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     1 %% $Id$
     2 \chapter{Constructive Type Theory}
     3 Martin-L\"of's Constructive Type Theory \cite{martinlof84,nordstrom90} can
     4 be viewed at many different levels.  It is a formal system that embodies
     5 the principles of intuitionistic mathematics; it embodies the
     6 interpretation of propositions as types; it is a vehicle for deriving
     7 programs from proofs.  The logic is complex and many authors have attempted
     8 to simplify it.  Thompson~\cite{thompson91} is a readable and thorough
     9 account of the theory.
    11 Isabelle's original formulation of Type Theory was a kind of sequent
    12 calculus, following Martin-L\"of~\cite{martinlof84}.  It included rules for
    13 building the context, namely variable bindings with their types.  A typical
    14 judgement was
    15 \[   a(x@1,\ldots,x@n)\in A(x@1,\ldots,x@n) \; 
    16     [ x@1\in A@1, x@2\in A@2(x@1), \ldots, x@n\in A@n(x@1,\ldots,x@{n-1}) ]
    17 \]
    18 This sequent calculus was not satisfactory because assumptions like
    19 `suppose $A$ is a type' or `suppose $B(x)$ is a type for all $x$ in $A$'
    20 could not be formalized.  
    22 The directory~\ttindexbold{CTT} implements Constructive Type Theory, using
    23 natural deduction.  The judgement above is expressed using $\Forall$ and
    24 $\Imp$:
    25 \[ \begin{array}{r@{}l}
    26      \Forall x@1\ldots x@n. &
    27           \List{x@1\in A@1; 
    28                 x@2\in A@2(x@1); \cdots \; 
    29                 x@n\in A@n(x@1,\ldots,x@{n-1})} \Imp \\
    30      &  \qquad\qquad a(x@1,\ldots,x@n)\in A(x@1,\ldots,x@n) 
    31     \end{array}
    32 \]
    33 Assumptions can use all the judgement forms, for instance to express that
    34 $B$ is a family of types over~$A$:
    35 \[ \Forall x . x\in A \Imp B(x)\;{\rm type} \]
    36 To justify the {\CTT} formulation it is probably best to appeal directly
    37 to the semantic explanations of the rules~\cite{martinlof84}, rather than
    38 to the rules themselves.  The order of assumptions no longer matters,
    39 unlike in standard Type Theory.  Contexts, which are typical of many modern
    40 type theories, are difficult to represent in Isabelle.  In particular, it
    41 is difficult to enforce that all the variables in a context are distinct.
    43 The theory has the {\ML} identifier \ttindexbold{CTT.thy}.  It does not
    44 use polymorphism.  Terms in {\CTT} have type~$i$, the type of individuals.
    45 Types in {\CTT} have type~$t$.
    47 {\CTT} supports all of Type Theory apart from list types, well ordering
    48 types, and universes.  Universes could be introduced {\em\`a la Tarski},
    49 adding new constants as names for types.  The formulation {\em\`a la
    50 Russell}, where types denote themselves, is only possible if we identify
    51 the meta-types~$i$ and~$o$.  Most published formulations of well ordering
    52 types have difficulties involving extensionality of functions; I suggest
    53 that you use some other method for defining recursive types.  List types
    54 are easy to introduce by declaring new rules.
    56 {\CTT} uses the 1982 version of Type Theory, with extensional equality.
    57 The computation $a=b\in A$ and the equality $c\in Eq(A,a,b)$ are
    58 interchangeable.  Its rewriting tactics prove theorems of the form $a=b\in
    59 A$.  It could be modified to have intensional equality, but rewriting
    60 tactics would have to prove theorems of the form $c\in Eq(A,a,b)$ and the
    61 computation rules might require a second simplifier.
    64 \begin{figure} \tabcolsep=1em  %wider spacing in tables
    65 \begin{center}
    66 \begin{tabular}{rrr} 
    67   \it symbol    & \it meta-type         & \it description \\ 
    68   \idx{Type}    & $t \to prop$          & judgement form \\
    69   \idx{Eqtype}  & $[t,t]\to prop$       & judgement form\\
    70   \idx{Elem}    & $[i, t]\to prop$      & judgement form\\
    71   \idx{Eqelem}  & $[i, i, t]\to prop$   & judgement form\\
    72   \idx{Reduce}  & $[i, i]\to prop$      & extra judgement form\\[2ex]
    74   \idx{N}       &     $t$               & natural numbers type\\
    75   \idx{0}       &     $i$               & constructor\\
    76   \idx{succ}    & $i\to i$              & constructor\\
    77   \idx{rec}     & $[i,i,[i,i]\to i]\to i$       & eliminator\\[2ex]
    78   \idx{Prod}    & $[t,i\to t]\to t$     & general product type\\
    79   \idx{lambda}  & $(i\to i)\to i$       & constructor\\[2ex]
    80   \idx{Sum}     & $[t, i\to t]\to t$    & general sum type\\
    81   \idx{pair}    & $[i,i]\to i$          & constructor\\
    82   \idx{split}   & $[i,[i,i]\to i]\to i$ & eliminator\\
    83   \idx{fst} snd & $i\to i$              & projections\\[2ex]
    84   \idx{inl} inr & $i\to i$              & constructors for $+$\\
    85   \idx{when}    & $[i,i\to i, i\to i]\to i$    & eliminator for $+$\\[2ex]
    86   \idx{Eq}      & $[t,i,i]\to t$        & equality type\\
    87   \idx{eq}      & $i$                   & constructor\\[2ex]
    88   \idx{F}       & $t$                   & empty type\\
    89   \idx{contr}   & $i\to i$              & eliminator\\[2ex]
    90   \idx{T}       & $t$                   & singleton type\\
    91   \idx{tt}      & $i$                   & constructor
    92 \end{tabular}
    93 \end{center}
    94 \caption{The constants of {\CTT}} \label{ctt-constants}
    95 \end{figure}
    98 \begin{figure} \tabcolsep=1em  %wider spacing in tables
    99 \begin{center}
   100 \begin{tabular}{llrrr} 
   101   \it symbol &\it name     &\it meta-type & \it precedence & \it description \\
   102   \idx{lam} & \idx{lambda}  & $(i\To o)\To i$ & 10 & $\lambda$-abstraction
   103 \end{tabular}
   104 \end{center}
   105 \subcaption{Binders} 
   107 \begin{center}
   108 \indexbold{*"`}
   109 \indexbold{*"+}
   110 \begin{tabular}{rrrr} 
   111   \it symbol & \it meta-type & \it precedence & \it description \\ 
   112   \tt `         & $[i,i]\to i$  & Left 55       & function application\\
   113   \tt +         & $[t,t]\to t$  & Right 30      & sum of two types
   114 \end{tabular}
   115 \end{center}
   116 \subcaption{Infixes}
   118 \indexbold{*"*}
   119 \indexbold{*"-"-">}
   120 \begin{center} \tt\frenchspacing
   121 \begin{tabular}{rrr} 
   122   \it external                  & \it internal  & \it standard notation \\ 
   123   \idx{PROD} $x$:$A$ . $B[x]$   &  Prod($A$, $\lambda x.B[x]$) &
   124         \rm product $\prod@{x\in A}B[x]$ \\
   125   \idx{SUM} $x$:$A$ . $B[x]$    & Sum($A$, $\lambda x.B[x]$) &
   126         \rm sum $\sum@{x\in A}B[x]$ \\
   127   $A$ --> $B$     &  Prod($A$, $\lambda x.B$) &
   128         \rm function space $A\to B$ \\
   129   $A$ * $B$       &  Sum($A$, $\lambda x.B$)  &
   130         \rm binary product $A\times B$
   131 \end{tabular}
   132 \end{center}
   133 \subcaption{Translations} 
   135 \indexbold{*"=}
   136 \begin{center}
   137 \dquotes
   138 \[ \begin{array}{rcl}
   139 prop    & = &  type " type"       \\
   140         & | & type " = " type     \\
   141         & | & term " : " type        \\
   142         & | & term " = " term " : " type 
   143 \\[2ex]
   144 type    & = & \hbox{expression of type~$t$} \\
   145         & | & "PROD~" id " : " type " . " type  \\
   146         & | & "SUM~~" id " : " type " . " type 
   147 \\[2ex]
   148 term    & = & \hbox{expression of type~$i$} \\
   149         & | & "lam " id~id^* " . " term   \\
   150         & | & "< " term " , " term " >"
   151 \end{array} 
   152 \]
   153 \end{center}
   154 \subcaption{Grammar}
   155 \caption{Syntax of {\CTT}} \label{ctt-syntax}
   156 \end{figure}
   158 %%%%\section{Generic Packages}  typedsimp.ML????????????????
