author Walther Neuper <wneuper@ist.tugraz.at>
Wed, 14 Dec 2016 10:45:41 +0100
changeset 59267 aab874fdd910
parent 59253 f0bb15a046ae
child 59279 255c853ea2f0
permissions -rw-r--r--
redesigned inout, mout (since 2003 for interface Kernel - Java)

cf 56762e8a672e note (1)
     1 (* tests for sml/ME/ctree.sml
     2    authors: Walther Neuper 060113
     3    (c) due to copyright terms
     5 use"../smltest/ME/ctree.sml";
     6 use"ctree.sml";
     7 *)
     9 "-----------------------------------------------------------------";
    10 "table of contents -----------------------------------------------";
    11 "-----------------------------------------------------------------";
    12 "-----------------------------------------------------------------";
    13 "-------------- fun get_ctxt -------------------------------------";
    14 "-------------- fun update_ctxt, fun g_ctxt ----------------------";
    15 "-------------- check positions in miniscript --------------------";
    16 "-------------- get_allpos' (from ptree above)--------------------";
    17 "-------------- cut_level (from ptree above)----------------------";
    18 "-------------- cut_tree (from ptree above)-----------------------";
    19 "=====new ptree 1a miniscript with mini-subpbl ===================";
    20 "-------------- cut_level ( ,Frm) on Incomplete Nd ---------------";
    21 "=====new ptree 2 miniscript with mini-subpbl ====================";
    22 "-------------- cut_tree (intermedi.ptree: 3rd level)-------------";
    23 "-------------- cappend (from ptree above)------------------------";
    24 "-------------- cappend minisubpbl -------------------------------";
    25 "=====new ptree 3 ================================================";
    26 "-------------- move_dn ------------------------------------------";
    27 "-------------- move_dn: Frm -> Res ------------------------------";
    28 "-------------- move_up ------------------------------------------";
    29 "------ move into detail -----------------------------------------";
    30 "=====new ptree 3a ===============================================";
    31 "-------------- move_dn in Incomplete ctree ----------------------";
    32 "=====new ptree 4: crooked by cut_level_'_ =======================";
    33 (*############## development stopped 0501 ########################*)
    34 (******************************************************************)
    35 (*              val SAVE_get_trace = get_trace;                   *)
    36 (******************************************************************)
    37 "-------------- get_interval from ctree: incremental development--";
    38 (******************************************************************)
    39 (*              val get_trace = SAVE_get_trace;                   *)
    40 (******************************************************************)
    41 (*############## development stopped 0501 ########################*)
    42 "=====new ptree 4 ratequation ====================================";
    43 "-------------- pt_extract form, tac, asm<>[] --------------------";
    44 "=====new ptree 5 minisubpbl =====================================";
    45 "-------------- pt_extract form, tac, asm ------------------------";
    46 "=====new ptree 6 minisubpbl intersteps ==========================";
    47 "-------------- get_allpos' new ----------------------------------";
    48 "-------------- cut_tree new (from ptree above)-------------------";
    49 "-------------- subst2subs subs2subst sube2subst subte2subst -----";
    50 "-----------------------------------------------------------------";
    51 "-----------------------------------------------------------------";
    52 "-----------------------------------------------------------------";
    55 "-------------- fun get_ctxt -------------------------------------";
    56 "-------------- fun get_ctxt -------------------------------------";
    57 "-------------- fun get_ctxt -------------------------------------";
    58 val fmz = ["equality (x+1=(2::real))", "solveFor x","solutions L"];
    59 val (dI',pI',mI') =
    60   ("Test", ["sqroot-test","univariate","equation","test"],
    61    ["Test","squ-equ-test-subpbl1"]);
    62 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = CalcTreeTEST [(fmz, (dI',pI',mI'))];
    63 (get_ctxt pt p)
    64   handle _ => error "--- fun get_ctxt not even some ctxt found in PblObj";
    65 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p [] pt;
    66 (get_ctxt pt p)
    67   handle _ => error "--- fun get_ctxt not even some ctxt found in PrfObj";
    69 "-------------- fun update_ctxt, fun g_ctxt ----------------------";
    70 "-------------- fun update_ctxt, fun g_ctxt ----------------------";
    71 "-------------- fun update_ctxt, fun g_ctxt ----------------------";
    72 val pt = EmptyPtree;
    73 val pt = append_problem [] (e_istate, e_ctxt) e_fmz ([(*oris*)], e_spec, e_term) pt;
    74 val ctxt = get_obj g_ctxt pt [];
    75 if is_e_ctxt ctxt then () else error "--- fun update_ctxt, fun g_ctxt: append_problem changed";
    76 val pt = update_ctxt pt [] (Proof_Context.init_global @{theory "Isac"});
    77 if (get_obj g_ctxt pt [] |> Proof_Context.theory_of |> Context.theory_name) = "Isac"
    78 then () else error "--- fun update_ctxt, fun g_ctxt changed";
    80 "-------------- check positions in miniscript --------------------";
    81 "-------------- check positions in miniscript --------------------";
    82 "-------------- check positions in miniscript --------------------";
    83 val fmz = ["equality (x+1=(2::real))",
    84 	   "solveFor x","solutions L"];
    85 val (dI',pI',mI') =
    86   ("Test",["sqroot-test","univariate","equation","test"],
    87    ["Test","squ-equ-test-subpbl1"]);
    88 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = CalcTreeTEST [(fmz, (dI',pI',mI'))];
    89 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p [1] pt;
    90 (* nxt = Add_Given "equality (x + 1 = 2)"
    91    (writeln o (itms2str_ ctxt)) (get_obj g_pbl pt (fst p));
    92    *)
    93 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p [1] pt;
    94 (* (writeln o (itms2str_ ctxt)) (get_obj g_pbl pt (fst p));
    95    *)
    96 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p [1] pt;
    97 (* (writeln o (itms2str_ ctxt)) (get_obj g_pbl pt (fst p));
    98    *)
    99 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p [1] pt;val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p [1] pt;
   100 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p [1] pt;
   101 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p [1] pt;
   102 "ctree.sml-------------- get_allpos' new ------------------------\"";
   103 val (PP, pp) = split_last [1];
   104 val ((pt', cuts), clevup) = cut_bottom (PP, pp) (get_nd pt PP);
   106 val cuts = get_allp [] ([], ([],Frm)) pt;
   107 val cuts2 = get_allps [] [1] (children pt);
   108 "ctree.sml-------------- cut_tree new (from ptree above)----------";
   109 val (pt', cuts) = cut_tree pt ([1],Frm);
   110 "ctree.sml-------------- cappend on complete ctree from above ----";
   111 val (pt', cuts) = cappend_form pt [1] (e_istate, e_ctxt) (str2term "Inform[1]");
   112 "----------------------------------------------------------------/";
   114 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p [1] pt(*cappend_form: pos =[1]*);
   115 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p [1] pt(*cappend_atomic: pos =[1]*);
   116 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p [1] pt(*cappend_atomic: pos =[2]*);
   117 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p [1] pt(*cappend_problem: pos =[3]*);
   119 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p [1] pt;
   120 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p [1] pt;
   121 (*val nxt = ("Add_Given", Add_Given "equality (-1 + x = 0)").....*)
   122 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p [1] pt;val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p [1] pt;
   123 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p [1] pt;
   124 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p [1] pt;
   125 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p [1] pt;
   126 (*val nxt = ("Apply_Method", Apply_Method ["Test", "solve_linear"])*)
   128 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p [1] pt(*cappend_form: pos =[3,1]*);
   129 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p [1] pt(*cappend_atomic: pos =[3,1]*);
   130 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p [1] pt(*cappend_atomic: pos =[3,2]*);
   131 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p [1] pt(*.append_result: pos =[3]*);
   132 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p [1] pt(*cappend_atomic: pos =[4]*);
   133 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p [1] pt(*.append_result: pos =[]*);
   134 val FormKF res = f;
   135 if res = "[x = 1]"
   136 then case nxt of ("End_Proof'", End_Proof') => ()
   137   | _ => error "new behaviour in test: miniscript with mini-subpbl 1"
   138 else error "new behaviour in test: miniscript with mini-subpbl 2" 
   140  show_pt pt;
   142 "-------------- get_allpos' (from ptree above)--------------------";
   143 "-------------- get_allpos' (from ptree above)--------------------";
   144 "-------------- get_allpos' (from ptree above)--------------------";
   145 if get_allpos' ([], 1) pt = 
   146    [([], Frm), 
   147     ([1], Frm), 
