author Walther Neuper <>
Tue, 21 Apr 2020 16:16:11 +0200
changeset 59899 a3d65f3b495f
parent 59886 106e7d8723ca
permissions -rw-r--r--
remove unused code from Celem
     1 (* Title: Model for (sub-)calculations.
     2           Various representations: item and ppc for frontend, itm_ and itm for internal functions.
     3           The former are related to structure Specify, the latter to structure Chead --
     4           -- apt to re-arrangement of structures
     5    Author: Walther Neuper 170207
     6    (c) due to copyright terms
     7 *)
     9 signature MODEL =
    10 sig
    11   type ori
    12   val oris2str : ori list -> string
    13   val e_ori : ori
    14   datatype item
    15   = Correct of TermC.as_string | False of TermC.as_string | Incompl of TermC.as_string | Missing of TermC.as_string | Superfl of string
    16      | SyntaxE of string | TypeE of string
    17   datatype itm_ = Cor of (term * (term list)) * (term * (term list))
    18   | Syn of TermC.as_string | Typ of TermC.as_string | Inc of (term * (term list))	* (term * (term list))
    19   | Sup of (term * (term list)) | Mis of (term * term) | Par of TermC.as_string
    20   val itm_2str : itm_ -> string
    21   val itm_2str_ : Proof.context -> itm_ -> string
    22   type itm
    23   val itm2str_ : Proof.context -> itm -> string
    24   val itms2str_ : Proof.context -> itm list -> string
    25   val e_itm : itm 
    26   type 'a ppc
    27   val empty_ppc : item ppc
    28   val ppc2str : {Find: string list, Given: string list, Relate: string list, Where: string list,
    29     With: string list} -> string
    30   val itemppc2str : item ppc -> string
    32   type vats
    33   val comp_dts : term * term list -> term
    34   val comp_dts' : term * term list -> term
    35   val comp_dts'' : term * term list -> string
    36   val comp_ts : term * term list -> term
    37   val split_dts : term -> term * term list
    38   val split_dts' : term * term -> term list
    39   val pbl_ids' : term -> term list -> term list
    40   val mkval' : term list -> term
    42   val d_in : itm_ -> term
    43   val ts_in : itm_ -> term list
    44   val penvval_in : itm_ -> term list
    45   val mk_env : itm list -> (term * term) list (* close to Chead.all_dsc_in, Chead.is_error, etc *)
    46   val vars_of : itm list -> term list
    47   val max_vt : itm list -> int
    49 (* ---- for tests only: shifted from below to remove the Warning "unused" at fun.def. --------- *)
    50   type penv
    51   val penv2str_ : Proof.context -> penv -> string  (* NONE *)
    52   type preori
    53   val preoris2str : preori list -> string
    54 (*/-------------------------------------------------------- ! aktivate for Test_Isac BEGIN ---\* )
    55   (* NONE *)
    56 ( *\--- ! aktivate for Test_Isac END ----------------------------------------------------------/*)
    58 (*----- unused code, kept as hints to design ideas ---------------------------------------------*)
    59   val untouched : itm list -> bool
    60   type envv
    61   val upds_envv : Proof.context -> envv -> (vats * term * term * term) list -> envv
    62   val item_ppc : string ppc -> item ppc
    63   val all_ts_in : itm_ list -> term list
    64   val pres2str : (bool * term) list -> string
    65 end
    67 structure Model(**) : MODEL(**) =
    68 struct
    69 (*==========================================================================
    70 23.3.02 TODO: ideas on redesign of type itm_,type item,type ori,type item ppc
    71 (1) kinds of itms:
    72   (1.1) untouched: for modeling only dsc displayed(impossible after match_itms)
    73         =(presently) Mis (? should be Inc initially, and Mis after match_itms?)
