author paulson
Thu, 05 Feb 1998 10:26:59 +0100
changeset 4597 a0bdee64194c
parent 4561 19f1a01570bf
child 4649 89ad3eb863a1
permissions -rw-r--r--
Fixed a lot of overfull and underfull lines (hboxes)
     1 %% $Id$
     2 \chapter{The Classical Reasoner}\label{chap:classical}
     3 \index{classical reasoner|(}
     4 \newcommand\ainfer[2]{\begin{array}{r@{\,}l}#2\\ \hline#1\end{array}}
     6 Although Isabelle is generic, many users will be working in some
     7 extension of classical first-order logic.  Isabelle's set theory~{\tt
     8   ZF} is built upon theory~\texttt{FOL}, while {\HOL}
     9 conceptually contains first-order logic as a fragment.
    10 Theorem-proving in predicate logic is undecidable, but many
    11 researchers have developed strategies to assist in this task.
    13 Isabelle's classical reasoner is an \ML{} functor that accepts certain
    14 information about a logic and delivers a suite of automatic tactics.  Each
    15 tactic takes a collection of rules and executes a simple, non-clausal proof
    16 procedure.  They are slow and simplistic compared with resolution theorem
    17 provers, but they can save considerable time and effort.  They can prove
    18 theorems such as Pelletier's~\cite{pelletier86} problems~40 and~41 in
    19 seconds:
    20 \[ (\exists y. \forall x. J(y,x) \bimp \neg J(x,x))  
    21    \imp  \neg (\forall x. \exists y. \forall z. J(z,y) \bimp \neg J(z,x)) \]
    22 \[ (\forall z. \exists y. \forall x. F(x,y) \bimp F(x,z) \conj \neg F(x,x))
    23    \imp \neg (\exists z. \forall x. F(x,z))  
    24 \]
    25 %
    26 The tactics are generic.  They are not restricted to first-order logic, and
    27 have been heavily used in the development of Isabelle's set theory.  Few
    28 interactive proof assistants provide this much automation.  The tactics can
    29 be traced, and their components can be called directly; in this manner,
    30 any proof can be viewed interactively.
    32 The simplest way to apply the classical reasoner (to subgoal~$i$) is to type
    33 \begin{ttbox}
    34 by (Blast_tac \(i\));
    35 \end{ttbox}
    36 This command quickly proves most simple formulas of the predicate calculus or
    37 set theory.  To attempt to prove \emph{all} subgoals using a combination of
    38 rewriting and classical reasoning, try
    39 \begin{ttbox}
    40 by Auto_tac;
    41 \end{ttbox}
    42 To do all obvious logical steps, even if they do not prove the
    43 subgoal, type one of the following:
    44 \begin{ttbox}
    45 by (Clarify_tac \(i\));        \emph{\textrm{applies to one subgoal}}
    46 by Safe_tac;               \emph{\textrm{applies to all subgoals}}
    47 \end{ttbox}
    48 You need to know how the classical reasoner works in order to use it
    49 effectively.  There are many tactics to choose from, including {\tt
    50   Fast_tac} and \texttt{Best_tac}.
    52 We shall first discuss the underlying principles, then present the
    53 classical reasoner.  Finally, we shall see how to instantiate it for
    54 new logics.  The logics \FOL, \ZF, {\HOL} and {\HOLCF} have it already
    55 installed.
    58 \section{The sequent calculus}
    59 \index{sequent calculus}
    60 Isabelle supports natural deduction, which is easy to use for interactive
    61 proof.  But natural deduction does not easily lend itself to automation,
    62 and has a bias towards intuitionism.  For certain proofs in classical
    63 logic, it can not be called natural.  The {\bf sequent calculus}, a
    64 generalization of natural deduction, is easier to automate.
    66 A {\bf sequent} has the form $\Gamma\turn\Delta$, where $\Gamma$
    67 and~$\Delta$ are sets of formulae.%
    68 \footnote{For first-order logic, sequents can equivalently be made from
    69   lists or multisets of formulae.} The sequent
    70 \[ P@1,\ldots,P@m\turn Q@1,\ldots,Q@n \]
    71 is {\bf valid} if $P@1\conj\ldots\conj P@m$ implies $Q@1\disj\ldots\disj
    72 Q@n$.  Thus $P@1,\ldots,P@m$ represent assumptions, each of which is true,
    73 while $Q@1,\ldots,Q@n$ represent alternative goals.  A sequent is {\bf
    74 basic} if its left and right sides have a common formula, as in $P,Q\turn
    75 Q,R$; basic sequents are trivially valid.
    77 Sequent rules are classified as {\bf right} or {\bf left}, indicating which
    78 side of the $\turn$~symbol they operate on.  Rules that operate on the
    79 right side are analogous to natural deduction's introduction rules, and
    80 left rules are analogous to elimination rules.  
    81 Recall the natural deduction rules for
    82   first-order logic, 
    83 \iflabelundefined{fol-fig}{from {\it Introduction to Isabelle}}%
    84                           {Fig.\ts\ref{fol-fig}}.