   161 \section{Syntax}
   162 The constants are shown in Figure~\ref{ctt-constants}.  The infixes include
   163 the function application operator (sometimes called `apply'), and the
   164 2-place type operators.  Note that meta-level abstraction and application,
   165 $\lambda x.b$ and $f(a)$, differ from object-level abstraction and
   166 application, \hbox{\tt lam $x$.$b$} and $b{\tt`}a$.  A {\CTT}
   167 function~$f$ is simply an individual as far as Isabelle is concerned: its
   168 Isabelle type is~$i$, not say $i\To i$.
   170 \indexbold{*F}\indexbold{*T}\indexbold{*SUM}\indexbold{*PROD}
   171 The empty type is called $F$ and the one-element type is $T$; other finite
   172 sets are built as $T+T+T$, etc.  The notation for~{\CTT}
   173 (Figure~\ref{ctt-syntax}) is based on that of Nordstr\"om et
   174 al.~\cite{nordstrom90}.  We can write
   175 \begin{ttbox}
   176 SUM y:B. PROD x:A. C(x,y)   {\rm for}   Sum(B, %y. Prod(A, %x. C(x,y)))
   177 \end{ttbox}
   178 The special cases as \hbox{\tt$A$*$B$} and \hbox{\tt$A$-->$B$} abbreviate
   179 general sums and products over a constant family.\footnote{Unlike normal
   180 infix operators, {\tt*} and {\tt-->} merely define abbreviations; there are
   181 no constants~{\tt op~*} and~\hbox{\tt op~-->}.}  Isabelle accepts these
   182 abbreviations in parsing and uses them whenever possible for printing.
   185 \begin{figure} 
   186 \begin{ttbox}
   187 \idx{refl_type}         A type ==> A = A
   188 \idx{refl_elem}         a : A ==> a = a : A
   190 \idx{sym_type}          A = B ==> B = A
   191 \idx{sym_elem}          a = b : A ==> b = a : A
   193 \idx{trans_type}        [| A = B;  B = C |] ==> A = C
   194 \idx{trans_elem}        [| a = b : A;  b = c : A |] ==> a = c : A
   196 \idx{equal_types}       [| a : A;  A = B |] ==> a : B
   197 \idx{equal_typesL}      [| a = b : A;  A = B |] ==> a = b : B
   199 \idx{subst_type}        [| a : A;  !!z. z:A ==> B(z) type |] ==> B(a) type
   200 \idx{subst_typeL}       [| a = c : A;  !!z. z:A ==> B(z) = D(z) 
   201                   |] ==> B(a) = D(c)
   203 \idx{subst_elem}        [| a : A;  !!z. z:A ==> b(z):B(z) |] ==> b(a):B(a)
   204 \idx{subst_elemL}       [| a = c : A;  !!z. z:A ==> b(z) = d(z) : B(z) 
   205                   |] ==> b(a) = d(c) : B(a)
   207 \idx{refl_red}          Reduce(a,a)
   208 \idx{red_if_equal}      a = b : A ==> Reduce(a,b)
   209 \idx{trans_red}         [| a = b : A;  Reduce(b,c) |] ==> a = c : A
   210 \end{ttbox}
   211 \caption{General equality rules} \label{ctt-equality}
   212 \end{figure}
   215 \begin{figure} 
   216 \begin{ttbox}
   217 \idx{NF}        N type
   219 \idx{NI0}       0 : N
   220 \idx{NI_succ}   a : N ==> succ(a) : N
   221 \idx{NI_succL}  a = b : N ==> succ(a) = succ(b) : N
   223 \idx{NE}        [| p: N;  a: C(0);  
   224              !!u v. [| u: N; v: C(u) |] ==> b(u,v): C(succ(u)) 
   225           |] ==> rec(p, a, %u v.b(u,v)) : C(p)
   227 \idx{NEL}       [| p = q : N;  a = c : C(0);  
   228              !!u v. [| u: N; v: C(u) |] ==> b(u,v)=d(u,v): C(succ(u))
   229           |] ==> rec(p, a, %u v.b(u,v)) = rec(q,c,d) : C(p)
   231 \idx{NC0}       [| a: C(0);  
   232              !!u v. [| u: N; v: C(u) |] ==> b(u,v): C(succ(u))
   233           |] ==> rec(0, a, %u v.b(u,v)) = a : C(0)
   235 \idx{NC_succ}   [| p: N;  a: C(0);  
   236              !!u v. [| u: N; v: C(u) |] ==> b(u,v): C(succ(u)) 
   237           |] ==> rec(succ(p), a, %u v.b(u,v)) =
   238                  b(p, rec(p, a, %u v.b(u,v))) : C(succ(p))
   240 \idx{zero_ne_succ}      [| a: N;  0 = succ(a) : N |] ==> 0: F
   241 \end{ttbox}
   242 \caption{Rules for type~$N$} \label{ctt-N}
   243 \end{figure}
   246 \begin{figure} 
   247 \begin{ttbox}
   248 \idx{ProdF}     [| A type; !!x. x:A ==> B(x) type |] ==> PROD x:A.B(x) type
   249 \idx{ProdFL}    [| A = C;  !!x. x:A ==> B(x) = D(x) |] ==> 
   250           PROD x:A.B(x) = PROD x:C.D(x)
   252 \idx{ProdI}     [| A type;  !!x. x:A ==> b(x):B(x)
   253           |] ==> lam x.b(x) : PROD x:A.B(x)
   254 \idx{ProdIL}    [| A type;  !!x. x:A ==> b(x) = c(x) : B(x)
   255           |] ==> lam x.b(x) = lam x.c(x) : PROD x:A.B(x)
   257 \idx{ProdE}     [| p : PROD x:A.B(x);  a : A |] ==> p`a : B(a)
   258 \idx{ProdEL}    [| p=q: PROD x:A.B(x);  a=b : A |] ==> p`a = q`b : B(a)
   260 \idx{ProdC}     [| a : A;  !!x. x:A ==> b(x) : B(x)
   261           |] ==> (lam x.b(x)) ` a = b(a) : B(a)
   263 \idx{ProdC2}    p : PROD x:A.B(x) ==> (lam x. p`x) = p : PROD x:A.B(x)
   264 \end{ttbox}
   265 \caption{Rules for the product type $\prod@{x\in A}B[x]$} \label{ctt-prod}
   266 \end{figure}
   269 \begin{figure} 
   270 \begin{ttbox}
   271 \idx{SumF}      [| A type;  !!x. x:A ==> B(x) type |] ==> SUM x:A.B(x) type
   272 \idx{SumFL}     [| A = C;  !!x. x:A ==> B(x) = D(x) 
   273           |] ==> SUM x:A.B(x) = SUM x:C.D(x)
   275 \idx{SumI}      [| a : A;  b : B(a) |] ==> <a,b> : SUM x:A.B(x)
   276 \idx{SumIL}     [| a=c:A;  b=d:B(a) |] ==> <a,b> = <c,d> : SUM x:A.B(x)
   278 \idx{SumE}      [| p: SUM x:A.B(x);  
   279              !!x y. [| x:A; y:B(x) |] ==> c(x,y): C(<x,y>) 
   280           |] ==> split(p, %x y.c(x,y)) : C(p)
   282 \idx{SumEL}     [| p=q : SUM x:A.B(x); 
   283              !!x y. [| x:A; y:B(x) |] ==> c(x,y)=d(x,y): C(<x,y>)
   284           |] ==> split(p, %x y.c(x,y)) = split(q, %x y.d(x,y)) : C(p)
   286 \idx{SumC}      [| a: A;  b: B(a);
   287              !!x y. [| x:A; y:B(x) |] ==> c(x,y): C(<x,y>)
   288           |] ==> split(<a,b>, %x y.c(x,y)) = c(a,b) : C(<a,b>)
   290 \idx{fst_def}   fst(a) == split(a, %x y.x)
   291 \idx{snd_def}   snd(a) == split(a, %x y.y)
   292 \end{ttbox}
   293 \caption{Rules for the sum type $\sum@{x\in A}B[x]$} \label{ctt-sum}
   294 \end{figure}
   297 \begin{figure} 
   298 \begin{ttbox}
   299 \idx{PlusF}       [| A type;  B type |] ==> A+B type
   300 \idx{PlusFL}      [| A = C;  B = D |] ==> A+B = C+D
   302 \idx{PlusI_inl}   [| a : A;  B type |] ==> inl(a) : A+B
   303 \idx{PlusI_inlL}  [| a = c : A;  B type |] ==> inl(a) = inl(c) : A+B
   305 \idx{PlusI_inr}   [| A type;  b : B |] ==> inr(b) : A+B
   306 \idx{PlusI_inrL}  [| A type;  b = d : B |] ==> inr(b) = inr(d) : A+B
   308 \idx{PlusE}     [| p: A+B;
   309              !!x. x:A ==> c(x): C(inl(x));  
   310              !!y. y:B ==> d(y): C(inr(y))
   311           |] ==> when(p, %x.c(x), %y.d(y)) : C(p)
