new theory}\label{LoadingTheories}
   165 \index{theories!loading}\index{files!reading}
   166 \begin{ttbox}
   167 use_thy         : string -> unit
   168 time_use_thy    : string -> unit
   169 loadpath        : string list ref \hfill{\bf initially {\tt["."]}}
   170 delete_tmpfiles : bool ref \hfill{\bf initially true}
   171 \end{ttbox}
   173 \begin{ttdescription}
   174 \item[\ttindexbold{use_thy} $thyname$]
   175   reads the theory $thyname$ and creates an \ML{} structure as described below.
   177 \item[\ttindexbold{time_use_thy} $thyname$]
   178   calls {\tt use_thy} $thyname$ and reports the time taken.
   180 \item[\ttindexbold{loadpath}]
   181   contains a list of directories to search when locating the files that
   182   define a theory.  This list is only used if the theory name in {\tt
   183     use_thy} does not specify the path explicitly.
   185 \item[\ttindexbold{delete_tmpfiles} := false;]
   186 suppresses the deletion of temporary files.
   187 \end{ttdescription}
   188 %
   189 Each theory definition must reside in a separate file.  Let the file {\it
   190   T}{\tt.thy} contain the definition of a theory called~$T$, whose parent
   191 theories are $TB@1$ \dots $TB@n$.  Calling \ttindexbold{use_thy}~{\tt"{\it
   192   T\/}"} reads the file {\it T}{\tt.thy}, writes a temporary \ML{}
   193 file {\tt.{\it T}.thy.ML}, and reads the latter file.  Recursive {\tt
   194   use_thy} calls load those parent theories that have not been loaded
   195 previously; the recursive calls may continue to any depth.  One {\tt use_thy}
   196 call can read an entire logic provided all theories are linked appropriately.
   198 The result is an \ML\ structure~$T$ containing at least a component {\tt thy}
   199 for the new theory and components for each of the rules.  The structure also
   200 contains the definitions of the {\tt ML} section, if present.  The file
   201 {\tt.{\it T}.thy.ML} is then deleted if {\tt delete_tmpfiles} is set to {\tt
   202 true} and no errors occurred.
   204 Finally the file {\it T}{\tt.ML} is read, if it exists.  This file normally
   205 begins with the declaration {\tt open~$T$} and contains proofs involving
   206 the new theory.
   208 Some applications construct theories directly by calling \ML\ functions.  In
   209 this situation there is no {\tt.thy} file, only an {\tt.ML} file.  The
   210 {\tt.ML} file must declare an \ML\ structure having the theory's name and a
   211 component {\tt thy} containing the new theory object.
   212 Section~\ref{sec:pseudo-theories} below describes a way of linking such
   213 theories to their parents.
   215 \begin{warn}
   216   Temporary files are written to the current directory, so this must be
   217   writable.  Isabelle inherits the current directory from the operating
   218   system; you can change it within Isabelle by typing {\tt
   219   cd"$dir$"}\index{*cd}.
   220 \end{warn}
   223 \section{Reloading modified theories}\label{sec:reloading-theories}
   224 \indexbold{theories!reloading}
   225 \begin{ttbox}
   226 update     : unit -> unit
   227 unlink_thy : string -> unit
   228 \end{ttbox}
   229 Changing a theory on disk often makes it necessary to reload all theories
   230 descended from it.  However, {\tt use_thy} reads only one theory, even if
   231 some of the parent theories are out of date.  In this case you should call
   232 {\tt update()}.
   234 Isabelle keeps track of all loaded theories and their files.  If
   235 \ttindex{use_thy} finds that the theory to be loaded has been read before,
   236 it determines whether to reload the theory as follows.  First it looks for
   237 the theory's files in their previous location.  If it finds them, it
   238 compares their modification times to the internal data and stops if they
   239 are equal.  If the files have been moved, {\tt use_thy} searches for them
   240 as it would for a new theory.  After {\tt use_thy} reloads a theory, it
   241 marks the children as out-of-date.
   243 \begin{ttdescription}
   244 \item[\ttindexbold{update}()]
   245   reloads all modified theories and their descendants in the correct order.
   247 \item[\ttindexbold{unlink_thy} $thyname$]\indexbold{theories!removing}
   248   informs Isabelle that theory $thyname$ no longer exists.  If you delete the
   249   theory files for $thyname$ then you must execute {\tt unlink_thy};
   250   otherwise {\tt update} will complain about a missing file.
