author wneuper <>
Fri, 31 Mar 2023 12:07:52 +0200
changeset 60705 b719a0b7c6b5
parent 60682 81fe68e76522
child 60710 21ae85b023bb
permissions -rw-r--r--
//new Pre_Conds.check/_TEST breaks tests, need new signature
     1 (* Title: extends Isabelle/src/Pure/term.ML
     2    Author: Walther Neuper 1999, Mathias Lehnfeld
     3    (c) due to copyright terms
     4 *)
     5 infix contains_one_of
     7 (* TERM_C extends Isabelle's naming conventions: "C" indicates Isac add-ons to an Isabelle module *)
     8 signature TERM_ISAC =
     9 sig
    10   type as_string
    11   val empty: term
    12   val typ_empty: typ
    14   datatype lrd = D | L | R
    15   type path
    16   val string_of_path: path -> string
    17   val sub_at: path -> term -> term
    18   val go_up: Proof.context -> path -> term -> term
    20   val perm: term -> term -> bool (*old original Isabelle code*)
    21   val contains_Var: term -> bool
    22   val dest_binop_typ: typ -> typ * typ * typ
    23   val dest_equals: term -> term * term
    25   type id
    26   val cut_longid: string -> id
    27   val free2str: term -> string
    28   val str_of_free_opt: term -> string option
    29   val str_of_int: int -> string
    30   val id_of: term -> string
    31   val ids_of: term -> string list
    32   val ids2str: term -> string list (*double?*)
    34   val ins_concl: term -> term -> term
    35   val inst_abs: term -> term
    36   val inst_bdv: LibraryC.subst -> term -> term
    38   val lhs: term -> term
    39   val rhs: term -> term
    41   val mk_frac: typ -> int * (int * int) -> term
    42   val numerals_to_Free: term -> term
    43   val term_of_num: typ -> int -> term
    44   val num_of_term: term -> int
    45   val to_string: term -> string
    46   val int_of_str: string -> int
    47   val isastr_of_int: int -> string
    48   val int_opt_of_string: string -> int option
    50   val isalist2list: term -> term list
    51   val list2isalist: typ -> term list -> term
    52   val isapair2pair: term -> term * term (* rename to dest_pair, compare HOLogic.dest_string *)
    54   val is_atom: term -> bool
    55   val string_of_atom: term -> string
    56   val is_variable: term -> bool
    57   val is_bdv: string -> bool
    58   val is_bdv_subst: term -> bool
    59   val guess_bdv_typ: term -> typ
    60   val is_equality: term -> bool
    61   val is_expliceq: term -> bool
    62   val is_f_x: term -> bool
    63   val is_list: term -> bool
    64   val is_bool_list: term -> bool
    65   val dest_listT: typ -> typ
    66   val is_num: term -> bool
    67   val is_num': string -> bool
    68   val string_of_num: term -> string
    69   val variable_constant_pair: term * term -> bool
    71   val mk_add: term -> term -> term
    72   val mk_free: typ -> string -> term
    73   val mk_equality: term * term -> term
    74   val mk_factroot: string -> typ -> int -> int -> term
    75   val mk_Free: string * typ -> term
    76   val mk_thmid: string -> string -> string -> string
    77   val mk_num_op_num: typ -> typ -> string * typ -> int -> int -> term
    78   val mk_num_op_var: term -> string -> typ -> typ -> int -> term
    79   val mk_var_op_num: term -> string -> typ -> typ -> int -> term
    81   val matches: theory -> term -> term -> bool
    83   val strip_imp_prems': term -> term option
    84   val subst_atomic_all: LibraryC.subst -> term -> bool * term
    86   val pairt: term -> term -> term
    87   val pairT: typ -> typ -> typ
    88   val raise_type_conflicts: term list -> unit
    89   val strip_trueprop: term -> term
    91   val var2free: term -> term
    92   val vars: term -> term list  (* recognises numerals, should replace "fun vars_of" TODOO*)
    93   val vars': term list -> term list
    94   val vars_of: term -> term list   (* deprecated TODOO: see differences in test/../termC.sml*)
    95   val dest_list': term -> term list
    96   val negates: term -> term -> bool
    98   val contains_one_of: thm * (string * typ) list -> bool
    99   val contains_Const_typeless: term list -> term -> bool
