author nipkow
Fri, 31 Mar 2000 10:08:26 +0200
changeset 8628 b3d9d8446473
parent 8604 c99e0024050c
child 9212 4afe62073b41
permissions -rw-r--r--
updated recdef
     1 %% $Id$
     2 \chapter{Higher-Order Logic}
     3 \index{higher-order logic|(}
     4 \index{HOL system@{\sc hol} system}
     6 The theory~\thydx{HOL} implements higher-order logic.  It is based on
     7 Gordon's~{\sc hol} system~\cite{mgordon-hol}, which itself is based on
     8 Church's original paper~\cite{church40}.  Andrews's
     9 book~\cite{andrews86} is a full description of the original
    10 Church-style higher-order logic.  Experience with the {\sc hol} system
    11 has demonstrated that higher-order logic is widely applicable in many
    12 areas of mathematics and computer science, not just hardware
    13 verification, {\sc hol}'s original \textit{raison d'{\^e}tre\/}.  It is
    14 weaker than {\ZF} set theory but for most applications this does not
    15 matter.  If you prefer {\ML} to Lisp, you will probably prefer \HOL\ 
    16 to~{\ZF}.
    18 The syntax of \HOL\footnote{Earlier versions of Isabelle's \HOL\ used a
    19 different syntax.  Ancient releases of Isabelle included still another version
    20 of~\HOL, with explicit type inference rules~\cite{paulson-COLOG}.  This
    21 version no longer exists, but \thydx{ZF} supports a similar style of
    22 reasoning.} follows $\lambda$-calculus and functional programming.  Function
    23 application is curried.  To apply the function~$f$ of type
    24 $\tau@1\To\tau@2\To\tau@3$ to the arguments~$a$ and~$b$ in \HOL, you simply
    25 write $f\,a\,b$.  There is no `apply' operator as in \thydx{ZF}.  Note that
    26 $f(a,b)$ means ``$f$ applied to the pair $(a,b)$'' in \HOL.  We write ordered
    27 pairs as $(a,b)$, not $\langle a,b\rangle$ as in {\ZF}.
    29 \HOL\ has a distinct feel, compared with {\ZF} and {\CTT}.  It
    30 identifies object-level types with meta-level types, taking advantage of
    31 Isabelle's built-in type-checker.  It identifies object-level functions
    32 with meta-level functions, so it uses Isabelle's operations for abstraction
    33 and application.
    35 These identifications allow Isabelle to support \HOL\ particularly
    36 nicely, but they also mean that \HOL\ requires more sophistication
    37 from the user --- in particular, an understanding of Isabelle's type
    38 system.  Beginners should work with \texttt{show_types} (or even
    39 \texttt{show_sorts}) set to \texttt{true}.
    40 %  Gain experience by
    41 %working in first-order logic before attempting to use higher-order logic.
    42 %This chapter assumes familiarity with~{\FOL{}}.
    45 \begin{figure}
    46 \begin{constants}
    47   \it name      &\it meta-type  & \it description \\
    48   \cdx{Trueprop}& $bool\To prop$                & coercion to $prop$\\
    49   \cdx{Not}     & $bool\To bool$                & negation ($\lnot$) \\
    50   \cdx{True}    & $bool$                        & tautology ($\top$) \\
    51   \cdx{False}   & $bool$                        & absurdity ($\bot$) \\
    52   \cdx{If}      & $[bool,\alpha,\alpha]\To\alpha$ & conditional \\
    53   \cdx{Let}     & $[\alpha,\alpha\To\beta]\To\beta$ & let binder
    54 \end{constants}
    55 \subcaption{Constants}
    57 \begin{constants}
    58 \index{"@@{\tt\at} symbol}
    59 \index{*"! symbol}\index{*"? symbol}
    60 \index{*"?"! symbol}\index{*"E"X"! symbol}
    61   \it symbol &\it name     &\it meta-type & \it description \\
    62   \sdx{SOME} or \tt\at & \cdx{Eps}  & $(\alpha\To bool)\To\alpha$ & 
    63         Hilbert description ($\varepsilon$) \\
    64   \sdx{ALL} or {\tt!~} & \cdx{All}  & $(\alpha\To bool)\To bool$ & 
    65         universal quantifier ($\forall$) \\
    66   \sdx{EX} or {\tt?~}  & \cdx{Ex}   & $(\alpha\To bool)\To bool$ & 
    67         existential quantifier ($\exists$) \\
    68   \texttt{EX!} or {\tt?!} & \cdx{Ex1}  & $(\alpha\To bool)\To bool$ & 
    69         unique existence ($\exists!$)\\
    70   \texttt{LEAST}  & \cdx{Least}  & $(\alpha::ord \To bool)\To\alpha$ & 
    71         least element
    72 \end{constants}
    73 \subcaption{Binders} 
    75 \begin{constants}
    76 \index{*"= symbol}
    77 \index{&@{\tt\&} symbol}
    78 \index{*"| symbol}
    79 \index{*"-"-"> symbol}
    80   \it symbol    & \it meta-type & \it priority & \it description \\ 
    81   \sdx{o}       & $[\beta\To\gamma,\alpha\To\beta]\To (\alpha\To\gamma)$ & 
    82         Left 55 & composition ($\circ$) \\
    83   \tt =         & $[\alpha,\alpha]\To bool$ & Left 50 & equality ($=$) \\
    84   \tt <         & $[\alpha::ord,\alpha]\To bool$ & Left 50 & less than ($<$) \\
    85   \tt <=        & $[\alpha::ord,\alpha]\To bool$ & Left 50 & 
    86                 less than or equals ($\leq$)\\
    87   \tt \&        & $[bool,bool]\To bool$ & Right 35 & conjunction ($\conj$) \\
    88   \tt |         & $[bool,bool]\To bool$ & Right 30 & disjunction ($\disj$) \\
    89   \tt -->       & $[bool,bool]\To bool$ & Right 25 & implication ($\imp$)
    90 \end{constants}
    91 \subcaption{Infixes}
    92 \caption{Syntax of \texttt{HOL}} \label{hol-constants}
    93 \end{figure}
    96 \begin{figure}
    97 \index{*let symbol}
    98 \index{*in symbol}
    99 \dquotes
   100 \[\begin{array}{rclcl}
   101     term & = & \hbox{expression of class~$term$} \\
   102          & | & "SOME~" id " . " formula
   103          & | & "\at~" id " . " formula \\
   104          & | & 
   105     \multicolumn{3}{l}{"let"~id~"="~term";"\dots";"~id~"="~term~"in"~term} \\
   106          & | & 
   107     \multicolumn{3}{l}{"if"~formula~"then"~term~"else"~term} \\
   108          & | & "LEAST"~ id " . " formula \\[2ex]
   109  formula & = & \hbox{expression of type~$bool$} \\
   110          & | & term " = " term \\
   111          & | & term " \ttilde= " term \\
   112          & | & term " < " term \\
   113          & | & term " <= " term \\
   114          & | & "\ttilde\ " formula \\
   115          & | & formula " \& " formula \\
   116          & | & formula " | " formula \\
   117          & | & formula " --> " formula \\
   118          & | & "ALL~" id~id^* " . " formula
   119          & | & "!~~~" id~id^* " . " formula \\
   120          & | & "EX~~" id~id^* " . " formula 
   121          & | & "?~~~" id~id^* " . " formula \\
   122          & | & "EX!~" id~id^* " . " formula
   123          & | & "?!~~" id~id^* " . " formula \\
   124   \end{array}
   125 \]
   126 \caption{Full grammar for \HOL} \label{hol-grammar}
   127 \end{figure} 
   130 \section{Syntax}
   132 Figure~\ref{hol-constants} lists the constants (including infixes and
   133 binders), while Fig.\ts\ref{hol-grammar} presents the grammar of
   134 higher-order logic.  Note that $a$\verb|~=|$b$ is translated to
   135 $\lnot(a=b)$.
   137 \begin{warn}
   138   \HOL\ has no if-and-only-if connective; logical equivalence is expressed
   139   using equality.  But equality has a high priority, as befitting a
   140   relation, while if-and-only-if typically has the lowest priority.  Thus,
   141   $\lnot\lnot P=P$ abbreviates $\lnot\lnot (P=P)$ and not $(\lnot\lnot P)=P$.
   142   When using $=$ to mean logical equivalence, enclose both operands in
   143   parentheses.
   144 \end{warn}
   146 \subsection{Types and classes}
   147 The universal type class of higher-order terms is called~\cldx{term}.
   148 By default, explicit type variables have class \cldx{term}.  In
   149 particular the equality symbol and quantifiers are polymorphic over
   150 class \texttt{term}.
   152 The type of formulae, \tydx{bool}, belongs to class \cldx{term}; thus,
   153 formulae are terms.  The built-in type~\tydx{fun}, which constructs
   154 function types, is overloaded with arity {\tt(term,\thinspace
   155   term)\thinspace term}.  Thus, $\sigma\To\tau$ belongs to class~{\tt
   156   term} if $\sigma$ and~$\tau$ do, allowing quantification over
   157 functions.
   159 \HOL\ offers various methods for introducing new types.
   160 See~{\S}\ref{sec:HOL:Types} and~{\S}\ref{sec:HOL:datatype}.
   162 Theory \thydx{Ord} defines the syntactic class \cldx{ord} of order
   163 signatures; the relations $<$ and $\leq$ are polymorphic over this
   164 class, as are the functions \cdx{mono}, \cdx{min} and \cdx{max}, and
   165 the \cdx{LEAST} operator. \thydx{Ord} also defines a subclass
   166 \cldx{order} of \cldx{ord} which axiomatizes partially ordered types
   167 (w.r.t.\ $\leq$).
   169 Three other syntactic type classes --- \cldx{plus}, \cldx{minus} and
   170 \cldx{times} --- permit overloading of the operators {\tt+},\index{*"+
   171   symbol} {\tt-}\index{*"- symbol} and {\tt*}.\index{*"* symbol} In
   172 particular, {\tt-} is instantiated for set difference and subtraction
   173 on natural numbers.
   175 If you state a goal containing overloaded functions, you may need to include
   176 type constraints.  Type inference may otherwise make the goal more
   177 polymorphic than you intended, with confusing results.  For example, the
   178 variables $i$, $j$ and $k$ in the goal $i \leq j \Imp i \leq j+k$ have type
   179 $\alpha::\{ord,plus\}$, although you may have expected them to have some
   180 numeric type, e.g. $nat$.  Instead you should have stated the goal as
   181 $(i::nat) \leq j \Imp i \leq j+k$, which causes all three variables to have
   182 type $nat$.
   184 \begin{warn}
   185   If resolution fails for no obvious reason, try setting
   186   \ttindex{show_types} to \texttt{true}, causing Isabelle to display
   187   types of terms.  Possibly set \ttindex{show_sorts} to \texttt{true} as
   188   well, causing Isabelle to display type classes and sorts.
   190   \index{unification!incompleteness of}
   191   Where function types are involved, Isabelle's unification code does not
   192   guarantee to find instantiations for type variables automatically.  Be
   193   prepared to use \ttindex{res_inst_tac} instead of \texttt{resolve_tac},
   194   possibly instantiating type variables.  Setting
   195   \ttindex{Unify.trace_types} to \texttt{true} causes Isabelle to report
   196   omitted search paths during unification.\index{tracing!of unification}
   197 \end{warn}
   200 \subsection{Binders}
   202 Hilbert's {\bf description} operator~$\varepsilon x. P[x]$ stands for
   203 some~$x$ satisfying~$P$, if such exists.  Since all terms in \HOL\ 
   204 denote something, a description is always meaningful, but we do not
   205 know its value unless $P$ defines it uniquely.  We may write
   206 descriptions as \cdx{Eps}($\lambda x. P[x]$) or use the syntax
   207 \hbox{\tt SOME~$x$.~$P[x]$}.
   209 Existential quantification is defined by
   210 \[ \exists x. P~x \;\equiv\; P(\varepsilon x. P~x). \]
   211 The unique existence quantifier, $\exists!x. P$, is defined in terms
   212 of~$\exists$ and~$\forall$.  An Isabelle binder, it admits nested
   213 quantifications.  For instance, $\exists!x\,y. P\,x\,y$ abbreviates
   214 $\exists!x. \exists!y. P\,x\,y$; note that this does not mean that there
   215 exists a unique pair $(x,y)$ satisfying~$P\,x\,y$.
   217 \medskip
   219 \index{*"! symbol}\index{*"? symbol}\index{HOL system@{\sc hol} system} The
   220 basic Isabelle/HOL binders have two notations.  Apart from the usual
   221 \texttt{ALL} and \texttt{EX} for $\forall$ and $\exists$, Isabelle/HOL also
   222 supports the original notation of Gordon's {\sc hol} system: \texttt{!}\ 
   223 and~\texttt{?}.  In the latter case, the existential quantifier \emph{must} be
   224 followed by a space; thus {\tt?x} is an unknown, while \verb'? x. f x=y' is a
   225 quantification.  Both notations are accepted for input.  The print mode
   226 ``\ttindexbold{HOL}'' governs the output notation.  If enabled (e.g.\ by
   227 passing option \texttt{-m HOL} to the \texttt{isabelle} executable),
   228 then~{\tt!}\ and~{\tt?}\ are displayed.
   230 \medskip
   232 If $\tau$ is a type of class \cldx{ord}, $P$ a formula and $x$ a
   233 variable of type $\tau$, then the term \cdx{LEAST}~$x. P[x]$ is defined
   234 to be the least (w.r.t.\ $\leq$) $x$ such that $P~x$ holds (see
   235 Fig.~\ref{hol-defs}).  The definition uses Hilbert's $\varepsilon$
   236 choice operator, so \texttt{Least} is always meaningful, but may yield
   237 nothing useful in case there is not a unique least element satisfying
   238 $P$.\footnote{Class $ord$ does not require much of its instances, so
   239   $\leq$ need not be a well-ordering, not even an order at all!}
   241 \medskip All these binders have priority 10.
   243 \begin{warn}
   244 The low priority of binders means that they need to be enclosed in
   245 parenthesis when they occur in the context of other operations.  For example,
   246 instead of $P \land \forall x. Q$ you need to write $P \land (\forall x. Q)$.
   247 \end{warn}
   250 \subsection{The let and case constructions}
   251 Local abbreviations can be introduced by a \texttt{let} construct whose
   252 syntax appears in Fig.\ts\ref{hol-grammar}.  Internally it is translated into
   253 the constant~\cdx{Let}.  It can be expanded by rewriting with its
   254 definition, \tdx{Let_def}.
   256 \HOL\ also defines the basic syntax
   257 \[\dquotes"case"~e~"of"~c@1~"=>"~e@1~"|" \dots "|"~c@n~"=>"~e@n\] 
   258 as a uniform means of expressing \texttt{case} constructs.  Therefore \texttt{case}
   259 and \sdx{of} are reserved words.  Initially, this is mere syntax and has no
   260 logical meaning.  By declaring translations, you can cause instances of the
   261 \texttt{case} construct to denote applications of particular case operators.
   262 This is what happens automatically for each \texttt{datatype} definition
   263 (see~{\S}\ref{sec:HOL:datatype}).
   265 \begin{warn}
   266 Both \texttt{if} and \texttt{case} constructs have as low a priority as
   267 quantifiers, which requires additional enclosing parentheses in the context
   268 of most other operations.  For example, instead of $f~x = {\tt if\dots
   269 then\dots else}\dots$ you need to write $f~x = ({\tt if\dots then\dots
   270 else\dots})$.
   271 \end{warn}
   273 \section{Rules of inference}
   275 \begin{figure}
   276 \begin{ttbox}\makeatother
   277 \tdx{refl}           t = (t::'a)
   278 \tdx{subst}          [| s = t; P s |] ==> P (t::'a)
   279 \tdx{ext}            (!!x::'a. (f x :: 'b) = g x) ==> (\%x. f x) = (\%x. g x)
   280 \tdx{impI}           (P ==> Q) ==> P-->Q
   281 \tdx{mp}             [| P-->Q;  P |] ==> Q
   282 \tdx{iff}            (P-->Q) --> (Q-->P) --> (P=Q)
   283 \tdx{selectI}        P(x::'a) ==> P(@x. P x)
   284 \tdx{True_or_False}  (P=True) | (P=False)
   285 \end{ttbox}
   286 \caption{The \texttt{HOL} rules} \label{hol-rules}
   287 \end{figure}
   289 Figure~\ref{hol-rules} shows the primitive inference rules of~\HOL{},
   290 with their~{\ML} names.  Some of the rules deserve additional
   292 \begin{ttdescription}
   293 \item[\tdx{ext}] expresses extensionality of functions.
   294 \item[\tdx{iff}] asserts that logically equivalent formulae are
   295   equal.
   296 \item[\tdx{selectI}] gives the defining property of the Hilbert
   297   $\varepsilon$-operator.  It is a form of the Axiom of Choice.  The derived rule
   298   \tdx{select_equality} (see below) is often easier to use.
   299 \item[\tdx{True_or_False}] makes the logic classical.\footnote{In
   300     fact, the $\varepsilon$-operator already makes the logic classical, as
   301     shown by Diaconescu; see Paulson~\cite{paulson-COLOG} for details.}
   302 \end{ttdescription}
   305 \begin{figure}\hfuzz=4pt%suppress "Overfull \hbox" message
   306 \begin{ttbox}\makeatother
   307 \tdx{True_def}   True     == ((\%x::bool. x)=(\%x. x))
   308 \tdx{All_def}    All      == (\%P. P = (\%x. True))
   309 \tdx{Ex_def}     Ex       == (\%P. P(@x. P x))
   310 \tdx{False_def}  False    == (!P. P)
   311 \tdx{not_def}    not      == (\%P. P-->False)
   312 \tdx{and_def}    op &     == (\%P Q. !R. (P-->Q-->R) --> R)
   313 \tdx{or_def}     op |     == (\%P Q. !R. (P-->R) --> (Q-->R) --> R)
   314 \tdx{Ex1_def}    Ex1      == (\%P. ? x. P x & (! y. P y --> y=x))
   316 \tdx{o_def}      op o     == (\%(f::'b=>'c) g x::'a. f(g x))
   317 \tdx{if_def}     If P x y ==
   318               (\%P x y. @z::'a.(P=True --> z=x) & (P=False --> z=y))
   319 \tdx{Let_def}    Let s f  == f s
   320 \tdx{Least_def}  Least P  == @x. P(x) & (ALL y. P(y) --> x <= y)"
   321 \end{ttbox}
   322 \caption{The \texttt{HOL} definitions} \label{hol-defs}
   323 \end{figure}
   326 \HOL{} follows standard practice in higher-order logic: only a few
   327 connectives are taken as primitive, with the remainder defined obscurely
   328 (Fig.\ts\ref{hol-defs}).  Gordon's {\sc hol} system expresses the
   329 corresponding definitions \cite[page~270]{mgordon-hol} using
   330 object-equality~({\tt=}), which is possible because equality in
   331 higher-order logic may equate formulae and even functions over formulae.
   332 But theory~\HOL{}, like all other Isabelle theories, uses
   333 meta-equality~({\tt==}) for definitions.
   334 \begin{warn}
   335 The definitions above should never be expanded and are shown for completeness
   336 only.  Instead users should reason in terms of the derived rules shown below
   337 or, better still, using high-level tactics
   338 (see~{\S}\ref{sec:HOL:generic-packages}).
   339 \end{warn}
   341 Some of the rules mention type variables; for example, \texttt{refl}
   342 mentions the type variable~{\tt'a}.  This allows you to instantiate
   343 type variables explicitly by calling \texttt{res_inst_tac}.