   251 \end{ttdescription}
   254 \goodbreak
   255 \subsection{Important note for Poly/ML users}\index{Poly/{\ML} compiler}
   256 The theory mechanism depends upon reference variables.  At the end of a
   257 Poly/\ML{} session, the contents of references are lost unless they are
   258 declared in the current database.  In particular, assignments to references
   259 of the {\tt Pure} database are lost, including all information about loaded
   260 theories. To avoid losing this information simply call
   261 \begin{ttbox}
   262 init_thy_reader();
   263 \end{ttbox}
   264 when building the new database.
   267 \subsection{*Pseudo theories}\label{sec:pseudo-theories}
   268 \indexbold{theories!pseudo}%
   269 Any automatic reloading facility requires complete knowledge of all
   270 dependencies.  Sometimes theories depend on objects created in \ML{} files
   271 with no associated theory definition file.  These objects may be theories but
   272 they could also be theorems, proof procedures, etc.
   274 Unless such dependencies are documented, {\tt update} fails to reload these
   275 \ML{} files and the system is left in a state where some objects, such as
   276 theorems, still refer to old versions of theories.  This may lead to the
   277 error
   278 \begin{ttbox}
   279 Attempt to merge different versions of theories: \dots
   280 \end{ttbox}
   281 Therefore there is a way to link theories and {\bf orphaned} \ML{} files ---
   282 those not associated with a theory definition.
   284 Let us assume we have an orphaned \ML{} file named {\tt orphan.ML} and a
   285 theory~$B$ that depends on {\tt orphan.ML} --- for example, {\tt B.ML} uses
   286 theorems proved in {\tt orphan.ML}.  Then {\tt B.thy} should
   287 mention this dependency as follows:
   288 \begin{ttbox}
   289 B = \(\ldots\) + "orphan" + \(\ldots\)
   290 \end{ttbox}
   291 Quoted strings stand for theories which have to be loaded before the
   292 current theory is read but which are not used in building the base of
   293 theory~$B$. Whenever {\tt orphan} changes and is reloaded, Isabelle
   294 knows that $B$ has to be updated, too.
   296 Note that it's necessary for {\tt orphan} to declare a special ML
   297 object of type {\tt theory} which is present in all theories. This is
   298 normally achieved by adding the file {\tt orphan.thy} to make {\tt
   299 orphan} a {\bf pseudo theory}. A minimum version of {\tt orphan.thy}
   300 would be
   302 \begin{ttbox}
   303 orphan = Pure
   304 \end{ttbox}
   306 which uses {\tt Pure} to make a dummy theory. Normally though the
   307 orphaned file has its own dependencies.  If {\tt orphan.ML} depends on
   308 theories or files $A@1$, \ldots, $A@n$, record this by creating the
   309 pseudo theory in the following way:
   310 \begin{ttbox}
   311 orphan = \(A@1\) + \(\ldots\) + \(A@n\)
   312 \end{ttbox}
   313 The resulting theory ensures that {\tt update} reloads {\tt orphan}
   314 whenever it reloads one of the $A@i$.
   316 For an extensive example of how this technique can be used to link lots of
   317 theory files and load them by just a few {\tt use_thy} calls, consult the
   318 sources of \ZF{} set theory.
   322 \section{Basic operations on theories}\label{BasicOperationsOnTheories}
   323 \subsection{Extracting an axiom or theorem from a theory}
   324 \index{theories!axioms of}\index{axioms!extracting}
   325 \index{theories!theorems of}\index{theorems!extracting}
   326 \begin{ttbox}
   327 get_axiom : theory -> string -> thm
   328 get_thm   : theory -> string -> thm
   329 assume_ax : theory -> string -> thm
   330 \end{ttbox}
   331 \begin{ttdescription}
   332 \item[\ttindexbold{get_axiom} $thy$ $name$]
   333   returns an axiom with the given $name$ from $thy$, raising exception
   334   \xdx{THEORY} if none exists.  Merging theories can cause several axioms
   335   to have the same name; {\tt get_axiom} returns an arbitrary one.
   337 \item[\ttindexbold{get_thm} $thy$ $name$]
   338   is analogous to {\tt get_axiom}, but looks for a stored theorem. Like
   339   {\tt get_axiom} it searches all parents of a theory if the theorem
   340   is not associated with $thy$.
