author blanchet
Mon, 27 Jun 2011 14:56:28 +0200
changeset 44434 ae612a423dad
parent 44284 717880e98e6b
child 44691 62d64709af3b
permissions -rw-r--r--
added "sound" option to force Sledgehammer to be pedantically sound
     1 (*  Title:      HOL/Tools/ATP/atp_util.ML
     2     Author:     Jasmin Blanchette, TU Muenchen
     4 General-purpose functions used by the ATP module.
     5 *)
     7 signature ATP_UTIL =
     8 sig
     9   val timestamp : unit -> string
    10   val hashw : word * word -> word
    11   val hashw_string : string * word -> word
    12   val strip_spaces : bool -> (char -> bool) -> string -> string
    13   val nat_subscript : int -> string
    14   val unyxml : string -> string
    15   val maybe_quote : string -> string
    16   val string_from_ext_time : bool * Time.time -> string
    17   val string_from_time : Time.time -> string
    18   val varify_type : Proof.context -> typ -> typ
    19   val instantiate_type : theory -> typ -> typ -> typ -> typ
    20   val varify_and_instantiate_type : Proof.context -> typ -> typ -> typ -> typ
    21   val typ_of_dtyp :
    22     Datatype_Aux.descr -> (Datatype_Aux.dtyp * typ) list -> Datatype_Aux.dtyp
    23     -> typ
    24   val is_type_surely_finite : Proof.context -> bool -> typ -> bool
    25   val is_type_surely_infinite : Proof.context -> bool -> typ -> bool
    26   val monomorphic_term : Type.tyenv -> term -> term
    27   val eta_expand : typ list -> term -> int -> term
    28   val transform_elim_prop : term -> term
    29   val specialize_type : theory -> (string * typ) -> term -> term
    30   val strip_subgoal :
    31     Proof.context -> thm -> int -> (string * typ) list * term list * term
    32 end;
    34 structure ATP_Util : ATP_UTIL =
    35 struct
    37 val timestamp = Date.fmt "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" o Date.fromTimeLocal o
    39 (* This hash function is recommended in "Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and
    40    Tools" by Aho, Sethi, and Ullman. The "hashpjw" function, which they
    41    particularly recommend, triggers a bug in versions of Poly/ML up to 4.2.0. *)
    42 fun hashw (u, w) = Word.+ (u, Word.* (0w65599, w))
    43 fun hashw_char (c, w) = hashw (Word.fromInt (Char.ord c), w)
    44 fun hashw_string (s : string, w) = CharVector.foldl hashw_char w s
    46 fun strip_c_style_comment _ [] = []
    47   | strip_c_style_comment is_evil (#"*" :: #"/" :: cs) =
    48     strip_spaces_in_list true is_evil cs
    49   | strip_c_style_comment is_evil (_ :: cs) = strip_c_style_comment is_evil cs
    50 and strip_spaces_in_list _ _ [] = []
    51   | strip_spaces_in_list true is_evil (#"%" :: cs) =
    52     strip_spaces_in_list true is_evil
    53                          (cs |> chop_while (not_equal #"\n") |> snd)
    54   | strip_spaces_in_list true is_evil (#"/" :: #"*" :: cs) =
    55     strip_c_style_comment is_evil cs
    56   | strip_spaces_in_list _ _ [c1] = if Char.isSpace c1 then [] else [str c1]
    57   | strip_spaces_in_list skip_comments is_evil [c1, c2] =
    58     strip_spaces_in_list skip_comments is_evil [c1] @
    59     strip_spaces_in_list skip_comments is_evil [c2]
    60   | strip_spaces_in_list skip_comments is_evil (c1 :: c2 :: c3 :: cs) =
    61     if Char.isSpace c1 then
    62       strip_spaces_in_list skip_comments is_evil (c2 :: c3 :: cs)
    63     else if Char.isSpace c2 then
    64       if Char.isSpace c3 then
    65         strip_spaces_in_list skip_comments is_evil (c1 :: c3 :: cs)
    66       else
    67         str c1 :: (if forall is_evil [c1, c3] then [" "] else []) @
    68         strip_spaces_in_list skip_comments is_evil (c3 :: cs)
    69     else
    70       str c1 :: strip_spaces_in_list skip_comments is_evil (c2 :: c3 :: cs)
    71 fun strip_spaces skip_comments is_evil =
    72   implode o strip_spaces_in_list skip_comments is_evil o String.explode
    74 val subscript = implode o map (prefix "\<^isub>") o raw_explode  (* FIXME Symbol.explode (?) *)
    75 fun nat_subscript n =
    76   n |> string_of_int |> print_mode_active Symbol.xsymbolsN ? subscript
    78 val unyxml = XML.content_of o YXML.parse_body
    80 val is_long_identifier = forall Lexicon.is_identifier o space_explode "."
    81 fun maybe_quote y =
    82   let val s = unyxml y in
    83     y |> ((not (is_long_identifier (perhaps (try (unprefix "'")) s)) andalso
    84            not (is_long_identifier (perhaps (try (unprefix "?")) s))) orelse
    85            Keyword.is_keyword s) ? quote
    86   end
    88 fun string_from_ext_time (plus, time) =
    89   let val ms = Time.toMilliseconds time in
    90     (if plus then "> " else "") ^
    91     (if plus andalso ms mod 1000 = 0 then
    92        signed_string_of_int (ms div 1000) ^ " s"
    93      else if ms < 1000 then
    94        signed_string_of_int ms ^ " ms"
    95      else
    96        string_of_real (0.01 * Real.fromInt (ms div 10)) ^ " s")
    97   end
    99 val string_from_time = string_from_ext_time o pair false
   101 fun varify_type ctxt T =
   102   Variable.polymorphic_types ctxt [Const (@{const_name undefined}, T)]
   103   |> snd |> the_single |> dest_Const |> snd
   105 (* TODO: use "Term_Subst.instantiateT" instead? *)
   106 fun instantiate_type thy T1 T1' T2 =
   107   Same.commit (Envir.subst_type_same
   108                    (Sign.typ_match thy (T1, T1') Vartab.empty)) T2
   109   handle Type.TYPE_MATCH => raise TYPE ("instantiate_type", [T1, T1'], [])
   111 fun varify_and_instantiate_type ctxt T1 T1' T2 =
   112   let val thy = Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt in
   113     instantiate_type thy (varify_type ctxt T1) T1' (varify_type ctxt T2)
   114   end
   116 fun typ_of_dtyp _ typ_assoc (Datatype_Aux.DtTFree a) =
   117     the (AList.lookup (op =) typ_assoc (Datatype_Aux.DtTFree a))
   118   | typ_of_dtyp descr typ_assoc (Datatype_Aux.DtType (s, Us)) =
   119     Type (s, map (typ_of_dtyp descr typ_assoc) Us)
   120   | typ_of_dtyp descr typ_assoc (Datatype_Aux.DtRec i) =
   121     let val (s, ds, _) = the (AList.lookup (op =) descr i) in
   122       Type (s, map (typ_of_dtyp descr typ_assoc) ds)
   123     end
   125 fun datatype_constrs thy (T as Type (s, Ts)) =
   126     (case Datatype.get_info thy s of
   127        SOME {index, descr, ...} =>
   128        let val (_, dtyps, constrs) = AList.lookup (op =) descr index |> the in
   129          map (apsnd (fn Us => map (typ_of_dtyp descr (dtyps ~~ Ts)) Us ---> T))
   130              constrs
   131        end
   132      | NONE => [])
   133   | datatype_constrs _ _ = []
   135 (* Similar to "Nitpick_HOL.bounded_exact_card_of_type".
   136    0 means infinite type, 1 means singleton type (e.g., "unit"), and 2 means
   137    cardinality 2 or more. The specified default cardinality is returned if the
   138    cardinality of the type can't be determined. *)
   139 fun tiny_card_of_type ctxt sound default_card T =
   140   let
   141     val thy = Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt
   142     val max = 2 (* 1 would be too small for the "fun" case *)
   143     fun aux slack avoid T =
   144       if member (op =) avoid T then
   145         0
   146       else case T of
   147         Type (@{type_name fun}, [T1, T2]) =>
   148         (case (aux slack avoid T1, aux slack avoid T2) of
   149            (k, 1) => if slack andalso k = 0 then 0 else 1
   150          | (0, _) => 0
   151          | (_, 0) => 0
   152          | (k1, k2) =>
   153            if k1 >= max orelse k2 >= max then max
   154            else Int.min (max, Integer.pow k2 k1))
   155       | @{typ prop} => 2
   156       | @{typ bool} => 2 (* optimization *)
   157       | @{typ nat} => 0 (* optimization *)
   158       | Type ("", []) => 0 (* optimization *)
   159       | Type (s, _) =>
   160         (case datatype_constrs thy T of
   161            constrs as _ :: _ =>
   162            let
   163              val constr_cards =
   164                map ( o map (aux slack (T :: avoid)) o binder_types
   165                     o snd) constrs
   166            in
   167              if exists (curry (op =) 0) constr_cards then 0
   168              else Int.min (max, Integer.sum constr_cards)
   169            end
   170          | [] =>
   171            case Typedef.get_info ctxt s of
   172              ({abs_type, rep_type, ...}, _) :: _ =>
   173              (* We cheat here by assuming that typedef types are infinite if
   174                 their underlying type is infinite. This is unsound in general
   175                 but it's hard to think of a realistic example where this would
   176                 not be the case. We are also slack with representation types:
   177                 If a representation type has the form "sigma => tau", we
   178                 consider it enough to check "sigma" for infiniteness. (Look
   179                 for "slack" in this function.) *)
   180              (case varify_and_instantiate_type ctxt
   181                        (Logic.varifyT_global abs_type) T
   182                        (Logic.varifyT_global rep_type)
   183                    |> aux true avoid of
   184                 0 => if sound then default_card else 0
   185               | 1 => 1
   186               | _ => default_card)
   187            | [] => default_card)
   188         (* Very slightly unsound: Type variables are assumed not to be
   189            constrained to cardinality 1. (In practice, the user would most
   190            likely have used "unit" directly anyway.) *)
   191       | TFree _ =>
   192         if default_card = 1 andalso not sound then 2 else default_card
   193       | TVar _ => default_card
   194   in Int.min (max, aux false [] T) end
   196 fun is_type_surely_finite ctxt sound T = tiny_card_of_type ctxt sound 0 T <> 0
   197 fun is_type_surely_infinite ctxt sound T = tiny_card_of_type ctxt sound 1 T = 0
   199 fun monomorphic_term subst =
   200   map_types (map_type_tvar (fn v =>
   201       case Type.lookup subst v of
   202         SOME typ => typ
   203       | NONE => TVar v))
   205 fun eta_expand _ t 0 = t
   206   | eta_expand Ts (Abs (s, T, t')) n =
   207     Abs (s, T, eta_expand (T :: Ts) t' (n - 1))
   208   | eta_expand Ts t n =
   209     fold_rev (fn T => fn t' => Abs ("x" ^ nat_subscript n, T, t'))
   210              (List.take (binder_types (fastype_of1 (Ts, t)), n))
   211              (list_comb (incr_boundvars n t, map Bound (n - 1 downto 0)))
   213 (* Converts an elim-rule into an equivalent theorem that does not have the
   214    predicate variable. Leaves other theorems unchanged. We simply instantiate
   215    the conclusion variable to False. (Cf. "transform_elim_theorem" in
   216    "Meson_Clausify".) *)
   217 fun transform_elim_prop t =
   218   case Logic.strip_imp_concl t of
   219     @{const Trueprop} $ Var (z, @{typ bool}) =>
   220     subst_Vars [(z, @{const False})] t
   221   | Var (z, @{typ prop}) => subst_Vars [(z, @{prop False})] t
   222   | _ => t
   224 fun specialize_type thy (s, T) t =
   225   let
   226     fun subst_for (Const (s', T')) =
   227       if s = s' then
   228         SOME (Sign.typ_match thy (T', T) Vartab.empty)
   229         handle Type.TYPE_MATCH => NONE
   230       else
   231         NONE
   232     | subst_for (t1 $ t2) =
   233       (case subst_for t1 of SOME x => SOME x | NONE => subst_for t2)
   234     | subst_for (Abs (_, _, t')) = subst_for t'
   235     | subst_for _ = NONE
   236   in
   237     case subst_for t of
   238       SOME subst => monomorphic_term subst t
   239     | NONE => raise Type.TYPE_MATCH
   240   end
   242 fun strip_subgoal ctxt goal i =
   243   let
   244     val (t, (frees, params)) =
   245       Logic.goal_params (prop_of goal) i
   246       ||> (map dest_Free #> Variable.variant_frees ctxt [] #> `(map Free))
   247     val hyp_ts = t |> Logic.strip_assums_hyp |> map (curry subst_bounds frees)
   248     val concl_t = t |> Logic.strip_assums_concl |> curry subst_bounds frees
   249   in (rev params, hyp_ts, concl_t) end
   251 end;