    85 The sequent calculus analogue of~$({\imp}I)$ is the rule
    86 $$
    87 \ainfer{\Gamma &\turn \Delta, P\imp Q}{P,\Gamma &\turn \Delta,Q}
    88 \eqno({\imp}R)
    89 $$
    90 This breaks down some implication on the right side of a sequent; $\Gamma$
    91 and $\Delta$ stand for the sets of formulae that are unaffected by the
    92 inference.  The analogue of the pair~$({\disj}I1)$ and~$({\disj}I2)$ is the
    93 single rule 
    94 $$
    95 \ainfer{\Gamma &\turn \Delta, P\disj Q}{\Gamma &\turn \Delta,P,Q}
    96 \eqno({\disj}R)
    97 $$
    98 This breaks down some disjunction on the right side, replacing it by both
    99 disjuncts.  Thus, the sequent calculus is a kind of multiple-conclusion logic.
   101 To illustrate the use of multiple formulae on the right, let us prove
   102 the classical theorem $(P\imp Q)\disj(Q\imp P)$.  Working backwards, we
   103 reduce this formula to a basic sequent:
   104 \[ \infer[(\disj)R]{\turn(P\imp Q)\disj(Q\imp P)}
   105    {\infer[(\imp)R]{\turn(P\imp Q), (Q\imp P)\;}
   106     {\infer[(\imp)R]{P \turn Q, (Q\imp P)\qquad}
   107                     {P, Q \turn Q, P\qquad\qquad}}}
   108 \]
   109 This example is typical of the sequent calculus: start with the desired
   110 theorem and apply rules backwards in a fairly arbitrary manner.  This yields a
   111 surprisingly effective proof procedure.  Quantifiers add few complications,
   112 since Isabelle handles parameters and schematic variables.  See Chapter~10
   113 of {\em ML for the Working Programmer}~\cite{paulson91} for further
   114 discussion.
   117 \section{Simulating sequents by natural deduction}
   118 Isabelle can represent sequents directly, as in the object-logic~\texttt{LK}\@.
   119 But natural deduction is easier to work with, and most object-logics employ
   120 it.  Fortunately, we can simulate the sequent $P@1,\ldots,P@m\turn
   121 Q@1,\ldots,Q@n$ by the Isabelle formula
   122 \[ \List{P@1;\ldots;P@m; \neg Q@2;\ldots; \neg Q@n}\Imp Q@1, \]
   123 where the order of the assumptions and the choice of~$Q@1$ are arbitrary.
   124 Elim-resolution plays a key role in simulating sequent proofs.
   126 We can easily handle reasoning on the left.
   127 As discussed in
   128 \iflabelundefined{destruct}{{\it Introduction to Isabelle}}{\S\ref{destruct}}, 
   129 elim-resolution with the rules $(\disj E)$, $(\bot E)$ and $(\exists E)$
   130 achieves a similar effect as the corresponding sequent rules.  For the
   131 other connectives, we use sequent-style elimination rules instead of
   132 destruction rules such as $({\conj}E1,2)$ and $(\forall E)$.  But note that
   133 the rule $(\neg L)$ has no effect under our representation of sequents!
   134 $$
   135 \ainfer{\neg P,\Gamma &\turn \Delta}{\Gamma &\turn \Delta,P}\eqno({\neg}L)
   136 $$
   137 What about reasoning on the right?  Introduction rules can only affect the
   138 formula in the conclusion, namely~$Q@1$.  The other right-side formulae are
   139 represented as negated assumptions, $\neg Q@2$, \ldots,~$\neg Q@n$.  
