author haftmann
Tue, 07 Sep 2010 16:58:01 +0200
changeset 39440 985b13c5a61d
parent 39302 5ac590e8b320
child 39888 0afaf89ab591
permissions -rw-r--r--
updated generated document
     1 %
     2 \begin{isabellebody}%
     3 \def\isabellecontext{Introduction}%
     4 %
     5 \isadelimtheory
     6 %
     7 \endisadelimtheory
     8 %
     9 \isatagtheory
    10 \isacommand{theory}\isamarkupfalse%
    11 \ Introduction\isanewline
    12 \isakeyword{imports}\ Setup\isanewline
    13 \isakeyword{begin}%
    14 \endisatagtheory
    15 {\isafoldtheory}%
    16 %
    17 \isadelimtheory
    18 %
    19 \endisadelimtheory
    20 %
    21 \isamarkupsection{Introduction%
    22 }
    23 \isamarkuptrue%
    24 %
    25 \begin{isamarkuptext}%
    26 This tutorial introduces the code generator facilities of \isa{Isabelle{\isacharslash}HOL}.  It allows to turn (a certain class of) HOL
    27   specifications into corresponding executable code in the programming
    28   languages \isa{SML} \cite{SML}, \isa{OCaml} \cite{OCaml},
    29   \isa{Haskell} \cite{haskell-revised-report} and \isa{Scala}
    30   \cite{scala-overview-tech-report}.
    32   To profit from this tutorial, some familiarity and experience with
    33   \hyperlink{theory.HOL}{\mbox{\isa{HOL}}} \cite{isa-tutorial} and its basic theories is assumed.%
    34 \end{isamarkuptext}%
    35 \isamarkuptrue%
    36 %
    37 \isamarkupsubsection{Code generation principle: shallow embedding \label{sec:principle}%
    38 }
    39 \isamarkuptrue%
    40 %
    41 \begin{isamarkuptext}%
    42 The key concept for understanding Isabelle's code generation is
    43   \emph{shallow embedding}: logical entities like constants, types and
    44   classes are identified with corresponding entities in the target
    45   language.  In particular, the carrier of a generated program's
    46   semantics are \emph{equational theorems} from the logic.  If we view
    47   a generated program as an implementation of a higher-order rewrite
    48   system, then every rewrite step performed by the program can be
    49   simulated in the logic, which guarantees partial correctness
    50   \cite{Haftmann-Nipkow:2010:code}.%
    51 \end{isamarkuptext}%
    52 \isamarkuptrue%
    53 %
    54 \isamarkupsubsection{A quick start with the Isabelle/HOL toolbox \label{sec:queue_example}%
    55 }
    56 \isamarkuptrue%
    57 %
    58 \begin{isamarkuptext}%
    59 In a HOL theory, the \indexdef{}{command}{datatype}\hypertarget{command.datatype}{\hyperlink{command.datatype}{\mbox{\isa{\isacommand{datatype}}}}} and \indexdef{}{command}{definition}\hypertarget{command.definition}{\hyperlink{command.definition}{\mbox{\isa{\isacommand{definition}}}}}/\indexdef{}{command}{primrec}\hypertarget{command.primrec}{\hyperlink{command.primrec}{\mbox{\isa{\isacommand{primrec}}}}}/\indexdef{}{command}{fun}\hypertarget{}{\hyperlink{}{\mbox{\isa{\isacommand{fun}}}}} declarations
    60   form the core of a functional programming language.  By default
    61   equational theorems stemming from those are used for generated code,
    62   therefore \qt{naive} code generation can proceed without further
    63   ado.