   148     ([1], Res), 
   149     ([2], Res), 
   150     ([3], Frm), 
   151     ([3, 1], Frm),
   152     ([3, 1], Res), 
   153     ([3, 2], Res), 
   154     ([3], Res), 
   155     ([4], Res), 
   156     ([], Res)]
   157 then () else error "ctree.sml: diff:behav. in get_allpos' 1";
   159 if get_allpos's ([], 1) (children pt) = 
   160    [([1], Frm), 
   161     ([1], Res), 
   162     ([2], Res), 
   163     ([3], Frm), 
   164     ([3, 1], Frm),
   165     ([3, 1], Res), 
   166     ([3, 2], Res), 
   167     ([3], Res), 
   168     ([4], Res)]
   169 then () else error "ctree.sml: diff:behav. in get_allpos' 2";
   171 if get_allpos's ([], 2) (takerest (1, children pt)) = 
   172    [([2], Res), 
   173     ([3], Frm), 
   174     ([3, 1], Frm), 
   175     ([3, 1], Res), 
   176     ([3, 2], Res),
   177     ([3], Res), 
   178     ([4], Res)]
   179 then () else error "ctree.sml: diff:behav. in get_allpos' 3";
   181 if get_allpos's ([], 3) (takerest (2, children pt)) = 
   182    [([3], Frm), 
   183     ([3, 1], Frm),
   184     ([3, 1], Res),
   185     ([3, 2], Res),
   186     ([3], Res),
   187     ([4], Res)]
   188 then () else error "ctree.sml: diff:behav. in get_allpos' 4";
   190 if get_allpos's ([3], 1) (children (nth 3 (children pt))) = 
   191    [([3, 1], Frm),
   192     ([3, 1], Res),
   193     ([3, 2], Res)]
   194 then () else error "ctree.sml: diff:behav. in get_allpos' 5";
   196 if get_allpos' ([3], 1) (nth 3 (children pt)) = 
   197    [([3], Frm),
   198     ([3, 1], Frm),
   199     ([3, 1], Res),
   200     ([3, 2], Res),
   201     ([3], Res)]
   202 then () else error "ctree.sml: diff:behav. in get_allpos' 6";
   209 "-------------- cut_level (from ptree above)----------------------";
   210 "-------------- cut_level (from ptree above)----------------------";
   211 "-------------- cut_level (from ptree above)----------------------";
   212 show_pt pt;
   213 show_pt pt';
   214 default_print_depth 99; cuts; default_print_depth 3;
   216 (*if cuts = [([2], Res),
   217 	   ([3], Frm),
   218 	   ([3, 1], Frm),
   219 	   ([3, 1], Res),
   220 	   ([3, 2], Res),
   221 	   ([3], Res),
   222 	   ([4], Res)]
   223 then () else error "ctree.sml: diff:behav. in cut_level 1a";
   224 val (res,asm) = get_obj g_result pt' [2];
   225 if res = e_term andalso asm = [] then () else
   226 error "ctree.sml: diff:behav. in cut_level 1aa" WN050219*);
   227 if not (existpt [2] pt') then () else
   228 error "ctree.sml: diff:behav. in cut_level 1aa2" (*WN050220*);
   230 val (res,asm) = get_obj g_result pt' [];
   232 (*============ inhibit exn AK110726 ==============================================
   233 if term2str res = "[x = 1]" (*WN050219 e_term in cut_tree!!!*) then () else
   234 error "ctree.sml: diff:behav. in cut_level 1ab";
   235 ============ inhibit exn AK110726 ==============================================*)
   236 (*============ inhibit exn AK110726 ==============================================
   237 if map fst (get_interval ([],Frm) ([],Res) 9999 pt') =
   238    [([], Frm), 
   239     ([1], Frm), 
   240     ([1], Res), 
   241     ([2], Res),(*, e_term in cut_tree!!!*)
   242     ([], Res)] then () else 
   243 error "ctree.sml: diff:behav. in cut_level 1b";
   244 ============ inhibit exn AK110726 ==============================================*)
   246 val (pt',cuts) = cut_level [] [] pt ([2],Res);
   247 if cuts = [([3], Frm), 
   248 	   ([3, 1], Frm), 
   249 	   ([3, 1], Res), 
   250 	   ([3, 2], Res), 
   251 	   ([3], Res), 
   252 	   ([4], Res)]
   253 then () else error "ctree.sml: diff:behav. in cut_level 2a";
   255 if pr_ptree pr_short pt' = ".    ----- pblobj -----\n1.   x + 1 = 2\n2.   x + 1 + -1 * 2 = 0\n"
   256 then () else error "ctree.sml: diff:behav. in cut_level 2b";
   258 val (pt',cuts) = cut_level [] [3] pt ([3,1],Frm);
   259 if cuts = [([3, 1], Res), ([3, 2], Res)]
   260 then () else error "ctree.sml: diff:behav. in cut_level 3a";
   261 if pr_ptree pr_short pt' = ".    ----- pblobj -----\n1.   x + 1 = 2\n2.   x + 1 + -1 * 2 = 0\n3.    ----- pblobj -----\n3.1.   -1 + x = 0\n4.   [x = 1]\n"
   262 then () else error "ctree.sml: diff:behav. in cut_level 3b";
   264 val (pt',cuts) = cut_level [] [3] pt ([3,1],Res);
   265 if cuts = [([3, 2], Res)]
   266 then () else error "ctree.sml: diff:behav. in cut_level 4a";
   267 if pr_ptree pr_short pt' = ".    ----- pblobj -----\n1.   x + 1 = 2\n2.   x + 1 + -1 * 2 = 0\n3.    ----- pblobj -----\n3.1.   -1 + x = 0\n4.   [x = 1]\n"
   268 then () else error "ctree.sml: diff:behav. in cut_level 4b";
   271 "-------------- cut_tree (from ptree above)-----------------------";
   272 "-------------- cut_tree (from ptree above)-----------------------";
   273 "-------------- cut_tree (from ptree above)-----------------------";
   274 val (pt', cuts) = cut_tree pt ([2],Frm);(*not created by move_dn -- not on WS*)
   276 (*============ inhibit exn AK110726 ==============================================
   277 if cuts = [([2], Res),
   278 	   ([3], Frm),
   279 	   ([3, 1], Frm),
   280 	   ([3, 1], Res),
   281 	   ([3, 2], Res),
   282 	   ([3], Res),
   283 	   ([4], Res),
   284 	   ([], Res)]
   285 then () else error "ctree.sml: diff:behav. in cut_tree 1a";
   287 val (res,asm) = get_obj g_result pt' [2];
   288 ============ inhibit exn AK110726 ==============================================*)
   290 if res = e_term (*WN050219 done by cut_level*) then () else
   291 error "ctree.sml: diff:behav. in cut_tree 1aa";
   293 (*============ inhibit exn AK110726 ==============================================
   294 val form = get_obj g_form pt' [2];
   295 if term2str form = "x + 1 + -1 * 2 = 0" (*remained !!!*) then () else
   296 error "ctree.sml: diff:behav. in cut_tree 1ab";
   297 ============ inhibit exn AK110726 ==============================================*)
   298 (* AK110727 Debuging
   299   (* get_obj g_form pt' [2]; 
   300     (* ERROR: exception PTREE "get_obj: pos = [2] does not exist" 
   301           raised (line 908 /src/Tools/isac/Interpret/ctree.sml")*)*)
   302 "~~~~~ fun get_obj, args:"; val (f, (Nd (b, bs)) ,(p::ps)) = (g_form, pt', [2]);*)
   304 val (res,asm) = get_obj g_result pt' [];
   305 if res = e_term (*WN050219 done by cut_tree*) then () else
   306 error "ctree.sml: diff:behav. in cut_tree 1ac";
   308 if map fst (get_interval ([],Frm) ([],Res) 9999 pt') =
   309    [([], Frm), 
   310     ([1], Frm), 
   311     ([1], Res)] then () else 
   312 error "ctree.sml: diff:behav. in cut_tree 1ad";
   314 val (pt', cuts) = cut_tree pt ([2],Res);
   315 (*============ inhibit exn AK110726 ==============================================
   316 if cuts = [([3], Frm),
   317 	   ([3, 1], Frm),
   318 	   ([3, 1], Res),
   319 	   ([3, 2], Res),
   320 	   ([3], Res),
   321 	   ([4], Res),
   322 	   ([], Res)]
   323 then () else error "ctree.sml: diff:behav. in cut_tree 2";
   324 ============ inhibit exn AK110726 ==============================================*)
   326 val (pt', cuts) = cut_tree pt ([3,1],Frm);
   327 (*============ inhibit exn AK110726 ==============================================
   328 if cuts = [([3, 1], Res), 
   329 	   ([3, 2], Res),
   330 	   ([3], Res),
   331 	   ([4], Res),
   332 	   ([], Res)]
   333 then () else error "ctree.sml: diff:behav. in cut_tree 3";
   334 ============ inhibit exn AK110726 ==============================================*)
   336 val (pt', cuts) = cut_tree pt ([3,1],Res);
   337 if cuts = [([3, 2], Res),
   338 	   ([3], Res),
   339 	   ([4], Res),
   340 	   ([], Res)]
   341 then () else error "ctree.sml: diff:behav. in cut_tree 4";
   343 "=====new ptree 1a miniscript with mini-subpbl ===================";
   344 "=====new ptree 1a miniscript with mini-subpbl ===================";
   345 "=====new ptree 1a miniscript with mini-subpbl ===================";
   346 val fmz = ["equality (x+1=(2::real))", "solveFor x","solutions L"];
   347 val (dI',pI',mI') =
   348   ("Test",["sqroot-test","univariate","equation","test"],
   349    ["Test","squ-equ-test-subpbl1"]);
   350 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = CalcTreeTEST [(fmz, (dI',pI',mI'))];
   351 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p [1] pt;
   352 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p [1] pt;
   353 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p [1] pt;
   354 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p [1] pt;
   355 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p [1] pt;
   356 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p [1] pt;
   357 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p [1] pt;
   358 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p [1] pt;
   359 show_pt pt;
   361 "-------------- cut_level ( ,Frm) on Incomplete Nd ---------------";
   362 "-------------- cut_level ( ,Frm) on Incomplete Nd ---------------";
   363 "-------------- cut_level ( ,Frm) on Incomplete Nd ---------------";
   365 val (pt',cuts) = cut_level [] [3] pt ([1],Frm);(*([1],Frm) is stored*)
   366 if cuts = [](*([1],Res) is not yet stored (Nd.ostate=Incomplete)*)
   367 then () else error "ctree.sml: diff:behav. in cut_tree 4a";
   369 val (pt', cuts) = cut_tree pt ([1],Frm);
   370 if cuts = []
   371 then () else error "ctree.sml: diff:behav. in cut_tree 4a";
   373 (*WN050219
   374 val pos as ([p],_) = ([1],Frm);
   375 val pt as Nd (b,_) = pt;
   378 show_pt pt;
   379 show_pt pt';
