author wenzelm
Sat, 15 Oct 2005 00:08:13 +0200
changeset 17864 b039ea8bb965
parent 17274 746bb4c56800
child 18232 bc367912603f
permissions -rw-r--r--
added guess;
     2 \chapter{Generic tools and packages}\label{ch:gen-tools}
     4 \section{Theory specification commands}
     6 \subsection{Axiomatic type classes}\label{sec:axclass}
     8 \indexisarcmd{axclass}\indexisarcmd{instance}\indexisarmeth{intro-classes}
     9 \begin{matharray}{rcl}
    10   \isarcmd{axclass} & : & \isartrans{theory}{theory} \\
    11   \isarcmd{instance} & : & \isartrans{theory}{proof(prove)} \\
    12   intro_classes & : & \isarmeth \\
    13 \end{matharray}
    15 Axiomatic type classes are provided by Isabelle/Pure as a \emph{definitional}
    16 interface to type classes (cf.~\S\ref{sec:classes}).  Thus any object logic
    17 may make use of this light-weight mechanism of abstract theories
    18 \cite{Wenzel:1997:TPHOL}.  There is also a tutorial on using axiomatic type
    19 classes in Isabelle \cite{isabelle-axclass} that is part of the standard
    20 Isabelle documentation.
    22 \begin{rail}
    23   'axclass' classdecl (axmdecl prop +)
    24   ;
    25   'instance' (nameref ('<' | subseteq) nameref | nameref '::' arity)
    26   ;
    27 \end{rail}
    29 \begin{descr}
    31 \item [$\AXCLASS~c \subseteq \vec c~~axms$] defines an axiomatic type class as
    32   the intersection of existing classes, with additional axioms holding.  Class
    33   axioms may not contain more than one type variable.  The class axioms (with
    34   implicit sort constraints added) are bound to the given names.  Furthermore
    35   a class introduction rule is generated (being bound as
    36   $c_class{\dtt}intro$); this rule is employed by method $intro_classes$ to
    37   support instantiation proofs of this class.
    39   The ``axioms'' are stored as theorems according to the given name
    40   specifications, adding the class name $c$ as name space prefix; the same
    41   facts are also stored collectively as $c_class{\dtt}axioms$.
    43 \item [$\INSTANCE~c@1 \subseteq c@2$ and $\INSTANCE~t :: (\vec s)s$] setup a
    44   goal stating a class relation or type arity.  The proof would usually
    45   proceed by $intro_classes$, and then establish the characteristic theorems
    46   of the type classes involved.  After finishing the proof, the theory will be
    47   augmented by a type signature declaration corresponding to the resulting
    48   theorem.
    50 \item [$intro_classes$] repeatedly expands all class introduction rules of
    51   this theory.  Note that this method usually needs not be named explicitly,
    52   as it is already included in the default proof step (of $\PROOFNAME$ etc.).
    53   In particular, instantiation of trivial (syntactic) classes may be performed
    54   by a single ``$\DDOT$'' proof step.
    56 \end{descr}
    59 \subsection{Locales and local contexts}\label{sec:locale}
    61 Locales are named local contexts, consisting of a list of declaration elements
    62 that are modeled after the Isar proof context commands (cf.\
    63 \S\ref{sec:proof-context}).
    66 \subsubsection{Localized commands}
    68 Existing locales may be augmented later on by adding new facts.  Note that the
    69 actual context definition may not be changed!  Several theory commands that
    70 produce facts in some way are available in ``localized'' versions, referring
    71 to a named locale instead of the global theory context.
    73 \indexouternonterm{locale}
    74 \begin{rail}
    75   locale: '(' 'in' name ')'
    76   ;
    77 \end{rail}
    79 Emerging facts of localized commands are stored in two versions, both in the
    80 target locale and the theory (after export).  The latter view produces a
    81 qualified binding, using the locale name as a name space prefix.
    83 For example, ``$\LEMMAS~(\IN~loc)~a = \vec b$'' retrieves facts $\vec b$ from
    84 the locale context of $loc$ and augments its body by an appropriate
    85 ``$\isarkeyword{notes}$'' element (see below).  The exported view of $a$,
    86 after discharging the locale context, is stored as $loc{.}a$ within the global
    87 theory.  A localized goal ``$\LEMMANAME~(\IN~loc)~a:~\phi$'' works similarly,
    88 only that the fact emerges through the subsequent proof, which may refer to
    89 the full infrastructure of the locale context (covering local parameters with
    90 typing and concrete syntax, assumptions, definitions etc.).  Most notably,
    91 fact declarations of the locale are active during the proof as well (e.g.\ 
    92 local $simp$ rules).
    94 As a general principle, results exported from a locale context acquire
    95 additional premises according to the specification.  Usually this is only a
    96 single predicate according to the standard ``closed'' view of locale
    97 specifications.
   100 \subsubsection{Locale specifications}
   102 \indexisarcmd{locale}\indexisarcmd{print-locale}\indexisarcmd{print-locales}
   103 \begin{matharray}{rcl}
   104   \isarcmd{locale} & : & \isarkeep{theory} \\
   105   \isarcmd{print_locale}^* & : & \isarkeep{theory~|~proof} \\
   106   \isarcmd{print_locales}^* & : & \isarkeep{theory~|~proof} \\
   107 \end{matharray}
   109 \indexouternonterm{contextexpr}\indexouternonterm{contextelem}
   111 \railalias{printlocale}{print\_locale}
   112 \railterm{printlocale}
   114 \begin{rail}
   115   'locale' ('(open)')? name ('=' localeexpr)?
   116   ;
   117   printlocale '!'? localeexpr
   118   ;
   119   localeexpr: ((contextexpr '+' (contextelem+)) | contextexpr | (contextelem+))
   120   ;
   122   contextexpr: nameref | '(' contextexpr ')' |
   123   (contextexpr (name mixfix? +)) | (contextexpr + '+')
   124   ;
   125   contextelem: fixes | constrains | assumes | defines | notes | includes
   126   ;
   127   fixes: 'fixes' (name ('::' type)? structmixfix? + 'and')
   128   ;
   129   constrains: 'constrains' (name '::' type + 'and')
   130   ;
   131   assumes: 'assumes' (thmdecl? props + 'and')
   132   ;
   133   defines: 'defines' (thmdecl? prop proppat? + 'and')
   134   ;
   135   notes: 'notes' (thmdef? thmrefs + 'and')
   136   ;
   137   includes: 'includes' contextexpr
   138   ;
   139 \end{rail}
   141 \begin{descr}
   143 \item [$\LOCALE~loc~=~import~+~body$] defines a new locale $loc$ as a context
   144   consisting of a certain view of existing locales ($import$) plus some
   145   additional elements ($body$).  Both $import$ and $body$ are optional; the
   146   degenerate form $\LOCALE~loc$ defines an empty locale, which may still be
   147   useful to collect declarations of facts later on.  Type-inference on locale
   148   expressions automatically takes care of the most general typing that the
   149   combined context elements may acquire.
   151   The $import$ consists of a structured context expression, consisting of
   152   references to existing locales, renamed contexts, or merged contexts.
   153   Renaming uses positional notation: $c~\vec x$ means that (a prefix of) the
   154   fixed parameters of context $c$ are named according to $\vec x$; a
   155   ``\texttt{_}'' (underscore) \indexisarthm{_@\texttt{_}} means to skip that
   156   position.  Renaming by default deletes existing syntax.  Optionally,
   157   new syntax may by specified with a mixfix annotation.  Note that the
   158   special syntax declared with ``$(structure)$'' (see below) is
   159   neither deleted nor can it be changed.
   160   Merging proceeds from left-to-right, suppressing any duplicates stemming
   161   from different paths through the import hierarchy.
   163   The $body$ consists of basic context elements, further context expressions
   164   may be included as well.
   166   \begin{descr}
   168   \item [$\FIXES{~x::\tau~(mx)}$] declares a local parameter of type $\tau$
   169     and mixfix annotation $mx$ (both are optional).  The special syntax
   170     declaration ``$(structure)$'' means that $x$ may be referenced
   171     implicitly in this context.
   173   \item [$\CONSTRAINS{~x::\tau}$] introduces a type constraint $\tau$
   174     on the local parameter $x$.
   176   \item [$\ASSUMES{a}{\vec\phi}$] introduces local premises, similar to
   177     $\ASSUMENAME$ within a proof (cf.\ \S\ref{sec:proof-context}).
   179   \item [$\DEFINES{a}{x \equiv t}$] defines a previously declared parameter.
