author nipkow
Wed, 31 Aug 1994 17:34:12 +0200
changeset 580 909e00299009
parent 471 22325fd7234e
child 594 33a6bdb62a18
permissions -rw-r--r--
Updated datatype documentation with a few hints
     1 %% $Id$
     2 \chapter{Higher-Order Logic}
     3 \index{higher-order logic|(}
     4 \index{HOL system@{\sc hol} system}
     6 The theory~\thydx{HOL} implements higher-order logic.
     7 It is based on Gordon's~{\sc hol} system~\cite{mgordon-hol}, which itself is
     8 based on Church's original paper~\cite{church40}.  Andrews's
     9 book~\cite{andrews86} is a full description of higher-order logic.
    10 Experience with the {\sc hol} system has demonstrated that higher-order
    11 logic is useful for hardware verification; beyond this, it is widely
    12 applicable in many areas of mathematics.  It is weaker than {\ZF} set
    13 theory but for most applications this does not matter.  If you prefer {\ML}
    14 to Lisp, you will probably prefer \HOL\ to~{\ZF}.
    16 Previous releases of Isabelle included a different version of~\HOL, with
    17 explicit type inference rules~\cite{paulson-COLOG}.  This version no longer
    18 exists, but \thydx{ZF} supports a similar style of reasoning.
    20 \HOL\ has a distinct feel, compared with {\ZF} and {\CTT}.  It
    21 identifies object-level types with meta-level types, taking advantage of
    22 Isabelle's built-in type checker.  It identifies object-level functions
    23 with meta-level functions, so it uses Isabelle's operations for abstraction
    24 and application.  There is no `apply' operator: function applications are
    25 written as simply~$f(a)$ rather than $f{\tt`}a$.
    27 These identifications allow Isabelle to support \HOL\ particularly nicely,
    28 but they also mean that \HOL\ requires more sophistication from the user
    29 --- in particular, an understanding of Isabelle's type system.  Beginners
    30 should work with {\tt show_types} set to {\tt true}.  Gain experience by
    31 working in first-order logic before attempting to use higher-order logic.
    32 This chapter assumes familiarity with~{\FOL{}}.
    35 \begin{figure} 
    36 \begin{center}
    37 \begin{tabular}{rrr} 
    38   \it name      &\it meta-type  & \it description \\ 
    39   \cdx{Trueprop}& $bool\To prop$                & coercion to $prop$\\
    40   \cdx{not}     & $bool\To bool$                & negation ($\neg$) \\
    41   \cdx{True}    & $bool$                        & tautology ($\top$) \\
    42   \cdx{False}   & $bool$                        & absurdity ($\bot$) \\
    43   \cdx{if}      & $[bool,\alpha,\alpha]\To\alpha::term$ & conditional \\
    44   \cdx{Inv}     & $(\alpha\To\beta)\To(\beta\To\alpha)$ & function inversion\\
    45   \cdx{Let}     & $[\alpha,\alpha\To\beta]\To\beta$ & let binder
    46 \end{tabular}
    47 \end{center}
    48 \subcaption{Constants}
    50 \begin{center}
    51 \index{"@@{\tt\at} symbol}
    52 \index{*"! symbol}\index{*"? symbol}
    53 \index{*"?"! symbol}\index{*"E"X"! symbol}
    54 \begin{tabular}{llrrr} 
    55   \it symbol &\it name     &\it meta-type & \it description \\
    56   \tt\at & \cdx{Eps}  & $(\alpha\To bool)\To\alpha::term$ & 
    57         Hilbert description ($\epsilon$) \\
    58   {\tt!~} or \sdx{ALL}  & \cdx{All}  & $(\alpha::term\To bool)\To bool$ & 
    59         universal quantifier ($\forall$) \\
    60   {\tt?~} or \sdx{EX}   & \cdx{Ex}   & $(\alpha::term\To bool)\To bool$ & 
    61         existential quantifier ($\exists$) \\
    62   {\tt?!} or {\tt EX!}  & \cdx{Ex1}  & $(\alpha::term\To bool)\To bool$ & 
    63         unique existence ($\exists!$)
    64 \end{tabular}
    65 \end{center}
    66 \subcaption{Binders} 
    68 \begin{center}
    69 \index{*"= symbol}
    70 \index{&@{\tt\&} symbol}
    71 \index{*"| symbol}
    72 \index{*"-"-"> symbol}
    73 \begin{tabular}{rrrr} 
    74   \it symbol    & \it meta-type & \it priority & \it description \\ 
    75   \sdx{o}       & $[\beta\To\gamma,\alpha\To\beta]\To (\alpha\To\gamma)$ & 
    76         Right 50 & composition ($\circ$) \\
    77   \tt =         & $[\alpha::term,\alpha]\To bool$ & Left 50 & equality ($=$) \\
    78   \tt <         & $[\alpha::ord,\alpha]\To bool$ & Left 50 & less than ($<$) \\
    79   \tt <=        & $[\alpha::ord,\alpha]\To bool$ & Left 50 & 
    80                 less than or equals ($\leq$)\\
    81   \tt \&        & $[bool,bool]\To bool$ & Right 35 & conjunction ($\conj$) \\
    82   \tt |         & $[bool,bool]\To bool$ & Right 30 & disjunction ($\disj$) \\
    83   \tt -->       & $[bool,bool]\To bool$ & Right 25 & implication ($\imp$)
    84 \end{tabular}
    85 \end{center}
    86 \subcaption{Infixes}
    87 \caption{Syntax of {\tt HOL}} \label{hol-constants}
    88 \end{figure}
    91 \begin{figure}
    92 \index{*let symbol}
    93 \index{*in symbol}
    94 \dquotes
    95 \[\begin{array}{rclcl}
    96     term & = & \hbox{expression of class~$term$} \\
    97          & | & "\at~" id~id^* " . " formula \\
    98          & | & 
    99     \multicolumn{3}{l}{"let"~id~"="~term";"\dots";"~id~"="~term~"in"~term}
   100                \\[2ex]
   101  formula & = & \hbox{expression of type~$bool$} \\
   102          & | & term " = " term \\
   103          & | & term " \ttilde= " term \\
   104          & | & term " < " term \\
   105          & | & term " <= " term \\
   106          & | & "\ttilde\ " formula \\
   107          & | & formula " \& " formula \\
   108          & | & formula " | " formula \\
   109          & | & formula " --> " formula \\
   110          & | & "!~~~" id~id^* " . " formula 
   111          & | & "ALL~" id~id^* " . " formula \\
   112          & | & "?~~~" id~id^* " . " formula 
   113          & | & "EX~~" id~id^* " . " formula \\
   114          & | & "?!~~" id~id^* " . " formula 
   115          & | & "EX!~" id~id^* " . " formula
   116   \end{array}
   117 \]
   118 \caption{Full grammar for \HOL} \label{hol-grammar}
   119 \end{figure} 
   122 \section{Syntax}
   123 The type class of higher-order terms is called~\cldx{term}.  Type variables
   124 range over this class by default.  The equality symbol and quantifiers are
   125 polymorphic over class {\tt term}.
   127 Class \cldx{ord} consists of all ordered types; the relations $<$ and
   128 $\leq$ are polymorphic over this class, as are the functions
   129 \cdx{mono}, \cdx{min} and \cdx{max}.  Three other
   130 type classes --- \cldx{plus}, \cldx{minus} and \cldx{times} --- permit
   131 overloading of the operators {\tt+}, {\tt-} and {\tt*}.  In particular,
   132 {\tt-} is overloaded for set difference and subtraction.
   133 \index{*"+ symbol}
   134 \index{*"- symbol}
   135 \index{*"* symbol}
   137 Figure~\ref{hol-constants} lists the constants (including infixes and
   138 binders), while Fig.\ts\ref{hol-grammar} presents the grammar of
   139 higher-order logic.  Note that $a$\verb|~=|$b$ is translated to
   140 $\neg(a=b)$.
   142 \begin{warn}
   143   \HOL\ has no if-and-only-if connective; logical equivalence is expressed
   144   using equality.  But equality has a high priority, as befitting a
   145   relation, while if-and-only-if typically has the lowest priority.  Thus,
   146   $\neg\neg P=P$ abbreviates $\neg\neg (P=P)$ and not $(\neg\neg P)=P$.
   147   When using $=$ to mean logical equivalence, enclose both operands in
   148   parentheses.
   149 \end{warn}
   151 \subsection{Types}\label{HOL-types}
   152 The type of formulae, \tydx{bool}, belongs to class \cldx{term}; thus,
   153 formulae are terms.  The built-in type~\tydx{fun}, which constructs function
   154 types, is overloaded with arity {\tt(term,term)term}.  Thus, $\sigma\To\tau$
   155 belongs to class~{\tt term} if $\sigma$ and~$\tau$ do, allowing quantification
   156 over functions.
   158 Types in \HOL\ must be non-empty; otherwise the quantifier rules would be
   159 unsound.  I have commented on this elsewhere~\cite[\S7]{paulson-COLOG}.
   161 \index{type definitions}
   162 Gordon's {\sc hol} system supports {\bf type definitions}.  A type is
   163 defined by exhibiting an existing type~$\sigma$, a predicate~$P::\sigma\To
   164 bool$, and a theorem of the form $\exists x::\sigma.P(x)$.  Thus~$P$
   165 specifies a non-empty subset of~$\sigma$, and the new type denotes this
   166 subset.  New function constants are generated to establish an isomorphism
   167 between the new type and the subset.  If type~$\sigma$ involves type
   168 variables $\alpha@1$, \ldots, $\alpha@n$, then the type definition creates
   169 a type constructor $(\alpha@1,\ldots,\alpha@n)ty$ rather than a particular
   170 type.  Melham~\cite{melham89} discusses type definitions at length, with
   171 examples. 
   173 Isabelle does not support type definitions at present.  Instead, they are
   174 mimicked by explicit definitions of isomorphism functions.  The definitions
   175 should be supported by theorems of the form $\exists x::\sigma.P(x)$, but
   176 Isabelle cannot enforce this.
   179 \subsection{Binders}
   180 Hilbert's {\bf description} operator~$\epsilon x.P[x]$ stands for some~$a$
   181 satisfying~$P[a]$, if such exists.  Since all terms in \HOL\ denote
   182 something, a description is always meaningful, but we do not know its value
   183 unless $P[x]$ defines it uniquely.  We may write descriptions as
   184 \cdx{Eps}($P$) or use the syntax
   185 \hbox{\tt \at $x$.$P[x]$}.
   187 Existential quantification is defined by
   188 \[ \exists x.P(x) \;\equiv\; P(\epsilon x.P(x)). \]
   189 The unique existence quantifier, $\exists!x.P[x]$, is defined in terms
   190 of~$\exists$ and~$\forall$.  An Isabelle binder, it admits nested
   191 quantifications.  For instance, $\exists!x y.P(x,y)$ abbreviates
   192 $\exists!x. \exists!y.P(x,y)$; note that this does not mean that there
   193 exists a unique pair $(x,y)$ satisfying~$P(x,y)$.
   195 \index{*"! symbol}\index{*"? symbol}\index{HOL system@{\sc hol} system}
   196 Quantifiers have two notations.  As in Gordon's {\sc hol} system, \HOL\
   197 uses~{\tt!}\ and~{\tt?}\ to stand for $\forall$ and $\exists$.  The
   198 existential quantifier must be followed by a space; thus {\tt?x} is an
   199 unknown, while \verb'? x.f(x)=y' is a quantification.  Isabelle's usual
   200 notation for quantifiers, \sdx{ALL} and \sdx{EX}, is also
   201 available.  Both notations are accepted for input.  The {\ML} reference
   202 \ttindexbold{HOL_quantifiers} governs the output notation.  If set to {\tt
   203 true}, then~{\tt!}\ and~{\tt?}\ are displayed; this is the default.  If set
   204 to {\tt false}, then~{\tt ALL} and~{\tt EX} are displayed.
