author Walther Neuper <walther.neuper@jku.at>
Tue, 12 May 2020 17:42:29 +0200
changeset 59970 ab1c25c0339a
parent 59942 d6261de56fb0
child 59988 9a6aa40d1962
permissions -rw-r--r--
shift code from struct.Specify to appropriate locations
     1 (* Title:  "Specify/specify.sml"
     2    Author: Walther Neuper
     3    (c) due to copyright terms
     4 *)
     6 "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------";
     7 "table of contents -----------------------------------------------------------------------------";
     8 "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------";
     9 "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------";
    10 "----------- maximum-example: complete_mod ERROR formalisation inconsistent w.r.t. type inferenc";
    11 "----------- maximum-example: complete_metitms -------------------------------------------------";
    12 "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------";
    13 "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------";
    14 "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------";
    16 "----------- maximum-example: complete_mod ERROR formalisation inconsistent w.r.t. type inferenc";
    17 "----------- maximum-example: complete_mod ERROR formalisation inconsistent w.r.t. type inferenc";
    18 "----------- maximum-example: complete_mod ERROR formalisation inconsistent w.r.t. type inferenc";
    19 (*//-------- WAS OUT OF Test UNTIL 200209, ERROR PROBABLY FROM INTRO. OF Isabelle's funpack --\\* )
    20  val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = 
    21      CalcTreeTEST 
    22      [(["fixedValues [r=Arbfix]","maximum A",
    23 	"valuesFor [a,b]",
    24 	"relations [A=a*b, (a/2)^^^2 + (b/2)^^^2 = r^^^2]",
    25 	"relations [A=a*b, (a/2)^^^2 + (b/2)^^^2 = r^^^2]",
    26 	"relations [A=a*b, a/2=r*sin alpha, b/2=r*cos alpha]",
    28 	"boundVariable a","boundVariable b","boundVariable alpha",
    29 	"interval {x::real. 0 <= x & x <= 2*r}",
    30 	"interval {x::real. 0 <= x & x <= 2*r}",
    31 	"interval {x::real. 0 <= x & x <= pi}",
    32 	"errorBound (eps=(0::real))"],
    33        ("DiffApp",["maximum_of","function"],["DiffApp","max_by_calculus"])
    34        )];
    35  val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;
    36  val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;
    37  val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;
    38  (*nxt = nxt = Add_Find "valuesFor [a]" FIXME.12.03 +handle Inc !*)
    39  val pits = get_obj g_pbl pt (fst p);
    40  writeln (I_Model.to_string ctxt pits);
    41 (*[
    42 (0 ,[] ,false ,#Find ,Inc valuesFor ,(??.empty, [])),
    43 (0 ,[] ,false ,#Relate ,Inc relations [] ,(??.empty, [])),
    44 (1 ,[1,2,3] ,true,#Given,Cor fixedValues [r = Arbfix] ,(fix_, [[r = Arbfix]])),
    45 (2 ,[1,2,3] ,true ,#Find ,Cor maximum A ,(m_, [A]))]*) 
    46  val (pt,p) = complete_mod (pt,p);
    47  val pits = get_obj g_pbl pt (fst p);
    48  if I_Model.to_string ctxt pits = "[\n(1 ,[1,2,3] ,true ,#Given ,Cor fixedValues [r = Arbfix] ,(fix_, [[r = Arbfix]])),\n(2 ,[1,2,3] ,true ,#Find ,Cor maximum A ,(m_, [A])),\n(3 ,[1,2,3] ,true ,#Find ,Cor valuesFor [a, b] ,(vs_, [[a],[b]])),\n(4 ,[1,2] ,true ,#Relate ,Cor relations [A = a * b, (a / 2) ^^^ 2 + (b / 2) ^^^ 2 = r ^^^ 2] ,(rs_, [[A = a * b],[(a / 2) ^^^ 2 + (b / 2) ^^^ 2 = r ^^^ 2]]))]" 