   180     This is close to $\DEFNAME$ within a proof (cf.\
   181     \S\ref{sec:proof-context}), but $\DEFINESNAME$ takes an equational
   182     proposition instead of variable-term pair.  The left-hand side of the
   183     equation may have additional arguments, e.g.\ ``$\DEFINES{}{f~\vec x
   184       \equiv t}$''.
   186   \item [$\NOTES{a}{\vec b}$] reconsiders facts within a local context.  Most
   187     notably, this may include arbitrary declarations in any attribute
   188     specifications included here, e.g.\ a local $simp$ rule.
   190   \item [$\INCLUDES{c}$] copies the specified context in a statically scoped
   191     manner.  Only available in the long goal format of \S\ref{sec:goals}.
   193     In contrast, the initial $import$ specification of a locale expression
   194     maintains a dynamic relation to the locales being referenced (benefiting
   195     from any later fact declarations in the obvious manner).
   196   \end{descr}
   198   Note that ``$\IS{p}$'' patterns given in the syntax of $\ASSUMESNAME$ and
   199   $\DEFINESNAME$ above are illegal in locale definitions.  In the long goal
   200   format of \S\ref{sec:goals}, term bindings may be included as expected,
   201   though.
   203   \medskip By default, locale specifications are ``closed up'' by turning the
   204   given text into a predicate definition $loc_axioms$ and deriving the
   205   original assumptions as local lemmas (modulo local definitions).  The
   206   predicate statement covers only the newly specified assumptions, omitting
   207   the content of included locale expressions.  The full cumulative view is
   208   only provided on export, involving another predicate $loc$ that refers to
   209   the complete specification text.
   211   In any case, the predicate arguments are those locale parameters that
   212   actually occur in the respective piece of text.  Also note that these
   213   predicates operate at the meta-level in theory, but the locale packages
   214   attempts to internalize statements according to the object-logic setup
   215   (e.g.\ replacing $\Forall$ by $\forall$, and $\Imp$ by $\imp$ in HOL; see
   216   also \S\ref{sec:object-logic}).  Separate introduction rules
   217   $loc_axioms.intro$ and $loc.intro$ are declared as well.
   219   The $(open)$ option of a locale specification prevents both the current
   220   $loc_axioms$ and cumulative $loc$ predicate constructions.  Predicates are
   221   also omitted for empty specification texts.
   223 \item [$\isarkeyword{print_locale}~import~+~body$] prints the specified locale
   224   expression in a flattened form.  The notable special case
   225   $\isarkeyword{print_locale}~loc$ just prints the contents of the named
   226   locale, but keep in mind that type-inference will normalize type variables
   227   according to the usual alphabetical order.  The command omits
   228   $\isarkeyword{notes}$ elements by default.  Use
   229   $\isarkeyword{print_locale}!$ to get them included.
   231 \item [$\isarkeyword{print_locales}$] prints the names of all locales of the
   232   current theory.
   234 \end{descr}
   237 \subsubsection{Interpretation of locales}
   239 Locale expressions (more precisely, \emph{context expressions}) may be
   240 instantiated, and the instantiated facts added to the current context.
   241 This requires a proof of the instantiated specification and is called
   242 \emph{locale interpretation}.  Interpretation is possible in theories
   243 and locales
   244 (command $\isarcmd{interpretation}$) and also in proof contexts
   245 ($\isarcmd{interpret}$).
   247 \indexisarcmd{interpretation}\indexisarcmd{interpret}
   248 \indexisarcmd{print-interps}
   249 \begin{matharray}{rcl}
   250   \isarcmd{interpretation} & : & \isartrans{theory}{proof(prove)} \\
   251   \isarcmd{interpret} & : & \isartrans{proof(state) ~|~ proof(chain)}{proof(prove)} \\
   252   \isarcmd{print_interps}^* & : &  \isarkeep{theory~|~proof} \\
   253 \end{matharray}
   255 \indexouternonterm{interp}
   257 \railalias{printinterps}{print\_interps}
   258 \railterm{printinterps}
   260 \begin{rail}
   261   'interpretation' (interp | name ('<' | subseteq) contextexp)
   262   ;
   263   'interpret' interp
   264   ;
   265   printinterps '!'? name
   266   ;
   267   interp: thmdecl? contextexpr ('[' (inst+) ']')?
   268   ;
   269 \end{rail}
   272 \begin{descr}
   274 \item [$\isarcmd{interpretation}~expr~insts$]
   276   The first form of $\isarcmd{interpretation}$ interprets $expr$
   277   in the theory.  The instantiation is given as a list of
   278   terms $insts$ and is positional.
   279   All parameters must receive an instantiation term --- with the
   280   exception of defined parameters.  These are, if omitted, derived
   281   from the defining equation and other instantiations.  Use ``\_'' to
   282   omit an instantiation term.  Free variables are automatically
   283   generalized.
   285   The command generates proof obligations for the instantiated
   286   specifications (assumes and defines elements).  Once these are
   287   discharged by the user, instantiated facts are added to the theory in
   288   a post-processing phase.
   290   The command is aware of interpretations already active in the
   291   theory.  No proof obligations are generated for those, neither is
   292   post-processing applied to their facts.  This avoids duplication of
   293   interpreted facts, in particular.  Note that, in the case of a
   294   locale with import, parts of the interpretation may already be
   295   active.  The command will only generate proof obligations and add
   296   facts for new parts.
   298   The context expression may be preceded by a name and/or attributes.
   299   These take effect in the post-processing of facts.  The name is used
   300   to prefix fact names, for example to avoid accidental hiding of
   301   other facts.  Attributes are applied after attributes of the
   302   interpreted facts.
   304   Adding facts to locales has the
   305   effect of adding interpreted facts to the theory for all active
   306   interpretations also.  That is, interpretations dynamically
   307   participate in any facts added to locales.
   309 \item [$\isarcmd{interpretation}~name~\subseteq~expr$]
   311   This form of the command interprets $expr$ in the locale $name$.  It
   312   requires a proof that the specification of $name$ implies the
   313   specification of $expr$.  As in the localized version of the theorem
   314   command, the proof is in the context of $name$.  After the proof
   315   obligation has been dischared, the facts of $expr$
   316   become part of locale $name$ as \emph{derived} context elements and
   317   are available when the context $name$ is subsequently entered.
   318   Note that, like import, this is dynamic: facts added to a locale
   319   part of $expr$ after interpretation become also available in
   320   $name$.  Like facts
   321   of renamed context elements, facts obtained by interpretation may be
   322   accessed by prefixing with the parameter renaming (where the parameters
   323   are separated by `\_').
   325   Unlike interpretation in theories, instantiation is confined to the
   326   renaming of parameters, which may be specified as part of the context
   327   expression $expr$.  Using defined parameters in $name$ one may
   328   achieve an effect similar to instantiation, though.
   330   Only specification fragments of $expr$ that are not already part of
   331   $name$ (be it imported, derived or a derived fragment of the import)
   332   are considered by interpretation.  This enables circular
   333   interpretations.
   335   If interpretations of $name$ exist in the current theory, the
   336   command adds interpretations for $expr$ as well, with the same
   337   prefix and attributes, although only for fragments of $expr$ that
   338   are not interpreted in the theory already.
   340 \item [$\isarcmd{interpret}~expr~insts$]
   341   interprets $expr$ in the proof context and is otherwise similar to
   342   interpretation in theories.  Free variables in instantiations are not
   343   generalized, however.
   345 \item [$\isarcmd{print_interps}~loc$]
   346   prints the interpretations of a particular locale $loc$ that are
   347   active in the current context, either theory or proof context.  The
   348   exclamation point argument causes triggers printing of
   349   \emph{witness} theorems justifying interpretations.  These are
   350   normally omitted from the output.
   353 \end{descr}
   355 \begin{warn}
   356   Since attributes are applied to interpreted theorems, interpretation
   357   may modify the current simpset and claset.  Take this into
   358   account when choosing attributes for local theorems.
   359 \end{warn}
   361 \begin{warn}
   362   An interpretation in a theory may subsume previous interpretations.
   363   This happens if the same specification fragment is interpreted twice
   364   and the instantiation of the second interpretation is more general
   365   than the interpretation of the first.  A warning
   366   is issued, since it is likely that these could have been generalized
   367   in the first place.  The locale package does not attempt to remove
   368   subsumed interpretations.  This situation is normally harmless, but
   369   note that $blast$ gets confused by the presence of multiple axclass
   370   instances of a rule.