   380 default_print_depth 99;cuts;default_print_depth 3;
   381 default_print_depth 99;map fst (get_interval ([],Frm) ([],Res) 9999 pt');default_print_depth 3;
   382 ####################################################################*)
   386 "=====new ptree 2 miniscript with mini-subpbl ====================";
   387 "=====new ptree 2 miniscript with mini-subpbl ====================";
   388 "=====new ptree 2 miniscript with mini-subpbl ====================";
   389 reset_states ();
   390  CalcTree [(["equality (x+1=(2::real))", "solveFor x","solutions L"], 
   391    ("Test", ["sqroot-test","univariate","equation","test"],
   392     ["Test","squ-equ-test-subpbl1"]))];
   393  Iterator 1; moveActiveRoot 1;
   394  autoCalculate 1 CompleteCalc; 
   396  interSteps 1 ([3,2],Res);
   398  val ((pt,_),_) = get_calc 1;
   399  show_pt pt;
   401 if (term2str o fst) (get_obj g_result pt [3,2,1]) = "x = 0 + 1" then ()
   402 else error "mini-subpbl interSteps broken";
   404 "-------------- cut_tree (intermedi.ptree: 3rd level)-------------";
   405 "-------------- cut_tree (intermedi.ptree: 3rd level)-------------";
   406 "-------------- cut_tree (intermedi.ptree: 3rd level)-------------";
   407 (*WN050225 intermed. outcommented
   408  val (pt', cuts) = cut_tree pt ([3,2,1],Frm);
   409  if cuts = [([3, 2, 1], Res),
   410 	    ([3, 2, 2], Res),
   411 	    ([3, 2], Res), 
   412 	    ([3], Res),
   413 	    ([4], Res)]
   414  then () else error "ctree.sml: diff:behav. in cut_tree 3rd level 1";
   416  val (pt', cuts) = cut_tree pt ([3,2,1],Res);
   417  if cuts = [([3, 2, 2], Res),
   418 	    ([3, 2], Res), 
   419 	    ([3], Res),
   420 	    ([4], Res)]
   421  then () else error "ctree.sml: diff:behav. in cut_tree 3rd level 2";
   424 "-------------- cappend (from ptree above)------------------------";
   425 "-------------- cappend (from ptree above)------------------------";
   426 "-------------- cappend (from ptree above)------------------------";
   427 val (pt',cuts) = cappend_form pt [3,2,1] e_istate (str2term "newnew");
   428 if cuts = [([3, 2, 1], Res),
   429 	   ([3, 2, 2], Res),
   430 	   ([3, 2], Res), 
   431 	   ([3], Res),
   432 	   ([4], Res),
   433 	   ([], Res)]
   434 then () else error "ctree.sml: diff:behav. in cappend_form";
   435 if term2str (get_obj g_form pt' [3,2,1]) = "newnew" andalso
   436    get_obj g_tac pt' [3,2,1] = Empty_Tac andalso
   437    term2str (fst (get_obj g_result pt' [3,2,1])) = "??.empty"
   438  then () else error "ctree.sml: diff:behav. in cappend 1";
   440 val (pt',cuts) = cappend_atomic pt [3,2,1] e_istate (str2term "newform")
   441     (Tac "test") (str2term "newresult",[]) Complete;
   442 if cuts = [([3, 2, 1], Res), (*?????????????*)
   443 	   ([3, 2, 2], Res),
   444 	   ([3, 2], Res),
   445 	   ([3], Res),
   446 	   ([4], Res),
   447 	   ([], Res)]
   448 then () else error "ctree.sml: diff:behav. in cappend_atomic";
   452 "-------------- cappend minisubpbl -------------------------------";
   453 "-------------- cappend minisubpbl -------------------------------";
   454 "-------------- cappend minisubpbl -------------------------------";
   455 "=====new ptree 1 miniscript with mini-subpbl ====================";
   456 val fmz = ["equality (x+1=(2::real))", "solveFor x","solutions L"];
   457 val (dI',pI',mI') =
   458   ("Test",["sqroot-test","univariate","equation","test"],
   459    ["Test","squ-equ-test-subpbl1"]);
   460 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = CalcTreeTEST [(fmz, (dI',pI',mI'))];
   461 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p [1] pt;
   462 (* nxt = Add_Given "equality (x + 1 = 2)"
   463    (writeln o (itms2str_ ctxt)) (get_obj g_pbl pt (fst p));
   464    *)
   465 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p [1] pt;
   466 (* (writeln o (itms2str_ ctxt)) (get_obj g_pbl pt (fst p));
   467    *)
   468 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p [1] pt;
   469 (* (writeln o (itms2str_ ctxt)) (get_obj g_pbl pt (fst p));
   470    *)
   471 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p [1] pt;val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p [1] pt;
   472 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p [1] pt;
   473 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p [1] pt;
   474 (*###cappend_form: pos =[1]  ... while calculating nxt, which pt is dropped
   475 val nxt = ("Apply_Method", Apply_Method ["Test", "squ-equ-test-subpbl1"])*)
   477 (*val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p [1] pt(**)cappend_form: pos =[1]*);
   478 val p = ([1], Frm);
   479 val (pt,cuts) = cappend_form pt (fst p) e_istate (str2term "x + 1 = 2");
   480 val form = get_obj g_form pt (fst p);
   481 val (res,_) = get_obj g_result pt (fst p);
   482 if term2str form = "x + 1 = 2" andalso res = e_term then () else
   483 error "ctree.sml, diff.behav. cappend minisubpbl ([1],Frm)";
   484 if not (existpt ((lev_on o fst) p) pt) then () else
   485 error "ctree.sml, diff.behav. cappend minisubpbl ([1],Frm) nxt";
   487 (*val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p [1] pt(**)cappend_atomic: pos =[1]*);
   488 val p = ([1], Res);
   489 val (pt,cuts) = 
   490     cappend_atomic pt (fst p) e_istate (str2term "x + 1 = 2")
   491 		   Empty_Tac (str2term "x + 1 + -1 * 2 = 0",[]) Incomplete;
   492 val form = get_obj g_form pt (fst p);
   493 val (res,_) = get_obj g_result pt (fst p);
   494 if term2str form = "x + 1 = 2" andalso term2str res = "x + 1 + -1 * 2 = 0" 
   495 then () else error "ctree.sml, diff.behav. cappend minisubpbl ([1],Res)";
   496 if not (existpt ((lev_on o fst) p) pt) then () else
   497 error "ctree.sml, diff.behav. cappend minisubpbl ([1],Res) nxt";
   499 (*val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p [1] pt(**)cappend_atomic: pos =[2]*);
   500 val p = ([2], Res);
   501 val (pt,cuts) = 
   502     cappend_atomic pt (fst p) e_istate (str2term "x + 1 + -1 * 2 = 0")
   503 		   Empty_Tac (str2term "-1 + x = 0",[]) Incomplete;
   504 val form = get_obj g_form pt (fst p);
   505 val (res,_) = get_obj g_result pt (fst p);
   506 if term2str form = "x + 1 + -1 * 2 = 0" andalso term2str res = "-1 + x = 0"
   507 then () else error "ctree.sml, diff.behav. cappend minisubpbl ([2],Res)";
   508 if not (existpt ((lev_on o fst) p) pt) then () else
   509 error "ctree.sml, diff.behav. cappend minisubpbl ([2],Res) nxt";
   512 (*val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p [1] pt;(**)cappend_problem: pos =[3]*)
   513 val p = ([3], Pbl);
   514 val (pt,cuts) = cappend_problem pt (fst p) e_istate e_fmz ([],e_spec,e_term);
   515 if is_pblobj (get_obj I pt (fst p)) then () else 
   516 error "ctree.sml, diff.behav. cappend minisubpbl ([3],Pbl)";
   517 if not (existpt ((lev_on o fst) p) pt) then () else
   518 error "ctree.sml, diff.behav. cappend minisubpbl ([3],Pbl) nxt";
   520 (* ...complete calchead skipped...*)
   522 (*val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p [1] pt(**)cappend_form: pos =[3,1]*);
   523 val p = ([3, 1], Frm);
   524 val (pt,cuts) = cappend_form pt (fst p) e_istate (str2term "-1 + x = 0");
   525 val form = get_obj g_form pt (fst p);
   526 val (res,_) = get_obj g_result pt (fst p);
   527 if term2str form = "-1 + x = 0" andalso res = e_term then () else
   528 error "ctree.sml, diff.behav. cappend minisubpbl ([3,1],Frm)";
   529 if not (existpt ((lev_on o fst) p) pt) then () else
   530 error "ctree.sml, diff.behav. cappend minisubpbl ([3,1],Frm) nxt";
   532 (*val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p [1] pt;(**)cappend_atomic: pos =[3,1]*)
   533 val p = ([3, 1], Res);
   534 val (pt,cuts) = 
   535     cappend_atomic pt (fst p) e_istate (str2term "-1 + x = 0")
   536 		   Empty_Tac (str2term "x = 0 + -1 * -1",[]) Incomplete;
   537 val form = get_obj g_form pt (fst p);
   538 val (res,_) = get_obj g_result pt (fst p);
   539 if term2str form = "-1 + x = 0" andalso term2str res = "x = 0 + -1 * -1" then()
   540 else error "ctree.sml, diff.behav. cappend minisubpbl ([3,1],Res)";
   541 if not (existpt ((lev_on o fst) p) pt) then () else
   542 error "ctree.sml, diff.behav. cappend minisubpbl ([3,1],Res) nxt";
   544 (*val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p [1] pt(**)cappend_form: pos =[3,1]*);
   545 (*val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p [1] pt(**)cappend_atomic: pos =[3,1]*);
   546 (*val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p [1] pt(**)cappend_atomic: pos =[3,2]*);
   547 (*val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p [1] pt(**).append_result: pos =[3]*);
   548 (*val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p [1] pt(**)cappend_atomic: pos =[4]*);
   549 (*val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p [1] pt(**).append_result: pos =[]*);
   551 WN050225 intermed. outcommented---*)
   553 "=====new ptree 3 ================================================";
   554 "=====new ptree 3 ================================================";
   555 "=====new ptree 3 ================================================";
   557 reset_states ();
   558  CalcTree [(["equality (x+1=(2::real))", "solveFor x","solutions L"], 
   559    ("Test", ["sqroot-test","univariate","equation","test"],
   560     ["Test","squ-equ-test-subpbl1"]))];
   561  Iterator 1; moveActiveRoot 1;
   562  autoCalculate 1 CompleteCalc; 
   564  val ((pt,_),_) = get_calc 1;
   565  show_pt pt;
   567 "-------------- move_dn ------------------------------------------";