   313 \idx{PlusEL}    [| p = q : A+B;
   314              !!x. x: A ==> c(x) = e(x) : C(inl(x));   
   315              !!y. y: B ==> d(y) = f(y) : C(inr(y))
   316           |] ==> when(p, %x.c(x), %y.d(y)) = 
   317                  when(q, %x.e(x), %y.f(y)) : C(p)
   319 \idx{PlusC_inl} [| a: A;
   320              !!x. x:A ==> c(x): C(inl(x));  
   321              !!y. y:B ==> d(y): C(inr(y))
   322           |] ==> when(inl(a), %x.c(x), %y.d(y)) = c(a) : C(inl(a))
   324 \idx{PlusC_inr} [| b: B;
   325              !!x. x:A ==> c(x): C(inl(x));  
   326              !!y. y:B ==> d(y): C(inr(y))
   327           |] ==> when(inr(b), %x.c(x), %y.d(y)) = d(b) : C(inr(b))
   328 \end{ttbox}
   329 \caption{Rules for the binary sum type $A+B$} \label{ctt-plus}
   330 \end{figure}
   333 \begin{figure} 
   334 \begin{ttbox}
   335 \idx{EqF}       [| A type;  a : A;  b : A |] ==> Eq(A,a,b) type
   336 \idx{EqFL}      [| A=B;  a=c: A;  b=d : A |] ==> Eq(A,a,b) = Eq(B,c,d)
   337 \idx{EqI}       a = b : A ==> eq : Eq(A,a,b)
   338 \idx{EqE}       p : Eq(A,a,b) ==> a = b : A
   339 \idx{EqC}       p : Eq(A,a,b) ==> p = eq : Eq(A,a,b)
   340 \end{ttbox}
   341 \subcaption{The equality type $Eq(A,a,b)$} 
   343 \begin{ttbox}
   344 \idx{FF}        F type
   345 \idx{FE}        [| p: F;  C type |] ==> contr(p) : C
   346 \idx{FEL}       [| p = q : F;  C type |] ==> contr(p) = contr(q) : C
   347 \end{ttbox}
   348 \subcaption{The empty type $F$} 
   350 \begin{ttbox}
   351 \idx{TF}        T type
   352 \idx{TI}        tt : T
   353 \idx{TE}        [| p : T;  c : C(tt) |] ==> c : C(p)
   354 \idx{TEL}       [| p = q : T;  c = d : C(tt) |] ==> c = d : C(p)
   355 \idx{TC}        p : T ==> p = tt : T)
   356 \end{ttbox}
   357 \subcaption{The unit type $T$} 
   359 \caption{Rules for other {\CTT} types} \label{ctt-others}
   360 \end{figure}
   364 \begin{figure} 
   365 \begin{ttbox}
   366 \idx{replace_type}    [| B = A;  a : A |] ==> a : B
   367 \idx{subst_eqtyparg}  [| a=c : A;  !!z. z:A ==> B(z) type |] ==> B(a)=B(c)
   369 \idx{subst_prodE}     [| p: Prod(A,B);  a: A;  !!z. z: B(a) ==> c(z): C(z)
   370                 |] ==> c(p`a): C(p`a)
   372 \idx{SumIL2}    [| c=a : A;  d=b : B(a) |] ==> <c,d> = <a,b> : Sum(A,B)
   374 \idx{SumE_fst}  p : Sum(A,B) ==> fst(p) : A
   376 \idx{SumE_snd}  [| p: Sum(A,B);  A type;  !!x. x:A ==> B(x) type
   377           |] ==> snd(p) : B(fst(p))
   378 \end{ttbox}
   380 \caption{Derived rules for {\CTT}} \label{ctt-derived}
   381 \end{figure}
   384 \section{Rules of inference}
   385 The rules obey the following naming conventions.  Type formation rules have
   386 the suffix~{\tt F}\@.  Introduction rules have the suffix~{\tt I}\@.
   387 Elimination rules have the suffix~{\tt E}\@.  Computation rules, which
   388 describe the reduction of eliminators, have the suffix~{\tt C}\@.  The
   389 equality versions of the rules (which permit reductions on subterms) are
   390 called {\em long} rules; their names have the suffix~{\tt L}\@.
   391 Introduction and computation rules often are further suffixed with
   392 constructor names.
   394 Figures~\ref{ctt-equality}--\ref{ctt-others} shows the rules.  Those
   395 for~$N$ include \ttindex{zero_ne_succ}, $0\not=n+1$: the fourth Peano axiom
   396 cannot be derived without universes \cite[page 91]{martinlof84}.
   397 Figure~\ref{ctt-sum} shows the rules for general sums, which include binary
   398 products as a special case, with the projections \ttindex{fst}
   399 and~\ttindex{snd}.
   401 The extra judgement \ttindex{Reduce} is used to implement rewriting.  The
   402 judgement ${\tt Reduce}(a,b)$ holds when $a=b:A$ holds.  It also holds
   403 when $a$ and $b$ are syntactically identical, even if they are ill-typed,
   404 because rule \ttindex{refl_red} does not verify that $a$ belongs to $A$.  These
   405 rules do not give rise to new theorems about the standard judgements ---
   406 note that the only rule that makes use of {\tt Reduce} is \ttindex{trans_red},
   407 whose first premise ensures that $a$ and $b$ (and thus $c$) are well-typed.
   409 Derived rules are shown in Figure~\ref{ctt-derived}.  The rule
   410 \ttindex{subst_prodE} is derived from \ttindex{prodE}, and is easier to
   411 use in backwards proof.  The rules \ttindex{SumE_fst} and
   412 \ttindex{SumE_snd} express the typing of~\ttindex{fst} and~\ttindex{snd};
   413 together, they are roughly equivalent to~\ttindex{SumE} with the advantage
   414 of creating no parameters.  These rules are demonstrated in a proof of the
   415 Axiom of Choice~(\S\ref{ctt-choice}).
   417 All the rules are given in $\eta$-expanded form.  For instance, every
   418 occurrence of $\lambda u\,v.b(u,v)$ could be abbreviated to~$b$ in the
   419 rules for~$N$.  This permits Isabelle to preserve bound variable names
   420 during backward proof.  Names of bound variables in the conclusion (here,
   421 $u$ and~$v$) are matched with corresponding bound variables in the premises.
   424 \section{Rule lists}
   425 The Type Theory tactics provide rewriting, type inference, and logical
   426 reasoning.  Many proof procedures work by repeatedly resolving certain Type
   427 Theory rules against a proof state.  {\CTT} defines lists --- each with
   428 type
   429 \hbox{\tt thm list} --- of related rules. 
   430 \begin{description}
   431 \item[\ttindexbold{form_rls}] 
   432 contains formation rules for the types $N$, $\Pi$, $\Sigma$, $+$, $Eq$,
   433 $F$, and $T$.
   435 \item[\ttindexbold{formL_rls}] 
   436 contains long formation rules for $\Pi$, $\Sigma$, $+$, and $Eq$.  (For
   437 other types use \ttindex{refl_type}.)
   439 \item[\ttindexbold{intr_rls}] 
   440 contains introduction rules for the types $N$, $\Pi$, $\Sigma$, $+$, and
   441 $T$.
   443 \item[\ttindexbold{intrL_rls}] 
   444 contains long introduction rules for $N$, $\Pi$, $\Sigma$, and $+$.  (For
   445 $T$ use \ttindex{refl_elem}.)
   447 \item[\ttindexbold{elim_rls}] 
   448 contains elimination rules for the types $N$, $\Pi$, $\Sigma$, $+$, and
   449 $F$.  The rules for $Eq$ and $T$ are omitted because they involve no
   450 eliminator.
   452 \item[\ttindexbold{elimL_rls}] 
   453 contains long elimination rules for $N$, $\Pi$, $\Sigma$, $+$, and $F$.
   455 \item[\ttindexbold{comp_rls}] 
   456 contains computation rules for the types $N$, $\Pi$, $\Sigma$, and $+$.