   371 \end{warn}
   374 \section{Derived proof schemes}
   376 \subsection{Generalized elimination}\label{sec:obtain}
   378 \indexisarcmd{obtain}\indexisarcmd{guess}
   379 \begin{matharray}{rcl}
   380   \isarcmd{obtain} & : & \isartrans{proof(state)}{proof(prove)} \\
   381   \isarcmd{guess}^* & : & \isartrans{proof(state)}{proof(prove)} \\
   382 \end{matharray}
   384 Generalized elimination means that additional elements with certain properties
   385 may be introduced in the current context, by virtue of a locally proven
   386 ``soundness statement''.  Technically speaking, the $\OBTAINNAME$ language
   387 element is like a declaration of $\FIXNAME$ and $\ASSUMENAME$ (see also see
   388 \S\ref{sec:proof-context}), together with a soundness proof of its additional
   389 claim.  According to the nature of existential reasoning, assumptions get
   390 eliminated from any result exported from the context later, provided that the
   391 corresponding parameters do \emph{not} occur in the conclusion.
   393 \begin{rail}
   394   'obtain' (vars + 'and') 'where' (props + 'and')
   395   ;
   396   'guess' (vars + 'and')
   397   ;
   398 \end{rail}
   400 $\OBTAINNAME$ is defined as a derived Isar command as follows, where $\vec b$
   401 shall refer to (optional) facts indicated for forward chaining.
   402 \begin{matharray}{l}
   403   \langle facts~\vec b\rangle \\
   404   \OBTAIN{\vec x}{a}{\vec \phi}~~\langle proof\rangle \equiv {} \\[1ex]
   405   \quad \HAVE{}{\All{thesis} (\All{\vec x} \vec\phi \Imp thesis) \Imp thesis} \\
   406   \quad \PROOF{succeed} \\
   407   \qquad \FIX{thesis} \\
   408   \qquad \ASSUME{that~[intro?]}{\All{\vec x} \vec\phi \Imp thesis} \\
   409   \qquad \THUS{}{thesis} \\
   410   \quad\qquad \APPLY{-} \\
   411   \quad\qquad \USING{\vec b}~~\langle proof\rangle \\
   412   \quad \QED{} \\
   413   \quad \FIX{\vec x}~\ASSUMENAME^\ast~a\colon~\vec\phi \\
   414 \end{matharray}
   416 Typically, the soundness proof is relatively straight-forward, often just by
   417 canonical automated tools such as ``$\BY{simp}$'' or ``$\BY{blast}$''.
   418 Accordingly, the ``$that$'' reduction above is declared as simplification and
   419 introduction rule.
   421 In a sense, $\OBTAINNAME$ represents at the level of Isar proofs what would be
   422 meta-logical existential quantifiers and conjunctions.  This concept has a
   423 broad range of useful applications, ranging from plain elimination (or
   424 introduction) of object-level existential and conjunctions, to elimination
   425 over results of symbolic evaluation of recursive definitions, for example.
   426 Also note that $\OBTAINNAME$ without parameters acts much like $\HAVENAME$,
   427 where the result is treated as a genuine assumption.
   429 \medskip
   431 The improper variant $\isarkeyword{guess}$ is similar to $\OBTAINNAME$, but
   432 derives the obtained statement from the course of reasoning!  The proof starts
   433 with a fixed goal $thesis$.  The subsequent proof may refine this to anything
   434 of the form like $\All{\vec x} \vec\phi \Imp thesis$, but must not introduce
   435 new subgoals.  The final goal state is then used as reduction rule for the
   436 obtain scheme described above.  Obtained parameters $\vec x$ are marked as
   437 internal by default, which prevents the proof context from being polluted by
   438 ad-hoc variables.  The variable names and type constraints given as arguments
   439 for $\isarkeyword{guess}$ specify a prefix of obtained parameters explicitly
   440 in the text.
   442 It is important to note that the facts introduced by $\OBTAINNAME$ and
   443 $\isarkeyword{guess}$ may not be polymorphic: any type-variables occurring
   444 here are fixed in the present context!
   447 \subsection{Calculational reasoning}\label{sec:calculation}
   449 \indexisarcmd{also}\indexisarcmd{finally}
   450 \indexisarcmd{moreover}\indexisarcmd{ultimately}
   451 \indexisarcmd{print-trans-rules}
   452 \indexisaratt{trans}\indexisaratt{sym}\indexisaratt{symmetric}
   453 \begin{matharray}{rcl}
   454   \isarcmd{also} & : & \isartrans{proof(state)}{proof(state)} \\
   455   \isarcmd{finally} & : & \isartrans{proof(state)}{proof(chain)} \\
   456   \isarcmd{moreover} & : & \isartrans{proof(state)}{proof(state)} \\
   457   \isarcmd{ultimately} & : & \isartrans{proof(state)}{proof(chain)} \\
   458   \isarcmd{print_trans_rules}^* & : & \isarkeep{theory~|~proof} \\
   459   trans & : & \isaratt \\
   460   sym & : & \isaratt \\
   461   symmetric & : & \isaratt \\
   462 \end{matharray}
   464 Calculational proof is forward reasoning with implicit application of
   465 transitivity rules (such those of $=$, $\leq$, $<$).  Isabelle/Isar maintains
   466 an auxiliary register $calculation$\indexisarthm{calculation} for accumulating
   467 results obtained by transitivity composed with the current result.  Command
   468 $\ALSO$ updates $calculation$ involving $this$, while $\FINALLY$ exhibits the
   469 final $calculation$ by forward chaining towards the next goal statement.  Both
   470 commands require valid current facts, i.e.\ may occur only after commands that
   471 produce theorems such as $\ASSUMENAME$, $\NOTENAME$, or some finished proof of
   472 $\HAVENAME$, $\SHOWNAME$ etc.  The $\MOREOVER$ and $\ULTIMATELY$ commands are
   473 similar to $\ALSO$ and $\FINALLY$, but only collect further results in
   474 $calculation$ without applying any rules yet.
   476 Also note that the implicit term abbreviation ``$\dots$'' has its canonical
   477 application with calculational proofs.  It refers to the argument of the
   478 preceding statement. (The argument of a curried infix expression happens to be
   479 its right-hand side.)
   481 Isabelle/Isar calculations are implicitly subject to block structure in the
   482 sense that new threads of calculational reasoning are commenced for any new
   483 block (as opened by a local goal, for example).  This means that, apart from
   484 being able to nest calculations, there is no separate \emph{begin-calculation}
   485 command required.
   487 \medskip
   489 The Isar calculation proof commands may be defined as follows:\footnote{We
   490   suppress internal bookkeeping such as proper handling of block-structure.}
   491 \begin{matharray}{rcl}
   492   \ALSO@0 & \equiv & \NOTE{calculation}{this} \\
   493   \ALSO@{n+1} & \equiv & \NOTE{calculation}{trans~[OF~calculation~this]} \\[0.5ex]
   494   \FINALLY & \equiv & \ALSO~\FROM{calculation} \\
   495   \MOREOVER & \equiv & \NOTE{calculation}{calculation~this} \\
   496   \ULTIMATELY & \equiv & \MOREOVER~\FROM{calculation} \\
   497 \end{matharray}
   499 \begin{rail}
   500   ('also' | 'finally') ('(' thmrefs ')')?
   501   ;
   502   'trans' (() | 'add' | 'del')
   503   ;
   504 \end{rail}
   506 \begin{descr}
   508 \item [$\ALSO~(\vec a)$] maintains the auxiliary $calculation$ register as
   509   follows.  The first occurrence of $\ALSO$ in some calculational thread
   510   initializes $calculation$ by $this$. Any subsequent $\ALSO$ on the same
   511   level of block-structure updates $calculation$ by some transitivity rule
   512   applied to $calculation$ and $this$ (in that order).  Transitivity rules are
   513   picked from the current context, unless alternative rules are given as
   514   explicit arguments.
   516 \item [$\FINALLY~(\vec a)$] maintaining $calculation$ in the same way as
   517   $\ALSO$, and concludes the current calculational thread.  The final result
   518   is exhibited as fact for forward chaining towards the next goal. Basically,
   519   $\FINALLY$ just abbreviates $\ALSO~\FROM{calculation}$.  Note that
   520   ``$\FINALLY~\SHOW{}{\Var{thesis}}~\DOT$'' and
   521   ``$\FINALLY~\HAVE{}{\phi}~\DOT$'' are typical idioms for concluding
   522   calculational proofs.
   524 \item [$\MOREOVER$ and $\ULTIMATELY$] are analogous to $\ALSO$ and $\FINALLY$,
   525   but collect results only, without applying rules.