   568 "-------------- move_dn ------------------------------------------";
   569 "-------------- move_dn ------------------------------------------";
   570  val p = move_dn [] pt ([],Pbl) (*-> ([1],Frm)*);
   571  val p = move_dn [] pt p        (*-> ([1],Res)*);
   572  val p = move_dn [] pt p        (*-> ([2],Res)*);
   573  val p = move_dn [] pt p        (*-> ([3],Pbl)*);
   574  val p = move_dn [] pt p        (*-> ([3,1],Frm)*);
   575  val p = move_dn [] pt p        (*-> ([3,1],Res)*);
   576  val p = move_dn [] pt p        (*-> ([3,2],Res)*);
   577  val p = move_dn [] pt p        (*-> ([3],Res)*);
   578 (* term2str (get_obj g_res pt [3]);
   579    term2str (get_obj g_form pt [4]);
   580    *)
   581  val p = move_dn [] pt p        (*-> ([4],Res)*);
   582  val p = move_dn [] pt p        (*-> ([],Res)*);
   583 (*
   584  val p = (move_dn [] pt p) handle e => print_exn_G e;
   585                                   Exception PTREE end of calculation*)
   587 if p=([],Res) then () else error "ctree.sml: diff:behav. in move_dn";
   589 "-------------- move_dn: Frm -> Res ------------------------------";
   590 "-------------- move_dn: Frm -> Res ------------------------------";
   591 "-------------- move_dn: Frm -> Res ------------------------------";
   592  reset_states ();
   593  CalcTree      (*start of calculation, return No.1*)
   594      [(["equality (1+-1*2+x=(0::real))", "solveFor x","solutions L"],
   595        ("Test", 
   596 	["LINEAR","univariate","equation","test"],
   597 	["Test","solve_linear"]))];
   598  Iterator 1; moveActiveRoot 1;
   599  autoCalculate 1 CompleteCalcHead;
   600  autoCalculate 1 (Step 1);
   601  refFormula 1 (get_pos 1 1);
   603  moveActiveRoot 1;
   604  moveActiveDown 1;
   605  if get_pos 1 1 = ([1], Frm) then () 
   606  else error "ctree.sml: diff.behav. in move_dn: Frm -> Res (1)";
   607  moveActiveDown 1; (*<ERROR> pos does not exist </ERROR>*)
   609  autoCalculate 1 (Step 1);
   610  refFormula 1 (get_pos 1 1);
   612  moveActiveDown 1; (*<ERROR> pos does not exist </ERROR>*)
   613  if get_pos 1 1 = ([1], Res) then () 
   614  else error "ctree.sml: diff.behav. in move_dn: Frm -> Res (1)";
   615  moveActiveDown 1; (*<ERROR> pos does not exist </ERROR>*)
   618 "-------------- move_up ------------------------------------------";
   619 "-------------- move_up ------------------------------------------";
   620 "-------------- move_up ------------------------------------------";
   621  val p = move_up [] pt ([],Res); (*-> ([4],Res)*)
   622  val p = move_up [] pt p;        (*-> ([3],Res)*)
   623  val p = move_up [] pt p;        (*-> ([3,2],Res)*)
   624  val p = move_up [] pt p;        (*-> ([3,1],Res)*)
   625  val p = move_up [] pt p;        (*-> ([3,1],Frm)*)
   626  val p = move_up [] pt p;        (*-> ([3],Pbl)*)
   627  val p = move_up [] pt p;        (*-> ([2],Res)*)
   628  val p = move_up [] pt p;        (*-> ([1],Res)*)
   629  val p = move_up [] pt p;        (*-> ([1],Frm)*)
   630  val p = move_up [] pt p;        (*-> ([],Pbl)*)
   631 (*val p = (move_up [] pt p) handle e => print_exn_G e;
   632                                   Exception PTREE begin of calculation*)
   634 if p=([],Pbl) then () else error "ctree.sml: diff.behav. in move_up";
   636 "------ move into detail -----------------------------------------";
   637 "------ move into detail -----------------------------------------";
   638 "------ move into detail -----------------------------------------";
   639  reset_states ();
   640  CalcTree [(["equality (x+1=(2::real))", "solveFor x","solutions L"], 
   641    ("Test", ["sqroot-test","univariate","equation","test"],
   642     ["Test","squ-equ-test-subpbl1"]))];
   643  Iterator 1; moveActiveRoot 1;
   644  autoCalculate 1 CompleteCalc; 
   645  moveActiveRoot 1; 
   646  moveActiveDown 1;
   647  moveActiveDown 1;
   648  moveActiveDown 1; 
   649  refFormula 1 (get_pos 1 1) (* 2 Res, <ISA> -1 + x = 0 </ISA> *);
   651  interSteps 1 ([2],Res);
   653  val ((pt,_),_) = get_calc 1; show_pt pt;
   654  val p = get_pos 1 1;
   656  val p = move_up [] pt p;     (*([2, 6], Res)*);
   657  val p = movelevel_up [] pt p;(*([2], Frm)*);
   658  val p = move_dn [] pt p;     (*([2, 1], Frm)*); 
   659  val p = move_dn [] pt p;     (*([2, 1], Res)*);
   660  val p = move_dn [] pt p;     (*([2, 2], Res)*);
   661  val p = move_dn [] pt p;     (*([2, 3], Res)*);
   662  val p = move_dn [] pt p;     (*([2, 4], Res)*);
   663  val p = move_dn [] pt p;     (*([2, 5], Res)*);
   664  val p = move_dn [] pt p;     (*([2, 6], Res)*); 
   665  if p = ([2, 6], Res) then() 
   666  else error "ctree.sml: diff.behav. in move into detail";
   668 "=====new ptree 3a ===============================================";
   669 "=====new ptree 3a ===============================================";
   670 "=====new ptree 3a ===============================================";
   671  reset_states ();
   672  CalcTree [(["equality (x+1=(2::real))", "solveFor x","solutions L"], 
   673    ("Test", ["sqroot-test","univariate","equation","test"],
   674     ["Test","squ-equ-test-subpbl1"]))];
   675  Iterator 1; moveActiveRoot 1;
   676  autoCalculate 1 CompleteCalcHead; 
   677  autoCalculate 1 (Step 1); 
   678  autoCalculate 1 (Step 1); 
   679  autoCalculate 1 (Step 1);
   680  val ((pt,_),_) = get_calc 1;
   681  val p = move_dn [] pt ([],Pbl)       (*-> ([1], Frm)*); 
   682  val p = move_dn [] pt ([1], Frm)     (*-> ([1], Res)*); 
   683  val p = move_dn [] pt ([1], Res)     (*-> ([2], Res)*); 
   684  (*val p = move_dn [] pt ([2], Res)     ->Exception- PTREE "[] not complete"*);
   686  moveDown 1 ([],Pbl)        (*-> ([1], Frm)*);
   687  moveDown 1 ([1],Frm)       (*-> ([1],Res)*);
   688  moveDown 1 ([1],Res)       (*-> ([2],Res)*);
   689  moveDown 1 ([2],Res)       (*-> pos does not exist*);
   690 (*
   691  get_obj g_ostate pt [1];
   692  show_pt pt; 
   693 *)
   695 "-------------- move_dn in Incomplete ctree ----------------------";
   696 "-------------- move_dn in Incomplete ctree ----------------------";
   697 "-------------- move_dn in Incomplete ctree ----------------------";
   701 "=====new ptree 4: crooked by cut_level_'_ =======================";
   702 "=====new ptree 4: crooked by cut_level_'_ =======================";
   703 "=====new ptree 4: crooked by cut_level_'_ =======================";
   704 reset_states ();
   705 CalcTree
   706 [(["equality (x/(x^2 - 6*x+9) - 1/(x^2 - 3*x) =1/x)",
   707 	   "solveFor x","solutions L"], 
   708   ("RatEq",["univariate","equation"],["no_met"]))];
   709 Iterator 1; moveActiveRoot 1;
   710 autoCalculate 1 CompleteCalc; 
   712 getTactic 1 ([1],Res);(*Rewrite_Set RatEq_simplify*)
   713 getTactic 1 ([2],Res);(*Rewrite_Set norm_Rational*)
   714 getTactic 1 ([3],Res);(*Rewrite_Set RatEq_eliminate*)
   715 getTactic 1 ([4,1],Res);(*Rewrite all_left*)
   716 getTactic 1 ([4,2],Res);(*Rewrite_Set expand_binoms*)
   717 getTactic 1 ([4,3],Res);(*Rewrite_Set_Inst make_ratpoly_in*)
   719 moveActiveFormula 1 ([1],Res)(*1.1...1.4*);
   720 moveActiveFormula 1 ([2],Res)(**ME_Isa: 'expand' not known*);
   721 moveActiveFormula 1 ([3],Res)(*3.1.*);
   722 moveActiveFormula 1 ([4,2],Res)(*4.2.1.*);
   723 moveActiveFormula 1 ([4,3],Res)(**one_scr_arg: called by Script Stepwise t_=*);
   725 moveActiveFormula 1 ([1],Res)(*1.1...1.4*);
   726 interSteps 1 ([1],Res)(*..is activeFormula !?!*);
   728 getTactic 1 ([1,1],Res);(*Rewrite real_diff_minus*)
   729 getTactic 1 ([1,2],Res);(*Rewrite real_diff_minus*)
   730 getTactic 1 ([1,3],Res);(*Rewrite real_diff_minus*)
   731 getTactic 1 ([1,4],Res);(*Rewrite real_rat_mult_1*)
   733 moveActiveFormula 1 ([4,2],Res)(*4.2.1.*);
   734 interSteps 1 ([4,2],Res)(*..is activeFormula !?!*);
   735 val ((pt,_),_) = get_calc 1;
   736 writeln(pr_ptree pr_short pt);
   737 (*delete [4,1] in order to make pos [4],[4,4] for pblobjs differen [4],[4,3]:
   738  ###########################################################################*)
   739 val (pt, ppp) = cut_level_'_ [] [] pt ([4,1],Frm);
   740 writeln(pr_ptree pr_short pt);
   746 "-------------- get_interval from ctree: incremental development--";
   747 "-------------- get_interval from ctree: incremental development--";
   748 "-------------- get_interval from ctree: incremental development--";
   749 "--- level 1: get pos from start b to end p ----------------------";
   750 "--- level 1: get pos from start b to end p ----------------------";
   751 "--- level 1: get pos from start b to end p ----------------------";
   752 (******************************************************************)
   753 (**)            val SAVE_get_trace = get_trace;                 (**)
   754 (******************************************************************)
   755 (*'getnds' below is structured as such:*)
   756 fun www _ [x] = "l+r-margin"
   757   | www true [x1,x2] = "l-margin,  r-margin"
   758   | www _ [x1,x2] = "intern,  r-margin"
   759   | www true (x::(xs as _::_)) = "l-margin  " ^ www false xs
   760   | www _ (x::(xs as _::_)) = "intern  " ^ www false xs;
   761 www true [1,2,3,4,5];
   762 (*val it = "from  intern  intern  intern  to" : string*)
   763 www true [1,2];
   764 (*val it = "from  to" : string*)
   765 www true [1];
   766 (*val it = "from+to" : string*)
   768 local
   769 (*specific values of hd of pos p,q for simple handling take_fromto,
   770   from-pos p, to-pos q: take_fromto (hdp p) (hdq q) (children pt) ...