   140 \index{assumptions!negated}
   141 In order to operate on one of these, it must first be exchanged with~$Q@1$.
   142 Elim-resolution with the {\bf swap} rule has this effect:
   143 $$ \List{\neg P; \; \neg R\Imp P} \Imp R   \eqno(swap)  $$
   144 To ensure that swaps occur only when necessary, each introduction rule is
   145 converted into a swapped form: it is resolved with the second premise
   146 of~$(swap)$.  The swapped form of~$({\conj}I)$, which might be
   147 called~$({\neg\conj}E)$, is
   148 \[ \List{\neg(P\conj Q); \; \neg R\Imp P; \; \neg R\Imp Q} \Imp R. \]
   149 Similarly, the swapped form of~$({\imp}I)$ is
   150 \[ \List{\neg(P\imp Q); \; \List{\neg R;P}\Imp Q} \Imp R  \]
   151 Swapped introduction rules are applied using elim-resolution, which deletes
   152 the negated formula.  Our representation of sequents also requires the use
   153 of ordinary introduction rules.  If we had no regard for readability, we
   154 could treat the right side more uniformly by representing sequents as
   155 \[ \List{P@1;\ldots;P@m; \neg Q@1;\ldots; \neg Q@n}\Imp \bot. \]
   158 \section{Extra rules for the sequent calculus}
   159 As mentioned, destruction rules such as $({\conj}E1,2)$ and $(\forall E)$
   160 must be replaced by sequent-style elimination rules.  In addition, we need
   161 rules to embody the classical equivalence between $P\imp Q$ and $\neg P\disj
   162 Q$.  The introduction rules~$({\disj}I1,2)$ are replaced by a rule that
   163 simulates $({\disj}R)$:
   164 \[ (\neg Q\Imp P) \Imp P\disj Q \]
   165 The destruction rule $({\imp}E)$ is replaced by
   166 \[ \List{P\imp Q;\; \neg P\Imp R;\; Q\Imp R} \Imp R. \]
   167 Quantifier replication also requires special rules.  In classical logic,
   168 $\exists x{.}P$ is equivalent to $\neg\forall x{.}\neg P$; the rules
   169 $(\exists R)$ and $(\forall L)$ are dual:
   170 \[ \ainfer{\Gamma &\turn \Delta, \exists x{.}P}
   171           {\Gamma &\turn \Delta, \exists x{.}P, P[t/x]} \; (\exists R)
   172    \qquad
   173    \ainfer{\forall x{.}P, \Gamma &\turn \Delta}
   174           {P[t/x], \forall x{.}P, \Gamma &\turn \Delta} \; (\forall L)
   175 \]
   176 Thus both kinds of quantifier may be replicated.  Theorems requiring
   177 multiple uses of a universal formula are easy to invent; consider 
   178 \[ (\forall x.P(x)\imp P(f(x))) \conj P(a) \imp P(f^n(a)), \]
   179 for any~$n>1$.  Natural examples of the multiple use of an existential
   180 formula are rare; a standard one is $\exists x.\forall y. P(x)\imp P(y)$.
   182 Forgoing quantifier replication loses completeness, but gains decidability,
   183 since the search space becomes finite.  Many useful theorems can be proved
   184 without replication, and the search generally delivers its verdict in a
   185 reasonable time.  To adopt this approach, represent the sequent rules
   186 $(\exists R)$, $(\exists L)$ and $(\forall R)$ by $(\exists I)$, $(\exists
   187 E)$ and $(\forall I)$, respectively, and put $(\forall E)$ into elimination
   188 form:
   189 $$ \List{\forall x{.}P(x); P(t)\Imp Q} \Imp Q    \eqno(\forall E@2) $$
   190 Elim-resolution with this rule will delete the universal formula after a
   191 single use.  To replicate universal quantifiers, replace the rule by
   192 $$
   193 \List{\forall x{.}P(x);\; \List{P(t); \forall x{.}P(x)}\Imp Q} \Imp Q.
   194 \eqno(\forall E@3)
   195 $$
   196 To replicate existential quantifiers, replace $(\exists I)$ by
   197 \[ \List{\neg(\exists x{.}P(x)) \Imp P(t)} \Imp \exists x{.}P(x). \]
   198 All introduction rules mentioned above are also useful in swapped form.
   200 Replication makes the search space infinite; we must apply the rules with
   201 care.  The classical reasoner distinguishes between safe and unsafe
   202 rules, applying the latter only when there is no alternative.  Depth-first
   203 search may well go down a blind alley; best-first search is better behaved
   204 in an infinite search space.  However, quantifier replication is too
   205 expensive to prove any but the simplest theorems.
   208 \section{Classical rule sets}
   209 \index{classical sets}
   210 Each automatic tactic takes a {\bf classical set} --- a collection of
   211 rules, classified as introduction or elimination and as {\bf safe} or {\bf
   212 unsafe}.  In general, safe rules can be attempted blindly, while unsafe
   213 rules must be used with care.  A safe rule must never reduce a provable
   214 goal to an unprovable set of subgoals.  
   216 The rule~$({\disj}I1)$ is unsafe because it reduces $P\disj Q$ to~$P$.  Any
   217 rule is unsafe whose premises contain new unknowns.  The elimination
   218 rule~$(\forall E@2)$ is unsafe, since it is applied via elim-resolution,
   219 which discards the assumption $\forall x{.}P(x)$ and replaces it by the
   220 weaker assumption~$P(\Var{t})$.  The rule $({\exists}I)$ is unsafe for
   221 similar reasons.  The rule~$(\forall E@3)$ is unsafe in a different sense:
   222 since it keeps the assumption $\forall x{.}P(x)$, it is prone to looping.
   223 In classical first-order logic, all rules are safe except those mentioned
   224 above.
   226 The safe/unsafe distinction is vague, and may be regarded merely as a way
   227 of giving some rules priority over others.  One could argue that
   228 $({\disj}E)$ is unsafe, because repeated application of it could generate
   229 exponentially many subgoals.  Induction rules are unsafe because inductive
   230 proofs are difficult to set up automatically.  Any inference is unsafe that
   231 instantiates an unknown in the proof state --- thus \ttindex{match_tac}
   232 must be used, rather than \ttindex{resolve_tac}.  Even proof by assumption
   233 is unsafe if it instantiates unknowns shared with other subgoals --- thus
   234 \ttindex{eq_assume_tac} must be used, rather than \ttindex{assume_tac}.