   527 \item [$\isarkeyword{print_trans_rules}$] prints the list of transitivity
   528   rules (for calculational commands $\ALSO$ and $\FINALLY$) and symmetry rules
   529   (for the $symmetric$ operation and single step elimination patters) of the
   530   current context.
   532 \item [$trans$] declares theorems as transitivity rules.
   534 \item [$sym$] declares symmetry rules.
   536 \item [$symmetric$] resolves a theorem with some rule declared as $sym$ in the
   537   current context.  For example, ``$\ASSUME{[symmetric]}{x = y}$'' produces a
   538   swapped fact derived from that assumption.
   540   In structured proof texts it is often more appropriate to use an explicit
   541   single-step elimination proof, such as ``$\ASSUME{}{x = y}~\HENCE{}{y =
   542     x}~\DDOT$''.  The very same rules known to $symmetric$ are declared as
   543   $elim?$ as well.
   545 \end{descr}
   548 \section{Proof tools}
   550 \subsection{Miscellaneous methods and attributes}\label{sec:misc-meth-att}
   552 \indexisarmeth{unfold}\indexisarmeth{fold}\indexisarmeth{insert}
   553 \indexisarmeth{erule}\indexisarmeth{drule}\indexisarmeth{frule}
   554 \indexisarmeth{fail}\indexisarmeth{succeed}
   555 \begin{matharray}{rcl}
   556   unfold & : & \isarmeth \\
   557   fold & : & \isarmeth \\
   558   insert & : & \isarmeth \\[0.5ex]
   559   erule^* & : & \isarmeth \\
   560   drule^* & : & \isarmeth \\
   561   frule^* & : & \isarmeth \\
   562   succeed & : & \isarmeth \\
   563   fail & : & \isarmeth \\
   564 \end{matharray}
   566 \begin{rail}
   567   ('fold' | 'unfold' | 'insert') thmrefs
   568   ;
   569   ('erule' | 'drule' | 'frule') ('('nat')')? thmrefs
   570   ;
   571 \end{rail}
   573 \begin{descr}
   575 \item [$unfold~\vec a$ and $fold~\vec a$] expand (or fold back again) the
   576   given meta-level definitions throughout all goals; any chained facts
   577   provided are inserted into the goal and subject to rewriting as well.
   579 \item [$insert~\vec a$] inserts theorems as facts into all goals of the proof
   580   state.  Note that current facts indicated for forward chaining are ignored.
   582 \item [$erule~\vec a$, $drule~\vec a$, and $frule~\vec a$] are similar to the
   583   basic $rule$ method (see \S\ref{sec:pure-meth-att}), but apply rules by
   584   elim-resolution, destruct-resolution, and forward-resolution, respectively
   585   \cite{isabelle-ref}.  The optional natural number argument (default $0$)
   586   specifies additional assumption steps to be performed here.
   588   Note that these methods are improper ones, mainly serving for
   589   experimentation and tactic script emulation.  Different modes of basic rule
   590   application are usually expressed in Isar at the proof language level,
   591   rather than via implicit proof state manipulations.  For example, a proper
   592   single-step elimination would be done using the plain $rule$ method, with
   593   forward chaining of current facts.
   595 \item [$succeed$] yields a single (unchanged) result; it is the identity of
   596   the ``\texttt{,}'' method combinator (cf.\ \S\ref{sec:syn-meth}).
   598 \item [$fail$] yields an empty result sequence; it is the identity of the
   599   ``\texttt{|}'' method combinator (cf.\ \S\ref{sec:syn-meth}).
   601 \end{descr}
   603 \indexisaratt{tagged}\indexisaratt{untagged}
   604 \indexisaratt{THEN}\indexisaratt{COMP}
   605 \indexisaratt{unfolded}\indexisaratt{folded}
   606 \indexisaratt{standard}\indexisarattof{Pure}{elim-format}
   607 \indexisaratt{no-vars}
   608 \begin{matharray}{rcl}
   609   tagged & : & \isaratt \\
   610   untagged & : & \isaratt \\[0.5ex]
   611   THEN & : & \isaratt \\
   612   COMP & : & \isaratt \\[0.5ex]
   613   unfolded & : & \isaratt \\
   614   folded & : & \isaratt \\[0.5ex]
   615   elim_format & : & \isaratt \\
   616   standard^* & : & \isaratt \\
   617   no_vars^* & : & \isaratt \\
   618 \end{matharray}
   620 \begin{rail}
   621   'tagged' (nameref+)
   622   ;
   623   'untagged' name
   624   ;
   625   ('THEN' | 'COMP') ('[' nat ']')? thmref
   626   ;
   627   ('unfolded' | 'folded') thmrefs
   628   ;
   629 \end{rail}
   631 \begin{descr}
   633 \item [$tagged~name~args$ and $untagged~name$] add and remove $tags$ of some
   634   theorem.  Tags may be any list of strings that serve as comment for some
   635   tools (e.g.\ $\LEMMANAME$ causes the tag ``$lemma$'' to be added to the
   636   result).  The first string is considered the tag name, the rest its
   637   arguments.  Note that untag removes any tags of the same name.
   639 \item [$THEN~a$ and $COMP~a$] compose rules by resolution.  $THEN$ resolves
   640   with the first premise of $a$ (an alternative position may be also
   641   specified); the $COMP$ version skips the automatic lifting process that is
   642   normally intended (cf.\ \texttt{RS} and \texttt{COMP} in
   643   \cite[\S5]{isabelle-ref}).
   645 \item [$unfolded~\vec a$ and $folded~\vec a$] expand and fold back again the
   646   given meta-level definitions throughout a rule.
   648 \item [$elim_format$] turns a destruction rule into elimination rule format,
   649   by resolving with the rule $\PROP A \Imp (\PROP A \Imp \PROP B) \Imp \PROP
   650   B$.
   652   Note that the Classical Reasoner (\S\ref{sec:classical}) provides its own
   653   version of this operation.
   655 \item [$standard$] puts a theorem into the standard form of object-rules at
   656   the outermost theory level.  Note that this operation violates the local
   657   proof context (including active locales).
   659 \item [$no_vars$] replaces schematic variables by free ones; this is mainly
   660   for tuning output of pretty printed theorems.
   662 \end{descr}
   665 \subsection{Further tactic emulations}\label{sec:tactics}
   667 The following improper proof methods emulate traditional tactics.  These admit
   668 direct access to the goal state, which is normally considered harmful!  In
   669 particular, this may involve both numbered goal addressing (default 1), and
   670 dynamic instantiation within the scope of some subgoal.
   672 \begin{warn}
   673   Dynamic instantiations refer to universally quantified parameters of
   674   a subgoal (the dynamic context) rather than fixed variables and term
   675   abbreviations of a (static) Isar context.
   676 \end{warn}
   678 Tactic emulation methods, unlike their ML counterparts, admit
   679 simultaneous instantiation from both dynamic and static contexts.  If
   680 names occur in both contexts goal parameters hide locally fixed
   681 variables.  Likewise, schematic variables refer to term abbreviations,
   682 if present in the static context.  Otherwise the schematic variable is
   683 interpreted as a schematic variable and left to be solved by unification
   684 with certain parts of the subgoal.
   686 Note that the tactic emulation proof methods in Isabelle/Isar are consistently
   687 named $foo_tac$.  Note also that variable names occurring on left hand sides
   688 of instantiations must be preceded by a question mark if they coincide with
   689 a keyword or contain dots.
   690 This is consistent with the attribute $where$ (see \S\ref{sec:pure-meth-att}).
   692 \indexisarmeth{rule-tac}\indexisarmeth{erule-tac}
   693 \indexisarmeth{drule-tac}\indexisarmeth{frule-tac}
   694 \indexisarmeth{cut-tac}\indexisarmeth{thin-tac}
   695 \indexisarmeth{subgoal-tac}\indexisarmeth{rename-tac}
   696 \indexisarmeth{rotate-tac}\indexisarmeth{tactic}
   697 \begin{matharray}{rcl}
   698   rule_tac^* & : & \isarmeth \\
   699   erule_tac^* & : & \isarmeth \\
   700   drule_tac^* & : & \isarmeth \\
   701   frule_tac^* & : & \isarmeth \\
   702   cut_tac^* & : & \isarmeth \\
   703   thin_tac^* & : & \isarmeth \\
   704   subgoal_tac^* & : & \isarmeth \\
   705   rename_tac^* & : & \isarmeth \\
   706   rotate_tac^* & : & \isarmeth \\
   707   tactic^* & : & \isarmeth \\
   708 \end{matharray}
   710 \railalias{ruletac}{rule\_tac}
   711 \railterm{ruletac}
   713 \railalias{eruletac}{erule\_tac}
   714 \railterm{eruletac}
   716 \railalias{druletac}{drule\_tac}
   717 \railterm{druletac}
   719 \railalias{fruletac}{frule\_tac}
   720 \railterm{fruletac}
   722 \railalias{cuttac}{cut\_tac}
   723 \railterm{cuttac}
   725 \railalias{thintac}{thin\_tac}
   726 \railterm{thintac}
   728 \railalias{subgoaltac}{subgoal\_tac}
   729 \railterm{subgoaltac}
   731 \railalias{renametac}{rename\_tac}
   732 \railterm{renametac}
   734 \railalias{rotatetac}{rotate\_tac}
   735 \railterm{rotatetac}
   737 \begin{rail}
   738   ( ruletac | eruletac | druletac | fruletac | cuttac | thintac ) goalspec?