   206 All these binders have priority 10. 
   209 \subsection{The \sdx{let} and \sdx{case} constructions}
   210 Local abbreviations can be introduced by a {\tt let} construct whose
   211 syntax appears in Fig.\ts\ref{hol-grammar}.  Internally it is translated into
   212 the constant~\cdx{Let}.  It can be expanded by rewriting with its
   213 definition, \tdx{Let_def}.
   215 \HOL\ also defines the basic syntax
   216 \[\dquotes"case"~e~"of"~c@1~"=>"~e@1~"|" \dots "|"~c@n~"=>"~e@n\] 
   217 as a uniform means of expressing {\tt case} constructs.  Therefore {\tt
   218   case} and \sdx{of} are reserved words.  However, so far this is mere
   219 syntax and has no logical meaning.  By declaring translations, you can
   220 cause instances of the {\tt case} construct to denote applications of
   221 particular case operators.  The patterns supplied for $c@1$,~\ldots,~$c@n$
   222 distinguish among the different case operators.  For an example, see the
   223 case construct for lists on page~\pageref{hol-list} below.
   226 \begin{figure}
   227 \begin{ttbox}\makeatother
   228 \tdx{refl}           t = (t::'a)
   229 \tdx{subst}          [| s=t; P(s) |] ==> P(t::'a)
   230 \tdx{ext}            (!!x::'a. (f(x)::'b) = g(x)) ==> (\%x.f(x)) = (\%x.g(x))
   231 \tdx{impI}           (P ==> Q) ==> P-->Q
   232 \tdx{mp}             [| P-->Q;  P |] ==> Q
   233 \tdx{iff}            (P-->Q) --> (Q-->P) --> (P=Q)
   234 \tdx{selectI}        P(x::'a) ==> P(@x.P(x))
   235 \tdx{True_or_False}  (P=True) | (P=False)
   236 \end{ttbox}
   237 \caption{The {\tt HOL} rules} \label{hol-rules}
   238 \end{figure}
   241 \begin{figure}\hfuzz=4pt%suppress "Overfull \hbox" message
   242 \begin{ttbox}\makeatother
   243 \tdx{True_def}   True  == ((\%x::bool.x)=(\%x.x))
   244 \tdx{All_def}    All   == (\%P. P = (\%x.True))
   245 \tdx{Ex_def}     Ex    == (\%P. P(@x.P(x)))
   246 \tdx{False_def}  False == (!P.P)
   247 \tdx{not_def}    not   == (\%P. P-->False)
   248 \tdx{and_def}    op &  == (\%P Q. !R. (P-->Q-->R) --> R)
   249 \tdx{or_def}     op |  == (\%P Q. !R. (P-->R) --> (Q-->R) --> R)
   250 \tdx{Ex1_def}    Ex1   == (\%P. ? x. P(x) & (! y. P(y) --> y=x))
   252 \tdx{Inv_def}    Inv   == (\%(f::'a=>'b) y. @x. f(x)=y)
   253 \tdx{o_def}      op o  == (\%(f::'b=>'c) g (x::'a). f(g(x)))
   254 \tdx{if_def}     if    == (\%P x y.@z::'a.(P=True --> z=x) & (P=False --> z=y))
   255 \tdx{Let_def}    Let(s,f) == f(s)
   256 \end{ttbox}
   257 \caption{The {\tt HOL} definitions} \label{hol-defs}
   258 \end{figure}
   261 \section{Rules of inference}
   262 Figure~\ref{hol-rules} shows the inference rules of~\HOL{}, with
   263 their~{\ML} names.  Some of the rules deserve additional comments:
   264 \begin{ttdescription}
   265 \item[\tdx{ext}] expresses extensionality of functions.
   266 \item[\tdx{iff}] asserts that logically equivalent formulae are
   267   equal.
   268 \item[\tdx{selectI}] gives the defining property of the Hilbert
   269   $\epsilon$-operator.  It is a form of the Axiom of Choice.  The derived rule
   270   \tdx{select_equality} (see below) is often easier to use.
   271 \item[\tdx{True_or_False}] makes the logic classical.\footnote{In
   272     fact, the $\epsilon$-operator already makes the logic classical, as
   273     shown by Diaconescu; see Paulson~\cite{paulson-COLOG} for details.}
   274 \end{ttdescription}
   276 \HOL{} follows standard practice in higher-order logic: only a few
   277 connectives are taken as primitive, with the remainder defined obscurely
   278 (Fig.\ts\ref{hol-defs}).  Gordon's {\sc hol} system expresses the
   279 corresponding definitions \cite[page~270]{mgordon-hol} using
   280 object-equality~({\tt=}), which is possible because equality in
   281 higher-order logic may equate formulae and even functions over formulae.
   282 But theory~\HOL{}, like all other Isabelle theories, uses
   283 meta-equality~({\tt==}) for definitions.
   285 Some of the rules mention type variables; for
   286 example, {\tt refl} mentions the type variable~{\tt'a}.  This allows you to
   287 instantiate type variables explicitly by calling {\tt res_inst_tac}.  By
   288 default, explicit type variables have class \cldx{term}.
   290 Include type constraints whenever you state a polymorphic goal.  Type
   291 inference may otherwise make the goal more polymorphic than you intended,
   292 with confusing results.
   294 \begin{warn}
   295   If resolution fails for no obvious reason, try setting
   296   \ttindex{show_types} to {\tt true}, causing Isabelle to display types of
   297   terms.  Possibly set \ttindex{show_sorts} to {\tt true} as well, causing
   298   Isabelle to display sorts.
   300   \index{unification!incompleteness of}
   301   Where function types are involved, Isabelle's unification code does not
   302   guarantee to find instantiations for type variables automatically.  Be
   303   prepared to use \ttindex{res_inst_tac} instead of {\tt resolve_tac},
   304   possibly instantiating type variables.  Setting
   305   \ttindex{Unify.trace_types} to {\tt true} causes Isabelle to report
   306   omitted search paths during unification.\index{tracing!of unification}
   307 \end{warn}
   310 \begin{figure}
   311 \begin{ttbox}
   312 \tdx{sym}         s=t ==> t=s
   313 \tdx{trans}       [| r=s; s=t |] ==> r=t
   314 \tdx{ssubst}      [| t=s; P(s) |] ==> P(t::'a)
   315 \tdx{box_equals}  [| a=b;  a=c;  b=d |] ==> c=d  
   316 \tdx{arg_cong}    x=y ==> f(x)=f(y)
   317 \tdx{fun_cong}    f=g ==> f(x)=g(x)
   318 \subcaption{Equality}
   320 \tdx{TrueI}       True 
   321 \tdx{FalseE}      False ==> P
   323 \tdx{conjI}       [| P; Q |] ==> P&Q
   324 \tdx{conjunct1}   [| P&Q |] ==> P
   325 \tdx{conjunct2}   [| P&Q |] ==> Q 
   326 \tdx{conjE}       [| P&Q;  [| P; Q |] ==> R |] ==> R
   328 \tdx{disjI1}      P ==> P|Q
   329 \tdx{disjI2}      Q ==> P|Q
   330 \tdx{disjE}       [| P | Q; P ==> R; Q ==> R |] ==> R
   332 \tdx{notI}        (P ==> False) ==> ~ P
   333 \tdx{notE}        [| ~ P;  P |] ==> R
   334 \tdx{impE}        [| P-->Q;  P;  Q ==> R |] ==> R
   335 \subcaption{Propositional logic}
   337 \tdx{iffI}        [| P ==> Q;  Q ==> P |] ==> P=Q
   338 \tdx{iffD1}       [| P=Q; P |] ==> Q
   339 \tdx{iffD2}       [| P=Q; Q |] ==> P
   340 \tdx{iffE}        [| P=Q; [| P --> Q; Q --> P |] ==> R |] ==> R
   342 \tdx{eqTrueI}     P ==> P=True 
   343 \tdx{eqTrueE}     P=True ==> P 
   344 \subcaption{Logical equivalence}
   346 \end{ttbox}
   347 \caption{Derived rules for \HOL} \label{hol-lemmas1}
   348 \end{figure}
   351 \begin{figure}
   352 \begin{ttbox}\makeatother
   353 \tdx{allI}      (!!x::'a. P(x)) ==> !x. P(x)
   354 \tdx{spec}      !x::'a.P(x) ==> P(x)
   355 \tdx{allE}      [| !x.P(x);  P(x) ==> R |] ==> R
   356 \tdx{all_dupE}  [| !x.P(x);  [| P(x); !x.P(x) |] ==> R |] ==> R
   358 \tdx{exI}       P(x) ==> ? x::'a.P(x)
   359 \tdx{exE}       [| ? x::'a.P(x); !!x. P(x) ==> Q |] ==> Q
   361 \tdx{ex1I}      [| P(a);  !!x. P(x) ==> x=a |] ==> ?! x. P(x)
   362 \tdx{ex1E}      [| ?! x.P(x);  !!x. [| P(x);  ! y. P(y) --> y=x |] ==> R 
   363           |] ==> R
   365 \tdx{select_equality} [| P(a);  !!x. P(x) ==> x=a |] ==> (@x.P(x)) = a
   366 \subcaption{Quantifiers and descriptions}
   368 \tdx{ccontr}          (~P ==> False) ==> P
   369 \tdx{classical}       (~P ==> P) ==> P
   370 \tdx{excluded_middle} ~P | P
   372 \tdx{disjCI}          (~Q ==> P) ==> P|Q
   373 \tdx{exCI}            (! x. ~ P(x) ==> P(a)) ==> ? x.P(x)
   374 \tdx{impCE}           [| P-->Q; ~ P ==> R; Q ==> R |] ==> R
   375 \tdx{iffCE}           [| P=Q;  [| P;Q |] ==> R;  [| ~P; ~Q |] ==> R |] ==> R
   376 \tdx{notnotD}         ~~P ==> P
   377 \tdx{swap}            ~P ==> (~Q ==> P) ==> Q
   378 \subcaption{Classical logic}
   380 \tdx{if_True}         if(True,x,y) = x
   381 \tdx{if_False}        if(False,x,y) = y
   382 \tdx{if_P}            P ==> if(P,x,y) = x
   383 \tdx{if_not_P}        ~ P ==> if(P,x,y) = y
   384 \tdx{expand_if}       P(if(Q,x,y)) = ((Q --> P(x)) & (~Q --> P(y)))
   385 \subcaption{Conditionals}
   386 \end{ttbox}
   387 \caption{More derived rules} \label{hol-lemmas2}
   388 \end{figure}
   391 Some derived rules are shown in Figures~\ref{hol-lemmas1}
   392 and~\ref{hol-lemmas2}, with their {\ML} names.  These include natural rules
   393 for the logical connectives, as well as sequent-style elimination rules for
   394 conjunctions, implications, and universal quantifiers.  
   396 Note the equality rules: \tdx{ssubst} performs substitution in
   397 backward proofs, while \tdx{box_equals} supports reasoning by
   398 simplifying both sides of an equation.
   401 \begin{figure} 
   402 \begin{center}
   403 \begin{tabular}{rrr} 
   404   \it name      &\it meta-type  & \it description \\ 
   405 \index{{}@\verb'{}' symbol}
   406   \verb|{}|     & $\alpha\,set$         & the empty set \\
   407   \cdx{insert}  & $[\alpha,\alpha\,set]\To \alpha\,set$
   408         & insertion of element \\
   409   \cdx{Collect} & $(\alpha\To bool)\To\alpha\,set$
   410         & comprehension \\
   411   \cdx{Compl}   & $(\alpha\,set)\To\alpha\,set$
   412         & complement \\
   413   \cdx{INTER} & $[\alpha\,set,\alpha\To\beta\,set]\To\beta\,set$
   414         & intersection over a set\\
   415   \cdx{UNION} & $[\alpha\,set,\alpha\To\beta\,set]\To\beta\,set$
   416         & union over a set\\
   417   \cdx{Inter} & $((\alpha\,set)set)\To\alpha\,set$
   418         &set of sets intersection \\
   419   \cdx{Union} & $((\alpha\,set)set)\To\alpha\,set$
   420         &set of sets union \\
   421   \cdx{range}   & $(\alpha\To\beta )\To\beta\,set$
   422         & range of a function \\[1ex]
   423   \cdx{Ball}~~\cdx{Bex} & $[\alpha\,set,\alpha\To bool]\To bool$
   424         & bounded quantifiers \\
   425   \cdx{mono}    & $(\alpha\,set\To\beta\,set)\To bool$
   426         & monotonicity \\
   427   \cdx{inj}~~\cdx{surj}& $(\alpha\To\beta )\To bool$
   428         & injective/surjective \\
   429   \cdx{inj_onto}        & $[\alpha\To\beta ,\alpha\,set]\To bool$
   430         & injective over subset
   431 \end{tabular}
   432 \end{center}
   433 \subcaption{Constants}
   435 \begin{center}
   436 \begin{tabular}{llrrr} 
   437   \it symbol &\it name     &\it meta-type & \it priority & \it description \\
   438   \sdx{INT}  & \cdx{INTER1}  & $(\alpha\To\beta\,set)\To\beta\,set$ & 10 & 
   439         intersection over a type\\
   440   \sdx{UN}  & \cdx{UNION1}  & $(\alpha\To\beta\,set)\To\beta\,set$ & 10 & 
   441         union over a type
   442 \end{tabular}
   443 \end{center}
   444 \subcaption{Binders} 
   446 \begin{center}
   447 \index{*"`"` symbol}
   448 \index{*": symbol}
   449 \index{*"<"= symbol}
   450 \begin{tabular}{rrrr} 
   451   \it symbol    & \it meta-type & \it priority & \it description \\ 
   452   \tt ``        & $[\alpha\To\beta ,\alpha\,set]\To  (\beta\,set)$
   453         & Left 90 & image \\
   454   \sdx{Int}     & $[\alpha\,set,\alpha\,set]\To\alpha\,set$
   455         & Left 70 & intersection ($\inter$) \\
   456   \sdx{Un}      & $[\alpha\,set,\alpha\,set]\To\alpha\,set$
   457         & Left 65 & union ($\union$) \\
   458   \tt:          & $[\alpha ,\alpha\,set]\To bool$       
   459         & Left 50 & membership ($\in$) \\
   460   \tt <=        & $[\alpha\,set,\alpha\,set]\To bool$
   461         & Left 50 & subset ($\subseteq$) 
   462 \end{tabular}
   463 \end{center}
   464 \subcaption{Infixes}
   465 \caption{Syntax of the theory {\tt Set}} \label{hol-set-syntax}
   466 \end{figure} 
   469 \begin{figure} 
   470 \begin{center} \tt\frenchspacing
   471 \index{*"! symbol}
   472 \begin{tabular}{rrr} 
   473   \it external          & \it internal  & \it description \\ 
   474   $a$ \ttilde: $b$      & \ttilde($a$ : $b$)    & \rm non-membership\\
   475   \{$a@1$, $\ldots$\}  &  insert($a@1$, $\ldots$\{\}) & \rm finite set \\
   476   \{$x$.$P[x]$\}        &  Collect($\lambda x.P[x]$) &
   477         \rm comprehension \\
   478   \sdx{INT} $x$:$A$.$B[x]$      & INTER($A$,$\lambda x.B[x]$) &
   479         \rm intersection \\
   480   \sdx{UN}{\tt\ }  $x$:$A$.$B[x]$      & UNION($A$,$\lambda x.B[x]$) &
   481         \rm union \\
   482   \tt ! $x$:$A$.$P[x]$ or \sdx{ALL} $x$:$A$.$P[x]$ & 
   483         Ball($A$,$\lambda x.P[x]$) & 
   484         \rm bounded $\forall$ \\
   485   \sdx{?} $x$:$A$.$P[x]$ or \sdx{EX}{\tt\ } $x$:$A$.$P[x]$ & 
   486         Bex($A$,$\lambda x.P[x]$) & \rm bounded $\exists$
   487 \end{tabular}
   488 \end{center}
   489 \subcaption{Translations}
   491 \dquotes
   492 \[\begin{array}{rclcl}
   493     term & = & \hbox{other terms\ldots} \\
   494          & | & "\{\}" \\
   495          & | & "\{ " term\; ("," term)^* " \}" \\
   496          & | & "\{ " id " . " formula " \}" \\
   497          & | & term " `` " term \\
   498          & | & term " Int " term \\
   499          & | & term " Un " term \\
   500          & | & "INT~~"  id ":" term " . " term \\
   501          & | & "UN~~~"  id ":" term " . " term \\
   502          & | & "INT~~"  id~id^* " . " term \\
   503          & | & "UN~~~"  id~id^* " . " term \\[2ex]
   504  formula & = & \hbox{other formulae\ldots} \\
   505          & | & term " : " term \\
   506          & | & term " \ttilde: " term \\
   507          & | & term " <= " term \\
   508          & | & "!~" id ":" term " . " formula 
   509          & | & "ALL " id ":" term " . " formula \\
   510          & | & "?~" id ":" term " . " formula 
   511          & | & "EX~~" id ":" term " . " formula
   512   \end{array}
   513 \]
   514 \subcaption{Full Grammar}
   515 \caption{Syntax of the theory {\tt Set} (continued)} \label{hol-set-syntax2}
   516 \end{figure} 
   519 \section{A formulation of set theory}
   520 Historically, higher-order logic gives a foundation for Russell and
   521 Whitehead's theory of classes.  Let us use modern terminology and call them
   522 {\bf sets}, but note that these sets are distinct from those of {\ZF} set
   523 theory, and behave more like {\ZF} classes.
   524 \begin{itemize}
   525 \item
   526 Sets are given by predicates over some type~$\sigma$.  Types serve to
   527 define universes for sets, but type checking is still significant.
   528 \item
   529 There is a universal set (for each type).  Thus, sets have complements, and
   530 may be defined by absolute comprehension.
   531 \item
   532 Although sets may contain other sets as elements, the containing set must
   533 have a more complex type.
   534 \end{itemize}
   535 Finite unions and intersections have the same behaviour in \HOL\ as they
   536 do in~{\ZF}.  In \HOL\ the intersection of the empty set is well-defined,
   537 denoting the universal set for the given type.
   540 \subsection{Syntax of set theory}\index{*set type}
   541 \HOL's set theory is called \thydx{Set}.  The type $\alpha\,set$ is
   542 essentially the same as $\alpha\To bool$.  The new type is defined for
   543 clarity and to avoid complications involving function types in unification.
   544 Since Isabelle does not support type definitions (as mentioned in
   545 \S\ref{HOL-types}), the isomorphisms between the two types are declared
   546 explicitly.  Here they are natural: {\tt Collect} maps $\alpha\To bool$ to
   547 $\alpha\,set$, while \hbox{\tt op :} maps in the other direction (ignoring
   548 argument order).
   550 Figure~\ref{hol-set-syntax} lists the constants, infixes, and syntax
   551 translations.  Figure~\ref{hol-set-syntax2} presents the grammar of the new
   552 constructs.  Infix operators include union and intersection ($A\union B$
   553 and $A\inter B$), the subset and membership relations, and the image
   554 operator~{\tt``}\@.  Note that $a$\verb|~:|$b$ is translated to
   555 $\neg(a\in b)$.  
   557 The {\tt\{\ldots\}} notation abbreviates finite sets constructed in the
   558 obvious manner using~{\tt insert} and~$\{\}$:
   559 \begin{eqnarray*}
   560   \{a@1, \ldots, a@n\}  & \equiv &  
   561   {\tt insert}(a@1,\ldots,{\tt insert}(a@n,\{\}))
   562 \end{eqnarray*}
   564 The set \hbox{\tt\{$x$.$P[x]$\}} consists of all $x$ (of suitable type)
   565 that satisfy~$P[x]$, where $P[x]$ is a formula that may contain free
   566 occurrences of~$x$.  This syntax expands to \cdx{Collect}$(\lambda
   567 x.P[x])$.  It defines sets by absolute comprehension, which is impossible
   568 in~{\ZF}; the type of~$x$ implicitly restricts the comprehension.
   570 The set theory defines two {\bf bounded quantifiers}:
   571 \begin{eqnarray*}
   572    \forall x\in A.P[x] &\hbox{abbreviates}& \forall x. x\in A\imp P[x] \\
   573    \exists x\in A.P[x] &\hbox{abbreviates}& \exists x. x\in A\conj P[x]
   574 \end{eqnarray*}
   575 The constants~\cdx{Ball} and~\cdx{Bex} are defined
   576 accordingly.  Instead of {\tt Ball($A$,$P$)} and {\tt Bex($A$,$P$)} we may
   577 write\index{*"! symbol}\index{*"? symbol}
   578 \index{*ALL symbol}\index{*EX symbol} 
   579 %
   580 \hbox{\tt !~$x$:$A$.$P[x]$} and \hbox{\tt ?~$x$:$A$.$P[x]$}.  Isabelle's
   581 usual quantifier symbols, \sdx{ALL} and \sdx{EX}, are also accepted
   582 for input.  As with the primitive quantifiers, the {\ML} reference
   583 \ttindex{HOL_quantifiers} specifies which notation to use for output.
   585 Unions and intersections over sets, namely $\bigcup@{x\in A}B[x]$ and
   586 $\bigcap@{x\in A}B[x]$, are written 
   587 \sdx{UN}~\hbox{\tt$x$:$A$.$B[x]$} and
   588 \sdx{INT}~\hbox{\tt$x$:$A$.$B[x]$}.  
   590 Unions and intersections over types, namely $\bigcup@x B[x]$ and $\bigcap@x
   591 B[x]$, are written \sdx{UN}~\hbox{\tt$x$.$B[x]$} and
   592 \sdx{INT}~\hbox{\tt$x$.$B[x]$}.  They are equivalent to the previous
   593 union and intersection operators when $A$ is the universal set.
   595 The operators $\bigcup A$ and $\bigcap A$ act upon sets of sets.  They are
   596 not binders, but are equal to $\bigcup@{x\in A}x$ and $\bigcap@{x\in A}x$,
   597 respectively.
   600 \begin{figure} \underscoreon
   601 \begin{ttbox}
   602 \tdx{mem_Collect_eq}    (a : \{x.P(x)\}) = P(a)
   603 \tdx{Collect_mem_eq}    \{x.x:A\} = A
   605 \tdx{empty_def}         \{\}          == \{x.x=False\}
   606 \tdx{insert_def}        insert(a,B) == \{x.x=a\} Un B
   607 \tdx{Ball_def}          Ball(A,P)   == ! x. x:A --> P(x)
   608 \tdx{Bex_def}           Bex(A,P)    == ? x. x:A & P(x)
   609 \tdx{subset_def}        A <= B      == ! x:A. x:B
   610 \tdx{Un_def}            A Un B      == \{x.x:A | x:B\}
   611 \tdx{Int_def}           A Int B     == \{x.x:A & x:B\}
   612 \tdx{set_diff_def}      A - B       == \{x.x:A & x~:B\}
   613 \tdx{Compl_def}         Compl(A)    == \{x. ~ x:A\}
   614 \tdx{INTER_def}         INTER(A,B)  == \{y. ! x:A. y: B(x)\}
   615 \tdx{UNION_def}         UNION(A,B)  == \{y. ? x:A. y: B(x)\}
   616 \tdx{INTER1_def}        INTER1(B)   == INTER(\{x.True\}, B)
   617 \tdx{UNION1_def}        UNION1(B)   == UNION(\{x.True\}, B)
   618 \tdx{Inter_def}         Inter(S)    == (INT x:S. x)
   619 \tdx{Union_def}         Union(S)    ==  (UN x:S. x)
   620 \tdx{image_def}         f``A        == \{y. ? x:A. y=f(x)\}
   621 \tdx{range_def}         range(f)    == \{y. ? x. y=f(x)\}
   622 \tdx{mono_def}          mono(f)     == !A B. A <= B --> f(A) <= f(B)
   623 \tdx{inj_def}           inj(f)      == ! x y. f(x)=f(y) --> x=y
   624 \tdx{surj_def}          surj(f)     == ! y. ? x. y=f(x)
   625 \tdx{inj_onto_def}      inj_onto(f,A) == !x:A. !y:A. f(x)=f(y) --> x=y
   626 \end{ttbox}
   627 \caption{Rules of the theory {\tt Set}} \label{hol-set-rules}
   628 \end{figure}
   631 \begin{figure} \underscoreon
   632 \begin{ttbox}
   633 \tdx{CollectI}        [| P(a) |] ==> a : \{x.P(x)\}
   634 \tdx{CollectD}        [| a : \{x.P(x)\} |] ==> P(a)
   635 \tdx{CollectE}        [| a : \{x.P(x)\};  P(a) ==> W |] ==> W
   637 \tdx{ballI}           [| !!x. x:A ==> P(x) |] ==> ! x:A. P(x)
   638 \tdx{bspec}           [| ! x:A. P(x);  x:A |] ==> P(x)
   639 \tdx{ballE}           [| ! x:A. P(x);  P(x) ==> Q;  ~ x:A ==> Q |] ==> Q
   641 \tdx{bexI}            [| P(x);  x:A |] ==> ? x:A. P(x)
   642 \tdx{bexCI}           [| ! x:A. ~ P(x) ==> P(a);  a:A |] ==> ? x:A.P(x)
   643 \tdx{bexE}            [| ? x:A. P(x);  !!x. [| x:A; P(x) |] ==> Q  |] ==> Q
   644 \subcaption{Comprehension and Bounded quantifiers}
   646 \tdx{subsetI}         (!!x.x:A ==> x:B) ==> A <= B
   647 \tdx{subsetD}         [| A <= B;  c:A |] ==> c:B
   648 \tdx{subsetCE}        [| A <= B;  ~ (c:A) ==> P;  c:B ==> P |] ==> P
   650 \tdx{subset_refl}     A <= A
   651 \tdx{subset_trans}    [| A<=B;  B<=C |] ==> A<=C
   653 \tdx{equalityI}       [| A <= B;  B <= A |] ==> A = B
   654 \tdx{equalityD1}      A = B ==> A<=B
   655 \tdx{equalityD2}      A = B ==> B<=A
   656 \tdx{equalityE}       [| A = B;  [| A<=B; B<=A |] ==> P |]  ==>  P
   658 \tdx{equalityCE}      [| A = B;  [| c:A; c:B |] ==> P;  
   659                            [| ~ c:A; ~ c:B |] ==> P 
   660                 |]  ==>  P
   661 \subcaption{The subset and equality relations}
   662 \end{ttbox}
   663 \caption{Derived rules for set theory} \label{hol-set1}
   664 \end{figure}
   667 \begin{figure} \underscoreon
   668 \begin{ttbox}
   669 \tdx{emptyE}   a : \{\} ==> P
   671 \tdx{insertI1} a : insert(a,B)
   672 \tdx{insertI2} a : B ==> a : insert(b,B)
   673 \tdx{insertE}  [| a : insert(b,A);  a=b ==> P;  a:A ==> P |] ==> P
   675 \tdx{ComplI}   [| c:A ==> False |] ==> c : Compl(A)
   676 \tdx{ComplD}   [| c : Compl(A) |] ==> ~ c:A
   678 \tdx{UnI1}     c:A ==> c : A Un B
   679 \tdx{UnI2}     c:B ==> c : A Un B
   680 \tdx{UnCI}     (~c:B ==> c:A) ==> c : A Un B
   681 \tdx{UnE}      [| c : A Un B;  c:A ==> P;  c:B ==> P |] ==> P
   683 \tdx{IntI}     [| c:A;  c:B |] ==> c : A Int B
   684 \tdx{IntD1}    c : A Int B ==> c:A
   685 \tdx{IntD2}    c : A Int B ==> c:B
   686 \tdx{IntE}     [| c : A Int B;  [| c:A; c:B |] ==> P |] ==> P
   688 \tdx{UN_I}     [| a:A;  b: B(a) |] ==> b: (UN x:A. B(x))
   689 \tdx{UN_E}     [| b: (UN x:A. B(x));  !!x.[| x:A;  b:B(x) |] ==> R |] ==> R
   691 \tdx{INT_I}    (!!x. x:A ==> b: B(x)) ==> b : (INT x:A. B(x))
   692 \tdx{INT_D}    [| b: (INT x:A. B(x));  a:A |] ==> b: B(a)
   693 \tdx{INT_E}    [| b: (INT x:A. B(x));  b: B(a) ==> R;  ~ a:A ==> R |] ==> R
   695 \tdx{UnionI}   [| X:C;  A:X |] ==> A : Union(C)
   696 \tdx{UnionE}   [| A : Union(C);  !!X.[| A:X;  X:C |] ==> R |] ==> R
   698 \tdx{InterI}   [| !!X. X:C ==> A:X |] ==> A : Inter(C)
   699 \tdx{InterD}   [| A : Inter(C);  X:C |] ==> A:X
   700 \tdx{InterE}   [| A : Inter(C);  A:X ==> R;  ~ X:C ==> R |] ==> R
   701 \end{ttbox}
   702 \caption{Further derived rules for set theory} \label{hol-set2}
   703 \end{figure}
   706 \subsection{Axioms and rules of set theory}
   707 Figure~\ref{hol-set-rules} presents the rules of theory \thydx{Set}.  The
   708 axioms \tdx{mem_Collect_eq} and \tdx{Collect_mem_eq} assert
   709 that the functions {\tt Collect} and \hbox{\tt op :} are isomorphisms.  Of
   710 course, \hbox{\tt op :} also serves as the membership relation.
   712 All the other axioms are definitions.  They include the empty set, bounded
   713 quantifiers, unions, intersections, complements and the subset relation.
   714 They also include straightforward properties of functions: image~({\tt``}) and
   715 {\tt range}, and predicates concerning monotonicity, injectiveness and
   716 surjectiveness.  
   718 The predicate \cdx{inj_onto} is used for simulating type definitions.
   719 The statement ${\tt inj_onto}(f,A)$ asserts that $f$ is injective on the
   720 set~$A$, which specifies a subset of its domain type.  In a type
   721 definition, $f$ is the abstraction function and $A$ is the set of valid
   722 representations; we should not expect $f$ to be injective outside of~$A$.
   724 \begin{figure} \underscoreon
   725 \begin{ttbox}
   726 \tdx{Inv_f_f}    inj(f) ==> Inv(f,f(x)) = x
   727 \tdx{f_Inv_f}    y : range(f) ==> f(Inv(f,y)) = y
   729 %\tdx{Inv_injective}
   730 %    [| Inv(f,x)=Inv(f,y); x: range(f);  y: range(f) |] ==> x=y
   731 %
   732 \tdx{imageI}     [| x:A |] ==> f(x) : f``A
   733 \tdx{imageE}     [| b : f``A;  !!x.[| b=f(x);  x:A |] ==> P |] ==> P
   735 \tdx{rangeI}     f(x) : range(f)
   736 \tdx{rangeE}     [| b : range(f);  !!x.[| b=f(x) |] ==> P |] ==> P
   738 \tdx{monoI}      [| !!A B. A <= B ==> f(A) <= f(B) |] ==> mono(f)
   739 \tdx{monoD}      [| mono(f);  A <= B |] ==> f(A) <= f(B)
   741 \tdx{injI}       [| !! x y. f(x) = f(y) ==> x=y |] ==> inj(f)
   742 \tdx{inj_inverseI}              (!!x. g(f(x)) = x) ==> inj(f)
   743 \tdx{injD}       [| inj(f); f(x) = f(y) |] ==> x=y
   745 \tdx{inj_ontoI}  (!!x y. [| f(x)=f(y); x:A; y:A |] ==> x=y) ==> inj_onto(f,A)
   746 \tdx{inj_ontoD}  [| inj_onto(f,A);  f(x)=f(y);  x:A;  y:A |] ==> x=y
   748 \tdx{inj_onto_inverseI}
   749     (!!x. x:A ==> g(f(x)) = x) ==> inj_onto(f,A)
   750 \tdx{inj_onto_contraD}
   751     [| inj_onto(f,A);  x~=y;  x:A;  y:A |] ==> ~ f(x)=f(y)
   752 \end{ttbox}
   753 \caption{Derived rules involving functions} \label{hol-fun}
   754 \end{figure}
   757 \begin{figure} \underscoreon
   758 \begin{ttbox}
   759 \tdx{Union_upper}     B:A ==> B <= Union(A)
   760 \tdx{Union_least}     [| !!X. X:A ==> X<=C |] ==> Union(A) <= C
   762 \tdx{Inter_lower}     B:A ==> Inter(A) <= B
   763 \tdx{Inter_greatest}  [| !!X. X:A ==> C<=X |] ==> C <= Inter(A)
   765 \tdx{Un_upper1}       A <= A Un B
   766 \tdx{Un_upper2}       B <= A Un B
   767 \tdx{Un_least}        [| A<=C;  B<=C |] ==> A Un B <= C
   769 \tdx{Int_lower1}      A Int B <= A
   770 \tdx{Int_lower2}      A Int B <= B
   771 \tdx{Int_greatest}    [| C<=A;  C<=B |] ==> C <= A Int B
   772 \end{ttbox}
   773 \caption{Derived rules involving subsets} \label{hol-subset}
   774 \end{figure}
   777 \begin{figure} \underscoreon   \hfuzz=4pt%suppress "Overfull \hbox" message
   778 \begin{ttbox}
   779 \tdx{Int_absorb}        A Int A = A
   780 \tdx{Int_commute}       A Int B = B Int A
   781 \tdx{Int_assoc}         (A Int B) Int C  =  A Int (B Int C)
   782 \tdx{Int_Un_distrib}    (A Un B)  Int C  =  (A Int C) Un (B Int C)
   784 \tdx{Un_absorb}         A Un A = A
   785 \tdx{Un_commute}        A Un B = B Un A
   786 \tdx{Un_assoc}          (A Un B)  Un C  =  A Un (B Un C)
   787 \tdx{Un_Int_distrib}    (A Int B) Un C  =  (A Un C) Int (B Un C)
   789 \tdx{Compl_disjoint}    A Int Compl(A) = \{x.False\}
   790 \tdx{Compl_partition}   A Un  Compl(A) = \{x.True\}
   791 \tdx{double_complement} Compl(Compl(A)) = A
   792 \tdx{Compl_Un}          Compl(A Un B)  = Compl(A) Int Compl(B)
   793 \tdx{Compl_Int}         Compl(A Int B) = Compl(A) Un Compl(B)
   795 \tdx{Union_Un_distrib}  Union(A Un B) = Union(A) Un Union(B)
   796 \tdx{Int_Union}         A Int Union(B) = (UN C:B. A Int C)
   797 \tdx{Un_Union_image}    (UN x:C. A(x) Un B(x)) = Union(A``C) Un Union(B``C)
   799 \tdx{Inter_Un_distrib}  Inter(A Un B) = Inter(A) Int Inter(B)
   800 \tdx{Un_Inter}          A Un Inter(B) = (INT C:B. A Un C)
   801 \tdx{Int_Inter_image}   (INT x:C. A(x) Int B(x)) = Inter(A``C) Int Inter(B``C)
   802 \end{ttbox}
   803 \caption{Set equalities} \label{hol-equalities}
   804 \end{figure}
   807 Figures~\ref{hol-set1} and~\ref{hol-set2} present derived rules.  Most are
   808 obvious and resemble rules of Isabelle's {\ZF} set theory.  Certain rules,
   809 such as \tdx{subsetCE}, \tdx{bexCI} and \tdx{UnCI},
   810 are designed for classical reasoning; the rules \tdx{subsetD},
   811 \tdx{bexI}, \tdx{Un1} and~\tdx{Un2} are not
   812 strictly necessary but yield more natural proofs.  Similarly,
   813 \tdx{equalityCE} supports classical reasoning about extensionality,
   814 after the fashion of \tdx{iffCE}.  See the file {\tt HOL/Set.ML} for
   815 proofs pertaining to set theory.
   817 Figure~\ref{hol-fun} presents derived inference rules involving functions.
   818 They also include rules for \cdx{Inv}, which is defined in theory~{\tt
   819   HOL}; note that ${\tt Inv}(f)$ applies the Axiom of Choice to yield an
   820 inverse of~$f$.  They also include natural deduction rules for the image
   821 and range operators, and for the predicates {\tt inj} and {\tt inj_onto}.
   822 Reasoning about function composition (the operator~\sdx{o}) and the
   823 predicate~\cdx{surj} is done simply by expanding the definitions.  See
   824 the file {\tt HOL/fun.ML} for a complete listing of the derived rules.
   826 Figure~\ref{hol-subset} presents lattice properties of the subset relation.
   827 Unions form least upper bounds; non-empty intersections form greatest lower
   828 bounds.  Reasoning directly about subsets often yields clearer proofs than
   829 reasoning about the membership relation.  See the file {\tt HOL/subset.ML}.
   831 Figure~\ref{hol-equalities} presents many common set equalities.  They
   832 include commutative, associative and distributive laws involving unions,
   833 intersections and complements.  The proofs are mostly trivial, using the
   834 classical reasoner; see file {\tt HOL/equalities.ML}.
   837 \begin{figure}
   838 \begin{constants}
   839   \it symbol    & \it meta-type &           & \it description \\ 
   840   \cdx{Pair}    & $[\alpha,\beta]\To \alpha\times\beta$
   841         & & ordered pairs $\langle a,b\rangle$ \\
   842   \cdx{fst}     & $\alpha\times\beta \To \alpha$        & & first projection\\
   843   \cdx{snd}     & $\alpha\times\beta \To \beta$         & & second projection\\
   844   \cdx{split}   & $[\alpha\times\beta, [\alpha,\beta]\To\gamma] \To \gamma$ 
   845         & & generalized projection\\
   846   \cdx{Sigma}  & 
   847         $[\alpha\,set, \alpha\To\beta\,set]\To(\alpha\times\beta)set$ &
   848         & general sum of sets
   849 \end{constants}
   850 \begin{ttbox}\makeatletter
   851 \tdx{fst_def}      fst(p)     == @a. ? b. p = <a,b>
   852 \tdx{snd_def}      snd(p)     == @b. ? a. p = <a,b>
   853 \tdx{split_def}    split(p,c) == c(fst(p),snd(p))
   854 \tdx{Sigma_def}    Sigma(A,B) == UN x:A. UN y:B(x). \{<x,y>\}
   857 \tdx{Pair_inject}  [| <a, b> = <a',b'>;  [| a=a';  b=b' |] ==> R |] ==> R
   858 \tdx{fst_conv}     fst(<a,b>) = a
   859 \tdx{snd_conv}     snd(<a,b>) = b
   860 \tdx{split}        split(<a,b>, c) = c(a,b)
   862 \tdx{surjective_pairing}  p = <fst(p),snd(p)>
   864 \tdx{SigmaI}       [| a:A;  b:B(a) |] ==> <a,b> : Sigma(A,B)
   866 \tdx{SigmaE}       [| c: Sigma(A,B);  
   867                 !!x y.[| x:A; y:B(x); c=<x,y> |] ==> P |] ==> P
   868 \end{ttbox}
   869 \caption{Type $\alpha\times\beta$}\label{hol-prod}
   870 \end{figure} 
   873 \begin{figure}
   874 \begin{constants}
   875   \it symbol    & \it meta-type &           & \it description \\ 
   876   \cdx{Inl}     & $\alpha \To \alpha+\beta$    & & first injection\\
   877   \cdx{Inr}     & $\beta \To \alpha+\beta$     & & second injection\\
   878   \cdx{sum_case} & $[\alpha+\beta, \alpha\To\gamma, \beta\To\gamma] \To\gamma$
   879         & & conditional
   880 \end{constants}
   881 \begin{ttbox}\makeatletter
   882 \tdx{sum_case_def}   sum_case == (\%p f g. @z. (!x. p=Inl(x) --> z=f(x)) &
   883                                         (!y. p=Inr(y) --> z=g(y)))
   885 \tdx{Inl_not_Inr}    ~ Inl(a)=Inr(b)
   887 \tdx{inj_Inl}        inj(Inl)
   888 \tdx{inj_Inr}        inj(Inr)
   890 \tdx{sumE}           [| !!x::'a. P(Inl(x));  !!y::'b. P(Inr(y)) |] ==> P(s)
   892 \tdx{sum_case_Inl}   sum_case(Inl(x), f, g) = f(x)
   893 \tdx{sum_case_Inr}   sum_case(Inr(x), f, g) = g(x)
   895 \tdx{surjective_sum} sum_case(s, \%x::'a. f(Inl(x)), \%y::'b. f(Inr(y))) = f(s)
   896 \end{ttbox}
   897 \caption{Type $\alpha+\beta$}\label{hol-sum}
   898 \end{figure}
   901 \section{Generic packages and classical reasoning}
   902 \HOL\ instantiates most of Isabelle's generic packages;
   903 see {\tt HOL/ROOT.ML} for details.
   904 \begin{itemize}
   905 \item 
   906 Because it includes a general substitution rule, \HOL\ instantiates the
   907 tactic {\tt hyp_subst_tac}, which substitutes for an equality
   908 throughout a subgoal and its hypotheses.
   909 \item 
   910 It instantiates the simplifier, defining~\ttindexbold{HOL_ss} as the
   911 simplification set for higher-order logic.  Equality~($=$), which also
   912 expresses logical equivalence, may be used for rewriting.  See the file
   913 {\tt HOL/simpdata.ML} for a complete listing of the simplification
   914 rules. 
   915 \item 
   916 It instantiates the classical reasoner, as described below. 
   917 \end{itemize}
   918 \HOL\ derives classical introduction rules for $\disj$ and~$\exists$, as
   919 well as classical elimination rules for~$\imp$ and~$\bimp$, and the swap
   920 rule; recall Fig.\ts\ref{hol-lemmas2} above.
   922 The classical reasoner is set up as the structure
   923 {\tt Classical}.  This structure is open, so {\ML} identifiers such
   924 as {\tt step_tac}, {\tt fast_tac}, {\tt best_tac}, etc., refer to it.
   925 \HOL\ defines the following classical rule sets:
   926 \begin{ttbox} 
   927 prop_cs    : claset
   928 HOL_cs     : claset
   929 HOL_dup_cs : claset
   930 set_cs     : claset
   931 \end{ttbox}
   932 \begin{ttdescription}
   933 \item[\ttindexbold{prop_cs}] contains the propositional rules, namely
   934 those for~$\top$, $\bot$, $\conj$, $\disj$, $\neg$, $\imp$ and~$\bimp$,
   935 along with the rule~{\tt refl}.
   937 \item[\ttindexbold{HOL_cs}] extends {\tt prop_cs} with the safe rules
   938   {\tt allI} and~{\tt exE} and the unsafe rules {\tt allE}
   939   and~{\tt exI}, as well as rules for unique existence.  Search using
   940   this classical set is incomplete: quantified formulae are used at most
   941   once.
   943 \item[\ttindexbold{HOL_dup_cs}] extends {\tt prop_cs} with the safe rules
   944   {\tt allI} and~{\tt exE} and the unsafe rules \tdx{all_dupE}
   945   and~\tdx{exCI}, as well as rules for unique existence.  Search using
   946   this is complete --- quantified formulae may be duplicated --- but
   947   frequently fails to terminate.  It is generally unsuitable for
   948   depth-first search.
   950 \item[\ttindexbold{set_cs}] extends {\tt HOL_cs} with rules for the bounded
   951   quantifiers, subsets, comprehensions, unions and intersections,
   952   complements, finite sets, images and ranges.
   953 \end{ttdescription}
   954 \noindent
   955 See \iflabelundefined{chap:classical}{the {\em Reference Manual\/}}%
   956         {Chap.\ts\ref{chap:classical}} 
   957 for more discussion of classical proof methods.
   960 \section{Types}
   961 The basic higher-order logic is augmented with a tremendous amount of
   962 material, including support for recursive function and type definitions.  A
   963 detailed discussion appears elsewhere~\cite{paulson-coind}.  The simpler
   964 definitions are the same as those used the {\sc hol} system, but my
   965 treatment of recursive types differs from Melham's~\cite{melham89}.  The
   966 present section describes product, sum, natural number and list types.
   968 \subsection{Product and sum types}\index{*"* type}\index{*"+ type}
   969 Theory \thydx{Prod} defines the product type $\alpha\times\beta$, with
   970 the ordered pair syntax {\tt<$a$,$b$>}.  Theory \thydx{Sum} defines the
   971 sum type $\alpha+\beta$.  These use fairly standard constructions; see
   972 Figs.\ts\ref{hol-prod} and~\ref{hol-sum}.  Because Isabelle does not
   973 support abstract type definitions, the isomorphisms between these types and
   974 their representations are made explicitly.
   976 Most of the definitions are suppressed, but observe that the projections
   977 and conditionals are defined as descriptions.  Their properties are easily
   978 proved using \tdx{select_equality}.  
   980 \begin{figure} 
   981 \index{*"< symbol}
   982 \index{*"* symbol}
   983 \index{*div symbol}
   984 \index{*mod symbol}
   985 \index{*"+ symbol}
   986 \index{*"- symbol}
   987 \begin{constants}
   988   \it symbol    & \it meta-type & \it priority & \it description \\ 
   989   \cdx{0}       & $nat$         & & zero \\
   990   \cdx{Suc}     & $nat \To nat$ & & successor function\\
   991   \cdx{nat_case} & $[nat, \alpha, nat\To\alpha] \To\alpha$
   992         & & conditional\\
   993   \cdx{nat_rec} & $[nat, \alpha, [nat, \alpha]\To\alpha] \To \alpha$
   994         & & primitive recursor\\
   995   \cdx{pred_nat} & $(nat\times nat) set$ & & predecessor relation\\
   996   \tt *         & $[nat,nat]\To nat$    &  Left 70      & multiplication \\
   997   \tt div       & $[nat,nat]\To nat$    &  Left 70      & division\\
   998   \tt mod       & $[nat,nat]\To nat$    &  Left 70      & modulus\\
   999   \tt +         & $[nat,nat]\To nat$    &  Left 65      & addition\\
  1000   \tt -         & $[nat,nat]\To nat$    &  Left 65      & subtraction
  1001 \end{constants}
  1002 \subcaption{Constants and infixes}
  1004 \begin{ttbox}\makeatother
  1005 \tdx{nat_case_def}  nat_case == (\%n a f. @z. (n=0 --> z=a) & 
  1006                                        (!x. n=Suc(x) --> z=f(x)))
  1007 \tdx{pred_nat_def}  pred_nat == \{p. ? n. p = <n, Suc(n)>\} 
  1008 \tdx{less_def}      m<n      == <m,n>:pred_nat^+
  1009 \tdx{nat_rec_def}   nat_rec(n,c,d) == 
  1010                wfrec(pred_nat, n, \%l g.nat_case(l, c, \%m.d(m,g(m))))
  1012 \tdx{add_def}   m+n     == nat_rec(m, n, \%u v.Suc(v))
  1013 \tdx{diff_def}  m-n     == nat_rec(n, m, \%u v. nat_rec(v, 0, \%x y.x))
  1014 \tdx{mult_def}  m*n     == nat_rec(m, 0, \%u v. n + v)
  1015 \tdx{mod_def}   m mod n == wfrec(trancl(pred_nat), m, \%j f. if(j<n,j,f(j-n)))
  1016 \tdx{quo_def}   m div n == wfrec(trancl(pred_nat), 
  1017                         m, \%j f. if(j<n,0,Suc(f(j-n))))
  1018 \subcaption{Definitions}
  1019 \end{ttbox}
  1020 \caption{Defining {\tt nat}, the type of natural numbers} \label{hol-nat1}
  1021 \end{figure}
  1024 \begin{figure} \underscoreon
  1025 \begin{ttbox}
  1026 \tdx{nat_induct}     [| P(0); !!k. [| P(k) |] ==> P(Suc(k)) |]  ==> P(n)
  1028 \tdx{Suc_not_Zero}   Suc(m) ~= 0
  1029 \tdx{inj_Suc}        inj(Suc)
  1030 \tdx{n_not_Suc_n}    n~=Suc(n)
  1031 \subcaption{Basic properties}
  1033 \tdx{pred_natI}      <n, Suc(n)> : pred_nat
  1034 \tdx{pred_natE}
  1035     [| p : pred_nat;  !!x n. [| p = <n, Suc(n)> |] ==> R |] ==> R
  1037 \tdx{nat_case_0}     nat_case(0, a, f) = a
  1038 \tdx{nat_case_Suc}   nat_case(Suc(k), a, f) = f(k)
  1040 \tdx{wf_pred_nat}    wf(pred_nat)
  1041 \tdx{nat_rec_0}      nat_rec(0,c,h) = c
  1042 \tdx{nat_rec_Suc}    nat_rec(Suc(n), c, h) = h(n, nat_rec(n,c,h))
  1043 \subcaption{Case analysis and primitive recursion}
  1045 \tdx{less_trans}     [| i<j;  j<k |] ==> i<k
  1046 \tdx{lessI}          n < Suc(n)
  1047 \tdx{zero_less_Suc}  0 < Suc(n)
  1049 \tdx{less_not_sym}   n<m --> ~ m<n 
  1050 \tdx{less_not_refl}  ~ n<n
  1051 \tdx{not_less0}      ~ n<0
  1053 \tdx{Suc_less_eq}    (Suc(m) < Suc(n)) = (m<n)
  1054 \tdx{less_induct}    [| !!n. [| ! m. m<n --> P(m) |] ==> P(n) |]  ==>  P(n)
  1056 \tdx{less_linear}    m<n | m=n | n<m
  1057 \subcaption{The less-than relation}
  1058 \end{ttbox}
  1059 \caption{Derived rules for {\tt nat}} \label{hol-nat2}
  1060 \end{figure}
  1063 \subsection{The type of natural numbers, {\tt nat}}
  1064 The theory \thydx{Nat} defines the natural numbers in a roundabout but
  1065 traditional way.  The axiom of infinity postulates an type~\tydx{ind} of
  1066 individuals, which is non-empty and closed under an injective operation.
  1067 The natural numbers are inductively generated by choosing an arbitrary
  1068 individual for~0 and using the injective operation to take successors.  As
  1069 usual, the isomorphisms between~\tydx{nat} and its representation are made
  1070 explicitly.
  1072 The definition makes use of a least fixed point operator \cdx{lfp},
  1073 defined using the Knaster-Tarski theorem.  This is used to define the
  1074 operator \cdx{trancl}, for taking the transitive closure of a relation.
  1075 Primitive recursion makes use of \cdx{wfrec}, an operator for recursion
  1076 along arbitrary well-founded relations.  The corresponding theories are
  1077 called {\tt Lfp}, {\tt Trancl} and {\tt WF}\@.  Elsewhere I have described
  1078 similar constructions in the context of set theory~\cite{paulson-set-II}.
  1080 Type~\tydx{nat} is postulated to belong to class~\cldx{ord}, which
  1081 overloads $<$ and $\leq$ on the natural numbers.  As of this writing,
  1082 Isabelle provides no means of verifying that such overloading is sensible;
  1083 there is no means of specifying the operators' properties and verifying
  1084 that instances of the operators satisfy those properties.  To be safe, the
  1085 \HOL\ theory includes no polymorphic axioms asserting general properties of
  1086 $<$ and~$\leq$.
  1088 Theory \thydx{Arith} develops arithmetic on the natural numbers.  It
  1089 defines addition, multiplication, subtraction, division, and remainder.
  1090 Many of their properties are proved: commutative, associative and
  1091 distributive laws, identity and cancellation laws, etc.  The most
  1092 interesting result is perhaps the theorem $a \bmod b + (a/b)\times b = a$.
  1093 Division and remainder are defined by repeated subtraction, which requires
  1094 well-founded rather than primitive recursion.  See Figs.\ts\ref{hol-nat1}
  1095 and~\ref{hol-nat2}.
  1097 The predecessor relation, \cdx{pred_nat}, is shown to be well-founded.
  1098 Recursion along this relation resembles primitive recursion, but is
  1099 stronger because we are in higher-order logic; using primitive recursion to
  1100 define a higher-order function, we can easily Ackermann's function, which
  1101 is not primitive recursive \cite[page~104]{thompson91}.
  1102 The transitive closure of \cdx{pred_nat} is~$<$.  Many functions on the
  1103 natural numbers are most easily expressed using recursion along~$<$.
  1105 The tactic {\tt\ttindex{nat_ind_tac} "$n$" $i$} performs induction over the
  1106 variable~$n$ in subgoal~$i$.
  1108 \begin{figure}
  1109 \index{#@{\tt\#} symbol}
  1110 \index{"@@{\tt\at} symbol}
  1111 \begin{constants}
  1112   \it symbol & \it meta-type & \it priority & \it description \\
  1113   \cdx{Nil}     & $\alpha list$ & & empty list\\
  1114   \tt \#   & $[\alpha,\alpha list]\To \alpha list$ & Right 65 & 
  1115         list constructor \\
  1116   \cdx{null}    & $\alpha list \To bool$ & & emptiness test\\
  1117   \cdx{hd}      & $\alpha list \To \alpha$ & & head \\
  1118   \cdx{tl}      & $\alpha list \To \alpha list$ & & tail \\
  1119   \cdx{ttl}     & $\alpha list \To \alpha list$ & & total tail \\
  1120   \tt\at  & $[\alpha list,\alpha list]\To \alpha list$ & Left 65 & append \\
  1121   \sdx{mem}  & $[\alpha,\alpha list]\To bool$    &  Left 55   & membership\\
  1122   \cdx{map}     & $(\alpha\To\beta) \To (\alpha list \To \beta list)$
  1123         & & mapping functional\\
  1124   \cdx{filter}  & $(\alpha \To bool) \To (\alpha list \To \alpha list)$
  1125         & & filter functional\\
  1126   \cdx{list_all}& $(\alpha \To bool) \To (\alpha list \To bool)$
  1127         & & forall functional\\
  1128   \cdx{list_rec}        & $[\alpha list, \beta, [\alpha ,\alpha list,
  1129 \beta]\To\beta] \To \beta$
  1130         & & list recursor
  1131 \end{constants}
  1132 \subcaption{Constants and infixes}
  1134 \begin{center} \tt\frenchspacing
  1135 \begin{tabular}{rrr} 
  1136   \it external        & \it internal  & \it description \\{}
  1137   \sdx{[]}            & Nil           & \rm empty list \\{}
  1138   [$x@1$, $\dots$, $x@n$]  &  $x@1$ \# $\cdots$ \# $x@n$ \# [] &
  1139         \rm finite list \\{}
  1140   [$x$:$l$. $P$]  & filter($\lambda x{.}P$, $l$) & 
  1141         \rm list comprehension
  1142 \end{tabular}
  1143 \end{center}
  1144 \subcaption{Translations}
  1146 \begin{ttbox}
  1147 \tdx{list_induct}    [| P([]);  !!x xs. [| P(xs) |] ==> P(x#xs)) |]  ==> P(l)
  1149 \tdx{Cons_not_Nil}   (x # xs) ~= []
  1150 \tdx{Cons_Cons_eq}   ((x # xs) = (y # ys)) = (x=y & xs=ys)
  1151 \subcaption{Induction and freeness}
  1152 \end{ttbox}
  1153 \caption{The theory \thydx{List}} \label{hol-list}
  1154 \end{figure}
  1156 \begin{figure}
  1157 \begin{ttbox}\makeatother
  1158 \tdx{list_rec_Nil}    list_rec([],c,h) = c  
  1159 \tdx{list_rec_Cons}   list_rec(a#l, c, h) = h(a, l, list_rec(l,c,h))
  1161 \tdx{list_case_Nil}   list_case([],c,h) = c 
  1162 \tdx{list_case_Cons}  list_case(x#xs, c, h) = h(x, xs)
  1164 \tdx{map_Nil}         map(f,[]) = []
  1165 \tdx{map_Cons}        map(f, x \# xs) = f(x) \# map(f,xs)
  1167 \tdx{null_Nil}        null([]) = True
  1168 \tdx{null_Cons}       null(x#xs) = False
  1170 \tdx{hd_Cons}         hd(x#xs) = x
  1171 \tdx{tl_Cons}         tl(x#xs) = xs
  1173 \tdx{ttl_Nil}         ttl([]) = []
  1174 \tdx{ttl_Cons}        ttl(x#xs) = xs
  1176 \tdx{append_Nil}      [] @ ys = ys
  1177 \tdx{append_Cons}     (x#xs) \at ys = x # xs \at ys
  1179 \tdx{mem_Nil}         x mem [] = False
  1180 \tdx{mem_Cons}        x mem (y#ys) = if(y=x, True, x mem ys)
  1182 \tdx{filter_Nil}      filter(P, []) = []
  1183 \tdx{filter_Cons}     filter(P,x#xs) = if(P(x), x#filter(P,xs), filter(P,xs))
  1185 \tdx{list_all_Nil}    list_all(P,[]) = True
  1186 \tdx{list_all_Cons}   list_all(P, x#xs) = (P(x) & list_all(P, xs))
  1187 \end{ttbox}
  1188 \caption{Rewrite rules for lists} \label{hol-list-simps}
  1189 \end{figure}
  1192 \subsection{The type constructor for lists, {\tt list}}
  1193 \index{*list type}
  1195 \HOL's definition of lists is an example of an experimental method for
  1196 handling recursive data types.  Figure~\ref{hol-list} presents the theory
  1197 \thydx{List}: the basic list operations with their types and properties.
  1199 The \sdx{case} construct is defined by the following translation:
  1200 {\dquotes
  1201 \begin{eqnarray*}
  1202   \begin{array}{r@{\;}l@{}l}
  1203   "case " e " of" & "[]"    & " => " a\\
  1204               "|" & x"\#"xs & " => " b
  1205   \end{array} 
  1206   & \equiv &
  1207   "list_case"(e, a, \lambda x\;xs.b)
  1208 \end{eqnarray*}}%
  1209 The theory includes \cdx{list_rec}, a primitive recursion operator
  1210 for lists.  It is derived from well-founded recursion, a general principle
  1211 that can express arbitrary total recursive functions.
  1213 The simpset \ttindex{list_ss} contains, along with additional useful lemmas,
  1214 the basic rewrite rules that appear in Fig.\ts\ref{hol-list-simps}.
  1216 The tactic {\tt\ttindex{list_ind_tac} "$xs$" $i$} performs induction over the
  1217 variable~$xs$ in subgoal~$i$.
  1220 \subsection{The type constructor for lazy lists, {\tt llist}}
  1221 \index{*llist type}
  1223 The definition of lazy lists demonstrates methods for handling infinite
  1224 data structures and coinduction in higher-order logic.  Theory
  1225 \thydx{LList} defines an operator for corecursion on lazy lists, which is
  1226 used to define a few simple functions such as map and append.  Corecursion
  1227 cannot easily define operations such as filter, which can compute
  1228 indefinitely before yielding the next element (if any!) of the lazy list.
  1229 A coinduction principle is defined for proving equations on lazy lists.
  1231 I have written a paper discussing the treatment of lazy lists; it also
  1232 covers finite lists~\cite{paulson-coind}.
  1235 \section{Datatype declarations}
  1236 \index{*datatype|(}
  1238 \underscoreon
  1240 It is often necessary to extend a theory with \ML-like datatypes.  This
  1241 extension consists of the new type, declarations of its constructors and
  1242 rules that describe the new type. The theory definition section {\tt
  1243   datatype} represents a compact way of doing this.
  1246 \subsection{Foundations}
  1248 A datatype declaration has the following general structure:
  1249 \[ \mbox{\tt datatype}~ (\alpha_1,\dots,\alpha_n)t ~=~
  1250       C_1(\tau_{11},\dots,\tau_{1k_1}) ~\mid~ \dots ~\mid~
  1251       C_m(\tau_{m1},\dots,\tau_{mk_m}) 
  1252 \]
  1253 where $\alpha_i$ are type variables, $C_i$ are distinct constructor names and
  1254 $\tau_{ij}$ are one of the following:
  1255 \begin{itemize}
  1256 \item type variables $\alpha_1,\dots,\alpha_n$,
  1257 \item types $(\beta_1,\dots,\beta_l)s$ where $s$ is a previously declared
  1258   type or type synonym and $\{\beta_1,\dots,\beta_l\} \subseteq
  1259   \{\alpha_1,\dots,\alpha_n\}$,
  1260 \item the newly defined type $(\alpha_1,\dots,\alpha_n)t$ \footnote{This
  1261     makes it a recursive type. To ensure that the new type is not empty at
  1262     least one constructor must consist of only non-recursive type
  1263     components.}
  1264 \end{itemize}
  1265 If you would like one of the $\tau_{ij}$ to be a complex type expression
  1266 $\tau$ you need to declare a new type synonym $syn = \tau$ first and use
  1267 $syn$ in place of $\tau$. Of course this does not work if $\tau$ mentions the
  1268 recursive type itself, thus ruling out problematic cases like \[ \mbox{\tt
  1269   datatype}~ t ~=~ C(t \To t) \] together with unproblematic ones like \[
  1270 \mbox{\tt datatype}~ t ~=~ C(t~list). \]
  1272 The constructors are automatically defined as functions of their respective
  1273 type:
  1274 \[ C_j : [\tau_{j1},\dots,\tau_{jk_j}] \To (\alpha_1,\dots,\alpha_n)t \]
  1275 These functions have certain {\em freeness} properties:
  1276 \begin{description}
  1277 \item[\tt distinct] They are distinct:
  1278 \[ C_i(x_1,\dots,x_{k_i}) \neq C_j(y_1,\dots,y_{k_j}) \qquad
  1279    \mbox{for all}~ i \neq j.
  1280 \]
  1281 \item[\tt inject] They are injective:
  1282 \[ (C_j(x_1,\dots,x_{k_j}) = C_j(y_1,\dots,y_{k_j})) =
  1283    (x_1 = y_1 \land \dots \land x_{k_j} = y_{k_j})
  1284 \]
  1285 \end{description}
  1286 Because the number of inequalities is quadratic in the number of
  1287 constructors, a different method is used if their number exceeds
  1288 a certain value, currently 4. In that case every constructor is mapped to a
  1289 natural number
  1290 \[
  1291 \begin{array}{lcl}
  1292 \mbox{\it t\_ord}(C_1(x_1,\dots,x_{k_1})) & = & 0 \\
  1293 & \vdots & \\
  1294 \mbox{\it t\_ord}(C_m(x_1,\dots,x_{k_m})) & = & m-1
  1295 \end{array}
  1296 \]
  1297 and distinctness of constructors is expressed by:
  1298 \[
  1299 \mbox{\it t\_ord}(x) \neq \mbox{\it t\_ord}(y) \Imp x \neq y.
  1300 \]
  1301 In addition a structural induction axiom {\tt induct} is provided: 
  1302 \[
  1303 \infer{P(x)}
  1304 {\begin{array}{lcl}
  1305 \Forall x_1\dots x_{k_1}.
  1306   \List{P(x_{r_{11}}); \dots; P(x_{r_{1l_1}})} &
  1307   \Imp  & P(C_1(x_1,\dots,x_{k_1})) \\
  1308  & \vdots & \\
  1309 \Forall x_1\dots x_{k_m}.
  1310   \List{P(x_{r_{m1}}); \dots; P(x_{r_{ml_m}})} &
  1311   \Imp & P(C_m(x_1,\dots,x_{k_m}))
  1312 \end{array}}
  1313 \]
  1314 where $\{r_{j1},\dots,r_{jl_j}\} = \{i \in \{1,\dots k_j\} ~\mid~ \tau_{ji}
  1315 = (\alpha_1,\dots,\alpha_n)t \}$, i.e.\ the property $P$ can be assumed for
  1316 all arguments of the recursive type.
  1318 The type also comes with an \ML-like \sdx{case}-construct:
  1319 \[
  1320 \begin{array}{rrcl}
  1321 \mbox{\tt case}~e~\mbox{\tt of} & C_1(x_{11},\dots,x_{1k_1}) & \To & e_1 \\
  1322                            \vdots \\
  1323                            \mid & C_m(x_{m1},\dots,x_{mk_m}) & \To & e_m
  1324 \end{array}
  1325 \]
  1326 In contrast to \ML, {\em all} constructors must be present, their order is
  1327 fixed, and nested patterns are not supported.
  1330 \subsection{Defining datatypes}
  1332 A datatype is defined in a theory definition file using the keyword {\tt
  1333   datatype}. The definition following {\tt datatype} must conform to the
  1334 syntax of {\em typedecl} specified in Fig.~\ref{datatype-grammar} and must
  1335 obey the rules in the previous section. As a result the theory is extended
  1336 with the new type, the constructors, and the theorems listed in the previous
  1337 section.
  1339 \begin{figure}
  1340 \begin{rail}
  1341 typedecl : typevarlist id '=' (cons + '|')
  1342          ;
  1343 cons     : (id | string) ( () | '(' (typ + ',') ')' ) ( () | mixfix )
  1344          ;
  1345 typ      : typevarlist id
  1346            | tid
  1347 	 ;
  1348 typevarlist : () | tid | '(' (tid + ',') ')'
  1349          ;
  1350 \end{rail}
  1351 \caption{Syntax of datatype declarations}
  1352 \label{datatype-grammar}
  1353 \end{figure}
  1355 Reading the theory file produces a structure which, in addition to the usual
  1356 components, contains a structure named $t$ for each datatype $t$ defined in
  1357 the file.\footnote{Otherwise multiple datatypes in the same theory file would
  1358   lead to name clashes.} Each structure $t$ contains the following elements:
  1359 \begin{ttbox}
  1360 val distinct : thm list
  1361 val inject : thm list
  1362 val induct : thm
  1363 val cases : thm list
  1364 val simps : thm list
  1365 val induct_tac : string -> int -> tactic
  1366 \end{ttbox}
  1367 {\tt distinct}, {\tt inject} and {\tt induct} contain the theorems described
  1368 above. For convenience {\tt distinct} contains inequalities in both
  1369 directions.
  1370 \begin{warn}
  1371   If there are five or more constructors, the {\em t\_ord} scheme is used for
  1372   {\tt distinct}.  In this case the theory {\tt Arith} must be contained
  1373   in the current theory, if necessary by including it explicitly.
  1374 \end{warn}
  1375 The reduction rules of the {\tt case}-construct are in {\tt cases}.  All
  1376 theorems from {\tt distinct}, {\tt inject} and {\tt cases} are combined in
  1377 {\tt simps} for use with the simplifier. The tactic ``{\verb$induct_tac$~{\em
  1378     var i}\/}'' applies structural induction over variable {\em var} to
  1379 subgoal {\em i}.
  1382 \subsection{Examples}
  1384 \subsubsection{The datatype $\alpha~list$}
  1386 We want to define the type $\alpha~list$.\footnote{Of course there is a list
  1387   type in HOL already. This is only an example.} To do this we have to build
  1388 a new theory that contains the type definition. We start from {\tt HOL}.
  1389 \begin{ttbox}
  1390 MyList = HOL +
  1391   datatype 'a list = Nil | Cons ('a, 'a list)
  1392 end
  1393 \end{ttbox}
  1394 After loading the theory (\verb$use_thy "MyList"$), we can prove
  1395 $Cons(x,xs)\neq xs$.  First we build a suitable simpset for the simplifier:
  1396 \begin{ttbox}
  1397 val mylist_ss = HOL_ss addsimps MyList.list.simps;
  1398 goal MyList.thy "!x. Cons(x,xs) ~= xs";
  1399 {\out Level 0}
  1400 {\out ! x. Cons(x, xs) ~= xs}
  1401 {\out  1. ! x. Cons(x, xs) ~= xs}
  1402 \end{ttbox}
  1403 This can be proved by the structural induction tactic:
  1404 \begin{ttbox}
  1405 by (MyList.list.induct_tac "xs" 1);
  1406 {\out Level 1}
  1407 {\out ! x. Cons(x, xs) ~= xs}
  1408 {\out  1. ! x. Cons(x, Nil) ~= Nil}
  1409 {\out  2. !!a list.}
  1410 {\out        ! x. Cons(x, list) ~= list ==>}
  1411 {\out        ! x. Cons(x, Cons(a, list)) ~= Cons(a, list)}
  1412 \end{ttbox}
  1413 The first subgoal can be proved with the simplifier and the distinctness
  1414 axioms which are part of \verb$mylist_ss$.
  1415 \begin{ttbox}
  1416 by (simp_tac mylist_ss 1);
  1417 {\out Level 2}
  1418 {\out ! x. Cons(x, xs) ~= xs}
  1419 {\out  1. !!a list.}
  1420 {\out        ! x. Cons(x, list) ~= list ==>}
  1421 {\out        ! x. Cons(x, Cons(a, list)) ~= Cons(a, list)}
  1422 \end{ttbox}
  1423 Using the freeness axioms we can quickly prove the remaining goal.
  1424 \begin{ttbox}
  1425 by (asm_simp_tac mylist_ss 1);
  1426 {\out Level 3}
  1427 {\out ! x. Cons(x, xs) ~= xs}
  1428 {\out No subgoals!}
  1429 \end{ttbox}
  1430 Because both subgoals were proved by almost the same tactic we could have
  1431 done that in one step using
  1432 \begin{ttbox}
  1433 by (ALLGOALS (asm_simp_tac mylist_ss));
  1434 \end{ttbox}
  1437 \subsubsection{The datatype $\alpha~list$ with mixfix syntax}
  1439 In this example we define the type $\alpha~list$ again but this time we want
  1440 to write {\tt []} instead of {\tt Nil} and we want to use the infix operator
  1441 \verb|#| instead of {\tt Cons}. To do this we simply add mixfix annotations
  1442 after the constructor declarations as follows:
  1443 \begin{ttbox}
  1444 MyList = HOL +
  1445   datatype 'a list = "[]" ("[]") 
  1446                    | "#" ('a, 'a list) (infixr 70)
  1447 end
  1448 \end{ttbox}
  1449 Now the theorem in the previous example can be written \verb|x#xs ~= xs|. The
  1450 proof is the same.
  1452 \subsubsection{Defining functions on datatypes}
  1454 Normally one wants to define functions dealing with a newly defined type and
  1455 prove properties of these functions. As an example let us define \verb|@| for
  1456 concatenation and {\tt ttl} for the (total) tail of a list, i.e.\ the list
  1457 without its first element:
  1458 \begin{ttbox}
  1459 List_fun = MyList +
  1460 consts ttl  :: "'a list => 'a list"
  1461        "@"  :: "['a list,'a list] => 'a list"  (infixr 60)
  1462 rules 
  1463        ttl_def   "ttl (l)  == case l of [] => []  |  y#ys => ys"
  1465        app_Nil   "[] @ ys = ys"
  1466        app_Cons  "(x#xs) @ ys = x#(xs @ ys)"
  1467 end
  1468 \end{ttbox}
  1469 Let us have a look at the use of {\tt case} in the definition of {\tt ttl}.
  1470 The expression {\tt case e of [] => [] | y\#ys => ys} evaluates to {\tt []}
  1471 if \verb|e=[]| and to {\tt ys} if \verb|e=y#ys|. These properties are
  1472 trivial to derive by simplification:
  1473 \begin{ttbox}
  1474 val mylist_ss = HOL_ss addsimps MyList.list.simps;
  1476 goalw List_fun.thy [List_fun.ttl_def] "ttl([]) = []";
  1477 by (simp_tac mylist_ss 1);
  1478 val ttl_Nil = result();
  1480 goalw List_fun.thy [List_fun.ttl_def] "ttl(y#ys) = ys";
  1481 by (simp_tac mylist_ss 1);
  1482 val ttl_Cons = result();
  1484 val list_fun_ss = mylist_ss addsimps
  1485       [ttl_Nil, ttl_Cons, List_fun.app_Nil, List_fun.app_Cons];
  1486 \end{ttbox}
  1487 Note that we include the derived properties in our simpset, not the original
  1488 definition of {\tt ttl}. The former are better behaved because they only
  1489 apply if the argument is already a constructor.
  1491 One could have defined \verb$@$ with a single {\tt case}-construct
  1492 \begin{ttbox}
  1493 app_def "x @ y == case x of [] => y  |  z#zs => z # (zs @ y)"
  1494 \end{ttbox}  
  1495 and derived \verb$app_Nil$ and \verb$app_Cons$ from it. But \verb$app_def$ is
  1496 not easy to work with: the left-hand side matches a subterm of the right-hand
  1497 side, which causes the simplifier to loop.
  1499 Here is a simple proof of the associativity of \verb$@$:
  1500 \begin{ttbox}
  1501 goal List_fun.thy "(x @ y) @ z = x @ (y @ z)";
  1502 by (MyList.list.induct_tac "x" 1);
  1503 by (simp_tac list_fun_ss 1);
  1504 by (asm_simp_tac list_fun_ss 1);
  1505 \end{ttbox}
  1506 The last two steps can again be combined using {\tt ALLGOALS}.
  1509 \subsubsection{A datatype for weekdays}
  1511 This example shows a datatype that consists of more than four constructors:
  1512 \begin{ttbox}
  1513 Days = Arith +
  1514   datatype days = Mo | Tu | We | Th | Fr | Sa | So
  1515 end
  1516 \end{ttbox}
  1517 Because there are more than four constructors, the theory must be based on
  1518 {\tt Arith}. Inequality is defined via a function \verb|days_ord|. Although
  1519 the expression \verb|Mo ~= Tu| is not directly contained in {\tt distinct},
  1520 it can be proved by the simplifier if \verb$arith_ss$ is used:
  1521 \begin{ttbox}
  1522 val days_ss = arith_ss addsimps Days.days.simps;
  1524 goal Days.thy "Mo ~= Tu";
  1525 by (simp_tac days_ss 1);
  1526 \end{ttbox}
  1527 Note that usually it is not necessary to derive these inequalities explicitly
  1528 because the simplifier will dispose of them automatically.
  1530 \index{*datatype|)}
  1531 \underscoreoff
  1535 \section{The examples directories}
  1536 Directory {\tt HOL/Subst} contains Martin Coen's mechanisation of a theory of
  1537 substitutions and unifiers.  It is based on Paulson's previous
  1538 mechanisation in {\LCF}~\cite{paulson85} of Manna and Waldinger's
  1539 theory~\cite{mw81}. 
  1541 Directory {\tt HOL/ex} contains other examples and experimental proofs in
  1542 {\HOL}.  Here is an overview of the more interesting files.
  1543 \begin{ttdescription}
  1544 \item[HOL/ex/cla.ML] demonstrates the classical reasoner on over sixty
  1545   predicate calculus theorems, ranging from simple tautologies to
  1546   moderately difficult problems involving equality and quantifiers.
  1548 \item[HOL/ex/meson.ML] contains an experimental implementation of the {\sc
  1549     meson} proof procedure, inspired by Plaisted~\cite{plaisted90}.  It is
  1550   much more powerful than Isabelle's classical reasoner.  But it is less
  1551   useful in practice because it works only for pure logic; it does not
  1552   accept derived rules for the set theory primitives, for example.
  1554 \item[HOL/ex/mesontest.ML] contains test data for the {\sc meson} proof
  1555   procedure.  These are mostly taken from Pelletier \cite{pelletier86}.
  1557 \item[HOL/ex/set.ML] proves Cantor's Theorem, which is presented in
  1558   \S\ref{sec:hol-cantor} below, and the Schr\"oder-Bernstein Theorem.
  1560 \item[HOL/ex/InSort.ML] and {\tt HOL/ex/Qsort.ML} contain correctness
  1561   proofs about insertion sort and quick sort.
  1563 \item[HOL/ex/PropLog.ML] proves the soundness and completeness of classical
  1564   propositional logic, given a truth table semantics.  The only connective
  1565   is $\imp$.  A Hilbert-style axiom system is specified, and its set of
  1566   theorems defined inductively.  A similar proof in \ZF{} is described
  1567   elsewhere~\cite{paulson-set-II}. 
  1569 \item[HOL/ex/Term.ML] 
  1570   contains proofs about an experimental recursive type definition;
  1571   the recursion goes through the type constructor~\tydx{list}.
  1573 \item[HOL/ex/Simult.ML] defines primitives for solving mutually recursive
  1574   equations over sets.  It constructs sets of trees and forests as an
  1575   example, including induction and recursion rules that handle the mutual
  1576   recursion.
  1578 \item[HOL/ex/MT.ML] contains Jacob Frost's formalization~\cite{frost93} of
  1579   Milner and Tofte's coinduction example~\cite{milner-coind}.  This
  1580   substantial proof concerns the soundness of a type system for a simple
  1581   functional language.  The semantics of recursion is given by a cyclic
  1582   environment, which makes a coinductive argument appropriate.
  1583 \end{ttdescription}
  1586 \goodbreak
  1587 \section{Example: Cantor's Theorem}\label{sec:hol-cantor}
  1588 Cantor's Theorem states that every set has more subsets than it has
  1589 elements.  It has become a favourite example in higher-order logic since
  1590 it is so easily expressed:
  1591 \[  \forall f::[\alpha,\alpha]\To bool. \exists S::\alpha\To bool.
  1592     \forall x::\alpha. f(x) \not= S 
  1593 \] 
  1594 %
  1595 Viewing types as sets, $\alpha\To bool$ represents the powerset
  1596 of~$\alpha$.  This version states that for every function from $\alpha$ to
  1597 its powerset, some subset is outside its range.  
  1599 The Isabelle proof uses \HOL's set theory, with the type $\alpha\,set$ and
  1600 the operator \cdx{range}.  The set~$S$ is given as an unknown instead of a
  1601 quantified variable so that we may inspect the subset found by the proof.
  1602 \begin{ttbox}
  1603 goal Set.thy "~ ?S : range(f :: 'a=>'a set)";
  1604 {\out Level 0}
  1605 {\out ~ ?S : range(f)}
  1606 {\out  1. ~ ?S : range(f)}
  1607 \end{ttbox}
  1608 The first two steps are routine.  The rule \tdx{rangeE} replaces
  1609 $\Var{S}\in {\tt range}(f)$ by $\Var{S}=f(x)$ for some~$x$.
  1610 \begin{ttbox}
  1611 by (resolve_tac [notI] 1);
  1612 {\out Level 1}
  1613 {\out ~ ?S : range(f)}
  1614 {\out  1. ?S : range(f) ==> False}
  1615 \ttbreak
  1616 by (eresolve_tac [rangeE] 1);
  1617 {\out Level 2}
  1618 {\out ~ ?S : range(f)}
  1619 {\out  1. !!x. ?S = f(x) ==> False}
  1620 \end{ttbox}
  1621 Next, we apply \tdx{equalityCE}, reasoning that since $\Var{S}=f(x)$,
  1622 we have $\Var{c}\in \Var{S}$ if and only if $\Var{c}\in f(x)$ for
  1623 any~$\Var{c}$.
  1624 \begin{ttbox}
  1625 by (eresolve_tac [equalityCE] 1);
  1626 {\out Level 3}
  1627 {\out ~ ?S : range(f)}
  1628 {\out  1. !!x. [| ?c3(x) : ?S; ?c3(x) : f(x) |] ==> False}
  1629 {\out  2. !!x. [| ~ ?c3(x) : ?S; ~ ?c3(x) : f(x) |] ==> False}
  1630 \end{ttbox}
  1631 Now we use a bit of creativity.  Suppose that~$\Var{S}$ has the form of a
  1632 comprehension.  Then $\Var{c}\in\{x.\Var{P}(x)\}$ implies
  1633 $\Var{P}(\Var{c})$.   Destruct-resolution using \tdx{CollectD}
  1634 instantiates~$\Var{S}$ and creates the new assumption.
  1635 \begin{ttbox}
  1636 by (dresolve_tac [CollectD] 1);
  1637 {\out Level 4}
  1638 {\out ~ \{x. ?P7(x)\} : range(f)}
  1639 {\out  1. !!x. [| ?c3(x) : f(x); ?P7(?c3(x)) |] ==> False}
  1640 {\out  2. !!x. [| ~ ?c3(x) : \{x. ?P7(x)\}; ~ ?c3(x) : f(x) |] ==> False}
  1641 \end{ttbox}
  1642 Forcing a contradiction between the two assumptions of subgoal~1 completes
  1643 the instantiation of~$S$.  It is now the set $\{x. x\not\in f(x)\}$, which
  1644 is the standard diagonal construction.
  1645 \begin{ttbox}
  1646 by (contr_tac 1);
  1647 {\out Level 5}
  1648 {\out ~ \{x. ~ x : f(x)\} : range(f)}
  1649 {\out  1. !!x. [| ~ x : \{x. ~ x : f(x)\}; ~ x : f(x) |] ==> False}
  1650 \end{ttbox}
  1651 The rest should be easy.  To apply \tdx{CollectI} to the negated
  1652 assumption, we employ \ttindex{swap_res_tac}:
  1653 \begin{ttbox}
  1654 by (swap_res_tac [CollectI] 1);
  1655 {\out Level 6}
  1656 {\out ~ \{x. ~ x : f(x)\} : range(f)}
  1657 {\out  1. !!x. [| ~ x : f(x); ~ False |] ==> ~ x : f(x)}
  1658 \ttbreak
  1659 by (assume_tac 1);
  1660 {\out Level 7}
  1661 {\out ~ \{x. ~ x : f(x)\} : range(f)}
  1662 {\out No subgoals!}
  1663 \end{ttbox}
  1664 How much creativity is required?  As it happens, Isabelle can prove this
  1665 theorem automatically.  The classical set \ttindex{set_cs} contains rules
  1666 for most of the constructs of \HOL's set theory.  We must augment it with
  1667 \tdx{equalityCE} to break up set equalities, and then apply best-first
  1668 search.  Depth-first search would diverge, but best-first search
  1669 successfully navigates through the large search space.
  1670 \index{search!best-first}
  1671 \begin{ttbox}
  1672 choplev 0;
  1673 {\out Level 0}
  1674 {\out ~ ?S : range(f)}
  1675 {\out  1. ~ ?S : range(f)}
  1676 \ttbreak
  1677 by (best_tac (set_cs addSEs [equalityCE]) 1);
  1678 {\out Level 1}
  1679 {\out ~ \{x. ~ x : f(x)\} : range(f)}
  1680 {\out No subgoals!}
  1681 \end{ttbox}
  1683 \index{higher-order logic|)}