   100   val sym_trm : term -> term (* unused code, kept as hints to design ideas *)
   102   val string_of_detail: Proof.context -> term -> string
   103 (*from isac_test for Minisubpbl*)
   104   val atom_typ: Proof.context -> typ -> unit
   106 \<^isac_test>\<open>
   107   val mk_negative: typ -> term -> term
   108   val mk_Var: term -> term
   109   val scala_of_term: term -> string
   111   val atom_write: Proof.context -> term -> unit
   112   val atom_trace: Proof.context -> term -> unit
   114   val atom_write_detail: Proof.context -> term -> unit
   115   val atom_trace_detail: Proof.context -> term -> unit
   116 \<close>
   117 end
   119 (**)
   120 structure TermC(**): TERM_ISAC(**) =
   121 struct
   122 (**)
   124 type as_string = UnparseC.term_as_string
   125 val empty = UnparseC.term_empty
   126 val typ_empty = UnparseC.typ_empty
   128 datatype lrd = L (*t1 in "t1$t2"*)
   129              | R (*t2 in "t1$t2"*) | D; (*b in Abs(_,_,b*)
   130 type path = lrd list; 
   131 fun ldr2str L = "L"
   132   | ldr2str R = "R"
   133   | ldr2str D = "D";
   134 fun string_of_path k = (strs2str' o (map ldr2str)) k;
   135 (*go to a location in a term and fetch the resective sub-term*)
   136 fun sub_at [] t = t
   137   | sub_at (D :: p) (Abs(_, _, body)) = sub_at p body
   138   | sub_at (L :: p) (t1 $ _) = sub_at p t1
   139   | sub_at (R :: p) (_ $ t2) = sub_at p t2
   140   | sub_at l t = raise TERM ("sub_at: no " ^ string_of_path l ^ " for ", [t]);
   141 fun go_up ctxt l t =
   142   if length l > 1 then sub_at (drop_last l) t else raise ERROR ("go_up [] " ^ UnparseC.term ctxt t)
   144 fun isastr_of_int i = if i >= 0 then string_of_int i else "-" ^ string_of_int (abs i)
   146 fun matches thy tm pa = 
   147     (Pattern.match thy (pa, tm) (Vartab.empty, Vartab.empty); true)
   148     handle Pattern.MATCH => false
   150 (** transform  typ / term to a String to be parsed by Scala after transport via libisabelle **)
   151 fun string_of_detail ctxt t =
   152   let
   153     fun ato (Const (a, T)) n = "\n*** " ^ indent n ^ "Const (" ^ a ^ ", " ^ UnparseC.typ ctxt T ^ ")"
   154       | ato (Free (a, T)) n = "\n*** " ^ indent n ^ "Free (" ^ a ^ ", " ^ UnparseC.typ ctxt T ^ ")"
   155       | ato (Var ((a, i), T)) n =
   156         "\n*** " ^ indent n ^ "Var ((" ^ a ^ ", " ^ string_of_int i ^ "), " ^ UnparseC.typ ctxt T ^ ")"
   157       | ato (Bound i) n = "\n*** " ^ indent n ^ "Bound " ^ string_of_int i
   158       | ato (Abs(a, T, body))  n = 
   159         "\n*** " ^ indent n ^ "Abs (" ^ a ^ ", " ^ UnparseC.typ ctxt T ^ ",.." ^ ato body (n + 1)
   160       | ato (f $ t) n = ato f n ^ ato t (n + 1)
   161   in "\n*** " ^ ato t 0 ^ "\n***" end;
   164 \<^isac_test>\<open>
   165 fun scala_of_typ (Type (s, typs)) =
   166     enclose "Type(" ")" (quote s ^ ", " ^
   167       (typs |> map scala_of_typ |> commas |> enclose "List(" ")"))
   168   | scala_of_typ (TFree (s, sort)) =
   169     enclose "TFree(" ")" (quote s ^ ", " ^ (sort |> map quote |> commas |> enclose "List(" ")"))
   170   | scala_of_typ (TVar ((s, i), sort)) =
   171     enclose "TVar(" ")" (
   172       enclose "(" ")," (quote s ^ ", " ^ quote (string_of_int i)) ^ 
   173       (sort |> map quote |> commas |> enclose "List(" ")"))
   175 fun scala_of_term (Const (s, T)) =
   176     enclose "Const (" ")" (quote s ^ ", " ^ scala_of_typ T)
   177   | scala_of_term (Free (s, T)) =
   178     enclose "Free(" ")" (quote s ^ ", " ^ scala_of_typ T)
   179   | scala_of_term (Var ((s, i), T)) =
   180     enclose "TVar(" ")" (
   181       enclose "(" ")," (quote s ^ ", " ^ quote (string_of_int i)) ^ 
   182       scala_of_typ T)
   183   | scala_of_term (Bound i) = enclose "Bound(" ")" (string_of_int i)
   184   | scala_of_term (Abs (s, T, t)) =
   185     enclose "Abs(" ")" (
   186       quote s ^ ", " ^
   187       scala_of_typ T ^ ", " ^
   188       scala_of_term t)
   189   | scala_of_term (t1 $ t2) =
   190     enclose "App(" ")" (scala_of_term t1 ^ ", " ^ scala_of_term t2)
   191 \<close>
   193 (* see structure's bare bones.