   739   ( insts thmref | thmrefs )
   740   ;
   741   subgoaltac goalspec? (prop +)
   742   ;
   743   renametac goalspec? (name +)
   744   ;
   745   rotatetac goalspec? int?
   746   ;
   747   'tactic' text
   748   ;
   750   insts: ((name '=' term) + 'and') 'in'
   751   ;
   752 \end{rail}
   754 \begin{descr}
   756 \item [$rule_tac$ etc.] do resolution of rules with explicit instantiation.
   757   This works the same way as the ML tactics \texttt{res_inst_tac} etc. (see
   758   \cite[\S3]{isabelle-ref}).
   760   Multiple rules may be only given if there is no instantiation; then
   761   $rule_tac$ is the same as \texttt{resolve_tac} in ML (see
   762   \cite[\S3]{isabelle-ref}).
   764 \item [$cut_tac$] inserts facts into the proof state as assumption of a
   765   subgoal, see also \texttt{cut_facts_tac} in \cite[\S3]{isabelle-ref}.  Note
   766   that the scope of schematic variables is spread over the main goal
   767   statement.  Instantiations may be given as well, see also ML tactic
   768   \texttt{cut_inst_tac} in \cite[\S3]{isabelle-ref}.
   770 \item [$thin_tac~\phi$] deletes the specified assumption from a subgoal; note
   771   that $\phi$ may contain schematic variables.  See also \texttt{thin_tac} in
   772   \cite[\S3]{isabelle-ref}.
   774 \item [$subgoal_tac~\phi$] adds $\phi$ as an assumption to a subgoal.  See
   775   also \texttt{subgoal_tac} and \texttt{subgoals_tac} in
   776   \cite[\S3]{isabelle-ref}.
   778 \item [$rename_tac~\vec x$] renames parameters of a goal according to the list
   779   $\vec x$, which refers to the \emph{suffix} of variables.
   781 \item [$rotate_tac~n$] rotates the assumptions of a goal by $n$ positions:
   782   from right to left if $n$ is positive, and from left to right if $n$ is
   783   negative; the default value is $1$.  See also \texttt{rotate_tac} in
   784   \cite[\S3]{isabelle-ref}.
   786 \item [$tactic~text$] produces a proof method from any ML text of type
   787   \texttt{tactic}.  Apart from the usual ML environment and the current
   788   implicit theory context, the ML code may refer to the following locally
   789   bound values:
   791 {\footnotesize\begin{verbatim}
   792 val ctxt  : Proof.context
   793 val facts : thm list
   794 val thm   : string -> thm
   795 val thms  : string -> thm list
   796 \end{verbatim}}
   797   Here \texttt{ctxt} refers to the current proof context, \texttt{facts}
   798   indicates any current facts for forward-chaining, and
   799   \texttt{thm}~/~\texttt{thms} retrieve named facts (including global
   800   theorems) from the context.
   801 \end{descr}
   804 \subsection{The Simplifier}\label{sec:simplifier}
   806 \subsubsection{Simplification methods}
   808 \indexisarmeth{simp}\indexisarmeth{simp-all}
   809 \begin{matharray}{rcl}
   810   simp & : & \isarmeth \\
   811   simp_all & : & \isarmeth \\
   812 \end{matharray}
   814 \railalias{simpall}{simp\_all}
   815 \railterm{simpall}
   817 \railalias{noasm}{no\_asm}
   818 \railterm{noasm}
   820 \railalias{noasmsimp}{no\_asm\_simp}
   821 \railterm{noasmsimp}
   823 \railalias{noasmuse}{no\_asm\_use}
   824 \railterm{noasmuse}
   826 \railalias{asmlr}{asm\_lr}
   827 \railterm{asmlr}
   829 \indexouternonterm{simpmod}
   830 \begin{rail}
   831   ('simp' | simpall) ('!' ?) opt? (simpmod *)
   832   ;
   834   opt: '(' (noasm | noasmsimp | noasmuse | asmlr) ')'
   835   ;
   836   simpmod: ('add' | 'del' | 'only' | 'cong' (() | 'add' | 'del') |
   837     'split' (() | 'add' | 'del')) ':' thmrefs
   838   ;
   839 \end{rail}
   841 \begin{descr}
   843 \item [$simp$] invokes Isabelle's simplifier, after declaring additional rules
   844   according to the arguments given.  Note that the \railtterm{only} modifier
   845   first removes all other rewrite rules, congruences, and looper tactics
   846   (including splits), and then behaves like \railtterm{add}.
   848   \medskip The \railtterm{cong} modifiers add or delete Simplifier congruence
   849   rules (see also \cite{isabelle-ref}), the default is to add.
   851   \medskip The \railtterm{split} modifiers add or delete rules for the
   852   Splitter (see also \cite{isabelle-ref}), the default is to add.  This works
   853   only if the Simplifier method has been properly setup to include the
   854   Splitter (all major object logics such HOL, HOLCF, FOL, ZF do this already).
   856 \item [$simp_all$] is similar to $simp$, but acts on all goals (backwards from
   857   the last to the first one).
   859 \end{descr}
   861 By default the Simplifier methods take local assumptions fully into account,
   862 using equational assumptions in the subsequent normalization process, or
   863 simplifying assumptions themselves (cf.\ \texttt{asm_full_simp_tac} in
   864 \cite[\S10]{isabelle-ref}).  In structured proofs this is usually quite well
   865 behaved in practice: just the local premises of the actual goal are involved,
   866 additional facts may be inserted via explicit forward-chaining (using $\THEN$,
   867 $\FROMNAME$ etc.).  The full context of assumptions is only included if the
   868 ``$!$'' (bang) argument is given, which should be used with some care, though.
   870 Additional Simplifier options may be specified to tune the behavior further
   871 (mostly for unstructured scripts with many accidental local facts):
   872 ``$(no_asm)$'' means assumptions are ignored completely (cf.\
   873 \texttt{simp_tac}), ``$(no_asm_simp)$'' means assumptions are used in the
   874 simplification of the conclusion but are not themselves simplified (cf.\
   875 \texttt{asm_simp_tac}), and ``$(no_asm_use)$'' means assumptions are
   876 simplified but are not used in the simplification of each other or the
   877 conclusion (cf.\ \texttt{full_simp_tac}).
   878 For compatibility reasons, there is also an option ``$(asm_lr)$'',
   879 which means that an assumption is only used for simplifying assumptions
   880 which are to the right of it (cf.\ \texttt{asm_lr_simp_tac}).
   882 \medskip
   884 The Splitter package is usually configured to work as part of the Simplifier.
   885 The effect of repeatedly applying \texttt{split_tac} can be simulated by
   886 ``$(simp~only\colon~split\colon~\vec a)$''.  There is also a separate $split$
   887 method available for single-step case splitting.
   890 \subsubsection{Declaring rules}
   892 \indexisarcmd{print-simpset}
   893 \indexisaratt{simp}\indexisaratt{split}\indexisaratt{cong}
   894 \begin{matharray}{rcl}
   895   \isarcmd{print_simpset}^* & : & \isarkeep{theory~|~proof} \\
   896   simp & : & \isaratt \\
   897   cong & : & \isaratt \\
   898   split & : & \isaratt \\
   899 \end{matharray}
   901 \begin{rail}
   902   ('simp' | 'cong' | 'split') (() | 'add' | 'del')
   903   ;
   904 \end{rail}
   906 \begin{descr}
   908 \item [$\isarcmd{print_simpset}$] prints the collection of rules declared to
   909   the Simplifier, which is also known as ``simpset'' internally
   910   \cite{isabelle-ref}.  This is a diagnostic command; $undo$ does not apply.
   912 \item [$simp$] declares simplification rules.
   914 \item [$cong$] declares congruence rules.
   916 \item [$split$] declares case split rules.
