author Walther Neuper <>
Thu, 23 Apr 2020 15:48:31 +0200
changeset 59908 9af7dd257f47
child 59914 ab5bd5c37e13
permissions -rw-r--r--
separate struct.State_Steps, rename
     1 (* Title: TODO/state-step.sml
     2    Author: Walther Neuper
     3    (c) due to copyright terms
     5 Deprecated; the idea was to hold steps complete such, that they can be replayed.
     6 *)
     8 signature STATE_STEPS =
     9 sig
    10   type single
    11   val single_empty : single
    12   type T
    13   val to_string : T -> string
    14   val result : single -> (term * term list)
    15   val make_single: Rewrite_Ord.rew_ord' * 'a -> Rule_Set.T -> term * Rule.rule * (term * term list) ->
    16     Tactic.input * Tactic.T * (Pos.pos' * (Istate_Def.T * Proof.context))
    17   val insert_pos : Pos.pos -> T -> T
    18 (* ---- for tests only: shifted from below to remove the Warning "unused" at fun.def. --------- *)
    19   (* NONE *)
    20 (*/-------------------------------------------------------- ! aktivate for Test_Isac BEGIN ---\* )
    21   (* NONE *)
    22 ( *\--- ! aktivate for Test_Isac END ----------------------------------------------------------/*)
    23 end
    25 (**)
    26 structure State_Steps(**): STATE_STEPS(**) =
    27 struct
    28 (**)
    30 (*/------- to State_Steps from Generate -------\*)
    31 (* a single holds alle information required to build a node in the calc-tree;
    32    a single is assumed to be used efficiently such that the calc-tree
    33    resulting from applying a single need not be stored separately;
    34    see "type calcstate" *)
    35 (*TODO.WN0504 redesign ??? or redesign generate ?? see "fun generate"
    36   TODO.WN0512 ? redesign this _list_:
    37   # only used for [Apply_Method + (Take or Subproblem)], i.e. for initacs
    38   # the latter problem may be resolved automatically if "fun autocalc" is 
    39     not any more used for the specify-phase and for changing the phases*)
    40 type single = 
    41   (Tactic.input *                     (* for comparison with input tac             *)      
    42    Tactic.T *                         (* for ctree generation                      *)
    43    (Pos.pos' *                            (* after applying tac_, for ctree generation *)
    44     (Istate_Def.T * Proof.context)))  (* after applying tac_, for ctree generation *)
    45 val single_empty = (Tactic.Empty_Tac, Tactic.Empty_Tac_, (Pos.e_pos', (Istate_Def.empty, ContextC.empty))): single
    46 fun taci2str ((tac, tac_, (pos', (istate, _))):single) =
    47   "( " ^ Tactic.input_to_string tac ^ ", " ^ Tactic.string_of tac_ ^ ", ( " ^ Pos.pos'2str pos' ^ ", " ^
    48   Istate_Def.string_of istate ^ " ))"
    50 type T = single list;
    52 fun to_string tacis = (strs2str o (map (linefeed o taci2str))) tacis
    53 fun result (_, Tactic.Rewrite' (_, _, _, _, _, _,(res, asm)), _) = (res, asm)
    54   | result (_, Tactic.Rewrite_Set' (_, _, _, _, (res, asm)), _) = (res, asm)
    55   | result (_, tac_, _) = error ("result: called with" ^ Tactic.string_of tac_)
    56 (*\------- to State_Steps from Generate -------/*)
    57 (*/------- to State_Steps from Error_Pattern -------\*)
    58 fun make_single ro erls (t, r as Rule.Thm (id, thm), (t', a)) = 
    59       (Tactic.Rewrite (id, thm), 
    60         Tactic.Rewrite' ("Isac_Knowledge", fst ro, erls, false, ThmC.from_rule r, t, (t', a)),
    61        (Pos.e_pos'(*to be updated before generate tacis!!!*), (Istate_Def.Uistate, ContextC.empty)))
    62   | make_single _ _ (t, r as Rule.Rls_ rls, (t', a)) = 
    63       (Tactic.Rewrite_Set (Rule_Set.id_from_rule r), 
    64         Tactic.Rewrite_Set' ("Isac_Knowledge", false, rls, t, (t', a)),
    65        (Pos.e_pos'(*to be updated before generate tacis!!!*), (Istate_Def.Uistate, ContextC.empty)))
    66   | make_single _ _ (t, r, _) = error ("make_single: not impl. for " ^ Rule.to_string r ^ " at " ^ UnparseC.term t)
    67 (*\------- to State_Steps from Error_Pattern -------/*)
    69 (* update pos in tacis for embedding by generate *)
    70 fun insert_pos (_: Pos.pos) [] = []
    71   | insert_pos (p: Pos.pos) (((tac, tac_, (_, ist)): single) :: tacis) = 
    72     ((tac, tac_, ((p, Pos.Res), ist)): single) :: (insert_pos (Pos.lev_on p) tacis)
    74 (**)end(**)