    74   (1.2)  Syn,Typ,Sup: not related to oris
    75     Syn, Typ (presently) should be accepted in appl_add (instead Error')
    76     Sup      (presently) should be accepted in appl_add (instead Error')
    77          _could_ be w.r.t current vat (and then _is_ related to vat
    78     Mis should _not_ be  made Inc ((presently, by appl_add & match_itms)
    79 - dsc in itm_ is timeconsuming -- keep id for respective queries ?
    80 - order of items in ppc should be stable w.r.t order of itms
    82 - stepwise input of itms --- match_itms (in one go) ..not coordinated
    83   - unify code
    84   - match_itms / match_itms_oris ..2 versions ?!
    85     (fast, for refine / slow, for modeling)
    87 - clarify: efficiency <--> simplicity !!!
    88   ?: shift dsc itm_ -> itm | discard int in ori,itm | take int instead dsc 
    89     | take int for perserving order of item ppc in itms 
    90     | make all(!?) handling of itms stable against reordering(?)
    91     | field in ori ?? (not from fmz!) -- meant for efficiency (not doc!???)
    92       -"- "#undef" ?= not touched ?= (id,..)
    93 -----------------------------------------------------------------
    94 27.3.02:
    95 def: type pbt = (field, (dsc, pid)) *** design considerations ***
    97 (1) fmz + pbt -> oris
    98 (2) input + oris -> itm
    99 (3) match_itms      : schnell(?) f"ur refine
   100     match_itms_oris : r"uckmeldung f"ur item ppc
   102 (1.1) in oris fehlt daher pid: (i,v,f,d,ts,pid)
   103 ---------- ^^^^^ --- dh. pbt meist als argument zu viel !!!
   105 (3.1) abwarten, wie das matchen mehr unterschiedlicher pbt's sich macht;
   106       wenn Problem pbt v"ollig neue, dann w"are eigentlich n"otig ????:
   107       (a) (_,_,d1,ts,_):ori + pbt -> (i,vt,d2,ts,pid)  dh.vt neu  ????
   108       (b) 
   109 ==========================================================================*)
   111 val script_parse = the o (@{theory ProgLang} |> ThyC.to_ctxt |> TermC.parseNEW);
   112 val e_listReal = script_parse "[]::(real list)";
   113 val e_listBool = script_parse "[]::(bool list)";
   115 (* take list-term apart w.r.t. handling elementwise input: @{term "[a, b]"} \<rightarrow> ["[a]","[b]"] *)
   116 fun take_apart t =
   117   let val elems = TermC.isalist2list t
   118   in map ((TermC.list2isalist (type_of (hd elems))) o single) elems end;
   119 fun take_apart_inv ts = (* t = (take_apart_inv o take_apart) t *)
   120   let val elems = (flat o (map TermC.isalist2list)) ts;
   121   in TermC.list2isalist (type_of (hd elems)) elems end;
   123 fun is_var (Free _) = true
   124   | is_var _ = false;
   126 (* special handling for lists. ?WN:14.5.03 ??!? *)
   127 fun dest_list (d, ts) = 
   128   let fun dest t = 
   129     if Input_Descript.is_list_dsc d andalso not (Input_Descript.is_unl d) andalso not (is_var t) (*..for pbt*)
   130     then TermC.isalist2list t
   131     else [t]
   132   in (flat o (map dest)) ts end;
   134 (* revert split_dts only for ts; compare comp_dts *)
   135 fun comp_ts (d, ts) = 
   136   if Input_Descript.is_list_dsc d
   137   then if TermC.is_list (hd ts)
   138 	  then if Input_Descript.is_unl d
   139 	    then (hd ts)             (* e.g. someList [1,3,2] *)
   140 	    else (take_apart_inv ts) (* [ [a], [b] ] -> [a,b] *)
   141 	  else (hd ts)               (* a variable or metavariable for a list *)
   142   else (hd ts);
   143 fun comp_dts (d, []) = 
   144   	if Input_Descript.is_reall_dsc d
   145   	then (d $ e_listReal)
   146   	else if Input_Descript.is_booll_dsc d then (d $ e_listBool) else d