   918 \end{descr}
   921 \subsubsection{Forward simplification}
   923 \indexisaratt{simplified}
   924 \begin{matharray}{rcl}
   925   simplified & : & \isaratt \\
   926 \end{matharray}
   928 \begin{rail}
   929   'simplified' opt? thmrefs?
   930   ;
   932   opt: '(' (noasm | noasmsimp | noasmuse) ')'
   933   ;
   934 \end{rail}
   936 \begin{descr}
   938 \item [$simplified~\vec a$] causes a theorem to be simplified, either by
   939   exactly the specified rules $\vec a$, or the implicit Simplifier context if
   940   no arguments are given.  The result is fully simplified by default,
   941   including assumptions and conclusion; the options $no_asm$ etc.\ tune the
   942   Simplifier in the same way as the for the $simp$ method.
   944   Note that forward simplification restricts the simplifier to its most basic
   945   operation of term rewriting; solver and looper tactics \cite{isabelle-ref}
   946   are \emph{not} involved here.  The $simplified$ attribute should be only
   947   rarely required under normal circumstances.
   949 \end{descr}
   952 \subsubsection{Low-level equational reasoning}
   954 \indexisarmeth{subst}\indexisarmeth{hypsubst}\indexisarmeth{split}
   955 \begin{matharray}{rcl}
   956   subst^* & : & \isarmeth \\
   957   hypsubst^* & : & \isarmeth \\
   958   split^* & : & \isarmeth \\
   959 \end{matharray}
   961 \begin{rail}
   962   'subst' ('(' 'asm' ')')? ('(' (nat+) ')')? thmref
   963   ;
   964   'split' ('(' 'asm' ')')? thmrefs
   965   ;
   966 \end{rail}
   968 These methods provide low-level facilities for equational reasoning that are
   969 intended for specialized applications only.  Normally, single step
   970 calculations would be performed in a structured text (see also
   971 \S\ref{sec:calculation}), while the Simplifier methods provide the canonical
   972 way for automated normalization (see \S\ref{sec:simplifier}).
   974 \begin{descr}
   976 \item [$subst~eq$] performs a single substitution step using rule $eq$, which
   977   may be either a meta or object equality.
   979 \item [$subst~(asm)~eq$] substitutes in an assumption.
   981 \item [$subst~(i \dots j)~eq$] performs several substitutions in the
   982 conclusion. The numbers $i$ to $j$ indicate the positions to substitute at.
   983 Positions are ordered from the top of the term tree moving down from left to
   984 right. For example, in $(a+b)+(c+d)$ there are three positions where
   985 commutativity of $+$ is applicable: 1 refers to the whole term, 2 to $a+b$
   986 and 3 to $c+d$. If the positions in the list $(i \dots j)$ are
   987 non-overlapping (e.g. $(2~3)$ in $(a+b)+(c+d)$) you may assume all
   988 substitutions are performed simultaneously. Otherwise the behaviour of
   989 $subst$ is not specified.
   991 \item [$subst~(asm)~(i \dots j)~eq$] performs the substitutions in the
   992 assumptions. Positions $1 \dots i@1$ refer
   993 to assumption 1, positions $i@1+1 \dots i@2$ to assumption 2, and so on.
   995 \item [$hypsubst$] performs substitution using some assumption; this only
   996   works for equations of the form $x = t$ where $x$ is a free or bound
   997   variable.
   999 \item [$split~\vec a$] performs single-step case splitting using rules $thms$.
  1000   By default, splitting is performed in the conclusion of a goal; the $asm$
  1001   option indicates to operate on assumptions instead.
  1003   Note that the $simp$ method already involves repeated application of split
  1004   rules as declared in the current context.
  1005 \end{descr}
  1008 \subsection{The Classical Reasoner}\label{sec:classical}
  1010 \subsubsection{Basic methods}
  1012 \indexisarmeth{rule}\indexisarmeth{default}\indexisarmeth{contradiction}
  1013 \indexisarmeth{intro}\indexisarmeth{elim}
  1014 \begin{matharray}{rcl}
  1015   rule & : & \isarmeth \\
  1016   contradiction & : & \isarmeth \\
  1017   intro & : & \isarmeth \\
  1018   elim & : & \isarmeth \\
  1019 \end{matharray}
  1021 \begin{rail}
  1022   ('rule' | 'intro' | 'elim') thmrefs?
  1023   ;
  1024 \end{rail}
  1026 \begin{descr}
  1028 \item [$rule$] as offered by the classical reasoner is a refinement over the
  1029   primitive one (see \S\ref{sec:pure-meth-att}).  Both versions essentially
  1030   work the same, but the classical version observes the classical rule context
  1031   in addition to that of Isabelle/Pure.
  1033   Common object logics (HOL, ZF, etc.) declare a rich collection of classical
  1034   rules (even if these would qualify as intuitionistic ones), but only few
  1035   declarations to the rule context of Isabelle/Pure
  1036   (\S\ref{sec:pure-meth-att}).
  1038 \item [$contradiction$] solves some goal by contradiction, deriving any result
  1039   from both $\neg A$ and $A$.  Chained facts, which are guaranteed to
  1040   participate, may appear in either order.
  1042 \item [$intro$ and $elim$] repeatedly refine some goal by intro- or
  1043   elim-resolution, after having inserted any chained facts.  Exactly the rules
  1044   given as arguments are taken into account; this allows fine-tuned
  1045   decomposition of a proof problem, in contrast to common automated tools.
  1047 \end{descr}
  1050 \subsubsection{Automated methods}
  1052 \indexisarmeth{blast}\indexisarmeth{fast}\indexisarmeth{slow}
  1053 \indexisarmeth{best}\indexisarmeth{safe}\indexisarmeth{clarify}
  1054 \begin{matharray}{rcl}
  1055   blast & : & \isarmeth \\
  1056   fast & : & \isarmeth \\
  1057   slow & : & \isarmeth \\
  1058   best & : & \isarmeth \\
  1059   safe & : & \isarmeth \\
  1060   clarify & : & \isarmeth \\
  1061 \end{matharray}
  1063 \indexouternonterm{clamod}
  1064 \begin{rail}
  1065   'blast' ('!' ?) nat? (clamod *)
  1066   ;
  1067   ('fast' | 'slow' | 'best' | 'safe' | 'clarify') ('!' ?) (clamod *)
  1068   ;
  1070   clamod: (('intro' | 'elim' | 'dest') ('!' | () | '?') | 'del') ':' thmrefs
  1071   ;
  1072 \end{rail}
  1074 \begin{descr}
  1075 \item [$blast$] refers to the classical tableau prover (see \texttt{blast_tac}
  1076   in \cite[\S11]{isabelle-ref}).  The optional argument specifies a
  1077   user-supplied search bound (default 20).
  1078 \item [$fast$, $slow$, $best$, $safe$, and $clarify$] refer to the generic
  1079   classical reasoner.  See \texttt{fast_tac}, \texttt{slow_tac},
  1080   \texttt{best_tac}, \texttt{safe_tac}, and \texttt{clarify_tac} in
  1081   \cite[\S11]{isabelle-ref} for more information.
  1082 \end{descr}
  1084 Any of the above methods support additional modifiers of the context of
  1085 classical rules.  Their semantics is analogous to the attributes given before.
  1086 Facts provided by forward chaining are inserted into the goal before
  1087 commencing proof search.  The ``!''~argument causes the full context of
  1088 assumptions to be included as well.
  1091 \subsubsection{Combined automated methods}\label{sec:clasimp}
  1093 \indexisarmeth{auto}\indexisarmeth{force}\indexisarmeth{clarsimp}
  1094 \indexisarmeth{fastsimp}\indexisarmeth{slowsimp}\indexisarmeth{bestsimp}
  1095 \begin{matharray}{rcl}
  1096   auto & : & \isarmeth \\
  1097   force & : & \isarmeth \\
  1098   clarsimp & : & \isarmeth \\
  1099   fastsimp & : & \isarmeth \\
  1100   slowsimp & : & \isarmeth \\
  1101   bestsimp & : & \isarmeth \\
  1102 \end{matharray}
  1104 \indexouternonterm{clasimpmod}
  1105 \begin{rail}
  1106   'auto' '!'? (nat nat)? (clasimpmod *)
  1107   ;
  1108   ('force' | 'clarsimp' | 'fastsimp' | 'slowsimp' | 'bestsimp') '!'? (clasimpmod *)
  1109   ;
  1111   clasimpmod: ('simp' (() | 'add' | 'del' | 'only') |
  1112     ('cong' | 'split') (() | 'add' | 'del') |
  1113     'iff' (((() | 'add') '?'?) | 'del') |
  1114     (('intro' | 'elim' | 'dest') ('!' | () | '?') | 'del')) ':' thmrefs
  1115 \end{rail}
  1117 \begin{descr}
  1118 \item [$auto$, $force$, $clarsimp$, $fastsimp$, $slowsimp$, and $bestsimp$]
  1119   provide access to Isabelle's combined simplification and classical reasoning
  1120   tactics.  These correspond to \texttt{auto_tac}, \texttt{force_tac},
  1121   \texttt{clarsimp_tac}, and Classical Reasoner tactics with the Simplifier
  1122   added as wrapper, see \cite[\S11]{isabelle-ref} for more information.  The
  1123   modifier arguments correspond to those given in \S\ref{sec:simplifier} and
  1124   \S\ref{sec:classical}.  Just note that the ones related to the Simplifier
  1125   are prefixed by \railtterm{simp} here.