    65   For example, here a simple \qt{implementation} of amortised queues:%
    66 \end{isamarkuptext}%
    67 \isamarkuptrue%
    68 %
    69 \isadelimquote
    70 %
    71 \endisadelimquote
    72 %
    73 \isatagquote
    74 \isacommand{datatype}\isamarkupfalse%
    75 \ {\isacharprime}a\ queue\ {\isacharequal}\ AQueue\ {\isachardoublequoteopen}{\isacharprime}a\ list{\isachardoublequoteclose}\ {\isachardoublequoteopen}{\isacharprime}a\ list{\isachardoublequoteclose}\isanewline
    76 \isanewline
    77 \isacommand{definition}\isamarkupfalse%
    78 \ empty\ {\isacharcolon}{\isacharcolon}\ {\isachardoublequoteopen}{\isacharprime}a\ queue{\isachardoublequoteclose}\ \isakeyword{where}\isanewline
    79 \ \ {\isachardoublequoteopen}empty\ {\isacharequal}\ AQueue\ {\isacharbrackleft}{\isacharbrackright}\ {\isacharbrackleft}{\isacharbrackright}{\isachardoublequoteclose}\isanewline
    80 \isanewline
    81 \isacommand{primrec}\isamarkupfalse%
    82 \ enqueue\ {\isacharcolon}{\isacharcolon}\ {\isachardoublequoteopen}{\isacharprime}a\ {\isasymRightarrow}\ {\isacharprime}a\ queue\ {\isasymRightarrow}\ {\isacharprime}a\ queue{\isachardoublequoteclose}\ \isakeyword{where}\isanewline
    83 \ \ {\isachardoublequoteopen}enqueue\ x\ {\isacharparenleft}AQueue\ xs\ ys{\isacharparenright}\ {\isacharequal}\ AQueue\ {\isacharparenleft}x\ {\isacharhash}\ xs{\isacharparenright}\ ys{\isachardoublequoteclose}\isanewline
    84 \isanewline
    85 \isacommand{fun}\isamarkupfalse%
    86 \ dequeue\ {\isacharcolon}{\isacharcolon}\ {\isachardoublequoteopen}{\isacharprime}a\ queue\ {\isasymRightarrow}\ {\isacharprime}a\ option\ {\isasymtimes}\ {\isacharprime}a\ queue{\isachardoublequoteclose}\ \isakeyword{where}\isanewline
    87 \ \ \ \ {\isachardoublequoteopen}dequeue\ {\isacharparenleft}AQueue\ {\isacharbrackleft}{\isacharbrackright}\ {\isacharbrackleft}{\isacharbrackright}{\isacharparenright}\ {\isacharequal}\ {\isacharparenleft}None{\isacharcomma}\ AQueue\ {\isacharbrackleft}{\isacharbrackright}\ {\isacharbrackleft}{\isacharbrackright}{\isacharparenright}{\isachardoublequoteclose}\isanewline
    88 \ \ {\isacharbar}\ {\isachardoublequoteopen}dequeue\ {\isacharparenleft}AQueue\ xs\ {\isacharparenleft}y\ {\isacharhash}\ ys{\isacharparenright}{\isacharparenright}\ {\isacharequal}\ {\isacharparenleft}Some\ y{\isacharcomma}\ AQueue\ xs\ ys{\isacharparenright}{\isachardoublequoteclose}\isanewline
    89 \ \ {\isacharbar}\ {\isachardoublequoteopen}dequeue\ {\isacharparenleft}AQueue\ xs\ {\isacharbrackleft}{\isacharbrackright}{\isacharparenright}\ {\isacharequal}\isanewline
    90 \ \ \ \ \ \ {\isacharparenleft}case\ rev\ xs\ of\ y\ {\isacharhash}\ ys\ {\isasymRightarrow}\ {\isacharparenleft}Some\ y{\isacharcomma}\ AQueue\ {\isacharbrackleft}{\isacharbrackright}\ ys{\isacharparenright}{\isacharparenright}{\isachardoublequoteclose}\ %
    91 \endisatagquote
    92 {\isafoldquote}%
    93 %
    94 \isadelimquote
    95 %
    96 \endisadelimquote
    97 %
    98 \isadeliminvisible
    99 %
   100 \endisadeliminvisible
   101 %
   102 \isataginvisible
   103 %
   104 \endisataginvisible
   105 {\isafoldinvisible}%
   106 %
   107 \isadeliminvisible
   108 %
   109 \endisadeliminvisible
   110 %
   111 \begin{isamarkuptext}%
   112 \noindent Then we can generate code e.g.~for \isa{SML} as follows:%
   113 \end{isamarkuptext}%
   114 \isamarkuptrue%
   115 %
   116 \isadelimquote
   117 %
   118 \endisadelimquote
   119 %
   120 \isatagquote