   342 \item[\ttindexbold{assume_ax} $thy$ $formula$]
   343   reads the {\it formula} using the syntax of $thy$, following the same
   344   conventions as axioms in a theory definition.  You can thus pretend that
   345   {\it formula} is an axiom and use the resulting theorem like an axiom.
   346   Actually {\tt assume_ax} returns an assumption;  \ttindex{result}
   347   complains about additional assumptions, but \ttindex{uresult} does not.
   349 For example, if {\it formula} is
   350 \hbox{\tt a=b ==> b=a} then the resulting theorem has the form
   351 \hbox{\verb'?a=?b ==> ?b=?a  [!!a b. a=b ==> b=a]'}
   352 \end{ttdescription}
   354 \subsection{Building a theory}
   355 \label{BuildingATheory}
   356 \index{theories!constructing|bold}
   357 \begin{ttbox}
   358 pure_thy       : theory
   359 merge_theories : theory * theory -> theory
   360 \end{ttbox}
   361 \begin{ttdescription}
   362 \item[\ttindexbold{pure_thy}] contains just the syntax and signature
   363   of the meta-logic.  There are no axioms: meta-level inferences are carried
   364   out by \ML\ functions.
   365 \item[\ttindexbold{merge_theories} ($thy@1$, $thy@2$)] merges the two
   366   theories $thy@1$ and $thy@2$.  The resulting theory contains all of the
   367   syntax, signature and axioms of the constituent theories. Merging theories
   368   that contain different identification stamps of the same name fails with
   369   the following message
   370 \begin{ttbox}
   371 Attempt to merge different versions of theories: "\(T@1\)", \(\ldots\), "\(T@n\)"
   372 \end{ttbox}
   373   This error may especially occur when a theory is redeclared --- say to
   374   change an incorrect axiom --- and bindings to old versions persist.
   375   Isabelle ensures that old and new theories of the same name are not
   376   involved in a proof.
   378 %% FIXME
   379 %\item [\ttindexbold{extend_theory} $thy$ {\tt"}$T${\tt"} $\cdots$] extends
   380 %  the theory $thy$ with new types, constants, etc.  $T$ identifies the theory
   381 %  internally.  When a theory is redeclared, say to change an incorrect axiom,
   382 %  bindings to the old axiom may persist.  Isabelle ensures that the old and
   383 %  new theories are not involved in the same proof.  Attempting to combine
   384 %  different theories having the same name $T$ yields the fatal error
   385 %extend_theory  : theory -> string -> \(\cdots\) -> theory
   386 %\begin{ttbox}
   387 %Attempt to merge different versions of theory: \(T\)
   388 %\end{ttbox}
   389 \end{ttdescription}
   391 %% FIXME
   392 %\item [\ttindexbold{extend_theory} $thy$ {\tt"}$T${\tt"}
   393 %      ($classes$, $default$, $types$, $arities$, $consts$, $sextopt$) $rules$]
   394 %\hfill\break   %%% include if line is just too short
   395 %is the \ML{} equivalent of the following theory definition:
   396 %\begin{ttbox}
   397 %\(T\) = \(thy\) +
   398 %classes \(c\) < \(c@1\),\(\dots\),\(c@m\)
   399 %        \dots
   400 %default {\(d@1,\dots,d@r\)}
   401 %types   \(tycon@1\),\dots,\(tycon@i\) \(n\)
   402 %        \dots
   403 %arities \(tycon@1'\),\dots,\(tycon@j'\) :: (\(s@1\),\dots,\(s@n\))\(c\)
   404 %        \dots
   405 %consts  \(b@1\),\dots,\(b@k\) :: \(\tau\)
   406 %        \dots
   407 %rules   \(name\) \(rule\)
   408 %        \dots
   409 %end
   410 %\end{ttbox}
   411 %where
   412 %\begin{tabular}[t]{l@{~=~}l}
   413 %$classes$ & \tt[("$c$",["$c@1$",\dots,"$c@m$"]),\dots] \\
   414 %$default$ & \tt["$d@1$",\dots,"$d@r$"]\\
   415 %$types$   & \tt[([$tycon@1$,\dots,$tycon@i$], $n$),\dots] \\
   416 %$arities$ & \tt[([$tycon'@1$,\dots,$tycon'@j$], ([$s@1$,\dots,$s@n$],$c$)),\dots]
   417 %\\
   418 %$consts$  & \tt[([$b@1$,\dots,$b@k$],$\tau$),\dots] \\
   419 %$rules$   & \tt[("$name$",$rule$),\dots]