   771   ... can be used even for positions _below_ p or q*)
   772 fun hdp [] = 1     | hdp [0] = 1     | hdp x = hd x;(*start with first*)
   773 fun hdq	[] = 99999 | hdq [0] = 99999 | hdq x = hd x;(*take until last*)
   774 (*analoguous for tl*)
   775 fun tlp [] = [0]     | tlp [_] = [0]     | tlp x = tl x;
   776 fun tlq [] = [99999] | tlq [_] = [99999] | tlq x = tl x;
   778 (*see modspec.sml#pt_form
   779 fun pt_form (PrfObj {form,...}) = term2str form
   780   | pt_form (PblObj {probl,spec,origin=(_,spec',_),...}) =
   781     let val (dI, pI, _) = get_somespec' spec spec'
   782 	val {cas,...} = get_pbt pI
   783     in case cas of
   784 	   NONE => term2str (pblterm dI pI)
   785 	 | SOME t => term2str (subst_atomic (mk_env probl) t)
   786     end;
   787 *)
   788 (*.get an 'interval' from ptree down to a certain level
   789    by 'take_fromto children' of the nodes with specific 'from' and 'to';
   790    'i > 0' suppresses output during recursive descent towards 'from'
   791    b: the 'from' incremented to the actual pos
   792    p,q: specific 'from','to' for simple use of 'take_fromto'*)
   793 fun getnd i (b,p) q (Nd (po, nds)) =
   794     (if  i <= 0 then [(*[(b, pt_form po)]*) (**)[b](**)] else [])
   796     @ (writeln("getnd  : b="^(ints2str' b)^", p="^
   797 	       (ints2str' p)^", q="^(ints2str' q));
   799        getnds (i-1) true (b@[hdp p], tlp p) (tlq q)
   800 	       (take_fromto (hdp p) (hdq q) nds))
   802 and getnds _ _ _ _ [] = []                         (*no children*)
   803   | getnds i _ (b,p) q [nd] = (getnd i (b,p) q nd) (*l+r-margin*)
   804   | getnds i true (b,p) q [n1, n2] =               (*l-margin,  r-margin*)
   805     (writeln("getnds3: b="^ ints2str' b ^", p="^ ints2str' p ^
   806 	     ", q="^ ints2str' q);
   807     (getnd i      (       b, p ) [99999] n1) @
   808     (getnd ~99999 (lev_on b,[0]) q       n2))
   809   | getnds i _    (b,p) q [n1, n2] =               (*intern,  r-margin*)
   810     (writeln("getnds4: b="^ ints2str' b ^", p="^ ints2str' p ^
   811 	     ", q="^ ints2str' q);
   812     (getnd i      (       b,[0]) [99999] n1) @
   813     (getnd ~99999 (lev_on b,[0]) q       n2))
   814   | getnds i true (b,p) q (nd::(nds as _::_)) =    (*l-margin, intern*)
   815     (writeln("getnds5: b="^ ints2str' b ^", p="^ ints2str' p ^
   816 	     ", q="^ ints2str' q);
   817     (getnd i             (       b, p ) [99999] nd) @
   818     (getnds ~99999 false (lev_on b,[0]) q nds)) 
   819   | getnds i _ (b,p) q (nd::(nds as _::_)) =       (*intern, ...*)
   820     (getnd i             (       b,[0]) [99999] nd) @
   821     (getnds ~99999 false (lev_on b,[0]) q nds); 
   822 in
   823 (*get an 'interval from to' from a ptree as 'intervals f t' of respective nodes
   824   where 'from' are pos, i.e. a key as int list, 'f' an int (to,t analoguous)
   825 (1) the 'f' are given 
   826 (1a) by 'from' if 'f' = the respective element of 'from' (left margin)
   827 (1b) -inifinity, if 'f' > the respective element of 'from' (internal node)
   828 (2) the 't' ar given
   829 (2a) by 'to' if 't' = the respective element of 'to' (right margin)
   830 (2b) inifinity, if 't' < the respective element of 'to (internal node)'
   831 the 'f' and 't' are set by hdp,... *)
   832 fun get_trace pt p q =
   833     (flat o (getnds ((length p) -1) true ([hdp p], tlp p) (tlq q))) 
   834 	(take_fromto (hdp p) (hdq q) (children pt));
   835 end;
   837 writeln(pr_ptree pr_short pt);
   839 case get_trace pt [1,3] [4,1,1] of
   840     [[1,3],[1,4],[2],[3],[4],[4,1],[4,1,1]] => () 
   841   | _ => error "diff.behav.in ctree.sml: get_interval lev 1a";
   842 case get_trace pt [2] [4,3,2] of
   843     [[2],[3],[4],[4,1],[4,1,1],[4,2],[4,3],[4,3,1],[4,3,2]] => ()
   844   | _ => error "diff.behav.in ctree.sml: get_interval lev 1b";
   845 case get_trace pt [1,4] [4,3,1] of
   846     [[1,4],[2],[3],[4],[4,1],[4,1,1],[4,2],[4,3],[4,3,1]] => () 
   847   | _ => error "diff.behav.in ctree.sml: get_interval lev 1c";
   850 (*========== inhibit exn AK110719 ==============================================
   851 case get_trace pt [4,2] [5] of
   852    (*[([4,2],_),([4,3],_),([4,4],_),([4,4,1],_),([4,4,2],_),([4,4,3],_),
   853     ([4,4,4],_),([4,4,5],_),([5],_)] => () ..with pt_form*)
   854     [[4,2],[4,3],[4,3,1],[4,3,2],[4,3,3],[4,3,4],[4,3,5],[5]]=>()
   855   | _ => error "diff.behav.in ctree.sml: get_interval lev 1d";
   856 ========== inhibit exn AK110719 ==============================================*)
   858 case get_trace pt [] [4,4,2] of
   859     [[1],[1,1],[1,2],[1,3],[1,4],[2],[3],[4],[4,1],[4,1,1],[4,2],
   860      [4,3],[4,3,1],[4,3,2]] => () 
   861   | _ => error "diff.behav.in ctree.sml: get_interval lev 1e";
   863 (*========== inhibit exn AK110719 ==============================================
   864 case get_trace pt [] [] of
   865     [[1],[1,1],[1,2],[1,3],[1,4],[2],[3],[4],[4,1],[4,1,1],[4,2],
   866      [4,3],[4,3,1],[4,3,2],[4,3,3],[4,3,4],[4,3,5],[5]] => () 
   867   | _ => error "diff.behav.in ctree.sml: get_interval lev 1f";
   868 case get_trace pt [4,3] [4,3] of
   869     [[4,3],[4,3,1],[4,3,2],[4,3,3],[4,3,4],[4,3,5]] => () 
   870   | _ => error "diff.behav.in ctree.sml: get_interval lev 1g";
   871 ========== inhibit exn AK110719 ==============================================*)
   873 "--- level 2: get pos' from start b to end p ---------------------";
   874 "--- level 2: get pos' from start b to end p ---------------------";
   875 "--- level 2: get pos' from start b to end p ---------------------";
   876 (*idea: pos_ is _ONLY_ relevant exactly at (endpoint of) from, to
   877   development stopped in favour of move_dn, see get_interval
   878   actually used (inefficient) version with move_dn: see modspec.sml
   879 *)
   880 (*
   881 case get_trace pt ([1,4],Res) ([4,4,1],Frm) of
   882     [[2],[3],[4],[4,1],[4,2],[4,2,1],[4,3],[4,4],[4,4,1]] => () 
   883   | _ => error "diff.behav.in ctree.sml: get_interval lev 1b";
   884 case get_trace pt ([],Pbl) ([],Res) of
   885     [[1],[1,1],[1,2],[1,3],[1,4],[2],[3],[4],[4,1],[4,2],[4,2,1],[4,3],
   886      [4,4],[4,4,1],[4,4,2],[4,4,3],[4,4,4],[4,4,5],[5]] => () 
   887   | _ => error "diff.behav.in ctree.sml: get_interval lev 1e";
   888 *)
   890 (******************************************************************)
   891 (**)            val get_trace = SAVE_get_trace;                 (**)
   892 (******************************************************************)
   895 "=====new ptree 4 ratequation ====================================";
   896 "=====new ptree 4 ratequation ====================================";
   897 "=====new ptree 4 ratequation ====================================";
   898 reset_states ();
   899 CalcTree
   900 [(["equality (x/(x^2 - 6*x+9) - 1/(x^2 - 3*x) =1/x)",
   901 	   "solveFor x","solutions L"], 
   902   ("RatEq",["univariate","equation"],["no_met"]))];
   903 Iterator 1; moveActiveRoot 1;
   904 autoCalculate 1 CompleteCalc; 
   905 val ((pt,_),_) = get_calc 1;
   906 val p = get_pos 1 1;
   907 val (Form f, tac, asms) = pt_extract (pt, p);
   908 (*============ inhibit exn WN120316 ==============================================
   909 if term2str f = "[x = 6 / 5]" andalso p = ([], Res) then ()
   910   else error "after ===new ptree 4 ratequation ===";
   911 (*WN120317.TODO dropped rateq*)
   912 ============ inhibit exn WN120316 ==============================================*)
   913 if p = ([], Res) andalso term2str f = "[]" (*see WN120317.TODO dropped rateq*)
   914 andalso asms = [] (*STRANGE!, compare test --- x / (x ^ 2 - 6 * x + 9) - 1 / (x ^ 2 ...*)
   915 then () else error "after ===new ptree 4 ratequation ===";
   918 "-------------- pt_extract form, tac, asm<>[] --------------------";
   919 "-------------- pt_extract form, tac, asm<>[] --------------------";
   920 "-------------- pt_extract form, tac, asm<>[] --------------------";
   921 val (Form form, SOME tac, asm) = pt_extract (pt, ([3], Res));
   922 case (term2str form, tac, terms2strs asm) of
   923     ("(3 + -1 * x + x ^^^ 2) * x = 1 * (9 * x + -6 * x ^^^ 2 + x ^^^ 3)",
   924      Subproblem
   925          ("PolyEq",
   926           ["normalize", "polynomial", "univariate", "equation"]),
   927 	 ["9 * x + -6 * x ^^^ 2 + x ^^^ 3 ~= 0"]) => ()
   928   | _ => error "diff.behav.in ctree.sml: pt_extract asm<>[]";
   929 (*WN060717 unintentionally changed some rls/ord while 
   930      completing knowl. for thes2file...