   194    for Isabelle standard output compare 2017 "structure ML_PP" *)
   195 fun atom_typ _ t =
   196   let
   197     fun ato n (Type (s, [])) = "\n*** " ^ indent n ^ "Type (" ^ s ^",[])"
   198       | ato n (Type (s, Ts)) = "\n*** " ^ indent n ^ "Type (" ^ s ^ ",[" ^ atol (n + 1) Ts
   199       | ato n (TFree (s, sort)) = "\n*** " ^ indent n ^ "TFree (" ^ s ^ ", " ^ strs2str' sort
   200       | ato n (TVar ((s, i), sort)) =
   201         "\n*** " ^ indent n ^ "TVar ((" ^ s ^ ", " ^ string_of_int i ^ strs2str' sort
   202     and atol n [] = "\n*** " ^ indent n ^ "]"
   203       | atol n (T :: Ts) = (ato n T ^ atol n Ts)
   204 in tracing (ato 0 t ^ "\n") end;
   207 \<^isac_test>\<open>
   208 local 
   209   fun ato (Const (a, _)) n = "\n*** " ^ indent n ^ "Const (" ^ a ^ ", _)"
   210 	  | ato (Free (a, _)) n = "\n*** " ^ indent n ^ "Free (" ^ a ^ ", _)"
   211 	  | ato (Var ((a, i), _)) n =
   212 	    "\n*** " ^ indent n ^ "Var (" ^ a ^ ", " ^ string_of_int i ^ "), _)"
   213 	  | ato (Bound i) n = "\n*** " ^ indent n ^ "Bound " ^ string_of_int i
   214 	  | ato (Abs (a, _, body)) n = "\n*** " ^ indent n ^ "Abs(" ^ a ^ ", _" ^ ato body (n+1)
   215 	  | ato (f $ t) n = (ato f n ^ ato t (n + 1))
   216 in
   217   fun atom_write _ t = writeln ("\n*** -------------" ^ ato t 0 ^ "\n***");
   218   fun atom_trace _ t = tracing ("\n*** -------------" ^ ato t 0 ^ "\n***");
   219 end;
   221 fun atom_write_detail ctxt t = (writeln o (string_of_detail ctxt)) t;
   222 fun atom_trace_detail ctxt t = (tracing o (string_of_detail ctxt)) t;
   223 \<close>
   225 (* contains the term a VAR(("*",_),_) ? *)
   226 fun contains_Var (Abs(_,_,body)) = contains_Var body
   227   | contains_Var (f $ f') = contains_Var f orelse contains_Var f'
   228   | contains_Var (Var _) = true
   229   | contains_Var _ = false;
   231 fun str_of_int n = 
   232   if n < 0 then "-" ^ ((string_of_int o abs) n)
   233   else string_of_int n;
   234 val int_of_str = Value.parse_int;
   236 val int_opt_of_string = ThmC_Def.int_opt_of_string
   237 fun is_num' str = case int_opt_of_string str of SOME _ => true | NONE => false;
   239 fun is_num (Const (\<^const_name>\<open>numeral\<close>, _) $ _) = true
   240   | is_num (Const (\<^const_name>\<open>uminus\<close>, _) $
   241     (Const (\<^const_name>\<open>numeral\<close>, _) $ _)) = true
   242   | is_num (Const (\<^const_name>\<open>\<close>, _)) = true
   243   | is_num (Const (\<^const_name>\<open>uminus\<close>, _) $ Const (\<^const_name>\<open>\<close>, _)) = true
   244   | is_num (Const (\<^const_name>\<open>\<close>, _)) = true
   245   | is_num (Const (\<^const_name>\<open>uminus\<close>, _) $ Const (\<^const_name>\<open>\<close>, _)) = true
   246   | is_num _ = false;
   248 fun string_of_num n = (n |> HOLogic.dest_number |> snd |> string_of_int)
   250 fun lhs (Const (\<^const_name>\<open>HOL.eq\<close>,_) $ l $ _) = l
   251   | lhs t = raise TERM ("lhs called with ", [t]);
   252 fun rhs (Const (\<^const_name>\<open>HOL.eq\<close>,_) $ _ $ r) = r
   253   | rhs t = raise TERM ("rhs called with ", [t]);
   256 fun mk_negative T t = Const (\<^const_name>\<open>uminus\<close>, T --> T) $ t
   257 fun mk_frac T (sg, (i1, i2)) =
   258   if sg = 1 then
   259     if i2 = 1 then HOLogic.mk_number T i1
   260     else Const (\<^const_name>\<open>divide_class.divide\<close>, T --> T --> T) $
   261       HOLogic.mk_number T i1 $ HOLogic.mk_number T i2
   262   else (*take negative*)