   420 %\end{tabular}
   423 \subsection{Inspecting a theory}\label{sec:inspct-thy}
   424 \index{theories!inspecting|bold}
   425 \begin{ttbox}
   426 print_theory  : theory -> unit
   427 axioms_of     : theory -> (string * thm) list
   428 thms_of       : theory -> (string * thm) list
   429 parents_of    : theory -> theory list
   430 sign_of       : theory ->
   431 stamps_of_thy : theory -> string ref list
   432 \end{ttbox}
   433 These provide means of viewing a theory's components.
   434 \begin{ttdescription}
   435 \item[\ttindexbold{print_theory} $thy$]
   436 prints the contents of $thy$ excluding the syntax related parts (which are
   437 shown by {\tt print_syntax}).  The output is quite verbose.
   439 \item[\ttindexbold{axioms_of} $thy$]
   440 returns the additional axioms of the most recent extend node of~$thy$.
   442 \item[\ttindexbold{thms_of} $thy$]
   443 returns all theorems that are associated with $thy$.
   445 \item[\ttindexbold{parents_of} $thy$]
   446 returns the direct ancestors of~$thy$.
   448 \item[\ttindexbold{sign_of} $thy$]
   449 returns the signature associated with~$thy$.  It is useful with functions
   450 like {\tt read_instantiate_sg}, which take a signature as an argument.
   452 \item[\ttindexbold{stamps_of_thy} $thy$]\index{signatures}
   453 returns the identification \rmindex{stamps} of the signature associated
   454 with~$thy$.
   455 \end{ttdescription}
   458 \section{Viewing theories as HTML documents}
   459 \index{HTML|bold} 
   461 Isabelle is able to make HTML documents that show a theory's
   462 definition, the theorems proved in its ML file and the relationship
   463 with its ancestors and descendants. HTML stands for Hypertext Markup
   464 Language and is used in the World Wide Web to represent text
   465 containing images and links to other documents. Web browsers like the
   466 ones from Mosaic or Netscape are used to view these documents.
   468 Besides the three HTML files that are made for every theory
   469 (definition and theorems, ancestors, descendants), Isabelle stores
   470 links to all theories in an index file. These indexes are themself
   471 linked with other indexes.
   473 To make HTML files for logics that are part of the Isabelle
   474 distribution, simply set the environment variable {\tt MAKE_HTML}
   475 before compiling a logic. The entry point to all logics is the {\tt
   476 index.html} file located in Isabelle's main directory. You also can
   477 access a HTML version of the Isabelle distribution package at
   479 \begin{ttbox}
   481 \end{ttbox}
   483 Internally the HTML generation is controlled by
   485 \begin{ttbox}
   486 index_path  : string ref
   487 gif_path    : string ref
   488 base_path   : string ref
   489 init_html   : unit -> unit
   490 make_html   : bool ref
   491 finish_html : unit -> unit
   492 \end{ttbox}
   494 \begin{ttdescription}
   495 \item[\ttindexbold{base_path}]
   496 contains the absolute path of Isabelle's main directory. To make them
   497 independent from their storage place, the HTML files only contain
   498 relative paths which are derived from absolute ones like the current
   499 working directory, {\tt index_path} or {\tt base_path}.
   501 As {\tt base_path} and {\tt gif_path} are set at the time when the
   502 {\tt Pure} database is made, they are not valid if you use someone
   503 else's database to read theories stored in your private directory. In
   504 that case you first have to set {\tt base_path} to the value of {\em
   505 your} Isabelle main directory, i.e. the directory that contains the
   506 subdirectories where logics like {\tt FOL}, {\tt HOL} etc. are
   507 stored. Besides you have to set the next variable:
   509 \item[\ttindexbold{gif_path}]
   510 contains the absolute path of two GIF images used in the HTML
   511 documents. Normally it points to the {\tt Tools} subdirectory of
   512 Isabelle's main directory. As with {\tt base_path} you have to set it
   513 manually if you use someone else's database.
   515 \item[\ttindexbold{init_html}]
   516 activates the HTML facility. It stores the current working directory
   517 in {\tt index_path} which is were the {\tt index.html} file for all
   518 theories loaded afterwards will be placed.