   236 \subsection{Adding rules to classical sets}
   237 Classical rule sets belong to the abstract type \mltydx{claset}, which
   238 supports the following operations (provided the classical reasoner is
   239 installed!):
   240 \begin{ttbox} 
   241 empty_cs    : claset
   242 print_cs    : claset -> unit
   243 addSIs      : claset * thm list -> claset                 \hfill{\bf infix 4}
   244 addSEs      : claset * thm list -> claset                 \hfill{\bf infix 4}
   245 addSDs      : claset * thm list -> claset                 \hfill{\bf infix 4}
   246 addIs       : claset * thm list -> claset                 \hfill{\bf infix 4}
   247 addEs       : claset * thm list -> claset                 \hfill{\bf infix 4}
   248 addDs       : claset * thm list -> claset                 \hfill{\bf infix 4}
   249 delrules    : claset * thm list -> claset                 \hfill{\bf infix 4}
   250 \end{ttbox}
   251 The add operations ignore any rule already present in the claset with the same
   252 classification (such as Safe Introduction).  They print a warning if the rule
   253 has already been added with some other classification, but add the rule
   254 anyway.  Calling \texttt{delrules} deletes all occurrences of a rule from the
   255 claset, but see the warning below concerning destruction rules.
   256 \begin{ttdescription}
   257 \item[\ttindexbold{empty_cs}] is the empty classical set.
   259 \item[\ttindexbold{print_cs} $cs$] prints the rules of~$cs$.
   261 \item[$cs$ addSIs $rules$] \indexbold{*addSIs}
   262 adds safe introduction~$rules$ to~$cs$.
   264 \item[$cs$ addSEs $rules$] \indexbold{*addSEs}
   265 adds safe elimination~$rules$ to~$cs$.
   267 \item[$cs$ addSDs $rules$] \indexbold{*addSDs}
   268 adds safe destruction~$rules$ to~$cs$.
   270 \item[$cs$ addIs $rules$] \indexbold{*addIs}
   271 adds unsafe introduction~$rules$ to~$cs$.
   273 \item[$cs$ addEs $rules$] \indexbold{*addEs}
   274 adds unsafe elimination~$rules$ to~$cs$.
   276 \item[$cs$ addDs $rules$] \indexbold{*addDs}
   277 adds unsafe destruction~$rules$ to~$cs$.
   279 \item[$cs$ delrules $rules$] \indexbold{*delrules}
   280 deletes~$rules$ from~$cs$.  It prints a warning for those rules that are not
   281 in~$cs$.
   282 \end{ttdescription}
   284 \begin{warn}
   285   If you added $rule$ using \texttt{addSDs} or \texttt{addDs}, then you must delete
   286   it as follows:
   287 \begin{ttbox}
   288 \(cs\) delrules [make_elim \(rule\)]
   289 \end{ttbox}
   290 \par\noindent
   291 This is necessary because the operators \texttt{addSDs} and \texttt{addDs} convert
   292 the destruction rules to elimination rules by applying \ttindex{make_elim},
   293 and then insert them using \texttt{addSEs} and \texttt{addEs}, respectively.
   294 \end{warn}
   296 Introduction rules are those that can be applied using ordinary resolution.
   297 The classical set automatically generates their swapped forms, which will
   298 be applied using elim-resolution.  Elimination rules are applied using
   299 elim-resolution.  In a classical set, rules are sorted by the number of new
   300 subgoals they will yield; rules that generate the fewest subgoals will be
   301 tried first (see \S\ref{biresolve_tac}).
   304 \subsection{Modifying the search step}
   305 For a given classical set, the proof strategy is simple.  Perform as many safe
   306 inferences as possible; or else, apply certain safe rules, allowing
   307 instantiation of unknowns; or else, apply an unsafe rule.  The tactics also
   308 eliminate assumptions of the form $x=t$ by substitution if they have been set
   309 up to do so (see \texttt{hyp_subst_tacs} in~\S\ref{sec:classical-setup} below).
   310 They may perform a form of Modus Ponens: if there are assumptions $P\imp Q$
   311 and~$P$, then replace $P\imp Q$ by~$Q$.
   313 The classical reasoning tactics --- except \texttt{blast_tac}! --- allow
   314 you to modify this basic proof strategy by applying two arbitrary {\bf
   315   wrapper tacticals} to it.  This affects each step of the search.
   316 Usually they are the identity tacticals, but they could apply another
   317 tactic before or after the step tactic.  The first one, which is
   318 considered to be safe, affects \ttindex{safe_step_tac} and all the
   319 tactics that call it.  The the second one, which may be unsafe, affects
   320 \ttindex{step_tac}, \ttindex{slow_step_tac} and the tactics that call
   321 them.
   323 \begin{ttbox} 
   324 addss        : claset * simpset -> claset                 \hfill{\bf infix 4}
   325 addSbefore   : claset *  (int -> tactic)  -> claset       \hfill{\bf infix 4}
   326 addSaltern   : claset *  (int -> tactic)  -> claset       \hfill{\bf infix 4}
   327 setSWrapper  : claset * ((int -> tactic) -> 
   328                          (int -> tactic)) -> claset       \hfill{\bf infix 4}
   329 compSWrapper : claset * ((int -> tactic) -> 
   330                          (int -> tactic)) -> claset       \hfill{\bf infix 4}
   331 addbefore    : claset *  (int -> tactic)  -> claset       \hfill{\bf infix 4}
   332 addaltern    : claset *  (int -> tactic)  -> claset       \hfill{\bf infix 4}
   333 setWrapper   : claset * ((int -> tactic) -> 
   334                          (int -> tactic)) -> claset       \hfill{\bf infix 4}
   335 compWrapper  : claset * ((int -> tactic) -> 
   336                          (int -> tactic)) -> claset       \hfill{\bf infix 4}
   337 \end{ttbox}
   338 %
   339 \index{simplification!from classical reasoner} The wrapper tacticals
   340 underly the operator addss, which combines each search step by
   341 simplification.  Strictly speaking, \texttt{addss} is not part of the
   342 classical reasoner.  It should be defined when the simplifier is
   343 installed:
   344 \begin{ttbox}
   345 infix 4 addss;
   346 fun cs addss  ss = cs  addbefore  asm_full_simp_tac ss;
   347 \end{ttbox}
   349 \begin{ttdescription}
   350 \item[$cs$ addss $ss$] \indexbold{*addss}
   351 adds the simpset~$ss$ to the classical set.  The assumptions and goal will be
   352 simplified, in a safe way, after the safe steps of the search.
   354 \item[$cs$ addSbefore $tac$] \indexbold{*addSbefore}
   355 changes the safe wrapper tactical to apply the given tactic {\em before}
   356 each safe step of the search.
   358 \item[$cs$ addSaltern $tac$] \indexbold{*addSaltern}
   359 changes the safe wrapper tactical to apply the given tactic when a safe step 
   360 of the search would fail.
   362 \item[$cs$ setSWrapper $tactical$] \indexbold{*setSWrapper}
   363 specifies a new safe wrapper tactical.  
   365 \item[$cs$ compSWrapper $tactical$] \indexbold{*compSWrapper}
   366 composes the $tactical$ with the existing safe wrapper tactical, 
   367 to combine their effects. 
   369 \item[$cs$ addbefore $tac$] \indexbold{*addbefore}
   370 changes the (unsafe) wrapper tactical to apply the given tactic, which should
   371 be safe, {\em before} each step of the search.
   373 \item[$cs$ addaltern $tac$] \indexbold{*addaltern}
   374 changes the (unsafe) wrapper tactical to apply the given tactic 
   375 {\em alternatively} after each step of the search.
   377 \item[$cs$ setWrapper $tactical$] \indexbold{*setWrapper}
   378 specifies a new (unsafe) wrapper tactical.  
   380 \item[$cs$ compWrapper $tactical$] \indexbold{*compWrapper}
   381 composes the $tactical$ with the existing (unsafe) wrapper tactical, 
   382 to combine their effects. 
   383 \end{ttdescription}
   386 \section{The classical tactics}
   387 \index{classical reasoner!tactics} If installed, the classical module provides
   388 powerful theorem-proving tactics.  Most of them have capitalized analogues
   389 that use the default claset; see \S\ref{sec:current-claset}.
   391 \subsection{Semi-automatic tactics}
   392 \begin{ttbox} 
   393 clarify_tac      : claset -> int -> tactic
   394 clarify_step_tac : claset -> int -> tactic
   395 \end{ttbox}
   396 Use these when the automatic tactics fail.  They perform all the obvious
   397 logical inferences that do not split the subgoal.  The result is a
   398 simpler subgoal that can be tackled by other means, such as by
   399 instantiating quantifiers yourself.
   400 \begin{ttdescription}
   401 \item[\ttindexbold{clarify_tac} $cs$ $i$] performs a series of safe steps on
   402 subgoal~$i$ by repeatedly calling \texttt{clarify_step_tac}.
   404 \item[\ttindexbold{clarify_step_tac} $cs$ $i$] performs a safe step on
   405   subgoal~$i$.  No splitting step is applied; for example, the subgoal $A\conj
   406   B$ is left as a conjunction.  Proof by assumption, Modus Ponens, etc., may be
   407   performed provided they do not instantiate unknowns.  Assumptions of the
   408   form $x=t$ may be eliminated.  The user-supplied safe wrapper tactical is
   409   applied.
   410 \end{ttdescription}
   413 \subsection{The tableau prover}
   414 The tactic \texttt{blast_tac} searches for a proof using a fast tableau prover,
   415 coded directly in \ML.  It then reconstructs the proof using Isabelle
   416 tactics.  It is faster and more powerful than the other classical
   417 reasoning tactics, but has major limitations too.
   418 \begin{itemize}
   419 \item It does not use the wrapper tacticals described above, such as
   420   \ttindex{addss}.
   421 \item It ignores types, which can cause problems in \HOL.  If it applies a rule
   422   whose types are inappropriate, then proof reconstruction will fail.
   423 \item It does not perform higher-order unification, as needed by the rule {\tt
   424     rangeI} in {\HOL} and \texttt{RepFunI} in {\ZF}.  There are often
   425     alternatives to such rules, for example {\tt
   426     range_eqI} and \texttt{RepFun_eqI}.
   427 \item The message {\small\tt Function Var's argument not a bound variable\ }
   428 relates to the lack of higher-order unification.  Function variables
   429 may only be applied to parameters of the subgoal.
   430 \item Its proof strategy is more general than \texttt{fast_tac}'s but can be
   431   slower.  If \texttt{blast_tac} fails or seems to be running forever, try {\tt
   432   fast_tac} and the other tactics described below.
   433 \end{itemize}
   434 %
   435 \begin{ttbox} 
   436 blast_tac        : claset -> int -> tactic
   437 Blast.depth_tac  : claset -> int -> int -> tactic
   438 Blast.trace      : bool ref \hfill{\bf initially false}
   439 \end{ttbox}
   440 The two tactics differ on how they bound the number of unsafe steps used in a
   441 proof.  While \texttt{blast_tac} starts with a bound of zero and increases it
   442 successively to~20, \texttt{Blast.depth_tac} applies a user-supplied search bound.
   443 \begin{ttdescription}
   444 \item[\ttindexbold{blast_tac} $cs$ $i$] tries to prove
   445   subgoal~$i$ using iterative deepening to increase the search bound.
   447 \item[\ttindexbold{Blast.depth_tac} $cs$ $lim$ $i$] tries
   448   to prove subgoal~$i$ using a search bound of $lim$.  Often a slow
   449   proof using \texttt{blast_tac} can be made much faster by supplying the
   450   successful search bound to this tactic instead.
   452 \item[set \ttindexbold{Blast.trace};] \index{tracing!of classical prover}
   453   causes the tableau prover to print a trace of its search.  At each step it
   454   displays the formula currently being examined and reports whether the branch
   455   has been closed, extended or split.
   456 \end{ttdescription}
   459 \subsection{An automatic tactic}
   460 \begin{ttbox} 
   461 auto_tac      : claset * simpset -> tactic
   462 auto          : unit -> unit
   463 \end{ttbox}
   464 The auto-tactic attempts to prove all subgoals using a combination of
   465 simplification and classical reasoning.  It is intended for situations where
   466 there are a lot of mostly trivial subgoals; it proves all the easy ones,
   467 leaving the ones it cannot prove.  (Unfortunately, attempting to prove the
   468 hard ones may take a long time.)  It must be supplied both a simpset and a
   469 claset; therefore it is most easily called as \texttt{Auto_tac}, which uses
   470 the default claset and simpset (see \S\ref{sec:current-claset} below).  For
   471 interactive use, the shorthand \texttt{auto();} abbreviates 
   472 \begin{ttbox}
   473 by Auto_tac;
   474 \end{ttbox}
   476 \subsection{Other classical tactics}
   477 \begin{ttbox} 
   478 fast_tac      : claset -> int -> tactic
   479 best_tac      : claset -> int -> tactic
   480 slow_tac      : claset -> int -> tactic
   481 slow_best_tac : claset -> int -> tactic
   482 \end{ttbox}
   483 These tactics attempt to prove a subgoal using sequent-style reasoning.
   484 Unlike \texttt{blast_tac}, they construct proofs directly in Isabelle.  Their
   485 effect is restricted (by \texttt{SELECT_GOAL}) to one subgoal; they either prove
   486 this subgoal or fail.  The \texttt{slow_} versions conduct a broader
   487 search.%
   488 \footnote{They may, when backtracking from a failed proof attempt, undo even
   489   the step of proving a subgoal by assumption.}
   491 The best-first tactics are guided by a heuristic function: typically, the
   492 total size of the proof state.  This function is supplied in the functor call
   493 that sets up the classical reasoner.
   494 \begin{ttdescription}
   495 \item[\ttindexbold{fast_tac} $cs$ $i$] applies \texttt{step_tac} using
   496 depth-first search, to prove subgoal~$i$.
   498 \item[\ttindexbold{best_tac} $cs$ $i$] applies \texttt{step_tac} using
   499 best-first search, to prove subgoal~$i$.
   501 \item[\ttindexbold{slow_tac} $cs$ $i$] applies \texttt{slow_step_tac} using
   502 depth-first search, to prove subgoal~$i$.
   504 \item[\ttindexbold{slow_best_tac} $cs$ $i$] applies \texttt{slow_step_tac} using
   505 best-first search, to prove subgoal~$i$.
   506 \end{ttdescription}
   509 \subsection{Depth-limited automatic tactics}
   510 \begin{ttbox} 
   511 depth_tac  : claset -> int -> int -> tactic
   512 deepen_tac : claset -> int -> int -> tactic
   513 \end{ttbox}
   514 These work by exhaustive search up to a specified depth.  Unsafe rules are
   515 modified to preserve the formula they act on, so that it be used repeatedly.
   516 They can prove more goals than \texttt{fast_tac} can but are much
   517 slower, for example if the assumptions have many universal quantifiers.
   519 The depth limits the number of unsafe steps.  If you can estimate the minimum
   520 number of unsafe steps needed, supply this value as~$m$ to save time.
   521 \begin{ttdescription}
   522 \item[\ttindexbold{depth_tac} $cs$ $m$ $i$] 
   523 tries to prove subgoal~$i$ by exhaustive search up to depth~$m$.
   525 \item[\ttindexbold{deepen_tac} $cs$ $m$ $i$] 
   526 tries to prove subgoal~$i$ by iterative deepening.  It calls \texttt{depth_tac}
   527 repeatedly with increasing depths, starting with~$m$.
   528 \end{ttdescription}
   531 \subsection{Single-step tactics}
   532 \begin{ttbox} 
   533 safe_step_tac : claset -> int -> tactic
   534 safe_tac      : claset        -> tactic
   535 inst_step_tac : claset -> int -> tactic
   536 step_tac      : claset -> int -> tactic
   537 slow_step_tac : claset -> int -> tactic
   538 \end{ttbox}
   539 The automatic proof procedures call these tactics.  By calling them
   540 yourself, you can execute these procedures one step at a time.
   541 \begin{ttdescription}
   542 \item[\ttindexbold{safe_step_tac} $cs$ $i$] performs a safe step on
   543   subgoal~$i$.  The safe wrapper tactical is applied to a tactic that may
   544   include proof by assumption or Modus Ponens (taking care not to instantiate
   545   unknowns), or substitution.
   547 \item[\ttindexbold{safe_tac} $cs$] repeatedly performs safe steps on all 
   548 subgoals.  It is deterministic, with at most one outcome.  
   550 \item[\ttindexbold{inst_step_tac} $cs$ $i$] is like \texttt{safe_step_tac},
   551 but allows unknowns to be instantiated.
   553 \item[\ttindexbold{step_tac} $cs$ $i$] is the basic step of the proof
   554   procedure.  The (unsafe) wrapper tactical is applied to a tactic that tries
   555  \texttt{safe_tac}, \texttt{inst_step_tac}, or applies an unsafe rule from~$cs$.
   557 \item[\ttindexbold{slow_step_tac}] 
   558   resembles \texttt{step_tac}, but allows backtracking between using safe
   559   rules with instantiation (\texttt{inst_step_tac}) and using unsafe rules.
   560   The resulting search space is larger.
   561 \end{ttdescription}
   563 \subsection{The current claset}\label{sec:current-claset}
   565 Each theory is equipped with an implicit \emph{current
   566   claset}\index{claset!current}.  This is a default set of classical
   567 rules.  The underlying idea is quite similar to that of a current
   568 simpset described in \S\ref{sec:simp-for-dummies}; please read that
   569 section, including its warnings.  The implicit claset can be accessed
   570 as follows:
   571 \begin{ttbox}
   572 claset        : unit -> claset
   573 claset_ref    : unit -> claset ref
   574 claset_of     : theory -> claset
   575 claset_ref_of : theory -> claset ref
   576 print_claset  : theory -> unit
   577 \end{ttbox}
   579 The tactics
   580 \begin{ttbox}
   581 Blast_tac        : int -> tactic
   582 Auto_tac         :        tactic
   583 Fast_tac         : int -> tactic
   584 Best_tac         : int -> tactic
   585 Deepen_tac       : int -> int -> tactic
   586 Clarify_tac      : int -> tactic
   587 Clarify_step_tac : int -> tactic
   588 Safe_tac         :        tactic
   589 Safe_step_tac    : int -> tactic
   590 Step_tac         : int -> tactic
   591 \end{ttbox}
   592 \indexbold{*Blast_tac}\indexbold{*Auto_tac}
   593 \indexbold{*Best_tac}\indexbold{*Fast_tac}%
   594 \indexbold{*Deepen_tac}
   595 \indexbold{*Clarify_tac}\indexbold{*Clarify_step_tac}
   596 \indexbold{*Safe_tac}\indexbold{*Safe_step_tac}
   597 \indexbold{*Step_tac}
   598 make use of the current claset.  For example, \texttt{Blast_tac} is defined as 
   599 \begin{ttbox}
   600 fun Blast_tac i st = blast_tac (claset()) i st;
   601 \end{ttbox}
   602 and gets the current claset, only after it is applied to a proof
   603 state.  The functions
   604 \begin{ttbox}
   605 AddSIs, AddSEs, AddSDs, AddIs, AddEs, AddDs: thm list -> unit
   606 \end{ttbox}
   607 \indexbold{*AddSIs} \indexbold{*AddSEs} \indexbold{*AddSDs}
   608 \indexbold{*AddIs} \indexbold{*AddEs} \indexbold{*AddDs}
   609 are used to add rules to the current claset.  They work exactly like their
   610 lower case counterparts, such as \texttt{addSIs}.  Calling
   611 \begin{ttbox}
   612 Delrules : thm list -> unit
   613 \end{ttbox}
   614 deletes rules from the current claset. 
   616 \subsection{Other useful tactics}
   617 \index{tactics!for contradiction}
   618 \index{tactics!for Modus Ponens}
   619 \begin{ttbox} 
   620 contr_tac    :             int -> tactic
   621 mp_tac       :             int -> tactic
   622 eq_mp_tac    :             int -> tactic
   623 swap_res_tac : thm list -> int -> tactic
   624 \end{ttbox}
   625 These can be used in the body of a specialized search.
   626 \begin{ttdescription}
   627 \item[\ttindexbold{contr_tac} {\it i}]\index{assumptions!contradictory}
   628   solves subgoal~$i$ by detecting a contradiction among two assumptions of
   629   the form $P$ and~$\neg P$, or fail.  It may instantiate unknowns.  The
   630   tactic can produce multiple outcomes, enumerating all possible
   631   contradictions.
   633 \item[\ttindexbold{mp_tac} {\it i}] 
   634 is like \texttt{contr_tac}, but also attempts to perform Modus Ponens in
   635 subgoal~$i$.  If there are assumptions $P\imp Q$ and~$P$, then it replaces
   636 $P\imp Q$ by~$Q$.  It may instantiate unknowns.  It fails if it can do
   637 nothing.
   639 \item[\ttindexbold{eq_mp_tac} {\it i}] 
   640 is like \texttt{mp_tac} {\it i}, but may not instantiate unknowns --- thus, it
   641 is safe.
   643 \item[\ttindexbold{swap_res_tac} {\it thms} {\it i}] refines subgoal~$i$ of
   644 the proof state using {\it thms}, which should be a list of introduction
   645 rules.  First, it attempts to prove the goal using \texttt{assume_tac} or
   646 \texttt{contr_tac}.  It then attempts to apply each rule in turn, attempting
   647 resolution and also elim-resolution with the swapped form.
   648 \end{ttdescription}
   650 \subsection{Creating swapped rules}
   651 \begin{ttbox} 
   652 swapify   : thm list -> thm list
   653 joinrules : thm list * thm list -> (bool * thm) list
   654 \end{ttbox}
   655 \begin{ttdescription}
   656 \item[\ttindexbold{swapify} {\it thms}] returns a list consisting of the
   657 swapped versions of~{\it thms}, regarded as introduction rules.
   659 \item[\ttindexbold{joinrules} ({\it intrs}, {\it elims})]
   660 joins introduction rules, their swapped versions, and elimination rules for
   661 use with \ttindex{biresolve_tac}.  Each rule is paired with~\texttt{false}
   662 (indicating ordinary resolution) or~\texttt{true} (indicating
   663 elim-resolution).
   664 \end{ttdescription}
   667 \section{Setting up the classical reasoner}\label{sec:classical-setup}
   668 \index{classical reasoner!setting up}
   669 Isabelle's classical object-logics, including \texttt{FOL} and \texttt{HOL}, have
   670 the classical reasoner already set up.  When defining a new classical logic,
   671 you should set up the reasoner yourself.  It consists of the \ML{} functor
   672 \ttindex{ClassicalFun}, which takes the argument
   673 signature \texttt{
   674                   CLASSICAL_DATA}:
   675 \begin{ttbox} 
   676 signature CLASSICAL_DATA =
   677   sig
   678   val mp             : thm
   679   val not_elim       : thm
   680   val swap           : thm
   681   val sizef          : thm -> int
   682   val hyp_subst_tacs : (int -> tactic) list
   683   end;
   684 \end{ttbox}
   685 Thus, the functor requires the following items:
   686 \begin{ttdescription}
   687 \item[\tdxbold{mp}] should be the Modus Ponens rule
   688 $\List{\Var{P}\imp\Var{Q};\; \Var{P}} \Imp \Var{Q}$.
   690 \item[\tdxbold{not_elim}] should be the contradiction rule
   691 $\List{\neg\Var{P};\; \Var{P}} \Imp \Var{R}$.
   693 \item[\tdxbold{swap}] should be the swap rule
   694 $\List{\neg \Var{P}; \; \neg \Var{R}\Imp \Var{P}} \Imp \Var{R}$.
   696 \item[\ttindexbold{sizef}] is the heuristic function used for best-first
   697 search.  It should estimate the size of the remaining subgoals.  A good
   698 heuristic function is \ttindex{size_of_thm}, which measures the size of the
   699 proof state.  Another size function might ignore certain subgoals (say,
   700 those concerned with type checking).  A heuristic function might simply
   701 count the subgoals.
   703 \item[\ttindexbold{hyp_subst_tacs}] is a list of tactics for substitution in
   704 the hypotheses, typically created by \ttindex{HypsubstFun} (see
   705 Chapter~\ref{substitution}).  This list can, of course, be empty.  The
   706 tactics are assumed to be safe!
   707 \end{ttdescription}
   708 The functor is not at all sensitive to the formalization of the
   709 object-logic.  It does not even examine the rules, but merely applies
   710 them according to its fixed strategy.  The functor resides in {\tt
   711   Provers/classical.ML} in the Isabelle sources.
   713 \index{classical reasoner|)}