   263     if i2 = 1 then mk_negative T (HOLogic.mk_number T i1)
   264     else Const (\<^const_name>\<open>divide_class.divide\<close>, T --> T --> T) $
   265       mk_negative T (HOLogic.mk_number T i1) $ HOLogic.mk_number T i2
   267 val numerals_to_Free = (* Makarius 100308 *)
   268   let
   269     fun dest_num t =
   270       (case try HOLogic.dest_number t of
   271         SOME (T, i) => SOME (Free (signed_string_of_int i, T))
   272       | NONE => NONE);
   273     fun to_str (Abs (x, T, b)) = Abs (x, T, to_str b)
   274       | to_str (t as (u1 $ u2)) =
   275           (case dest_num t of SOME t' => t' | NONE => to_str u1 $ to_str u2)
   276       | to_str t = perhaps dest_num t;
   277   in to_str end
   279 val term_of_num = HOLogic.mk_number;
   280 fun num_of_term t = t |> HOLogic.dest_number |> snd;
   281 (* accomodate string-representation for int to term-orders *)
   282 fun to_string t = t |> num_of_term |> signed_string_of_int
   284 fun is_variable (t as Free _) = not (is_num t)
   285   | is_variable _ = false;
   286 fun is_Free (Free _) = true | is_Free _ = false;
   287 fun is_fun_id (Const _) = true
   288   | is_fun_id (Free _) = true
   289   | is_fun_id _ = false;
   290 fun is_f_x (f $ x) = is_fun_id f andalso is_Free x
   291   | is_f_x _ = false;
   292 (* precondition: TermC.is_atom v andalso TermC.is_atom c *)
   293 fun is_const (Const _) = true | is_const _ = false;
   294 fun variable_constant_pair (v, c) =
   295   if (is_variable v andalso (is_const c orelse is_num c)) orelse
   296      (is_variable c andalso (is_const v orelse is_num v))
   297   then true
   298   else false
   300 fun vars t =
   301   let
   302     fun scan vs (Const _) = vs
   303       | scan vs (t as Free _) = (*if is_num' s then vs else*) t :: vs
   304       | scan vs (t as Var _) = t :: vs
   305       | scan vs (Bound _) = vs 
   306       | scan vs (Abs (_, _, t)) = scan vs t
   307       | scan vs (t1 $ t2) = (scan vs t1) @ (scan vs t2)
   308   in ((distinct op =) o (scan [])) t end;
   309 fun vars' ts = ts |> map vars |> flat |> distinct op =
   311 (* bypass Isabelle's Pretty, which requires ctxt *)
   312 fun ids2str t =
   313   let
   314     fun scan vs (t as Const (s, _) $ arg) =
   315         if is_num t then vs else scan (s :: vs) arg
   316       | scan vs (Const (s as "Partial_Fractions.AA", _)) = s :: vs (*how get rid of*)
   317       | scan vs (Const (s as "Partial_Fractions.BB", _)) = s :: vs (*how get rid of*)
   318       | scan vs (Const _) = vs
   319       | scan vs (Free (s, _)) = if is_num' s then vs else s :: vs
   320       | scan vs (Var ((s, i), _)) = (s ^ "_" ^ string_of_int i) :: vs
   321       | scan vs (Bound _) = vs 
   322       | scan vs (Abs (s, _, t)) = scan (s :: vs) t
   323       | scan vs (t1 $ t2) = (scan vs t1) @ (scan vs t2)
   324   in ((distinct op =) o (scan [])) t
   325   end;
   326 fun is_bdv str = case Symbol.explode str of "b"::"d"::"v"::_ => true | _ => false;
   327 (* instantiate #prop thm with bound vars_of (as Free) *)
   328 fun inst_bdv [] t = t
   329   | inst_bdv (instl: (term*term) list) t =
   330     let
   331       fun subst (v as Var((s, _), T)) = 
   332           (case Symbol.explode s of
   333             "b"::"d"::"v"::_ => if_none (assoc(instl,Free(s,T))) (Free(s,T))
   334           | _ => v)
   335         | subst (Abs(a, T, body)) = Abs(a, T, subst body)
   336         | subst (f $ t') = subst f $ subst t'