   520 \item[\ttindexbold{make_html}]
   521 is a variable read by {\tt use_thy} to decide whether HTML files
   522 should be made or not. After you have used {\tt init_html} you can
   523 manually change {\tt make_html}'s value to temporarily disable HTML
   524 generation.
   526 \item[\ttindexbold{finish_html}]
   527 has to be called after all theories have been read that should be
   528 contained in the current {\tt index.html} file. It reads a temporary
   529 file with information about the theories read since the last use of
   530 {\tt init_html} and makes the {\tt index.html} file. If {\tt
   531 make_html} is {\tt false} nothing is done.
   533 The indexes made by this function also contain a link to the {\tt
   534 README} file if there exists one in the directory were the index is
   535 stored. If there's a {\tt README.html} file it's used instead of the
   536 {\tt README} file.
   538 \end{ttdescription}
   540 Please note that the HTML facility was developed to make HTML
   541 documents for a stable version of a logic. It is not intended to make
   542 these documents for a logic were theories are changed and only a part
   543 of the logic is reread.
   545 If you add new subdirectories to Isabelle's logics (or add a completly
   546 new logic), you would have to call {\tt init_html} at the start of the
   547 directory's {\tt ROOT.ML} file and {\tt finish_html} at the end of
   548 it. This is automatically done if you use
   550 \begin{ttbox}
   551 use_dir : string -> unit
   552 \end{ttbox}
   554 This function takes a path as its parameter, changes the working
   555 directory, calls {\tt init_html} if {\tt make_html} is {\tt true},
   556 executes {\tt ROOT.ML}, and calls {\tt finish_html}. The {\tt
   557 index.html} file written in this directory will be automatically
   558 linked to the first index found in the (recursively searched)
   559 superdirectories.
   562 \section{Terms}
   563 \index{terms|bold}
   564 Terms belong to the \ML\ type \mltydx{term}, which is a concrete datatype
   565 with six constructors: there are six kinds of term.
   566 \begin{ttbox}
   567 type indexname = string * int;
   568 infix 9 $;
   569 datatype term = Const of string * typ
   570               | Free  of string * typ
   571               | Var   of indexname * typ
   572               | Bound of int
   573               | Abs   of string * typ * term
   574               | op $  of term * term;
   575 \end{ttbox}
   576 \begin{ttdescription}
   577 \item[\ttindexbold{Const}($a$, $T$)] \index{constants|bold}
   578   is the {\bf constant} with name~$a$ and type~$T$.  Constants include
   579   connectives like $\land$ and $\forall$ as well as constants like~0
   580   and~$Suc$.  Other constants may be required to define a logic's concrete
   581   syntax.
   583 \item[\ttindexbold{Free}($a$, $T$)] \index{variables!free|bold}
   584   is the {\bf free variable} with name~$a$ and type~$T$.
   586 \item[\ttindexbold{Var}($v$, $T$)] \index{unknowns|bold}
   587   is the {\bf scheme variable} with indexname~$v$ and type~$T$.  An
   588   \mltydx{indexname} is a string paired with a non-negative index, or
   589   subscript; a term's scheme variables can be systematically renamed by
   590   incrementing their subscripts.  Scheme variables are essentially free
   591   variables, but may be instantiated during unification.
   593 \item[\ttindexbold{Bound} $i$] \index{variables!bound|bold}
   594   is the {\bf bound variable} with de Bruijn index~$i$, which counts the
   595   number of lambdas, starting from zero, between a variable's occurrence
   596   and its binding.  The representation prevents capture of variables.  For
   597   more information see de Bruijn \cite{debruijn72} or
   598   Paulson~\cite[page~336]{paulson91}.
   600 \item[\ttindexbold{Abs}($a$, $T$, $u$)]
   601   \index{lambda abs@$\lambda$-abstractions|bold}
   602   is the $\lambda$-{\bf abstraction} with body~$u$, and whose bound
   603   variable has name~$a$ and type~$T$.  The name is used only for parsing
   604   and printing; it has no logical significance.
   606 \item[$t$ \$ $u$] \index{$@{\tt\$}|bold} \index{function applications|bold}
   607 is the {\bf application} of~$t$ to~$u$.