   932   case (term2str form, tac, terms2strs asm) of
   933     ((*"(3 + (-1 * x + x ^^^ 2)) * x = 1 * (9 * x + (x ^^^ 3 + -6 * x ^^^ 2))",
   934      *)Subproblem
   935          ("PolyEq",
   936           ["normalize", "polynomial", "univariate", "equation"]),
   937 	 ["9 * x + (x ^^^ 3 + -6 * x ^^^ 2) ~= 0"]) => ()
   938   | _ => error "diff.behav.in ctree.sml: pt_extract asm<>[]";
   940 .... but it became even better*)
   944 "=====new ptree 5 minisubpbl =====================================";
   945 "=====new ptree 5 minisubpbl =====================================";
   946 "=====new ptree 5 minisubpbl =====================================";
   947 reset_states ();
   948 CalcTree [(["equality (x+1=(2::real))", "solveFor x","solutions L"], 
   949    ("Test", ["sqroot-test","univariate","equation","test"],
   950     ["Test","squ-equ-test-subpbl1"]))];
   951 Iterator 1; moveActiveRoot 1;
   952 autoCalculate 1 CompleteCalc; 
   953 val ((pt,_),_) = get_calc 1;
   954 show_pt pt;
   956 "-------------- pt_extract form, tac, asm ------------------------";
   957 "-------------- pt_extract form, tac, asm ------------------------";
   958 "-------------- pt_extract form, tac, asm ------------------------";
   959 val (ModSpec (_,_,form,_,_,_), SOME tac, asm) = pt_extract (pt, ([], Frm));
   960 case (term2str form, tac, terms2strs asm) of
   961     ("solve (x + 1 = 2, x)", 
   962     Apply_Method ["Test", "squ-equ-test-subpbl1"],
   963      []) => ()
   964   | _ => error "diff.behav.in ctree.sml: pt_extract ([], Pbl)";
   966 val (Form form, SOME tac, asm) = pt_extract (pt, ([1], Frm));
   967 case (term2str form, tac, terms2strs asm) of
   968     ("x + 1 = 2", Rewrite_Set "norm_equation", []) => ()
   969   | _ => error "diff.behav.in ctree.sml: pt_extract ([1], Frm)";
   971 val (Form form, SOME tac, asm) = pt_extract (pt, ([1], Res));
   972 case (term2str form, tac, terms2strs asm) of
   973     ("x + 1 + -1 * 2 = 0", Rewrite_Set "Test_simplify", []) => ()
   974   | _ => error "diff.behav.in ctree.sml: pt_extract ([1], Res)";
   976 val (Form form, SOME tac, asm) = pt_extract (pt, ([2], Res));
   977 case (term2str form, tac, terms2strs asm) of
   978     ("-1 + x = 0",
   979      Subproblem ("Test", ["LINEAR", "univariate", "equation", "test"]),
   980      []) => ()
   981   | _ => error "diff.behav.in ctree.sml: pt_extract ([2], Res)";
   983 val (ModSpec (_,_,form,_,_,_), SOME tac, asm) = pt_extract (pt, ([3], Pbl));
   984 case (term2str form, tac, terms2strs asm) of
   985     ("solve (-1 + x = 0, x)", Apply_Method ["Test", "solve_linear"], []) => ()
   986   | _ => error "diff.behav.in ctree.sml: pt_extract ([3], Pbl)";
   988 val (Form form, SOME tac, asm) = pt_extract (pt, ([3,1], Frm));
   989 case (term2str form, tac, terms2strs asm) of
   990     ("-1 + x = 0", Rewrite_Set_Inst (["(bdv, x)"], "isolate_bdv"), []) => ()
   991   | _ => error "diff.behav.in ctree.sml: pt_extract ([3,1], Frm)";
   993 val (Form form, SOME tac, asm) = pt_extract (pt, ([3,1], Res));
   994 case (term2str form, tac, terms2strs asm) of
   995     ("x = 0 + -1 * -1", Rewrite_Set "Test_simplify", []) => ()
   996   | _ => error "diff.behav.in ctree.sml: pt_extract ([3,1], Res)";
   998 val (Form form, SOME tac, asm) = pt_extract (pt, ([3,2], Res));
   999 case (term2str form, tac, terms2strs asm) of
  1000     ("x = 1", Check_Postcond ["LINEAR", "univariate", "equation", "test"], 
  1001      []) => ()
  1002   | _ => error "diff.behav.in ctree.sml: pt_extract ([3,2], Res)";
  1004 (*========== inhibit exn AK110719 ==============================================
  1005 val (Form form, SOME tac, asm) = pt_extract (pt, ([3], Res));
  1006 case (term2str form, tac, terms2strs asm) of
  1007     ("[x = 1]", Check_elementwise "Assumptions", []) => ()
  1008   | _ => error "diff.behav.in ctree.sml: pt_extract ([3], Res)";
  1010 val (Form form, SOME tac, asm) = pt_extract (pt, ([4], Res));
  1011 case (term2str form, tac, terms2strs asm) of
  1012     ("[x = 1]",
  1013      Check_Postcond ["sqroot-test", "univariate", "equation", "test"],
  1014      []) => ()
  1015   | _ => error "diff.behav.in ctree.sml: pt_extract ([4], Res)";
  1017 val (Form form, tac, asm) = pt_extract (pt, ([], Res));
  1018 case (term2str form, tac, terms2strs asm) of
  1019     ("[x = 1]", NONE, []) => ()
  1020   | _ => error "diff.behav.in ctree.sml: pt_extract ([], Res)";
  1021 ========== inhibit exn AK110719 ==============================================*)
  1023 "=====new ptree 6 minisubpbl intersteps ==========================";
  1024 "=====new ptree 6 minisubpbl intersteps ==========================";
  1025 "=====new ptree 6 minisubpbl intersteps ==========================";
  1026 reset_states ();
  1027 CalcTree [(["equality (x+1=(2::real))", "solveFor x","solutions L"], 
  1028    ("Test", ["sqroot-test","univariate","equation","test"],
  1029     ["Test","squ-equ-test-subpbl1"]))];
  1030 Iterator 1; moveActiveRoot 1;
  1031 autoCalculate 1 CompleteCalc;
  1032 interSteps 1 ([2],Res);
  1033 interSteps 1 ([3,2],Res);
  1034 val ((pt,_),_) = get_calc 1;
  1035 show_pt pt;
  1037 (**##############################################################**)
  1038 "-------------- get_allpos' new ----------------------------------";
  1039 "-------------- get_allpos' new ----------------------------------";
  1040 "-------------- get_allpos' new ----------------------------------";
  1041 "--- whole ctree";
  1042 default_print_depth 99;
  1043 val cuts = get_allp [] ([], ([],Frm)) pt;
  1044 default_print_depth 3;
  1045 if cuts = 
  1046    [(*never returns the first pos'*)
  1047     ([1], Frm), 
  1048     ([1], Res), 
  1049     ([2, 1], Frm), ([2, 1], Res), ([2, 2], Res), ([2, 3], Res), 
  1050     ([2, 4], Res), ([2, 5], Res), ([2, 6], Res), 
  1051     ([2], Res),
  1052     ([3], Pbl), 
  1053     ([3, 1], Frm), ([3, 1], Res), 
  1054     ([3, 2, 1], Frm), ([3, 2, 1], Res), ([3, 2, 2], Res), 
  1055     ([3, 2], Res), 
  1056     ([3], Res),
  1057     ([4], Res), 
  1058     ([], Res)] then () else
  1059 error "ctree.sml diff.behav. get_allp new []";
  1061 default_print_depth 99;
  1062 val cuts2 = get_allps [] [1] (children pt);
  1063 default_print_depth 3;
  1064 if cuts = cuts2 @ [([], Res)] then () else
  1065 error "ctree.sml diff.behav. get_allps new []";
  1067 "---(3) on S(606)..S(608)--------";
  1068 "--- nd [2] with 6 children---------------------------------";
  1069 val cuts = get_allp [] ([2], ([],Frm)) (get_nd pt [2]);
  1070 if cuts = 
  1071    [([2, 1], Frm), ([2, 1], Res), ([2, 2], Res), ([2, 3], Res),
  1072     ([2, 4], Res), ([2, 5], Res), ([2, 6], Res), 
  1073     ([2], Res)] then () else
  1074 error "ctree.sml diff.behav. get_allp new [2]";
  1076 val cuts2 = get_allps [] [2,1] (children (get_nd pt [2]));
  1077 if cuts = cuts2 @ [([2], Res)] then () else
  1078 error "ctree.sml diff.behav. get_allps new [2]";
  1081 "---(4) on S(606)..S(608)--------";
  1082 "--- nd [3] subproblem--------------------------------------";
  1083 val cuts = get_allp [] ([3], ([],Frm)) (get_nd pt [3]);
  1084 if cuts = 
  1085    [([3, 1], Frm), 
  1086     ([3, 1], Res), 
  1087     ([3, 2, 1], Frm), ([3, 2, 1], Res), ([3, 2, 2], Res), 
  1088     ([3, 2], Res), 
  1089     ([3], Res)] then () else
  1090 error "ctree.sml diff.behav. get_allp new [3]";
  1092 val cuts2 = get_allps [] [3,1] (children (get_nd pt [3]));