   121 \isacommand{export{\isacharunderscore}code}\isamarkupfalse%
   122 \ empty\ dequeue\ enqueue\ \isakeyword{in}\ SML\isanewline
   123 \ \ \isakeyword{module{\isacharunderscore}name}\ Example\ \isakeyword{file}\ {\isachardoublequoteopen}examples{\isacharslash}example{\isachardot}ML{\isachardoublequoteclose}%
   124 \endisatagquote
   125 {\isafoldquote}%
   126 %
   127 \isadelimquote
   128 %
   129 \endisadelimquote
   130 %
   131 \begin{isamarkuptext}%
   132 \noindent resulting in the following code:%
   133 \end{isamarkuptext}%
   134 \isamarkuptrue%
   135 %
   136 \isadelimquote
   137 %
   138 \endisadelimquote
   139 %
   140 \isatagquote
   141 %
   142 \begin{isamarkuptext}%
   143 \isatypewriter%
   144 \noindent%
   145 \hspace*{0pt}structure Example :~sig\\
   146 \hspace*{0pt} ~val id :~'a -> 'a\\
   147 \hspace*{0pt} ~val fold :~('a -> 'b -> 'b) -> 'a list -> 'b -> 'b\\
   148 \hspace*{0pt} ~val rev :~'a list -> 'a list\\
   149 \hspace*{0pt} ~datatype 'a queue = AQueue of 'a list * 'a list\\
   150 \hspace*{0pt} ~val empty :~'a queue\\
   151 \hspace*{0pt} ~val dequeue :~'a queue -> 'a option * 'a queue\\
   152 \hspace*{0pt} ~val enqueue :~'a -> 'a queue -> 'a queue\\
   153 \hspace*{0pt}end = struct\\
   154 \hspace*{0pt}\\
   155 \hspace*{0pt}fun id x = (fn xa => xa) x;\\
   156 \hspace*{0pt}\\
   157 \hspace*{0pt}fun fold f [] = id\\
   158 \hspace*{0pt} ~| fold f (x ::~xs) = fold f xs o f x;\\
   159 \hspace*{0pt}\\
   160 \hspace*{0pt}fun rev xs = fold (fn a => fn b => a ::~b) xs [];\\
   161 \hspace*{0pt}\\
   162 \hspace*{0pt}datatype 'a queue = AQueue of 'a list * 'a list;\\
   163 \hspace*{0pt}\\
   164 \hspace*{0pt}val empty :~'a queue = AQueue ([],~[]);\\
   165 \hspace*{0pt}\\
   166 \hspace*{0pt}fun dequeue (AQueue ([],~[])) = (NONE,~AQueue ([],~[]))\\
   167 \hspace*{0pt} ~| dequeue (AQueue (xs,~y ::~ys)) = (SOME y,~AQueue (xs,~ys))\\
   168 \hspace*{0pt} ~| dequeue (AQueue (v ::~va,~[])) =\\
   169 \hspace*{0pt} ~~~let\\
   170 \hspace*{0pt} ~~~~~val y ::~ys = rev (v ::~va);\\
   171 \hspace*{0pt} ~~~in\\
   172 \hspace*{0pt} ~~~~~(SOME y,~AQueue ([],~ys))\\
   173 \hspace*{0pt} ~~~end;\\
   174 \hspace*{0pt}\\
   175 \hspace*{0pt}fun enqueue x (AQueue (xs,~ys)) = AQueue (x ::~xs,~ys);\\
   176 \hspace*{0pt}\\
   177 \hspace*{0pt}end;~(*struct Example*)%
   178 \end{isamarkuptext}%
   179 \isamarkuptrue%
   180 %
   181 \endisatagquote
   182 {\isafoldquote}%
   183 %
   184 \isadelimquote
   185 %
   186 \endisadelimquote
   187 %
   188 \begin{isamarkuptext}%
   189 \noindent The \indexdef{}{command}{export\_code}\hypertarget{command.export-code}{\hyperlink{command.export-code}{\mbox{\isa{\isacommand{export{\isacharunderscore}code}}}}} command takes a
   190   space-separated list of constants for which code shall be generated;
   191   anything else needed for those is added implicitly.  Then follows a
   192   target language identifier and a freely chosen module name.  A file
   193   name denotes the destination to store the generated code.  Note that
   194   the semantics of the destination depends on the target language: for
   195   \isa{SML}, \isa{OCaml} and \isa{Scala} it denotes a \emph{file},
   196   for \isa{Haskell} it denotes a \emph{directory} where a file named as the
   197   module name (with extension \isa{{\isachardot}hs}) is written:%
   198 \end{isamarkuptext}%
   199 \isamarkuptrue%
   200 %
   201 \isadelimquote
   202 %
   203 \endisadelimquote
   204 %
   205 \isatagquote