   608 \end{ttdescription}
   609 Application is written as an infix operator to aid readability.
   610 Here is an \ML\ pattern to recognize \FOL{} formulae of
   611 the form~$A\imp B$, binding the subformulae to~$A$ and~$B$:
   612 \begin{ttbox}
   613 Const("Trueprop",_) $ (Const("op -->",_) $ A $ B)
   614 \end{ttbox}
   617 \section{Variable binding}
   618 \begin{ttbox}
   619 loose_bnos     : term -> int list
   620 incr_boundvars : int -> term -> term
   621 abstract_over  : term*term -> term
   622 variant_abs    : string * typ * term -> string * term
   623 aconv          : term*term -> bool\hfill{\bf infix}
   624 \end{ttbox}
   625 These functions are all concerned with the de Bruijn representation of
   626 bound variables.
   627 \begin{ttdescription}
   628 \item[\ttindexbold{loose_bnos} $t$]
   629   returns the list of all dangling bound variable references.  In
   630   particular, {\tt Bound~0} is loose unless it is enclosed in an
   631   abstraction.  Similarly {\tt Bound~1} is loose unless it is enclosed in
   632   at least two abstractions; if enclosed in just one, the list will contain
   633   the number 0.  A well-formed term does not contain any loose variables.
   635 \item[\ttindexbold{incr_boundvars} $j$]
   636   increases a term's dangling bound variables by the offset~$j$.  This is
   637   required when moving a subterm into a context where it is enclosed by a
   638   different number of abstractions.  Bound variables with a matching
   639   abstraction are unaffected.
   641 \item[\ttindexbold{abstract_over} $(v,t)$]
   642   forms the abstraction of~$t$ over~$v$, which may be any well-formed term.
   643   It replaces every occurrence of \(v\) by a {\tt Bound} variable with the
   644   correct index.
   646 \item[\ttindexbold{variant_abs} $(a,T,u)$]
   647   substitutes into $u$, which should be the body of an abstraction.
   648   It replaces each occurrence of the outermost bound variable by a free
   649   variable.  The free variable has type~$T$ and its name is a variant
   650   of~$a$ chosen to be distinct from all constants and from all variables
   651   free in~$u$.
   653 \item[$t$ \ttindexbold{aconv} $u$]
   654   tests whether terms~$t$ and~$u$ are \(\alpha\)-convertible: identical up
   655   to renaming of bound variables.
   656 \begin{itemize}
   657   \item
   658     Two constants, {\tt Free}s, or {\tt Var}s are \(\alpha\)-convertible
   659     if their names and types are equal.
   660     (Variables having the same name but different types are thus distinct.
   661     This confusing situation should be avoided!)
   662   \item
   663     Two bound variables are \(\alpha\)-convertible
   664     if they have the same number.
   665   \item
   666     Two abstractions are \(\alpha\)-convertible
   667     if their bodies are, and their bound variables have the same type.
   668   \item
   669     Two applications are \(\alpha\)-convertible
   670     if the corresponding subterms are.
   671 \end{itemize}
   673 \end{ttdescription}
   675 \section{Certified terms}\index{terms!certified|bold}\index{signatures}
   676 A term $t$ can be {\bf certified} under a signature to ensure that every type
   677 in~$t$ is well-formed and every constant in~$t$ is a type instance of a
   678 constant declared in the signature.  The term must be well-typed and its use
   679 of bound variables must be well-formed.  Meta-rules such as {\tt forall_elim}
   680 take certified terms as arguments.
   682 Certified terms belong to the abstract type \mltydx{cterm}.
   683 Elements of the type can only be created through the certification process.
   684 In case of error, Isabelle raises exception~\ttindex{TERM}\@.
   686 \subsection{Printing terms}
   687 \index{terms!printing of}
   688 \begin{ttbox}
   689      string_of_cterm :           cterm -> string
   690 Sign.string_of_term  : -> term -> string
   691 \end{ttbox}
   692 \begin{ttdescription}
   693 \item[\ttindexbold{string_of_cterm} $ct$]
   694 displays $ct$ as a string.
   696 \item[\ttindexbold{Sign.string_of_term} $sign$ $t$]
   697 displays $t$ as a string, using the syntax of~$sign$.
   698 \end{ttdescription}
   700 \subsection{Making and inspecting certified terms}
   701 \begin{ttbox}
   702 cterm_of   : -> term -> cterm
   703 read_cterm : -> string * typ -> cterm
   704 cert_axm   : -> string * term -> string * term
   705 read_axm   : -> string * string -> string * term
   706 rep_cterm  : cterm -> \{T:typ, t:term,, maxidx:int\}
   707 \end{ttbox}
   708 \begin{ttdescription}
   709 \item[\ttindexbold{cterm_of} $sign$ $t$] \index{signatures}
   710 certifies $t$ with respect to signature~$sign$.