  1093 if cuts = cuts2 @ [([3], Res)] then () else
  1094 error "ctree.sml diff.behav. get_allps new [3]";
  1096 "--- nd [3,2] with 2 children--------------------------------";
  1097 val cuts = get_allp [] ([3,2], ([],Frm)) (get_nd pt [3,2]);
  1098 if cuts = 
  1099    [([3, 2, 1], Frm), ([3, 2, 1], Res), ([3, 2, 2], Res), 
  1100     ([3, 2], Res)] then () else
  1101 error "ctree.sml diff.behav. get_allp new [3,2]";
  1103 val cuts2 = get_allps [] [3,2,1] (children (get_nd pt [3,2]));
  1104 if cuts = cuts2 @ [([3, 2], Res)] then () else
  1105 error "ctree.sml diff.behav. get_allps new [3,2]";
  1107 "---(5a) on S(606)..S(608)--------";
  1108 "--- nd [3,2,1] with 0 children------------------------------";
  1109 val cuts = get_allp [] ([3,2,1], ([],Frm)) (get_nd pt [3,2,1]);
  1110 if cuts = 
  1111    [] then () else
  1112 error "ctree.sml diff.behav. get_allp new [3,2,1]";
  1114 val cuts2 = get_allps [] [3,2,1,1] (children (get_nd pt [3,2,1]));
  1115 if cuts = cuts2 @ [] then () else
  1116 error "ctree.sml diff.behav. get_allps new [3,2,1]";
  1119 (**#################################################################**)
  1120 "-------------- cut_tree new (from ptree above)-------------------";
  1121 "-------------- cut_tree new (from ptree above)-------------------";
  1122 "-------------- cut_tree new (from ptree above)-------------------";
  1123 show_pt pt;
  1124 val b = get_obj g_branch pt [];
  1125 if b = TransitiveB then () else
  1126 error ("ctree.sml diff.behav. in [] branch="^branch2str b);
  1127 val b = get_obj g_branch pt [3];
  1128 if b = TransitiveB then () else
  1129 error ("ctree.sml diff.behav. in [3] branch="^branch2str b);
  1131 "---(2) on S(606)..S(608)--------";
  1132 val (pt', cuts) = cut_tree pt ([1],Res);
  1133 default_print_depth 99;
  1134 cuts;
  1135 default_print_depth 3;
  1136 if cuts = [([2, 1], Frm), ([2, 1], Res), ([2, 2], Res), ([2, 3], Res),
  1137       ([2, 4], Res), ([2, 5], Res), ([2, 6], Res), ([2], Res), ([3], Pbl),
  1138       ([3, 1], Frm), ([3, 1], Res), ([3, 2, 1], Frm), ([3, 2, 1], Res),
  1139       ([3, 2, 2], Res), ([3, 2], Res), ([3], Res), ([4], Res),
  1140 (*WN060727 after replacing cutlevup by test_trans:*)([], Res)] then () else 
  1141 error "ctree.sml: diff.behav. cut_tree ([1],Res)";
  1144 "---(3) on S(606)..S(608)--------";
  1145 val (pt', cuts) = cut_tree pt ([2],Res);
  1146 default_print_depth 99;
  1147 cuts;
  1148 default_print_depth 3;
  1149 if cuts = [(*preceding step on WS was ([1]),Res*)
  1150 	   ([2, 1], Frm), ([2, 1], Res), ([2, 2], Res), ([2, 3], Res),
  1151 	   ([2, 4], Res), ([2, 5], Res), ([2, 6], Res), 
  1152 	   ([2], Res),
  1153 	   ([3], Pbl), 
  1154 	   ([3, 1], Frm),
  1155 	   ([3, 1], Res), 
  1156 	   ([3, 2, 1], Frm), ([3, 2, 1], Res), ([3, 2, 2], Res),
  1157 	   ([3, 2], Res), 
  1158 	   ([3], Res), 
  1159 	   ([4], Res),
  1160 (*WN060727 added after replacing cutlevup by test_trans:*)([],Res)] then () 
  1161 else error "ctree.sml: diff.behav. cut_tree ([2],Res)";
  1163 "---(4) on S(606)..S(608)--------";
  1164 val (pt', cuts) = cut_tree pt ([3],Pbl);
  1165 default_print_depth 99;
  1166 cuts;
  1167 default_print_depth 3;
  1168 if cuts = [([3], Pbl),
  1169 	   ([3, 1], Frm), ([3, 1], Res), 
  1170 	   ([3, 2, 1], Frm), ([3, 2, 1], Res), ([3, 2, 2], Res), 
  1171 	   ([3, 2], Res), 
  1172 	   ([3], Res), 
  1173 	   ([4], Res),
  1174 (*WN060727 added after replacing cutlevup by test_trans:*)([], Res)] 
  1175 then () else error "ctree.sml: diff.behav. cut_tree ([3],Pbl)";
  1177 "---(5a) on S(606)..S(608) cut_tree --------";
  1178 val (pt', cuts) = cut_tree pt ([3,2,1],Res);
  1179 default_print_depth 99;
  1180 cuts;
  1181 default_print_depth 1;
  1182 if cuts = [([3, 2, 2], Res), ([3, 2], Res),
  1183 (*WN060727 added after replacing cutlevup by test_trans:*)
  1184 ([3], Res), ([4], Res),([],Res)] then () 
  1185 else error "ctree.sml: diff.behav. cut_tree ([3,2,1],Res)";
  1186 show_pt pt';
  1189 "-------------- cappend on complete ctree from above -------------";
  1190 "-------------- cappend on complete ctree from above -------------";
  1191 "-------------- cappend on complete ctree from above -------------";
  1192 show_pt pt;
  1194 "---(2) on S(606)..S(608)--------";
  1195 (*========== inhibit exn AK110726 ==============================================
  1196 (* ERROR: Can't unify istate to istate * Proof.context *)
  1197 val (pt', cuts) = cappend_atomic pt [1] e_istate (str2term "Inform[1]")
  1198     (Tac "test") (str2term "Inres[1]",[]) Complete;
  1200 default_print_depth 99;
  1201 cuts;
  1202 default_print_depth 3;
  1203 if cuts = [([2, 1], Frm), ([2, 1], Res), ([2, 2], Res), ([2, 3], Res),
  1204       ([2, 4], Res), ([2, 5], Res), ([2, 6], Res), ([2], Res), ([3], Pbl),
  1205       ([3, 1], Frm), ([3, 1], Res), ([3, 2, 1], Frm), ([3, 2, 1], Res),
  1206       ([3, 2, 2], Res), ([3, 2], Res), ([3], Res), ([4], Res),
  1207 (*WN060727 added after replacing cutlevup by test_trans:*) ([], Res)] then ()
  1208 else error "ctree.sml: diff:behav. in complete pt:append_atomic[1] cuts";
  1210 val afterins = get_allp [] ([], ([],Frm)) pt';
  1211 default_print_depth 99;
  1212 afterins;
  1213 default_print_depth 3;
  1214 if afterins = [([1], Frm), ([1], Res)
  1215 (*, WN060727 removed after replacing cutlevup by test_trans:([], Res)*)] then()
  1216 else error "ctree.sml: diff:behav. in complete pt: append_atomic[1] afterins";
  1217 show_pt pt';
  1218 "---(3) on S(606)..S(608)--------";
  1219 show_pt pt;
  1220 val (pt', cuts) = cappend_atomic pt [2] e_istate (str2term "Inform[2]")
  1221     (Tac "test") (str2term "Inres[2]",[]) Complete;
  1222 default_print_depth 99;
  1223 cuts;
  1224 default_print_depth 3;
  1226 if cuts = [([2, 1], Frm), ([2, 1], Res), ([2, 2], Res), ([2, 3], Res),
  1227       ([2, 4], Res), ([2, 5], Res), ([2, 6], Res), ([2], Res), ([3], Pbl), 
  1228       ([3, 1], Frm),([3, 1], Res), ([3, 2, 1], Frm), ([3, 2, 1], Res), 
  1229       ([3, 2, 2], Res), ([3, 2], Res), ([3], Res), ([4], Res),
  1230 (*WN060727 added after replacing cutlevup by test_trans:*) ([], Res)] then () 
  1231 else error "ctree.sml: diff:behav.in complete pt: append_atomic[2] cuts";
  1234 val afterins = get_allp [] ([], ([],Frm)) pt';
  1235 default_print_depth 99;
  1236 afterins;
  1237 default_print_depth 3;
  1239 if afterins = [([1], Frm), ([1], Res), ([2], Frm), ([2], Res)
  1240 (*,  WN060727 removed after replacing cutlevup by test_trans:([], Res)*)] 
  1241 then () else
  1242 error "ctree.sml: diff:behav. in complete pt: append_atomic[2] afterins";
  1243 show_pt pt';
  1246 (*
  1247  val p = move_dn [] pt' ([],Pbl) (*-> ([1],Frm)*);
  1248  val p = move_dn [] pt' p        (*-> ([1],Res)*);
  1249  val p = move_dn [] pt' p        (*-> ([2],Frm)*);
  1250  val p = move_dn [] pt' p        (*-> ([2],Res)*);
  1252  term2str (get_obj g_form pt' [2]);
  1253  term2str (get_obj g_res pt' [2]);
  1254  ostate2str (get_obj g_ostate pt' [2]);
  1255  *)
  1257 "---(4) on S(606)..S(608)--------";
  1258 val (pt', cuts) = cappend_problem pt [3] e_istate ([],e_spec)
  1259 				  ([],e_spec, str2term "Inhead[3]");
  1260 default_print_depth 99;
  1261 cuts;
  1262 default_print_depth 3;
  1263 if cuts = [([3], Pbl),
  1264 	   ([3, 1], Frm), ([3, 1], Res), 
  1265 	   ([3, 2, 1], Frm), ([3, 2, 1], Res), ([3, 2, 2], Res), 
  1266 	   ([3, 2], Res), 
  1267 	   ([3], Res), ([4], Res),