   346 \begin{figure}
   347 \begin{ttbox}
   348 \tdx{sym}         s=t ==> t=s
   349 \tdx{trans}       [| r=s; s=t |] ==> r=t
   350 \tdx{ssubst}      [| t=s; P s |] ==> P t
   351 \tdx{box_equals}  [| a=b;  a=c;  b=d |] ==> c=d  
   352 \tdx{arg_cong}    x = y ==> f x = f y
   353 \tdx{fun_cong}    f = g ==> f x = g x
   354 \tdx{cong}        [| f = g; x = y |] ==> f x = g y
   355 \tdx{not_sym}     t ~= s ==> s ~= t
   356 \subcaption{Equality}
   358 \tdx{TrueI}       True 
   359 \tdx{FalseE}      False ==> P
   361 \tdx{conjI}       [| P; Q |] ==> P&Q
   362 \tdx{conjunct1}   [| P&Q |] ==> P
   363 \tdx{conjunct2}   [| P&Q |] ==> Q 
   364 \tdx{conjE}       [| P&Q;  [| P; Q |] ==> R |] ==> R
   366 \tdx{disjI1}      P ==> P|Q
   367 \tdx{disjI2}      Q ==> P|Q
   368 \tdx{disjE}       [| P | Q; P ==> R; Q ==> R |] ==> R
   370 \tdx{notI}        (P ==> False) ==> ~ P
   371 \tdx{notE}        [| ~ P;  P |] ==> R
   372 \tdx{impE}        [| P-->Q;  P;  Q ==> R |] ==> R
   373 \subcaption{Propositional logic}
   375 \tdx{iffI}        [| P ==> Q;  Q ==> P |] ==> P=Q
   376 \tdx{iffD1}       [| P=Q; P |] ==> Q
   377 \tdx{iffD2}       [| P=Q; Q |] ==> P
   378 \tdx{iffE}        [| P=Q; [| P --> Q; Q --> P |] ==> R |] ==> R
   379 %
   380 %\tdx{eqTrueI}     P ==> P=True 
   381 %\tdx{eqTrueE}     P=True ==> P 
   382 \subcaption{Logical equivalence}
   384 \end{ttbox}
   385 \caption{Derived rules for \HOL} \label{hol-lemmas1}
   386 \end{figure}
   389 \begin{figure}
   390 \begin{ttbox}\makeatother
   391 \tdx{allI}      (!!x. P x) ==> !x. P x
   392 \tdx{spec}      !x. P x ==> P x
   393 \tdx{allE}      [| !x. P x;  P x ==> R |] ==> R
   394 \tdx{all_dupE}  [| !x. P x;  [| P x; !x. P x |] ==> R |] ==> R
   396 \tdx{exI}       P x ==> ? x. P x
   397 \tdx{exE}       [| ? x. P x; !!x. P x ==> Q |] ==> Q
   399 \tdx{ex1I}      [| P a;  !!x. P x ==> x=a |] ==> ?! x. P x
   400 \tdx{ex1E}      [| ?! x. P x;  !!x. [| P x;  ! y. P y --> y=x |] ==> R 
   401           |] ==> R
   403 \tdx{select_equality} [| P a;  !!x. P x ==> x=a |] ==> (@x. P x) = a
   404 \subcaption{Quantifiers and descriptions}
   406 \tdx{ccontr}          (~P ==> False) ==> P
   407 \tdx{classical}       (~P ==> P) ==> P
   408 \tdx{excluded_middle} ~P | P
   410 \tdx{disjCI}          (~Q ==> P) ==> P|Q
   411 \tdx{exCI}            (! x. ~ P x ==> P a) ==> ? x. P x
   412 \tdx{impCE}           [| P-->Q; ~ P ==> R; Q ==> R |] ==> R
   413 \tdx{iffCE}           [| P=Q;  [| P;Q |] ==> R;  [| ~P; ~Q |] ==> R |] ==> R
   414 \tdx{notnotD}         ~~P ==> P
   415 \tdx{swap}            ~P ==> (~Q ==> P) ==> Q
   416 \subcaption{Classical logic}
   418 %\tdx{if_True}         (if True then x else y) = x
   419 %\tdx{if_False}        (if False then x else y) = y
   420 \tdx{if_P}            P ==> (if P then x else y) = x
   421 \tdx{if_not_P}        ~ P ==> (if P then x else y) = y
   422 \tdx{split_if}        P(if Q then x else y) = ((Q --> P x) & (~Q --> P y))
   423 \subcaption{Conditionals}
   424 \end{ttbox}
   425 \caption{More derived rules} \label{hol-lemmas2}
   426 \end{figure}
   428 Some derived rules are shown in Figures~\ref{hol-lemmas1}
   429 and~\ref{hol-lemmas2}, with their {\ML} names.  These include natural rules
   430 for the logical connectives, as well as sequent-style elimination rules for
   431 conjunctions, implications, and universal quantifiers.  
   433 Note the equality rules: \tdx{ssubst} performs substitution in
   434 backward proofs, while \tdx{box_equals} supports reasoning by
   435 simplifying both sides of an equation.
   437 The following simple tactics are occasionally useful:
   438 \begin{ttdescription}
   439 \item[\ttindexbold{strip_tac} $i$] applies \texttt{allI} and \texttt{impI}
   440   repeatedly to remove all outermost universal quantifiers and implications
   441   from subgoal $i$.
   442 \item[\ttindexbold{case_tac} {\tt"}$P${\tt"} $i$] performs case distinction on
   443   $P$ for subgoal $i$: the latter is replaced by two identical subgoals with
   444   the added assumptions $P$ and $\lnot P$, respectively.
   445 \item[\ttindexbold{smp_tac} $j$ $i$] applies $j$ times \texttt{spec} and then
   446   \texttt{mp} in subgoal $i$, which is typically useful when forward-chaining 
   447   from an induction hypothesis. As a generalization of \texttt{mp_tac}, 
   448   if there are assumptions $\forall \vec{x}. P \vec{x} \imp Q \vec{x}$ and 
   449   $P \vec{a}$, ($\vec{x}$ being a vector of $j$ variables)
   450   then it replaces the universally quantified implication by $Q \vec{a}$. 
   451   It may instantiate unknowns. It fails if it can do nothing.
   452 \end{ttdescription}
   455 \begin{figure} 
   456 \begin{center}
   457 \begin{tabular}{rrr}
   458   \it name      &\it meta-type  & \it description \\ 
   459 \index{{}@\verb'{}' symbol}
   460   \verb|{}|     & $\alpha\,set$         & the empty set \\
   461   \cdx{insert}  & $[\alpha,\alpha\,set]\To \alpha\,set$
   462         & insertion of element \\
   463   \cdx{Collect} & $(\alpha\To bool)\To\alpha\,set$
   464         & comprehension \\
   465   \cdx{Compl}   & $\alpha\,set\To\alpha\,set$
   466         & complement \\
   467   \cdx{INTER} & $[\alpha\,set,\alpha\To\beta\,set]\To\beta\,set$
   468         & intersection over a set\\
   469   \cdx{UNION} & $[\alpha\,set,\alpha\To\beta\,set]\To\beta\,set$
   470         & union over a set\\
   471   \cdx{Inter} & $(\alpha\,set)set\To\alpha\,set$
   472         &set of sets intersection \\
   473   \cdx{Union} & $(\alpha\,set)set\To\alpha\,set$
   474         &set of sets union \\
   475   \cdx{Pow}   & $\alpha\,set \To (\alpha\,set)set$
   476         & powerset \\[1ex]
   477   \cdx{range}   & $(\alpha\To\beta )\To\beta\,set$
   478         & range of a function \\[1ex]
   479   \cdx{Ball}~~\cdx{Bex} & $[\alpha\,set,\alpha\To bool]\To bool$
   480         & bounded quantifiers
   481 \end{tabular}
   482 \end{center}
   483 \subcaption{Constants}
   485 \begin{center}
   486 \begin{tabular}{llrrr} 
   487   \it symbol &\it name     &\it meta-type & \it priority & \it description \\
   488   \sdx{INT}  & \cdx{INTER1}  & $(\alpha\To\beta\,set)\To\beta\,set$ & 10 & 
   489         intersection over a type\\
   490   \sdx{UN}  & \cdx{UNION1}  & $(\alpha\To\beta\,set)\To\beta\,set$ & 10 & 
   491         union over a type
   492 \end{tabular}
   493 \end{center}
   494 \subcaption{Binders} 
   496 \begin{center}
   497 \index{*"`"` symbol}
   498 \index{*": symbol}
   499 \index{*"<"= symbol}
   500 \begin{tabular}{rrrr} 
   501   \it symbol    & \it meta-type & \it priority & \it description \\ 
   502   \tt ``        & $[\alpha\To\beta ,\alpha\,set]\To  \beta\,set$
   503         & Left 90 & image \\
   504   \sdx{Int}     & $[\alpha\,set,\alpha\,set]\To\alpha\,set$
   505         & Left 70 & intersection ($\int$) \\
   506   \sdx{Un}      & $[\alpha\,set,\alpha\,set]\To\alpha\,set$
   507         & Left 65 & union ($\un$) \\
   508   \tt:          & $[\alpha ,\alpha\,set]\To bool$       
   509         & Left 50 & membership ($\in$) \\
   510   \tt <=        & $[\alpha\,set,\alpha\,set]\To bool$
   511         & Left 50 & subset ($\subseteq$) 
   512 \end{tabular}
   513 \end{center}
   514 \subcaption{Infixes}
   515 \caption{Syntax of the theory \texttt{Set}} \label{hol-set-syntax}
   516 \end{figure} 
   519 \begin{figure} 
   520 \begin{center} \tt\frenchspacing
   521 \index{*"! symbol}
   522 \begin{tabular}{rrr} 
   523   \it external          & \it internal  & \it description \\ 
   524   $a$ \ttilde: $b$      & \ttilde($a$ : $b$)    & \rm non-membership\\
   525   {\ttlbrace}$a@1$, $\ldots${\ttrbrace}  &  insert $a@1$ $\ldots$ {\ttlbrace}{\ttrbrace} & \rm finite set \\
   526   {\ttlbrace}$x$. $P[x]${\ttrbrace}        &  Collect($\lambda x. P[x]$) &
   527         \rm comprehension \\
   528   \sdx{INT} $x$:$A$. $B[x]$      & INTER $A$ $\lambda x. B[x]$ &
   529         \rm intersection \\
   530   \sdx{UN}{\tt\ }  $x$:$A$. $B[x]$      & UNION $A$ $\lambda x. B[x]$ &
   531         \rm union \\
   532   \sdx{ALL} $x$:$A$. $P[x]$ or \sdx{!} $x$:$A$. $P[x]$ &
   533         Ball $A$ $\lambda x. P[x]$ & 
   534         \rm bounded $\forall$ \\
   535   \sdx{EX}{\tt\ } $x$:$A$. $P[x]$ or \sdx{?} $x$:$A$. $P[x]$ & 
   536         Bex $A$ $\lambda x. P[x]$ & \rm bounded $\exists$
   537 \end{tabular}
   538 \end{center}
   539 \subcaption{Translations}
   541 \dquotes
   542 \[\begin{array}{rclcl}
   543     term & = & \hbox{other terms\ldots} \\
   544          & | & "{\ttlbrace}{\ttrbrace}" \\
   545          & | & "{\ttlbrace} " term\; ("," term)^* " {\ttrbrace}" \\
   546          & | & "{\ttlbrace} " id " . " formula " {\ttrbrace}" \\
   547          & | & term " `` " term \\
   548          & | & term " Int " term \\
   549          & | & term " Un " term \\
   550          & | & "INT~~"  id ":" term " . " term \\
   551          & | & "UN~~~"  id ":" term " . " term \\
   552          & | & "INT~~"  id~id^* " . " term \\
   553          & | & "UN~~~"  id~id^* " . " term \\[2ex]
   554  formula & = & \hbox{other formulae\ldots} \\
   555          & | & term " : " term \\
   556          & | & term " \ttilde: " term \\
   557          & | & term " <= " term \\
   558          & | & "ALL " id ":" term " . " formula
   559          & | & "!~" id ":" term " . " formula \\
   560          & | & "EX~~" id ":" term " . " formula
   561          & | & "?~" id ":" term " . " formula \\
   562   \end{array}
   563 \]
   564 \subcaption{Full Grammar}
   565 \caption{Syntax of the theory \texttt{Set} (continued)} \label{hol-set-syntax2}
   566 \end{figure} 
   569 \section{A formulation of set theory}
   570 Historically, higher-order logic gives a foundation for Russell and
   571 Whitehead's theory of classes.  Let us use modern terminology and call them
   572 {\bf sets}, but note that these sets are distinct from those of {\ZF} set
   573 theory, and behave more like {\ZF} classes.
   574 \begin{itemize}
   575 \item
   576 Sets are given by predicates over some type~$\sigma$.  Types serve to
   577 define universes for sets, but type-checking is still significant.
   578 \item
   579 There is a universal set (for each type).  Thus, sets have complements, and
   580 may be defined by absolute comprehension.
   581 \item
   582 Although sets may contain other sets as elements, the containing set must
   583 have a more complex type.
   584 \end{itemize}
   585 Finite unions and intersections have the same behaviour in \HOL\ as they
   586 do in~{\ZF}.  In \HOL\ the intersection of the empty set is well-defined,
   587 denoting the universal set for the given type.
   589 \subsection{Syntax of set theory}\index{*set type}
   590 \HOL's set theory is called \thydx{Set}.  The type $\alpha\,set$ is
   591 essentially the same as $\alpha\To bool$.  The new type is defined for
   592 clarity and to avoid complications involving function types in unification.
   593 The isomorphisms between the two types are declared explicitly.  They are
   594 very natural: \texttt{Collect} maps $\alpha\To bool$ to $\alpha\,set$, while
   595 \hbox{\tt op :} maps in the other direction (ignoring argument order).
   597 Figure~\ref{hol-set-syntax} lists the constants, infixes, and syntax
   598 translations.  Figure~\ref{hol-set-syntax2} presents the grammar of the new
   599 constructs.  Infix operators include union and intersection ($A\un B$
   600 and $A\int B$), the subset and membership relations, and the image
   601 operator~{\tt``}\@.  Note that $a$\verb|~:|$b$ is translated to
   602 $\lnot(a\in b)$.  
   604 The $\{a@1,\ldots\}$ notation abbreviates finite sets constructed in
   605 the obvious manner using~\texttt{insert} and~$\{\}$:
   606 \begin{eqnarray*}
   607   \{a, b, c\} & \equiv &
   608   \texttt{insert} \, a \, ({\tt insert} \, b \, ({\tt insert} \, c \, \{\}))
   609 \end{eqnarray*}
   611 The set \hbox{\tt{\ttlbrace}$x$.\ $P[x]${\ttrbrace}} consists of all $x$ (of suitable type)
   612 that satisfy~$P[x]$, where $P[x]$ is a formula that may contain free
   613 occurrences of~$x$.  This syntax expands to \cdx{Collect}$(\lambda
   614 x. P[x])$.  It defines sets by absolute comprehension, which is impossible
   615 in~{\ZF}; the type of~$x$ implicitly restricts the comprehension.
   617 The set theory defines two {\bf bounded quantifiers}:
   618 \begin{eqnarray*}
   619    \forall x\in A. P[x] &\hbox{abbreviates}& \forall x. x\in A\imp P[x] \\
   620    \exists x\in A. P[x] &\hbox{abbreviates}& \exists x. x\in A\conj P[x]
   621 \end{eqnarray*}
   622 The constants~\cdx{Ball} and~\cdx{Bex} are defined
   623 accordingly.  Instead of \texttt{Ball $A$ $P$} and \texttt{Bex $A$ $P$} we may
   624 write\index{*"! symbol}\index{*"? symbol}
   625 \index{*ALL symbol}\index{*EX symbol} 
   626 %
   627 \hbox{\tt ALL~$x$:$A$.\ $P[x]$} and \hbox{\tt EX~$x$:$A$.\ $P[x]$}.  The
   628 original notation of Gordon's {\sc hol} system is supported as well: \sdx{!}\ 
   629 and \sdx{?}.
   631 Unions and intersections over sets, namely $\bigcup@{x\in A}B[x]$ and
   632 $\bigcap@{x\in A}B[x]$, are written 
   633 \sdx{UN}~\hbox{\tt$x$:$A$.\ $B[x]$} and
   634 \sdx{INT}~\hbox{\tt$x$:$A$.\ $B[x]$}.  
   636 Unions and intersections over types, namely $\bigcup@x B[x]$ and $\bigcap@x
   637 B[x]$, are written \sdx{UN}~\hbox{\tt$x$.\ $B[x]$} and
   638 \sdx{INT}~\hbox{\tt$x$.\ $B[x]$}.  They are equivalent to the previous
   639 union and intersection operators when $A$ is the universal set.
   641 The operators $\bigcup A$ and $\bigcap A$ act upon sets of sets.  They are
   642 not binders, but are equal to $\bigcup@{x\in A}x$ and $\bigcap@{x\in A}x$,
   643 respectively.
   647 \begin{figure} \underscoreon
   648 \begin{ttbox}
   649 \tdx{mem_Collect_eq}    (a : {\ttlbrace}x. P x{\ttrbrace}) = P a
   650 \tdx{Collect_mem_eq}    {\ttlbrace}x. x:A{\ttrbrace} = A
   652 \tdx{empty_def}         {\ttlbrace}{\ttrbrace}          == {\ttlbrace}x. False{\ttrbrace}
   653 \tdx{insert_def}        insert a B  == {\ttlbrace}x. x=a{\ttrbrace} Un B
   654 \tdx{Ball_def}          Ball A P    == ! x. x:A --> P x
   655 \tdx{Bex_def}           Bex A P     == ? x. x:A & P x
   656 \tdx{subset_def}        A <= B      == ! x:A. x:B
   657 \tdx{Un_def}            A Un B      == {\ttlbrace}x. x:A | x:B{\ttrbrace}
   658 \tdx{Int_def}           A Int B     == {\ttlbrace}x. x:A & x:B{\ttrbrace}
   659 \tdx{set_diff_def}      A - B       == {\ttlbrace}x. x:A & x~:B{\ttrbrace}
   660 \tdx{Compl_def}         Compl A     == {\ttlbrace}x. ~ x:A{\ttrbrace}
   661 \tdx{INTER_def}         INTER A B   == {\ttlbrace}y. ! x:A. y: B x{\ttrbrace}
   662 \tdx{UNION_def}         UNION A B   == {\ttlbrace}y. ? x:A. y: B x{\ttrbrace}
   663 \tdx{INTER1_def}        INTER1 B    == INTER {\ttlbrace}x. True{\ttrbrace} B 
   664 \tdx{UNION1_def}        UNION1 B    == UNION {\ttlbrace}x. True{\ttrbrace} B 
   665 \tdx{Inter_def}         Inter S     == (INT x:S. x)
   666 \tdx{Union_def}         Union S     == (UN  x:S. x)
   667 \tdx{Pow_def}           Pow A       == {\ttlbrace}B. B <= A{\ttrbrace}
   668 \tdx{image_def}         f``A        == {\ttlbrace}y. ? x:A. y=f x{\ttrbrace}
   669 \tdx{range_def}         range f     == {\ttlbrace}y. ? x. y=f x{\ttrbrace}
   670 \end{ttbox}
   671 \caption{Rules of the theory \texttt{Set}} \label{hol-set-rules}
   672 \end{figure}
   675 \begin{figure} \underscoreon
   676 \begin{ttbox}
   677 \tdx{CollectI}        [| P a |] ==> a : {\ttlbrace}x. P x{\ttrbrace}
   678 \tdx{CollectD}        [| a : {\ttlbrace}x. P x{\ttrbrace} |] ==> P a
   679 \tdx{CollectE}        [| a : {\ttlbrace}x. P x{\ttrbrace};  P a ==> W |] ==> W
   681 \tdx{ballI}           [| !!x. x:A ==> P x |] ==> ! x:A. P x
   682 \tdx{bspec}           [| ! x:A. P x;  x:A |] ==> P x
   683 \tdx{ballE}           [| ! x:A. P x;  P x ==> Q;  ~ x:A ==> Q |] ==> Q
   685 \tdx{bexI}            [| P x;  x:A |] ==> ? x:A. P x
   686 \tdx{bexCI}           [| ! x:A. ~ P x ==> P a;  a:A |] ==> ? x:A. P x
   687 \tdx{bexE}            [| ? x:A. P x;  !!x. [| x:A; P x |] ==> Q  |] ==> Q
   688 \subcaption{Comprehension and Bounded quantifiers}
   690 \tdx{subsetI}         (!!x. x:A ==> x:B) ==> A <= B
   691 \tdx{subsetD}         [| A <= B;  c:A |] ==> c:B
   692 \tdx{subsetCE}        [| A <= B;  ~ (c:A) ==> P;  c:B ==> P |] ==> P
   694 \tdx{subset_refl}     A <= A
   695 \tdx{subset_trans}    [| A<=B;  B<=C |] ==> A<=C
   697 \tdx{equalityI}       [| A <= B;  B <= A |] ==> A = B
   698 \tdx{equalityD1}      A = B ==> A<=B
   699 \tdx{equalityD2}      A = B ==> B<=A
   700 \tdx{equalityE}       [| A = B;  [| A<=B; B<=A |] ==> P |]  ==>  P
   702 \tdx{equalityCE}      [| A = B;  [| c:A; c:B |] ==> P;  
   703                            [| ~ c:A; ~ c:B |] ==> P 
   704                 |]  ==>  P
   705 \subcaption{The subset and equality relations}
   706 \end{ttbox}
   707 \caption{Derived rules for set theory} \label{hol-set1}
   708 \end{figure}
   711 \begin{figure} \underscoreon
   712 \begin{ttbox}
   713 \tdx{emptyE}   a : {\ttlbrace}{\ttrbrace} ==> P
   715 \tdx{insertI1} a : insert a B
   716 \tdx{insertI2} a : B ==> a : insert b B
   717 \tdx{insertE}  [| a : insert b A;  a=b ==> P;  a:A ==> P |] ==> P
   719 \tdx{ComplI}   [| c:A ==> False |] ==> c : Compl A
   720 \tdx{ComplD}   [| c : Compl A |] ==> ~ c:A
   722 \tdx{UnI1}     c:A ==> c : A Un B
   723 \tdx{UnI2}     c:B ==> c : A Un B
   724 \tdx{UnCI}     (~c:B ==> c:A) ==> c : A Un B
   725 \tdx{UnE}      [| c : A Un B;  c:A ==> P;  c:B ==> P |] ==> P
   727 \tdx{IntI}     [| c:A;  c:B |] ==> c : A Int B
   728 \tdx{IntD1}    c : A Int B ==> c:A
   729 \tdx{IntD2}    c : A Int B ==> c:B
   730 \tdx{IntE}     [| c : A Int B;  [| c:A; c:B |] ==> P |] ==> P
   732 \tdx{UN_I}     [| a:A;  b: B a |] ==> b: (UN x:A. B x)
   733 \tdx{UN_E}     [| b: (UN x:A. B x);  !!x.[| x:A;  b:B x |] ==> R |] ==> R
   735 \tdx{INT_I}    (!!x. x:A ==> b: B x) ==> b : (INT x:A. B x)
   736 \tdx{INT_D}    [| b: (INT x:A. B x);  a:A |] ==> b: B a
   737 \tdx{INT_E}    [| b: (INT x:A. B x);  b: B a ==> R;  ~ a:A ==> R |] ==> R
   739 \tdx{UnionI}   [| X:C;  A:X |] ==> A : Union C
   740 \tdx{UnionE}   [| A : Union C;  !!X.[| A:X;  X:C |] ==> R |] ==> R
   742 \tdx{InterI}   [| !!X. X:C ==> A:X |] ==> A : Inter C
   743 \tdx{InterD}   [| A : Inter C;  X:C |] ==> A:X
   744 \tdx{InterE}   [| A : Inter C;  A:X ==> R;  ~ X:C ==> R |] ==> R
   746 \tdx{PowI}     A<=B ==> A: Pow B
   747 \tdx{PowD}     A: Pow B ==> A<=B
   749 \tdx{imageI}   [| x:A |] ==> f x : f``A
   750 \tdx{imageE}   [| b : f``A;  !!x.[| b=f x;  x:A |] ==> P |] ==> P
   752 \tdx{rangeI}   f x : range f
   753 \tdx{rangeE}   [| b : range f;  !!x.[| b=f x |] ==> P |] ==> P
   754 \end{ttbox}
   755 \caption{Further derived rules for set theory} \label{hol-set2}
   756 \end{figure}
   759 \subsection{Axioms and rules of set theory}
   760 Figure~\ref{hol-set-rules} presents the rules of theory \thydx{Set}.  The
   761 axioms \tdx{mem_Collect_eq} and \tdx{Collect_mem_eq} assert
   762 that the functions \texttt{Collect} and \hbox{\tt op :} are isomorphisms.  Of
   763 course, \hbox{\tt op :} also serves as the membership relation.