   337         | subst t = if_none (assoc (instl, t)) t
   338     in  subst t  end;
   340 (* is a term a substitution for a bdv as found in programs and tactics *)
   341 fun is_bdv_subst (Const (\<^const_name>\<open>Cons\<close>, _) $
   342       (Const (\<^const_name>\<open>Pair\<close>, _) $ str $ _) $ _) = is_bdv (HOLogic.dest_string str)
   343   | is_bdv_subst _ = false;
   345 (* this shall be improved due to future requirements *)
   346 fun guess_bdv_typ t = t |> vars |> hd |> type_of
   348 type id = string (*the shortest significant*)
   349 val cut_longid = ThmC.cut_longid
   350 fun free2str (Free (s, _)) = s
   351   | free2str t = raise TERM ("free2str not for ", [t]);
   352 fun str_of_free_opt (Free (s, _)) = SOME s
   353   | str_of_free_opt _ = NONE
   354 fun id_of (Var ((id,ix),_)) = if ix= 0 then id else id ^ string_of_int ix
   355   | id_of (Free (id    ,_)) = id
   356   | id_of (Const(id    ,_)) = id
   357   | id_of _                 = ""; (* never such an identifier *)
   359 fun ids_of t =
   360   let fun con ss (Const (s,_)) = s::ss
   361 	| con ss (Free (s,_)) = s::ss
   362 	| con ss (Abs (s,_,b)) = s::(con ss b)
   363 	| con ss (t1 $ t2) = (con ss t1) @ (con ss t2)
   364 	| con ss _ = ss
   365   in map cut_longid (((distinct op =) o (con [])) t) end;
   367 (* compare Logic.unvarify_global, which rejects Free *)
   368 fun var2free (t as Const _) = t
   369   | var2free (t as Free _) = t
   370   | var2free (Var((s, _), T)) = Free (s,T)
   371   | var2free (t as Bound _) = t 
   372   | var2free (Abs(s, T, t)) = Abs(s, T, var2free t)
   373   | var2free (t1 $ t2) = (var2free t1) $ (var2free t2);
   376 \<^isac_test>\<open> (*TODO: check with new numerals --vv*)
   377 (* Logic.varify does NOT take care of 'Free ("1", _)'*)
   378 fun mk_Var (t as Const _) = t
   379   | mk_Var (t as Free (s, T)) = if is_num' s then t else Var ((s, 0), T)
   380   | mk_Var (t as Var _) = t
   381   | mk_Var (t as Bound _) = t 
   382   | mk_Var (Abs (s, T, t)) = Abs (s, T, mk_Var t)
   383   | mk_Var (t1 $ t2) = (mk_Var t1) $ (mk_Var t2);
   384 \<close>
   386 fun mk_listT T = Type (\<^type_name>\<open>list\<close>, [T]);
   387 fun list_const T = Const (\<^const_name>\<open>Cons\<close>, [T, mk_listT T] ---> mk_listT T);
   388 fun list2isalist T [] = Const (\<^const_name>\<open>Nil\<close>, mk_listT T)
   389   | list2isalist T (t :: ts) = (list_const T) $ t $ (list2isalist T ts);
   391 fun isapair2pair (Const (\<^const_name>\<open>Pair\<close>,_) $ a $ b) = (a, b)
   392   | isapair2pair t = 
   393     raise TERM ("isapair2pair called with ", [t]);
   394 fun isalist2list ls =
   395   let
   396     fun get es (Const(\<^const_name>\<open>Cons\<close>, _) $ t $ ls) = get (t :: es) ls
   397       | get es (Const(\<^const_name>\<open>Nil\<close>, _)) = es
   398       | get _ t = raise TERM ("isalist2list applied to NON-list: ", [t])
   399   in (rev o (get [])) ls end;
   401 fun is_list ((Const (\<^const_name>\<open>Cons\<close>, _)) $ _ $ _) = true
   402   | is_list _ = false;
   403 fun dest_listT (Type (\<^type_name>\<open>list\<close>, [T])) = T
   404   | dest_listT T = raise TYPE ("dest_listT: list type expected", [T], []);
   405 fun is_bool_list t =
   406   (if dest_listT (Term.type_of t) = HOLogic.boolT then true else false)
   407   handle TYPE _ => false
   410 fun dest_binop_typ (Type (\<^type_name>\<open>fun\<close>, [range, Type (\<^type_name>\<open>fun\<close>, [arg2, arg1])])) = (arg1, arg2, range)