   206 \isacommand{export{\isacharunderscore}code}\isamarkupfalse%
   207 \ empty\ dequeue\ enqueue\ \isakeyword{in}\ Haskell\isanewline
   208 \ \ \isakeyword{module{\isacharunderscore}name}\ Example\ \isakeyword{file}\ {\isachardoublequoteopen}examples{\isacharslash}{\isachardoublequoteclose}%
   209 \endisatagquote
   210 {\isafoldquote}%
   211 %
   212 \isadelimquote
   213 %
   214 \endisadelimquote
   215 %
   216 \begin{isamarkuptext}%
   217 \noindent This is the corresponding code:%
   218 \end{isamarkuptext}%
   219 \isamarkuptrue%
   220 %
   221 \isadelimquote
   222 %
   223 \endisadelimquote
   224 %
   225 \isatagquote
   226 %
   227 \begin{isamarkuptext}%
   228 \isatypewriter%
   229 \noindent%
   230 \hspace*{0pt}module Example where {\char123}\\
   231 \hspace*{0pt}\\
   232 \hspace*{0pt}data Queue a = AQueue [a] [a];\\
   233 \hspace*{0pt}\\
   234 \hspace*{0pt}empty ::~forall a.~Queue a;\\
   235 \hspace*{0pt}empty = AQueue [] [];\\
   236 \hspace*{0pt}\\
   237 \hspace*{0pt}dequeue ::~forall a.~Queue a -> (Maybe a,~Queue a);\\
   238 \hspace*{0pt}dequeue (AQueue [] []) = (Nothing,~AQueue [] []);\\
   239 \hspace*{0pt}dequeue (AQueue xs (y :~ys)) = (Just y,~AQueue xs ys);\\
   240 \hspace*{0pt}dequeue (AQueue (v :~va) []) =\\
   241 \hspace*{0pt} ~let {\char123}\\
   242 \hspace*{0pt} ~~~(y :~ys) = reverse (v :~va);\\
   243 \hspace*{0pt} ~{\char125}~in (Just y,~AQueue [] ys);\\
   244 \hspace*{0pt}\\
   245 \hspace*{0pt}enqueue ::~forall a.~a -> Queue a -> Queue a;\\
   246 \hspace*{0pt}enqueue x (AQueue xs ys) = AQueue (x :~xs) ys;\\
   247 \hspace*{0pt}\\
   248 \hspace*{0pt}{\char125}%
   249 \end{isamarkuptext}%
   250 \isamarkuptrue%
   251 %
   252 \endisatagquote
   253 {\isafoldquote}%
   254 %
   255 \isadelimquote
   256 %
   257 \endisadelimquote
   258 %
   259 \begin{isamarkuptext}%
   260 \noindent For more details about \hyperlink{command.export-code}{\mbox{\isa{\isacommand{export{\isacharunderscore}code}}}} see
   261   \secref{sec:further}.%
   262 \end{isamarkuptext}%
   263 \isamarkuptrue%
   264 %
   265 \isamarkupsubsection{Type classes%
   266 }
   267 \isamarkuptrue%
   268 %
   269 \begin{isamarkuptext}%
   270 Code can also be generated from type classes in a Haskell-like
   271   manner.  For illustration here an example from abstract algebra:%
   272 \end{isamarkuptext}%
   273 \isamarkuptrue%
   274 %
   275 \isadelimquote
   276 %
   277 \endisadelimquote
   278 %
   279 \isatagquote
   280 \isacommand{class}\isamarkupfalse%
   281 \ semigroup\ {\isacharequal}\isanewline
   282 \ \ \isakeyword{fixes}\ mult\ {\isacharcolon}{\isacharcolon}\ {\isachardoublequoteopen}{\isacharprime}a\ {\isasymRightarrow}\ {\isacharprime}a\ {\isasymRightarrow}\ {\isacharprime}a{\isachardoublequoteclose}\ {\isacharparenleft}\isakeyword{infixl}\ {\isachardoublequoteopen}{\isasymotimes}{\isachardoublequoteclose}\ {\isadigit{7}}{\isadigit{0}}{\isacharparenright}\isanewline
   283 \ \ \isakeyword{assumes}\ assoc{\isacharcolon}\ {\isachardoublequoteopen}{\isacharparenleft}x\ {\isasymotimes}\ y{\isacharparenright}\ {\isasymotimes}\ z\ {\isacharequal}\ x\ {\isasymotimes}\ {\isacharparenleft}y\ {\isasymotimes}\ z{\isacharparenright}{\isachardoublequoteclose}\isanewline
   284 \isanewline
   285 \isacommand{class}\isamarkupfalse%
   286 \ monoid\ {\isacharequal}\ semigroup\ {\isacharplus}\isanewline
   287 \ \ \isakeyword{fixes}\ neutral\ {\isacharcolon}{\isacharcolon}\ {\isacharprime}a\ {\isacharparenleft}{\isachardoublequoteopen}{\isasymone}{\isachardoublequoteclose}{\isacharparenright}\isanewline