   765 All the other axioms are definitions.  They include the empty set, bounded
   766 quantifiers, unions, intersections, complements and the subset relation.
   767 They also include straightforward constructions on functions: image~({\tt``})
   768 and \texttt{range}.
   770 %The predicate \cdx{inj_on} is used for simulating type definitions.
   771 %The statement ${\tt inj_on}~f~A$ asserts that $f$ is injective on the
   772 %set~$A$, which specifies a subset of its domain type.  In a type
   773 %definition, $f$ is the abstraction function and $A$ is the set of valid
   774 %representations; we should not expect $f$ to be injective outside of~$A$.
   776 %\begin{figure} \underscoreon
   777 %\begin{ttbox}
   778 %\tdx{Inv_f_f}    inj f ==> Inv f (f x) = x
   779 %\tdx{f_Inv_f}    y : range f ==> f(Inv f y) = y
   780 %
   781 %\tdx{Inv_injective}
   782 %    [| Inv f x=Inv f y; x: range f;  y: range f |] ==> x=y
   783 %
   784 %
   785 %\tdx{monoI}      [| !!A B. A <= B ==> f A <= f B |] ==> mono f
   786 %\tdx{monoD}      [| mono f;  A <= B |] ==> f A <= f B
   787 %
   788 %\tdx{injI}       [| !! x y. f x = f y ==> x=y |] ==> inj f
   789 %\tdx{inj_inverseI}              (!!x. g(f x) = x) ==> inj f
   790 %\tdx{injD}       [| inj f; f x = f y |] ==> x=y
   791 %
   792 %\tdx{inj_onI}  (!!x y. [| f x=f y; x:A; y:A |] ==> x=y) ==> inj_on f A
   793 %\tdx{inj_onD}  [| inj_on f A;  f x=f y;  x:A;  y:A |] ==> x=y
   794 %
   795 %\tdx{inj_on_inverseI}
   796 %    (!!x. x:A ==> g(f x) = x) ==> inj_on f A
   797 %\tdx{inj_on_contraD}
   798 %    [| inj_on f A;  x~=y;  x:A;  y:A |] ==> ~ f x=f y
   799 %\end{ttbox}
   800 %\caption{Derived rules involving functions} \label{hol-fun}
   801 %\end{figure}
   804 \begin{figure} \underscoreon
   805 \begin{ttbox}
   806 \tdx{Union_upper}     B:A ==> B <= Union A
   807 \tdx{Union_least}     [| !!X. X:A ==> X<=C |] ==> Union A <= C
   809 \tdx{Inter_lower}     B:A ==> Inter A <= B
   810 \tdx{Inter_greatest}  [| !!X. X:A ==> C<=X |] ==> C <= Inter A
   812 \tdx{Un_upper1}       A <= A Un B
   813 \tdx{Un_upper2}       B <= A Un B
   814 \tdx{Un_least}        [| A<=C;  B<=C |] ==> A Un B <= C
   816 \tdx{Int_lower1}      A Int B <= A
   817 \tdx{Int_lower2}      A Int B <= B
   818 \tdx{Int_greatest}    [| C<=A;  C<=B |] ==> C <= A Int B
   819 \end{ttbox}
   820 \caption{Derived rules involving subsets} \label{hol-subset}
   821 \end{figure}
   824 \begin{figure} \underscoreon   \hfuzz=4pt%suppress "Overfull \hbox" message
   825 \begin{ttbox}
   826 \tdx{Int_absorb}        A Int A = A
   827 \tdx{Int_commute}       A Int B = B Int A
   828 \tdx{Int_assoc}         (A Int B) Int C  =  A Int (B Int C)
   829 \tdx{Int_Un_distrib}    (A Un B)  Int C  =  (A Int C) Un (B Int C)
   831 \tdx{Un_absorb}         A Un A = A
   832 \tdx{Un_commute}        A Un B = B Un A
   833 \tdx{Un_assoc}          (A Un B)  Un C  =  A Un (B Un C)
   834 \tdx{Un_Int_distrib}    (A Int B) Un C  =  (A Un C) Int (B Un C)
   836 \tdx{Compl_disjoint}    A Int (Compl A) = {\ttlbrace}x. False{\ttrbrace}
   837 \tdx{Compl_partition}   A Un  (Compl A) = {\ttlbrace}x. True{\ttrbrace}
   838 \tdx{double_complement} Compl(Compl A) = A
   839 \tdx{Compl_Un}          Compl(A Un B)  = (Compl A) Int (Compl B)
   840 \tdx{Compl_Int}         Compl(A Int B) = (Compl A) Un (Compl B)
   842 \tdx{Union_Un_distrib}  Union(A Un B) = (Union A) Un (Union B)
   843 \tdx{Int_Union}         A Int (Union B) = (UN C:B. A Int C)
   844 \tdx{Un_Union_image}    (UN x:C.(A x) Un (B x)) = Union(A``C) Un Union(B``C)
   846 \tdx{Inter_Un_distrib}  Inter(A Un B) = (Inter A) Int (Inter B)
   847 \tdx{Un_Inter}          A Un (Inter B) = (INT C:B. A Un C)
   848 \tdx{Int_Inter_image}   (INT x:C.(A x) Int (B x)) = Inter(A``C) Int Inter(B``C)
   849 \end{ttbox}
   850 \caption{Set equalities} \label{hol-equalities}
   851 \end{figure}
   854 Figures~\ref{hol-set1} and~\ref{hol-set2} present derived rules.  Most are
   855 obvious and resemble rules of Isabelle's {\ZF} set theory.  Certain rules,
   856 such as \tdx{subsetCE}, \tdx{bexCI} and \tdx{UnCI},
   857 are designed for classical reasoning; the rules \tdx{subsetD},
   858 \tdx{bexI}, \tdx{Un1} and~\tdx{Un2} are not
   859 strictly necessary but yield more natural proofs.  Similarly,
   860 \tdx{equalityCE} supports classical reasoning about extensionality,
   861 after the fashion of \tdx{iffCE}.  See the file \texttt{HOL/Set.ML} for
   862 proofs pertaining to set theory.
   864 Figure~\ref{hol-subset} presents lattice properties of the subset relation.
   865 Unions form least upper bounds; non-empty intersections form greatest lower
   866 bounds.  Reasoning directly about subsets often yields clearer proofs than
   867 reasoning about the membership relation.  See the file \texttt{HOL/subset.ML}.
   869 Figure~\ref{hol-equalities} presents many common set equalities.  They
   870 include commutative, associative and distributive laws involving unions,
   871 intersections and complements.  For a complete listing see the file {\tt
   872 HOL/equalities.ML}.
   874 \begin{warn}
   875 \texttt{Blast_tac} proves many set-theoretic theorems automatically.
   876 Hence you seldom need to refer to the theorems above.
   877 \end{warn}
   879 \begin{figure}
   880 \begin{center}
   881 \begin{tabular}{rrr}
   882   \it name      &\it meta-type  & \it description \\ 
   883   \cdx{inj}~~\cdx{surj}& $(\alpha\To\beta )\To bool$
   884         & injective/surjective \\
   885   \cdx{inj_on}        & $[\alpha\To\beta ,\alpha\,set]\To bool$
   886         & injective over subset\\
   887   \cdx{inv} & $(\alpha\To\beta)\To(\beta\To\alpha)$ & inverse function
   888 \end{tabular}
   889 \end{center}
   891 \underscoreon
   892 \begin{ttbox}
   893 \tdx{inj_def}         inj f      == ! x y. f x=f y --> x=y
   894 \tdx{surj_def}        surj f     == ! y. ? x. y=f x
   895 \tdx{inj_on_def}      inj_on f A == !x:A. !y:A. f x=f y --> x=y
   896 \tdx{inv_def}         inv f      == (\%y. @x. f(x)=y)
   897 \end{ttbox}
   898 \caption{Theory \thydx{Fun}} \label{fig:HOL:Fun}
   899 \end{figure}
   901 \subsection{Properties of functions}\nopagebreak
   902 Figure~\ref{fig:HOL:Fun} presents a theory of simple properties of functions.
   903 Note that ${\tt inv}~f$ uses Hilbert's $\varepsilon$ to yield an inverse
   904 of~$f$.  See the file \texttt{HOL/Fun.ML} for a complete listing of the derived
   905 rules.  Reasoning about function composition (the operator~\sdx{o}) and the
   906 predicate~\cdx{surj} is done simply by expanding the definitions.
   908 There is also a large collection of monotonicity theorems for constructions
   909 on sets in the file \texttt{HOL/mono.ML}.
   912 \section{Generic packages}
   913 \label{sec:HOL:generic-packages}
   915 \HOL\ instantiates most of Isabelle's generic packages, making available the
   916 simplifier and the classical reasoner.
   918 \subsection{Simplification and substitution}
   920 Simplification tactics tactics such as \texttt{Asm_simp_tac} and \texttt{Full_simp_tac} use the default simpset
   921 (\texttt{simpset()}), which works for most purposes.  A quite minimal
   922 simplification set for higher-order logic is~\ttindexbold{HOL_ss};
   923 even more frugal is \ttindexbold{HOL_basic_ss}.  Equality~($=$), which
   924 also expresses logical equivalence, may be used for rewriting.  See
   925 the file \texttt{HOL/simpdata.ML} for a complete listing of the basic
   926 simplification rules.
   928 See \iflabelundefined{chap:classical}{the {\em Reference Manual\/}}%
   929 {Chaps.\ts\ref{substitution} and~\ref{simp-chap}} for details of substitution
   930 and simplification.
   932 \begin{warn}\index{simplification!of conjunctions}%
   933   Reducing $a=b\conj P(a)$ to $a=b\conj P(b)$ is sometimes advantageous.  The
   934   left part of a conjunction helps in simplifying the right part.  This effect
   935   is not available by default: it can be slow.  It can be obtained by
   936   including \ttindex{conj_cong} in a simpset, \verb$addcongs [conj_cong]$.
   937 \end{warn}
   939 \begin{warn}\index{simplification!of \texttt{if}}\label{if-simp}%
   940   By default only the condition of an \ttindex{if} is simplified but not the
   941   \texttt{then} and \texttt{else} parts. Of course the latter are simplified
   942   once the condition simplifies to \texttt{True} or \texttt{False}. To ensure
   943   full simplification of all parts of a conditional you must remove
   944   \ttindex{if_weak_cong} from the simpset, \verb$delcongs [if_weak_cong]$.
   945 \end{warn}
   947 If the simplifier cannot use a certain rewrite rule --- either because
   948 of nontermination or because its left-hand side is too flexible ---
   949 then you might try \texttt{stac}:
   950 \begin{ttdescription}
   951 \item[\ttindexbold{stac} $thm$ $i,$] where $thm$ is of the form $lhs = rhs$,
   952   replaces in subgoal $i$ instances of $lhs$ by corresponding instances of
   953   $rhs$.  In case of multiple instances of $lhs$ in subgoal $i$, backtracking
   954   may be necessary to select the desired ones.
   956 If $thm$ is a conditional equality, the instantiated condition becomes an
   957 additional (first) subgoal.
   958 \end{ttdescription}
   960  \HOL{} provides the tactic \ttindex{hyp_subst_tac}, which substitutes
   961   for an equality throughout a subgoal and its hypotheses.  This tactic uses
   962   \HOL's general substitution rule.
   964 \subsubsection{Case splitting}
   965 \label{subsec:HOL:case:splitting}
   967 \HOL{} also provides convenient means for case splitting during
   968 rewriting. Goals containing a subterm of the form \texttt{if}~$b$~{\tt
   969 then\dots else\dots} often require a case distinction on $b$. This is
   970 expressed by the theorem \tdx{split_if}:
   971 $$
   972 \Var{P}(\mbox{\tt if}~\Var{b}~{\tt then}~\Var{x}~\mbox{\tt else}~\Var{y})~=~
   973 ((\Var{b} \to \Var{P}(\Var{x})) \land (\lnot \Var{b} \to \Var{P}(\Var{y})))
   974 \eqno{(*)}
   975 $$
   976 For example, a simple instance of $(*)$ is
   977 \[
   978 x \in (\mbox{\tt if}~x \in A~{\tt then}~A~\mbox{\tt else}~\{x\})~=~
   979 ((x \in A \to x \in A) \land (x \notin A \to x \in \{x\}))
   980 \]
   981 Because $(*)$ is too general as a rewrite rule for the simplifier (the
   982 left-hand side is not a higher-order pattern in the sense of
   983 \iflabelundefined{chap:simplification}{the {\em Reference Manual\/}}%
   984 {Chap.\ts\ref{chap:simplification}}), there is a special infix function 
   985 \ttindexbold{addsplits} of type \texttt{simpset * thm list -> simpset}
   986 (analogous to \texttt{addsimps}) that adds rules such as $(*)$ to a
   987 simpset, as in
   988 \begin{ttbox}
   989 by(simp_tac (simpset() addsplits [split_if]) 1);
   990 \end{ttbox}
   991 The effect is that after each round of simplification, one occurrence of
   992 \texttt{if} is split acording to \texttt{split_if}, until all occurences of
   993 \texttt{if} have been eliminated.
   995 It turns out that using \texttt{split_if} is almost always the right thing to
   996 do. Hence \texttt{split_if} is already included in the default simpset. If
   997 you want to delete it from a simpset, use \ttindexbold{delsplits}, which is
   998 the inverse of \texttt{addsplits}:
   999 \begin{ttbox}
  1000 by(simp_tac (simpset() delsplits [split_if]) 1);
  1001 \end{ttbox}
  1003 In general, \texttt{addsplits} accepts rules of the form
  1004 \[
  1005 \Var{P}(c~\Var{x@1}~\dots~\Var{x@n})~=~ rhs
  1006 \]
  1007 where $c$ is a constant and $rhs$ is arbitrary. Note that $(*)$ is of the
  1008 right form because internally the left-hand side is
  1009 $\Var{P}(\mathtt{If}~\Var{b}~\Var{x}~~\Var{y})$. Important further examples
  1010 are splitting rules for \texttt{case} expressions (see~{\S}\ref{subsec:list}
  1011 and~{\S}\ref{subsec:datatype:basics}).
  1013 Analogous to \texttt{Addsimps} and \texttt{Delsimps}, there are also
  1014 imperative versions of \texttt{addsplits} and \texttt{delsplits}
  1015 \begin{ttbox}
  1016 \ttindexbold{Addsplits}: thm list -> unit
  1017 \ttindexbold{Delsplits}: thm list -> unit
  1018 \end{ttbox}
  1019 for adding splitting rules to, and deleting them from the current simpset.
  1021 \subsection{Classical reasoning}
  1023 \HOL\ derives classical introduction rules for $\disj$ and~$\exists$, as
  1024 well as classical elimination rules for~$\imp$ and~$\bimp$, and the swap
  1025 rule; recall Fig.\ts\ref{hol-lemmas2} above.
  1027 The classical reasoner is installed.  Tactics such as \texttt{Blast_tac} and
  1028 {\tt Best_tac} refer to the default claset (\texttt{claset()}), which works
  1029 for most purposes.  Named clasets include \ttindexbold{prop_cs}, which
  1030 includes the propositional rules, and \ttindexbold{HOL_cs}, which also
  1031 includes quantifier rules.  See the file \texttt{HOL/cladata.ML} for lists of
  1032 the classical rules,
  1033 and \iflabelundefined{chap:classical}{the {\em Reference Manual\/}}%
  1034 {Chap.\ts\ref{chap:classical}} for more discussion of classical proof methods.
  1037 \section{Calling the decision procedure SVC}\label{sec:HOL:SVC}
  1039 \index{SVC decision procedure|(}
  1041 The Stanford Validity Checker (SVC) is a tool that can check the validity of
  1042 certain types of formulae.  If it is installed on your machine, then
  1043 Isabelle/HOL can be configured to call it through the tactic
  1044 \ttindex{svc_tac}.  It is ideal for large tautologies and complex problems in
  1045 linear arithmetic.  Subexpressions that SVC cannot handle are automatically
  1046 replaced by variables, so you can call the tactic on any subgoal.  See the
  1047 file \texttt{HOL/ex/svc_test.ML} for examples.
  1048 \begin{ttbox} 
  1049 svc_tac   : int -> tactic
  1050 Svc.trace : bool ref      \hfill{\bf initially false}
  1051 \end{ttbox}
  1053 \begin{ttdescription}
  1054 \item[\ttindexbold{svc_tac} $i$] attempts to prove subgoal~$i$ by translating
  1055   it into a formula recognized by~SVC\@.  If it succeeds then the subgoal is
  1056   removed.  It fails if SVC is unable to prove the subgoal.  It crashes with
  1057   an error message if SVC appears not to be installed.  Numeric variables may
  1058   have types \texttt{nat}, \texttt{int} or \texttt{real}.
  1060 \item[\ttindexbold{Svc.trace}] is a flag that, if set, causes \texttt{svc_tac}
  1061   to trace its operations: abstraction of the subgoal, translation to SVC
  1062   syntax, SVC's response.
  1063 \end{ttdescription}
  1065 Here is an example, with tracing turned on:
  1066 \begin{ttbox}
  1067 set Svc.trace;
  1068 {\out val it : bool = true}
  1069 Goal "(#3::nat)*a <= #2 + #4*b + #6*c  & #11 <= #2*a + b + #2*c & \ttback
  1070 \ttback     a + #3*b <= #5 + #2*c  --> #2 + #3*b <= #2*a + #6*c";
  1072 by (svc_tac 1);
  1073 {\out Subgoal abstracted to}
  1074 {\out #3 * a <= #2 + #4 * b + #6 * c &}
  1075 {\out #11 <= #2 * a + b + #2 * c & a + #3 * b <= #5 + #2 * c -->}
  1076 {\out #2 + #3 * b <= #2 * a + #6 * c}
  1077 {\out Calling SVC:}
  1078 {\out (=> (<= 0  (F_c) )  (=> (<= 0  (F_b) )  (=> (<= 0  (F_a) )}
  1079 {\out   (=> (AND (<= {* 3  (F_a) }  {+ {+ 2  {* 4  (F_b) } }  }
  1080 {\out {* 6  (F_c) } } )  (AND (<= 11  {+ {+ {* 2  (F_a) }  (F_b) }}
  1081 {\out   {* 2  (F_c) } } )  (<= {+ (F_a)  {* 3  (F_b) } }  {+ 5  }
  1082 {\out {* 2  (F_c) } } ) ) )  (< {+ 2  {* 3  (F_b) } }  {+ 1  {+ }
  1083 {\out {* 2  (F_a) }  {* 6  (F_c) } } } ) ) ) ) ) }
  1084 {\out SVC Returns:}
  1085 {\out VALID}
  1086 {\out Level 1}
  1087 {\out #3 * a <= #2 + #4 * b + #6 * c &}
  1088 {\out #11 <= #2 * a + b + #2 * c & a + #3 * b <= #5 + #2 * c -->}
  1089 {\out #2 + #3 * b <= #2 * a + #6 * c}
  1090 {\out No subgoals!}
  1091 \end{ttbox}
  1094 \begin{warn}
  1095 Calling \ttindex{svc_tac} entails an above-average risk of
  1096 unsoundness.  Isabelle does not check SVC's result independently.  Moreover,
  1097 the tactic translates the submitted formula using code that lies outside
  1098 Isabelle's inference core.  Theorems that depend upon results proved using SVC
  1099 (and other oracles) are displayed with the annotation \texttt{[!]} attached.
  1100 You can also use \texttt{\#der (rep_thm $th$)} to examine the proof object of
  1101 theorem~$th$, as described in the \emph{Reference Manual}.  
  1102 \end{warn}
  1104 To start, first download SVC from the Internet at URL
  1105 \begin{ttbox}
  1107 \end{ttbox}
  1108 and install it using the instructions supplied.  SVC requires two environment
  1109 variables:
  1110 \begin{ttdescription}
  1111 \item[\ttindexbold{SVC_HOME}] is an absolute pathname to the SVC
  1112     distribution directory. 
  1114   \item[\ttindexbold{SVC_MACHINE}] identifies the type of computer and
  1115     operating system.  
  1116 \end{ttdescription}
  1117 You can set these environment variables either using the Unix shell or through
  1118 an Isabelle \texttt{settings} file.  Isabelle assumes SVC to be installed if
  1119 \texttt{SVC_HOME} is defined.