    49  then () else error "completetest.sml: new behav. in complete_mod 3";
    50  writeln (I_Model.to_string ctxt pits);
    51 (*[
    52 (1 ,[1,2,3] ,true,#Given,Cor fixedValues [r = Arbfix] ,(fix_, [[r = Arbfix]])),
    53 (2 ,[1,2,3] ,true ,#Find ,Cor maximum A ,(m_, [A])),
    54 (3 ,[1,2,3] ,true ,#Find ,Cor valuesFor [a, b] ,(valuesFor, [[a],[b]])),
    55 (4 ,[1,2] ,true ,#Relate ,Cor relations [A = a * b, (a / 2) ^^^ 2 + (b / 2) ^^^
    56 2 = r ^^^ 2] ,(relations, [[A = a * b],[(a / 2) ^^^ 2 + (b / 2) ^^^ 2 = r ^^^ 2]]))]*)
    57  val mits = get_obj g_met pt (fst p);
    58  if I_Model.to_string ctxt mits = "[\n(1 ,[1,2,3] ,true ,#Given ,Cor fixedValues [r = Arbfix] ,(fix_, [[r = Arbfix]])),\n(2 ,[1,2,3] ,true ,#Find ,Cor maximum A ,(m_, [A])),\n(3 ,[1,2,3] ,true ,#Find ,Cor valuesFor [a, b] ,(vs_, [[a],[b]])),\n(4 ,[1,2] ,true ,#Relate ,Cor relations [A = a * b, (a / 2) ^^^ 2 + (b / 2) ^^^ 2 = r ^^^ 2] ,(rs_, [[A = a * b],[(a / 2) ^^^ 2 + (b / 2) ^^^ 2 = r ^^^ 2]])),\n(6 ,[1] ,true ,#undef ,Cor boundVariable a ,(v_, [a])),\n(9 ,[1,2] ,true ,#undef ,Cor interval {x. 0 <= x & x <= 2 * r} ,(itv_, [{x. 0 <= x & x <= 2 * r}])),\n(11 ,[1,2,3] ,true ,#undef ,Cor errorBound (eps = 0) ,(err_, [eps = 0]))]" 
    59  then () else error "completetest.sml: new behav. in complete_mod 3";
    60  writeln (I_Model.to_string ctxt mits);
    61 (*[
    62 (1 ,[1,2,3] ,true ,#Given ,Cor fixedValues [r = Arbfix] ,(fix_, [[r = Arbfix]])),
    63 (2 ,[1,2,3] ,true ,#Find ,Cor maximum A ,(m_, [A])),
    64 (3 ,[1,2,3] ,true ,#Find ,Cor valuesFor [a, b] ,(valuesFor, [[a],[b]])),
    65 (4 ,[1,2] ,true ,#Relate ,Cor relations [A = a * b, (a / 2) ^^^ 2 + (b / 2) ^^^
    66 2 = r ^^^ 2] ,(relations, [[A = a * b],[(a / 2) ^^^ 2 + (b / 2) ^^^ 2 = r ^^^ 2]])),
    67 (6 ,[1] ,true ,#undef ,Cor boundVariable a ,(boundVariable, [a])),
    68 (9 ,[1,2] ,true ,#undef ,Cor interval {x. 0 <= x & x <= 2 * r} ,(interval, [{x.
    69 0 <= x & x <= 2 * r}])),
    70 (11 ,[1,2,3] ,true ,#undef ,Cor errorBound (eps = 0) ,(errorBound, [eps = 0]))]*)
    71 ( *\\-------- WAS OUT OF Test UNTIL 200209, ERROR PROBABLY FROM INTRO. OF Isabelle's funpack --//*)
    73 "----------- maximum-example: complete_metitms -------------------------------------------------";
    74 "----------- maximum-example: complete_metitms -------------------------------------------------";
    75 "----------- maximum-example: complete_metitms -------------------------------------------------";
    76 val c = [];
    77  val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = 
    78      CalcTreeTEST 
    79      [(["fixedValues [r=Arbfix]","maximum A",
    80 	"valuesFor [a,b]",
    81 	"relations [A=a*b, (a/2)^^^2 + (b/2)^^^2 = r^^^2]",
    82 	"relations [A=a*b, (a/2)^^^2 + (b/2)^^^2 = r^^^2]",
    83   "relations [A=a*b, a/2=r*sin alpha, b/2=r*cos (alpha::real)]",
    85 	"boundVariable a","boundVariable b","boundVariable alpha",
    86 	"interval {x::real. 0 <= x & x <= 2*r}",
    87 	"interval {x::real. 0 <= x & x <= 2*r}",
    88 	"interval {x::real. 0 <= x & x <= pi}",
    89 	"errorBound (eps=(0::real))"],
    90        ("DiffApp",["maximum_of","function"],["DiffApp","max_by_calculus"])
    91        )];
    92  val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;
    93  val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;