   288 \ \ \isakeyword{assumes}\ neutl{\isacharcolon}\ {\isachardoublequoteopen}{\isasymone}\ {\isasymotimes}\ x\ {\isacharequal}\ x{\isachardoublequoteclose}\isanewline
   289 \ \ \ \ \isakeyword{and}\ neutr{\isacharcolon}\ {\isachardoublequoteopen}x\ {\isasymotimes}\ {\isasymone}\ {\isacharequal}\ x{\isachardoublequoteclose}\isanewline
   290 \isanewline
   291 \isacommand{instantiation}\isamarkupfalse%
   292 \ nat\ {\isacharcolon}{\isacharcolon}\ monoid\isanewline
   293 \isakeyword{begin}\isanewline
   294 \isanewline
   295 \isacommand{primrec}\isamarkupfalse%
   296 \ mult{\isacharunderscore}nat\ \isakeyword{where}\isanewline
   297 \ \ \ \ {\isachardoublequoteopen}{\isadigit{0}}\ {\isasymotimes}\ n\ {\isacharequal}\ {\isacharparenleft}{\isadigit{0}}{\isasymColon}nat{\isacharparenright}{\isachardoublequoteclose}\isanewline
   298 \ \ {\isacharbar}\ {\isachardoublequoteopen}Suc\ m\ {\isasymotimes}\ n\ {\isacharequal}\ n\ {\isacharplus}\ m\ {\isasymotimes}\ n{\isachardoublequoteclose}\isanewline
   299 \isanewline
   300 \isacommand{definition}\isamarkupfalse%
   301 \ neutral{\isacharunderscore}nat\ \isakeyword{where}\isanewline
   302 \ \ {\isachardoublequoteopen}{\isasymone}\ {\isacharequal}\ Suc\ {\isadigit{0}}{\isachardoublequoteclose}\isanewline
   303 \isanewline
   304 \isacommand{lemma}\isamarkupfalse%
   305 \ add{\isacharunderscore}mult{\isacharunderscore}distrib{\isacharcolon}\isanewline
   306 \ \ \isakeyword{fixes}\ n\ m\ q\ {\isacharcolon}{\isacharcolon}\ nat\isanewline
   307 \ \ \isakeyword{shows}\ {\isachardoublequoteopen}{\isacharparenleft}n\ {\isacharplus}\ m{\isacharparenright}\ {\isasymotimes}\ q\ {\isacharequal}\ n\ {\isasymotimes}\ q\ {\isacharplus}\ m\ {\isasymotimes}\ q{\isachardoublequoteclose}\isanewline
   308 \ \ \isacommand{by}\isamarkupfalse%
   309 \ {\isacharparenleft}induct\ n{\isacharparenright}\ simp{\isacharunderscore}all\isanewline
   310 \isanewline
   311 \isacommand{instance}\isamarkupfalse%
   312 \ \isacommand{proof}\isamarkupfalse%
   313 \isanewline
   314 \ \ \isacommand{fix}\isamarkupfalse%
   315 \ m\ n\ q\ {\isacharcolon}{\isacharcolon}\ nat\isanewline
   316 \ \ \isacommand{show}\isamarkupfalse%
   317 \ {\isachardoublequoteopen}m\ {\isasymotimes}\ n\ {\isasymotimes}\ q\ {\isacharequal}\ m\ {\isasymotimes}\ {\isacharparenleft}n\ {\isasymotimes}\ q{\isacharparenright}{\isachardoublequoteclose}\isanewline
   318 \ \ \ \ \isacommand{by}\isamarkupfalse%
   319 \ {\isacharparenleft}induct\ m{\isacharparenright}\ {\isacharparenleft}simp{\isacharunderscore}all\ add{\isacharcolon}\ add{\isacharunderscore}mult{\isacharunderscore}distrib{\isacharparenright}\isanewline
   320 \ \ \isacommand{show}\isamarkupfalse%
   321 \ {\isachardoublequoteopen}{\isasymone}\ {\isasymotimes}\ n\ {\isacharequal}\ n{\isachardoublequoteclose}\isanewline
   322 \ \ \ \ \isacommand{by}\isamarkupfalse%
   323 \ {\isacharparenleft}simp\ add{\isacharcolon}\ neutral{\isacharunderscore}nat{\isacharunderscore}def{\isacharparenright}\isanewline
   324 \ \ \isacommand{show}\isamarkupfalse%
   325 \ {\isachardoublequoteopen}m\ {\isasymotimes}\ {\isasymone}\ {\isacharequal}\ m{\isachardoublequoteclose}\isanewline
   326 \ \ \ \ \isacommand{by}\isamarkupfalse%
   327 \ {\isacharparenleft}induct\ m{\isacharparenright}\ {\isacharparenleft}simp{\isacharunderscore}all\ add{\isacharcolon}\ neutral{\isacharunderscore}nat{\isacharunderscore}def{\isacharparenright}\isanewline