   411   | dest_binop_typ _ = raise ERROR "dest_binop_typ: not binary";
   412 fun dest_equals (Const(\<^const_name>\<open>HOL.eq\<close>, _) $ t $ u)  =  (t, u) (* Pure/logic.ML: Const ("==", ..*)
   413   | dest_equals t = raise TERM ("dest_equals'", [t]);
   414 fun is_equality (Const(\<^const_name>\<open>HOL.eq\<close>,_) $ _ $ _)  =  true  (* logic.ML: Const ("=="*)
   415   | is_equality _ = false;
   416 fun mk_equality (t, u) = (Const(\<^const_name>\<open>HOL.eq\<close>, [type_of t, type_of u] ---> HOLogic.boolT) $ t $ u); 
   417 fun is_expliceq (Const(\<^const_name>\<open>HOL.eq\<close>,_) $ (Free _) $ _)  =  true
   418   | is_expliceq _ = false;
   419 fun strip_trueprop (Const (\<^const_name>\<open>Trueprop\<close>, _) $ t) = t
   420   | strip_trueprop t = t;
   422 (* (A1==>...An==>B) goes to (A1==>...An==>)   Pure/logic.ML: term -> term list*)
   423 fun strip_imp_prems' (Const (\<^const_name>\<open>Pure.imp\<close>, _) $ A $ t) = 
   424     let
   425       fun coll_prems As (Const(\<^const_name>\<open>Pure.imp\<close>, _) $ A $ t) = 
   426           coll_prems (As $ (Logic.implies $ A)) t
   427         | coll_prems As _ = SOME As
   428     in coll_prems (Logic.implies $ A) t end
   429   | strip_imp_prems' _ = NONE;  (* *)
   431 (* (A1==>...An==>) (B) goes to (A1==>...An==>B), where B is lowest branch, 2002 Pure/thm.ML *)
   432 fun ins_concl (Const (\<^const_name>\<open>Pure.imp\<close>, _) $ A $ t) B = Logic.implies $ A $ (ins_concl t B)
   433   | ins_concl (Const (\<^const_name>\<open>Pure.imp\<close>, _) $ A    ) B = Logic.implies $ A $ B
   434   | ins_concl t B =  raise TERM ("ins_concl", [t, B]);
   436 fun vperm (Var _, Var _) = true  (* 2002 Pure/thm.ML *)
   437   | vperm (Abs (_, _, s), Abs (_, _, t)) = vperm (s, t)
   438   | vperm (t1 $ t2, u1 $ u2) = vperm (t1, u1) andalso vperm (t2, u2)
   439   | vperm (t, u) = (t = u);
   441 (*2002 cp from Pure/term.ML --- since 2009 in Pure/old_term.ML*)
   442 fun mem_term (_, []) = false
   443   | mem_term (t, t' :: ts) = t aconv t' orelse mem_term (t, ts);
   444 fun subset_term ([], _) = true
   445   | subset_term (x :: xs, ys) = mem_term (x, ys) andalso subset_term (xs, ys);
   446 fun eq_set_term (xs, ys) =
   447     xs = ys orelse (subset_term (xs, ys) andalso subset_term (ys, xs));
   448 (*a total, irreflexive ordering on index names*)
   449 fun xless ((a, i), (b, j): indexname) = i<j  orelse  (i = j andalso a < b);
   450 (*a partial ordering (not reflexive) for atomic terms*)
   451 fun atless (Const (a, _), Const (b, _)) = a < b
   452   | atless (Free (a, _), Free (b, _)) = a < b
   453   | atless (Var (v, _), Var (w, _)) = xless (v, w)
   454   | atless (Bound i, Bound j) =  i < j
   455   | atless _ = false;
   456 (*insert atomic term into partially sorted list, suppressing duplicates (?)*)
   457 fun insert_aterm (t,us) =
   458   let fun inserta [] = [t]
   459         | inserta (us as u::us') =
   460               if atless(t,u) then t::us
   461               else if t=u then us (*duplicate*)
   462               else u :: inserta us'
   463   in inserta us end;
   465 (* Accumulates the Vars in the term, suppressing duplicates *)
   466 fun add_term_vars (t, vars: term list) = case t of
   467     Var   _ => insert_aterm (t, vars)
   468   | Abs (_, _, body) => add_term_vars (body, vars)
   469   | f$t =>  add_term_vars (f, add_term_vars (t, vars))
   470   | _ => vars;
