author blanchet
Mon, 22 Feb 2010 19:31:00 +0100
changeset 35284 9edc2bd6d2bd
parent 35280 54ab4921f826
child 35333 f61de25f71f9
permissions -rw-r--r--
enabled Nitpick's support for quotient types + shortened the Nitpick tests a bit
     1 (*  Title:      HOL/Tools/Nitpick/minipick.ML
     2     Author:     Jasmin Blanchette, TU Muenchen
     3     Copyright   2009, 2010
     5 Finite model generation for HOL formulas using Kodkod, minimalistic version.
     6 *)
     8 signature MINIPICK =
     9 sig
    10   datatype rep = SRep | RRep
    11   type styp = Nitpick_Util.styp
    13   val vars_for_bound_var :
    14     (typ -> int) -> rep -> typ list -> int -> Kodkod.rel_expr list
    15   val rel_expr_for_bound_var :
    16     (typ -> int) -> rep -> typ list -> int -> Kodkod.rel_expr
    17   val decls_for : rep -> (typ -> int) -> typ list -> typ -> Kodkod.decl list
    18   val false_atom : Kodkod.rel_expr
    19   val true_atom : Kodkod.rel_expr
    20   val formula_from_atom : Kodkod.rel_expr -> Kodkod.formula
    21   val atom_from_formula : Kodkod.formula -> Kodkod.rel_expr
    22   val kodkod_problem_from_term :
    23     Proof.context -> (typ -> int) -> term -> Kodkod.problem
    24   val solve_any_kodkod_problem : theory -> Kodkod.problem list -> string
    25 end;
    27 structure Minipick : MINIPICK =
    28 struct
    30 open Kodkod
    31 open Nitpick_Util
    32 open Nitpick_HOL
    33 open Nitpick_Peephole
    34 open Nitpick_Kodkod
    36 datatype rep = SRep | RRep
    38 (* Proof.context -> typ -> unit *)
    39 fun check_type ctxt (Type ("fun", Ts)) = (check_type ctxt) Ts
    40   | check_type ctxt (Type ("*", Ts)) = (check_type ctxt) Ts
    41   | check_type _ @{typ bool} = ()
    42   | check_type _ (TFree (_, @{sort "{}"})) = ()
    43   | check_type _ (TFree (_, @{sort HOL.type})) = ()
    44   | check_type ctxt T =
    45     raise NOT_SUPPORTED ("type " ^ quote (Syntax.string_of_typ ctxt T))
    47 (* rep -> (typ -> int) -> typ -> int list *)
    48 fun atom_schema_of SRep card (Type ("fun", [T1, T2])) =
    49     replicate_list (card T1) (atom_schema_of SRep card T2)
    50   | atom_schema_of RRep card (Type ("fun", [T1, @{typ bool}])) =
    51     atom_schema_of SRep card T1
    52   | atom_schema_of RRep card (Type ("fun", [T1, T2])) =
    53     atom_schema_of SRep card T1 @ atom_schema_of RRep card T2
    54   | atom_schema_of _ card (Type ("*", Ts)) = maps (atom_schema_of SRep card) Ts
    55   | atom_schema_of _ card T = [card T]
    56 (* rep -> (typ -> int) -> typ -> int *)
    57 val arity_of = length ooo atom_schema_of
    59 (* (typ -> int) -> typ list -> int -> int *)
    60 fun index_for_bound_var _ [_] 0 = 0
    61   | index_for_bound_var card (_ :: Ts) 0 =
    62     index_for_bound_var card Ts 0 + arity_of SRep card (hd Ts)
    63   | index_for_bound_var card Ts n = index_for_bound_var card (tl Ts) (n - 1)
    64 (* (typ -> int) -> rep -> typ list -> int -> rel_expr list *)
    65 fun vars_for_bound_var card R Ts j =
    66   map (curry Var 1) (index_seq (index_for_bound_var card Ts j)
    67                                (arity_of R card (nth Ts j)))
    68 (* (typ -> int) -> rep -> typ list -> int -> rel_expr *)
    69 val rel_expr_for_bound_var = foldl1 Product oooo vars_for_bound_var
    70 (* rep -> (typ -> int) -> typ list -> typ -> decl list *)
    71 fun decls_for R card Ts T =
    72   map2 (curry DeclOne o pair 1)
    73        (index_seq (index_for_bound_var card (T :: Ts) 0)
    74                   (arity_of R card (nth (T :: Ts) 0)))
    75        (map (AtomSeq o rpair 0) (atom_schema_of R card T))
    77 (* int list -> rel_expr *)
    78 val atom_product = foldl1 Product o map Atom
    80 val false_atom = Atom 0
    81 val true_atom = Atom 1
    83 (* rel_expr -> formula *)
    84 fun formula_from_atom r = RelEq (r, true_atom)
    85 (* formula -> rel_expr *)
    86 fun atom_from_formula f = RelIf (f, true_atom, false_atom)
    88 (* Proof.context -> (typ -> int) -> styp list -> term -> formula *)
    89 fun kodkod_formula_from_term ctxt card frees =
    90   let
    91     (* typ -> rel_expr -> rel_expr *)
    92     fun R_rep_from_S_rep (T as Type ("fun", [T1, @{typ bool}])) r =
    93         let
    94           val jss = atom_schema_of SRep card T1 |> map (rpair 0)
    95                     |> all_combinations
    96         in
    97           map2 (fn i => fn js =>
    98                    RelIf (formula_from_atom (Project (r, [Num i])),
    99                           atom_product js, empty_n_ary_rel (length js)))
   100                (index_seq 0 (length jss)) jss
   101           |> foldl1 Union
   102         end
   103       | R_rep_from_S_rep (Type ("fun", [T1, T2])) r =
   104         let
   105           val jss = atom_schema_of SRep card T1 |> map (rpair 0)
   106                     |> all_combinations
   107           val arity2 = arity_of SRep card T2
   108         in
   109           map2 (fn i => fn js =>
   110                    Product (atom_product js,
   111                             Project (r, num_seq (i * arity2) arity2)
   112                             |> R_rep_from_S_rep T2))
   113                (index_seq 0 (length jss)) jss
   114           |> foldl1 Union
   115         end
   116       | R_rep_from_S_rep _ r = r
   117     (* typ list -> typ -> rel_expr -> rel_expr *)
   118     fun S_rep_from_R_rep Ts (T as Type ("fun", _)) r =
   119         Comprehension (decls_for SRep card Ts T,
   120             RelEq (R_rep_from_S_rep T
   121                        (rel_expr_for_bound_var card SRep (T :: Ts) 0), r))
   122       | S_rep_from_R_rep _ _ r = r
   123     (* typ list -> term -> formula *)
   124     fun to_F Ts t =
   125       (case t of
   126          @{const Not} $ t1 => Not (to_F Ts t1)
   127        | @{const False} => False
   128        | @{const True} => True
   129        | Const (@{const_name All}, _) $ Abs (s, T, t') =>
   130          All (decls_for SRep card Ts T, to_F (T :: Ts) t')
   131        | (t0 as Const (@{const_name All}, _)) $ t1 =>
   132          to_F Ts (t0 $ eta_expand Ts t1 1)
   133        | Const (@{const_name Ex}, _) $ Abs (_, T, t') =>
   134          Exist (decls_for SRep card Ts T, to_F (T :: Ts) t')
   135        | (t0 as Const (@{const_name Ex}, _)) $ t1 =>
   136          to_F Ts (t0 $ eta_expand Ts t1 1)
   137        | Const (@{const_name "op ="}, _) $ t1 $ t2 =>
   138          RelEq (to_R_rep Ts t1, to_R_rep Ts t2)
   139        | Const (@{const_name ord_class.less_eq},
   140                 Type ("fun", [Type ("fun", [_, @{typ bool}]), _])) $ t1 $ t2 =>
   141          Subset (to_R_rep Ts t1, to_R_rep Ts t2)
   142        | @{const "op &"} $ t1 $ t2 => And (to_F Ts t1, to_F Ts t2)
   143        | @{const "op |"} $ t1 $ t2 => Or (to_F Ts t1, to_F Ts t2)
   144        | @{const "op -->"} $ t1 $ t2 => Implies (to_F Ts t1, to_F Ts t2)
   145        | t1 $ t2 => Subset (to_S_rep Ts t2, to_R_rep Ts t1)
   146        | Free _ => raise SAME ()
   147        | Term.Var _ => raise SAME ()
   148        | Bound _ => raise SAME ()
   149        | Const (s, _) => raise NOT_SUPPORTED ("constant " ^ quote s)
   150        | _ => raise TERM ("Minipick.kodkod_formula_from_term.to_F", [t]))
   151       handle SAME () => formula_from_atom (to_R_rep Ts t)
   152     (* typ list -> term -> rel_expr *)
   153     and to_S_rep Ts t =
   154         case t of
   155           Const (@{const_name Pair}, _) $ t1 $ t2 =>
   156           Product (to_S_rep Ts t1, to_S_rep Ts t2)
   157         | Const (@{const_name Pair}, _) $ _ => to_S_rep Ts (eta_expand Ts t 1)
   158         | Const (@{const_name Pair}, _) => to_S_rep Ts (eta_expand Ts t 2)
   159         | Const (@{const_name fst}, _) $ t1 =>
   160           let val fst_arity = arity_of SRep card (fastype_of1 (Ts, t)) in
   161             Project (to_S_rep Ts t1, num_seq 0 fst_arity)
   162           end
   163         | Const (@{const_name fst}, _) => to_S_rep Ts (eta_expand Ts t 1)
   164         | Const (@{const_name snd}, _) $ t1 =>
   165           let
   166             val pair_arity = arity_of SRep card (fastype_of1 (Ts, t1))
   167             val snd_arity = arity_of SRep card (fastype_of1 (Ts, t))
   168             val fst_arity = pair_arity - snd_arity
   169           in Project (to_S_rep Ts t1, num_seq fst_arity snd_arity) end
   170         | Const (@{const_name snd}, _) => to_S_rep Ts (eta_expand Ts t 1)
   171         | Bound j => rel_expr_for_bound_var card SRep Ts j
   172         | _ => S_rep_from_R_rep Ts (fastype_of1 (Ts, t)) (to_R_rep Ts t)
   173     (* term -> rel_expr *)
   174     and to_R_rep Ts t =
   175       (case t of
   176          @{const Not} => to_R_rep Ts (eta_expand Ts t 1)
   177        | Const (@{const_name All}, _) => to_R_rep Ts (eta_expand Ts t 1)
   178        | Const (@{const_name Ex}, _) => to_R_rep Ts (eta_expand Ts t 1)
   179        | Const (@{const_name "op ="}, _) $ _ => to_R_rep Ts (eta_expand Ts t 1)
   180        | Const (@{const_name "op ="}, _) => to_R_rep Ts (eta_expand Ts t 2)
   181        | Const (@{const_name ord_class.less_eq},
   182                 Type ("fun", [Type ("fun", [_, @{typ bool}]), _])) $ _ =>
   183          to_R_rep Ts (eta_expand Ts t 1)
   184        | Const (@{const_name ord_class.less_eq}, _) =>
   185          to_R_rep Ts (eta_expand Ts t 2)
   186        | @{const "op &"} $ _ => to_R_rep Ts (eta_expand Ts t 1)
   187        | @{const "op &"} => to_R_rep Ts (eta_expand Ts t 2)
   188        | @{const "op |"} $ _ => to_R_rep Ts (eta_expand Ts t 1)
   189        | @{const "op |"} => to_R_rep Ts (eta_expand Ts t 2)
   190        | @{const "op -->"} $ _ => to_R_rep Ts (eta_expand Ts t 1)
   191        | @{const "op -->"} => to_R_rep Ts (eta_expand Ts t 2)
   192        | Const (@{const_name},
   193                 T as Type ("fun", [_, @{typ bool}])) =>
   194          empty_n_ary_rel (arity_of RRep card T)
   195        | Const (@{const_name insert}, _) $ t1 $ t2 =>
   196          Union (to_S_rep Ts t1, to_R_rep Ts t2)
   197        | Const (@{const_name insert}, _) $ _ => to_R_rep Ts (eta_expand Ts t 1)
   198        | Const (@{const_name insert}, _) => to_R_rep Ts (eta_expand Ts t 2)
   199        | Const (@{const_name trancl}, _) $ t1 =>
   200          if arity_of RRep card (fastype_of1 (Ts, t1)) = 2 then
   201            Closure (to_R_rep Ts t1)
   202          else
   203            raise NOT_SUPPORTED "transitive closure for function or pair type"
   204        | Const (@{const_name trancl}, _) => to_R_rep Ts (eta_expand Ts t 1)
   205        | Const (@{const_name semilattice_inf_class.inf},
   206                 Type ("fun", [Type ("fun", [_, @{typ bool}]), _])) $ t1 $ t2 =>
   207          Intersect (to_R_rep Ts t1, to_R_rep Ts t2)
   208        | Const (@{const_name semilattice_inf_class.inf}, _) $ _ =>
   209          to_R_rep Ts (eta_expand Ts t 1)
   210        | Const (@{const_name semilattice_inf_class.inf}, _) =>
   211          to_R_rep Ts (eta_expand Ts t 2)
   212        | Const (@{const_name semilattice_sup_class.sup},
   213                 Type ("fun", [Type ("fun", [_, @{typ bool}]), _])) $ t1 $ t2 =>
   214          Union (to_R_rep Ts t1, to_R_rep Ts t2)
   215        | Const (@{const_name semilattice_sup_class.sup}, _) $ _ =>
   216          to_R_rep Ts (eta_expand Ts t 1)
   217        | Const (@{const_name semilattice_sup_class.sup}, _) =>
   218          to_R_rep Ts (eta_expand Ts t 2)
   219        | Const (@{const_name minus_class.minus},
   220                 Type ("fun", [Type ("fun", [_, @{typ bool}]), _])) $ t1 $ t2 =>
   221          Difference (to_R_rep Ts t1, to_R_rep Ts t2)
   222        | Const (@{const_name minus_class.minus},
   223                 Type ("fun", [Type ("fun", [_, @{typ bool}]), _])) $ _ =>
   224          to_R_rep Ts (eta_expand Ts t 1)
   225        | Const (@{const_name minus_class.minus},
   226                 Type ("fun", [Type ("fun", [_, @{typ bool}]), _])) =>
   227          to_R_rep Ts (eta_expand Ts t 2)
   228        | Const (@{const_name Pair}, _) $ _ $ _ => raise SAME ()
   229        | Const (@{const_name Pair}, _) $ _ => raise SAME ()
   230        | Const (@{const_name Pair}, _) => raise SAME ()
   231        | Const (@{const_name fst}, _) $ _ => raise SAME ()
   232        | Const (@{const_name fst}, _) => raise SAME ()
   233        | Const (@{const_name snd}, _) $ _ => raise SAME ()
   234        | Const (@{const_name snd}, _) => raise SAME ()
   235        | Const (_, @{typ bool}) => atom_from_formula (to_F Ts t)
   236        | Free (x as (_, T)) =>
   237          Rel (arity_of RRep card T, find_index (curry (op =) x) frees)
   238        | Term.Var _ => raise NOT_SUPPORTED "schematic variables"
   239        | Bound _ => raise SAME ()
   240        | Abs (_, T, t') =>
   241          (case fastype_of1 (T :: Ts, t') of
   242             @{typ bool} => Comprehension (decls_for SRep card Ts T,
   243                                           to_F (T :: Ts) t')
   244           | T' => Comprehension (decls_for SRep card Ts T @
   245                                  decls_for RRep card (T :: Ts) T',
   246                                  Subset (rel_expr_for_bound_var card RRep
   247                                                               (T' :: T :: Ts) 0,
   248                                          to_R_rep (T :: Ts) t')))
   249        | t1 $ t2 =>
   250          (case fastype_of1 (Ts, t) of
   251             @{typ bool} => atom_from_formula (to_F Ts t)
   252           | T =>
   253             let val T2 = fastype_of1 (Ts, t2) in
   254               case arity_of SRep card T2 of
   255                 1 => Join (to_S_rep Ts t2, to_R_rep Ts t1)
   256               | arity2 =>
   257                 let val res_arity = arity_of RRep card T in
   258                   Project (Intersect
   259                       (Product (to_S_rep Ts t2,
   260                                 atom_schema_of RRep card T
   261                                 |> map (AtomSeq o rpair 0) |> foldl1 Product),
   262                        to_R_rep Ts t1),
   263                       num_seq arity2 res_arity)
   264                 end
   265             end)
   266        | _ => raise NOT_SUPPORTED ("term " ^
   267                                    quote (Syntax.string_of_term ctxt t)))
   268       handle SAME () => R_rep_from_S_rep (fastype_of1 (Ts, t)) (to_S_rep Ts t)
   269   in to_F [] end
   271 (* (typ -> int) -> int -> styp -> bound *)
   272 fun bound_for_free card i (s, T) =
   273   let val js = atom_schema_of RRep card T in
   274     ([((length js, i), s)],
   275      [TupleSet [], atom_schema_of RRep card T |> map (rpair 0)
   276                    |> tuple_set_from_atom_schema])
   277   end
   279 (* (typ -> int) -> typ list -> typ -> rel_expr -> formula *)
   280 fun declarative_axiom_for_rel_expr card Ts (Type ("fun", [T1, T2])) r =
   281     if body_type T2 = bool_T then
   282       True
   283     else
   284       All (decls_for SRep card Ts T1,
   285            declarative_axiom_for_rel_expr card (T1 :: Ts) T2
   286                (List.foldl Join r (vars_for_bound_var card SRep (T1 :: Ts) 0)))
   287   | declarative_axiom_for_rel_expr _ _ _ r = One r
   288 (* (typ -> int) -> bool -> int -> styp -> formula *)
   289 fun declarative_axiom_for_free card i (_, T) =
   290   declarative_axiom_for_rel_expr card [] T (Rel (arity_of RRep card T, i))
   292 (* Proof.context -> (typ -> int) -> term -> problem *)
   293 fun kodkod_problem_from_term ctxt raw_card t =
   294   let
   295     val thy = ProofContext.theory_of ctxt
   296     (* typ -> int *)
   297     fun card (Type ("fun", [T1, T2])) = reasonable_power (card T2) (card T1)
   298       | card (Type ("*", [T1, T2])) = card T1 * card T2
   299       | card @{typ bool} = 2
   300       | card T = Int.max (1, raw_card T)
   301     val neg_t = @{const Not} $ ObjectLogic.atomize_term thy t
   302     val _ = fold_types (K o check_type ctxt) neg_t ()
   303     val frees = Term.add_frees neg_t []
   304     val bounds = map2 (bound_for_free card) (index_seq 0 (length frees)) frees
   305     val declarative_axioms =
   306       map2 (declarative_axiom_for_free card) (index_seq 0 (length frees)) frees
   307     val formula = kodkod_formula_from_term ctxt card frees neg_t
   308                   |> fold_rev (curry And) declarative_axioms
   309     val univ_card = univ_card 0 0 0 bounds formula
   310   in
   311     {comment = "", settings = [], univ_card = univ_card, tuple_assigns = [],
   312      bounds = bounds, int_bounds = [], expr_assigns = [], formula = formula}
   313   end
   315 (* theory -> problem list -> string *)
   316 fun solve_any_kodkod_problem thy problems =
   317   let
   318     val {overlord, ...} = Nitpick_Isar.default_params thy []
   319     val max_threads = 1
   320     val max_solutions = 1
   321   in
   322     case solve_any_problem overlord NONE max_threads max_solutions problems of
   323       NotInstalled => "unknown"
   324     | Normal ([], _) => "none"
   325     | Normal _ => "genuine"
   326     | TimedOut _ => "unknown"
   327     | Interrupted _ => "unknown"
   328     | Error (s, _) => error ("Kodkod error: " ^ s)
   329   end
   331 end;