author Walther Neuper <walther.neuper@jku.at>
Tue, 28 Apr 2020 15:31:49 +0200
changeset 59914 ab5bd5c37e13
parent 59887 4616b145b1cd
child 59920 33913fe24685
permissions -rw-r--r--
assign code from Rtools to appropriate struct.s
     1 (*  Title:  test/Tools/isac/build_thydata.sml
     2     Author: Walther Neuper, TU Graz, 2010
     3     (c) due to copyright terms
     5 theory Test_Some imports Isac.Build_Isac begin 
     6 ML_file "~~/test/Tools/isac/ADDTESTS/accumulate-val/lucas_interpreter.sml"
     7 ML_file "Knowledge/build_thydata.sml"
     8 *)
    10 "-----------------------------------------------------------------";
    11 "-----------------------------------------------------------------";
    12 "table of contents -----------------------------------------------";
    13 "-----------------------------------------------------------------";
    14 "----------- retrieve errpats ------------------------------------";
    15 "----------- fun collect_part: KILL BY [[ML_print_depth = 999]]---";
    16 "-----------------------------------------------------------------";
    17 "-----------------------------------------------------------------";
    18 "-----------------------------------------------------------------";
    20 "----------- retrieve errpats ------------------------------------";
    21 "----------- retrieve errpats ------------------------------------";
    22 "----------- retrieve errpats ------------------------------------";
    23 val {errpats, nrls, scr = Prog prog, ...} = get_met ["diff", "differentiate_on_R"]; 
    24 case errpats of [("chain-rule-diff-both", _, _)] => ()  
    25   | _ => error "errpats chain-rule-diff-both changed" 
    27 "----------- fun collect_part: KILL BY [[ML_print_depth = 999]]---";
    28 "----------- fun collect_part: KILL BY [[ML_print_depth = 999]]---";
    29 "----------- fun collect_part: KILL BY [[ML_print_depth = 999]]---";
    30 (* "declare [[ML_print_depth = 999]]" *before* opening structure Applicable
    31   slows down KEStore_Elems.get_rlss in collect_part in Build_Thydata.thy
    32   such, that it hangs (probably due to some full buffer)
    33   test below compiled with
    34 theory Test_Theory
    35 imports "~~/src/Tools/isac/Knowledge/Isac" "~~/src/Tools/isac/Interpret/Interpret"
    36   "~~/src/Tools/isac/Knowledge/Test_Build_Thydata"
    37 begin                                                                            
    38 *)
    39 (*/----- cp from Build_Thydata.thy -----------------------------------------------------------\*)
    40   val knowledge_parent = @{theory} (* should be Build_Thydata.thy, replaced by above imports;
    41     original = {Pure, .., Inverse_Z_Transform, Isac, Test_Build_Thydata, Build_Thydata:12}
    42     here     = {Pure, .., Inverse_Z_Transform, Isac, Test_Build_Thydata, Test_Theory:111}   *)
    43   val proglang_parent = @{theory ProgLang}
    44   val allthys = Theory.ancestors_of @{theory};
    45   val allthys = filter_out (Library.member Context.eq_thy (* thys for isac bootstrap *)
    46     [(*@{theory ProgLang}: required in isacthys' below*) @{theory Interpret}, @{theory MathEngine},
    47     @{theory BridgeLibisabelle}, knowledge_parent]) allthys         (*["Isac_Knowledge", ..., "Pure"]*)
    48   val isabthys' =                         (*["Complex_Main", "Taylor", .., "Pure"]*)
    49     drop ((find_index (curry Context.eq_thy @{theory Complex_Main}) allthys), allthys);
    50   val isacthys' =                         (*["Isac_Knowledge", "Inverse_Z_Transform",  .., "Know_Store"]*)
    51     take ((find_index (curry Context.eq_thy @{theory Complex_Main}) allthys), allthys);
    52   val knowthys' =                         (*["Isac_Knowledge", .., "Descript", "Delete"]*)
    53     take ((find_index (curry Context.eq_thy proglang_parent) isacthys'), isacthys');
    54   val progthys' =                         (*["Program", "Tools", "ListC", "Know_Store"]*)
    55     drop ((find_index (curry Context.eq_thy proglang_parent) isacthys') + 1(*ProgLang*), isacthys');
    56   val isacrlsthms =                      (*length = 460*)
    57     thms_of_rlss @{theory} (KEStore_Elems.get_rlss knowledge_parent) : (ThmC.id * thm) list
    58   val rlsthmsNOTisac = isacrlsthms       (*length =  36*)
    59     |> filter (fn (deriv, _) => 
    60       Library.member op= (map Context.theory_name isabthys') (ThyC.cut_id deriv))
    61     : (ThmC.id * thm) list
    62 ;
    63 (*\----- cp from Build_Thydata.thy -----------------------------------------------------------/*)
    64 (*val thydata_list = ...*)
    65 (map (collect_isab "Isabelle") rlsthmsNOTisac);           (* OK *)
    66 collect_part   "IsacScripts" proglang_parent progthys';   (* OK *)
    67 (*collect_part "IsacKnowledge" knowledge_parent knowthys' (* NOT terminating *)*)
    69 "~~~~~ fun collect_part , args:"; val (part, parent, thys) =
    70   ("IsacKnowledge", knowledge_parent, knowthys');
    71 (map (collect_thms part) thys);                           (* OK *)
    72 (*(collect_rlss part (KEStore_Elems.get_rlss parent) thys)(* NOT terminating *)*)
    73 (*KEStore_Elems.get_rlss parent                           (* NOT terminating *)*)
    75 "~~~~~ fun get_rlss , args:"; val () = ();
    76 parent; (* = {Pure, .., Inverse_Z_Transform, Isac, Test_Build_Thydata, Test_Theory:111}*)
    78 (*/----- save time in Test_Isac.thy ----------------------------------------------------------
    79 (* rls are stored cumulatively    vvv                 we try them by bisection *)
    80 (*KEStore_Elems.get_rlss @{theory Isac_Knowledge}                   (* NOT terminating *)*)
    81 (*KEStore_Elems.get_rlss @{theory Inverse_Z_Transform}    (* NOT terminating *)*)
    82   KEStore_Elems.get_rlss @{theory Biegelinie};            (* very very very slow *)
    83   KEStore_Elems.get_rlss @{theory PolyEq};                (* OK, very very slow *)
    84   KEStore_Elems.get_rlss @{theory RootRatEq};             (* OK, very slow *)
    85   KEStore_Elems.get_rlss @{theory RootRat};               (* OK, slow *)
    86   KEStore_Elems.get_rlss @{theory RootEq};                (* OK *)
    87   \----- save time in Test_Isac.thy ----------------------------------------------------------/*)