author haftmann
Thu, 28 Aug 2008 22:08:11 +0200
changeset 28053 a2106c0d8c45
parent 28021 32acf3c6cd12
child 28367 10ea34297962
permissions -rw-r--r--
no parameter prefix for class interpretation
     1 (*  Title:      HOL/ex/Numeral.thy
     2     ID:         $Id$
     3     Author:     Florian Haftmann
     5 An experimental alternative numeral representation.
     6 *)
     8 theory Numeral
     9 imports Int Inductive
    10 begin
    12 subsection {* The @{text num} type *}
    14 text {*
    15   We construct @{text num} as a copy of strictly positive
    16   natural numbers.
    17 *}
    19 typedef (open) num = "\<lambda>n\<Colon>nat. n > 0"
    20   morphisms nat_of_num num_of_nat_abs
    21   by (auto simp add: mem_def)
    23 text {*
    24   A totalized abstraction function.  It is not entirely clear
    25   whether this is really useful.
    26 *}
    28 definition num_of_nat :: "nat \<Rightarrow> num" where
    29   "num_of_nat n = (if n = 0 then num_of_nat_abs 1 else num_of_nat_abs n)"
    31 lemma num_cases [case_names nat, cases type: num]:
    32   assumes "(\<And>n\<Colon>nat. m = num_of_nat n \<Longrightarrow> 0 < n \<Longrightarrow> P)"
    33   shows P
    34 apply (rule num_of_nat_abs_cases)
    35 apply (unfold mem_def)
    36 using assms unfolding num_of_nat_def
    37 apply auto
    38 done
    40 lemma num_of_nat_zero: "num_of_nat 0 = num_of_nat 1"
    41   by (simp add: num_of_nat_def)
    43 lemma num_of_nat_inverse: "nat_of_num (num_of_nat n) = (if n = 0 then 1 else n)"
    44   apply (simp add: num_of_nat_def)
    45   apply (subst num_of_nat_abs_inverse)
    46   apply (auto simp add: mem_def num_of_nat_abs_inverse)
    47   done
    49 lemma num_of_nat_inject:
    50   "num_of_nat m = num_of_nat n \<longleftrightarrow> m = n \<or> (m = 0 \<or> m = 1) \<and> (n = 0 \<or> n = 1)"
    51 by (auto simp add: num_of_nat_def num_of_nat_abs_inject [unfolded mem_def])
    53 lemma split_num_all:
    54   "(\<And>m. PROP P m) \<equiv> (\<And>n. PROP P (num_of_nat n))"
    55 proof
    56   fix n
    57   assume "\<And>m\<Colon>num. PROP P m"
    58   then show "PROP P (num_of_nat n)" .
    59 next
    60   fix m
    61   have nat_of_num: "\<And>m. nat_of_num m \<noteq> 0"
    62     using nat_of_num by (auto simp add: mem_def)
    63   have nat_of_num_inverse: "\<And>m. num_of_nat (nat_of_num m) = m"
    64     by (auto simp add: num_of_nat_def nat_of_num_inverse nat_of_num)
    65   assume "\<And>n. PROP P (num_of_nat n)"
    66   then have "PROP P (num_of_nat (nat_of_num m))" .
    67   then show "PROP P m" unfolding nat_of_num_inverse .
    68 qed
    71 subsection {* Digit representation for @{typ num} *}
    73 instantiation num :: "{semiring, monoid_mult}"
    74 begin
    76 definition one_num :: num where
    77   [code func del]: "1 = num_of_nat 1"
    79 definition plus_num :: "num \<Rightarrow> num \<Rightarrow> num" where
    80   [code func del]: "m + n = num_of_nat (nat_of_num m + nat_of_num n)"
    82 definition times_num :: "num \<Rightarrow> num \<Rightarrow> num" where
    83   [code func del]: "m * n = num_of_nat (nat_of_num m * nat_of_num n)"
    85 definition Dig0 :: "num \<Rightarrow> num" where
    86   [code func del]: "Dig0 n = n + n"
    88 definition Dig1 :: "num \<Rightarrow> num" where
    89   [code func del]: "Dig1 n = n + n + 1"
    91 instance proof
    92 qed (simp_all add: one_num_def plus_num_def times_num_def
    93   split_num_all num_of_nat_inverse num_of_nat_zero add_ac mult_ac nat_distrib)