   147   | comp_dts (d, ts) = (d $ (comp_ts (d, ts)))
   148     handle _ => error ("comp_dts: " ^ UnparseC.term d ^ " $ " ^ UnparseC.term (hd ts)); 
   149 fun comp_dts' (d, []) = 
   150     if Input_Descript.is_reall_dsc d
   151     then (d $ e_listReal)
   152     else if Input_Descript.is_booll_dsc d then (d $ e_listBool) else d
   153   | comp_dts' (d, ts) = (d $ (comp_ts (d, ts)))
   154     handle _ => error ("comp_dts': " ^ UnparseC.term d ^ " $ " ^ UnparseC.term (hd ts)); 
   155 fun comp_dts'' (d, []) = 
   156     if Input_Descript.is_reall_dsc d
   157     then UnparseC.term (d $ e_listReal)
   158     else if Input_Descript.is_booll_dsc d
   159       then UnparseC.term (d $ e_listBool)
   160       else UnparseC.term d
   161   | comp_dts'' (d, ts) = UnparseC.term (d $ (comp_ts (d, ts)))
   162     handle _ => error ("comp_dts'': " ^ UnparseC.term d ^ " $ " ^ UnparseC.term (hd ts)); 
   164 (* decompose an input into description, terms (ev. elems of lists),
   165     and the value for the problem-environment; inv to comp_dts   *)
   166 fun split_dts (t as d $ arg) =
   167     if Input_Descript.is_dsc d
   168     then if Input_Descript.is_list_dsc d andalso TermC.is_list arg andalso Input_Descript.is_unl d |> not
   169       then (d, take_apart arg)
   170       else (d, [arg])
   171     else (TermC.empty, TermC.dest_list' t)
   172   | split_dts t =
   173     let val t' as (h, _) = strip_comb t;
   174     in
   175       if Input_Descript.is_dsc h
   176       then (h, dest_list t')
   177       else (TermC.empty, TermC.dest_list' t)
   178     end;
   179 (* version returning ts only *)
   180 fun split_dts' (d, arg) = 
   181     if Input_Descript.is_dsc d
   182     then if Input_Descript.is_list_dsc d
   183       then if TermC.is_list arg
   184 	      then if Input_Descript.is_unl d
   185 	        then ([arg])           (* e.g. someList [1,3,2]                 *)
   186 		      else (take_apart arg)  (* [a,b] --> SML[ [a], [b] ]SML          *)
   187 	      else ([arg])             (* a variable or metavariable for a list *)
   188 	     else ([arg])
   189     else (TermC.dest_list' arg)
   190 (* WN170204: Warning "redundant"
   191   | split_dts' (d, t) =          (*either dsc or term; 14.5.03 only copied*)
   192     let val (h,argl) = strip_comb t
   193     in
   194       if (not o is_dsc) h
   195       then (dest_list' t)
   196       else (dest_list (h,argl))
   197     end;*)
   198 (* revert split_:
   199  WN050903 we do NOT know which is from subtheory, description or term;
   200  typecheck thus may lead to TYPE-error 'unknown constant';
   201  solution: typecheck with (Thy_Info_get_theory "Isac_Knowledge"); i.e. arg 'thy' superfluous*)
   202 (*fun comp_dts thy (d,[]) = 
   203     Thm.global_cterm_of (*(sign_of o assoc_thy) "Isac_Knowledge"*)
   204 	     (Thy_Info_get_theory "Isac_Knowledge")
   205 	     (*comp_dts:FIXXME stay with term for efficiency !!!*)
   206 	     (if is_reall_dsc d then (d $ e_listReal)
   207 	      else if is_booll_dsc d then (d $ e_listBool)
   208 	      else d)
   209   | comp_dts (d,ts) =
   210     (Thm.global_cterm_of (*(sign_of o assoc_thy) "Isac_Knowledge"*)
   211 	      (Thy_Info_get_theory "Isac_Knowledge")
   212 	      (*comp_dts:FIXXME stay with term for efficiency !!*)
   213 	      (d $ (comp_ts (d, ts)))
   214        handle _ => error ("comp_dts: "^(term2str d)^
   215 				" $ "^(term2str (hd ts))));*)
   217 (* 27.8.01: problem-environment
   218 WN.6.5.03: FIXXME reconsider if penv is worth the effort --
   219            -- just rerun a whole expl with num/var may show the same ?!