    94  val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;
    95  val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;
    96  val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = (me nxt p c pt) (*handle e => OldGoals.print_exn e;*)
    97  val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;
    98  val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;
    99  (*nxt = Specify_Theory "DiffApp"*)
   100  val (oris, _, _) = get_obj g_origin pt (fst p);
   101  writeln (O_Model.to_string oris);
   102 (*[
   103 (1, ["1","2","3"], #Given,fixedValues, ["[r = Arbfix]"]),
   104 (2, ["1","2","3"], #Find,maximum, ["A"]),
   105 (3, ["1","2","3"], #Find,valuesFor, ["[a]","[b]"]),
   106 (4, ["1","2"], #Relate,relations, ["[A = a * b]","[(a / 2) ^^^ 2 + (b / 2) ^^^ 2 = r ^^^ 2]"]),
   107 (5, ["3"], #Relate,relations, ["[A = a * b]","[a / 2 = r * sin alpha]","[b / 2 = r * cos alpha]"]),
   108 (6, ["1"], #undef,boundVariable, ["a"]),
   109 (7, ["2"], #undef,boundVariable, ["b"]),
   110 (8, ["3"], #undef,boundVariable, ["alpha"]),
   111 (9, ["1","2"], #undef,interval, ["{x. 0 <= x & x <= 2 * r}"]),
   112 (10, ["3"], #undef,interval, ["{x. 0 <= x & x <= pi}"]),
   113 (11, ["1","2","3"], #undef,errorBound, ["eps = 0"])]*)
   114  val pits = get_obj g_pbl pt (fst p);
   115  writeln (I_Model.to_string ctxt pits);
   116 (*[
   117 (1 ,[1,2,3] ,true,#Given ,Cor fixedValues [r = Arbfix],(fix_, [[r = Arbfix]])),
   118 (2 ,[1,2,3] ,true,#Find ,Cor maximum A ,(m_, [A])),
   119 (3 ,[1,2,3] ,true,#Find ,Cor valuesFor [a, b] ,(vs_, [[a, b]])),
   120 (4 ,[1,2] ,true,#Relate ,Cor relations [A = a * b, (a / 2) ^^^ 2 + (b / 2) ^^^
   121 2 = r ^^^ 2] ,(rs_, [[A = a * b, (a / 2) ^^^ 2 + (b / 2) ^^^ 2 = r ^^^ 2]]))]*)
   122  val mits = get_obj g_met pt (fst p);
   123  val mits = complete_metitms oris pits [] 
   124 			((#ppc o Method.from_store) ["DiffApp","max_by_calculus"]);
   125  writeln (I_Model.to_string ctxt mits);
   126 (*[
   127 (1 ,[1,2,3] ,true ,#Given ,Cor fixedValues [r = Arbfix] ,(fix_, [[r = Arbfix]])),
   128 (2 ,[1,2,3] ,true ,#Find ,Cor maximum A ,(m_, [A])),
   129 (3 ,[1,2,3] ,true ,#Find ,Cor valuesFor [a, b] ,(vs_, [[a, b]])),
   130 (4 ,[1,2] ,true ,#Relate ,Cor relations [A = a * b, (a / 2) ^^^ 2 + (b / 2) ^^^
   131 2 = r ^^^ 2] ,(rs_, [[A = a * b, (a / 2) ^^^ 2 + (b / 2) ^^^ 2 = r ^^^ 2]])),
   132 (6 ,[1] ,true ,#undef ,Cor boundVariable a ,(boundVariable, [a])),
   133 (9 ,[1,2] ,true ,#undef ,Cor interval {x. 0 <= x & x <= 2 * r} ,(interval, [{x.
   134 0 <= x & x <= 2 * r}])),
   135 (11 ,[1,2,3] ,true ,#undef ,Cor errorBound (eps = 0) ,(errorBound, [eps = 0]))]*)
   136 if I_Model.to_string ctxt mits
   137   = "[\n(1 ,[1,2,3] ,true ,#Given ,Cor fixedValues [r = Arbfix] ,(f_ix, [[r = Arbfix]])),\n(2 ,[1,2,3] ,true ,#Find ,Cor maximum A ,(m_m, [A])),\n(3 ,[1,2,3] ,true ,#Find ,Cor valuesFor [a, b] ,(v_s, [[a, b]])),\n(4 ,[1,2] ,true ,#Relate ,Cor relations [A = a * b, (a / 2) ^^^ 2 + (b / 2) ^^^ 2 = r ^^^ 2] ,(r_s, [[A = a * b, (a / 2) ^^^ 2 + (b / 2) ^^^ 2 = r ^^^ 2]])),\n(6 ,[1] ,true ,#undef ,Cor boundVariable a ,(v_v, [a])),\n(9 ,[1,2] ,true ,#undef ,Cor interval {x. 0 \<le> x \<and> x \<le> 2 * r} ,(i_tv, [{x. 0 \<le> x \<and> x \<le> 2 * r}])),\n(11 ,[1,2,3] ,true ,#undef ,Cor errorBound (eps = 0) ,(e_rr, [eps = 0]))]"
   138 then () else error "completetest.sml: new behav. in complete_metitms 1";