author wneuper <Walther.Neuper@jku.at>
Mon, 01 Jan 2024 11:31:16 +0100
changeset 60789 8fa678b678e8
parent 60725 25233d8f7019
permissions -rw-r--r--
Doc/Specify_Phase 4: start use antiquotations from isar-ref
     1 (* Title:  "Minisubpbl/250-Rewrite_Set-from-method.sml"
     2    Author: Walther Neuper 1105
     3    (c) copyright due to lincense terms.
     4 *)
     6 "----------- Minisubpbl/800-append-on-Frm.sml ------------------------------------------------";
     7 "----------- Minisubpbl/800-append-on-Frm.sml ------------------------------------------------";
     8 "----------- Minisubpbl/800-append-on-Frm.sml ------------------------------------------------";
     9 (*cp from -- appendFormula: on Frm + equ_nrls --- in Interpret.inform.sml --------------------*)
    10 val fmz = ["equality (x+1=(2::real))", "solveFor x", "solutions L"];
    11 val (dI',pI',mI') =
    12   ("Test", ["sqroot-test", "univariate", "equation", "test"],
    13    ["Test", "squ-equ-test-subpbl1"]);
    14  (*[], Pbl*)val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = Test_Code.init_calc @{context} [(fmz, (dI',pI',mI'))];(*Model_Problem*)
    15             (*autoCalculate 1 CompleteCalcHead;*)
    16  (*[], Pbl*)val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p [] pt; val Add_Given "equality (x + 1 = 2)" = nxt;
    17  (*[], Pbl*)val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p [] pt; val Add_Given "solveFor x" = nxt;
    18  (*[], Pbl*)val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p [] pt; val Add_Find "solutions L" = nxt;
    19  (*[], Pbl*)val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p [] pt; val Specify_Theory "Test" = nxt;
    20  (*[], Pbl*)val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p [] pt; val Specify_Problem ["sqroot-test", "univariate", "equation", "test"] = nxt;
    21  (*[], Pbl*)val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p [] pt; val Specify_Method ["Test", "squ-equ-test-subpbl1"] = nxt;
    22  (*[], Met*)val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p [] pt; val Apply_Method ["Test", "squ-equ-test-subpbl1"] = nxt;
    24             (*autoCalculate 1 (Steps 1);*)
    25  (*[1], Frm*)val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p [] pt; val Rewrite_Set "norm_equation" = nxt;
    27 (*+*)Test_Tool.show_pt_tac pt;                                                                  (*isa==REP [
    28 ([], Frm), solve (x + 1 = 2, x)
    29 . . . . . . . . . . Apply_Method ["Test", "squ-equ-test-subpbl1"],
    30 ([1], Frm), x + 1 = 2
    31 . . . . . . . . . . Empty_Tac] *)
    33          (*appendFormula 1 "2+ - 1 + x = 2";*)
    34 "~~~~~ fun appendFormula , args:"; val (ifo) = ("2+ - 1 + x = 2");
    35     val cs = (*States.get_calc cI*)  ((pt, p), [])  (*..continue fun me*)
    36     val pos = (*States.get_pos cI 1*)  p            (*..continue fun me*)
    38     val ("ok", cs' as (_, _, ptp''''')) = (*case*)
    39       Step.do_next pos cs (*of*);
    40 "~~~~~ fun do_next , args:"; val ((ip as (_, p_)), (ptp as (pt, p), tacis)) = (pos, cs);
    41     val pIopt = Ctree.get_pblID (pt, ip);
    42     (*if*) ip = ([], Pos.Res) (*else*);
    43     val _ = (*case*) tacis (*of*);
    44     val SOME _ = (*case*) pIopt (*of*);
    46       Step.switch_specify_solve p_ (pt, ip);
    47 "~~~~~ fun switch_specify_solve , args:"; val (state_pos, (pt, input_pos)) = (p_, (pt, ip));
    48       (*if*) member op = [Pos.Pbl, Pos.Met] state_pos (*else*);
    50         LI.do_next (pt, input_pos);
    51 "~~~~~ and do_next , args:"; val ((ptp as (pt, pos as (p, p_)))) = (pt, input_pos);
    52     (*if*) MethodC.id_empty = get_obj g_metID pt (par_pblobj pt p) (*else*);
    53         val thy' = get_obj g_domID pt (par_pblobj pt p);
    54 	      val ((ist, ctxt), sc) = LItool.resume_prog (p,p_) pt;
    56 val Next_Step (ist, ctxt, tac) = (*case*)              (**..Ctree NOT updated yet**)
    57         LI.find_next_step sc (pt, pos) ist ctxt (*of*);
    59 (*+*)val ("ok", ([(Rewrite_Set "norm_equation", _, (([1], Frm), _))], _, _)) =
    60         LI.by_tactic tac (ist, Tactic.insert_assumptions tac ctxt) ptp;
    61 "~~~~~ fun by_tactic , args:"; val (tac_, is, (pt, pos)) = (tac, (ist, Tactic.insert_assumptions tac ctxt), ptp);
    62       val pos = next_in_prog' pos;
    64  	    (** )val (pos', c, _, pt) =( **)
    65       Step.add tac_ is (pt, pos);
    66 "~~~~~ fun add , args:"; val ((Tactic.Rewrite_Set' (_, _, rls', f, (f', asm))), (is, ctxt), (pt, (p, _)))
    67   = (tac_, is, (pt, pos));
    68 (*+*)pos = ([1], Frm);
    70       (** )val (pt, c) =( **)
    71            cappend_atomic pt p (is, ContextC.insert_assumptions asm ctxt) f 
    72                      (Tactic.Rewrite_Set (Rule_Set.id rls')) (f',asm) Complete;
    73 "~~~~~ fun cappend_atomic , args:"; val (pt, p: pos, ic_res, f, r, f', s)
    74   = (pt, p, (is, ContextC.insert_assumptions asm ctxt), f,
    75       (Tactic.Rewrite_Set (Rule_Set.id rls')), (f',asm), Complete);
    76   (*if*) existpt p pt andalso Tactic.is_empty (get_obj g_tac pt p) (*then*);
    77       val (ic_form, f) = (get_loc pt (p, Frm), get_obj g_form pt p)
    78 	    val (pt, cs) = cut_tree(*!*)pt (p, Frm);
    79 	    (** )val pt = ( **)
    80            append_atomic p (SOME ic_form, ic_res) f r f' s pt;
    81 "~~~~~ fun append_atomic , args:"; val (p, (ic_form, ic_res), f, r, f', s, pt)
    82   = (p, (SOME ic_form, ic_res), f, r, f', s, pt);
    83       (*if*) existpt p pt andalso Tactic.is_empty (get_obj g_tac pt p) (*else*);
    84     val (iss, f) =
    85         ((ic_form, SOME ic_res), f); (*return from if*)
    87      insert_pt (PrfObj {form = f, tac = r, loc = iss, branch = NoBranch,
    88 		   result = f', ostate = s}) pt p (*return from append_atomic*);
    89 "~~~~~ from fun append_atomic \<longrightarrow>fun cappend_atomic , return:"; val (pt)
    90   = (insert_pt (PrfObj {form = f, tac = r, loc = iss, branch = NoBranch,
    91 		   result = f', ostate = s}) pt p);
    93 (*/--------------------- step into Deriv.embed -----------------------------------------------\*)
    94     val ("ok", ([], _, ptp''''' as (_, ([1], Res)))) =
    95     (*case*)
    96 Step_Solve.by_term ptp (encode ifo) (*of*);
    97 "~~~~~ fun by_term , args:"; val ((pt, pos as (p, _)), istr) = (ptp, (encode ifo));
    98   val SOME f_in =(*case*) ParseC.term_opt (get_ctxt pt pos) istr (*of*);
    99       val pos_pred = lev_back(*'*) pos
   100   	  val f_pred = Ctree.get_curr_formula (pt, pos_pred);
   101   	  val f_succ = Ctree.get_curr_formula (pt, pos);
   102       (*if*) f_succ = f_in (*else*);
   103         val NONE =(*case*) CAS_Cmd.input f_in (*of*);
   105           (*case*)
   106         LI.locate_input_term (pt, pos) f_in (*of*);
   107 "~~~~~ fun locate_input_term , args:"; val ((pt, pos), tm) = ((pt, pos), f_in);
   108    		val pos_pred = Pos.lev_back' pos (*f_pred ---"step pos cs"---> f_succ in appendFormula*)
   109    		val _(*f_pred*) = Ctree.get_curr_formula (pt, pos_pred);
   111 	(*case*) compare_step ([], [], (pt, pos_pred)) tm (*of*);
   112 "~~~~~ fun compare_step , args:"; val ((tacis, c, ptp as (pt, pos as (p, _))), ifo) = (([], [], (pt, pos_pred)), tm);
   113     val fo = Calc.current_formula ptp
   114 	  val {rew_rls, ...} = MethodC.from_store ctxt (Ctree.get_obj Ctree.g_metID pt (Ctree.par_pblobj pt p))
   115 	  val {rew_ord, asm_rls, rules, ...} = Rule_Set.rep rew_rls
   117 	  val (found, der) =
   118     Derive.steps ctxt rew_ord asm_rls rules fo ifo; (*<---------------*)
   119 (*//------------------ step into Derive.steps ----------------------------------------------\\*)
   120 "~~~~~ fun steps , args:"; val (ctxt, rew_ord, asm_rls, rules, fo, ifo) =
   121   (ctxt, rew_ord, asm_rls, rules, fo, ifo);
   122     fun derivat ([]:(term * Rule.rule * (term * term list)) list) = TermC.empty
   123       | derivat dt = (#1 o #3 o last_elem) dt
   124     fun equal (_, _, (t1, _)) (_, _, (t2, _)) = t1 = t2
   125     val  fod = Derive.do_one ctxt asm_rls rules (snd rew_ord) NONE  fo
   126     val ifod = Derive.do_one ctxt asm_rls rules (snd rew_ord) NONE ifo
   127 val (fod, ifod) =
   128     (*case*) (fod, ifod) (*of*);
   129       (*if*) derivat fod = derivat ifod (*common normal form found*) (*then*);
   130           val (fod', rifod') = dropwhile' equal (rev fod) (rev ifod)
   132 (*/--- local to steps ---\*)
   133 fun rev_deriv' ctxt (t, r, (t', a)) = (t', ThmC.make_sym_rule ctxt r, (t, a));
   134 (*\--- local to steps ---/*)
   135 val return = (true, fod' @ (map
   136           (rev_deriv' ctxt) rifod'));
   137 "~~~~~ fun rev_deriv' , args:"; val (ctxt, (t, r, (t', a))) = (ctxt, nth 1 rifod');
   139 val return = (t',
   140       ThmC.make_sym_rule ctxt r, (t, a));
   141 "~~~~~ fun make_sym_rule_PIDE , args:"; val (ctxt ,(Rule.Thm (thmID, thm))) = (ctxt, r);
   142 open ThmC
   143         val thm' = sym_thm thm
   144         val thmID' = case Symbol.explode thmID of
   145           "s" :: "y" :: "m" :: "_" :: id => implode id
   146         | "#" :: ":" :: _ => "#: " ^ string_of_thm ctxt thm'
   147         | _ => "sym_" ^ thmID;
   148 (*-------------------- stop step into Derive.steps -------------------------------------------*)
   149 (*\\------------------ step into Derive.steps ----------------------------------------------//*)
   151     (*if*) found (*then*);
   152          val tacis' = map (State_Steps.make_single ctxt rew_ord asm_rls) der;
   154 		     val (c', ptp) =
   155     Derive.embed tacis' ptp;
   156 "~~~~~ fun embed , args:"; val (tacis, (pt, pos as (p, Res))) = (tacis', ptp);
   157       val (res, asm) = ((State_Steps.result ctxt) o last_elem) tacis
   158     	val (ist, ctxt) = case Ctree.get_obj Ctree.g_loc pt p of
   159     	  (_, SOME (ist, ctxt)) => (ist, ctxt)
   160       | (_, NONE) => error "Derive.embed Frm: uncovered case get_obj"
   161     	val (f, _) = Ctree.get_obj Ctree.g_result pt p
   162     	val p = Pos.lev_on p(*---------------only difference to (..,Frm) above*);
   163     	val tacis = (Tactic.Begin_Trans, Tactic.Begin_Trans' f, ((p, Pos.Frm), (Istate_Def.Uistate, ctxt))) ::
   164     		(State_Steps.insert_pos ((Pos.lev_on o Pos.lev_dn) p) tacis) @ [(Tactic.End_Trans, Tactic.End_Trans' (res, asm), 
   165     			(Pos.pos_plus (length tacis) (Pos.lev_dn p, Pos.Res), (Ctree.new_val res ist, ctxt)))];
   166     	val {rew_rls, ...} = MethodC.from_store ctxt (Ctree.get_obj Ctree.g_metID pt (Ctree.par_pblobj pt p))
   168     	val (pt, c, pos as (p, _)) =
   169 Solve_Step.s_add_general (rev tacis) (pt, [], (p, Res));
   170 "~~~~~ fun s_add_general , args:"; val (tacis, (pt, c, _)) = ((rev tacis), (pt, [], (p, Res)));
   171 (*+*)length tacis = 8;
   172 (*+*)if State_Steps.to_string ctxt tacis = "[\"\n" ^
   173   "( End_Trans, End_Trans' xxx, ( ([2, 6], Res), Pstate ([\"\n(e_e, x + 1 = 2)\", \"\n" ^
   174   "(v_v, x)\"], [], empty, NONE, \n2 + - 1 + x = 2, ORundef, false, true) ))\", \"\n" ^
   175   "( Rewrite (\"sym_radd_commute\", \"?n + ?m = ?m + ?n\"), Rewrite' , ( ([2, 6], Res), Uistate ))\", \"\n" ^
   176   "( Rewrite (\"sym_radd_commute\", \"?n + ?m = ?m + ?n\"), Rewrite' , ( ([2, 5], Res), Uistate ))\", \"\n" ^
   177   "( Rewrite (\"sym_radd_left_commute\", \"?y + (?x + ?z) = ?x + (?y + ?z)\"), Rewrite' , ( ([2, 4], Res), Uistate ))\", \"\n" ^
   178   "( Rewrite (\"sym_radd_commute\", \"?n + ?m = ?m + ?n\"), Rewrite' , ( ([2, 3], Res), Uistate ))\", \"\n" ^
   179   "( Rewrite (\"#: 1 + x = - 1 + (2 + x)\", \"1 + x = - 1 + (2 + x)\"), Rewrite' , ( ([2, 2], Res), Uistate ))\", \"\n" ^
   180   "( Rewrite (\"radd_commute\", \"?m + ?n = ?n + ?m\"), Rewrite' , ( ([2, 1], Res), Uistate ))\", \"\n" ^
   181   "( Begin_Trans, Begin_Trans' xxx, ( ([2], Frm), Uistate ))\"]"
   182 (*+*)then () else error "Derive.embed CHANGED";
   184       val (tacis', (_, tac_, (p, is))) = split_last tacis
   186 (*+*)val Begin_Trans' _ = tac_;
   187 (*-------------------- stop step into -------------------------------------------------------*)
   188 (*\------------------- end step into -------------------------------------------------------/*)
   190 	    val (p',c',_,pt') =
   191 Specify_Step.add tac_ is (pt, p);
   192 "~~~~~ fun add , args:"; val ((Tactic.Begin_Trans' t), l, (pt, (p, Frm))) =
   193   (tac_, is, (pt, p));
   194         val (pt, c) = Ctree.cappend_form pt p l t
   195         val pt = Ctree.update_branch pt p Ctree.TransitiveB
   196         val p = (Pos.lev_on o Pos.lev_dn (* starts with [...,0] *)) p
   197         val (pt, c') = Ctree.cappend_form pt p l t
   198 val return = ((p, Frm), c @ c', Test_Out.FormKF (UnparseC.term ctxt t), pt)
   200 (*/--------------------- final test ----------------------------------------------------------\*)
   201 val (SOME (Uistate, ctxt_frm), SOME (ist_res, ctxt_res)) = get_obj g_loc (fst ptp''''') (fst (snd ptp'''''))
   202 ;
   203 if
   204   (ctxt_frm |> ContextC.get_assumptions |> UnparseC.terms ctxt) = "[precond_rootmet x]"
   205   andalso
   206   (ctxt_res |> ContextC.get_assumptions |> UnparseC.terms ctxt) = "[precond_rootmet x]"
   207   andalso
   208   Istate.string_of ctxt ist_res =
   209     "Pstate ([\"\n(e_e, x + 1 = 2)\", \"\n(v_v, x)\"], [], empty, NONE, \n2 + - 1 + x = 2, ORundef, false, true)"
   210 then () else error "/800-append-on-Frm.sml CHANGED";
   212 Test_Tool.show_pt_tac (fst ptp''''');(*[
   213 ([], Frm), solve (x + 1 = 2, x)
   214 . . . . . . . . . . Apply_Method ["Test", "squ-equ-test-subpbl1"],
   215 ([1], Frm), x + 1 = 2
   216 . . . . . . . . . . Derive Test_simplify,
   217 ([1,1], Frm), x + 1 = 2
   218 . . . . . . . . . . Rewrite ("radd_commute", "?m + ?n = ?n + ?m"),
   219 ([1,1], Res), 1 + x = 2
   220 . . . . . . . . . . Rewrite ("#: 1 + x = - 1 + (2 + x)", "1 + x = - 1 + (2 + x)"),
   221 ([1,2], Res), - 1 + (2 + x) = 2
   222 . . . . . . . . . . Rewrite ("sym_radd_commute", "?n + ?m = ?m + ?n"),
   223 ([1,3], Res), - 1 + (x + 2) = 2
   224 . . . . . . . . . . Rewrite ("sym_radd_left_commute", "?y + (?x + ?z) = ?x + (?y + ?z)"),
   225 ([1,4], Res), x + (- 1 + 2) = 2
   226 . . . . . . . . . . Rewrite ("sym_radd_commute", "?n + ?m = ?m + ?n"),
   227 ([1,5], Res), x + (2 + - 1) = 2
   228 . . . . . . . . . . Rewrite ("sym_radd_commute", "?n + ?m = ?m + ?n"),
   229 ([1,6], Res), 2 + - 1 + x = 2
   230 . . . . . . . . . . Tactic.input_to_string not impl. for ?!,
   231 ([1], Res), 2 + - 1 + x = 2
   232 . . . . . . . . . . Check_Postcond ["sqroot-test", "univariate", "equation", "test"]] 
   233 *)