   220 WN.9.5.03: penv-concept stalled, immediately generate script env !
   221            but [#0, epsilon] only outcommented for eventual reconsideration  *)
   222 type penv = (* problem-environment *)
   223   (term           (* err_                              *)
   224 	 * (term list)  (* [#0, epsilon] 9.5.03 outcommented *)
   225 	) list;
   226 fun pen2str ctxt (t, ts) =
   227   pair2str (UnparseC.term_in_ctxt ctxt t, (strs2str' o map (UnparseC.term_in_ctxt  ctxt)) ts);
   228 fun penv2str_ thy penv = (strs2str' o (map (pen2str thy))) penv;
   230 (* get the constant value from a penv *)
   231 fun getval (id, values) = 
   232   case values of
   233 	  [] => error ("penv_value: no values in '" ^ UnparseC.term id)
   234   | [v] => (id, v)
   235   | (v1 :: v2 :: _) => (case v1 of 
   236 	      Const ("Program.Arbfix",_) => (id, v2)
   237 	    | _ => (id, v1));
   239 (* 9.5.03: still unused, but left for eventual future development *)
   240 type envv = (int * penv) list; (* over variants *)
   242 (* 14.9.01: not used after putting penv-values into itm_
   243    make the result of split_* a value of problem-environment *)
   244 fun mkval _(*dsc*) [] = error "mkval called with []"
   245   | mkval _ [t] = t
   246   | mkval _ ts = TermC.list2isalist ((type_of o hd) ts) ts;
   247 fun mkval' x = mkval TermC.empty x;
   249 (* the internal representation of a models' item
   250   4.9.01: not consistent:
   251   after Init_Proof 'Inc', but after copy_probl 'Mis' - for same situation
   252   (involves 'is_error');
   253   bool in itm really necessary ???*)
   254 datatype itm_ = 
   255   Cor of (term *              (* description                                                     *)
   256     (term list)) *            (* for list: elem-wise input                                       *) 
   257    (term * (term list))       (* elem of penv ---- penv delayed to future                        *)
   258 | Syn of TermC.as_string
   259 | Typ of TermC.as_string
   260 | Inc of (term * (term list))	* (term * (term list)) (*lists,
   261 			+ init_pbl WN.11.03 FIXXME: empty penv .. bad; init_pbl should return Mis !!!              *)
   262 | Sup of (term * (term list)) (* user-input not found in pbt(+?oris?11.03)*)
   263 | Mis of (term * term)        (* after re-specification pbt-item not found in pbl: only dsc, pid_*)
   264 | Par of TermC.as_string;              (* internal state from fun parsitm                                 *)
   266 type vats = int list; (* variants in formalizations *)
   268 (* data-type for working on pbl/met-ppc:
   269   in pbl initially holds descriptions (only) for user guidance *)
   270 type itm = 
   271   int *        (* id  =0 .. untouched - descript (only) from init 
   272 		              seems to correspond to ori (fun insert_ppc) <> maintain order in item ppc?   *)
   273   vats *       (* variants - copy from ori                                                     *)
   274   bool *       (* input on this item is not/complete                                           *)
   275   string *     (* #Given | #Find | #Relate                                                     *)
   276   itm_;        (*                                                                              *)
   277 val e_itm = (0, [], false, "e_itm", Syn "e_itm");
   279 (* in CalcTree/Subproblem an 'untouched' model is created
   280   FIXME.WN.9.03 model should be filled to 'untouched' by Model/Refine_Problem*)
   281 fun untouched itms = foldl and_ (true , map ((curry op = 0) o (#1 : itm -> int)) itms);
   283 (* find most frequent variant v in itms *)
   284 fun vts_in itms = (distinct o flat o (map #2)) (itms:itm list);
   286 fun cnt itms v = (v, (length o (filter (curry op = v)) o flat o (map #2)) itms);
   287 fun vts_cnt vts itms = map (cnt itms) vts;
   288 fun max2 [] = error "max2 of []"
   289   | max2 (y :: ys) =
   290     let
   291       fun mx (a,x) [] = (a,x)
   292   	    | mx (a, x) ((b,y) :: ys) = if x < y then mx (b, y) ys else mx (a, x) ys;
   293     in mx y ys end;
   295 (* find the variant with most items already input *)
   296 fun max_vt itms = 
   297     let val vts = (vts_cnt (vts_in itms)) itms;
   298     in if vts = [] then 0 else (fst o max2) vts end;
   300 (* TODO ev. make more efficient by avoiding flat *)
   301 fun mk_e (Cor (_, iv)) = [getval iv]
   302   | mk_e (Syn _) = []
   303   | mk_e (Typ _) = [] 
   304   | mk_e (Inc (_, iv)) = [getval iv]
   305   | mk_e (Sup _) = []
   306   | mk_e (Mis _) = []
   307   | mk_e  _ = error "mk_e: uncovered case in fun.def.";
   308 fun mk_en vt (_, vts, _, _, itm_) = if member op = vts vt then mk_e itm_ else [];
   310 (* extract the environment from an item list; takes the variant with most items *)
   311 fun mk_env itms = 
   312   let val vt = max_vt itms
   313   in (flat o (map (mk_en vt))) itms end;
   315 (* example as provided by an author, complete w.r.t. pbt specified 
   316    not touched by any user action                                 *)
   317 type ori =
   318   (int *     (* id: 10.3.00ff impl. only <>0 .. touched 
   319 			          21.3.02: insert_ppc needs it ! ?:purpose maintain order in item ppc ??? *)
   320 	vats *     (* variants 21.3.02: related to pbt..discard ?                             *)
   321 	string *   (* #Given | #Find | #Relate 21.3.02: discard ?                             *)
   322 	term *     (* description                                                             *)
   323 	term list  (* isalist2list t | [t]                                                    *)
   324 	);
   325 val e_ori = (0, [], "", TermC.empty, [TermC.empty]) : ori;
   327 fun ori2str (i, vs, fi, t, ts) = 
   328   "(" ^ string_of_int i ^ ", " ^ (strs2str o (map string_of_int)) vs ^ ", " ^ fi ^ "," ^
   329   UnparseC.term t ^ ", " ^ (strs2str o (map UnparseC.term)) ts ^ ")";
   330 val oris2str = strs2str' o (map (linefeed o ori2str));
   332 (* an or without leading integer *)
   333 type preori = (vats * string * term * term list);
   334 fun preori2str (vs, fi, t, ts) = 
   335   "(" ^ (strs2str o (map string_of_int)) vs ^ ", " ^ fi ^ ", " ^
   336   UnparseC.term t ^ ", " ^ (strs2str o (map UnparseC.term)) ts ^ ")";
   337 val preoris2str = (strs2str' o (map (linefeed o preori2str)));
   339 (* 9.5.03 penv postponed: pbl_ids' *)
   340 fun pbl_ids' d vs = [comp_ts (d, vs)];
   342 (* 14.9.01: not used after putting values for penv into itm_
   343   WN.5.5.03: used in upd .. upd_envv *)
   344 fun upd_penv ctxt penv dsc (id, vl) =
   345 ((*tracing"### upd_penv used !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!";
   346  tracing"### upd_penv used !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!";
   347  tracing"### upd_penv used !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!";*)
   348   overwrite (penv, (id, Input_Descript.pbl_ids ctxt dsc vl))
   349 );
   351 (* WN.9.5.03: not reconsidered; looks strange !!!*)
   352 fun upd thy envv dsc (id, vl) i =
   353     let val penv = case assoc (envv, i) of
   354 		       SOME e => e
   355 		     | NONE => [];
   356         val penv' = upd_penv thy penv dsc (id, vl);
   357     in (i, penv') end;
   359 (* 14.9.01: not used after putting pre-penv into itm_*)
   360 fun upd_envv thy envv vats dsc id vl  =
   361     let val vats = if length vats = 0 
   362 		   then (*unknown id to _all_ variants*)
   363 		       if length envv = 0 then [1]
   364 		       else (intsto o length) envv 
   365 		   else vats
   366 	fun isin vats (i, _) = member op = vats i;
   367 	val envs_notin_vat = filter_out (isin vats) envv;
   368     in (map (upd thy envv dsc (id, vl)) vats) @ envs_notin_vat end;
   370 (* update envv by folding from a list of arguments *)
   371 fun upds_envv _ envv [] = envv
   372   | upds_envv thy envv ((vs, dsc, id, vl) :: ps) = 
   373     upds_envv thy (upd_envv thy envv vs dsc id vl) ps;
   375 (* for _output_ of the items of a Model *)
   376 datatype item = 
   377     Correct of TermC.as_string (* labels a correct formula (type cterm') *)
   378   | SyntaxE of string (**)
   379   | TypeE   of string (**)
   380   | False   of TermC.as_string (* WN050618 notexistent in itm_: only used in Where *)
   381   | Incompl of TermC.as_string (**)
   382   | Superfl of string (**)
   383   | Missing of TermC.as_string;
   384 fun item2str (Correct  s) ="Correct " ^ s
   385   | item2str (SyntaxE  s) ="SyntaxE " ^ s
   386   | item2str (TypeE    s) ="TypeE " ^ s
   387   | item2str (False    s) ="False " ^ s
   388   | item2str (Incompl  s) ="Incompl " ^ s
   389   | item2str (Superfl  s) ="Superfl " ^ s
   390   | item2str (Missing  s) ="Missing " ^ s;
   391 (*make string for error-msgs*)
   392 fun itm_2str_ ctxt (Cor ((d, ts), penv)) = 
   393     "Cor " ^ UnparseC.term_in_ctxt  ctxt (comp_dts (d, ts)) ^ " ," ^ pen2str ctxt penv
   394   | itm_2str_ _ (Syn c) = "Syn " ^ c
   395   | itm_2str_ _ (Typ c) = "Typ " ^ c
   396   | itm_2str_ ctxt (Inc ((d, ts), penv)) = 
   397     "Inc " ^ UnparseC.term_in_ctxt  ctxt (comp_dts (d, ts)) ^ " ," ^ pen2str ctxt penv
   398   | itm_2str_ ctxt (Sup (d, ts)) = 
   399     "Sup " ^ UnparseC.term_in_ctxt  ctxt (comp_dts (d, ts))
   400   | itm_2str_ ctxt (Mis (d, pid)) = 
   401     "Mis "^ UnparseC.term_in_ctxt  ctxt d ^ " " ^ UnparseC.term_in_ctxt  ctxt pid
   402   | itm_2str_ _ (Par s) = "Trm "^s;
   403 fun itm_2str t = itm_2str_ (ThyC.id_to_ctxt "Isac_Knowledge") t;
   404 fun itm2str_ ctxt ((i, is, b, s, itm_):itm) = 
   405   "(" ^ string_of_int i ^ " ," ^ ints2str' is ^ " ," ^ bool2str b ^ " ," ^
   406   s ^ " ," ^ itm_2str_ ctxt itm_ ^ ")";
   407 fun itms2str_ ctxt itms = strs2str' (map (linefeed o (itm2str_ ctxt)) itms);
   408 fun init_item str = SyntaxE str;
   410 type 'a ppc = 
   411   {Given : 'a list, Where: 'a list, Find  : 'a list, With : 'a list, Relate: 'a list};
   412 fun ppc2str {Given = Given, Where = Where, Find = Find, With = With, Relate = Relate}=
   413   "{Given =" ^ strs2str Given ^ ",Where=" ^ strs2str Where ^ ",Find  =" ^ strs2str Find ^
   414   ",With =" ^ strs2str With ^ ",Relate=" ^ strs2str Relate ^ "}";
   416 fun item_ppc {Given = gi, Where= wh, Find = fi, With = wi, Relate= re} =
   417   {Given = map init_item gi, Where= map init_item wh, Find = map init_item fi,
   418     With = map init_item wi, Relate= map init_item re};
   419 fun itemppc2str ({Given=Given,Where=Where,
   420 		 Find=Find,With=With,Relate=Relate}:item ppc)=
   421     ("{Given =" ^ ((strs2str' o (map item2str))	 Given ) ^
   422      ",Where=" ^ ((strs2str' o (map item2str))	 Where) ^
   423      ",Find  =" ^ ((strs2str' o (map item2str))	 Find  ) ^
   424      ",With =" ^ ((strs2str' o (map item2str))	 With ) ^
   425      ",Relate=" ^ ((strs2str' o (map item2str))	 Relate) ^ "}");
   427 val empty_ppc = {Given = [], Where= [], Find  = [], With = [], Relate= []};
   429 fun ts_in (Cor ((_, ts), _)) = ts
   430   | ts_in (Syn _) = []
   431   | ts_in (Typ _) = []
   432   | ts_in (Inc ((_, ts), _)) = ts
   433   | ts_in (Sup (_, ts)) = ts
   434   | ts_in (Mis _) = []
   435   | ts_in _ = error "ts_in: uncovered case in fun.def.";
   436 (*WN050629 unused*)
   437 fun all_ts_in itm_s = (flat o (map ts_in)) itm_s;
   438 val unique = (Thm.term_of o the o (TermC.parse @{theory "Real"} )) "UnIqE_tErM";
   439 fun d_in (Cor ((d ,_), _)) = d
   440   | d_in (Syn c) = ((*tracing ("*** d_in: Syn ("^c^")");*) unique)
   441   | d_in (Typ c) = ((*tracing ("*** d_in: Typ ("^c^")");*) unique)
   442   | d_in (Inc ((d, _), _)) = d
   443   | d_in (Sup (d, _)) = d
   444   | d_in (Mis (d, _)) = d
   445   | d_in _ = raise ERROR "d_in: uncovered case in fun.def.";
   447 fun dts2str (d, ts) = pair2str (UnparseC.term d, UnparseC.terms ts);
   448 fun penvval_in (Cor ((d, _), (_, ts))) = [comp_ts (d,ts)]
   449   | penvval_in (Syn  (c)) = ((*tracing("*** penvval_in: Syn ("^c^")");*) [])
   450   | penvval_in (Typ  (c)) = ((*tracing("*** penvval_in: Typ ("^c^")");*) [])
   451   | penvval_in (Inc (_, (_, ts))) = ts
   452   | penvval_in (Sup dts) = ((*tracing ("*** penvval_in: Sup " ^ dts2str dts);*) [])
   453   | penvval_in (Mis (d, t)) = ((*tracing ("*** penvval_in: Mis " ^
   454 			pair2str(UnparseC.term d, UnparseC.term t));*) [])
   455 	| penvval_in _ = error "penvval_in: uncovered case in fun.def.";
   457 (* check a predicate labelled with indication of incomplete substitution;
   458   rls ->    (* for eval_true                                               *)
   459   bool * 	  (* have _all_ variables(Free) from the model-pattern 
   460                been substituted by a value from the pattern's environment ?*)
   461   term ->   (* the precondition                                            *)
   462   bool * 	  (* has the precondition evaluated to true                      *)
   463   term      (* the precondition (for map)                                  *)
   464 *)
   465 fun pre2str (b, t) = pair2str(bool2str b, UnparseC.term t);
   466 fun pres2str pres = strs2str' (map (linefeed o pre2str) pres);
   468 fun vars_of itms = itms |> mk_env |> map snd
   470 end;