   328 \isacommand{qed}\isamarkupfalse%
   329 \isanewline
   330 \isanewline
   331 \isacommand{end}\isamarkupfalse%
   332 %
   333 \endisatagquote
   334 {\isafoldquote}%
   335 %
   336 \isadelimquote
   337 %
   338 \endisadelimquote
   339 %
   340 \begin{isamarkuptext}%
   341 \noindent We define the natural operation of the natural numbers
   342   on monoids:%
   343 \end{isamarkuptext}%
   344 \isamarkuptrue%
   345 %
   346 \isadelimquote
   347 %
   348 \endisadelimquote
   349 %
   350 \isatagquote
   351 \isacommand{primrec}\isamarkupfalse%
   352 \ {\isacharparenleft}\isakeyword{in}\ monoid{\isacharparenright}\ pow\ {\isacharcolon}{\isacharcolon}\ {\isachardoublequoteopen}nat\ {\isasymRightarrow}\ {\isacharprime}a\ {\isasymRightarrow}\ {\isacharprime}a{\isachardoublequoteclose}\ \isakeyword{where}\isanewline
   353 \ \ \ \ {\isachardoublequoteopen}pow\ {\isadigit{0}}\ a\ {\isacharequal}\ {\isasymone}{\isachardoublequoteclose}\isanewline
   354 \ \ {\isacharbar}\ {\isachardoublequoteopen}pow\ {\isacharparenleft}Suc\ n{\isacharparenright}\ a\ {\isacharequal}\ a\ {\isasymotimes}\ pow\ n\ a{\isachardoublequoteclose}%
   355 \endisatagquote
   356 {\isafoldquote}%
   357 %
   358 \isadelimquote
   359 %
   360 \endisadelimquote
   361 %
   362 \begin{isamarkuptext}%
   363 \noindent This we use to define the discrete exponentiation
   364   function:%
   365 \end{isamarkuptext}%
   366 \isamarkuptrue%
   367 %
   368 \isadelimquote
   369 %
   370 \endisadelimquote
   371 %
   372 \isatagquote
   373 \isacommand{definition}\isamarkupfalse%
   374 \ bexp\ {\isacharcolon}{\isacharcolon}\ {\isachardoublequoteopen}nat\ {\isasymRightarrow}\ nat{\isachardoublequoteclose}\ \isakeyword{where}\isanewline
   375 \ \ {\isachardoublequoteopen}bexp\ n\ {\isacharequal}\ pow\ n\ {\isacharparenleft}Suc\ {\isacharparenleft}Suc\ {\isadigit{0}}{\isacharparenright}{\isacharparenright}{\isachardoublequoteclose}%
   376 \endisatagquote
   377 {\isafoldquote}%
   378 %
   379 \isadelimquote
   380 %
   381 \endisadelimquote
   382 %
   383 \begin{isamarkuptext}%
   384 \noindent The corresponding code in Haskell uses that language's
   385   native classes:%
   386 \end{isamarkuptext}%
   387 \isamarkuptrue%
   388 %
   389 \isadelimquote
   390 %
   391 \endisadelimquote
   392 %
   393 \isatagquote
   394 %
   395 \begin{isamarkuptext}%
   396 \isatypewriter%
   397 \noindent%
   398 \hspace*{0pt}module Example where {\char123}\\
   399 \hspace*{0pt}\\
   400 \hspace*{0pt}data Nat = Zero{\char95}nat | Suc Nat;\\
   401 \hspace*{0pt}\\
   402 \hspace*{0pt}plus{\char95}nat ::~Nat -> Nat -> Nat;\\
   403 \hspace*{0pt}plus{\char95}nat (Suc m) n = plus{\char95}nat m (Suc n);\\
   404 \hspace*{0pt}plus{\char95}nat Zero{\char95}nat n = n;\\
   405 \hspace*{0pt}\\
   406 \hspace*{0pt}class Semigroup a where {\char123}\\
   407 \hspace*{0pt} ~mult ::~a -> a -> a;\\
   408 \hspace*{0pt}{\char125};\\
   409 \hspace*{0pt}\\
   410 \hspace*{0pt}class (Semigroup a) => Monoid a where {\char123}\\
   411 \hspace*{0pt} ~neutral ::~a;\\
   412 \hspace*{0pt}{\char125};\\
   413 \hspace*{0pt}\\
   414 \hspace*{0pt}pow ::~forall a.~(Monoid a) => Nat -> a -> a;\\
   415 \hspace*{0pt}pow Zero{\char95}nat a = neutral;\\
   416 \hspace*{0pt}pow (Suc n) a = mult a (pow n a);\\
   417 \hspace*{0pt}\\
   418 \hspace*{0pt}mult{\char95}nat ::~Nat -> Nat -> Nat;\\
   419 \hspace*{0pt}mult{\char95}nat Zero{\char95}nat n = Zero{\char95}nat;\\