   471 fun term_vars t = add_term_vars (t, []);
   473 (*2002 Pure/thm.ML *)
   474 fun var_perm (t, u) = vperm (t, u) andalso eq_set_term (term_vars t, term_vars u);
   475 (*2002 fun decomp_simp, Pure/thm.ML *)
   476 fun perm lhs rhs = var_perm (lhs, rhs) andalso not (lhs aconv rhs) andalso not (is_Var lhs);
   479 fun pairT T1 T2 = Type (\<^type_name>\<open>prod\<close>, [T1, T2]);
   480 fun PairT T1 T2 = ([T1, T2] ---> Type (\<^type_name>\<open>prod\<close>, [T1, T2]));
   481 fun pairt t1 t2 = Const (\<^const_name>\<open>Pair\<close>, PairT (type_of t1) (type_of t2)) $ t1 $ t2;
   483 fun mk_factroot op_(*=thy.sqrt*) T fact root = 
   484   Const (\<^const_name>\<open>times\<close>, [T, T] ---> T) $ (term_of_num T fact) $
   485     (Const (op_, T --> T) $ term_of_num T root);
   486 fun mk_var_op_num v op_ optype ntyp n = Const (op_, optype) $ v $ HOLogic.mk_number ntyp n;
   487 fun mk_num_op_var v op_ optype ntyp n = Const (op_, optype) $ HOLogic.mk_number ntyp n $ v;
   488 fun mk_num_op_num T1 T2 (op_, Top) n1 n2 =
   489   Const (op_, Top) $ HOLogic.mk_number T1 n1 $ HOLogic.mk_number T2 n2;
   490 fun mk_thmid thmid n1 n2 = 
   491   thmid ^ (cut_longid n1) ^ "_" ^ (cut_longid n2);
   492 fun mk_add t1 t2 =
   493   let
   494     val (T1, T2) = (type_of t1, type_of t2)
   495   in
   496     if T1 <> T2 then raise TYPE ("mk_add gets ", [T1, T2], [t1,t2])
   497     else (Const (\<^const_name>\<open>plus\<close>, [T1, T2] ---> T1) $ t1 $ t2)
   498   end;
   500 (** transform binary numeralsstrings **)
   501 fun mk_Free (s,T) = Free (s, T);
   502 fun mk_free T s =  Free (s, T);
   504 (*Special case: one argument cp from Isabelle2002/src/Pure/term.ML*)
   505 fun subst_bound (arg, t) =
   506   let
   507     fun subst (t as Bound i, lev) =
   508         if i < lev then t (*var is locally bound*)
   509         else if i = lev then incr_boundvars lev arg
   510         else Bound (i - 1) (*loose: change it*)
   511       | subst (Abs(a, T, body), lev) = Abs (a, T, subst (body, lev + 1))
   512       | subst (f$t, lev) =  subst(f, lev)  $  subst(t, lev)
   513       | subst (t, _) = t
   514   in subst (t, 0)  end;
   516 (* instantiate let; necessary for scan_up1 *)
   517 fun inst_abs (Const sT) = Const sT
   518   | inst_abs (Free sT) = Free sT
   519   | inst_abs (Bound n) = Bound n
   520   | inst_abs (Var iT) = Var iT
   521   | inst_abs (Const (\<^const_name>\<open>Let\<close>,T1) $ e $ (Abs (v, T2, b))) = 
   522     let val b' = subst_bound (Free (v, T2), b); (*fun variant_abs: term.ML*)
   523     in Const (\<^const_name>\<open>Let\<close>, T1) $ inst_abs e $ (Abs (v, T2, inst_abs b')) end
   524   | inst_abs (t1 $ t2) = inst_abs t1 $ inst_abs t2
   525   | inst_abs t = t;
   527 fun is_atom (Const _) = true
   528   | is_atom (Free _) = true
   529   | is_atom (Var _) = true
   530   | is_atom t = is_num t;
   531 fun string_of_atom (t as Const (\<^const_name>\<open>numeral\<close>, _) $ _) = to_string t
   532   | string_of_atom (t as Const (\<^const_name>\<open>\<close>, _)) = to_string t
   533   | string_of_atom (t as Const (\<^const_name>\<open>\<close>, _)) = to_string t
   534   | string_of_atom (Const (str, _)) = str
   535   | string_of_atom (Free (str, _)) = str
   536   | string_of_atom (Var ((str, int), _)) = str ^ "_" ^ string_of_int int
   537   | string_of_atom _ = "DUMMY-string_of_atom";
   539 (* from Pure/term.ML; reports if ALL Free's have found a substitution