  1268 (*WN060727 added after replacing cutlevup by test_trans*)([], Res)] then ()else
  1269 error "ctree.sml: diff:behav. in ccomplete pt: append_problem[3] cuts";
  1270 val afterins = get_allp [] ([], ([],Frm)) pt';
  1271 default_print_depth 99;
  1272 afterins;
  1273 default_print_depth 3;
  1274 if afterins = 
  1275    [([1], Frm), ([1], Res),([2, 1], Frm), ([2, 1], Res), ([2, 2], Res),
  1276     ([2, 3], Res), ([2, 4], Res), ([2, 5], Res), ([2, 6], Res), ([2], Res),
  1277     ([3], Pbl)] then () else
  1278 error "ctree.sml: diff:behav.in complete pt: append_problem[3] afterins";
  1279 (* use"systest/ctree.sml";
  1280    use"ctree.sml";
  1281    *)
  1283 "---(6-1) on S(606)..S(608)--------";
  1284 val (pt', cuts) = cappend_atomic pt [3,1] e_istate (str2term "Inform[3,1]")
  1285     (Tac "test") (str2term "Inres[3,1]",[]) Complete;
  1286 default_print_depth 99;
  1287 cuts;
  1288 default_print_depth 3;
  1289 if cuts = [([3, 2, 1], Frm), ([3, 2, 1], Res), ([3, 2, 2], Res), 
  1290 	   ([3, 2], Res),
  1291 (*WN060727 added*)([3], Res), ([4], Res), ([], Res)] then () else
  1292 error "ctree.sml: diff:behav. in complete pt: append_atomic[3,1] cuts";
  1294 val afterins = get_allp [] ([], ([],Frm)) pt';
  1295 default_print_depth 99;
  1296 afterins;
  1297 default_print_depth 3;
  1298 (*WN060727 replaced after overwriting cutlevup by test_trans
  1299 if afterins = [([1], Frm), ([1], Res), 
  1300 	       ([2, 1], Frm), ([2, 1], Res), ([2, 2], Res),
  1301 	       ([2, 3], Res), ([2, 4], Res), ([2, 5], Res), ([2, 6], Res), 
  1302 	       ([2], Res),
  1303 	       ([3], Pbl), 
  1304 	       ([3, 1], Frm), ([3, 1], Res)(*replaced*), (*([3, 2], Res) cut!*)
  1305 	       ([3], Res)(*cutlevup=false*), 
  1306 	       ([4], Res),
  1307 	       ([], Res)(*cutlevup=false*)] then () else
  1308 error "ctree.sml: diff:behav. in complete pt: append_atomic[3,1] insrtd";
  1309 *)
  1310 if afterins = [([1], Frm), ([1], Res), 
  1311 	       ([2, 1], Frm), ([2, 1], Res), ([2, 2], Res),
  1312 	       ([2, 3], Res), ([2, 4], Res), ([2, 5], Res), ([2, 6], Res), 
  1313 	       ([2], Res),
  1314 	       ([3], Pbl), 
  1315 	       ([3, 1], Frm), ([3, 1], Res)] then () else
  1316 error "ctree.sml: diff:behav. in complete pt: append_atomic[3,1] insrtd";
  1318 if term2str (get_obj g_form pt' [3,1]) = "Inform [3, 1]" then () else
  1319 error "ctree.sml: diff:behav. in complete pt: append_atomic[3,1] Inform";
  1321 "---(6) on S(606)..S(608)--------";
  1322 val (pt', cuts) = cappend_atomic pt [3,2] e_istate (str2term "Inform[3,2]")
  1323     (Tac "test") (str2term "Inres[3,2]",[]) Complete;
  1324 default_print_depth 99;
  1325 cuts;
  1326 default_print_depth 3;
  1327 if cuts = [(*just after is: cutlevup=false in [3]*)
  1328 (*WN060727 after test_trans instead cutlevup added:*)
  1329 	   ([3], Res), ([4], Res), ([], Res)] then () else
  1330 error "ctree.sml: diff:behav. in complete pt: append_atomic[3,2] cuts";
  1331 val afterins = get_allp [] ([], ([],Frm)) pt';
  1332 default_print_depth 99;
  1333 afterins;
  1334 default_print_depth 3;
  1335 (*WN060727 replaced after overwriting cutlevup by test_trans
  1336 if afterins = [([1], Frm), ([1], Res), 
  1337 	       ([2, 1], Frm), ([2, 1], Res), ([2, 2], Res),
  1338 	       ([2, 3], Res), ([2, 4], Res), ([2, 5], Res), ([2, 6], Res), 
  1339 	       ([2], Res),
  1340 	       ([3], Pbl), 
  1341 	       ([3, 1], Frm), ([3, 1], Res), ([3, 2], Frm), ([3, 2], Res), 
  1342 	       ([3], Res),
  1343 	       ([4], Res), ([], Res)] then () else
  1344 error "ctree.sml: diff:behav. in complete pt: append_atomic[3,2] insrtd";
  1345 *)
  1346 if afterins = [([1], Frm), ([1], Res), 
  1347 	       ([2, 1], Frm), ([2, 1], Res), ([2, 2], Res),
  1348 	       ([2, 3], Res), ([2, 4], Res), ([2, 5], Res), ([2, 6], Res), 
  1349 	       ([2], Res),
  1350 	       ([3], Pbl), 
  1351 	       ([3, 1], Frm), ([3, 1], Res), ([3, 2], Frm), ([3, 2], Res)]
  1352 then () else
  1353 error "ctree.sml: diff:behav. in complete pt: append_atomic[3,2] insrtd";
  1355 if term2str (get_obj g_form pt' [3,2]) = "Inform [3, 2]" then () else
  1356 error "ctree.sml: diff:behav. in complete pt: append_atomic[3,2] Inform";
  1358 "---(6++) on S(606)..S(608)--------";
  1359 (**)
  1360 val (pt', cuts) = cappend_atomic pt [3,2,1] e_istate (str2term "Inform[3,2,1]")
  1361     (Tac "test") (str2term "Inres[3,2,1]",[]) Complete;
  1362 default_print_depth 99;
  1363 cuts;
  1364 default_print_depth 1;
  1365 if cuts = [([3, 2, 2], Res), ([3, 2], Res),
  1366 (*WN060727 {cutlevup->test_trans} added:*)([3], Res), ([4], Res), ([], Res)] 
  1367 then () else
  1368 error "ctree.sml: diff:behav. in complete pt: append_atomic[3,2,1] cuts";
  1369 val afterins = get_allp [] ([], ([],Frm)) pt';
  1370 default_print_depth 99;
  1371 afterins;
  1372 default_print_depth 3;
  1373 if afterins = [([1], Frm), ([1], Res), 
  1374 	       ([2, 1], Frm), ([2, 1], Res), ([2, 2], Res),
  1375 	       ([2, 3], Res), ([2, 4], Res), ([2, 5], Res), ([2, 6], Res), 
  1376 	       ([2], Res),
  1377 	       ([3], Pbl), 
  1378 	       ([3, 1], Frm), ([3, 1], Res), 
  1379 	       ([3, 2, 1], Frm), ([3, 2, 1], Res)] then () else
  1380 error "ctree.sml: diff:behav. in complete pt: append_atom[3,2,1] insrtd";
  1381 if term2str (get_obj g_form pt' [3,2,1]) = "Inform [3, 2, 1]" then () else
  1382 error "ctree.sml: diff:behav. complete pt: append_atomic[3,2,1] Inform";
  1383 (*
  1384 show_pt pt';
  1385 show_pt pt;
  1386 *)
  1387 ========== inhibit exn AK110726 ==============================================*)
  1389 "-------------- subst2subs subs2subst sube2subst subte2subst -----";
  1390 "-------------- subst2subs subs2subst sube2subst subte2subst -----";
  1391 "-------------- subst2subs subs2subst sube2subst subte2subst -----";
  1392 val subst = [(str2term "bdv", str2term "x"), (str2term "err", str2term "0")];
  1394 if ["bdv = x", "err = 0"] = subte2sube [str2term "bdv = x", str2term "err = 0"] then ()
  1395 else error "subte2sube broken";
  1397 subst2subs : (term * term) list -> string list;
  1398 if subst2subs subst = ["(bdv, x)", "(err, 0)"] then ()
  1399 else error "subst2subs broken";
  1401 subst2subs' : (term * term) list -> (string * string) list;
  1402 if subst2subs' subst = [("bdv", "x"), ("err", "0")] then ()
  1403 else error "subst2subs' broken";
  1405 subs2subst : theory -> string list -> (term * term) list;
  1406 val [(i1, v1), (i2, v2)] = subs2subst thy ["(bdv, x)", "(err, 0)"];
  1407 if term2str i1 = "bdv" andalso term2str v1 = "x" andalso 
  1408   term2str i2 = "err" andalso term2str v2 = "0" then ()
  1409 else error "subs2subst broken";
  1411 sube2subst : theory -> string list -> (term * term) list;
  1412 val [(i1, v1), (i2, v2)] = sube2subst thy ["bdv = x", "err = 0"];
  1413 if term2str i1 = "bdv" andalso term2str v1 = "x" andalso 
  1414   term2str i2 = "err" andalso term2str v2 = "0" then ()
  1415 else error "sube2subst broken";
  1417 sube2subte : string list -> term list;
  1418 val [eq1, eq2] = sube2subte ["bdv = x", "err = 0"];
  1419 if term2str eq1 = "bdv = x" andalso term2str eq2 = "err = 0" then ()
  1420 else error "sube2subte broken";
  1422 val [(i1, v1), (i2, v2)] = subte2subst [str2term "bdv = x", str2term "err = 0"];
  1423 if term2str i1 = "bdv" andalso term2str v1 = "x" andalso 
  1424   term2str i2 = "err" andalso term2str v2 = "0" then ()
  1425 else error "subte2subst broken";