author Walther Neuper <>
Tue, 21 Apr 2020 16:16:11 +0200
changeset 59899 a3d65f3b495f
parent 59898 68883c046963
child 59902 e7910a62eaf2
permissions -rw-r--r--
remove unused code from Celem
     1 (* Title:  Specify-phase: specifying and modeling a problem or a subproblem. The
     2            most important types are declared in mstools.sml.
     3            TODO: allocate elements of Selem and of Stool appropriately
     4    Author: Walther Neuper 991122, Mathias Lehnfeld
     5    (c) due to copyright terms
     6 *)
     7 signature SPECIFY_ELEMENT =
     8 sig
     9   type fmz
    10   type fmz_
    11   type result
    12   val res2str : term * term list -> string
    13   type subs   (* substitution as seen by learner. rename stubst_user    ["(''bdv'', x)"]*)
    14   type sube   (* = subs. delete !                     =  stubst_user                    *)
    15   type subte  (* _sub_stitution as _t_erms of _e_qualities: revise !    [bdv = x]       *)
    16   type subst' (* substitution in isac-programs; rename subst_prog       [(bdv, x)]      *)
    17 (*type subst     for rewriting, in Rule (+?Isabelle); rename subst_rew  [(bools, x)]    *)
    18   (* TODO use these types in functions below and elsewhere; rename below according to types  *)
    19   val subst'_to_sube : subst' -> TermC.as_string list      (* e.g. rename to subst_user_of_prog  *)
    20   val subst_to_subst' : UnparseC.subst -> subst'
    21   val subst'_to_subst : subst' -> (term * term) list
    22   val sube2str : TermC.as_string list -> string
    23   val sube2subst : theory -> TermC.as_string list -> (term * term) list
    24   val sube2subte : TermC.as_string list -> term list
    25   val subs2subst : theory -> TermC.as_string list -> (term * term) list
    26   val subst2sube : (term * term) list -> TermC.as_string list                 (* for datatypes.sml *)
    27   val subst2subs : (term * term) list -> TermC.as_string list
    28   val subst2subs' : (term * term) list -> (string * string) list
    29   val subte2sube : term list -> TermC.as_string list
    31 (* ---- for tests only: shifted from below to remove the Warning "unused" at fun.def. --------- *)
    32   val e_fmz : fmz_ * Spec.spec                                            (* for datatypes.sml *)
    33   val e_sube : TermC.as_string list
    34   val e_subs : string list
    35   val subte2subst : term list -> (term * term) list
    36 (*/-------------------------------------------------------- ! aktivate for Test_Isac BEGIN ---\* )
    37   (*  NONE *)
    38 ( *\--- ! aktivate for Test_Isac END ----------------------------------------------------------/*)
    40 (*----- unused code, kept as hints to design ideas ---------------------------------------------*)
    41 (*----- unused code, kept as hints to design ideas ---------------------------------------------*)
    42   (* NONE *)
    43 end
    45 structure Selem(**): SPECIFY_ELEMENT(**) =
    46 struct
    48 fun subst2str s =
    49     (strs2str o
    50       (map (
    51         linefeed o pair2str o (apsnd UnparseC.term) o (apfst UnparseC.term)))) s;
    52 type fmz_ = TermC.as_string list;
    53 (* a formalization of an example contains data 
    54    sufficient for mechanically finding the solution for the example.
    55    FIXME.WN051014: dont store fmz = (_,spec) in the PblObj, this is done in origin *)
    56 type fmz = fmz_ * Spec.spec;
    57 val e_fmz = ([], Spec.empty_spec);
    59 type result = term * term list
    60 fun res2str (t, ts) = pair2str (UnparseC.term t, UnparseC.terms ts); (* for tests only *)
    62 type subs = TermC.as_string list; (* substitution as seen by learner in tactics, in programs, etc.
    63   questionable design. rename to stubst_user *)
    64 val e_subs = ["(''bdv'', x)"]; (* for tests only *)
    66 (* argument type of tac Rewrite_Inst *)
    67 type sube = TermC.as_string list; (* = subs. delete *)
    68 val e_sube = []: TermC.as_string list; (* for tests only *)
    69 fun sube2str s = strs2str s;
    71 type subte = term list; (* _sub_stitution as _t_erms of _e_qualities: revise ! *)
    73 type subst' = term; (* substitution in isac-programs. rename to subst_prog
    74   is "(char list * term) list", where term is Free ("xxx", _)
    75   e.g. @{term "[(''bdv_1'', x::real), (''bdv_2'', y::real), (''bdv_3'', z::real)]"} *)
    76 fun subst'_to_sube sub = (sub 
    77   |> HOLogic.dest_list 
    78   |> map HOLogic.dest_prod 
    79   |> map (fn (e1, e2) => (HOLogic.dest_string e1, UnparseC.term e2))
    80   |> map (fn (e1, e2) => "(''" ^ e1 ^ "'', " ^ e2 ^ ")"): TermC.as_string list)
    81   handle TERM _ => raise TERM ("subst'_to_sube: wrong argument ", [sub])
    82 fun subst_to_subst' subst = subst
    83   |> map (apfst TermC.free2str)
    84   |> map (apfst HOLogic.mk_string)
    85   |> map HOLogic.mk_prod
    86   |> HOLogic.mk_list (HOLogic.mk_prodT (HOLogic.stringT, HOLogic.realT (*FIXME: 'a*)))
    87 fun subst'_to_subst t = (t 
    88   |> HOLogic.dest_list 
    89   |> map HOLogic.dest_prod 
    90   |> map (apfst HOLogic.dest_string))
    91   |> map (apfst (fn e1 => (TermC.mk_Free (e1, HOLogic.realT))))
    92   handle TERM _ => raise TERM ("subst'_to_subst: wrong argument ", [t])
    93 val subte2sube = map UnparseC.term;
    94 fun subst2subs subst_rew = (subst_rew
    95   |> map (apsnd UnparseC.term)
    96   |> map (apfst UnparseC.term)
    97   |> map (apfst (enclose "''" "''")))
    98   |> map pair2str
    99   handle TERM _ => raise TERM ("subst2subs: wrong argument " ^ subst2str subst_rew, [])
   100 fun subst2sube subst = map UnparseC.term (map HOLogic.mk_eq subst)
   101 val subst2subs' = map ((apfst UnparseC.term) o (apsnd UnparseC.term));
   102 fun subs2subst thy subs = (subs
   103   |> map (TermC.parse_patt thy(*FIXME use context, get type of snd (e.g. x,y,z), copy to fst*))
   104   |> map TermC.isapair2pair
   105   |> map (apfst HOLogic.dest_string)
   106   |> map (apfst (fn str => (TermC.mk_Free (str, HOLogic.realT)))))
   107   handle TERM _ => raise TERM ("subs2subst: wrong argument " ^ strs2str' subs, [])
   108 fun sube2subst thy s = map (TermC.dest_equals o (TermC.parse_patt thy)) s;
   109 val sube2subte = map TermC.str2term;
   110 val subte2subst = map HOLogic.dest_eq;
   112 end