author Walther Neuper <>
Mon, 29 Jun 2020 15:43:35 +0200
changeset 60022 979ecb48e909
parent 59985 9aaeab7d38b6
child 60154 2ab0d1523731
permissions -rw-r--r--
code polishing
     1 (* Title:  BaseDefinitions/method-def.sml
     2    Author: Walther Neuper
     3    (c) due to copyright terms
     5 Here is a minimum of code required for Know_Store.thy.
     6 For main code see structure Method.
     7 *)
     8 signature METHOD_DEFINITION =
     9 sig
    10   type id =;
    11   val id_empty: id
    12   val id_to_string: id -> string
    14   type T
    15 (*type met*)
    16   val empty: T
    17 (*val e_met: T*)
    18   type store
    19 (*type mets*)
    20   val empty_store: T Store.node
    21 (*val e_Mets: T Store.node*)
    22   val check_unique: -> T Store.T -> unit
    23 (*val check_metguh_unique: -> T Store.T -> unit*)
    24 (* ---- for tests only: shifted from below to remove the Warning "unused" at fun.def. --------- *)
    25   (*NONE*)
    26 (*/-------------------------------------------------------- ! aktivate for Test_Isac BEGIN ---\* )
    27   (*NONE*)
    28 ( *\--- ! aktivate for Test_Isac END ----------------------------------------------------------/*)
    29 end
    31 (**)
    32 structure Meth_Def(**): METHOD_DEFINITION(**) =
    33 struct
    34 (**)
    36 type id =;
    37 val id_empty = References_Def.empty_meth_id;
    38 val id_to_string = References_Def.id_to_string;
    40 (* data for methods stored in 'methods'-database *)
    41 type T =                          (* TODO WN200620: review ---------------------vvvvv         *)
    42   {guh       :,   (* unique within Isac_Knowledge, for html-presentation      *)
    43   mathauthors: string list,       (* copyright                                                *)
    44   init       :, (* DEL: WN060721 pblID introduced mistakenly                *)
    45   rew_ord'   : Rule_Def.rew_ord', (* for ordered rewriting by Tactic.Rewrite                  *)
    46   erls       : Rule_Set.T,        (* for conditions in rewriting by Tactic.Rewrite            *)
    47   srls       : Rule_Set.T,        (* for evaluating Prog_Expr                                 *)
    48   crls       : Rule_Set.T,        (* DEL: for check_elementwise                               *)
    49   nrls       : Rule_Set.T,        (* for rewriting by Tactic.Rewrite                          *)
    50   errpats    : Error_Pattern_Def.T list, (* error patterns expected in this method            *)
    51   calc       : Rule_Def.calc list,(* ?DEL                                                     *)
    52   scr        : Rule.program,      (* filled in Method.prep_input                              *)
    53   prls       : Rule_Set.T,        (* for evaluation of preconditions in "#Where" on "#Given"  *)
    54   ppc        : Model_Pattern.T,   (* contains "#Given", "#Where", "#Find", "#Relate"
    55                                      for constraints on identifiers see "O_Model.cpy_nam"     *)
    56   pre        : term list          (* ? DEL, as soon as they are input interactively ?         *)
    57 	};
    58 val empty = {guh = "met_empty", mathauthors = [], init = id_empty, rew_ord' = Rewrite_Ord.e_rew_ord',
    59 	erls = Rule_Set.empty, srls = Rule_Set.empty, prls = Rule_Set.empty, calc = [], crls = Rule_Set.empty,
    60 	errpats = [], nrls = Rule_Set.empty, ppc = [], pre = [], scr = Rule.Empty_Prog};
    61 val empty_store = Store.Node ("empty_meth_id", [empty],[]);
    63 type store = (T Store.node) list;
    65 val check_unique =
    66   Check_Unique.message (Check_Unique.collect (#guh: T ->;
    68 (**)end(**)