  1121 \paragraph*{Acknowledgement.}  This interface uses code supplied by S{\o}ren
  1122 Heilmann.
  1125 \index{SVC decision procedure|)}
  1130 \section{Types}\label{sec:HOL:Types}
  1131 This section describes \HOL's basic predefined types ($\alpha \times
  1132 \beta$, $\alpha + \beta$, $nat$ and $\alpha \; list$) and ways for
  1133 introducing new types in general.  The most important type
  1134 construction, the \texttt{datatype}, is treated separately in
  1135 {\S}\ref{sec:HOL:datatype}.
  1138 \subsection{Product and sum types}\index{*"* type}\index{*"+ type}
  1139 \label{subsec:prod-sum}
  1141 \begin{figure}[htbp]
  1142 \begin{constants}
  1143   \it symbol    & \it meta-type &           & \it description \\ 
  1144   \cdx{Pair}    & $[\alpha,\beta]\To \alpha\times\beta$
  1145         & & ordered pairs $(a,b)$ \\
  1146   \cdx{fst}     & $\alpha\times\beta \To \alpha$        & & first projection\\
  1147   \cdx{snd}     & $\alpha\times\beta \To \beta$         & & second projection\\
  1148   \cdx{split}   & $[[\alpha,\beta]\To\gamma, \alpha\times\beta] \To \gamma$ 
  1149         & & generalized projection\\
  1150   \cdx{Sigma}  & 
  1151         $[\alpha\,set, \alpha\To\beta\,set]\To(\alpha\times\beta)set$ &
  1152         & general sum of sets
  1153 \end{constants}
  1154 \begin{ttbox}\makeatletter
  1155 %\tdx{fst_def}      fst p     == @a. ? b. p = (a,b)
  1156 %\tdx{snd_def}      snd p     == @b. ? a. p = (a,b)
  1157 %\tdx{split_def}    split c p == c (fst p) (snd p)
  1158 \tdx{Sigma_def}    Sigma A B == UN x:A. UN y:B x. {\ttlbrace}(x,y){\ttrbrace}
  1160 \tdx{Pair_eq}      ((a,b) = (a',b')) = (a=a' & b=b')
  1161 \tdx{Pair_inject}  [| (a, b) = (a',b');  [| a=a';  b=b' |] ==> R |] ==> R
  1162 \tdx{PairE}        [| !!x y. p = (x,y) ==> Q |] ==> Q
  1164 \tdx{fst_conv}     fst (a,b) = a
  1165 \tdx{snd_conv}     snd (a,b) = b
  1166 \tdx{surjective_pairing}  p = (fst p,snd p)
  1168 \tdx{split}        split c (a,b) = c a b
  1169 \tdx{split_split}  R(split c p) = (! x y. p = (x,y) --> R(c x y))
  1171 \tdx{SigmaI}    [| a:A;  b:B a |] ==> (a,b) : Sigma A B
  1172 \tdx{SigmaE}    [| c:Sigma A B; !!x y.[| x:A; y:B x; c=(x,y) |] ==> P |] ==> P
  1173 \end{ttbox}
  1174 \caption{Type $\alpha\times\beta$}\label{hol-prod}
  1175 \end{figure} 
  1177 Theory \thydx{Prod} (Fig.\ts\ref{hol-prod}) defines the product type
  1178 $\alpha\times\beta$, with the ordered pair syntax $(a, b)$.  General
  1179 tuples are simulated by pairs nested to the right:
  1180 \begin{center}
  1181 \begin{tabular}{c|c}
  1182 external & internal \\
  1183 \hline
  1184 $\tau@1 \times \dots \times \tau@n$ & $\tau@1 \times (\dots (\tau@{n-1} \times \tau@n)\dots)$ \\
  1185 \hline
  1186 $(t@1,\dots,t@n)$ & $(t@1,(\dots,(t@{n-1},t@n)\dots)$ \\
  1187 \end{tabular}
  1188 \end{center}
  1189 In addition, it is possible to use tuples
  1190 as patterns in abstractions:
  1191 \begin{center}
  1192 {\tt\%($x$,$y$). $t$} \quad stands for\quad \texttt{split(\%$x$\thinspace$y$.\ $t$)} 
  1193 \end{center}
  1194 Nested patterns are also supported.  They are translated stepwise:
  1195 {\tt\%($x$,$y$,$z$). $t$} $\leadsto$ {\tt\%($x$,($y$,$z$)). $t$} $\leadsto$
  1196 {\tt split(\%$x$.\%($y$,$z$). $t$)} $\leadsto$ \texttt{split(\%$x$. split(\%$y$
  1197   $z$.\ $t$))}.  The reverse translation is performed upon printing.
  1198 \begin{warn}
  1199   The translation between patterns and \texttt{split} is performed automatically
  1200   by the parser and printer.  Thus the internal and external form of a term
  1201   may differ, which can affects proofs.  For example the term {\tt
  1202   (\%(x,y).(y,x))(a,b)} requires the theorem \texttt{split} (which is in the
  1203   default simpset) to rewrite to {\tt(b,a)}.
  1204 \end{warn}
  1205 In addition to explicit $\lambda$-abstractions, patterns can be used in any
  1206 variable binding construct which is internally described by a
  1207 $\lambda$-abstraction.  Some important examples are
  1208 \begin{description}
  1209 \item[Let:] \texttt{let {\it pattern} = $t$ in $u$}
  1210 \item[Quantifiers:] \texttt{!~{\it pattern}:$A$.~$P$}
  1211 \item[Choice:] {\underscoreon \tt @~{\it pattern}~.~$P$}
  1212 \item[Set operations:] \texttt{UN~{\it pattern}:$A$.~$B$}
  1213 \item[Sets:] \texttt{{\ttlbrace}~{\it pattern}~.~$P$~{\ttrbrace}}
  1214 \end{description}
  1216 There is a simple tactic which supports reasoning about patterns:
  1217 \begin{ttdescription}
  1218 \item[\ttindexbold{split_all_tac} $i$] replaces in subgoal $i$ all
  1219   {\tt!!}-quantified variables of product type by individual variables for
  1220   each component.  A simple example:
  1221 \begin{ttbox}
  1222 {\out 1. !!p. (\%(x,y,z). (x, y, z)) p = p}
  1223 by(split_all_tac 1);
  1224 {\out 1. !!x xa ya. (\%(x,y,z). (x, y, z)) (x, xa, ya) = (x, xa, ya)}
  1225 \end{ttbox}
  1226 \end{ttdescription}
  1228 Theory \texttt{Prod} also introduces the degenerate product type \texttt{unit}
  1229 which contains only a single element named {\tt()} with the property
  1230 \begin{ttbox}
  1231 \tdx{unit_eq}       u = ()
  1232 \end{ttbox}
  1233 \bigskip
  1235 Theory \thydx{Sum} (Fig.~\ref{hol-sum}) defines the sum type $\alpha+\beta$
  1236 which associates to the right and has a lower priority than $*$: $\tau@1 +
  1237 \tau@2 + \tau@3*\tau@4$ means $\tau@1 + (\tau@2 + (\tau@3*\tau@4))$.
  1239 The definition of products and sums in terms of existing types is not
  1240 shown.  The constructions are fairly standard and can be found in the
  1241 respective theory files. Although the sum and product types are
  1242 constructed manually for foundational reasons, they are represented as
  1243 actual datatypes later (see {\S}\ref{subsec:datatype:rep_datatype}).
  1244 Therefore, the theory \texttt{Datatype} should be used instead of
  1245 \texttt{Sum} or \texttt{Prod}.
  1247 \begin{figure}
  1248 \begin{constants}
  1249   \it symbol    & \it meta-type &           & \it description \\ 
  1250   \cdx{Inl}     & $\alpha \To \alpha+\beta$    & & first injection\\
  1251   \cdx{Inr}     & $\beta \To \alpha+\beta$     & & second injection\\
  1252   \cdx{sum_case} & $[\alpha\To\gamma, \beta\To\gamma, \alpha+\beta] \To\gamma$
  1253         & & conditional
  1254 \end{constants}
  1255 \begin{ttbox}\makeatletter
  1256 \tdx{Inl_not_Inr}    Inl a ~= Inr b
  1258 \tdx{inj_Inl}        inj Inl
  1259 \tdx{inj_Inr}        inj Inr
  1261 \tdx{sumE}           [| !!x. P(Inl x);  !!y. P(Inr y) |] ==> P s
  1263 \tdx{sum_case_Inl}   sum_case f g (Inl x) = f x
  1264 \tdx{sum_case_Inr}   sum_case f g (Inr x) = g x
  1266 \tdx{surjective_sum} sum_case (\%x. f(Inl x)) (\%y. f(Inr y)) s = f s
  1267 \tdx{sum.split_case} R(sum_case f g s) = ((! x. s = Inl(x) --> R(f(x))) &
  1268                                      (! y. s = Inr(y) --> R(g(y))))
  1269 \end{ttbox}
  1270 \caption{Type $\alpha+\beta$}\label{hol-sum}
  1271 \end{figure}
  1273 \begin{figure}
  1274 \index{*"< symbol}
  1275 \index{*"* symbol}
  1276 \index{*div symbol}
  1277 \index{*mod symbol}
  1278 \index{*"+ symbol}
  1279 \index{*"- symbol}
  1280 \begin{constants}
  1281   \it symbol    & \it meta-type & \it priority & \it description \\ 
  1282   \cdx{0}       & $nat$         & & zero \\
  1283   \cdx{Suc}     & $nat \To nat$ & & successor function\\
  1284 % \cdx{nat_case} & $[\alpha, nat\To\alpha, nat] \To\alpha$ & & conditional\\
  1285 % \cdx{nat_rec} & $[nat, \alpha, [nat, \alpha]\To\alpha] \To \alpha$
  1286 %        & & primitive recursor\\
  1287   \tt *         & $[nat,nat]\To nat$    &  Left 70      & multiplication \\
  1288   \tt div       & $[nat,nat]\To nat$    &  Left 70      & division\\
  1289   \tt mod       & $[nat,nat]\To nat$    &  Left 70      & modulus\\
  1290   \tt +         & $[nat,nat]\To nat$    &  Left 65      & addition\\
  1291   \tt -         & $[nat,nat]\To nat$    &  Left 65      & subtraction
  1292 \end{constants}
  1293 \subcaption{Constants and infixes}
  1295 \begin{ttbox}\makeatother
  1296 \tdx{nat_induct}     [| P 0; !!n. P n ==> P(Suc n) |]  ==> P n
  1298 \tdx{Suc_not_Zero}   Suc m ~= 0
  1299 \tdx{inj_Suc}        inj Suc
  1300 \tdx{n_not_Suc_n}    n~=Suc n
  1301 \subcaption{Basic properties}
  1302 \end{ttbox}
  1303 \caption{The type of natural numbers, \tydx{nat}} \label{hol-nat1}
  1304 \end{figure}
  1307 \begin{figure}
  1308 \begin{ttbox}\makeatother
  1309               0+n           = n
  1310               (Suc m)+n     = Suc(m+n)
  1312               m-0           = m
  1313               0-n           = n
  1314               Suc(m)-Suc(n) = m-n
  1316               0*n           = 0
  1317               Suc(m)*n      = n + m*n
  1319 \tdx{mod_less}      m<n ==> m mod n = m
  1320 \tdx{mod_geq}       [| 0<n;  ~m<n |] ==> m mod n = (m-n) mod n
  1322 \tdx{div_less}      m<n ==> m div n = 0
  1323 \tdx{div_geq}       [| 0<n;  ~m<n |] ==> m div n = Suc((m-n) div n)
  1324 \end{ttbox}
  1325 \caption{Recursion equations for the arithmetic operators} \label{hol-nat2}
  1326 \end{figure}
  1328 \subsection{The type of natural numbers, \textit{nat}}
  1329 \index{nat@{\textit{nat}} type|(}
  1331 The theory \thydx{NatDef} defines the natural numbers in a roundabout but
  1332 traditional way.  The axiom of infinity postulates a type~\tydx{ind} of
  1333 individuals, which is non-empty and closed under an injective operation.  The
  1334 natural numbers are inductively generated by choosing an arbitrary individual
  1335 for~0 and using the injective operation to take successors.  This is a least
  1336 fixedpoint construction.  For details see the file \texttt{NatDef.thy}.
  1338 Type~\tydx{nat} is an instance of class~\cldx{ord}, which makes the
  1339 overloaded functions of this class (esp.\ \cdx{<} and \cdx{<=}, but also
  1340 \cdx{min}, \cdx{max} and \cdx{LEAST}) available on \tydx{nat}.  Theory
  1341 \thydx{Nat} builds on \texttt{NatDef} and shows that {\tt<=} is a partial order,
  1342 so \tydx{nat} is also an instance of class \cldx{order}.
  1344 Theory \thydx{Arith} develops arithmetic on the natural numbers.  It defines
  1345 addition, multiplication and subtraction.  Theory \thydx{Divides} defines
  1346 division, remainder and the ``divides'' relation.  The numerous theorems
  1347 proved include commutative, associative, distributive, identity and
  1348 cancellation laws.  See Figs.\ts\ref{hol-nat1} and~\ref{hol-nat2}.  The
  1349 recursion equations for the operators \texttt{+}, \texttt{-} and \texttt{*} on
  1350 \texttt{nat} are part of the default simpset.
  1352 Functions on \tydx{nat} can be defined by primitive or well-founded recursion;
  1353 see {\S}\ref{sec:HOL:recursive}.  A simple example is addition.
  1354 Here, \texttt{op +} is the name of the infix operator~\texttt{+}, following
  1355 the standard convention.
  1356 \begin{ttbox}
  1357 \sdx{primrec}
  1358       "0 + n = n"
  1359   "Suc m + n = Suc (m + n)"
  1360 \end{ttbox}
  1361 There is also a \sdx{case}-construct
  1362 of the form
  1363 \begin{ttbox}
  1364 case \(e\) of 0 => \(a\) | Suc \(m\) => \(b\)
  1365 \end{ttbox}
  1366 Note that Isabelle insists on precisely this format; you may not even change
  1367 the order of the two cases.
  1368 Both \texttt{primrec} and \texttt{case} are realized by a recursion operator
  1369 \cdx{nat_rec}, which is available because \textit{nat} is represented as
  1370 a datatype (see {\S}\ref{subsec:datatype:rep_datatype}).
  1372 %The predecessor relation, \cdx{pred_nat}, is shown to be well-founded.
  1373 %Recursion along this relation resembles primitive recursion, but is
  1374 %stronger because we are in higher-order logic; using primitive recursion to
  1375 %define a higher-order function, we can easily Ackermann's function, which
  1376 %is not primitive recursive \cite[page~104]{thompson91}.
  1377 %The transitive closure of \cdx{pred_nat} is~$<$.  Many functions on the
  1378 %natural numbers are most easily expressed using recursion along~$<$.
  1380 Tactic {\tt\ttindex{induct_tac} "$n$" $i$} performs induction on variable~$n$
  1381 in subgoal~$i$ using theorem \texttt{nat_induct}.  There is also the derived
  1382 theorem \tdx{less_induct}:
  1383 \begin{ttbox}
  1384 [| !!n. [| ! m. m<n --> P m |] ==> P n |]  ==>  P n
  1385 \end{ttbox}
  1388 Reasoning about arithmetic inequalities can be tedious.  Fortunately HOL
  1389 provides a decision procedure for quantifier-free linear arithmetic (i.e.\ 
  1390 only addition and subtraction). The simplifier invokes a weak version of this
  1391 decision procedure automatically. If this is not sufficent, you can invoke
  1392 the full procedure \ttindex{arith_tac} explicitly.  It copes with arbitrary
  1393 formulae involving {\tt=}, {\tt<}, {\tt<=}, {\tt+}, {\tt-}, {\tt Suc}, {\tt
  1394   min}, {\tt max} and numerical constants; other subterms are treated as
  1395 atomic; subformulae not involving type $nat$ are ignored; quantified
  1396 subformulae are ignored unless they are positive universal or negative
  1397 existential. Note that the running time is exponential in the number of
  1398 occurrences of {\tt min}, {\tt max}, and {\tt-} because they require case
  1399 distinctions. Note also that \texttt{arith_tac} is not complete: if
  1400 divisibility plays a role, it may fail to prove a valid formula, for example
  1401 $m+m \neq n+n+1$. Fortunately such examples are rare in practice.
  1403 If \texttt{arith_tac} fails you, try to find relevant arithmetic results in
  1404 the library.  The theory \texttt{NatDef} contains theorems about {\tt<} and
  1405 {\tt<=}, the theory \texttt{Arith} contains theorems about \texttt{+},
  1406 \texttt{-} and \texttt{*}, and theory \texttt{Divides} contains theorems about
  1407 \texttt{div} and \texttt{mod}.  Use the \texttt{find}-functions to locate them
  1408 (see the {\em Reference Manual\/}).
  1410 \begin{figure}
  1411 \index{#@{\tt[]} symbol}
  1412 \index{#@{\tt\#} symbol}
  1413 \index{"@@{\tt\at} symbol}
  1414 \index{*"! symbol}
  1415 \begin{constants}
  1416   \it symbol & \it meta-type & \it priority & \it description \\
  1417   \tt[]    & $\alpha\,list$ & & empty list\\
  1418   \tt \#   & $[\alpha,\alpha\,list]\To \alpha\,list$ & Right 65 & 
  1419         list constructor \\
  1420   \cdx{null}    & $\alpha\,list \To bool$ & & emptiness test\\
  1421   \cdx{hd}      & $\alpha\,list \To \alpha$ & & head \\
  1422   \cdx{tl}      & $\alpha\,list \To \alpha\,list$ & & tail \\
  1423   \cdx{last}    & $\alpha\,list \To \alpha$ & & last element \\
  1424   \cdx{butlast} & $\alpha\,list \To \alpha\,list$ & & drop last element \\
  1425   \tt\at  & $[\alpha\,list,\alpha\,list]\To \alpha\,list$ & Left 65 & append \\
  1426   \cdx{map}     & $(\alpha\To\beta) \To (\alpha\,list \To \beta\,list)$
  1427         & & apply to all\\
  1428   \cdx{filter}  & $(\alpha \To bool) \To (\alpha\,list \To \alpha\,list)$
  1429         & & filter functional\\
  1430   \cdx{set}& $\alpha\,list \To \alpha\,set$ & & elements\\
  1431   \sdx{mem}  & $\alpha \To \alpha\,list \To bool$  &  Left 55   & membership\\
  1432   \cdx{foldl}   & $(\beta\To\alpha\To\beta) \To \beta \To \alpha\,list \To \beta$ &
  1433   & iteration \\
  1434   \cdx{concat}   & $(\alpha\,list)list\To \alpha\,list$ & & concatenation \\
  1435   \cdx{rev}     & $\alpha\,list \To \alpha\,list$ & & reverse \\
  1436   \cdx{length}  & $\alpha\,list \To nat$ & & length \\
  1437   \tt! & $\alpha\,list \To nat \To \alpha$ & Left 100 & indexing \\
  1438   \cdx{take}, \cdx{drop} & $nat \To \alpha\,list \To \alpha\,list$ &&
  1439     take or drop a prefix \\
  1440   \cdx{takeWhile},\\
  1441   \cdx{dropWhile} &
  1442     $(\alpha \To bool) \To \alpha\,list \To \alpha\,list$ &&
  1443     take or drop a prefix
  1444 \end{constants}
  1445 \subcaption{Constants and infixes}
  1447 \begin{center} \tt\frenchspacing
  1448 \begin{tabular}{rrr} 
  1449   \it external        & \it internal  & \it description \\{}
  1450   [$x@1$, $\dots$, $x@n$]  &  $x@1$ \# $\cdots$ \# $x@n$ \# [] &
  1451         \rm finite list \\{}
  1452   [$x$:$l$. $P$]  & filter ($\lambda x{.}P$) $l$ & 
  1453         \rm list comprehension
  1454 \end{tabular}
  1455 \end{center}
  1456 \subcaption{Translations}
  1457 \caption{The theory \thydx{List}} \label{hol-list}
  1458 \end{figure}
  1461 \begin{figure}
  1462 \begin{ttbox}\makeatother
  1463 null [] = True
  1464 null (x#xs) = False
  1466 hd (x#xs) = x
  1467 tl (x#xs) = xs
  1468 tl [] = []
  1470 [] @ ys = ys
  1471 (x#xs) @ ys = x # xs @ ys
  1473 map f [] = []
  1474 map f (x#xs) = f x # map f xs
  1476 filter P [] = []
  1477 filter P (x#xs) = (if P x then x#filter P xs else filter P xs)
  1479 set [] = \ttlbrace\ttrbrace
  1480 set (x#xs) = insert x (set xs)
  1482 x mem [] = False
  1483 x mem (y#ys) = (if y=x then True else x mem ys)
  1485 foldl f a [] = a
  1486 foldl f a (x#xs) = foldl f (f a x) xs
  1488 concat([]) = []
  1489 concat(x#xs) = x @ concat(xs)
  1491 rev([]) = []
  1492 rev(x#xs) = rev(xs) @ [x]
  1494 length([]) = 0
  1495 length(x#xs) = Suc(length(xs))
  1497 xs!0 = hd xs
  1498 xs!(Suc n) = (tl xs)!n
  1500 take n [] = []
  1501 take n (x#xs) = (case n of 0 => [] | Suc(m) => x # take m xs)
  1503 drop n [] = []
  1504 drop n (x#xs) = (case n of 0 => x#xs | Suc(m) => drop m xs)
  1506 takeWhile P [] = []
  1507 takeWhile P (x#xs) = (if P x then x#takeWhile P xs else [])
  1509 dropWhile P [] = []
  1510 dropWhile P (x#xs) = (if P x then dropWhile P xs else xs)
  1511 \end{ttbox}
  1512 \caption{Recursions equations for list processing functions}
  1513 \label{fig:HOL:list-simps}
  1514 \end{figure}
  1515 \index{nat@{\textit{nat}} type|)}
  1518 \subsection{The type constructor for lists, \textit{list}}
  1519 \label{subsec:list}
  1520 \index{list@{\textit{list}} type|(}
  1522 Figure~\ref{hol-list} presents the theory \thydx{List}: the basic list
  1523 operations with their types and syntax.  Type $\alpha \; list$ is
  1524 defined as a \texttt{datatype} with the constructors {\tt[]} and {\tt\#}.