   540    (required for evaluating the preconditions of _incomplete_ models) *)
   541 fun subst_atomic_all [] t = (false (*TODO may be 'true' for some terms ?*), t)
   542   | subst_atomic_all instl t =
   543     let
   544       fun subst (Abs (a, T, body)) = 
   545           let
   546             val (all, body') = subst body
   547           in (all, Abs(a, T, body')) end
   548         | subst (f $ tt) = 
   549 	        let
   550 	          val (all1, f') = subst f
   551 	          val (all2, tt') = subst tt
   552 	        in (all1 andalso all2, f' $ tt') end
   553         | subst (t as Free _) = 
   554 	        if is_num t then (true, t) (*numerals cannot be subst*)
   555 	        else (case assoc (instl, t) of
   556 					  SOME t' => (true, t')
   557 				  | NONE => (false, t))
   558         | subst t = (true, if_none (assoc (instl, t)) t)
   559     in subst t end;
   561 fun op contains_one_of (thm, ids) =
   562   Term.exists_Const (fn id => member op= ids id) (Thm.prop_of thm)
   564 fun var_for vs (t as Const (str, _)) id =
   565     if is_num t then vs
   566     else if id = cut_longid str then t :: vs else vs
   567   | var_for vs (t as Free (str, _)) id = if id = str then t :: vs else vs
   568   | var_for vs (t as Var (idn, _)) id = if id = Term.string_of_vname idn then t :: vs else vs
   569   | var_for vs (Bound _) _ = vs
   570   | var_for vs (Abs (_, _, t)) id = var_for vs t id
   571   | var_for vs (t1 $ t2) id = (var_for vs t1 id) @ (var_for vs t2 id)
   573 val poly_consts =
   574   [\<^const_name>\<open>plus\<close>, \<^const_name>\<open>minus\<close>,
   575   \<^const_name>\<open>divide\<close>, \<^const_name>\<open>times\<close>,
   576   \<^const_name>\<open>realpow\<close>];
   577 (* treat Free, Const, Var as vars_of in polynomials *)
   578 fun vars_of t =
   579   let
   580     val var_ids = t |> ids2str |> subtract op = poly_consts |> map cut_longid |> sort string_ord
   581   in (map (var_for [] t) var_ids) |> flat |> distinct op = end
   583 (* this may decompose an object-language isa-list;
   584    use only, if description is not available, eg. not input ?WN:14.5.03 ??!?*)
   585 fun dest_list' t = if is_list t then isalist2list t  else [t];
   587 fun negat (Const (\<^const_name>\<open>Not\<close>, _) $ P, P') = P = P'
   588   | negat _ = false
   589 fun negates p1 p2 = negat (p1, p2) orelse negat (swap (p1, p2));
   591 fun raise_type_conflicts ts =
   592   let
   593     val dups = duplicates (op =) (map (fst o dest_Free) ts)
   594     val confl = filter (fn Free (str, _) => member op = dups str
   595                          | _ => false) ts
   596   in
   597     if confl = []
   598     then ()
   599     else raise TYPE ("formalisation inconsistent w.r.t. type inference: ",
   600       map (snd o dest_Free)confl, confl)
   601   end
   603 (* expects t as Const *)
   604 fun contains_Const_typeless ts t = (t
   605   |> strip_comb |> fst
   606   |> member (fn (t1, t2) => fst (dest_Const t1) = fst (dest_Const t2)) ts
   607 ) handle TERM("dest_Const", _) => raise TERM ("contains_Const_typeless", [t])
   609 (* WN100910 weaker than fun sym_thm for Theory.axioms_of in isa02 *)
   610 fun sym_trm trm =
   611   let
   612     val (lhs, rhs) = (dest_equals o strip_trueprop o Logic.strip_imp_concl) trm
   613     val trm' = case strip_imp_prems' trm of
   614 	      NONE => mk_equality (rhs, lhs)
   615 	    | SOME cs => ins_concl cs (mk_equality (rhs, lhs))
   616   in trm' end
   618 end