   712 \item[\ttindexbold{read_cterm} $sign$ ($s$, $T$)]
   713 reads the string~$s$ using the syntax of~$sign$, creating a certified term.
   714 The term is checked to have type~$T$; this type also tells the parser what
   715 kind of phrase to parse.
   717 \item[\ttindexbold{cert_axm} $sign$ ($name$, $t$)]
   718 certifies $t$ with respect to $sign$ as a meta-proposition and converts all
   719 exceptions to an error, including the final message
   720 \begin{ttbox}
   721 The error(s) above occurred in axiom "\(name\)"
   722 \end{ttbox}
   724 \item[\ttindexbold{read_axm} $sign$ ($name$, $s$)]
   725 similar to {\tt cert_axm}, but first reads the string $s$ using the syntax of
   726 $sign$.
   728 \item[\ttindexbold{rep_cterm} $ct$]
   729 decomposes $ct$ as a record containing its type, the term itself, its
   730 signature, and the maximum subscript of its unknowns.  The type and maximum
   731 subscript are computed during certification.
   732 \end{ttdescription}
   735 \section{Types}\index{types|bold}
   736 Types belong to the \ML\ type \mltydx{typ}, which is a concrete datatype with
   737 three constructor functions.  These correspond to type constructors, free
   738 type variables and schematic type variables.  Types are classified by sorts,
   739 which are lists of classes (representing an intersection).  A class is
   740 represented by a string.
   741 \begin{ttbox}
   742 type class = string;
   743 type sort  = class list;
   745 datatype typ = Type  of string * typ list
   746              | TFree of string * sort
   747              | TVar  of indexname * sort;
   749 infixr 5 -->;
   750 fun S --> T = Type ("fun", [S, T]);
   751 \end{ttbox}
   752 \begin{ttdescription}
   753 \item[\ttindexbold{Type}($a$, $Ts$)] \index{type constructors|bold}
   754   applies the {\bf type constructor} named~$a$ to the type operands~$Ts$.
   755   Type constructors include~\tydx{fun}, the binary function space
   756   constructor, as well as nullary type constructors such as~\tydx{prop}.
   757   Other type constructors may be introduced.  In expressions, but not in
   758   patterns, \hbox{\tt$S$-->$T$} is a convenient shorthand for function
   759   types.
   761 \item[\ttindexbold{TFree}($a$, $s$)] \index{type variables|bold}
   762   is the {\bf type variable} with name~$a$ and sort~$s$.
   764 \item[\ttindexbold{TVar}($v$, $s$)] \index{type unknowns|bold}
   765   is the {\bf type unknown} with indexname~$v$ and sort~$s$.
   766   Type unknowns are essentially free type variables, but may be
   767   instantiated during unification.
   768 \end{ttdescription}
   771 \section{Certified types}
   772 \index{types!certified|bold}
   773 Certified types, which are analogous to certified terms, have type
   774 \ttindexbold{ctyp}.
   776 \subsection{Printing types}
   777 \index{types!printing of}
   778 \begin{ttbox}
   779      string_of_ctyp :           ctyp -> string
   780 Sign.string_of_typ  : -> typ -> string
   781 \end{ttbox}
   782 \begin{ttdescription}
   783 \item[\ttindexbold{string_of_ctyp} $cT$]
   784 displays $cT$ as a string.
   786 \item[\ttindexbold{Sign.string_of_typ} $sign$ $T$]
   787 displays $T$ as a string, using the syntax of~$sign$.
   788 \end{ttdescription}
   791 \subsection{Making and inspecting certified types}
   792 \begin{ttbox}
   793 ctyp_of  : -> typ -> ctyp
   794 rep_ctyp : ctyp -> \{T: typ, sign:\}
   795 \end{ttbox}
   796 \begin{ttdescription}
   797 \item[\ttindexbold{ctyp_of} $sign$ $T$] \index{signatures}
   798 certifies $T$ with respect to signature~$sign$.
   800 \item[\ttindexbold{rep_ctyp} $cT$]
   801 decomposes $cT$ as a record containing the type itself and its signature.
   802 \end{ttdescription}
   804 \index{theories|)}