  1127   Facts provided by forward chaining are inserted into the goal before doing
  1128   the search.  The ``!''~argument causes the full context of assumptions to be
  1129   included as well.
  1130 \end{descr}
  1133 \subsubsection{Declaring rules}
  1135 \indexisarcmd{print-claset}
  1136 \indexisaratt{intro}\indexisaratt{elim}\indexisaratt{dest}
  1137 \indexisaratt{iff}\indexisaratt{rule}
  1138 \begin{matharray}{rcl}
  1139   \isarcmd{print_claset}^* & : & \isarkeep{theory~|~proof} \\
  1140   intro & : & \isaratt \\
  1141   elim & : & \isaratt \\
  1142   dest & : & \isaratt \\
  1143   rule & : & \isaratt \\
  1144   iff & : & \isaratt \\
  1145 \end{matharray}
  1147 \begin{rail}
  1148   ('intro' | 'elim' | 'dest') ('!' | () | '?')
  1149   ;
  1150   'rule' 'del'
  1151   ;
  1152   'iff' (((() | 'add') '?'?) | 'del')
  1153   ;
  1154 \end{rail}
  1156 \begin{descr}
  1158 \item [$\isarcmd{print_claset}$] prints the collection of rules declared to
  1159   the Classical Reasoner, which is also known as ``simpset'' internally
  1160   \cite{isabelle-ref}.  This is a diagnostic command; $undo$ does not apply.
  1162 \item [$intro$, $elim$, and $dest$] declare introduction, elimination, and
  1163   destruction rules, respectively.  By default, rules are considered as
  1164   \emph{unsafe} (i.e.\ not applied blindly without backtracking), while a
  1165   single ``!'' classifies as \emph{safe}.  Rule declarations marked by ``?''
  1166   coincide with those of Isabelle/Pure, cf.\ \S\ref{sec:pure-meth-att} (i.e.\
  1167   are only applied in single steps of the $rule$ method).
  1169 \item [$rule~del$] deletes introduction, elimination, or destruction rules from
  1170   the context.
  1172 \item [$iff$] declares logical equivalences to the Simplifier and the
  1173   Classical reasoner at the same time.  Non-conditional rules result in a
  1174   ``safe'' introduction and elimination pair; conditional ones are considered
  1175   ``unsafe''.  Rules with negative conclusion are automatically inverted
  1176   (using $\neg$ elimination internally).
  1178   The ``?'' version of $iff$ declares rules to the Isabelle/Pure context only,
  1179   and omits the Simplifier declaration.
  1181 \end{descr}
  1184 \subsubsection{Classical operations}
  1186 \indexisaratt{elim-format}\indexisaratt{swapped}
  1188 \begin{matharray}{rcl}
  1189   elim_format & : & \isaratt \\
  1190   swapped & : & \isaratt \\
  1191 \end{matharray}
  1193 \begin{descr}
  1195 \item [$elim_format$] turns a destruction rule into elimination rule format;
  1196   this operation is similar to the the intuitionistic version
  1197   (\S\ref{sec:misc-meth-att}), but each premise of the resulting rule acquires
  1198   an additional local fact of the negated main thesis; according to the
  1199   classical principle $(\neg A \Imp A) \Imp A$.
  1201 \item [$swapped$] turns an introduction rule into an elimination, by resolving
  1202   with the classical swap principle $(\neg B \Imp A) \Imp (\neg A \Imp B)$.
  1204 \end{descr}
  1207 \subsection{Proof by cases and induction}\label{sec:cases-induct}
  1209 \subsubsection{Rule contexts}
  1211 \indexisarcmd{case}\indexisarcmd{print-cases}
  1212 \indexisaratt{case-names}\indexisaratt{params}\indexisaratt{consumes}
  1213 \begin{matharray}{rcl}
  1214   \isarcmd{case} & : & \isartrans{proof(state)}{proof(state)} \\
  1215   \isarcmd{print_cases}^* & : & \isarkeep{proof} \\
  1216   case_names & : & \isaratt \\
  1217   params & : & \isaratt \\
  1218   consumes & : & \isaratt \\
  1219 \end{matharray}
  1221 Basically, Isar proof contexts are built up explicitly using commands like
  1222 $\FIXNAME$, $\ASSUMENAME$ etc.\ (see \S\ref{sec:proof-context}).  In typical
  1223 verification tasks this can become hard to manage, though.  In particular, a
  1224 large number of local contexts may emerge from case analysis or induction over
  1225 inductive sets and types.
  1227 \medskip
  1229 The $\CASENAME$ command provides a shorthand to refer to certain parts of
  1230 logical context symbolically.  Proof methods may provide an environment of
  1231 named ``cases'' of the form $c\colon \vec x, \vec \phi$.  Then the effect of
  1232 ``$\CASE{c}$'' is that of ``$\FIX{\vec x}~\ASSUME{c}{\vec\phi}$''.  Term
  1233 bindings may be covered as well, such as $\Var{case}$ for the intended
  1234 conclusion.
  1236 Normally the ``terminology'' of a case value (i.e.\ the parameters $\vec x$)
  1237 are marked as hidden.  Using the explicit form ``$\CASE{(c~\vec x)}$'' enables
  1238 proof writers to choose their own names for the subsequent proof text.
  1240 \medskip
  1242 It is important to note that $\CASENAME$ does \emph{not} provide direct means
  1243 to peek at the current goal state, which is generally considered
  1244 non-observable in Isar.  The text of the cases basically emerge from standard
  1245 elimination or induction rules, which in turn are derived from previous theory
  1246 specifications in a canonical way (say from $\isarkeyword{inductive}$
  1247 definitions).
  1249 Named cases may be exhibited in the current proof context only if both the
  1250 proof method and the rules involved support this.  Case names and parameters
  1251 of basic rules may be declared by hand as well, by using appropriate
  1252 attributes.  Thus variant versions of rules that have been derived manually
  1253 may be used in advanced case analysis later.
  1255 \railalias{casenames}{case\_names}
  1256 \railterm{casenames}
  1258 \begin{rail}
  1259   'case' (caseref | '(' caseref ((name | underscore) +) ')')
  1260   ;
  1261   caseref: nameref attributes?
  1262   ;
  1264   casenames (name +)
  1265   ;
  1266   'params' ((name *) + 'and')
  1267   ;
  1268   'consumes' nat?
  1269   ;
  1270 \end{rail}
  1272 \begin{descr}
  1274 \item [$\CASE{(c~\vec x)}$] invokes a named local context $c\colon \vec x,
  1275   \vec \phi$, as provided by an appropriate proof method (such as $cases$ and
  1276   $induct$, see \S\ref{sec:cases-induct-meth}).  The command ``$\CASE{(c~\vec
  1277     x)}$'' abbreviates ``$\FIX{\vec x}~\ASSUME{c}{\vec\phi}$''.
  1279 \item [$\isarkeyword{print_cases}$] prints all local contexts of the current
  1280   state, using Isar proof language notation.  This is a diagnostic command;
  1281   $undo$ does not apply.
  1283 \item [$case_names~\vec c$] declares names for the local contexts of premises
  1284   of some theorem; $\vec c$ refers to the \emph{suffix} of the list of
  1285   premises.
  1287 \item [$params~\vec p@1 \dots \vec p@n$] renames the innermost parameters of
  1288   premises $1, \dots, n$ of some theorem.  An empty list of names may be given
  1289   to skip positions, leaving the present parameters unchanged.
  1291   Note that the default usage of case rules does \emph{not} directly expose
  1292   parameters to the proof context (see also \S\ref{sec:cases-induct-meth}).