   457 Those for $Eq$ and $T$ involve no eliminator.
   459 \item[\ttindexbold{basic_defs}] 
   460 contains the definitions of \ttindex{fst} and \ttindex{snd}.  
   461 \end{description}
   464 \section{Tactics for subgoal reordering}
   465 \begin{ttbox}
   466 test_assume_tac : int -> tactic
   467 typechk_tac     : thm list -> tactic
   468 equal_tac       : thm list -> tactic
   469 intr_tac        : thm list -> tactic
   470 \end{ttbox}
   471 Blind application of {\CTT} rules seldom leads to a proof.  The elimination
   472 rules, especially, create subgoals containing new unknowns.  These subgoals
   473 unify with anything, causing an undirectional search.  The standard tactic
   474 \ttindex{filt_resolve_tac} (see the {\em Reference Manual}) can reject
   475 overly flexible goals; so does the {\CTT} tactic {\tt test_assume_tac}.
   476 Used with the tactical \ttindex{REPEAT_FIRST} they achieve a simple kind of
   477 subgoal reordering: the less flexible subgoals are attempted first.  Do
   478 some single step proofs, or study the examples below, to see why this is
   479 necessary.
   480 \begin{description}
   481 \item[\ttindexbold{test_assume_tac} $i$] 
   482 uses \ttindex{assume_tac} to solve the subgoal by assumption, but only if
   483 subgoal~$i$ has the form $a\in A$ and the head of $a$ is not an unknown.
   484 Otherwise, it fails.
   486 \item[\ttindexbold{typechk_tac} $thms$] 
   487 uses $thms$ with formation, introduction, and elimination rules to check
   488 the typing of constructions.  It is designed to solve goals of the form
   489 $a\in \Var{A}$, where $a$ is rigid and $\Var{A}$ is flexible.  Thus it
   490 performs Hindley-Milner type inference.  The tactic can also solve goals of
   491 the form $A\;\rm type$.
   493 \item[\ttindexbold{equal_tac} $thms$]
   494 uses $thms$ with the long introduction and elimination rules to solve goals
   495 of the form $a=b\in A$, where $a$ is rigid.  It is intended for deriving
   496 the long rules for defined constants such as the arithmetic operators.  The
   497 tactic can also perform type checking.
   499 \item[\ttindexbold{intr_tac} $thms$]
   500 uses $thms$ with the introduction rules to break down a type.  It is
   501 designed for goals like $\Var{a}\in A$ where $\Var{a}$ is flexible and $A$
   502 rigid.  These typically arise when trying to prove a proposition~$A$,
   503 expressed as a type.
   504 \end{description}
   508 \section{Rewriting tactics}
   509 \begin{ttbox}
   510 rew_tac     : thm list -> tactic
   511 hyp_rew_tac : thm list -> tactic
   512 \end{ttbox}
   513 Object-level simplification is accomplished through proof, using the {\tt
   514 CTT} equality rules and the built-in rewriting functor
   515 \ttindex{TSimpFun}.\footnote{This should not be confused with {\tt
   516 SimpFun}, which is the main rewriting functor; {\tt TSimpFun} is only
   517 useful for {\CTT} and similar logics with type inference rules.}
   518 The rewrites include the computation rules and other equations.  The
   519 long versions of the other rules permit rewriting of subterms and subtypes.
   520 Also used are transitivity and the extra judgement form \ttindex{Reduce}.
   521 Meta-level simplification handles only definitional equality.
   522 \begin{description}
   523 \item[\ttindexbold{rew_tac} $thms$]
   524 applies $thms$ and the computation rules as left-to-right rewrites.  It
   525 solves the goal $a=b\in A$ by rewriting $a$ to $b$.  If $b$ is an unknown
   526 then it is assigned the rewritten form of~$a$.  All subgoals are rewritten.
   528 \item[\ttindexbold{hyp_rew_tac} $thms$]
   529 is like {\tt rew_tac}, but includes as rewrites any equations present in
   530 the assumptions.
   531 \end{description}
   534 \section{Tactics for logical reasoning}
   535 Interpreting propositions as types lets {\CTT} express statements of
   536 intuitionistic logic.  However, Constructive Type Theory is not just
   537 another syntax for first-order logic. A key question: can assumptions be
   538 deleted after use?  Not every occurrence of a type represents a
   539 proposition, and Type Theory assumptions declare variables.  
   541 In first-order logic, $\disj$-elimination with the assumption $P\disj Q$
   542 creates one subgoal assuming $P$ and another assuming $Q$, and $P\disj Q$
   543 can be deleted.  In Type Theory, $+$-elimination with the assumption $z\in
   544 A+B$ creates one subgoal assuming $x\in A$ and another assuming $y\in B$
   545 (for arbitrary $x$ and $y$).  Deleting $z\in A+B$ may render the subgoals
   546 unprovable if other assumptions refer to $z$.  Some people might argue that
   547 such subgoals are not even meaningful.
   548 \begin{ttbox}
   549 mp_tac       : int -> tactic
   550 add_mp_tac   : int -> tactic
   551 safestep_tac : thm list -> int -> tactic
   552 safe_tac     : thm list -> int -> tactic
   553 step_tac     : thm list -> int -> tactic
   554 pc_tac       : thm list -> int -> tactic
   555 \end{ttbox}
   556 These are loosely based on the intuitionistic proof procedures
   557 of~\ttindex{FOL}.  For the reasons discussed above, a rule that is safe for
   558 propositional reasoning may be unsafe for type checking; thus, some of the
   559 ``safe'' tactics are misnamed.
   560 \begin{description}
   561 \item[\ttindexbold{mp_tac} $i$] 
   562 searches in subgoal~$i$ for assumptions of the form $f\in\Pi(A,B)$ and
   563 $a\in A$, where~$A$ may be found by unification.  It replaces
   564 $f\in\Pi(A,B)$ by $z\in B(a)$, where~$z$ is a new parameter.  The tactic
   565 can produce multiple outcomes for each suitable pair of assumptions.  In
   566 short, {\tt mp_tac} performs Modus Ponens among the assumptions.
   568 \item[\ttindexbold{add_mp_tac} $i$]
   569 is like {\tt mp_tac}~$i$ but retains the assumption $f\in\Pi(A,B)$.
   571 \item[\ttindexbold{safestep_tac} $thms$ $i$]
   572 attacks subgoal~$i$ using formation rules and certain other `safe' rules
   573 (\ttindex{FE}, \ttindex{ProdI}, \ttindex{SumE}, \ttindex{PlusE}), calling
   574 {\tt mp_tac} when appropriate.  It also uses~$thms$,
   575 which are typically premises of the rule being derived.
   577 \item[\ttindexbold{safe_tac} $thms$ $i$]
   578 tries to solve subgoal~$i$ by backtracking, using {\tt safestep_tac}.
   580 \item[\ttindexbold{step_tac} $thms$ $i$]
   581 tries to reduce subgoal~$i$ using {\tt safestep_tac}, then tries unsafe
   582 rules.  It may produce multiple outcomes.
   584 \item[\ttindexbold{pc_tac} $thms$ $i$]
   585 tries to solve subgoal~$i$ by backtracking, using {\tt step_tac}.
