author Walther Neuper <>
Sun, 18 Sep 2011 15:41:36 +0200
changeset 42274 9915408a8e56
parent 42272 dcc5d2601cf7
child 42275 9f6d15630042
permissions -rw-r--r--
     1 @proceedings{DBLP:conf/mkm/2007,
     2   editor    = {Manuel Kauers and
     3                Manfred Kerber and
     4                Robert Miner and
     5                Wolfgang Windsteiger},
     6   title     = {Towards Mechanized Mathematical Assistants, 14th Symposium,
     7                Calculemus 2007, 6th International Conference, MKM 2007,
     8                Hagenberg, Austria, June 27-30, 2007, Proceedings},
     9   booktitle = {Calculemus/MKM},
    10   publisher = {Springer},
    11   series    = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
    12   volume    = {4573},
    13   year      = {2007},
    14   isbn      = {978-3-540-73083-5},
    15   bibsource = {DBLP,}
    16 }
    18 @proceedings{DBLP:conf/cade/2006,
    19   editor    = {Ulrich Furbach and
    20                Natarajan Shankar},
    21   title     = {Automated Reasoning, Third International Joint Conference,
    22                IJCAR 2006, Seattle, WA, USA, August 17-20, 2006, Proceedings},
    23   booktitle = {IJCAR},
    24   publisher = {Springer},
    25   series    = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
    26   volume    = {4130},
    27   year      = {2006},
    28   isbn      = {3-540-37187-7},
    29   bibsource = {DBLP,}
    30 }
    32 @proceedings{DBLP:conf/iwfm/1999,
    33   editor    = {Andrew Butterfield and
    34                Klemens Haegele},
    35   title     = {3rd Irish Workshop on Formal Methods, Galway, Eire, July
    36                1999},
    37   booktitle = {IWFM},
    38   publisher = {BCS},
    39   series    = {Workshops in Computing},
    40   year      = {1999},
    41   bibsource = {DBLP,}
    42 }
    44 @proceedings{DBLP:conf/aisc/2008,
    45   editor    = {Serge Autexier and
    46                John Campbell and
    47                Julio Rubio and
    48                Volker Sorge and
    49                Masakazu Suzuki and
    50                Freek Wiedijk},
    51   title     = {Intelligent Computer Mathematics, 9th International Conference,
    52                AISC 2008, 15th Symposium, Calculemus 2008, 7th International
    53                Conference, MKM 2008, Birmingham, UK, July 28 - August 1,
    54                2008. Proceedings},
    55   booktitle = {AISC/MKM/Calculemus},
    56   publisher = {Springer},
    57   series    = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
    58   volume    = {5144},
    59   year      = {2008},
    60   isbn      = {978-3-540-85109-7},
    61   bibsource = {DBLP,}
    62 }
    64 @InProceedings{wn:lucas-interp-12,
    65   author = 	 {Neuper, Walther},
    66   title = 	 {Automated Generation of User Guidance by Combining Computation and Deduction},
    67   booktitle = {THedu'11: CTP-compontents for educational software},
    68   year = 	 {2012},
    69   editor = 	 {Quaresma, Pedro},
    70   publisher = {EPTCS},
    71   note = {To appear}
    72 }
    74 @InProceedings{davenp-multival-10,
    75   author = 	 {Davenport, James},
    76   title = 	 {The Challenges of Multivalued "Functions"},
    77   booktitle = {Proceedings of the Conferences on Intelligent Computer Mathematics (CICM)},
    78   year = 	 {2010}
    79 }
    81 @PhdThesis{cezary-phd,
    82   author = 	 {Kalisyk, Cezary},
    83   title = 	 {TODO},
    84   school = 	 {},
    85   year = 	 {},
    86   OPTkey = 	 {},
    87   OPTtype = 	 {},
    88   OPTaddress = 	 {},
    89   OPTmonth = 	 {},
    90   OPTnote = 	 {},
    91   OPTannote = 	 {}
    92 }
    94 @Book{bb-loos,
    95   editor = 	 {Buchberger, Bruno and Collins, George Edwin and Loos, 
    96                   R\"udiger and Albrecht, Rudolf},
    97   title = 	 {Computer Algebra. Symbolic and Algebraic Computation},
    98   publisher = 	 {Springer Verlag},
    99   year = 	 {1982},
   100   edition = 	 {2}
   101 }
   103 @Book{term-nets,
   104   author = 	 {Charniak, E. and Riesbeck, C. K. and McDermott, D. V.},
   105   title = 	 {Artificial Intelligence Programming},
   106   publisher = 	 {Lawrence Erlbaum Associates},
   107   year = 	 {1980},
   108   note = 	 {(Chapter 14)}
   109 }
   111 @Book{db:dom-eng,
   112   author = 	 {Bj{\o}rner, Dines},
   113   title = 	 {Domain Engineering. Technology Management, Research and Engineering},
   114   publisher = 	 {JAIST Press},
   115   year = 	 {2009},
   116   month = 	 {Feb},
   117   series = 	 {COE Research Monograph Series},
   118   volume = 	 {4},
   119   address = 	 {Nomi, Japan}
   120 }
   122 @techreport{harr:thesis,
   123         author={Harrison, John R.},
   124         title={Theorem proving with the real numbers},
   125         institution={University of Cambridge, Computer Laboratory},year={1996}, 
   126         type={Technical Report},number={408},address={},month={November},
   127         note={},status={},source={},location={loc?} 
   128         }  
   130 @InProceedings{damas-milner-82,
   131   author = 	 {Damas, Luis and Milner, Robin},
   132   title = 	 {Principal type-schemes for functional programs},
   133   booktitle = {9th Symposium on Principles of programming languages (POPL'82)},
   134   pages = 	 {207-212},
   135   year = 	 {1982},
   136   editor = 	 {ACM}
   137 }
   139 @Article{Milner-78,
   140   author = 	 {Milner, R.},
   141   title = 	 {A Theory of Type Polymorphism in Programming},
   142   journal = 	 {Journal of Computer and System Science (JCSS)},
   143   year = 	 {1978},
   144   number = 	 {17},
   145   pages = 	 {348-374}
   146 }
   148 @Article{Hindley-69,
   149   author = 	 {Hindley, R.},
   150   title = 	 {The Principal Type-Scheme of an Object in Combinatory Logic},
   151   journal = 	 {Transactions of the American Mathematical Society},
   152   year = 	 {1969},
   153   volume = 	 {146},
   154   pages = 	 {29-60}
   155 }
   157 @article{seeingroots,
   158  author = {Jeffrey, D.J. and Norman, A.C.},
   159  title = {Not seeing the roots for the branches: multivalued functions in computer algebra},
   160  journal = {SIGSAM Bull.},
   161  volume = {38},
   162  number = {3},
   163  year = {2004},
   164  issn = {0163-5824},
   165  pages = {57--66},
   166  doi = {},
   167  publisher = {ACM},
   168  address = {New York, NY, USA},
   169  }
   171 @PhdThesis{russellphd,
   172   author =       {Russell O'Connor},
   173   title =        {Incompleteness and Completeness.},
   174   school =       {Radboud University Nijmegen},
   175   year =         {2009},
   176 }
   178 @inproceedings{caspartial,
   179   author    = {Cezary Kaliszyk},
   180   title     = {Automating Side Conditions in Formalized Partial Functions},
   181   booktitle = {AISC/MKM/Calculemus},
   182   year      = {2008},
   183   pages     = {300-314},
   184   ee        = {},
   185   crossref  = {DBLP:conf/aisc/2008},
   186   bibsource = {DBLP,}
   187 }
   189 @inproceedings{farmer,
   190   author    = {Farmer, William M.},
   191   title     = {A Scheme for Defining Partial Higher-Order Functions by
   192                Recursion.},
   193   booktitle = {IWFM},
   194   year      = {1999},
   195   crossref  = {DBLP:conf/iwfm/1999},
   196   bibsource = {DBLP,}
   197 }
   199 @inproceedings{krauss,
   200   author    = {Krauss, Alexander},
   201   title     = {Partial Recursive Functions in Higher-Order Logic},
   202   booktitle = {IJCAR},
   203   year      = {2006},
   204   pages     = {589-603},
   205   ee        = {},
   206   crossref  = {DBLP:conf/cade/2006},
   207   bibsource = {DBLP,}
   208 }
   210 @inproceedings{casproto,
   211   author    = {Cezary Kaliszyk and
   212                Freek Wiedijk},
   213   title     = {Certified Computer Algebra on Top of an Interactive Theorem
   214                Prover},
   215   booktitle = {Calculemus},
   216   year      = {2007},
   217   pages     = {94-105},
   218   ee        = {},
   219   crossref  = {DBLP:conf/mkm/2007},
   220   bibsource = {DBLP,}
   221 }
   223 @inproceedings{theorema00,
   224   author = "Buchberger, B. and
   225     Dupre, C. and
   226     Jebelean, T. and
   227     Kriftner, F. and
   228     Nakagawa, K. and
   229     Vasaru, D. and
   230     Windsteiger, W.",
   231   title = "{The Theorema Project: A Progress Report}",
   232   booktitle = "Symbolic Computation and Automated Reasoning
   233     (Proceedings of CALCULEMUS 2000, Symposium on the Integration of
   234     Symbolic Computation and Mechanized Reasoning)",
   235   editor = "Kerber, M. and
   236     Kohlhase, M.",
   237   publisher = "A.K.~Peters",
   238   address = "Natick, Massachusetts",
   239   isbn = "1-56881-145-4",
   240   year = 2000
   241 }
   243 @inproceedings{logicalaxiom,
   244 	author = {E. Poll and S. Thompson},
   245 	title = {{Adding the axioms to Axiom: Towards a system of automated reasoning in Aldor}},
   246   booktitle = {Calculemus and Types '98},
   247 	year = {1998},
   248   place = {Eindhoven, The Netherlands},
   249 	month = {July},
   250 	note = {Also as technical report 6-98, Computing Laboratory, University of Kent}
   251 }
   253 @InProceedings{pvs,
   254   author = 	 {Owre, S. and Rajan, S. and Rushby, J. and Shankar, N. and Srivas, M.},
   255   title = 	 {{PVS}: Combining specification, proof checking, and model checking},
   256   booktitle = 	 {Computer-Aided Verification},
   257   pages = 	 {411-414},
   258   year = 	 {1996},
   259   editor = 	 {Alur, R. and Henzinger, T.A.},
   260   organization = {CAV'96},
   261   annote = 	 {}
   262 }
   264 @Book{Nipkow-Paulson-Wenzel:2002,
   265   author	= {Tobias Nipkow and Lawrence C. Paulson and Markus Wenzel},
   266   title		= {{Isabelle/HOL} --- A Proof Assistant for Higher-Order Logic},
   267   publisher	= {Springer},
   268   series	= {LNCS},
   269   volume	= 2283,
   270   year		= 2002
   271 }
   273 @Manual{Huet_all:94,
   274   author = 	 {Huet, G. and Kahn, G. and and Paulin-Mohring, C.},
   275   title = 	 {The Coq Proof Assistant},
   276   institution =  {INRIA-Rocquencourt},
   277   year = 	 {1994},
   278   type = 	 {Tutorial},
   279   number = 	 {Version 5.10},
   280   address = 	 {CNRS-ENS Lyon},
   281   status={},source={Theorema},location={-}
   282 }
   284 @Book{einf-funct-progr,
   285   author = 	 {Richard Bird and Philip Wadler},
   286   title = 	 {Introduction to Functional Programming},
   287   publisher = 	 {Prentice Hall},
   288   year = 	 1988,
   289   editor =	 {C. A. R. Hoare},
   290   series =	 {Prentice Hall International Series in Computer Science},
   291   address =	 {New York, London, Toronto, Sydney, Tokyo},
   292   annote =	 {88bok371}
   293 }
   294 @Book{Winkler:96,
   295   author =       {F. Winkler},
   296   title =        {{Polynomial Algorithms in Computer Algebra}},
   297   publisher =    {Springer-Verlag Wien New York},
   298   year =         {1996}
   299 }