author Walther Neuper <>
Thu, 23 Apr 2020 15:48:31 +0200
changeset 59908 9af7dd257f47
parent 59907 4c62e16e842e
permissions -rw-r--r--
separate struct.State_Steps, rename
     1 (* Handle user-input during the specify- and the solve-phase. 
     2    author: Walther Neuper
     3    0603
     4    (c) due to copyright terms
     6 In case a term is input, which contains an "error pattern" (provided by a mathauthor),
     7 several "fill patterns" can be presented as help for the next step.)
     8 *)
    10 signature ERROR_FILL_PATTERN =
    11 sig
    12   type errpatID = Rule_Def.errpatID
    13   type errpat = errpatID * term list * thm list
    14   val errpats2str : errpat list -> string
    16   val find_fillpatterns : Calc.T -> Error_Fill_Def.errpatID ->
    17     (Error_Fill_Def.fillpatID * term * thm * Selem.subs option) list
    18   val fetchErrorpatterns : Tactic.input -> Error_Fill_Def.errpatID list
    19   val is_exactly_equal : Calc.T -> string -> string * Tactic.input
    20   val check_for : term * term -> term * (term * term) list ->
    21     (Error_Fill_Def.errpatID * term list * 'a list) list * Rule_Set.T ->
    22       Error_Fill_Def.errpatID option
    24 (* ---- for tests only: shifted from below to remove the Warning "unused" at fun.def. --------- *)
    25   (*  NONE *)
    26 (*/-------------------------------------------------------- ! aktivate for Test_Isac BEGIN ---\* )
    27   val check_err_patt : term * term -> UnparseC.subst -> Error_Fill_Def.errpatID * term -> Rule_Set.T -> Error_Fill_Def.errpatID option
    28   val get_fillform :
    29      'a * (term * term) list -> 'b * term -> Error_Fill_Def.errpatID -> Error_Fill_Def.fillpat -> (Error_Fill_Def.fillpatID * term * 'b * 'a) option
    30   val get_fillpats :
    31      'a * (term * term) list -> term -> Error_Fill_Def.errpatID -> thm -> (Error_Fill_Def.fillpatID * term * thm * 'a) list
    32 ( *\--- ! aktivate for Test_Isac END ----------------------------------------------------------/*)
    34 end
    35 (**)
    36 structure Error_Fill_Pattern(**): ERROR_FILL_PATTERN(**) =
    37 struct
    38 (**)
    40 type errpatID = Rule_Def.errpatID
    43 (* check if (agreed result, input formula) matches the error pattern "pat" modulo simplifier rls *)
    44 fun check_err_patt (res, inf) subst (errpatID, pat) rls =
    45   let 
    46     val (res', _, _, rewritten) =
    47       Rewrite.rew_sub (ThyC.Isac()) 1 subst Rewrite_Ord.e_rew_ord Rule_Set.empty false [] (HOLogic.Trueprop $ pat) res;
    48   in
    49     if rewritten then 
    50       let
    51         val norm_res = case Rewrite.rewrite_set_inst_ (ThyC.Isac()) false subst rls  res' of
    52           NONE => res'
    53         | SOME (norm_res, _) => norm_res
    54         val norm_inf = case Rewrite.rewrite_set_inst_ (ThyC.Isac()) false subst rls inf of
    55           NONE => inf
    56         | SOME (norm_inf, _) => norm_inf
    57       in if norm_res = norm_inf then SOME errpatID else NONE
    58       end
    59     else NONE
    60   end;
    62 (*
    63   check if (agreed result, input formula) matches SOME error pattern modulo simplifier rls;
    64   (prog, env) for retrieval of casual substitution for bdv in the pattern.
    65 *)
    66 fun check_for (res, inf) (prog, env) (errpats, rls) =
    67   let
    68     val (_, subst) = Rtools.get_bdv_subst prog env
    69     fun scan (_, [], _) = NONE
    70       | scan (errpatID, errpat :: errpats, _) =
    71           case check_err_patt (res, inf) subst (errpatID, errpat) rls of
    72             NONE => scan (errpatID, errpats, [])
    73           | SOME errpatID => SOME errpatID
    74     fun scans [] = NONE
    75       | scans (group :: groups) =
    76           case scan group of
    77             NONE => scans groups
    78           | SOME errpatID => SOME errpatID
    79   in scans errpats end;
    81 (* fill-in patterns an forms.
    82   returns thm required by "fun in_fillform *)
    83 fun get_fillform (subs_opt, subst) (thm, form) errpatID (fillpatID, pat, erpaID) =
    84   let
    85     val (form', _, _, rewritten) =
    86       Rewrite.rew_sub (ThyC.Isac()) 1 subst Rewrite_Ord.e_rew_ord Rule_Set.empty false [] (HOLogic.Trueprop $ pat) form;
    87   in (*the fillpat of the thm must be dedicated to errpatID*)
    88     if errpatID = erpaID andalso rewritten then
    89       SOME (fillpatID, HOLogic.mk_eq (form, form'), thm, subs_opt) 
    90     else NONE
    91   end
    93 fun get_fillpats subst form errpatID thm =
    94   let
    95     val thmDeriv = Thm.get_name_hint thm
    96     val (part, thyID) = Rtools.thy_containing_thm thmDeriv
    97     val theID = [part, thyID, "Theorems", ThmC.cut_id thmDeriv]
    98     val fillpats = case Specify.get_the theID of
    99       Thy_Html.Hthm {fillpats, ...} => fillpats
   100     | _ => error "get_fillpats: uncovered case of get_the"
   101     val some = map (get_fillform subst (thm, form) errpatID) fillpats
   102   in some |> filter is_some |> map the end
   104 fun find_fillpatterns (pt, pos as (p, _): Pos.pos') errpatID =
   105   let 
   106     val f_curr = Ctree.get_curr_formula (pt, pos);
   107     val pp = Ctree.par_pblobj pt p
   108     val (errpats, prog) = case Specify.get_met (Ctree.get_obj Ctree.g_metID pt pp) of
   109       {errpats, scr = Rule.Prog prog, ...} => (errpats, prog)
   110     | _ => error "find_fillpatterns: uncovered case of get_met"
   111     val {env, ...} = Ctree.get_istate_LI pt pos |> Istate.the_pstate
   112     val subst = Rtools.get_bdv_subst prog env
   113     val errpatthms = errpats
   114       |> filter ((curry op = errpatID) o (#1: Error_Fill_Def.errpat -> Error_Fill_Def.errpatID))
   115       |> map (#3: Error_Fill_Def.errpat -> thm list)
   116       |> flat
   117   in map (get_fillpats subst f_curr errpatID) errpatthms |> flat end
   119 (* check if an input formula is exactly equal to the rewrite from a rule
   120    which is stored at the pos where the input is stored of "ok". *)
   121 fun is_exactly_equal (pt, pos as (p, _)) istr =
   122   case TermC.parseNEW (ThyC.get_theory "Isac_Knowledge" |> ThyC.to_ctxt) istr of
   123     NONE => ("syntax error in '" ^ istr ^ "'", Tactic.Tac "")
   124   | SOME ifo => 
   125       let
   126         val p' = Pos.lev_on p;
   127         val tac = Ctree.get_obj Ctree.g_tac pt p';
   128       in 
   129         case Applicable.applicable_in pos pt tac of
   130           Applicable.Notappl msg => (msg, Tactic.Tac "")
   131         | Applicable.Appl rew =>
   132             let
   133               val res = case rew of
   134                Tactic.Rewrite_Inst' (_, _, _, _, _, _, _, (res, _)) => res
   135               |Tactic.Rewrite' (_, _, _, _, _, _, (res, _)) => res
   136               | t => error ("is_exactly_equal: uncovered case for " ^ Tactic.string_of t)
   137             in 
   138               if not (ifo = res) then
   139                 ("input does not exactly fill the gaps", Tactic.Tac "")
   140               else ("ok", tac)
   141             end
   142       end
   144 (* fetch errpatIDs from an arbitrary tactic *)
   145 fun fetchErrorpatterns tac =
   146   let
   147     val rlsID =
   148       case tac of
   149        Tactic.Rewrite_Set rlsID => rlsID
   150       |Tactic.Rewrite_Set_Inst (_, rlsID) => rlsID
   151       | _ => "empty"
   152     val (part, thyID) = Rtools.thy_containing_rls "Isac_Knowledge" rlsID;
   153     val rls = case Specify.get_the [part, thyID, "Rulesets", rlsID] of
   154       Thy_Html.Hrls {thy_rls = (_, rls), ...} => rls
   155     | _ => error "fetchErrorpatterns: uncovered case of get_the"
   156   in case rls of
   157     Rule_Def.Repeat {errpatts, ...} => errpatts
   158   | Rule_Set.Sequence {errpatts, ...} => errpatts
   159   | Rule_Set.Rrls {errpatts, ...} => errpatts
   160   | Rule_Set.Empty => []
   161   end
   163 type errpatID = Rule_Def.errpatID
   164 type errpat =
   165   errpatID    (* one identifier for a list of patterns                       
   166                  DESIGN ?TODO: errpatID list for hierarchy of errpats ?      *)
   167   * term list (* error patterns                                              *)
   168   * thm list  (* thms related to error patterns; note that respective lhs 
   169                  do not match (which reflects student's error).
   170                  fillpatterns are stored with these thms.                    *)
   171 fun errpat2str (id, tms, thms) =
   172   "(\"" ^ id ^ "\",\n" ^ UnparseC.terms tms ^ ",\n" ^ ThmC.string_of_thms thms
   173 fun errpats2str errpats = (strs2str' o (map errpat2str)) errpats
   175 (**)end(**)