  1294 \item [$consumes~n$] declares the number of ``major premises'' of a rule,
  1295   i.e.\ the number of facts to be consumed when it is applied by an
  1296   appropriate proof method (cf.\ \S\ref{sec:cases-induct-meth}).  The default
  1297   value of $consumes$ is $n = 1$, which is appropriate for the usual kind of
  1298   cases and induction rules for inductive sets (cf.\
  1299   \S\ref{sec:hol-inductive}).  Rules without any $consumes$ declaration given
  1300   are treated as if $consumes~0$ had been specified.
  1302   Note that explicit $consumes$ declarations are only rarely needed; this is
  1303   already taken care of automatically by the higher-level $cases$ and $induct$
  1304   declarations, see also \S\ref{sec:cases-induct-att}.
  1306 \end{descr}
  1309 \subsubsection{Proof methods}\label{sec:cases-induct-meth}
  1311 \indexisarmeth{cases}\indexisarmeth{induct}
  1312 \begin{matharray}{rcl}
  1313   cases & : & \isarmeth \\
  1314   induct & : & \isarmeth \\
  1315 \end{matharray}
  1317 The $cases$ and $induct$ methods provide a uniform interface to case analysis
  1318 and induction over datatypes, inductive sets, and recursive functions.  The
  1319 corresponding rules may be specified and instantiated in a casual manner.
  1320 Furthermore, these methods provide named local contexts that may be invoked
  1321 via the $\CASENAME$ proof command within the subsequent proof text.  This
  1322 accommodates compact proof texts even when reasoning about large
  1323 specifications.
  1325 \begin{rail}
  1326   'cases' spec
  1327   ;
  1328   'induct' spec
  1329   ;
  1331   spec: open? args rule?
  1332   ;
  1333   open: '(' 'open' ')'
  1334   ;
  1335   args: (insts * 'and')
  1336   ;
  1337   rule: ('type' | 'set') ':' nameref | 'rule' ':' thmref
  1338   ;
  1339 \end{rail}
  1341 \begin{descr}
  1343 \item [$cases~insts~R$] applies method $rule$ with an appropriate case
  1344   distinction theorem, instantiated to the subjects $insts$.  Symbolic case
  1345   names are bound according to the rule's local contexts.
  1347   The rule is determined as follows, according to the facts and arguments
  1348   passed to the $cases$ method:
  1349   \begin{matharray}{llll}
  1350     \Text{facts}    &       & \Text{arguments} & \Text{rule} \\\hline
  1351                     & cases &           & \Text{classical case split} \\
  1352                     & cases & t         & \Text{datatype exhaustion (type of $t$)} \\
  1353     \edrv a \in A   & cases & \dots     & \Text{inductive set elimination (of $A$)} \\
  1354     \dots           & cases & \dots ~ R & \Text{explicit rule $R$} \\
  1355   \end{matharray}
  1357   Several instantiations may be given, referring to the \emph{suffix} of
  1358   premises of the case rule; within each premise, the \emph{prefix} of
  1359   variables is instantiated.  In most situations, only a single term needs to
  1360   be specified; this refers to the first variable of the last premise (it is
  1361   usually the same for all cases).
  1363   The ``$(open)$'' option causes the parameters of the new local contexts to
  1364   be exposed to the current proof context.  Thus local variables stemming from
  1365   distant parts of the theory development may be introduced in an implicit
  1366   manner, which can be quite confusing to the reader.  Furthermore, this
  1367   option may cause unwanted hiding of existing local variables, resulting in
  1368   less robust proof texts.
  1370 \item [$induct~insts~R$] is analogous to the $cases$ method, but refers to
  1371   induction rules, which are determined as follows:
  1372   \begin{matharray}{llll}
  1373     \Text{facts}    &        & \Text{arguments} & \Text{rule} \\\hline
  1374                     & induct & P ~ x ~ \dots & \Text{datatype induction (type of $x$)} \\
  1375     \edrv x \in A   & induct & \dots         & \Text{set induction (of $A$)} \\
  1376     \dots           & induct & \dots ~ R     & \Text{explicit rule $R$} \\
  1377   \end{matharray}
  1379   Several instantiations may be given, each referring to some part of a mutual
  1380   inductive definition or datatype --- only related partial induction rules
  1381   may be used together, though.  Any of the lists of terms $P, x, \dots$
  1382   refers to the \emph{suffix} of variables present in the induction rule.
  1383   This enables the writer to specify only induction variables, or both
  1384   predicates and variables, for example.
  1386   The ``$(open)$'' option works the same way as for $cases$.
  1388 \end{descr}
  1390 Above methods produce named local contexts, as determined by the instantiated
  1391 rule as specified in the text.  Beyond that, the $induct$ method guesses
  1392 further instantiations from the goal specification itself.  Any persisting
  1393 unresolved schematic variables of the resulting rule will render the the
  1394 corresponding case invalid.  The term binding $\Var{case}$\indexisarvar{case}
  1395 for the conclusion will be provided with each case, provided that term is
  1396 fully specified.
  1398 The $\isarkeyword{print_cases}$ command prints all named cases present in the
  1399 current proof state.
  1401 \medskip
  1403 It is important to note that there is a fundamental difference of the $cases$
  1404 and $induct$ methods in handling of non-atomic goal statements: $cases$ just
  1405 applies a certain rule in backward fashion, splitting the result into new
  1406 goals with the local contexts being augmented in a purely monotonic manner.
  1408 In contrast, $induct$ passes the full goal statement through the
  1409 ``recursive'' course involved in the induction.  Thus the original statement
  1410 is basically replaced by separate copies, corresponding to the induction
  1411 hypotheses and conclusion; the original goal context is no longer available.
  1412 This behavior allows \emph{strengthened induction predicates} to be expressed
  1413 concisely as meta-level rule statements, i.e.\ $\All{\vec x} \vec\phi \Imp
  1414 \psi$ to indicate ``variable'' parameters $\vec x$ and ``recursive''
  1415 assumptions $\vec\phi$. Note that ``$\isarcmd{case}~c$'' already performs
  1416 ``$\FIX{\vec x}$''.  Also note that local definitions may be expressed as
  1417 $\All{\vec x} n \equiv t[\vec x] \Imp \phi[n]$, with induction over $n$.
  1420 In induction proofs, local assumptions introduced by cases are split into two
  1421 different kinds: $hyps$ stemming from the rule and $prems$ from the goal
  1422 statement.  This is reflected in the extracted cases accordingly, so invoking
  1423 ``$\isarcmd{case}~c$'' will provide separate facts $c\mathord.hyps$ and
  1424 $c\mathord.prems$, as well as fact $c$ to hold the all-inclusive list.
  1426 \medskip
  1428 Facts presented to either method are consumed according to the number of
  1429 ``major premises'' of the rule involved (see also \S\ref{sec:cases-induct}),
  1430 which is usually $0$ for plain cases and induction rules of datatypes etc.\
  1431 and $1$ for rules of inductive sets and the like.  The remaining facts are
  1432 inserted into the goal verbatim before the actual $cases$ or $induct$ rule is
  1433 applied (thus facts may be even passed through an induction).
  1436 \subsubsection{Declaring rules}\label{sec:cases-induct-att}
  1438 \indexisarcmd{print-induct-rules}\indexisaratt{cases}\indexisaratt{induct}
  1439 \begin{matharray}{rcl}
  1440   \isarcmd{print_induct_rules}^* & : & \isarkeep{theory~|~proof} \\
  1441   cases & : & \isaratt \\
  1442   induct & : & \isaratt \\
  1443 \end{matharray}
  1445 \begin{rail}
  1446   'cases' spec
  1447   ;
  1448   'induct' spec
  1449   ;
  1451   spec: ('type' | 'set') ':' nameref
  1452   ;
  1453 \end{rail}
  1455 \begin{descr}
  1457 \item [$\isarkeyword{print_induct_rules}$] prints cases and induct rules for
  1458   sets and types of the current context.
  1460 \item [$cases$ and $induct$] (as attributes) augment the corresponding context
  1461   of rules for reasoning about inductive sets and types, using the
  1462   corresponding methods of the same name.  Certain definitional packages of
  1463   object-logics usually declare emerging cases and induction rules as
  1464   expected, so users rarely need to intervene.
  1466   Manual rule declarations usually include the the $case_names$ and $ps$
  1467   attributes to adjust names of cases and parameters of a rule (see
  1468   \S\ref{sec:cases-induct}); the $consumes$ declaration is taken care of
  1469   automatically: $consumes~0$ is specified for ``type'' rules and $consumes~1$
  1470   for ``set'' rules.
  1472 \end{descr}
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