  1525 As a result the generic structural induction and case analysis tactics
  1526 \texttt{induct\_tac} and \texttt{cases\_tac} also become available for
  1527 lists.  A \sdx{case} construct of the form
  1528 \begin{center}\tt
  1529 case $e$ of [] => $a$  |  \(x\)\#\(xs\) => b
  1530 \end{center}
  1531 is defined by translation.  For details see~{\S}\ref{sec:HOL:datatype}. There
  1532 is also a case splitting rule \tdx{split_list_case}
  1533 \[
  1534 \begin{array}{l}
  1535 P(\mathtt{case}~e~\mathtt{of}~\texttt{[] =>}~a ~\texttt{|}~
  1536                x\texttt{\#}xs~\texttt{=>}~f~x~xs) ~= \\
  1537 ((e = \texttt{[]} \to P(a)) \land
  1538  (\forall x~ xs. e = x\texttt{\#}xs \to P(f~x~xs)))
  1539 \end{array}
  1540 \]
  1541 which can be fed to \ttindex{addsplits} just like
  1542 \texttt{split_if} (see~{\S}\ref{subsec:HOL:case:splitting}).
  1544 \texttt{List} provides a basic library of list processing functions defined by
  1545 primitive recursion (see~{\S}\ref{sec:HOL:primrec}).  The recursion equations
  1546 are shown in Fig.\ts\ref{fig:HOL:list-simps}.
  1548 \index{list@{\textit{list}} type|)}
  1551 \subsection{Introducing new types} \label{sec:typedef}
  1553 The \HOL-methodology dictates that all extensions to a theory should
  1554 be \textbf{definitional}.  The type definition mechanism that
  1555 meets this criterion is \ttindex{typedef}.  Note that \emph{type synonyms},
  1556 which are inherited from {\Pure} and described elsewhere, are just
  1557 syntactic abbreviations that have no logical meaning.
  1559 \begin{warn}
  1560   Types in \HOL\ must be non-empty; otherwise the quantifier rules would be
  1561   unsound, because $\exists x. x=x$ is a theorem \cite[{\S}7]{paulson-COLOG}.
  1562 \end{warn}
  1563 A \bfindex{type definition} identifies the new type with a subset of
  1564 an existing type.  More precisely, the new type is defined by
  1565 exhibiting an existing type~$\tau$, a set~$A::\tau\,set$, and a
  1566 theorem of the form $x:A$.  Thus~$A$ is a non-empty subset of~$\tau$,
  1567 and the new type denotes this subset.  New functions are defined that
  1568 establish an isomorphism between the new type and the subset.  If
  1569 type~$\tau$ involves type variables $\alpha@1$, \ldots, $\alpha@n$,
  1570 then the type definition creates a type constructor
  1571 $(\alpha@1,\ldots,\alpha@n)ty$ rather than a particular type.
  1573 \begin{figure}[htbp]
  1574 \begin{rail}
  1575 typedef  : 'typedef' ( () | '(' name ')') type '=' set witness;
  1577 type    : typevarlist name ( () | '(' infix ')' );
  1578 set     : string;
  1579 witness : () | '(' id ')';
  1580 \end{rail}
  1581 \caption{Syntax of type definitions}
  1582 \label{fig:HOL:typedef}
  1583 \end{figure}
  1585 The syntax for type definitions is shown in Fig.~\ref{fig:HOL:typedef}.  For
  1586 the definition of `typevarlist' and `infix' see
  1587 \iflabelundefined{chap:classical}
  1588 {the appendix of the {\em Reference Manual\/}}%
  1589 {Appendix~\ref{app:TheorySyntax}}.  The remaining nonterminals have the
  1590 following meaning:
  1591 \begin{description}
  1592 \item[\it type:] the new type constructor $(\alpha@1,\dots,\alpha@n)ty$ with
  1593   optional infix annotation.
  1594 \item[\it name:] an alphanumeric name $T$ for the type constructor
  1595   $ty$, in case $ty$ is a symbolic name.  Defaults to $ty$.
  1596 \item[\it set:] the representing subset $A$.
  1597 \item[\it witness:] name of a theorem of the form $a:A$ proving
  1598   non-emptiness.  It can be omitted in case Isabelle manages to prove
  1599   non-emptiness automatically.
  1600 \end{description}
  1601 If all context conditions are met (no duplicate type variables in
  1602 `typevarlist', no extra type variables in `set', and no free term variables
  1603 in `set'), the following components are added to the theory:
  1604 \begin{itemize}
  1605 \item a type $ty :: (term,\dots,term)term$
  1606 \item constants
  1607 \begin{eqnarray*}
  1608 T &::& \tau\;set \\
  1609 Rep_T &::& (\alpha@1,\dots,\alpha@n)ty \To \tau \\
  1610 Abs_T &::& \tau \To (\alpha@1,\dots,\alpha@n)ty
  1611 \end{eqnarray*}
  1612 \item a definition and three axioms
  1613 \[
  1614 \begin{array}{ll}
  1615 T{\tt_def} & T \equiv A \\
  1616 {\tt Rep_}T & Rep_T\,x \in T \\
  1617 {\tt Rep_}T{\tt_inverse} & Abs_T\,(Rep_T\,x) = x \\
  1618 {\tt Abs_}T{\tt_inverse} & y \in T \Imp Rep_T\,(Abs_T\,y) = y
  1619 \end{array}
  1620 \]
  1621 stating that $(\alpha@1,\dots,\alpha@n)ty$ is isomorphic to $A$ by $Rep_T$
  1622 and its inverse $Abs_T$.
  1623 \end{itemize}
  1624 Below are two simple examples of \HOL\ type definitions.  Non-emptiness
  1625 is proved automatically here.
  1626 \begin{ttbox}
  1627 typedef unit = "{\ttlbrace}True{\ttrbrace}"
  1629 typedef (prod)
  1630   ('a, 'b) "*"    (infixr 20)
  1631       = "{\ttlbrace}f . EX (a::'a) (b::'b). f = (\%x y. x = a & y = b){\ttrbrace}"
  1632 \end{ttbox}
  1634 Type definitions permit the introduction of abstract data types in a safe
  1635 way, namely by providing models based on already existing types.  Given some
  1636 abstract axiomatic description $P$ of a type, this involves two steps:
  1637 \begin{enumerate}
  1638 \item Find an appropriate type $\tau$ and subset $A$ which has the desired
  1639   properties $P$, and make a type definition based on this representation.
  1640 \item Prove that $P$ holds for $ty$ by lifting $P$ from the representation.
  1641 \end{enumerate}
  1642 You can now forget about the representation and work solely in terms of the
  1643 abstract properties $P$.
  1645 \begin{warn}
  1646 If you introduce a new type (constructor) $ty$ axiomatically, i.e.\ by
  1647 declaring the type and its operations and by stating the desired axioms, you
  1648 should make sure the type has a non-empty model.  You must also have a clause
  1649 \par
  1650 \begin{ttbox}
  1651 arities \(ty\) :: (term,\thinspace\(\dots\),{\thinspace}term){\thinspace}term
  1652 \end{ttbox}
  1653 in your theory file to tell Isabelle that $ty$ is in class \texttt{term}, the
  1654 class of all \HOL\ types.
  1655 \end{warn}
  1658 \section{Records}
  1660 At a first approximation, records are just a minor generalisation of tuples,
  1661 where components may be addressed by labels instead of just position (think of
  1662 {\ML}, for example).  The version of records offered by Isabelle/HOL is
  1663 slightly more advanced, though, supporting \emph{extensible record schemes}.
  1664 This admits operations that are polymorphic with respect to record extension,
  1665 yielding ``object-oriented'' effects like (single) inheritance.  See also
  1666 \cite{NaraschewskiW-TPHOLs98} for more details on object-oriented
  1667 verification and record subtyping in HOL.
  1670 \subsection{Basics}
  1672 Isabelle/HOL supports fixed and schematic records both at the level of terms
  1673 and types.  The concrete syntax is as follows:
  1675 \begin{center}
  1676 \begin{tabular}{l|l|l}
  1677   & record terms & record types \\ \hline
  1678   fixed & $\record{x = a\fs y = b}$ & $\record{x \ty A\fs y \ty B}$ \\
  1679   schematic & $\record{x = a\fs y = b\fs \more = m}$ &
  1680     $\record{x \ty A\fs y \ty B\fs \more \ty M}$ \\
  1681 \end{tabular}
  1682 \end{center}
  1684 \noindent The \textsc{ascii} representation of $\record{x = a}$ is \texttt{(| x = a |)}.
  1686 A fixed record $\record{x = a\fs y = b}$ has field $x$ of value $a$ and field
  1687 $y$ of value $b$.  The corresponding type is $\record{x \ty A\fs y \ty B}$,
  1688 assuming that $a \ty A$ and $b \ty B$.
  1690 A record scheme like $\record{x = a\fs y = b\fs \more = m}$ contains fields
  1691 $x$ and $y$ as before, but also possibly further fields as indicated by the
  1692 ``$\more$'' notation (which is actually part of the syntax).  The improper
  1693 field ``$\more$'' of a record scheme is called the \emph{more part}.
  1694 Logically it is just a free variable, which is occasionally referred to as
  1695 \emph{row variable} in the literature.  The more part of a record scheme may
  1696 be instantiated by zero or more further components.  For example, above scheme
  1697 might get instantiated to $\record{x = a\fs y = b\fs z = c\fs \more = m'}$,
  1698 where $m'$ refers to a different more part.  Fixed records are special
  1699 instances of record schemes, where ``$\more$'' is properly terminated by the
  1700 $() :: unit$ element.  Actually, $\record{x = a\fs y = b}$ is just an
  1701 abbreviation for $\record{x = a\fs y = b\fs \more = ()}$.
  1703 \medskip
  1705 There are two key features that make extensible records in a simply typed
  1706 language like HOL feasible:
  1707 \begin{enumerate}
  1708 \item the more part is internalised, as a free term or type variable,
  1709 \item field names are externalised, they cannot be accessed within the logic
  1710   as first-class values.
  1711 \end{enumerate}
  1713 \medskip
  1715 In Isabelle/HOL record types have to be defined explicitly, fixing their field
  1716 names and types, and their (optional) parent record (see
  1717 {\S}\ref{sec:HOL:record-def}).  Afterwards, records may be formed using above
  1718 syntax, while obeying the canonical order of fields as given by their
  1719 declaration.  The record package also provides several operations like
  1720 selectors and updates (see {\S}\ref{sec:HOL:record-ops}), together with
  1721 characteristic properties (see {\S}\ref{sec:HOL:record-thms}).
  1723 There is an example theory demonstrating most basic aspects of extensible
  1724 records (see theory \texttt{HOL/ex/Points} in the Isabelle sources).
  1727 \subsection{Defining records}\label{sec:HOL:record-def}
  1729 The theory syntax for record type definitions is shown in
  1730 Fig.~\ref{fig:HOL:record}.  For the definition of `typevarlist' and `type' see
  1731 \iflabelundefined{chap:classical}
  1732 {the appendix of the {\em Reference Manual\/}}%
  1733 {Appendix~\ref{app:TheorySyntax}}.
  1735 \begin{figure}[htbp]
  1736 \begin{rail}
  1737 record  : 'record' typevarlist name '=' parent (field +);
  1739 parent  : ( () | type '+');
  1740 field   : name '::' type;
  1741 \end{rail}
  1742 \caption{Syntax of record type definitions}
  1743 \label{fig:HOL:record}
  1744 \end{figure}
  1746 A general \ttindex{record} specification is of the following form:
  1747 \[
  1748 \mathtt{record}~(\alpha@1, \dots, \alpha@n) \, t ~=~
  1749   (\tau@1, \dots, \tau@m) \, s ~+~ c@1 :: \sigma@1 ~ \dots ~ c@l :: \sigma@l
  1750 \]
  1751 where $\vec\alpha@n$ are distinct type variables, and $\vec\tau@m$,
  1752 $\vec\sigma@l$ are types containing at most variables from $\vec\alpha@n$.
  1753 Type constructor $t$ has to be new, while $s$ has to specify an existing
  1754 record type.  Furthermore, the $\vec c@l$ have to be distinct field names.
  1755 There has to be at least one field.
  1757 In principle, field names may never be shared with other records.  This is no
  1758 actual restriction in practice, since $\vec c@l$ are internally declared
  1759 within a separate name space qualified by the name $t$ of the record.
  1761 \medskip
  1763 Above definition introduces a new record type $(\vec\alpha@n) \, t$ by
  1764 extending an existing one $(\vec\tau@m) \, s$ by new fields $\vec c@l \ty
  1765 \vec\sigma@l$.  The parent record specification is optional, by omitting it
  1766 $t$ becomes a \emph{root record}.  The hierarchy of all records declared
  1767 within a theory forms a forest structure, i.e.\ a set of trees, where any of
  1768 these is rooted by some root record.
  1770 For convenience, $(\vec\alpha@n) \, t$ is made a type abbreviation for the
  1771 fixed record type $\record{\vec c@l \ty \vec\sigma@l}$, and $(\vec\alpha@n,
  1772 \zeta) \, t_scheme$ is made an abbreviation for $\record{\vec c@l \ty
  1773   \vec\sigma@l\fs \more \ty \zeta}$.
  1775 \medskip
  1777 The following simple example defines a root record type $point$ with fields $x
  1778 \ty nat$ and $y \ty nat$, and record type $cpoint$ by extending $point$ with
  1779 an additional $colour$ component.
  1781 \begin{ttbox}
  1782   record point =
  1783     x :: nat
  1784     y :: nat
  1786   record cpoint = point +
  1787     colour :: string
  1788 \end{ttbox}
  1791 \subsection{Record operations}\label{sec:HOL:record-ops}
  1793 Any record definition of the form presented above produces certain standard
  1794 operations.  Selectors and updates are provided for any field, including the
  1795 improper one ``$more$''.  There are also cumulative record constructor
  1796 functions.
  1798 To simplify the presentation below, we first assume that $(\vec\alpha@n) \, t$
  1799 is a root record with fields $\vec c@l \ty \vec\sigma@l$.
  1801 \medskip
  1803 \textbf{Selectors} and \textbf{updates} are available for any field (including
  1804 ``$more$'') as follows:
  1805 \begin{matharray}{lll}
  1806   c@i & \ty & \record{\vec c@l \ty \vec \sigma@l, \more \ty \zeta} \To \sigma@i \\
  1807   c@i_update & \ty & \sigma@i \To \record{\vec c@l \ty \vec \sigma@l, \more \ty \zeta} \To
  1808     \record{\vec c@l \ty \vec \sigma@l, \more \ty \zeta}
  1809 \end{matharray}
  1811 There is some special syntax for updates: $r \, \record{x \asn a}$ abbreviates
  1812 term $x_update \, a \, r$.  Repeated updates are also supported: $r \,
  1813 \record{x \asn a} \, \record{y \asn b} \, \record{z \asn c}$ may be written as
  1814 $r \, \record{x \asn a\fs y \asn b\fs z \asn c}$.  Note that because of
  1815 postfix notation the order of fields shown here is reverse than in the actual
  1816 term.  This might lead to confusion in conjunction with proof tools like
  1817 ordered rewriting.
  1819 Since repeated updates are just function applications, fields may be freely
  1820 permuted in $\record{x \asn a\fs y \asn b\fs z \asn c}$, as far as the logic
  1821 is concerned.  Thus commutativity of updates can be proven within the logic
  1822 for any two fields, but not as a general theorem: fields are not first-class
  1823 values.
  1825 \medskip
  1827 \textbf{Make} operations provide cumulative record constructor functions:
  1828 \begin{matharray}{lll}
  1829   make & \ty & \vec\sigma@l \To \record{\vec c@l \ty \vec \sigma@l} \\
  1830   make_scheme & \ty & \vec\sigma@l \To
  1831     \zeta \To \record{\vec c@l \ty \vec \sigma@l, \more \ty \zeta} \\
  1832 \end{matharray}
  1833 \noindent
  1834 These functions are curried.  The corresponding definitions in terms of actual
  1835 record terms are part of the standard simpset.  Thus $point\dtt make\,a\,b$
  1836 rewrites to $\record{x = a\fs y = b}$.
  1838 \medskip
  1840 Any of above selector, update and make operations are declared within a local
  1841 name space prefixed by the name $t$ of the record.  In case that different
  1842 records share base names of fields, one has to qualify names explicitly (e.g.\ 
  1843 $t\dtt c@i_update$).  This is recommended especially for operations like
  1844 $make$ or $update_more$ that always have the same base name.  Just use $t\dtt
  1845 make$ etc.\ to avoid confusion.
  1847 \bigskip
  1849 We reconsider the case of non-root records, which are derived of some parent
  1850 record.  In general, the latter may depend on another parent as well,
  1851 resulting in a list of \emph{ancestor records}.  Appending the lists of fields
  1852 of all ancestors results in a certain field prefix.  The record package
  1853 automatically takes care of this by lifting operations over this context of
  1854 ancestor fields.  Assuming that $(\vec\alpha@n) \, t$ has ancestor fields
  1855 $\vec d@k \ty \vec\rho@k$, selectors will get the following types:
  1856 \begin{matharray}{lll}
  1857   c@i & \ty & \record{\vec d@k \ty \vec\rho@k, \vec c@l \ty \vec \sigma@l, \more \ty \zeta}
  1858     \To \sigma@i
  1859 \end{matharray}
  1860 \noindent
  1861 Update and make operations are analogous.
  1864 \subsection{Proof tools}\label{sec:HOL:record-thms}
  1866 The record package provides the following proof rules for any record type $t$.
  1867 \begin{enumerate}
  1869 \item Standard conversions (selectors or updates applied to record constructor
  1870   terms, make function definitions) are part of the standard simpset (via
  1871   \texttt{addsimps}).
  1873 \item Selectors applied to updated records are automatically reduced by
  1874   simplification procedure \ttindex{record_simproc}, which is part of the
  1875   default simpset.
  1877 \item Inject equations of a form analogous to $((x, y) = (x', y')) \equiv x=x'
  1878   \conj y=y'$ are made part of the standard simpset and claset (via
  1879   \texttt{addIffs}).
  1881 \item A tactic for record field splitting (\ttindex{record_split_tac}) may be
  1882   made part of the claset (via \texttt{addSWrapper}).  This tactic is based on
  1883   rules analogous to $(\All x PROP~P~x) \equiv (\All{a~b} PROP~P(a, b))$ for
  1884   any field.
  1885 \end{enumerate}
  1887 The first two kinds of rules are stored within the theory as $t\dtt simps$ and
  1888 $t\dtt iffs$, respectively.  In some situations it might be appropriate to
  1889 expand the definitions of updates: $t\dtt update_defs$.  Note that these names
  1890 are \emph{not} bound at the {\ML} level.
  1892 \medskip
  1894 The example theory \texttt{HOL/ex/Points} demonstrates typical proofs
  1895 concerning records.  The basic idea is to make \ttindex{record_split_tac}
  1896 expand quantified record variables and then simplify by the conversion rules.
  1897 By using a combination of the simplifier and classical prover together with
  1898 the default simpset and claset, record problems should be solved with a single
  1899 stroke of \texttt{Auto_tac} or \texttt{Force_tac}.  Most of the time, plain
  1900 \texttt{Simp_tac} should be sufficient, though.
  1903 \section{Datatype definitions}
  1904 \label{sec:HOL:datatype}
  1905 \index{*datatype|(}
  1907 Inductive datatypes, similar to those of \ML, frequently appear in
  1908 applications of Isabelle/HOL.  In principle, such types could be defined by
  1909 hand via \texttt{typedef} (see {\S}\ref{sec:typedef}), but this would be far too
  1910 tedious.  The \ttindex{datatype} definition package of Isabelle/HOL (cf.\ 
  1911 \cite{Berghofer-Wenzel:1999:TPHOL}) automates such chores.  It generates an
  1912 appropriate \texttt{typedef} based on a least fixed-point construction, and
  1913 proves freeness theorems and induction rules, as well as theorems for
  1914 recursion and case combinators.  The user just has to give a simple
  1915 specification of new inductive types using a notation similar to {\ML} or
  1916 Haskell.
  1918 The current datatype package can handle both mutual and indirect recursion.
  1919 It also offers to represent existing types as datatypes giving the advantage
  1920 of a more uniform view on standard theories.
  1923 \subsection{Basics}
  1924 \label{subsec:datatype:basics}
  1926 A general \texttt{datatype} definition is of the following form:
  1927 \[
  1928 \begin{array}{llcl}
  1929 \mathtt{datatype} & (\alpha@1,\ldots,\alpha@h)t@1 & = &
  1930   C^1@1~\tau^1@{1,1}~\ldots~\tau^1@{1,m^1@1} ~\mid~ \ldots ~\mid~
  1931     C^1@{k@1}~\tau^1@{k@1,1}~\ldots~\tau^1@{k@1,m^1@{k@1}} \\
  1932  & & \vdots \\
  1933 \mathtt{and} & (\alpha@1,\ldots,\alpha@h)t@n & = &
  1934   C^n@1~\tau^n@{1,1}~\ldots~\tau^n@{1,m^n@1} ~\mid~ \ldots ~\mid~
  1935     C^n@{k@n}~\tau^n@{k@n,1}~\ldots~\tau^n@{k@n,m^n@{k@n}}
  1936 \end{array}
  1937 \]
  1938 where $\alpha@i$ are type variables, $C^j@i$ are distinct constructor
  1939 names and $\tau^j@{i,i'}$ are {\em admissible} types containing at
  1940 most the type variables $\alpha@1, \ldots, \alpha@h$. A type $\tau$
  1941 occurring in a \texttt{datatype} definition is {\em admissible} iff
  1942 \begin{itemize}
  1943 \item $\tau$ is non-recursive, i.e.\ $\tau$ does not contain any of the
  1944 newly defined type constructors $t@1,\ldots,t@n$, or
  1945 \item $\tau = (\alpha@1,\ldots,\alpha@h)t@{j'}$ where $1 \leq j' \leq n$, or
  1946 \item $\tau = (\tau'@1,\ldots,\tau'@{h'})t'$, where $t'$ is
  1947 the type constructor of an already existing datatype and $\tau'@1,\ldots,\tau'@{h'}$
  1948 are admissible types.
  1949 \item $\tau = \sigma \to \tau'$, where $\tau'$ is an admissible
  1950 type and $\sigma$ is non-recursive (i.e. the occurrences of the newly defined
  1951 types are {\em strictly positive})
  1952 \end{itemize}
  1953 If some $(\alpha@1,\ldots,\alpha@h)t@{j'}$ occurs in a type $\tau^j@{i,i'}$
  1954 of the form
  1955 \[
  1956 (\ldots,\ldots ~ (\alpha@1,\ldots,\alpha@h)t@{j'} ~ \ldots,\ldots)t'
  1957 \]
  1958 this is called a {\em nested} (or \emph{indirect}) occurrence. A very simple
  1959 example of a datatype is the type \texttt{list}, which can be defined by
  1960 \begin{ttbox}
  1961 datatype 'a list = Nil
  1962                  | Cons 'a ('a list)
  1963 \end{ttbox}
  1964 Arithmetic expressions \texttt{aexp} and boolean expressions \texttt{bexp} can be modelled
  1965 by the mutually recursive datatype definition
  1966 \begin{ttbox}
  1967 datatype 'a aexp = If_then_else ('a bexp) ('a aexp) ('a aexp)
  1968                  | Sum ('a aexp) ('a aexp)
  1969                  | Diff ('a aexp) ('a aexp)
  1970                  | Var 'a
  1971                  | Num nat
  1972 and      'a bexp = Less ('a aexp) ('a aexp)
  1973                  | And ('a bexp) ('a bexp)
  1974                  | Or ('a bexp) ('a bexp)
  1975 \end{ttbox}
  1976 The datatype \texttt{term}, which is defined by
  1977 \begin{ttbox}
  1978 datatype ('a, 'b) term = Var 'a
  1979                        | App 'b ((('a, 'b) term) list)
  1980 \end{ttbox}
  1981 is an example for a datatype with nested recursion. Using nested recursion
  1982 involving function spaces, we may also define infinitely branching datatypes, e.g.
  1983 \begin{ttbox}
  1984 datatype 'a tree = Atom 'a | Branch "nat => 'a tree"
  1985 \end{ttbox}
  1987 \medskip
  1989 Types in HOL must be non-empty. Each of the new datatypes
  1990 $(\alpha@1,\ldots,\alpha@h)t@j$ with $1 \leq j \leq n$ is non-empty iff it has a
  1991 constructor $C^j@i$ with the following property: for all argument types
  1992 $\tau^j@{i,i'}$ of the form $(\alpha@1,\ldots,\alpha@h)t@{j'}$ the datatype
  1993 $(\alpha@1,\ldots,\alpha@h)t@{j'}$ is non-empty.
  1995 If there are no nested occurrences of the newly defined datatypes, obviously
  1996 at least one of the newly defined datatypes $(\alpha@1,\ldots,\alpha@h)t@j$
  1997 must have a constructor $C^j@i$ without recursive arguments, a \emph{base
  1998   case}, to ensure that the new types are non-empty. If there are nested
  1999 occurrences, a datatype can even be non-empty without having a base case
  2000 itself. Since \texttt{list} is a non-empty datatype, \texttt{datatype t = C (t
  2001   list)} is non-empty as well.
  2004 \subsubsection{Freeness of the constructors}
  2006 The datatype constructors are automatically defined as functions of their
  2007 respective type:
  2008 \[ C^j@i :: [\tau^j@{i,1},\dots,\tau^j@{i,m^j@i}] \To (\alpha@1,\dots,\alpha@h)t@j \]
  2009 These functions have certain {\em freeness} properties.  They construct
  2010 distinct values:
  2011 \[
  2012 C^j@i~x@1~\dots~x@{m^j@i} \neq C^j@{i'}~y@1~\dots~y@{m^j@{i'}} \qquad
  2013 \mbox{for all}~ i \neq i'.
  2014 \]
  2015 The constructor functions are injective:
  2016 \[
  2017 (C^j@i~x@1~\dots~x@{m^j@i} = C^j@i~y@1~\dots~y@{m^j@i}) =
  2018 (x@1 = y@1 \land \dots \land x@{m^j@i} = y@{m^j@i})
  2019 \]
  2020 Since the number of distinctness inequalities is quadratic in the number of
  2021 constructors, the datatype package avoids proving them separately if there are
  2022 too many constructors. Instead, specific inequalities are proved by a suitable
  2023 simplification procedure on demand.\footnote{This procedure, which is already part
  2024 of the default simpset, may be referred to by the ML identifier
  2025 \texttt{DatatypePackage.distinct_simproc}.}
  2027 \subsubsection{Structural induction}
  2029 The datatype package also provides structural induction rules.  For
  2030 datatypes without nested recursion, this is of the following form:
  2031 \[
  2032 \infer{P@1~x@1 \land \dots \land P@n~x@n}
  2033   {\begin{array}{lcl}
  2034      \Forall x@1 \dots x@{m^1@1}.
  2035        \List{P@{s^1@{1,1}}~x@{r^1@{1,1}}; \dots;
  2036          P@{s^1@{1,l^1@1}}~x@{r^1@{1,l^1@1}}} & \Imp &
  2037            P@1~\left(C^1@1~x@1~\dots~x@{m^1@1}\right) \\
  2038      & \vdots \\
  2039      \Forall x@1 \dots x@{m^1@{k@1}}.
  2040        \List{P@{s^1@{k@1,1}}~x@{r^1@{k@1,1}}; \dots;
  2041          P@{s^1@{k@1,l^1@{k@1}}}~x@{r^1@{k@1,l^1@{k@1}}}} & \Imp &
  2042            P@1~\left(C^1@{k@1}~x@1~\ldots~x@{m^1@{k@1}}\right) \\
  2043      & \vdots \\
  2044      \Forall x@1 \dots x@{m^n@1}.
  2045        \List{P@{s^n@{1,1}}~x@{r^n@{1,1}}; \dots;
  2046          P@{s^n@{1,l^n@1}}~x@{r^n@{1,l^n@1}}} & \Imp &
  2047            P@n~\left(C^n@1~x@1~\ldots~x@{m^n@1}\right) \\
  2048      & \vdots \\
  2049      \Forall x@1 \dots x@{m^n@{k@n}}.
  2050        \List{P@{s^n@{k@n,1}}~x@{r^n@{k@n,1}}; \dots
  2051          P@{s^n@{k@n,l^n@{k@n}}}~x@{r^n@{k@n,l^n@{k@n}}}} & \Imp &
  2052            P@n~\left(C^n@{k@n}~x@1~\ldots~x@{m^n@{k@n}}\right)
  2053    \end{array}}
  2054 \]
  2055 where
  2056 \[
  2057 \begin{array}{rcl}
  2058 Rec^j@i & := &
  2059    \left\{\left(r^j@{i,1},s^j@{i,1}\right),\ldots,
  2060      \left(r^j@{i,l^j@i},s^j@{i,l^j@i}\right)\right\} = \\[2ex]
  2061 && \left\{(i',i'')~\left|~
  2062      1\leq i' \leq m^j@i \land 1 \leq i'' \leq n \land
  2063        \tau^j@{i,i'} = (\alpha@1,\ldots,\alpha@h)t@{i''}\right.\right\}
  2064 \end{array}
  2065 \]
  2066 i.e.\ the properties $P@j$ can be assumed for all recursive arguments.
  2068 For datatypes with nested recursion, such as the \texttt{term} example from
  2069 above, things are a bit more complicated.  Conceptually, Isabelle/HOL unfolds
  2070 a definition like
  2071 \begin{ttbox}
  2072 datatype ('a, 'b) term = Var 'a
  2073                        | App 'b ((('a, 'b) term) list)
  2074 \end{ttbox}
  2075 to an equivalent definition without nesting:
  2076 \begin{ttbox}
  2077 datatype ('a, 'b) term      = Var
  2078                             | App 'b (('a, 'b) term_list)
  2079 and      ('a, 'b) term_list = Nil'
  2080                             | Cons' (('a,'b) term) (('a,'b) term_list)
  2081 \end{ttbox}
  2082 Note however, that the type \texttt{('a,'b) term_list} and the constructors {\tt
  2083   Nil'} and \texttt{Cons'} are not really introduced.  One can directly work with
  2084 the original (isomorphic) type \texttt{(('a, 'b) term) list} and its existing
  2085 constructors \texttt{Nil} and \texttt{Cons}. Thus, the structural induction rule for
  2086 \texttt{term} gets the form
  2087 \[
  2088 \infer{P@1~x@1 \land P@2~x@2}
  2089   {\begin{array}{l}
  2090      \Forall x.~P@1~(\mathtt{Var}~x) \\
  2091      \Forall x@1~x@2.~P@2~x@2 \Imp P@1~(\mathtt{App}~x@1~x@2) \\
  2092      P@2~\mathtt{Nil} \\
  2093      \Forall x@1~x@2. \List{P@1~x@1; P@2~x@2} \Imp P@2~(\mathtt{Cons}~x@1~x@2)
  2094    \end{array}}
  2095 \]
  2096 Note that there are two predicates $P@1$ and $P@2$, one for the type \texttt{('a,'b) term}
  2097 and one for the type \texttt{(('a, 'b) term) list}.
  2099 For a datatype with function types such as \texttt{'a tree}, the induction rule
  2100 is of the form
  2101 \[
  2102 \infer{P~t}
  2103   {\Forall a.~P~(\mathtt{Atom}~a) &
  2104    \Forall ts.~(\forall x.~P~(ts~x)) \Imp P~(\mathtt{Branch}~ts)}
  2105 \]
  2107 \medskip In principle, inductive types are already fully determined by
  2108 freeness and structural induction.  For convenience in applications,
  2109 the following derived constructions are automatically provided for any
  2110 datatype.
  2112 \subsubsection{The \sdx{case} construct}
  2114 The type comes with an \ML-like \texttt{case}-construct:
  2115 \[
  2116 \begin{array}{rrcl}
  2117 \mbox{\tt case}~e~\mbox{\tt of} & C^j@1~x@{1,1}~\dots~x@{1,m^j@1} & \To & e@1 \\
  2118                            \vdots \\
  2119                            \mid & C^j@{k@j}~x@{k@j,1}~\dots~x@{k@j,m^j@{k@j}} & \To & e@{k@j}
  2120 \end{array}
  2121 \]
  2122 where the $x@{i,j}$ are either identifiers or nested tuple patterns as in
  2123 {\S}\ref{subsec:prod-sum}.
  2124 \begin{warn}
  2125   All constructors must be present, their order is fixed, and nested patterns
  2126   are not supported (with the exception of tuples).  Violating this
  2127   restriction results in strange error messages.
  2128 \end{warn}
  2130 To perform case distinction on a goal containing a \texttt{case}-construct,
  2131 the theorem $t@j.$\texttt{split} is provided:
  2132 \[
  2133 \begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}}
  2134 P(t@j_\mathtt{case}~f@1~\dots~f@{k@j}~e) &\!\!\!=&
  2135 \!\!\! ((\forall x@1 \dots x@{m^j@1}. e = C^j@1~x@1\dots x@{m^j@1} \to
  2136                              P(f@1~x@1\dots x@{m^j@1})) \\
  2137 &&\!\!\! ~\land~ \dots ~\land \\
  2138 &&~\!\!\! (\forall x@1 \dots x@{m^j@{k@j}}. e = C^j@{k@j}~x@1\dots x@{m^j@{k@j}} \to
  2139                              P(f@{k@j}~x@1\dots x@{m^j@{k@j}})))
  2140 \end{array}
  2141 \]
  2142 where $t@j$\texttt{_case} is the internal name of the \texttt{case}-construct.
  2143 This theorem can be added to a simpset via \ttindex{addsplits}
  2144 (see~{\S}\ref{subsec:HOL:case:splitting}).
  2146 \begin{warn}\index{simplification!of \texttt{case}}%
  2147   By default only the selector expression ($e$ above) in a
  2148   \texttt{case}-construct is simplified, in analogy with \texttt{if} (see
  2149   page~\pageref{if-simp}). Only if that reduces to a constructor is one of
  2150   the arms of the \texttt{case}-construct exposed and simplified. To ensure
  2151   full simplification of all parts of a \texttt{case}-construct for datatype
  2152   $t$, remove $t$\texttt{.}\ttindexbold{case_weak_cong} from the simpset, for
  2153   example by \texttt{delcongs [thm "$t$.weak_case_cong"]}.
  2154 \end{warn}
  2156 \subsubsection{The function \cdx{size}}\label{sec:HOL:size}
  2158 Theory \texttt{Arith} declares a generic function \texttt{size} of type
  2159 $\alpha\To nat$.  Each datatype defines a particular instance of \texttt{size}
  2160 by overloading according to the following scheme:
  2161 %%% FIXME: This formula is too big and is completely unreadable
  2162 \[
  2163 size(C^j@i~x@1~\dots~x@{m^j@i}) = \!
  2164 \left\{
  2165 \begin{array}{ll}
  2166 0 & \!\mbox{if $Rec^j@i = \emptyset$} \\
  2167 1+\sum\limits@{h=1}^{l^j@i}size~x@{r^j@{i,h}} &
  2168  \!\mbox{if $Rec^j@i = \left\{\left(r^j@{i,1},s^j@{i,1}\right),\ldots,
  2169   \left(r^j@{i,l^j@i},s^j@{i,l^j@i}\right)\right\}$}
  2170 \end{array}
  2171 \right.
  2172 \]
  2173 where $Rec^j@i$ is defined above.  Viewing datatypes as generalised trees, the
  2174 size of a leaf is 0 and the size of a node is the sum of the sizes of its
  2175 subtrees ${}+1$.
  2177 \subsection{Defining datatypes}
  2179 The theory syntax for datatype definitions is shown in
  2180 Fig.~\ref{datatype-grammar}.  In order to be well-formed, a datatype
  2181 definition has to obey the rules stated in the previous section.  As a result
  2182 the theory is extended with the new types, the constructors, and the theorems
  2183 listed in the previous section.
  2185 \begin{figure}
  2186 \begin{rail}
  2187 datatype : 'datatype' typedecls;
  2189 typedecls: ( newtype '=' (cons + '|') ) + 'and'
  2190          ;
  2191 newtype  : typevarlist id ( () | '(' infix ')' )
  2192          ;
  2193 cons     : name (argtype *) ( () | ( '(' mixfix ')' ) )
  2194          ;
  2195 argtype  : id | tid | ('(' typevarlist id ')')
  2196          ;
  2197 \end{rail}
  2198 \caption{Syntax of datatype declarations}
  2199 \label{datatype-grammar}
  2200 \end{figure}
  2202 Most of the theorems about datatypes become part of the default simpset and
  2203 you never need to see them again because the simplifier applies them
  2204 automatically.  Only induction or case distinction are usually invoked by hand.
  2205 \begin{ttdescription}
  2206 \item[\ttindexbold{induct_tac} {\tt"}$x${\tt"} $i$]
  2207  applies structural induction on variable $x$ to subgoal $i$, provided the
  2208  type of $x$ is a datatype.
  2209 \item[\texttt{induct_tac}
  2210   {\tt"}$x@1$ $\ldots$ $x@n${\tt"} $i$] applies simultaneous
  2211   structural induction on the variables $x@1,\ldots,x@n$ to subgoal $i$.  This
  2212   is the canonical way to prove properties of mutually recursive datatypes
  2213   such as \texttt{aexp} and \texttt{bexp}, or datatypes with nested recursion such as
  2214   \texttt{term}.
  2215 \end{ttdescription}
  2216 In some cases, induction is overkill and a case distinction over all
  2217 constructors of the datatype suffices.
  2218 \begin{ttdescription}
  2219 \item[\ttindexbold{case_tac} {\tt"}$u${\tt"} $i$]
  2220  performs a case analysis for the term $u$ whose type  must be a datatype.
  2221  If the datatype has $k@j$ constructors  $C^j@1$, \dots $C^j@{k@j}$, subgoal
  2222  $i$ is replaced by $k@j$ new subgoals which  contain the additional
  2223  assumption $u = C^j@{i'}~x@1~\dots~x@{m^j@{i'}}$ for  $i'=1$, $\dots$,~$k@j$.
  2224 \end{ttdescription}
  2226 Note that induction is only allowed on free variables that should not occur
  2227 among the premises of the subgoal. Case distinction applies to arbitrary terms.
  2229 \bigskip
  2232 For the technically minded, we exhibit some more details.  Processing the
  2233 theory file produces an \ML\ structure which, in addition to the usual
  2234 components, contains a structure named $t$ for each datatype $t$ defined in
  2235 the file.  Each structure $t$ contains the following elements:
  2236 \begin{ttbox}
  2237 val distinct : thm list
  2238 val inject : thm list
  2239 val induct : thm
  2240 val exhaust : thm
  2241 val cases : thm list
  2242 val split : thm
  2243 val split_asm : thm
  2244 val recs : thm list
  2245 val size : thm list
  2246 val simps : thm list
  2247 \end{ttbox}
  2248 \texttt{distinct}, \texttt{inject}, \texttt{induct}, \texttt{size}
  2249 and \texttt{split} contain the theorems
  2250 described above.  For user convenience, \texttt{distinct} contains
  2251 inequalities in both directions.  The reduction rules of the {\tt
  2252   case}-construct are in \texttt{cases}.  All theorems from {\tt
  2253   distinct}, \texttt{inject} and \texttt{cases} are combined in \texttt{simps}.
  2254 In case of mutually recursive datatypes, \texttt{recs}, \texttt{size}, \texttt{induct}
  2255 and \texttt{simps} are contained in a separate structure named $t@1_\ldots_t@n$.
  2258 \subsection{Representing existing types as datatypes}\label{subsec:datatype:rep_datatype}
  2260 For foundational reasons, some basic types such as \texttt{nat}, \texttt{*}, {\tt
  2261   +}, \texttt{bool} and \texttt{unit} are not defined in a \texttt{datatype} section,
  2262 but by more primitive means using \texttt{typedef}. To be able to use the
  2263 tactics \texttt{induct_tac} and \texttt{case_tac} and to define functions by
  2264 primitive recursion on these types, such types may be represented as actual
  2265 datatypes.  This is done by specifying an induction rule, as well as theorems
  2266 stating the distinctness and injectivity of constructors in a {\tt
  2267   rep_datatype} section.  For type \texttt{nat} this works as follows:
  2268 \begin{ttbox}
  2269 rep_datatype nat
  2270   distinct Suc_not_Zero, Zero_not_Suc
  2271   inject   Suc_Suc_eq
  2272   induct   nat_induct
  2273 \end{ttbox}
  2274 The datatype package automatically derives additional theorems for recursion
  2275 and case combinators from these rules.  Any of the basic HOL types mentioned
  2276 above are represented as datatypes.  Try an induction on \texttt{bool}
  2277 today.
  2280 \subsection{Examples}
  2282 \subsubsection{The datatype $\alpha~mylist$}
  2284 We want to define a type $\alpha~mylist$. To do this we have to build a new
  2285 theory that contains the type definition.  We start from the theory
  2286 \texttt{Datatype} instead of \texttt{Main} in order to avoid clashes with the
  2287 \texttt{List} theory of Isabelle/HOL.
  2288 \begin{ttbox}
  2289 MyList = Datatype +
  2290   datatype 'a mylist = Nil | Cons 'a ('a mylist)
  2291 end
  2292 \end{ttbox}
  2293 After loading the theory, we can prove $Cons~x~xs\neq xs$, for example.  To
  2294 ease the induction applied below, we state the goal with $x$ quantified at the
  2295 object-level.  This will be stripped later using \ttindex{qed_spec_mp}.
  2296 \begin{ttbox}
  2297 Goal "!x. Cons x xs ~= xs";
  2298 {\out Level 0}
  2299 {\out ! x. Cons x xs ~= xs}
  2300 {\out  1. ! x. Cons x xs ~= xs}
  2301 \end{ttbox}
  2302 This can be proved by the structural induction tactic:
  2303 \begin{ttbox}
  2304 by (induct_tac "xs" 1);
  2305 {\out Level 1}
  2306 {\out ! x. Cons x xs ~= xs}
  2307 {\out  1. ! x. Cons x Nil ~= Nil}
  2308 {\out  2. !!a mylist.}
  2309 {\out        ! x. Cons x mylist ~= mylist ==>}
  2310 {\out        ! x. Cons x (Cons a mylist) ~= Cons a mylist}
  2311 \end{ttbox}
  2312 The first subgoal can be proved using the simplifier.  Isabelle/HOL has
  2313 already added the freeness properties of lists to the default simplification
  2314 set.
  2315 \begin{ttbox}
  2316 by (Simp_tac 1);
  2317 {\out Level 2}
  2318 {\out ! x. Cons x xs ~= xs}
  2319 {\out  1. !!a mylist.}
  2320 {\out        ! x. Cons x mylist ~= mylist ==>}
  2321 {\out        ! x. Cons x (Cons a mylist) ~= Cons a mylist}
  2322 \end{ttbox}
  2323 Similarly, we prove the remaining goal.
  2324 \begin{ttbox}
  2325 by (Asm_simp_tac 1);
  2326 {\out Level 3}
  2327 {\out ! x. Cons x xs ~= xs}
  2328 {\out No subgoals!}
  2329 \ttbreak
  2330 qed_spec_mp "not_Cons_self";
  2331 {\out val not_Cons_self = "Cons x xs ~= xs" : thm}
  2332 \end{ttbox}
  2333 Because both subgoals could have been proved by \texttt{Asm_simp_tac}
  2334 we could have done that in one step:
  2335 \begin{ttbox}
  2336 by (ALLGOALS Asm_simp_tac);
  2337 \end{ttbox}
  2340 \subsubsection{The datatype $\alpha~mylist$ with mixfix syntax}
  2342 In this example we define the type $\alpha~mylist$ again but this time
  2343 we want to write \texttt{[]} for \texttt{Nil} and we want to use infix
  2344 notation \verb|#| for \texttt{Cons}.  To do this we simply add mixfix
  2345 annotations after the constructor declarations as follows:
  2346 \begin{ttbox}
  2347 MyList = Datatype +
  2348   datatype 'a mylist =
  2349     Nil ("[]")  |
  2350     Cons 'a ('a mylist)  (infixr "#" 70)
  2351 end
  2352 \end{ttbox}
  2353 Now the theorem in the previous example can be written \verb|x#xs ~= xs|.
  2356 \subsubsection{A datatype for weekdays}
  2358 This example shows a datatype that consists of 7 constructors:
  2359 \begin{ttbox}
  2360 Days = Main +
  2361   datatype days = Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | Sun
  2362 end
  2363 \end{ttbox}
  2364 Because there are more than 6 constructors, inequality is expressed via a function
  2365 \verb|days_ord|.  The theorem \verb|Mon ~= Tue| is not directly
  2366 contained among the distinctness theorems, but the simplifier can
  2367 prove it thanks to rewrite rules inherited from theory \texttt{Arith}:
  2368 \begin{ttbox}
  2369 Goal "Mon ~= Tue";
  2370 by (Simp_tac 1);
  2371 \end{ttbox}
  2372 You need not derive such inequalities explicitly: the simplifier will dispose
  2373 of them automatically.
  2374 \index{*datatype|)}
  2377 \section{Recursive function definitions}\label{sec:HOL:recursive}
  2378 \index{recursive functions|see{recursion}}
  2380 Isabelle/HOL provides two main mechanisms of defining recursive functions.
  2381 \begin{enumerate}
  2382 \item \textbf{Primitive recursion} is available only for datatypes, and it is
  2383   somewhat restrictive.  Recursive calls are only allowed on the argument's
  2384   immediate constituents.  On the other hand, it is the form of recursion most
  2385   often wanted, and it is easy to use.
  2387 \item \textbf{Well-founded recursion} requires that you supply a well-founded
  2388   relation that governs the recursion.  Recursive calls are only allowed if
  2389   they make the argument decrease under the relation.  Complicated recursion
  2390   forms, such as nested recursion, can be dealt with.  Termination can even be
  2391   proved at a later time, though having unsolved termination conditions around
  2392   can make work difficult.%
  2393   \footnote{This facility is based on Konrad Slind's TFL
  2394     package~\cite{slind-tfl}.  Thanks are due to Konrad for implementing TFL
  2395     and assisting with its installation.}
  2396 \end{enumerate}
  2398 Following good HOL tradition, these declarations do not assert arbitrary
  2399 axioms.  Instead, they define the function using a recursion operator.  Both
  2400 HOL and ZF derive the theory of well-founded recursion from first
  2401 principles~\cite{paulson-set-II}.  Primitive recursion over some datatype
  2402 relies on the recursion operator provided by the datatype package.  With
  2403 either form of function definition, Isabelle proves the desired recursion
  2404 equations as theorems.
  2407 \subsection{Primitive recursive functions}
  2408 \label{sec:HOL:primrec}
  2409 \index{recursion!primitive|(}
  2410 \index{*primrec|(}
  2412 Datatypes come with a uniform way of defining functions, {\bf primitive
  2413   recursion}.  In principle, one could introduce primitive recursive functions
  2414 by asserting their reduction rules as new axioms, but this is not recommended:
  2415 \begin{ttbox}\slshape
  2416 Append = Main +
  2417 consts app :: ['a list, 'a list] => 'a list
  2418 rules 
  2419    app_Nil   "app [] ys = ys"
  2420    app_Cons  "app (x#xs) ys = x#app xs ys"
  2421 end
  2422 \end{ttbox}
  2423 Asserting axioms brings the danger of accidentally asserting nonsense, as
  2424 in \verb$app [] ys = us$.
  2426 The \ttindex{primrec} declaration is a safe means of defining primitive
  2427 recursive functions on datatypes:
  2428 \begin{ttbox}
  2429 Append = Main +
  2430 consts app :: ['a list, 'a list] => 'a list
  2431 primrec
  2432    "app [] ys = ys"
  2433    "app (x#xs) ys = x#app xs ys"
  2434 end
  2435 \end{ttbox}
  2436 Isabelle will now check that the two rules do indeed form a primitive
  2437 recursive definition.  For example
  2438 \begin{ttbox}
  2439 primrec
  2440     "app [] ys = us"
  2441 \end{ttbox}
  2442 is rejected with an error message ``\texttt{Extra variables on rhs}''.
  2444 \bigskip
  2446 The general form of a primitive recursive definition is
  2447 \begin{ttbox}
  2448 primrec
  2449     {\it reduction rules}
  2450 \end{ttbox}
  2451 where \textit{reduction rules} specify one or more equations of the form
  2452 \[ f \, x@1 \, \dots \, x@m \, (C \, y@1 \, \dots \, y@k) \, z@1 \,
  2453 \dots \, z@n = r \] such that $C$ is a constructor of the datatype, $r$
  2454 contains only the free variables on the left-hand side, and all recursive
  2455 calls in $r$ are of the form $f \, \dots \, y@i \, \dots$ for some $i$.  There
  2456 must be at most one reduction rule for each constructor.  The order is
  2457 immaterial.  For missing constructors, the function is defined to return a
  2458 default value.  
  2460 If you would like to refer to some rule by name, then you must prefix
  2461 the rule with an identifier.  These identifiers, like those in the
  2462 \texttt{rules} section of a theory, will be visible at the \ML\ level.
  2464 The primitive recursive function can have infix or mixfix syntax:
  2465 \begin{ttbox}\underscoreon
  2466 consts "@"  :: ['a list, 'a list] => 'a list  (infixr 60)
  2467 primrec
  2468    "[] @ ys = ys"
  2469    "(x#xs) @ ys = x#(xs @ ys)"
  2470 \end{ttbox}
  2472 The reduction rules become part of the default simpset, which
  2473 leads to short proof scripts:
  2474 \begin{ttbox}\underscoreon
  2475 Goal "(xs @ ys) @ zs = xs @ (ys @ zs)";
  2476 by (induct\_tac "xs" 1);
  2477 by (ALLGOALS Asm\_simp\_tac);
  2478 \end{ttbox}
  2480 \subsubsection{Example: Evaluation of expressions}
  2481 Using mutual primitive recursion, we can define evaluation functions \texttt{evala}
  2482 and \texttt{eval_bexp} for the datatypes of arithmetic and boolean expressions mentioned in
  2483 {\S}\ref{subsec:datatype:basics}:
  2484 \begin{ttbox}
  2485 consts
  2486   evala :: "['a => nat, 'a aexp] => nat"
  2487   evalb :: "['a => nat, 'a bexp] => bool"
  2489 primrec
  2490   "evala env (If_then_else b a1 a2) =
  2491      (if evalb env b then evala env a1 else evala env a2)"
  2492   "evala env (Sum a1 a2) = evala env a1 + evala env a2"
  2493   "evala env (Diff a1 a2) = evala env a1 - evala env a2"
  2494   "evala env (Var v) = env v"
  2495   "evala env (Num n) = n"
  2497   "evalb env (Less a1 a2) = (evala env a1 < evala env a2)"
  2498   "evalb env (And b1 b2) = (evalb env b1 & evalb env b2)"
  2499   "evalb env (Or b1 b2) = (evalb env b1 & evalb env b2)"
  2500 \end{ttbox}
  2501 Since the value of an expression depends on the value of its variables,
  2502 the functions \texttt{evala} and \texttt{evalb} take an additional
  2503 parameter, an {\em environment} of type \texttt{'a => nat}, which maps
  2504 variables to their values.
  2506 Similarly, we may define substitution functions \texttt{substa}
  2507 and \texttt{substb} for expressions: The mapping \texttt{f} of type
  2508 \texttt{'a => 'a aexp} given as a parameter is lifted canonically
  2509 on the types \texttt{'a aexp} and \texttt{'a bexp}:
  2510 \begin{ttbox}
  2511 consts
  2512   substa :: "['a => 'b aexp, 'a aexp] => 'b aexp"
  2513   substb :: "['a => 'b aexp, 'a bexp] => 'b bexp"
  2515 primrec
  2516   "substa f (If_then_else b a1 a2) =
  2517      If_then_else (substb f b) (substa f a1) (substa f a2)"
  2518   "substa f (Sum a1 a2) = Sum (substa f a1) (substa f a2)"
  2519   "substa f (Diff a1 a2) = Diff (substa f a1) (substa f a2)"
  2520   "substa f (Var v) = f v"
  2521   "substa f (Num n) = Num n"
  2523   "substb f (Less a1 a2) = Less (substa f a1) (substa f a2)"
  2524   "substb f (And b1 b2) = And (substb f b1) (substb f b2)"
  2525   "substb f (Or b1 b2) = Or (substb f b1) (substb f b2)"
  2526 \end{ttbox}
  2527 In textbooks about semantics one often finds {\em substitution theorems},
  2528 which express the relationship between substitution and evaluation. For
  2529 \texttt{'a aexp} and \texttt{'a bexp}, we can prove such a theorem by mutual
  2530 induction, followed by simplification:
  2531 \begin{ttbox}
  2532 Goal
  2533   "evala env (substa (Var(v := a')) a) =
  2534      evala (env(v := evala env a')) a &
  2535    evalb env (substb (Var(v := a')) b) =
  2536      evalb (env(v := evala env a')) b";
  2537 by (induct_tac "a b" 1);
  2538 by (ALLGOALS Asm_full_simp_tac);
  2539 \end{ttbox}
  2541 \subsubsection{Example: A substitution function for terms}
  2542 Functions on datatypes with nested recursion, such as the type
  2543 \texttt{term} mentioned in {\S}\ref{subsec:datatype:basics}, are
  2544 also defined by mutual primitive recursion. A substitution
  2545 function \texttt{subst_term} on type \texttt{term}, similar to the functions
  2546 \texttt{substa} and \texttt{substb} described above, can
  2547 be defined as follows:
  2548 \begin{ttbox}
  2549 consts
  2550   subst_term :: "['a => ('a, 'b) term, ('a, 'b) term] => ('a, 'b) term"
  2551   subst_term_list ::
  2552     "['a => ('a, 'b) term, ('a, 'b) term list] => ('a, 'b) term list"
  2554 primrec
  2555   "subst_term f (Var a) = f a"
  2556   "subst_term f (App b ts) = App b (subst_term_list f ts)"
  2558   "subst_term_list f [] = []"
  2559   "subst_term_list f (t # ts) =
  2560      subst_term f t # subst_term_list f ts"
  2561 \end{ttbox}
  2562 The recursion scheme follows the structure of the unfolded definition of type
  2563 \texttt{term} shown in {\S}\ref{subsec:datatype:basics}. To prove properties of
  2564 this substitution function, mutual induction is needed:
  2565 \begin{ttbox}
  2566 Goal
  2567   "(subst_term ((subst_term f1) o f2) t) =
  2568      (subst_term f1 (subst_term f2 t)) &
  2569    (subst_term_list ((subst_term f1) o f2) ts) =
  2570      (subst_term_list f1 (subst_term_list f2 ts))";
  2571 by (induct_tac "t ts" 1);
  2572 by (ALLGOALS Asm_full_simp_tac);
  2573 \end{ttbox}
  2575 \subsubsection{Example: A map function for infinitely branching trees}
  2576 Defining functions on infinitely branching datatypes by primitive
  2577 recursion is just as easy. For example, we can define a function
  2578 \texttt{map_tree} on \texttt{'a tree} as follows:
  2579 \begin{ttbox}
  2580 consts
  2581   map_tree :: "('a => 'b) => 'a tree => 'b tree"
  2583 primrec
  2584   "map_tree f (Atom a) = Atom (f a)"
  2585   "map_tree f (Branch ts) = Branch (\%x. map_tree f (ts x))"
  2586 \end{ttbox}
  2587 Note that all occurrences of functions such as \texttt{ts} in the
  2588 \texttt{primrec} clauses must be applied to an argument. In particular,
  2589 \texttt{map_tree f o ts} is not allowed.
  2591 \index{recursion!primitive|)}
  2592 \index{*primrec|)}
  2595 \subsection{General recursive functions}
  2596 \label{sec:HOL:recdef}
  2597 \index{recursion!general|(}
  2598 \index{*recdef|(}
  2600 Using \texttt{recdef}, you can declare functions involving nested recursion
  2601 and pattern-matching.  Recursion need not involve datatypes and there are few
  2602 syntactic restrictions.  Termination is proved by showing that each recursive
  2603 call makes the argument smaller in a suitable sense, which you specify by
  2604 supplying a well-founded relation.
  2606 Here is a simple example, the Fibonacci function.  The first line declares
  2607 \texttt{fib} to be a constant.  The well-founded relation is simply~$<$ (on
  2608 the natural numbers).  Pattern-matching is used here: \texttt{1} is a
  2609 macro for \texttt{Suc~0}.
  2610 \begin{ttbox}
  2611 consts fib  :: "nat => nat"
  2612 recdef fib "less_than"
  2613     "fib 0 = 0"
  2614     "fib 1 = 1"
  2615     "fib (Suc(Suc x)) = (fib x + fib (Suc x))"
  2616 \end{ttbox}
  2618 With \texttt{recdef}, function definitions may be incomplete, and patterns may
  2619 overlap, as in functional programming.  The \texttt{recdef} package
  2620 disambiguates overlapping patterns by taking the order of rules into account.
  2621 For missing patterns, the function is defined to return a default value.
  2623 %For example, here is a declaration of the list function \cdx{hd}:
  2624 %\begin{ttbox}
  2625 %consts hd :: 'a list => 'a
  2626 %recdef hd "\{\}"
  2627 %    "hd (x#l) = x"
  2628 %\end{ttbox}
  2629 %Because this function is not recursive, we may supply the empty well-founded
  2630 %relation, $\{\}$.
  2632 The well-founded relation defines a notion of ``smaller'' for the function's
  2633 argument type.  The relation $\prec$ is \textbf{well-founded} provided it
  2634 admits no infinitely decreasing chains
  2635 \[ \cdots\prec x@n\prec\cdots\prec x@1. \]
  2636 If the function's argument has type~$\tau$, then $\prec$ has to be a relation
  2637 over~$\tau$: it must have type $(\tau\times\tau)set$.
  2639 Proving well-foundedness can be tricky, so Isabelle/HOL provides a collection
  2640 of operators for building well-founded relations.  The package recognises
  2641 these operators and automatically proves that the constructed relation is
  2642 well-founded.  Here are those operators, in order of importance:
  2643 \begin{itemize}
  2644 \item \texttt{less_than} is ``less than'' on the natural numbers.
  2645   (It has type $(nat\times nat)set$, while $<$ has type $[nat,nat]\To bool$.
  2647 \item $\mathop{\mathtt{measure}} f$, where $f$ has type $\tau\To nat$, is the
  2648   relation~$\prec$ on type~$\tau$ such that $x\prec y$ iff $f(x)<f(y)$.
  2649   Typically, $f$ takes the recursive function's arguments (as a tuple) and
  2650   returns a result expressed in terms of the function \texttt{size}.  It is
  2651   called a \textbf{measure function}.  Recall that \texttt{size} is overloaded
  2652   and is defined on all datatypes (see {\S}\ref{sec:HOL:size}).
  2654 \item $\mathop{\mathtt{inv_image}} f\;R$ is a generalisation of
  2655   \texttt{measure}.  It specifies a relation such that $x\prec y$ iff $f(x)$
  2656   is less than $f(y)$ according to~$R$, which must itself be a well-founded
  2657   relation.
  2659 \item $R@1\texttt{**}R@2$ is the lexicographic product of two relations.  It
  2660   is a relation on pairs and satisfies $(x@1,x@2)\prec(y@1,y@2)$ iff $x@1$
  2661   is less than $y@1$ according to~$R@1$ or $x@1=y@1$ and $x@2$
  2662   is less than $y@2$ according to~$R@2$.
  2664 \item \texttt{finite_psubset} is the proper subset relation on finite sets.
  2665 \end{itemize}
  2667 We can use \texttt{measure} to declare Euclid's algorithm for the greatest
  2668 common divisor.  The measure function, $\lambda(m,n). n$, specifies that the
  2669 recursion terminates because argument~$n$ decreases.
  2670 \begin{ttbox}
  2671 recdef gcd "measure ((\%(m,n). n) ::nat*nat=>nat)"
  2672     "gcd (m, n) = (if n=0 then m else gcd(n, m mod n))"
  2673 \end{ttbox}
  2675 The general form of a well-founded recursive definition is
  2676 \begin{ttbox}
  2677 recdef {\it function} {\it rel}
  2678     congs   {\it congruence rules}      {\bf(optional)}
  2679     simpset {\it simplification set}      {\bf(optional)}
  2680    {\it reduction rules}
  2681 \end{ttbox}
  2682 where
  2683 \begin{itemize}
  2684 \item \textit{function} is the name of the function, either as an \textit{id}
  2685   or a \textit{string}.  
  2687 \item \textit{rel} is a {\HOL} expression for the well-founded termination
  2688   relation.
  2690 \item \textit{congruence rules} are required only in highly exceptional
  2691   circumstances.
  2693 \item The \textit{simplification set} is used to prove that the supplied
  2694   relation is well-founded.  It is also used to prove the \textbf{termination
  2695     conditions}: assertions that arguments of recursive calls decrease under
  2696   \textit{rel}.  By default, simplification uses \texttt{simpset()}, which
  2697   is sufficient to prove well-foundedness for the built-in relations listed
  2698   above. 
  2700 \item \textit{reduction rules} specify one or more recursion equations.  Each
  2701   left-hand side must have the form $f\,t$, where $f$ is the function and $t$
  2702   is a tuple of distinct variables.  If more than one equation is present then
  2703   $f$ is defined by pattern-matching on components of its argument whose type
  2704   is a \texttt{datatype}.  
  2706   The \ML\ identifier $f$\texttt{.simps} contains the reduction rules as
  2707   a list of theorems.
  2708 \end{itemize}
  2710 With the definition of \texttt{gcd} shown above, Isabelle/HOL is unable to
  2711 prove one termination condition.  It remains as a precondition of the
  2712 recursion theorems:
  2713 \begin{ttbox}
  2714 gcd.simps;
  2715 {\out ["! m n. n ~= 0 --> m mod n < n}
  2716 {\out   ==> gcd (?m, ?n) = (if ?n = 0 then ?m else gcd (?n, ?m mod ?n))"] }
  2717 {\out : thm list}
  2718 \end{ttbox}
  2719 The theory \texttt{HOL/ex/Primes} illustrates how to prove termination
  2720 conditions afterwards.  The function \texttt{Tfl.tgoalw} is like the standard
  2721 function \texttt{goalw}, which sets up a goal to prove, but its argument
  2722 should be the identifier $f$\texttt{.simps} and its effect is to set up a
  2723 proof of the termination conditions:
  2724 \begin{ttbox}
  2725 Tfl.tgoalw thy [] gcd.simps;
  2726 {\out Level 0}
  2727 {\out ! m n. n ~= 0 --> m mod n < n}
  2728 {\out  1. ! m n. n ~= 0 --> m mod n < n}
  2729 \end{ttbox}
  2730 This subgoal has a one-step proof using \texttt{simp_tac}.  Once the theorem
  2731 is proved, it can be used to eliminate the termination conditions from
  2732 elements of \texttt{gcd.simps}.  Theory \texttt{HOL/Subst/Unify} is a much
  2733 more complicated example of this process, where the termination conditions can
  2734 only be proved by complicated reasoning involving the recursive function
  2735 itself.
  2737 Isabelle/HOL can prove the \texttt{gcd} function's termination condition
  2738 automatically if supplied with the right simpset.
  2739 \begin{ttbox}
  2740 recdef gcd "measure ((\%(m,n). n) ::nat*nat=>nat)"
  2741   simpset "simpset() addsimps [mod_less_divisor, zero_less_eq]"
  2742     "gcd (m, n) = (if n=0 then m else gcd(n, m mod n))"
  2743 \end{ttbox}
  2745 If all termination conditions were proved automatically, $f$\texttt{.simps}
  2746 is added to the simpset automatically, just as in \texttt{primrec}. 
  2747 The simplification rules corresponding to clause $i$ (where counting starts
  2748 at 0) are called $f$\texttt{.}$i$ and can be accessed as \texttt{thms
  2749   "$f$.$i$"},
  2750 which returns a list of theorems. Thus you can, for example, remove specific
  2751 clauses from the simpset. Note that a single clause may give rise to a set of
  2752 simplification rules in order to capture the fact that if clauses overlap,
  2753 their order disambiguates them.
  2755 A \texttt{recdef} definition also returns an induction rule specialised for
  2756 the recursive function.  For the \texttt{gcd} function above, the induction
  2757 rule is
  2758 \begin{ttbox}
  2759 gcd.induct;
  2760 {\out "(!!m n. n ~= 0 --> ?P n (m mod n) ==> ?P m n) ==> ?P ?u ?v" : thm}
  2761 \end{ttbox}
  2762 This rule should be used to reason inductively about the \texttt{gcd}
  2763 function.  It usually makes the induction hypothesis available at all
  2764 recursive calls, leading to very direct proofs.  If any termination conditions
  2765 remain unproved, they will become additional premises of this rule.
  2767 \index{recursion!general|)}
  2768 \index{*recdef|)}
  2771 \section{Inductive and coinductive definitions}
  2772 \index{*inductive|(}
  2773 \index{*coinductive|(}
  2775 An {\bf inductive definition} specifies the least set~$R$ closed under given
  2776 rules.  (Applying a rule to elements of~$R$ yields a result within~$R$.)  For
  2777 example, a structural operational semantics is an inductive definition of an
  2778 evaluation relation.  Dually, a {\bf coinductive definition} specifies the
  2779 greatest set~$R$ consistent with given rules.  (Every element of~$R$ can be
  2780 seen as arising by applying a rule to elements of~$R$.)  An important example
  2781 is using bisimulation relations to formalise equivalence of processes and
  2782 infinite data structures.
  2784 A theory file may contain any number of inductive and coinductive
  2785 definitions.  They may be intermixed with other declarations; in
  2786 particular, the (co)inductive sets {\bf must} be declared separately as
  2787 constants, and may have mixfix syntax or be subject to syntax translations.
  2789 Each (co)inductive definition adds definitions to the theory and also
  2790 proves some theorems.  Each definition creates an \ML\ structure, which is a
  2791 substructure of the main theory structure.
  2793 This package is related to the \ZF\ one, described in a separate
  2794 paper,%
  2795 \footnote{It appeared in CADE~\cite{paulson-CADE}; a longer version is
  2796   distributed with Isabelle.}  %
  2797 which you should refer to in case of difficulties.  The package is simpler
  2798 than \ZF's thanks to \HOL's extra-logical automatic type-checking.  The types
  2799 of the (co)inductive sets determine the domain of the fixedpoint definition,
  2800 and the package does not have to use inference rules for type-checking.
  2803 \subsection{The result structure}
  2804 Many of the result structure's components have been discussed in the paper;
  2805 others are self-explanatory.
  2806 \begin{description}
  2807 \item[\tt defs] is the list of definitions of the recursive sets.
  2809 \item[\tt mono] is a monotonicity theorem for the fixedpoint operator.
  2811 \item[\tt unfold] is a fixedpoint equation for the recursive set (the union of
  2812 the recursive sets, in the case of mutual recursion).
  2814 \item[\tt intrs] is the list of introduction rules, now proved as theorems, for
  2815 the recursive sets.  The rules are also available individually, using the
  2816 names given them in the theory file. 
  2818 \item[\tt elims] is the list of elimination rule.
  2820 \item[\tt elim] is the head of the list \texttt{elims}.
  2822 \item[\tt mk_cases] is a function to create simplified instances of {\tt
  2823 elim} using freeness reasoning on underlying datatypes.
  2824 \end{description}
  2826 For an inductive definition, the result structure contains the
  2827 rule \texttt{induct}.  For a
  2828 coinductive definition, it contains the rule \verb|coinduct|.
  2830 Figure~\ref{def-result-fig} summarises the two result signatures,
  2831 specifying the types of all these components.
  2833 \begin{figure}
  2834 \begin{ttbox}
  2835 sig
  2836 val defs         : thm list
  2837 val mono         : thm
  2838 val unfold       : thm
  2839 val intrs        : thm list
  2840 val elims        : thm list
  2841 val elim         : thm
  2842 val mk_cases     : string -> thm
  2843 {\it(Inductive definitions only)} 
  2844 val induct       : thm
  2845 {\it(coinductive definitions only)}
  2846 val coinduct     : thm
  2847 end
  2848 \end{ttbox}
  2849 \hrule
  2850 \caption{The {\ML} result of a (co)inductive definition} \label{def-result-fig}
  2851 \end{figure}
  2853 \subsection{The syntax of a (co)inductive definition}
  2854 An inductive definition has the form
  2855 \begin{ttbox}
  2856 inductive    {\it inductive sets}
  2857   intrs      {\it introduction rules}
  2858   monos      {\it monotonicity theorems}
  2859   con_defs   {\it constructor definitions}
  2860 \end{ttbox}
  2861 A coinductive definition is identical, except that it starts with the keyword
  2862 \texttt{coinductive}.  
  2864 The \texttt{monos} and \texttt{con_defs} sections are optional.  If present,
  2865 each is specified by a list of identifiers.
  2867 \begin{itemize}
  2868 \item The \textit{inductive sets} are specified by one or more strings.
  2870 \item The \textit{introduction rules} specify one or more introduction rules in
  2871   the form \textit{ident\/}~\textit{string}, where the identifier gives the name of
  2872   the rule in the result structure.
  2874 \item The \textit{monotonicity theorems} are required for each operator
  2875   applied to a recursive set in the introduction rules.  There {\bf must}
  2876   be a theorem of the form $A\subseteq B\Imp M(A)\subseteq M(B)$, for each
  2877   premise $t\in M(R@i)$ in an introduction rule!
  2879 \item The \textit{constructor definitions} contain definitions of constants
  2880   appearing in the introduction rules.  In most cases it can be omitted.
  2881 \end{itemize}
  2884 \subsection{*Monotonicity theorems}
  2886 Each theory contains a default set of theorems that are used in monotonicity
  2887 proofs. New rules can be added to this set via the \texttt{mono} attribute.
  2888 Theory \texttt{Inductive} shows how this is done. In general, the following
  2889 monotonicity theorems may be added:
  2890 \begin{itemize}
  2891 \item Theorems of the form $A\subseteq B\Imp M(A)\subseteq M(B)$, for proving
  2892   monotonicity of inductive definitions whose introduction rules have premises
  2893   involving terms such as $t\in M(R@i)$.
  2894 \item Monotonicity theorems for logical operators, which are of the general form
  2895   $\List{\cdots \rightarrow \cdots;~\ldots;~\cdots \rightarrow \cdots} \Imp
  2896     \cdots \rightarrow \cdots$.
  2897   For example, in the case of the operator $\vee$, the corresponding theorem is
  2898   \[
  2899   \infer{P@1 \vee P@2 \rightarrow Q@1 \vee Q@2}
  2900     {P@1 \rightarrow Q@1 & P@2 \rightarrow Q@2}
  2901   \]
  2902 \item De Morgan style equations for reasoning about the ``polarity'' of expressions, e.g.
  2903   \[
  2904   (\neg \neg P) ~=~ P \qquad\qquad
  2905   (\neg (P \wedge Q)) ~=~ (\neg P \vee \neg Q)
  2906   \]
  2907 \item Equations for reducing complex operators to more primitive ones whose
  2908   monotonicity can easily be proved, e.g.
  2909   \[
  2910   (P \rightarrow Q) ~=~ (\neg P \vee Q) \qquad\qquad
  2911   \mathtt{Ball}~A~P ~\equiv~ \forall x.~x \in A \rightarrow P~x
  2912   \]
  2913 \end{itemize}
  2915 \subsection{Example of an inductive definition}
  2916 Two declarations, included in a theory file, define the finite powerset
  2917 operator.  First we declare the constant~\texttt{Fin}.  Then we declare it
  2918 inductively, with two introduction rules:
  2919 \begin{ttbox}
  2920 consts Fin :: 'a set => 'a set set
  2921 inductive "Fin A"
  2922   intrs
  2923     emptyI  "{\ttlbrace}{\ttrbrace} : Fin A"
  2924     insertI "[| a: A;  b: Fin A |] ==> insert a b : Fin A"
  2925 \end{ttbox}
  2926 The resulting theory structure contains a substructure, called~\texttt{Fin}.
  2927 It contains the \texttt{Fin}$~A$ introduction rules as the list \texttt{Fin.intrs},
  2928 and also individually as \texttt{Fin.emptyI} and \texttt{Fin.consI}.  The induction
  2929 rule is \texttt{Fin.induct}.
  2931 For another example, here is a theory file defining the accessible
  2932 part of a relation.  The paper
  2933 \cite{paulson-CADE} discusses a \ZF\ version of this example in more
  2934 detail.
  2935 \begin{ttbox}
  2936 Acc = WF + Inductive +
  2938 consts acc :: "('a * 'a)set => 'a set"   (* accessible part *)
  2940 inductive "acc r"
  2941   intrs
  2942     accI "ALL y. (y, x) : r --> y : acc r ==> x : acc r"
  2944 end
  2945 \end{ttbox}
  2946 The Isabelle distribution contains many other inductive definitions.  Simple
  2947 examples are collected on subdirectory \texttt{HOL/Induct}.  The theory
  2948 \texttt{HOL/Induct/LList} contains coinductive definitions.  Larger examples
  2949 may be found on other subdirectories of \texttt{HOL}, such as \texttt{IMP},
  2950 \texttt{Lambda} and \texttt{Auth}.
  2952 \index{*coinductive|)} \index{*inductive|)}
  2955 \section{The examples directories}
  2957 Directory \texttt{HOL/Auth} contains theories for proving the correctness of
  2958 cryptographic protocols~\cite{paulson-jcs}.  The approach is based upon
  2959 operational semantics rather than the more usual belief logics.  On the same
  2960 directory are proofs for some standard examples, such as the Needham-Schroeder
  2961 public-key authentication protocol and the Otway-Rees
  2962 protocol.
  2964 Directory \texttt{HOL/IMP} contains a formalization of various denotational,
  2965 operational and axiomatic semantics of a simple while-language, the necessary
  2966 equivalence proofs, soundness and completeness of the Hoare rules with
  2967 respect to the denotational semantics, and soundness and completeness of a
  2968 verification condition generator.  Much of development is taken from
  2969 Winskel~\cite{winskel93}.  For details see~\cite{nipkow-IMP}.
  2971 Directory \texttt{HOL/Hoare} contains a user friendly surface syntax for Hoare
  2972 logic, including a tactic for generating verification-conditions.
  2974 Directory \texttt{HOL/MiniML} contains a formalization of the type system of
  2975 the core functional language Mini-ML and a correctness proof for its type
  2976 inference algorithm $\cal W$~\cite{milner78,nipkow-W}.
  2978 Directory \texttt{HOL/Lambda} contains a formalization of untyped
  2979 $\lambda$-calculus in de~Bruijn notation and Church-Rosser proofs for $\beta$
  2980 and $\eta$ reduction~\cite{Nipkow-CR}.
  2982 Directory \texttt{HOL/Subst} contains Martin Coen's mechanization of a theory of
  2983 substitutions and unifiers.  It is based on Paulson's previous
  2984 mechanisation in {\LCF}~\cite{paulson85} of Manna and Waldinger's
  2985 theory~\cite{mw81}.  It demonstrates a complicated use of \texttt{recdef},
  2986 with nested recursion.
  2988 Directory \texttt{HOL/Induct} presents simple examples of (co)inductive
  2989 definitions and datatypes.
  2990 \begin{itemize}
  2991 \item Theory \texttt{PropLog} proves the soundness and completeness of
  2992   classical propositional logic, given a truth table semantics.  The only
  2993   connective is $\imp$.  A Hilbert-style axiom system is specified, and its
  2994   set of theorems defined inductively.  A similar proof in \ZF{} is
  2995   described elsewhere~\cite{paulson-set-II}.
  2997 \item Theory \texttt{Term} defines the datatype \texttt{term}.
  2999 \item Theory \texttt{ABexp} defines arithmetic and boolean expressions
  3000  as mutually recursive datatypes.
  3002 \item The definition of lazy lists demonstrates methods for handling
  3003   infinite data structures and coinduction in higher-order
  3004   logic~\cite{paulson-coind}.%
  3005 \footnote{To be precise, these lists are \emph{potentially infinite} rather
  3006   than lazy.  Lazy implies a particular operational semantics.}
  3007   Theory \thydx{LList} defines an operator for
  3008   corecursion on lazy lists, which is used to define a few simple functions
  3009   such as map and append.   A coinduction principle is defined
  3010   for proving equations on lazy lists.
  3012 \item Theory \thydx{LFilter} defines the filter functional for lazy lists.
  3013   This functional is notoriously difficult to define because finding the next
  3014   element meeting the predicate requires possibly unlimited search.  It is not
  3015   computable, but can be expressed using a combination of induction and
  3016   corecursion.  
  3018 \item Theory \thydx{Exp} illustrates the use of iterated inductive definitions
  3019   to express a programming language semantics that appears to require mutual
  3020   induction.  Iterated induction allows greater modularity.
  3021 \end{itemize}
  3023 Directory \texttt{HOL/ex} contains other examples and experimental proofs in
  3024 {\HOL}.  
  3025 \begin{itemize}
  3026 \item Theory \texttt{Recdef} presents many examples of using \texttt{recdef}
  3027   to define recursive functions.  Another example is \texttt{Fib}, which
  3028   defines the Fibonacci function.
  3030 \item Theory \texttt{Primes} defines the Greatest Common Divisor of two
  3031   natural numbers and proves a key lemma of the Fundamental Theorem of
  3032   Arithmetic: if $p$ is prime and $p$ divides $m\times n$ then $p$ divides~$m$
  3033   or $p$ divides~$n$.
  3035 \item Theory \texttt{Primrec} develops some computation theory.  It
  3036   inductively defines the set of primitive recursive functions and presents a
  3037   proof that Ackermann's function is not primitive recursive.
  3039 \item File \texttt{cla.ML} demonstrates the classical reasoner on over sixty
  3040   predicate calculus theorems, ranging from simple tautologies to
  3041   moderately difficult problems involving equality and quantifiers.
  3043 \item File \texttt{meson.ML} contains an experimental implementation of the {\sc
  3044     meson} proof procedure, inspired by Plaisted~\cite{plaisted90}.  It is
  3045   much more powerful than Isabelle's classical reasoner.  But it is less
  3046   useful in practice because it works only for pure logic; it does not
  3047   accept derived rules for the set theory primitives, for example.
  3049 \item File \texttt{mesontest.ML} contains test data for the {\sc meson} proof
  3050   procedure.  These are mostly taken from Pelletier \cite{pelletier86}.
  3052 \item File \texttt{set.ML} proves Cantor's Theorem, which is presented in
  3053   {\S}\ref{sec:hol-cantor} below, and the Schr{\"o}der-Bernstein Theorem.
  3055 \item Theory \texttt{MT} contains Jacob Frost's formalization~\cite{frost93} of
  3056   Milner and Tofte's coinduction example~\cite{milner-coind}.  This
  3057   substantial proof concerns the soundness of a type system for a simple
  3058   functional language.  The semantics of recursion is given by a cyclic
  3059   environment, which makes a coinductive argument appropriate.
  3060 \end{itemize}
  3063 \goodbreak
  3064 \section{Example: Cantor's Theorem}\label{sec:hol-cantor}
  3065 Cantor's Theorem states that every set has more subsets than it has
  3066 elements.  It has become a favourite example in higher-order logic since
  3067 it is so easily expressed:
  3068 \[  \forall f::\alpha \To \alpha \To bool. \exists S::\alpha\To bool.
  3069     \forall x::\alpha. f~x \not= S 
  3070 \] 
  3071 %
  3072 Viewing types as sets, $\alpha\To bool$ represents the powerset
  3073 of~$\alpha$.  This version states that for every function from $\alpha$ to
  3074 its powerset, some subset is outside its range.  
  3076 The Isabelle proof uses \HOL's set theory, with the type $\alpha\,set$ and
  3077 the operator \cdx{range}.
  3078 \begin{ttbox}
  3079 context Set.thy;
  3080 \end{ttbox}
  3081 The set~$S$ is given as an unknown instead of a
  3082 quantified variable so that we may inspect the subset found by the proof.
  3083 \begin{ttbox}
  3084 Goal "?S ~: range\thinspace(f :: 'a=>'a set)";
  3085 {\out Level 0}
  3086 {\out ?S ~: range f}
  3087 {\out  1. ?S ~: range f}
  3088 \end{ttbox}
  3089 The first two steps are routine.  The rule \tdx{rangeE} replaces
  3090 $\Var{S}\in \texttt{range} \, f$ by $\Var{S}=f~x$ for some~$x$.
  3091 \begin{ttbox}
  3092 by (resolve_tac [notI] 1);
  3093 {\out Level 1}
  3094 {\out ?S ~: range f}
  3095 {\out  1. ?S : range f ==> False}
  3096 \ttbreak
  3097 by (eresolve_tac [rangeE] 1);
  3098 {\out Level 2}
  3099 {\out ?S ~: range f}
  3100 {\out  1. !!x. ?S = f x ==> False}
  3101 \end{ttbox}
  3102 Next, we apply \tdx{equalityCE}, reasoning that since $\Var{S}=f~x$,
  3103 we have $\Var{c}\in \Var{S}$ if and only if $\Var{c}\in f~x$ for
  3104 any~$\Var{c}$.
  3105 \begin{ttbox}
  3106 by (eresolve_tac [equalityCE] 1);
  3107 {\out Level 3}
  3108 {\out ?S ~: range f}
  3109 {\out  1. !!x. [| ?c3 x : ?S; ?c3 x : f x |] ==> False}
  3110 {\out  2. !!x. [| ?c3 x ~: ?S; ?c3 x ~: f x |] ==> False}
  3111 \end{ttbox}
  3112 Now we use a bit of creativity.  Suppose that~$\Var{S}$ has the form of a
  3113 comprehension.  Then $\Var{c}\in\{x.\Var{P}~x\}$ implies
  3114 $\Var{P}~\Var{c}$.   Destruct-resolution using \tdx{CollectD}
  3115 instantiates~$\Var{S}$ and creates the new assumption.
  3116 \begin{ttbox}
  3117 by (dresolve_tac [CollectD] 1);
  3118 {\out Level 4}
  3119 {\out {\ttlbrace}x. ?P7 x{\ttrbrace} ~: range f}
  3120 {\out  1. !!x. [| ?c3 x : f x; ?P7(?c3 x) |] ==> False}
  3121 {\out  2. !!x. [| ?c3 x ~: {\ttlbrace}x. ?P7 x{\ttrbrace}; ?c3 x ~: f x |] ==> False}
  3122 \end{ttbox}
  3123 Forcing a contradiction between the two assumptions of subgoal~1
  3124 completes the instantiation of~$S$.  It is now the set $\{x. x\not\in
  3125 f~x\}$, which is the standard diagonal construction.
  3126 \begin{ttbox}
  3127 by (contr_tac 1);
  3128 {\out Level 5}
  3129 {\out {\ttlbrace}x. x ~: f x{\ttrbrace} ~: range f}
  3130 {\out  1. !!x. [| x ~: {\ttlbrace}x. x ~: f x{\ttrbrace}; x ~: f x |] ==> False}
  3131 \end{ttbox}
  3132 The rest should be easy.  To apply \tdx{CollectI} to the negated
  3133 assumption, we employ \ttindex{swap_res_tac}:
  3134 \begin{ttbox}
  3135 by (swap_res_tac [CollectI] 1);
  3136 {\out Level 6}
  3137 {\out {\ttlbrace}x. x ~: f x{\ttrbrace} ~: range f}
  3138 {\out  1. !!x. [| x ~: f x; ~ False |] ==> x ~: f x}
  3139 \ttbreak
  3140 by (assume_tac 1);
  3141 {\out Level 7}
  3142 {\out {\ttlbrace}x. x ~: f x{\ttrbrace} ~: range f}
  3143 {\out No subgoals!}
  3144 \end{ttbox}
  3145 How much creativity is required?  As it happens, Isabelle can prove this
  3146 theorem automatically.  The default classical set \texttt{claset()} contains rules
  3147 for most of the constructs of \HOL's set theory.  We must augment it with
  3148 \tdx{equalityCE} to break up set equalities, and then apply best-first
  3149 search.  Depth-first search would diverge, but best-first search
  3150 successfully navigates through the large search space.
  3151 \index{search!best-first}
  3152 \begin{ttbox}
  3153 choplev 0;
  3154 {\out Level 0}
  3155 {\out ?S ~: range f}
  3156 {\out  1. ?S ~: range f}
  3157 \ttbreak
  3158 by (best_tac (claset() addSEs [equalityCE]) 1);
  3159 {\out Level 1}
  3160 {\out {\ttlbrace}x. x ~: f x{\ttrbrace} ~: range f}
  3161 {\out No subgoals!}
  3162 \end{ttbox}
  3163 If you run this example interactively, make sure your current theory contains
  3164 theory \texttt{Set}, for example by executing \ttindex{context}~{\tt Set.thy}.
  3165 Otherwise the default claset may not contain the rules for set theory.
  3166 \index{higher-order logic|)}
  3168 %%% Local Variables: 
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  3171 %%% End: