author wneuper <>
Thu, 22 Apr 2021 21:34:20 +0200
changeset 60257 9e65148a9916
parent 60255 5497a3d67d96
child 60258 a5eed208b22f
permissions -rw-r--r--
purge XML output from pbl- and met-hierarchies, coarse part

# XML output of the respective tree structures remains, see pbl-met-hierarchy.sml
# other cleanup is included in this changeset
     1 (* Title: "BridgeLibisabelle/thy-hierarchy.sml"
     2    Author: Walther Neuper 0601
     3    (c) due to copyright terms
     5 Tools for Build_Thydata of theorems and rule-sets defined in Knowledge/ and ProgLang/
     6 *)
     8 signature THEORY_HIERARCHY =
     9 sig
    10   val collect_cals: string * -> (Thy_Write.theID * Thy_Write.thydata) list
    11   val collect_isab: string -> string * thm -> Thy_Write.theID * Thy_Write.thydata
    12   val collect_ords: 'a * -> (Thy_Write.theID * Thy_Write.thydata) list
    13   val collect_part: string -> theory -> theory list -> (Thy_Write.theID * Thy_Write.thydata) list
    14   val collect_rlss: string -> ( * ( * Rule_Set.T)) list -> theory list ->
    15     (Thy_Write.theID * Thy_Write.thydata) list
    16   val collect_thms: string -> theory -> (Thy_Write.theID * Thy_Write.thydata) list
    18   val hierarchy_guh: 'a Store.T -> string
    19   val insert_errpatIDs: 'a -> Thy_Write.theID -> list ->
    20     Thy_Write.thydata * Thy_Write.theID
    21   val update_hrls: Thy_Write.thydata -> list -> Thy_Write.thydata
    23   val thms_of_rlss: theory -> ( * ( * Rule_Def.rule_set)) list ->
    24     (string * thm) list
    26 \<^isac_test>\<open>
    27   val get_fun_ids: theory -> (string * typ) list
    28 \<close>
    29 end
    31 (**)
    32 structure Thy_Hierarchy(**): THEORY_HIERARCHY(**) =
    33 struct
    34 (**)
    35 open TermC (* allows contains_one_of to be infix *)
    37 fun fun_id_of ({scr = prog, ...} : MethodC.T) = 
    38   case prog of
    39     Rule.Empty_Prog => NONE
    40   | Rule.Prog t => 
    41     (case t of
    42       Const ("HOL.eq", _) $ Free ("t", _) $ Free ("t", _) (*=@{thm refl}*) => NONE
    43     | _ => SOME (Program.get_fun_id t))
    44   | Rule.Rfuns _ => NONE
    45 fun get_fun_ids thy =
    46   let 
    47     val mets = Store.get_all (KEStore_Elems.get_mets thy)
    48     (* all mets of the respective theory PLUS of all ancestor theories*)
    49     val fun_ids = mets |> map fun_id_of |> filter is_some |> map the
    50   in 
    51     filter (fn (str, _) => ThyC.cut_id str = Context.theory_name thy) fun_ids 
    52   end
    54 (* copy from mutabelle_extra.ML, fun thms_of *)
    55 fun thms_of thy = (* das ist zu verbessern *)
    56   let
    57     val fun_ids = get_fun_ids thy
    58   in
    59     filter (fn thm => Context.theory_name (Thm.theory_of_thm thm) = Context.theory_name thy
    60         andalso not (thm contains_one_of fun_ids)
    61         andalso not (ThmC.id_of_thm thm = "mono"))
    62         (* created in Biegelinie by partial_function ^^^^^^*)
    63       (map snd (Global_Theory.all_thms_of thy false))
    64   end
    66 (* wrap theory-data into the uniform type thydata *)
    68 fun makeHthm (part : string, thyID : (thm : thm) =
    69     let val theID = [part, thyID, "Theorems"] @ [ThmC.id_of_thm thm] : Thy_Write.theID
    70     in (theID, Thy_Write.Hthm {guh = Thy_Write.theID2guh theID, coursedesign = [], 
    71 		     mathauthors = ["isac-team"], fillpats = [], thm = thm})
    72     end;
    73 fun makeHrls (part : string) (rls' :, thy_rls as (thyID, rls): * Rule_Set.T) =
    74     let val theID = [part, thyID,"Rulesets"] @ [rls'] : Thy_Write.theID
    75     in (theID, Thy_Write.Hrls {guh = Thy_Write.theID2guh theID, coursedesign = [], 
    76 		     mathauthors = ["isac-team"], thy_rls = thy_rls})
    77     end;
    78 fun makeHcal (part : string, thyID : (calID, cal) =
    79     let val theID = [part, thyID,"Operations"] @ [calID] : Thy_Write.theID
    80     in (theID, Thy_Write.Hcal {guh = Thy_Write.theID2guh theID, coursedesign=[], 
    81 		     mathauthors = ["isac-team"], calc = cal})
    82     end;
    83 fun makeHord (part : string, thyID : (ordID, ord) =
    84     let val theID = [part, thyID,"TODO-Orders"] @ [ordID] : Thy_Write.theID
    85     in (theID, Thy_Write.Hord  {guh = Thy_Write.theID2guh theID, coursedesign=[], 
    86 		      mathauthors = ["isac-team"], ord = ord})
    87     end;
    89 (* get all theorems from the list of rule-sets (defined in Knowledge) *)
    90 fun thms_of_rlss thy rlss = (rlss : ( * ( * Rule_Set.T)) list)
    91   |> map (Thy_Present.thms_of_rls o #2 o #2)
    92   |> flat
    93   |> map (ThmC.revert_sym_rule thy)
    94   |> map (fn Rule.Thm (thmID, thm) => (thmID, thm))
    95   |> distinct (fn ((thmID1, _), (thmID2, _)) => thmID1 = thmID2) 
    96   : ThmC.T list                              
    98 (* collect all thydata defined in in a theory *)
   100 fun collect_thms part thy =
   101   map (makeHthm (part, Context.theory_name thy)) (rev (thms_of thy))
   102 fun collect_rlss part rlss thys = (rlss : ( * ( * Rule_Set.T)) list)
   103   |> filter (fn (_, (thyID, _)) => member (op=) (map Context.theory_name thys) thyID)
   104   |> map (makeHrls part)
   105 fun collect_cals (part, thy') =
   106   let val cals = [] (*FIXXXXXXXXXXME.WN060713 add thyID: (thyID, cal)*)
   107   in map (makeHcal (part, thy')) cals end;
   108 fun collect_ords (part, thy') =
   109     let val thy = ThyC.get_theory thy'
   110     in [(*TODO.WN060120 rew_ord, Eval*)]:(Thy_Write.theID * Thy_Write.thydata) list end;
   112 (* parts are: Isabelle | IsacKnowledge | IsacScripts, see Know_Store.thy *)
   113 fun collect_part part parent thys =
   114   (flat (map (collect_thms part) thys)) @
   115   (collect_rlss part (KEStore_Elems.get_rlss parent) thys) @ 
   116   [(*TODO: collect_cals, collect_ords*)]
   118 (* collect theorems defined in Isabelle *)
   119 fun collect_isab isa (thmDeriv, thm) =
   120   let val theID =
   121     [isa, ThyC.cut_id thmDeriv, "Theorems", ThmC.cut_id thmDeriv]
   122   in 
   123     (theID: Thy_Write.theID, Thy_Write.Hthm {guh = Thy_Write.theID2guh theID, 
   124       mathauthors = ["Isabelle team, TU Munich"],
   125       coursedesign = [],
   126       fillpats = [],
   127       thm = thm}) 
   128   end
   131 (** create an xml representation for thehier: hierarchy of entries + files per entry **)
   133 (* create an xml-hierarchy where the filname is created from the guh; 
   134   ad DTD: a NODE contains an ID and zero or more NODEs*)
   135 fun hierarchy_guh h =
   136   let
   137     val i = indentation
   138     val j = indentation
   139     fun node i p theID (Store.Node (id, _, ns)) = 
   140         let
   141           val p' = Pos.lev_on p
   142           val theID' = theID @ [id]
   143         in
   144         (indt i) ^ "<NODE>\n" ^ 
   145         (indt (i+j)) ^ "<ID> " ^ id ^ " </ID>\n" ^ 
   146         (indt (i+j)) ^ "<NO> " (*on this level*) ^ (string_of_int o last_elem) p' ^ " </NO>\n" ^ 
   147         (indt (i+j)) ^ "<CONTENTREF> " ^ Thy_Write.theID2guh theID' ^ " </CONTENTREF>\n" ^
   148         (nodes (i+j) (Pos.lev_dn p') theID' ns) ^ 
   149         (indt i) ^ "</NODE>\n"
   150         end
   151     and nodes _ _ _ [] = ""
   152       | nodes i p theID (n :: ns) = (node i p theID n) ^ (nodes i (Pos.lev_on p) theID ns);
   153   in nodes j [0] [] h end;
   155 fun thy_hierarchy2file (path: Pbl_Met_Hierarchy.filepath) = 
   156   Pbl_Met_Hierarchy.str2file (path ^ "thy_hierarchy.xml") 
   157     ("<NODE>\n" ^
   158     "  <ID> theory hierarchy </ID>\n" ^
   159     "  <NO> 1 </NO>\n" ^
   160     "  <CONTENTREF> thy_ROOT </CONTENTREF>\n" ^
   161     (hierarchy_guh (get_thes ())) ^
   162     "</NODE>");
   164 (* for dialog-authoring *)
   165 fun update_hrls (Thy_Write.Hrls {guh, coursedesign, mathauthors, thy_rls = (thyID, rls)}) errpatIDs =
   166     let
   167       val rls' = 
   168         case rls of
   169           Rule_Def.Repeat {id, preconds, rew_ord, erls, srls, calc, rules, scr, ...}
   170           => Rule_Def.Repeat {id = id, preconds = preconds, rew_ord = rew_ord, erls = erls, srls = srls,
   171                calc = calc, rules = rules, scr = scr, errpatts = errpatIDs}
   172         | Rule_Set.Sequence {id, preconds, rew_ord, erls, srls, calc, rules, scr, ...}
   173           => Rule_Set.Sequence {id = id, preconds = preconds, rew_ord = rew_ord, erls = erls, srls = srls,
   174                calc = calc, rules = rules, scr = scr, errpatts = errpatIDs}
   175         | Rule_Set.Rrls {id, prepat, rew_ord, erls, calc, scr, ...}
   176           => Rule_Set.Rrls {id = id, prepat = prepat, rew_ord = rew_ord, erls = erls, calc = calc,
   177                scr = scr, errpatts = errpatIDs}
   178         | Erls => Erls
   179     in
   180       Thy_Write.Hrls {guh = guh, coursedesign = coursedesign, mathauthors = mathauthors,
   181         thy_rls = (thyID, rls')}
   182     end
   183   | update_hrls _ _ = raise ERROR "update_hrls: wrong arguments";
   185 fun insert_errpatIDs thy theID errpatIDs = (* TODO: redo like insert_fillpatts *)
   186   let
   187     val hrls = Thy_Read.from_store theID
   188     val hrls' = update_hrls hrls errpatIDs
   189       handle ERROR _ => raise ERROR ("insert_errpatIDs: " ^ strs2str theID ^ "must address a rule-set")
   190   in (hrls', theID) end
   192 (**)end(**)