    95 end
    97 text {*
    98   The following proofs seem horribly complicated.
    99   Any room for simplification!?
   100 *}
   102 lemma nat_dig_cases [case_names 0 1 dig0 dig1]:
   103   fixes n :: nat
   104   assumes "n = 0 \<Longrightarrow> P"
   105   and "n = 1 \<Longrightarrow> P"
   106   and "\<And>m. m > 0 \<Longrightarrow> n = m + m \<Longrightarrow> P"
   107   and "\<And>m. m > 0 \<Longrightarrow> n = Suc (m + m) \<Longrightarrow> P"
   108   shows P
   109 using assms proof (induct n)
   110   case 0 then show ?case by simp
   111 next
   112   case (Suc n)
   113   show P proof (rule Suc.hyps)
   114     assume "n = 0"
   115     then have "Suc n = 1" by simp
   116     then show P by (rule Suc.prems(2))
   117   next
   118     assume "n = 1"
   119     have "1 > (0\<Colon>nat)" by simp
   120     moreover from `n = 1` have "Suc n = 1 + 1" by simp
   121     ultimately show P by (rule Suc.prems(3))
   122   next
   123     fix m
   124     assume "0 < m" and "n = m + m"
   125     note `0 < m`
   126     moreover from `n = m + m` have "Suc n = Suc (m + m)" by simp
   127     ultimately show P by (rule Suc.prems(4))
   128   next
   129     fix m
   130     assume "0 < m" and "n = Suc (m + m)"
   131     have "0 < Suc m" by simp
   132     moreover from `n = Suc (m + m)` have "Suc n = Suc m + Suc m" by simp
   133     ultimately show P by (rule Suc.prems(3))
   134   qed
   135 qed
   137 lemma num_induct_raw:
   138   fixes n :: nat
   139   assumes not0: "n > 0"
   140   assumes "P 1"
   141   and "\<And>n. n > 0 \<Longrightarrow> P n \<Longrightarrow> P (n + n)"
   142   and "\<And>n. n > 0 \<Longrightarrow> P n \<Longrightarrow> P (Suc (n + n))"
   143   shows "P n"
   144 using not0 proof (induct n rule: less_induct)
   145   case (less n)
   146   show "P n" proof (cases n rule: nat_dig_cases)
   147     case 0 then show ?thesis using less by simp
   148   next
   149     case 1 then show ?thesis using assms by simp
   150   next
   151     case (dig0 m)
   152     then show ?thesis apply simp
   153       apply (rule assms(3)) apply assumption
   154       apply (rule less)
   155       apply simp_all
   156     done
   157   next
   158     case (dig1 m)
   159     then show ?thesis apply simp
   160       apply (rule assms(4)) apply assumption
   161       apply (rule less)
   162       apply simp_all
   163     done
   164   qed
   165 qed
   167 lemma num_of_nat_Suc: "num_of_nat (Suc n) = (if n = 0 then 1 else num_of_nat n + 1)"
   168   by (cases n) (auto simp add: one_num_def plus_num_def num_of_nat_inverse)
   170 lemma num_induct [case_names 1 Suc, induct type: num]:
   171   fixes P :: "num \<Rightarrow> bool"
   172   assumes 1: "P 1"
   173     and Suc: "\<And>n. P n \<Longrightarrow> P (n + 1)"
   174   shows "P n"
   175 proof (cases n)
   176   case (nat m) then show ?thesis by (induct m arbitrary: n)
   177     (auto simp: num_of_nat_Suc intro: 1 Suc split: split_if_asm)
   178 qed
   180 rep_datatype "1::num" Dig0 Dig1 proof -
   181   fix P m
   182   assume 1: "P 1"
   183     and Dig0: "\<And>m. P m \<Longrightarrow> P (Dig0 m)"
   184     and Dig1: "\<And>m. P m \<Longrightarrow> P (Dig1 m)"
   185   obtain n where "0 < n" and m: "m = num_of_nat n"
   186     by (cases m) auto
   187   from `0 < n` have "P (num_of_nat n)" proof (induct n rule: num_induct_raw)
   188     case 1 from `0 < n` show ?case .
   189   next
   190     case 2 with 1 show ?case by (simp add: one_num_def)
   191   next
   192     case (3 n) then have "P (num_of_nat n)" by auto
   193     then have "P (Dig0 (num_of_nat n))" by (rule Dig0)
   194     with 3 show ?case by (simp add: Dig0_def plus_num_def num_of_nat_inverse)
   195   next
   196     case (4 n) then have "P (num_of_nat n)" by auto
   197     then have "P (Dig1 (num_of_nat n))" by (rule Dig1)
   198     with 4 show ?case by (simp add: Dig1_def one_num_def plus_num_def num_of_nat_inverse)
   199   qed
   200   with m show "P m" by simp
   201 next
   202   fix m n
   203   show "Dig0 m = Dig0 n \<longleftrightarrow> m = n"
   204     apply (cases m) apply (cases n)
   205     by (auto simp add: Dig0_def plus_num_def num_of_nat_inverse num_of_nat_inject)
   206 next
   207   fix m n
   208   show "Dig1 m = Dig1 n \<longleftrightarrow> m = n"
   209     apply (cases m) apply (cases n)
   210     by (auto simp add: Dig1_def plus_num_def num_of_nat_inverse num_of_nat_inject)
   211 next
   212   fix n
   213   show "1 \<noteq> Dig0 n"
   214     apply (cases n)
   215     by (auto simp add: Dig0_def one_num_def plus_num_def num_of_nat_inverse num_of_nat_inject)
   216 next
   217   fix n
   218   show "1 \<noteq> Dig1 n"
   219     apply (cases n)
   220     by (auto simp add: Dig1_def one_num_def plus_num_def num_of_nat_inverse num_of_nat_inject)
   221 next
   222   fix m n
   223   have "\<And>n m. n + n \<noteq> Suc (m + m)"
   224   proof -
   225     fix n m
   226     show "n + n \<noteq> Suc (m + m)"
   227     proof (induct m arbitrary: n)
   228       case 0 then show ?case by (cases n) simp_all
   229     next
   230       case (Suc m) then show ?case by (cases n) simp_all
   231     qed
   232   qed
   233   then show "Dig0 n \<noteq> Dig1 m"
   234     apply (cases n) apply (cases m)
   235     by (auto simp add: Dig0_def Dig1_def one_num_def plus_num_def num_of_nat_inverse num_of_nat_inject)
   236 qed
   238 text {*
   239   From now on, there are two possible models for @{typ num}:
   240   as positive naturals (rules @{text "num_induct"}, @{text "num_cases"})
   241   and as digit representation (rules @{text "num.induct"}, @{text "num.cases"}).
   243   It is not entirely clear in which context it is better to use
   244   the one or the other, or whether the construction should be reversed.
   245 *}
   248 subsection {* Binary numerals *}
   250 text {*
   251   We embed binary representations into a generic algebraic
   252   structure using @{text of_num}
   253 *}
   255 ML {*
   256 structure DigSimps =
   257   NamedThmsFun(val name = "numeral"; val description = "Simplification rules for numerals")
   258 *}
   260 setup DigSimps.setup
   262 class semiring_numeral = semiring + monoid_mult
   263 begin
   265 primrec of_num :: "num \<Rightarrow> 'a" where
   266   of_num_one [numeral]: "of_num 1 = 1"
   267   | "of_num (Dig0 n) = of_num n + of_num n"
   268   | "of_num (Dig1 n) = of_num n + of_num n + 1"
   270 declare of_num.simps [simp del]
   272 end
   274 text {*
   275   ML stuff and syntax.
   276 *}
   278 ML {*
   279 fun mk_num 1 = @{term "1::num"}
   280   | mk_num k =
   281       let
   282         val (l, b) = Integer.div_mod k 2;
   283         val bit = (if b = 0 then @{term Dig0} else @{term Dig1});
   284       in bit $ (mk_num l) end;
   286 fun dest_num @{term "1::num"} = 1
   287   | dest_num (@{term Dig0} $ n) = 2 * dest_num n
   288   | dest_num (@{term Dig1} $ n) = 2 * dest_num n + 1;
   290 (*FIXME these have to gain proper context via morphisms phi*)
   292 fun mk_numeral T k = Const (@{const_name of_num}, @{typ num} --> T)
   293   $ mk_num k
   295 fun dest_numeral (Const (@{const_name of_num}, Type ("fun", [@{typ num}, T])) $ t) =
   296   (T, dest_num t)
   297 *}
   299 syntax
   300   "_Numerals" :: "xnum \<Rightarrow> 'a"    ("_")
   302 parse_translation {*
   303 let
   304   fun num_of_int n = if n > 0 then case IntInf.quotRem (n, 2)
   305      of (0, 1) => Const (@{const_name}, dummyT)
   306       | (n, 0) => Const (@{const_name Dig0}, dummyT) $ num_of_int n
   307       | (n, 1) => Const (@{const_name Dig1}, dummyT) $ num_of_int n
   308     else raise Match;
   309   fun numeral_tr [Free (num, _)] =
   310         let
   311           val {leading_zeros, value, ...} = Syntax.read_xnum num;
   312           val _ = leading_zeros = 0 andalso value > 0
   313             orelse error ("Bad numeral: " ^ num);
   314         in Const (@{const_name of_num}, @{typ num} --> dummyT) $ num_of_int value end
   315     | numeral_tr ts = raise TERM ("numeral_tr", ts);
   316 in [("_Numerals", numeral_tr)] end
   317 *}
   319 typed_print_translation {*
   320 let
   321   fun dig b n = b + 2 * n; 
   322   fun int_of_num' (Const (@{const_syntax Dig0}, _) $ n) =
   323         dig 0 (int_of_num' n)
   324     | int_of_num' (Const (@{const_syntax Dig1}, _) $ n) =
   325         dig 1 (int_of_num' n)
   326     | int_of_num' (Const (@{const_syntax}, _)) = 1;
   327   fun num_tr' show_sorts T [n] =
   328     let
   329       val k = int_of_num' n;
   330       val t' = Syntax.const "_Numerals" $ ("#" ^ string_of_int k);
   331     in case T
   332      of Type ("fun", [_, T']) =>
   333          if not (! show_types) andalso can Term.dest_Type T' then t'
   334          else Syntax.const Syntax.constrainC $ t' $ Syntax.term_of_typ show_sorts T'
   335       | T' => if T' = dummyT then t' else raise Match
   336     end;
   337 in [(@{const_syntax of_num}, num_tr')] end
   338 *}
   341 subsection {* Numeral operations *}
   343 text {*
   344   First, addition and multiplication on digits.
   345 *}
   347 lemma Dig_plus [numeral, simp, code]:
   348   "1 + 1 = Dig0 1"
   349   "1 + Dig0 m = Dig1 m"
   350   "1 + Dig1 m = Dig0 (m + 1)"
   351   "Dig0 n + 1 = Dig1 n"
   352   "Dig0 n + Dig0 m = Dig0 (n + m)"
   353   "Dig0 n + Dig1 m = Dig1 (n + m)"
   354   "Dig1 n + 1 = Dig0 (n + 1)"
   355   "Dig1 n + Dig0 m = Dig1 (n + m)"
   356   "Dig1 n + Dig1 m = Dig0 (n + m + 1)"
   357   by (simp_all add: add_ac Dig0_def Dig1_def)
   359 lemma Dig_times [numeral, simp, code]:
   360   "1 * 1 = (1::num)"
   361   "1 * Dig0 n = Dig0 n"
   362   "1 * Dig1 n = Dig1 n"
   363   "Dig0 n * 1 = Dig0 n"
   364   "Dig0 n * Dig0 m = Dig0 (n * Dig0 m)"
   365   "Dig0 n * Dig1 m = Dig0 (n * Dig1 m)"
   366   "Dig1 n * 1 = Dig1 n"
   367   "Dig1 n * Dig0 m = Dig0 (n * Dig0 m + m)"
   368   "Dig1 n * Dig1 m = Dig1 (n * Dig1 m + m)"
   369   by (simp_all add: left_distrib right_distrib add_ac Dig0_def Dig1_def)
   371 text {*
   372   @{const of_num} is a morphism.