   586 \end{description}
   590 \begin{figure} 
   591 \begin{ttbox}
   592 \idx{add_def}           a#+b  == rec(a, b, %u v.succ(v))  
   593 \idx{diff_def}          a-b   == rec(b, a, %u v.rec(v, 0, %x y.x))  
   594 \idx{absdiff_def}       a|-|b == (a-b) #+ (b-a)  
   595 \idx{mult_def}          a#*b  == rec(a, 0, %u v. b #+ v)  
   597 \idx{mod_def}   a mod b == rec(a, 0,
   598                       %u v. rec(succ(v) |-| b, 0, %x y.succ(v)))  
   600 \idx{div_def}   a div b == rec(a, 0,
   601                       %u v. rec(succ(u) mod b, succ(v), %x y.v))
   602 \end{ttbox}
   603 \subcaption{Definitions of the operators}
   605 \begin{ttbox}
   606 \idx{add_typing}        [| a:N;  b:N |] ==> a #+ b : N
   607 \idx{addC0}             b:N ==> 0 #+ b = b : N
   608 \idx{addC_succ}         [| a:N;  b:N |] ==> succ(a) #+ b = succ(a #+ b) : N
   610 \idx{add_assoc}         [| a:N;  b:N;  c:N |] ==> 
   611                   (a #+ b) #+ c = a #+ (b #+ c) : N
   613 \idx{add_commute}       [| a:N;  b:N |] ==> a #+ b = b #+ a : N
   615 \idx{mult_typing}       [| a:N;  b:N |] ==> a #* b : N
   616 \idx{multC0}            b:N ==> 0 #* b = 0 : N
   617 \idx{multC_succ}        [| a:N;  b:N |] ==> succ(a) #* b = b #+ (a#*b) : N
   618 \idx{mult_commute}      [| a:N;  b:N |] ==> a #* b = b #* a : N
   620 \idx{add_mult_dist}     [| a:N;  b:N;  c:N |] ==> 
   621                   (a #+ b) #* c = (a #* c) #+ (b #* c) : N
   623 \idx{mult_assoc}        [| a:N;  b:N;  c:N |] ==> 
   624                   (a #* b) #* c = a #* (b #* c) : N
   626 \idx{diff_typing}       [| a:N;  b:N |] ==> a - b : N
   627 \idx{diffC0}            a:N ==> a - 0 = a : N
   628 \idx{diff_0_eq_0}       b:N ==> 0 - b = 0 : N
   629 \idx{diff_succ_succ}    [| a:N;  b:N |] ==> succ(a) - succ(b) = a - b : N
   630 \idx{diff_self_eq_0}    a:N ==> a - a = 0 : N
   631 \idx{add_inverse_diff}  [| a:N;  b:N;  b-a=0 : N |] ==> b #+ (a-b) = a : N
   632 \end{ttbox}
   633 \subcaption{Some theorems of arithmetic}
   634 \caption{The theory of arithmetic} \label{ctt-arith}
   635 \end{figure}
   638 \section{A theory of arithmetic}
   639 {\CTT} contains a theory of elementary arithmetic.  It proves the
   640 properties of addition, multiplication, subtraction, division, and
   641 remainder, culminating in the theorem
   642 \[ a \bmod b + (a/b)\times b = a. \]
   643 Figure~\ref{ctt-arith} presents the definitions and some of the key
   644 theorems, including commutative, distributive, and associative laws.  The
   645 theory has the {\ML} identifier \ttindexbold{arith.thy}.  All proofs are on
   646 the file \ttindexbold{CTT/arith.ML}.
   648 The operators~\verb'#+', \verb'-', \verb'|-|', \verb'#*', \verb'mod'
   649 and~\verb'div' stand for sum, difference, absolute difference, product,
   650 remainder and quotient, respectively.  Since Type Theory has only primitive
   651 recursion, some of their definitions may be obscure.  
   653 The difference~$a-b$ is computed by taking $b$ predecessors of~$a$, where
   654 the predecessor function is $\lambda v. {\tt rec}(v, 0, \lambda x\,y.x)$.
   656 The remainder $a\bmod b$ counts up to~$a$ in a cyclic fashion, using 0
   657 as the successor of~$b-1$.  Absolute difference is used to test the
   658 equality $succ(v)=b$.
   660 The quotient $a/b$ is computed by adding one for every number $x$
   661 such that $0\leq x \leq a$ and $x\bmod b = 0$.
   665 \section{The examples directory}
   666 This directory contains examples and experimental proofs in {\CTT}.
   667 \begin{description}
   668 \item[\ttindexbold{CTT/ex/typechk.ML}]
   669 contains simple examples of type checking and type deduction.
   671 \item[\ttindexbold{CTT/ex/elim.ML}]
   672 contains some examples from Martin-L\"of~\cite{martinlof84}, proved using 
   673 {\tt pc_tac}.
   675 \item[\ttindexbold{CTT/ex/equal.ML}]
   676 contains simple examples of rewriting.
   678 \item[\ttindexbold{CTT/ex/synth.ML}]
   679 demonstrates the use of unknowns with some trivial examples of program
   680 synthesis. 
   681 \end{description}
   684 \section{Example: type inference}
   685 Type inference involves proving a goal of the form $a\in\Var{A}$, where $a$
   686 is a term and $\Var{A}$ is an unknown standing for its type.  The type,
   687 initially
   688 unknown, takes shape in the course of the proof.  Our example is the
   689 predecessor function on the natural numbers.
   690 \begin{ttbox}
   691 goal CTT.thy "lam n. rec(n, 0, %x y.x) : ?A";
   692 {\out Level 0}
   693 {\out lam n. rec(n,0,%x y. x) : ?A}
   694 {\out  1. lam n. rec(n,0,%x y. x) : ?A}
   695 \end{ttbox}
   696 Since the term is a Constructive Type Theory $\lambda$-abstraction (not to
   697 be confused with a meta-level abstraction), we apply the rule
   698 \ttindex{ProdI}, for $\Pi$-introduction.  This instantiates~$\Var{A}$ to a
   699 product type of unknown domain and range.
   700 \begin{ttbox}
   701 by (resolve_tac [ProdI] 1);
   702 {\out Level 1}
   703 {\out lam n. rec(n,0,%x y. x) : PROD x:?A1. ?B1(x)}
   704 {\out  1. ?A1 type}
   705 {\out  2. !!n. n : ?A1 ==> rec(n,0,%x y. x) : ?B1(n)}
   706 \end{ttbox}
   707 Subgoal~1 can be solved by instantiating~$\Var{A@1}$ to any type, but this
   708 could invalidate subgoal~2.  We therefore tackle the latter subgoal.  It
   709 asks the type of a term beginning with {\tt rec}, which can be found by
   710 $N$-elimination.\index{*NE}
   711 \begin{ttbox}
   712 by (eresolve_tac [NE] 2);
   713 {\out Level 2}
   714 {\out lam n. rec(n,0,%x y. x) : PROD x:N. ?C2(x,x)}
   715 {\out  1. N type}
   716 {\out  2. !!n. 0 : ?C2(n,0)}
   717 {\out  3. !!n x y. [| x : N; y : ?C2(n,x) |] ==> x : ?C2(n,succ(x))}
   718 \end{ttbox}
   719 We now know~$\Var{A@1}$ is the type of natural numbers.  However, let us
   720 continue with subgoal~2.  What is the type of~0?\index{*NIO}
   721 \begin{ttbox}
   722 by (resolve_tac [NI0] 2);
   723 {\out Level 3}
   724 {\out lam n. rec(n,0,%x y. x) : N --> N}
   725 {\out  1. N type}
   726 {\out  2. !!n x y. [| x : N; y : N |] ==> x : N}
   727 \end{ttbox}
   728 The type~$\Var{A}$ is now determined.  It is $\prod@{n\in N}N$, which is
   729 equivalent to $N\to N$.  But we must prove all the subgoals to show that
   730 the original term is validly typed.  Subgoal~2 is provable by assumption
   731 and the remaining subgoal falls by $N$-formation.\index{*NF}
   732 \begin{ttbox}
   733 by (assume_tac 2);
   734 {\out Level 4}
   735 {\out lam n. rec(n,0,%x y. x) : N --> N}
   736 {\out  1. N type}
   737 by (resolve_tac [NF] 1);
   738 {\out Level 5}
   739 {\out lam n. rec(n,0,%x y. x) : N --> N}
   740 {\out No subgoals!}
   741 \end{ttbox}
   742 Calling \ttindex{typechk_tac} can prove this theorem in one step.
   745 \section{An example of logical reasoning}
   746 Logical reasoning in Type Theory involves proving a goal of the form
   747 $\Var{a}\in A$, where type $A$ expresses a proposition and $\Var{a}$ is an
   748 unknown standing
   749 for its proof term: a value of type $A$. This term is initially unknown, as
   750 with type inference, and takes shape during the proof.  Our example
   751 expresses, by propositions-as-types, a theorem about quantifiers in a
   752 sorted logic:
   753 \[ \infer{(\ex{x\in A}P(x)) \disj (\ex{x\in A}Q(x))}
   754          {\ex{x\in A}P(x)\disj Q(x)} 
   755 \]
   756 It it related to a distributive law of Type Theory:
   757 \[ \infer{(A\times B) + (A\times C)}{A\times(B+C)} \]
   758 Generalizing this from $\times$ to $\Sigma$, and making the typing
   759 conditions explicit, yields
   760 \[ \infer{\Var{a} \in (\sum@{x\in A} B(x)) + (\sum@{x\in A} C(x))}
   761          {\hbox{$A$ type} &
   762           \infer*{\hbox{$B(x)$ type}}{[x\in A]}  &
   763           \infer*{\hbox{$C(x)$ type}}{[x\in A]}  &
   764           p\in \sum@{x\in A} B(x)+C(x)} 
   765 \]
   766 To derive this rule, we bind its premises --- returned by~\ttindex{goal}
   767 --- to the {\ML} variable~{\tt prems}.