   420 \hspace*{0pt}mult{\char95}nat (Suc m) n = plus{\char95}nat n (mult{\char95}nat m n);\\
   421 \hspace*{0pt}\\
   422 \hspace*{0pt}instance Semigroup Nat where {\char123}\\
   423 \hspace*{0pt} ~mult = mult{\char95}nat;\\
   424 \hspace*{0pt}{\char125};\\
   425 \hspace*{0pt}\\
   426 \hspace*{0pt}neutral{\char95}nat ::~Nat;\\
   427 \hspace*{0pt}neutral{\char95}nat = Suc Zero{\char95}nat;\\
   428 \hspace*{0pt}\\
   429 \hspace*{0pt}instance Monoid Nat where {\char123}\\
   430 \hspace*{0pt} ~neutral = neutral{\char95}nat;\\
   431 \hspace*{0pt}{\char125};\\
   432 \hspace*{0pt}\\
   433 \hspace*{0pt}bexp ::~Nat -> Nat;\\
   434 \hspace*{0pt}bexp n = pow n (Suc (Suc Zero{\char95}nat));\\
   435 \hspace*{0pt}\\
   436 \hspace*{0pt}{\char125}%
   437 \end{isamarkuptext}%
   438 \isamarkuptrue%
   439 %
   440 \endisatagquote
   441 {\isafoldquote}%
   442 %
   443 \isadelimquote
   444 %
   445 \endisadelimquote
   446 %
   447 \begin{isamarkuptext}%
   448 \noindent This is a convenient place to show how explicit dictionary
   449   construction manifests in generated code -- the same example in
   450   \isa{SML}:%
   451 \end{isamarkuptext}%
   452 \isamarkuptrue%
   453 %
   454 \isadelimquote
   455 %
   456 \endisadelimquote
   457 %
   458 \isatagquote
   459 %
   460 \begin{isamarkuptext}%
   461 \isatypewriter%
   462 \noindent%
   463 \hspace*{0pt}structure Example :~sig\\
   464 \hspace*{0pt} ~datatype nat = Zero{\char95}nat | Suc of nat\\
   465 \hspace*{0pt} ~val plus{\char95}nat :~nat -> nat -> nat\\
   466 \hspace*{0pt} ~type 'a semigroup\\
   467 \hspace*{0pt} ~val mult :~'a semigroup -> 'a -> 'a -> 'a\\
   468 \hspace*{0pt} ~type 'a monoid\\
   469 \hspace*{0pt} ~val semigroup{\char95}monoid :~'a monoid -> 'a semigroup\\
   470 \hspace*{0pt} ~val neutral :~'a monoid -> 'a\\
   471 \hspace*{0pt} ~val pow :~'a monoid -> nat -> 'a -> 'a\\
   472 \hspace*{0pt} ~val mult{\char95}nat :~nat -> nat -> nat\\
   473 \hspace*{0pt} ~val semigroup{\char95}nat :~nat semigroup\\
   474 \hspace*{0pt} ~val neutral{\char95}nat :~nat\\
   475 \hspace*{0pt} ~val monoid{\char95}nat :~nat monoid\\
   476 \hspace*{0pt} ~val bexp :~nat -> nat\\
   477 \hspace*{0pt}end = struct\\
   478 \hspace*{0pt}\\
   479 \hspace*{0pt}datatype nat = Zero{\char95}nat | Suc of nat;\\
   480 \hspace*{0pt}\\
   481 \hspace*{0pt}fun plus{\char95}nat (Suc m) n = plus{\char95}nat m (Suc n)\\
   482 \hspace*{0pt} ~| plus{\char95}nat Zero{\char95}nat n = n;\\
   483 \hspace*{0pt}\\
   484 \hspace*{0pt}type 'a semigroup = {\char123}mult :~'a -> 'a -> 'a{\char125};\\
   485 \hspace*{0pt}val mult = {\char35}mult :~'a semigroup -> 'a -> 'a -> 'a;\\
   486 \hspace*{0pt}\\
   487 \hspace*{0pt}type 'a monoid = {\char123}semigroup{\char95}monoid :~'a semigroup,~neutral :~'a{\char125};\\
   488 \hspace*{0pt}val semigroup{\char95}monoid = {\char35}semigroup{\char95}monoid :~'a monoid -> 'a semigroup;\\
   489 \hspace*{0pt}val neutral = {\char35}neutral :~'a monoid -> 'a;\\
   490 \hspace*{0pt}\\
   491 \hspace*{0pt}fun pow A{\char95}~Zero{\char95}nat a = neutral A{\char95}\\
   492 \hspace*{0pt} ~| pow A{\char95}~(Suc n) a = mult (semigroup{\char95}monoid A{\char95}) a (pow A{\char95}~n a);\\
   493 \hspace*{0pt}\\
   494 \hspace*{0pt}fun mult{\char95}nat Zero{\char95}nat n = Zero{\char95}nat\\
   495 \hspace*{0pt} ~| mult{\char95}nat (Suc m) n = plus{\char95}nat n (mult{\char95}nat m n);\\
   496 \hspace*{0pt}\\
   497 \hspace*{0pt}val semigroup{\char95}nat = {\char123}mult = mult{\char95}nat{\char125}~:~nat semigroup;\\