   373 *}
   375 context semiring_numeral
   376 begin
   378 abbreviation "Num1 \<equiv> of_num 1"
   380 text {*
   381   Alas, there is still the duplication of @{term 1},
   382   thought the duplicated @{term 0} has disappeared.
   383   We could get rid of it by replacing the constructor
   384   @{term 1} in @{typ num} by two constructors
   385   @{text two} and @{text three}, resulting in a further
   386   blow-up.  But it could be worth the effort.
   387 *}
   389 lemma of_num_plus_one [numeral]:
   390   "of_num n + 1 = of_num (n + 1)"
   391   by (rule sym, induct n) (simp_all add: Dig_plus of_num.simps add_ac)
   393 lemma of_num_one_plus [numeral]:
   394   "1 + of_num n = of_num (n + 1)"
   395   unfolding of_num_plus_one [symmetric] add_commute ..
   397 lemma of_num_plus [numeral]:
   398   "of_num m + of_num n = of_num (m + n)"
   399   by (induct n rule: num_induct)
   400     (simp_all add: Dig_plus of_num_one semigroup_add_class.add_assoc [symmetric, of m]
   401     add_ac of_num_plus_one [symmetric])
   403 lemma of_num_times_one [numeral]:
   404   "of_num n * 1 = of_num n"
   405   by simp
   407 lemma of_num_one_times [numeral]:
   408   "1 * of_num n = of_num n"
   409   by simp
   411 lemma of_num_times [numeral]:
   412   "of_num m * of_num n = of_num (m * n)"
   413   by (induct n rule: num_induct)
   414     (simp_all add: of_num_plus [symmetric]
   415     semiring_class.right_distrib right_distrib of_num_one)
   417 end
   419 text {*
   420   Structures with a @{term 0}.
   421 *}
   423 context semiring_1
   424 begin
   426 subclass semiring_numeral ..
   428 lemma of_nat_of_num [numeral]: "of_nat (of_num n) = of_num n"
   429   by (induct n)
   430     (simp_all add: semiring_numeral_class.of_num.simps of_num.simps add_ac)
   432 declare of_nat_1 [numeral]
   434 lemma Dig_plus_zero [numeral]:
   435   "0 + 1 = 1"
   436   "0 + of_num n = of_num n"
   437   "1 + 0 = 1"
   438   "of_num n + 0 = of_num n"
   439   by simp_all
   441 lemma Dig_times_zero [numeral]:
   442   "0 * 1 = 0"
   443   "0 * of_num n = 0"
   444   "1 * 0 = 0"
   445   "of_num n * 0 = 0"
   446   by simp_all
   448 end
   450 lemma nat_of_num_of_num: "nat_of_num = of_num"
   451 proof
   452   fix n
   453   have "of_num n = nat_of_num n" apply (induct n)
   454     apply (simp_all add: of_num.simps)
   455     using nat_of_num
   456     apply (simp_all add: one_num_def plus_num_def Dig0_def Dig1_def num_of_nat_inverse mem_def)
   457     done
   458   then show "nat_of_num n = of_num n" by simp
   459 qed
   461 text {*
   462   Equality.
   463 *}
   465 context semiring_char_0
   466 begin
   468 lemma of_num_eq_iff [numeral]:
   469   "of_num m = of_num n \<longleftrightarrow> m = n"
   470   unfolding of_nat_of_num [symmetric] nat_of_num_of_num [symmetric]
   471     of_nat_eq_iff nat_of_num_inject ..
   473 lemma of_num_eq_one_iff [numeral]:
   474   "of_num n = 1 \<longleftrightarrow> n = 1"
   475 proof -
   476   have "of_num n = of_num 1 \<longleftrightarrow> n = 1" unfolding of_num_eq_iff ..
   477   then show ?thesis by (simp add: of_num_one)
   478 qed
   480 lemma one_eq_of_num_iff [numeral]:
   481   "1 = of_num n \<longleftrightarrow> n = 1"
   482   unfolding of_num_eq_one_iff [symmetric] by auto
   484 end
   486 text {*
   487   Comparisons.  Could be perhaps more general than here.
   488 *}
   490 lemma (in ordered_semidom) of_num_pos: "0 < of_num n"
   491 proof -
   492   have "(0::nat) < of_num n"
   493     by (induct n) (simp_all add: semiring_numeral_class.of_num.simps)
   494   then have "of_nat 0 \<noteq> of_nat (of_num n)" 
   495     by (cases n) (simp_all only: semiring_numeral_class.of_num.simps of_nat_eq_iff)
   496   then have "0 \<noteq> of_num n"
   497     by (simp add: of_nat_of_num)
   498   moreover have "0 \<le> of_nat (of_num n)" by simp
   499   ultimately show ?thesis by (simp add: of_nat_of_num)
   500 qed
   502 instantiation num :: linorder
   503 begin
   505 definition less_eq_num :: "num \<Rightarrow> num \<Rightarrow> bool" where
   506   [code func del]: "m \<le> n \<longleftrightarrow> nat_of_num m \<le> nat_of_num n"
   508 definition less_num :: "num \<Rightarrow> num \<Rightarrow> bool" where
   509   [code func del]: "m < n \<longleftrightarrow> nat_of_num m < nat_of_num n"
   511 instance proof
   512 qed (auto simp add: less_eq_num_def less_num_def
   513   split_num_all num_of_nat_inverse num_of_nat_inject split: split_if_asm)
   515 end
   517 lemma less_eq_num_code [numeral, simp, code]:
   518   "(1::num) \<le> n \<longleftrightarrow> True"
   519   "Dig0 m \<le> 1 \<longleftrightarrow> False"
   520   "Dig1 m \<le> 1 \<longleftrightarrow> False"
   521   "Dig0 m \<le> Dig0 n \<longleftrightarrow> m \<le> n"
   522   "Dig0 m \<le> Dig1 n \<longleftrightarrow> m \<le> n"
   523   "Dig1 m \<le> Dig1 n \<longleftrightarrow> m \<le> n"
   524   "Dig1 m \<le> Dig0 n \<longleftrightarrow> m < n"
   525   using of_num_pos [of n, where ?'a = nat] of_num_pos [of m, where ?'a = nat]
   526   by (auto simp add: less_eq_num_def less_num_def nat_of_num_of_num of_num.simps)
   528 lemma less_num_code [numeral, simp, code]:
   529   "m < (1::num) \<longleftrightarrow> False"
   530   "(1::num) < 1 \<longleftrightarrow> False"
   531   "1 < Dig0 n \<longleftrightarrow> True"
   532   "1 < Dig1 n \<longleftrightarrow> True"
   533   "Dig0 m < Dig0 n \<longleftrightarrow> m < n"
   534   "Dig0 m < Dig1 n \<longleftrightarrow> m \<le> n"
   535   "Dig1 m < Dig1 n \<longleftrightarrow> m < n"
   536   "Dig1 m < Dig0 n \<longleftrightarrow> m < n"
   537   using of_num_pos [of n, where ?'a = nat] of_num_pos [of m, where ?'a = nat]
   538   by (auto simp add: less_eq_num_def less_num_def nat_of_num_of_num of_num.simps)
   540 context ordered_semidom
   541 begin
   543 lemma of_num_less_eq_iff [numeral]: "of_num m \<le> of_num n \<longleftrightarrow> m \<le> n"
   544 proof -
   545   have "of_nat (of_num m) \<le> of_nat (of_num n) \<longleftrightarrow> m \<le> n"
   546     unfolding less_eq_num_def nat_of_num_of_num of_nat_le_iff ..
   547   then show ?thesis by (simp add: of_nat_of_num)
   548 qed
   550 lemma of_num_less_eq_one_iff [numeral]: "of_num n \<le> 1 \<longleftrightarrow> n = 1"
   551 proof -
   552   have "of_num n \<le> of_num 1 \<longleftrightarrow> n = 1"
   553     by (cases n) (simp_all add: of_num_less_eq_iff)
   554   then show ?thesis by (simp add: of_num_one)
   555 qed
   557 lemma one_less_eq_of_num_iff [numeral]: "1 \<le> of_num n"
   558 proof -
   559   have "of_num 1 \<le> of_num n"
   560     by (cases n) (simp_all add: of_num_less_eq_iff)
   561   then show ?thesis by (simp add: of_num_one)
   562 qed
   564 lemma of_num_less_iff [numeral]: "of_num m < of_num n \<longleftrightarrow> m < n"
   565 proof -
   566   have "of_nat (of_num m) < of_nat (of_num n) \<longleftrightarrow> m < n"
   567     unfolding less_num_def nat_of_num_of_num of_nat_less_iff ..
   568   then show ?thesis by (simp add: of_nat_of_num)
   569 qed
   571 lemma of_num_less_one_iff [numeral]: "\<not> of_num n < 1"
   572 proof -
   573   have "\<not> of_num n < of_num 1"
   574     by (cases n) (simp_all add: of_num_less_iff)
   575   then show ?thesis by (simp add: of_num_one)
   576 qed
   578 lemma one_less_of_num_iff [numeral]: "1 < of_num n \<longleftrightarrow> n \<noteq> 1"
   579 proof -
   580   have "of_num 1 < of_num n \<longleftrightarrow> n \<noteq> 1"
   581     by (cases n) (simp_all add: of_num_less_iff)
   582   then show ?thesis by (simp add: of_num_one)
   583 qed
   585 end
   587 text {*
   588   Structures with subtraction @{term "op -"}.
   589 *}
   591 text {* A decrement function *}
   593 primrec dec :: "num \<Rightarrow> num" where
   594   "dec 1 = 1"
   595   | "dec (Dig0 n) = (case n of 1 \<Rightarrow> 1 | _ \<Rightarrow> Dig1 (dec n))"
   596   | "dec (Dig1 n) = Dig0 n"
   598 declare dec.simps [simp del, code del]
   600 lemma Dig_dec [numeral, simp, code]:
   601   "dec 1 = 1"
   602   "dec (Dig0 1) = 1"
   603   "dec (Dig0 (Dig0 n)) = Dig1 (dec (Dig0 n))"
   604   "dec (Dig0 (Dig1 n)) = Dig1 (Dig0 n)"
   605   "dec (Dig1 n) = Dig0 n"
   606   by (simp_all add: dec.simps)
   608 lemma Dig_dec_plus_one:
   609   "dec n + 1 = (if n = 1 then Dig0 1 else n)"
   610   by (induct n)
   611     (auto simp add: Dig_plus dec.simps,
   612      auto simp add: Dig_plus split: num.splits)
   614 lemma Dig_one_plus_dec:
   615   "1 + dec n = (if n = 1 then Dig0 1 else n)"
   616   unfolding add_commute [of 1] Dig_dec_plus_one ..
   618 class semiring_minus = semiring + minus + zero +
   619   assumes minus_inverts_plus1: "a + b = c \<Longrightarrow> c - b = a"
   620   assumes minus_minus_zero_inverts_plus1: "a + b = c \<Longrightarrow> b - c = 0 - a"
   621 begin
   623 lemma minus_inverts_plus2: "a + b = c \<Longrightarrow> c - a = b"
   624   by (simp add: add_ac minus_inverts_plus1 [of b a])
   626 lemma minus_minus_zero_inverts_plus2: "a + b = c \<Longrightarrow> a - c = 0 - b"
   627   by (simp add: add_ac minus_minus_zero_inverts_plus1 [of b a])
   629 end
   631 class semiring_1_minus = semiring_1 + semiring_minus
   632 begin
   634 lemma Dig_of_num_pos:
   635   assumes "k + n = m"
   636   shows "of_num m - of_num n = of_num k"
   637   using assms by (simp add: of_num_plus minus_inverts_plus1)
   639 lemma Dig_of_num_zero:
   640   shows "of_num n - of_num n = 0"
   641   by (rule minus_inverts_plus1) simp
   643 lemma Dig_of_num_neg:
   644   assumes "k + m = n"
   645   shows "of_num m - of_num n = 0 - of_num k"
   646   by (rule minus_minus_zero_inverts_plus1) (simp add: of_num_plus assms)
   648 lemmas Dig_plus_eval =
   649   of_num_plus of_num_eq_iff Dig_plus refl [of "1::num", THEN eqTrueI] num.inject
   651 simproc_setup numeral_minus ("of_num m - of_num n") = {*
   652   let
   653     (*TODO proper implicit use of morphism via pattern antiquotations*)
   654     fun cdest_of_num ct = (snd o split_last o snd o Drule.strip_comb) ct;
   655     fun cdest_minus ct = case (rev o snd o Drule.strip_comb) ct of [n, m] => (m, n);
   656     fun attach_num ct = (dest_num (Thm.term_of ct), ct);
   657     fun cdifference t = (pairself (attach_num o cdest_of_num) o cdest_minus) t;
   658     val simplify = MetaSimplifier.rewrite false (map mk_meta_eq @{thms Dig_plus_eval});
   659     fun cert ck cl cj = @{thm eqTrueE} OF [@{thm meta_eq_to_obj_eq} OF [simplify (Drule.list_comb (@{cterm "op = :: num \<Rightarrow> _"},
   660       [Drule.list_comb (@{cterm "op + :: num \<Rightarrow> _"}, [ck, cl]), cj]))]];
   661   in fn phi => fn _ => fn ct => case try cdifference ct
   662    of NONE => (NONE)
   663     | SOME ((k, ck), (l, cl)) => SOME (let val j = k - l in if j = 0
   664         then MetaSimplifier.rewrite false [mk_meta_eq (Morphism.thm phi @{thm Dig_of_num_zero})] ct
   665         else mk_meta_eq (let
   666           val cj = Thm.cterm_of (Thm.theory_of_cterm ct) (mk_num (abs j));
   667         in
   668           (if j > 0 then (Morphism.thm phi @{thm Dig_of_num_pos}) OF [cert cj cl ck]
   669           else (Morphism.thm phi @{thm Dig_of_num_neg}) OF [cert cj ck cl])
   670         end) end)
   671   end
   672 *}
   674 lemma Dig_of_num_minus_zero [numeral]:
   675   "of_num n - 0 = of_num n"
   676   by (simp add: minus_inverts_plus1)
   678 lemma Dig_one_minus_zero [numeral]:
   679   "1 - 0 = 1"
   680   by (simp add: minus_inverts_plus1)
   682 lemma Dig_one_minus_one [numeral]:
   683   "1 - 1 = 0"
   684   by (simp add: minus_inverts_plus1)
   686 lemma Dig_of_num_minus_one [numeral]:
   687   "of_num (Dig0 n) - 1 = of_num (dec (Dig0 n))"
   688   "of_num (Dig1 n) - 1 = of_num (Dig0 n)"
   689   by (auto intro: minus_inverts_plus1 simp add: Dig_dec_plus_one of_num.simps of_num_plus_one)
   691 lemma Dig_one_minus_of_num [numeral]:
   692   "1 - of_num (Dig0 n) = 0 - of_num (dec (Dig0 n))"
   693   "1 - of_num (Dig1 n) = 0 - of_num (Dig0 n)"
   694   by (auto intro: minus_minus_zero_inverts_plus1 simp add: Dig_dec_plus_one of_num.simps of_num_plus_one)
   696 end
   698 context ring_1
   699 begin
   701 subclass semiring_1_minus
   702   by unfold_locales (simp_all add: ring_simps)
   704 lemma Dig_zero_minus_of_num [numeral]:
   705   "0 - of_num n = - of_num n"
   706   by simp
   708 lemma Dig_zero_minus_one [numeral]:
   709   "0 - 1 = - 1"
   710   by simp
   712 lemma Dig_uminus_uminus [numeral]:
   713   "- (- of_num n) = of_num n"
   714   by simp
   716 lemma Dig_plus_uminus [numeral]:
   717   "of_num m + - of_num n = of_num m - of_num n"
   718   "- of_num m + of_num n = of_num n - of_num m"
   719   "- of_num m + - of_num n = - (of_num m + of_num n)"
   720   "of_num m - - of_num n = of_num m + of_num n"
   721   "- of_num m - of_num n = - (of_num m + of_num n)"
   722   "- of_num m - - of_num n = of_num n - of_num m"
   723   by (simp_all add: diff_minus add_commute)
   725 lemma Dig_times_uminus [numeral]:
   726   "- of_num n * of_num m = - (of_num n * of_num m)"
   727   "of_num n * - of_num m = - (of_num n * of_num m)"
   728   "- of_num n * - of_num m = of_num n * of_num m"
   729   by (simp_all add: minus_mult_left [symmetric] minus_mult_right [symmetric])
   731 lemma of_int_of_num [numeral]: "of_int (of_num n) = of_num n"
   732 by (induct n)
   733   (simp_all only: of_num.simps semiring_numeral_class.of_num.simps of_int_add, simp_all)
   735 declare of_int_1 [numeral]
   737 end
   739 text {*
   740   Greetings to @{typ nat}.
   741 *}
   743 instance nat :: semiring_1_minus proof qed simp_all
   745 lemma Suc_of_num [numeral]: "Suc (of_num n) = of_num (n + 1)"
   746   unfolding of_num_plus_one [symmetric] by simp
   748 lemma nat_number:
   749   "1 = Suc 0"
   750   "of_num 1 = Suc 0"
   751   "of_num (Dig0 n) = Suc (of_num (dec (Dig0 n)))"
   752   "of_num (Dig1 n) = Suc (of_num (Dig0 n))"
   753   by (simp_all add: of_num.simps Dig_dec_plus_one Suc_of_num)
   755 declare diff_0_eq_0 [numeral]
   758 subsection {* Code generator setup for @{typ int} *}
   760 definition Pls :: "num \<Rightarrow> int" where
   761   [simp, code post]: "Pls n = of_num n"
   763 definition Mns :: "num \<Rightarrow> int" where
   764   [simp, code post]: "Mns n = - of_num n"
   766 code_datatype "0::int" Pls Mns
   768 lemmas [code inline] = Pls_def [symmetric] Mns_def [symmetric]
   770 definition sub :: "num \<Rightarrow> num \<Rightarrow> int" where
   771   [simp, code func del]: "sub m n = (of_num m - of_num n)"
   773 definition dup :: "int \<Rightarrow> int" where
   774   [code func del]: "dup k = 2 * k"
   776 lemma Dig_sub [code]:
   777   "sub 1 1 = 0"
   778   "sub (Dig0 m) 1 = of_num (dec (Dig0 m))"
   779   "sub (Dig1 m) 1 = of_num (Dig0 m)"
   780   "sub 1 (Dig0 n) = - of_num (dec (Dig0 n))"
   781   "sub 1 (Dig1 n) = - of_num (Dig0 n)"
   782   "sub (Dig0 m) (Dig0 n) = dup (sub m n)"
   783   "sub (Dig1 m) (Dig1 n) = dup (sub m n)"
   784   "sub (Dig1 m) (Dig0 n) = dup (sub m n) + 1"
   785   "sub (Dig0 m) (Dig1 n) = dup (sub m n) - 1"
   786   apply (simp_all add: dup_def ring_simps)
   787   apply (simp_all add: of_num_plus Dig_one_plus_dec)[4]
   788   apply (simp_all add: of_num.simps)
   789   done
   791 lemma dup_code [code]:
   792   "dup 0 = 0"
   793   "dup (Pls n) = Pls (Dig0 n)"
   794   "dup (Mns n) = Mns (Dig0 n)"
   795   by (simp_all add: dup_def of_num.simps)
   797 lemma [code func, code func del]:
   798   "(1 :: int) = 1"
   799   "(op + :: int \<Rightarrow> int \<Rightarrow> int) = op +"
   800   "(uminus :: int \<Rightarrow> int) = uminus"
   801   "(op - :: int \<Rightarrow> int \<Rightarrow> int) = op -"
   802   "(op * :: int \<Rightarrow> int \<Rightarrow> int) = op *"
   803   "(op = :: int \<Rightarrow> int \<Rightarrow> bool) = op ="
   804   "(op \<le> :: int \<Rightarrow> int \<Rightarrow> bool) = op \<le>"
   805   "(op < :: int \<Rightarrow> int \<Rightarrow> bool) = op <"
   806   by rule+
   808 lemma one_int_code [code]:
   809   "1 = Pls 1"
   810   by (simp add: of_num_one)
   812 lemma plus_int_code [code]:
   813   "k + 0 = (k::int)"
   814   "0 + l = (l::int)"
   815   "Pls m + Pls n = Pls (m + n)"
   816   "Pls m - Pls n = sub m n"
   817   "Mns m + Mns n = Mns (m + n)"
   818   "Mns m - Mns n = sub n m"
   819   by (simp_all add: of_num_plus [symmetric])
   821 lemma uminus_int_code [code]:
   822   "uminus 0 = (0::int)"
   823   "uminus (Pls m) = Mns m"
   824   "uminus (Mns m) = Pls m"
   825   by simp_all
   827 lemma minus_int_code [code]:
   828   "k - 0 = (k::int)"
   829   "0 - l = uminus (l::int)"
   830   "Pls m - Pls n = sub m n"
   831   "Pls m - Mns n = Pls (m + n)"
   832   "Mns m - Pls n = Mns (m + n)"
   833   "Mns m - Mns n = sub n m"
   834   by (simp_all add: of_num_plus [symmetric])
   836 lemma times_int_code [code]:
   837   "k * 0 = (0::int)"
   838   "0 * l = (0::int)"
   839   "Pls m * Pls n = Pls (m * n)"
   840   "Pls m * Mns n = Mns (m * n)"
   841   "Mns m * Pls n = Mns (m * n)"
   842   "Mns m * Mns n = Pls (m * n)"
   843   by (simp_all add: of_num_times [symmetric])
   845 lemma eq_int_code [code]:
   846   "0 = (0::int) \<longleftrightarrow> True"
   847   "0 = Pls l \<longleftrightarrow> False"
   848   "0 = Mns l \<longleftrightarrow> False"
   849   "Pls k = 0 \<longleftrightarrow> False"
   850   "Pls k = Pls l \<longleftrightarrow> k = l"
   851   "Pls k = Mns l \<longleftrightarrow> False"
   852   "Mns k = 0 \<longleftrightarrow> False"
   853   "Mns k = Pls l \<longleftrightarrow> False"
   854   "Mns k = Mns l \<longleftrightarrow> k = l"
   855   using of_num_pos [of l, where ?'a = int] of_num_pos [of k, where ?'a = int]
   856   by (simp_all add: of_num_eq_iff)
   858 lemma less_eq_int_code [code]:
   859   "0 \<le> (0::int) \<longleftrightarrow> True"
   860   "0 \<le> Pls l \<longleftrightarrow> True"
   861   "0 \<le> Mns l \<longleftrightarrow> False"
   862   "Pls k \<le> 0 \<longleftrightarrow> False"
   863   "Pls k \<le> Pls l \<longleftrightarrow> k \<le> l"
   864   "Pls k \<le> Mns l \<longleftrightarrow> False"
   865   "Mns k \<le> 0 \<longleftrightarrow> True"
   866   "Mns k \<le> Pls l \<longleftrightarrow> True"
   867   "Mns k \<le> Mns l \<longleftrightarrow> l \<le> k"
   868   using of_num_pos [of l, where ?'a = int] of_num_pos [of k, where ?'a = int]
   869   by (simp_all add: of_num_less_eq_iff)
   871 lemma less_int_code [code]:
   872   "0 < (0::int) \<longleftrightarrow> False"
   873   "0 < Pls l \<longleftrightarrow> True"
   874   "0 < Mns l \<longleftrightarrow> False"
   875   "Pls k < 0 \<longleftrightarrow> False"
   876   "Pls k < Pls l \<longleftrightarrow> k < l"
   877   "Pls k < Mns l \<longleftrightarrow> False"
   878   "Mns k < 0 \<longleftrightarrow> True"
   879   "Mns k < Pls l \<longleftrightarrow> True"
   880   "Mns k < Mns l \<longleftrightarrow> l < k"
   881   using of_num_pos [of l, where ?'a = int] of_num_pos [of k, where ?'a = int]
   882   by (simp_all add: of_num_less_iff)
   884 lemma [code inline del]: "(0::int) \<equiv> Numeral0" by simp
   885 lemma [code inline del]: "(1::int) \<equiv> Numeral1" by simp
   886 declare zero_is_num_zero [code inline del]
   887 declare one_is_num_one [code inline del]
   889 hide (open) const sub dup
   892 subsection {* Numeral equations as default simplification rules *}
   894 text {* TODO.  Be more precise here with respect to subsumed facts. *}
   895 declare (in semiring_numeral) numeral [simp]
   896 declare (in semiring_1) numeral [simp]
   897 declare (in semiring_char_0) numeral [simp]
   898 declare (in ring_1) numeral [simp]
   899 thm numeral
   902 text {* Toy examples *}
   904 definition "bar \<longleftrightarrow> #4 * #2 + #7 = (#8 :: nat) \<and> #4 * #2 + #7 \<ge> (#8 :: int) - #3"
   905 code_thms bar
   906 export_code bar in Haskell file -
   907 export_code bar in OCaml module_name Foo file -
   908 ML {* @{code bar} *}
   910 end