   768 \begin{ttbox}
   769 val prems = goal CTT.thy
   770     "[| A type;                       \ttback
   771 \ttback       !!x. x:A ==> B(x) type;       \ttback
   772 \ttback       !!x. x:A ==> C(x) type;       \ttback
   773 \ttback       p: SUM x:A. B(x) + C(x)       \ttback
   774 \ttback    |] ==>  ?a : (SUM x:A. B(x)) + (SUM x:A. C(x))";
   775 {\out Level 0}
   776 {\out ?a : (SUM x:A. B(x)) + (SUM x:A. C(x))}
   777 {\out  1. ?a : (SUM x:A. B(x)) + (SUM x:A. C(x))}
   778 \ttbreak
   779 {\out val prems = ["A type  [A type]",}
   780 {\out              "?x : A ==> B(?x) type  [!!x. x : A ==> B(x) type]",}
   781 {\out              "?x : A ==> C(?x) type  [!!x. x : A ==> C(x) type]",}
   782 {\out              "p : SUM x:A. B(x) + C(x)  [p : SUM x:A. B(x) + C(x)]"]}
   783 {\out             : thm list}
   784 \end{ttbox}
   785 One of the premises involves summation ($\Sigma$).  Since it is a premise
   786 rather than the assumption of a goal, it cannot be found by
   787 \ttindex{eresolve_tac}.  We could insert it by calling
   788 \hbox{\tt \ttindex{cut_facts_tac} prems 1}.   Instead, let us resolve the
   789 $\Sigma$-elimination rule with the premises; this yields one result, which
   790 we supply to \ttindex{resolve_tac}.\index{*SumE}\index{*RL}
   791 \begin{ttbox}
   792 by (resolve_tac (prems RL [SumE]) 1);
   793 {\out Level 1}
   794 {\out split(p,?c1) : (SUM x:A. B(x)) + (SUM x:A. C(x))}
   795 {\out  1. !!x y.}
   796 {\out        [| x : A; y : B(x) + C(x) |] ==>}
   797 {\out        ?c1(x,y) : (SUM x:A. B(x)) + (SUM x:A. C(x))}
   798 \end{ttbox}
   799 The subgoal has two new parameters.  In the main goal, $\Var{a}$ has been
   800 instantiated with a \ttindex{split} term.  The assumption $y\in B(x) + C(x)$ is
   801 eliminated next, causing a case split and a new parameter.  The main goal
   802 now contains~\ttindex{when}.
   803 \index{*PlusE}
   804 \begin{ttbox}
   805 by (eresolve_tac [PlusE] 1);
   806 {\out Level 2}
   807 {\out split(p,%x y. when(y,?c2(x,y),?d2(x,y)))}
   808 {\out : (SUM x:A. B(x)) + (SUM x:A. C(x))}
   809 {\out  1. !!x y xa.}
   810 {\out        [| x : A; xa : B(x) |] ==>}
   811 {\out        ?c2(x,y,xa) : (SUM x:A. B(x)) + (SUM x:A. C(x))}
   812 \ttbreak
   813 {\out  2. !!x y ya.}
   814 {\out        [| x : A; ya : C(x) |] ==>}
   815 {\out        ?d2(x,y,ya) : (SUM x:A. B(x)) + (SUM x:A. C(x))}
   816 \end{ttbox}
   817 To complete the proof object for the main goal, we need to instantiate the
   818 terms $\Var{c@2}(x,y,xa)$ and $\Var{d@2}(x,y,xa)$.  We attack subgoal~1 by
   819 introduction of~$+$; since it assumes $xa\in B(x)$, we take the left
   820 injection~(\ttindex{inl}).
   821 \index{*PlusI_inl}
   822 \begin{ttbox}
   823 by (resolve_tac [PlusI_inl] 1);
   824 {\out Level 3}
   825 {\out split(p,%x y. when(y,%xa. inl(?a3(x,y,xa)),?d2(x,y)))}
   826 {\out : (SUM x:A. B(x)) + (SUM x:A. C(x))}
   827 {\out  1. !!x y xa. [| x : A; xa : B(x) |] ==> ?a3(x,y,xa) : SUM x:A. B(x)}
   828 {\out  2. !!x y xa. [| x : A; xa : B(x) |] ==> SUM x:A. C(x) type}
   829 \ttbreak
   830 {\out  3. !!x y ya.}
   831 {\out        [| x : A; ya : C(x) |] ==>}
   832 {\out        ?d2(x,y,ya) : (SUM x:A. B(x)) + (SUM x:A. C(x))}
   833 \end{ttbox}
   834 A new subgoal has appeared, to verify that $\sum@{x\in A}C(x)$ is a type.
   835 Continuing with subgoal~1, we apply $\Sigma$-introduction.  The main goal
   836 now contains an ordered pair.
   837 \index{*SumI}
   838 \begin{ttbox}
   839 by (resolve_tac [SumI] 1);
   840 {\out Level 4}
   841 {\out split(p,%x y. when(y,%xa. inl(<?a4(x,y,xa),?b4(x,y,xa)>),?d2(x,y)))}
   842 {\out : (SUM x:A. B(x)) + (SUM x:A. C(x))}
   843 {\out  1. !!x y xa. [| x : A; xa : B(x) |] ==> ?a4(x,y,xa) : A}
   844 {\out  2. !!x y xa. [| x : A; xa : B(x) |] ==> ?b4(x,y,xa) : B(?a4(x,y,xa))}
   845 {\out  3. !!x y xa. [| x : A; xa : B(x) |] ==> SUM x:A. C(x) type}
   846 {\out  4. !!x y ya.}
   847 {\out        [| x : A; ya : C(x) |] ==>}
   848 {\out        ?d2(x,y,ya) : (SUM x:A. B(x)) + (SUM x:A. C(x))}
   849 \end{ttbox}
   850 The two new subgoals both hold by assumption.  Observe how the unknowns
   851 $\Var{a@4}$ and $\Var{b@4}$ are instantiated throughout the proof state.
   852 \begin{ttbox}
   853 by (assume_tac 1);
   854 {\out Level 5}
   855 {\out split(p,%x y. when(y,%xa. inl(<x,?b4(x,y,xa)>),?d2(x,y)))}
   856 {\out : (SUM x:A. B(x)) + (SUM x:A. C(x))}
   857 {\out  1. !!x y xa. [| x : A; xa : B(x) |] ==> ?b4(x,y,xa) : B(x)}
   858 {\out  2. !!x y xa. [| x : A; xa : B(x) |] ==> SUM x:A. C(x) type}
   859 {\out  3. !!x y ya.}
   860 {\out        [| x : A; ya : C(x) |] ==>}
   861 {\out        ?d2(x,y,ya) : (SUM x:A. B(x)) + (SUM x:A. C(x))}
   862 by (assume_tac 1);
   863 {\out Level 6}
   864 {\out split(p,%x y. when(y,%xa. inl(<x,xa>),?d2(x,y)))}
   865 {\out : (SUM x:A. B(x)) + (SUM x:A. C(x))}
   866 {\out  1. !!x y xa. [| x : A; xa : B(x) |] ==> SUM x:A. C(x) type}
   867 {\out  2. !!x y ya.}
   868 {\out        [| x : A; ya : C(x) |] ==>}
   869 {\out        ?d2(x,y,ya) : (SUM x:A. B(x)) + (SUM x:A. C(x))}
   870 \end{ttbox}
   871 Subgoal~1 is just type checking.  It yields to \ttindex{typechk_tac},
   872 supplied with the current list of premises.
   873 \begin{ttbox}
   874 by (typechk_tac prems);
   875 {\out Level 7}
   876 {\out split(p,%x y. when(y,%xa. inl(<x,xa>),?d2(x,y)))}
   877 {\out : (SUM x:A. B(x)) + (SUM x:A. C(x))}
   878 {\out  1. !!x y ya.}
   879 {\out        [| x : A; ya : C(x) |] ==>}
   880 {\out        ?d2(x,y,ya) : (SUM x:A. B(x)) + (SUM x:A. C(x))}
   881 \end{ttbox}
   882 The other case is similar.  Let us prove it by \ttindex{pc_tac}, and note
   883 the final proof object.
   884 \begin{ttbox}
   885 by (pc_tac prems 1);
   886 {\out Level 8}
   887 {\out split(p,%x y. when(y,%xa. inl(<x,xa>),%y. inr(<x,y>)))}
   888 {\out : (SUM x:A. B(x)) + (SUM x:A. C(x))}
   889 {\out No subgoals!}
   890 \end{ttbox}
   891 Calling \ttindex{pc_tac} after the first $\Sigma$-elimination above also
   892 proves this theorem.
   895 \section{Example: deriving a currying functional}
   896 In simply-typed languages such as {\ML}, a currying functional has the type 
   897 \[ (A\times B \to C) \to (A\to (B\to C)). \]
   898 Let us generalize this to~$\Sigma$ and~$\Pi$.  The argument of the
   899 functional is a function that maps $z:\Sigma(A,B)$ to~$C(z)$; the resulting
   900 function maps $x\in A$ and $y\in B(x)$ to $C(\langle x,y\rangle)$.  Here
   901 $B$ is a family over~$A$, while $C$ is a family over $\Sigma(A,B)$.
   902 \begin{ttbox}
   903 val prems = goal CTT.thy
   904     "[| A type; !!x. x:A ==> B(x) type;                    \ttback
   905 \ttback               !!z. z: (SUM x:A. B(x)) ==> C(z) type |]   \ttback
   906 \ttback    ==> ?a : (PROD z : (SUM x:A . B(x)) . C(z))           \ttback
   907 \ttback         --> (PROD x:A . PROD y:B(x) . C(<x,y>))";
   908 {\out Level 0}
   909 {\out ?a : (PROD z:SUM x:A. B(x). C(z)) --> (PROD x:A. PROD y:B(x). C(<x,y>))}
   910 {\out  1. ?a : (PROD z:SUM x:A. B(x). C(z)) -->}
   911 {\out          (PROD x:A. PROD y:B(x). C(<x,y>))}
   912 \ttbreak
   913 {\out val prems = ["A type  [A type]",}
   914 {\out              "?x : A ==> B(?x) type  [!!x. x : A ==> B(x) type]",}
   915 {\out              "?z : SUM x:A. B(x) ==> C(?z) type}
   916 {\out               [!!z. z : SUM x:A. B(x) ==> C(z) type]"] : thm list}
   917 \end{ttbox}
   918 This is an opportunity to demonstrate \ttindex{intr_tac}.  Here, the tactic
   919 repeatedly applies $\Pi$-introduction, automatically proving the rather
   920 tiresome typing conditions.  Note that $\Var{a}$ becomes instantiated to
   921 three nested $\lambda$-abstractions.
   922 \begin{ttbox}
   923 by (intr_tac prems);
   924 {\out Level 1}
   925 {\out lam x xa xb. ?b7(x,xa,xb)}
   926 {\out : (PROD z:SUM x:A. B(x). C(z)) --> (PROD x:A. PROD y:B(x). C(<x,y>))}
   927 {\out  1. !!uu x y.}
   928 {\out        [| uu : PROD z:SUM x:A. B(x). C(z); x : A; y : B(x) |] ==>}
   929 {\out        ?b7(uu,x,y) : C(<x,y>)}
   930 \end{ttbox}
   931 Using $\Pi$-elimination, we solve subgoal~1 by applying the function~$uu$.
   932 \index{*ProdE}
   933 \begin{ttbox}
   934 by (eresolve_tac [ProdE] 1);
   935 {\out Level 2}
   936 {\out lam x xa xb. x ` <xa,xb>}
   937 {\out : (PROD z:SUM x:A. B(x). C(z)) --> (PROD x:A. PROD y:B(x). C(<x,y>))}
   938 {\out  1. !!uu x y. [| x : A; y : B(x) |] ==> <x,y> : SUM x:A. B(x)}
   939 \end{ttbox}
   940 Finally, we exhibit a suitable argument for the function application.  This
   941 is straightforward using introduction rules.
   942 \index{*intr_tac}
   943 \begin{ttbox}
   944 by (intr_tac prems);
   945 {\out Level 3}
   946 {\out lam x xa xb. x ` <xa,xb>}
   947 {\out : (PROD z:SUM x:A. B(x). C(z)) --> (PROD x:A. PROD y:B(x). C(<x,y>))}
   948 {\out No subgoals!}
   949 \end{ttbox}
   950 Calling~\ttindex{pc_tac} would have proved this theorem in one step; it can
   951 also prove an example by Martin-L\"of, related to $\disj$-elimination
   952 \cite[page~58]{martinlof84}.
   955 \section{Example: proving the Axiom of Choice} \label{ctt-choice}
   956 Suppose we have a function $h\in \prod@{x\in A}\sum@{y\in B(x)} C(x,y)$,
   957 which takes $x\in A$ to some $y\in B(x)$ paired with some $z\in C(x,y)$.
   958 Interpreting propositions as types, this asserts that for all $x\in A$
   959 there exists $y\in B(x)$ such that $C(x,y)$.  The Axiom of Choice asserts
   960 that we can construct a function $f\in \prod@{x\in A}B(x)$ such that
   961 $C(x,f{\tt`}x)$ for all $x\in A$, where the latter property is witnessed by a
   962 function $g\in \prod@{x\in A}C(x,f{\tt`}x)$.
   964 In principle, the Axiom of Choice is simple to derive in Constructive Type
   965 Theory \cite[page~50]{martinlof84}.  The following definitions work:
   966 \begin{eqnarray*}
   967     f & \equiv & {\tt fst} \circ h \\
   968     g & \equiv & {\tt snd} \circ h
   969 \end{eqnarray*}
   970 But a completely formal proof is hard to find.  Many of the rules can be
   971 applied in a multiplicity of ways, yielding a large number of higher-order
   972 unifiers.  The proof can get bogged down in the details.  But with a
   973 careful selection of derived rules (recall Figure~\ref{ctt-derived}) and
   974 the type checking tactics, we can prove the theorem in nine steps.
   975 \begin{ttbox}
   976 val prems = goal CTT.thy
   977     "[| A type;  !!x. x:A ==> B(x) type;              \ttback
   978 \ttback       !!x y.[| x:A;  y:B(x) |] ==> C(x,y) type      \ttback
   979 \ttback    |] ==> ?a :    (PROD x:A. SUM y:B(x). C(x,y))    \ttback
   980 \ttback               --> (SUM f: (PROD x:A. B(x)). PROD x:A. C(x, f`x))";
   981 {\out Level 0}
   982 {\out ?a : (PROD x:A. SUM y:B(x). C(x,y)) -->}
   983 {\out      (SUM f:PROD x:A. B(x). PROD x:A. C(x,f ` x))}
   984 {\out  1. ?a : (PROD x:A. SUM y:B(x). C(x,y)) -->}
   985 {\out          (SUM f:PROD x:A. B(x). PROD x:A. C(x,f ` x))}
   986 \ttbreak
   987 {\out val prems = ["A type  [A type]",}
   988 {\out              "?x : A ==> B(?x) type  [!!x. x : A ==> B(x) type]",}
   989 {\out              "[| ?x : A; ?y : B(?x) |] ==> C(?x, ?y) type}
   990 {\out               [!!x y. [| x : A; y : B(x) |] ==> C(x, y) type]"]}
   991 {\out             : thm list}
   992 \end{ttbox}
   993 First, \ttindex{intr_tac} applies introduction rules and performs routine
   994 type checking.  This instantiates~$\Var{a}$ to a construction involving
   995 three $\lambda$-abstractions and an ordered pair.
   996 \begin{ttbox}
   997 by (intr_tac prems);
   998 {\out Level 1}
   999 {\out lam x. <lam xa. ?b7(x,xa),lam xa. ?b8(x,xa)>}
  1000 {\out : (PROD x:A. SUM y:B(x). C(x,y)) -->}
  1001 {\out   (SUM f:PROD x:A. B(x). PROD x:A. C(x,f ` x))}
  1002 \ttbreak
  1003 {\out  1. !!uu x.}
  1004 {\out        [| uu : PROD x:A. SUM y:B(x). C(x,y); x : A |] ==>}
  1005 {\out        ?b7(uu,x) : B(x)}
  1006 \ttbreak
  1007 {\out  2. !!uu x.}
  1008 {\out        [| uu : PROD x:A. SUM y:B(x). C(x,y); x : A |] ==>}
  1009 {\out        ?b8(uu,x) : C(x,(lam x. ?b7(uu,x)) ` x)}
  1010 \end{ttbox}
  1011 Subgoal~1 asks to find the choice function itself, taking $x\in A$ to some
  1012 $\Var{b@7}(uu,x)\in B(x)$.  Subgoal~2 asks, given $x\in A$, for a proof
  1013 object $\Var{b@8}(uu,x)$ to witness that the choice function's argument
  1014 and result lie in the relation~$C$.  
  1015 \index{*ProdE}\index{*SumE_fst}\index{*RS}
  1016 \begin{ttbox}
  1017 by (eresolve_tac [ProdE RS SumE_fst] 1);
  1018 {\out Level 2}
  1019 {\out lam x. <lam xa. fst(x ` xa),lam xa. ?b8(x,xa)>}
  1020 {\out : (PROD x:A. SUM y:B(x). C(x,y)) -->}
  1021 {\out   (SUM f:PROD x:A. B(x). PROD x:A. C(x,f ` x))}
  1022 \ttbreak
  1023 {\out  1. !!uu x. x : A ==> x : A}
  1024 {\out  2. !!uu x.}
  1025 {\out        [| uu : PROD x:A. SUM y:B(x). C(x,y); x : A |] ==>}
  1026 {\out        ?b8(uu,x) : C(x,(lam x. fst(uu ` x)) ` x)}
  1027 \end{ttbox}
  1028 Above, we have composed \ttindex{fst} with the function~$h$ (named~$uu$ in
  1029 the assumptions).  Unification has deduced that the function must be
  1030 applied to $x\in A$.
  1031 \begin{ttbox}
  1032 by (assume_tac 1);
  1033 {\out Level 3}
  1034 {\out lam x. <lam xa. fst(x ` xa),lam xa. ?b8(x,xa)>}
  1035 {\out : (PROD x:A. SUM y:B(x). C(x,y)) -->}
  1036 {\out   (SUM f:PROD x:A. B(x). PROD x:A. C(x,f ` x))}
  1037 {\out  1. !!uu x.}
  1038 {\out        [| uu : PROD x:A. SUM y:B(x). C(x,y); x : A |] ==>}
  1039 {\out        ?b8(uu,x) : C(x,(lam x. fst(uu ` x)) ` x)}
  1040 \end{ttbox}
  1041 Before we can compose \ttindex{snd} with~$h$, the arguments of $C$ must be
  1042 simplified.  The derived rule \ttindex{replace_type} lets us replace a type
  1043 by any equivalent type:
  1044 \begin{ttbox}
  1045 by (resolve_tac [replace_type] 1);
  1046 {\out Level 4}
  1047 {\out lam x. <lam xa. fst(x ` xa),lam xa. ?b8(x,xa)>}
  1048 {\out : (PROD x:A. SUM y:B(x). C(x,y)) -->}
  1049 {\out   (SUM f:PROD x:A. B(x). PROD x:A. C(x,f ` x))}
  1050 \ttbreak
  1051 {\out  1. !!uu x.}
  1052 {\out        [| uu : PROD x:A. SUM y:B(x). C(x,y); x : A |] ==>}
  1053 {\out        C(x,(lam x. fst(uu ` x)) ` x) = ?A13(uu,x)}
  1054 \ttbreak
  1055 {\out  2. !!uu x.}
  1056 {\out        [| uu : PROD x:A. SUM y:B(x). C(x,y); x : A |] ==>}
  1057 {\out        ?b8(uu,x) : ?A13(uu,x)}
  1058 \end{ttbox}
  1059 The derived rule \ttindex{subst_eqtyparg} lets us simplify a type's
  1060 argument (by currying, $C(x)$ is a unary type operator):
  1061 \begin{ttbox}
  1062 by (resolve_tac [subst_eqtyparg] 1);
  1063 {\out Level 5}
  1064 {\out lam x. <lam xa. fst(x ` xa),lam xa. ?b8(x,xa)>}
  1065 {\out : (PROD x:A. SUM y:B(x). C(x,y)) -->}
  1066 {\out   (SUM f:PROD x:A. B(x). PROD x:A. C(x,f ` x))}
  1067 \ttbreak
  1068 {\out  1. !!uu x.}
  1069 {\out        [| uu : PROD x:A. SUM y:B(x). C(x,y); x : A |] ==>}
  1070 {\out        (lam x. fst(uu ` x)) ` x = ?c14(uu,x) : ?A14(uu,x)}
  1071 \ttbreak
  1072 {\out  2. !!uu x z.}
  1073 {\out        [| uu : PROD x:A. SUM y:B(x). C(x,y); x : A;}
  1074 {\out           z : ?A14(uu,x) |] ==>}
  1075 {\out        C(x,z) type}
  1076 \ttbreak
  1077 {\out  3. !!uu x.}
  1078 {\out        [| uu : PROD x:A. SUM y:B(x). C(x,y); x : A |] ==>}
  1079 {\out        ?b8(uu,x) : C(x,?c14(uu,x))}
  1080 \end{ttbox}
  1081 The rule \ttindex{ProdC} is simply $\beta$-reduction.  The term
  1082 $\Var{c@{14}}(uu,x)$ receives the simplified form, $f{\tt`}x$.
  1083 \begin{ttbox}
  1084 by (resolve_tac [ProdC] 1);
  1085 {\out Level 6}
  1086 {\out lam x. <lam xa. fst(x ` xa),lam xa. ?b8(x,xa)>}
  1087 {\out : (PROD x:A. SUM y:B(x). C(x,y)) -->}
  1088 {\out   (SUM f:PROD x:A. B(x). PROD x:A. C(x,f ` x))}
  1089 \ttbreak
  1090 {\out  1. !!uu x.}
  1091 {\out        [| uu : PROD x:A. SUM y:B(x). C(x,y); x : A |] ==> x : ?A15(uu,x)}
  1092 \ttbreak
  1093 {\out  2. !!uu x xa.}
  1094 {\out        [| uu : PROD x:A. SUM y:B(x). C(x,y); x : A;}
  1095 {\out           xa : ?A15(uu,x) |] ==>}
  1096 {\out        fst(uu ` xa) : ?B15(uu,x,xa)}
  1097 \ttbreak
  1098 {\out  3. !!uu x z.}
  1099 {\out        [| uu : PROD x:A. SUM y:B(x). C(x,y); x : A;}
  1100 {\out           z : ?B15(uu,x,x) |] ==>}
  1101 {\out        C(x,z) type}
  1102 \ttbreak
  1103 {\out  4. !!uu x.}
  1104 {\out        [| uu : PROD x:A. SUM y:B(x). C(x,y); x : A |] ==>}
  1105 {\out        ?b8(uu,x) : C(x,fst(uu ` x))}
  1106 \end{ttbox}
  1107 Routine type checking goals proliferate in Constructive Type Theory, but
  1108 \ttindex{typechk_tac} quickly solves them.  Note the inclusion of
  1109 \ttindex{SumE_fst}.
  1110 \begin{ttbox}
  1111 by (typechk_tac (SumE_fst::prems));
  1112 {\out Level 7}
  1113 {\out lam x. <lam xa. fst(x ` xa),lam xa. ?b8(x,xa)>}
  1114 {\out : (PROD x:A. SUM y:B(x). C(x,y)) -->}
  1115 {\out   (SUM f:PROD x:A. B(x). PROD x:A. C(x,f ` x))}
  1116 {\out  1. !!uu x.}
  1117 {\out        [| uu : PROD x:A. SUM y:B(x). C(x,y); x : A |] ==>}
  1118 {\out        ?b8(uu,x) : C(x,fst(uu ` x))}
  1119 \end{ttbox}
  1120 We are finally ready to compose \ttindex{snd} with~$h$.
  1121 \index{*ProdE}\index{*SumE_snd}\index{*RS}
  1122 \begin{ttbox}
  1123 by (eresolve_tac [ProdE RS SumE_snd] 1);
  1124 {\out Level 8}
  1125 {\out lam x. <lam xa. fst(x ` xa),lam xa. snd(x ` xa)>}
  1126 {\out : (PROD x:A. SUM y:B(x). C(x,y)) -->}
  1127 {\out   (SUM f:PROD x:A. B(x). PROD x:A. C(x,f ` x))}
  1128 {\out  1. !!uu x. x : A ==> x : A}
  1129 {\out  2. !!uu x. x : A ==> B(x) type}
  1130 {\out  3. !!uu x xa. [| x : A; xa : B(x) |] ==> C(x,xa) type}
  1131 \end{ttbox}
  1132 The proof object has reached its final form.  We call \ttindex{typechk_tac}
  1133 to finish the type checking.
  1134 \begin{ttbox}
  1135 by (typechk_tac prems);
  1136 {\out Level 9}
  1137 {\out lam x. <lam xa. fst(x ` xa),lam xa. snd(x ` xa)>}
  1138 {\out : (PROD x:A. SUM y:B(x). C(x,y)) -->}
  1139 {\out   (SUM f:PROD x:A. B(x). PROD x:A. C(x,f ` x))}
  1140 {\out No subgoals!}
  1141 \end{ttbox}