   498 \hspace*{0pt}\\
   499 \hspace*{0pt}val neutral{\char95}nat :~nat = Suc Zero{\char95}nat;\\
   500 \hspace*{0pt}\\
   501 \hspace*{0pt}val monoid{\char95}nat = {\char123}semigroup{\char95}monoid = semigroup{\char95}nat,~neutral = neutral{\char95}nat{\char125}\\
   502 \hspace*{0pt} ~:~nat monoid;\\
   503 \hspace*{0pt}\\
   504 \hspace*{0pt}fun bexp n = pow monoid{\char95}nat n (Suc (Suc Zero{\char95}nat));\\
   505 \hspace*{0pt}\\
   506 \hspace*{0pt}end;~(*struct Example*)%
   507 \end{isamarkuptext}%
   508 \isamarkuptrue%
   509 %
   510 \endisatagquote
   511 {\isafoldquote}%
   512 %
   513 \isadelimquote
   514 %
   515 \endisadelimquote
   516 %
   517 \begin{isamarkuptext}%
   518 \noindent Note the parameters with trailing underscore (\verb|A_|), which are the dictionary parameters.%
   519 \end{isamarkuptext}%
   520 \isamarkuptrue%
   521 %
   522 \isamarkupsubsection{How to continue from here%
   523 }
   524 \isamarkuptrue%
   525 %
   526 \begin{isamarkuptext}%
   527 What you have seen so far should be already enough in a lot of
   528   cases.  If you are content with this, you can quit reading here.
   530   Anyway, to understand situations where problems occur or to increase
   531   the scope of code generation beyond default, it is necessary to gain
   532   some understanding how the code generator actually works:
   534   \begin{itemize}
   536     \item The foundations of the code generator are described in
   537       \secref{sec:foundations}.
   539     \item In particular \secref{sec:utterly_wrong} gives hints how to
   540       debug situations where code generation does not succeed as
   541       expected.
   543     \item The scope and quality of generated code can be increased
   544       dramatically by applying refinement techniques, which are
   545       introduced in \secref{sec:refinement}.
   547     \item Inductive predicates can be turned executable using an
   548       extension of the code generator \secref{sec:inductive}.
   550     \item You may want to skim over the more technical sections
   551       \secref{sec:adaptation} and \secref{sec:further}.
   553     \item For exhaustive syntax diagrams etc. you should visit the
   554       Isabelle/Isar Reference Manual \cite{isabelle-isar-ref}.
   556   \end{itemize}
   558   \bigskip
   560   \begin{center}\fbox{\fbox{\begin{minipage}{8cm}
   562     \begin{center}\textit{Happy proving, happy hacking!}\end{center}
   564   \end{minipage}}}\end{center}
   566   \begin{warn}
   567     There is also a more ancient code generator in Isabelle by Stefan
   568     Berghofer \cite{Berghofer-Nipkow:2002}.  Although its
   569     functionality is covered by the code generator presented here, it
   570     will sometimes show up as an artifact.  In case of ambiguity, we
   571     will refer to the framework described here as \isa{generic\ code\ generator}, to the other as \isa{SML\ code\ generator}.
   572   \end{warn}%
   573 \end{isamarkuptext}%
   574 \isamarkuptrue%
   575 %
   576 \isadelimtheory
   577 %
   578 \endisadelimtheory
   579 %
   580 \isatagtheory
   581 \isacommand{end}\isamarkupfalse%
   582 %
   583 \endisatagtheory
   584 {\isafoldtheory}%
   585 %
   586 \isadelimtheory
   587 %
   588 \endisadelimtheory
   589 \isanewline
   590 \end{isabellebody}%
   591 %%% Local Variables:
   592 %%% mode: latex
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   594 %%% End: