author blanchet
Mon, 28 May 2012 20:50:55 +0200
changeset 49021 8d989b9c8e4f
parent 48978 46c73ad5f7c0
child 49093 72b093caf048
permissions -rw-r--r--
update docs
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    45 \begin{document}
    47 %%% TYPESETTING
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    51 \selectlanguage{english}
    53 \title{\includegraphics[scale=0.5]{isabelle_sledgehammer} \\[4ex]
    54 Hammering Away \\[\smallskipamount]
    55 \Large A User's Guide to Sledgehammer for Isabelle/HOL}
    56 \author{\hbox{} \\
    57 Jasmin Christian Blanchette \\
    58 {\normalsize Institut f\"ur Informatik, Technische Universit\"at M\"unchen} \\[4\smallskipamount]
    59 {\normalsize with contributions from} \\[4\smallskipamount]
    60 Lawrence C. Paulson \\
    61 {\normalsize Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge} \\
    62 \hbox{}}
    64 \maketitle
    66 \tableofcontents
    68 \setlength{\parskip}{.7em plus .2em minus .1em}
    69 \setlength{\parindent}{0pt}
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    88 \def\prew{\pre\advance\rightskip by-\leftmargin}
    89 \def\postw{\post}
    91 \section{Introduction}
    92 \label{introduction}
    94 Sledgehammer is a tool that applies automatic theorem provers (ATPs)
    95 and satisfiability-modulo-theories (SMT) solvers on the current goal.%
    96 \footnote{The distinction between ATPs and SMT solvers is convenient but mostly
    97 historical. The two communities are converging, with more and more ATPs
    98 supporting typical SMT features such as arithmetic and sorts, and a few SMT
    99 solvers parsing ATP syntaxes. There is also a strong technological connection
   100 between instantiation-based ATPs (such as iProver and iProver-Eq) and SMT
   101 solvers.}
   102 %
   103 The supported ATPs are E \cite{schulz-2002}, E-SInE \cite{sine}, E-ToFoF
   104 \cite{tofof}, iProver \cite{korovin-2009}, iProver-Eq
   105 \cite{korovin-sticksel-2010}, LEO-II \cite{leo2}, Satallax \cite{satallax},
   106 SNARK \cite{snark}, SPASS \cite{weidenbach-et-al-2009}, Vampire
   107 \cite{riazanov-voronkov-2002}, and Waldmeister \cite{waldmeister}. The ATPs are
   108 run either locally or remotely via the System\-On\-TPTP web service
   109 \cite{sutcliffe-2000}. In addition to the ATPs, the SMT solvers Z3 \cite{z3} is
   110 used by default, and you can tell Sledgehammer to try Alt-Ergo \cite{alt-ergo},
   111 CVC3 \cite{cvc3}, and Yices \cite{yices} as well; these are run either locally
   112 or (for CVC3 and Z3) on a server at the TU M\"unchen.
   114 The problem passed to the automatic provers consists of your current goal
   115 together with a heuristic selection of hundreds of facts (theorems) from the
   116 current theory context, filtered by relevance. Because jobs are run in the
   117 background, you can continue to work on your proof by other means. Provers can
   118 be run in parallel. Any reply (which may arrive half a minute later) will appear
   119 in the Proof General response buffer.
   121 The result of a successful proof search is some source text that usually (but
   122 not always) reconstructs the proof within Isabelle. For ATPs, the reconstructed
   123 proof relies on the general-purpose \textit{metis} proof method, which
   124 integrates the Metis ATP in Isabelle/HOL with explicit inferences going through
   125 the kernel. Thus its results are correct by construction.
   127 In this manual, we will explicitly invoke the \textbf{sledgehammer} command.
   128 Sledgehammer also provides an automatic mode that can be enabled via the ``Auto
   129 Sledgehammer'' option in Proof General's ``Isabelle'' menu. In this mode,
   130 Sledgehammer is run on every newly entered theorem. The time limit for Auto
   131 Sledgehammer and other automatic tools can be set using the ``Auto Tools Time
   132 Limit'' option.
   134 \newbox\boxA
   135 \setbox\boxA=\hbox{\texttt{NOSPAM}}
   137 \newcommand\authoremail{\texttt{blan{\color{white}NOSPAM}\kern-\wd\boxA{}chette@\allowbreak
   138 in.\allowbreak tum.\allowbreak de}}
   140 To run Sledgehammer, you must make sure that the theory \textit{Sledgehammer} is
   141 imported---this is rarely a problem in practice since it is part of
   142 \textit{Main}. Examples of Sledgehammer use can be found in Isabelle's
   143 \texttt{src/HOL/Metis\_Examples} directory.
   144 Comments and bug reports concerning Sledgehammer or this manual should be
   145 directed to the author at \authoremail.
   147 \vskip2.5\smallskipamount
   149 %\textbf{Acknowledgment.} The author would like to thank Mark Summerfield for
   150 %suggesting several textual improvements.
   152 \section{Installation}
   153 \label{installation}
   155 Sledgehammer is part of Isabelle, so you don't need to install it. However, it
   156 relies on third-party automatic provers (ATPs and SMT solvers).
   158 Among the ATPs, E, LEO-II, Satallax, SPASS, and Vampire can be run locally; in
   159 addition, E, E-SInE, E-ToFoF, iProver, iProver-Eq, LEO-II, Satallax, SNARK,
   160 Vampire, and Waldmeister are available remotely via System\-On\-TPTP
   161 \cite{sutcliffe-2000}. If you want better performance, you should at least
   162 install E and SPASS locally.
   164 Among the SMT solvers, Alt-Ergo, CVC3, Yices, and Z3 can be run locally, and
   165 CVC3 and Z3 can be run remotely on a TU M\"unchen server. If you want better
   166 performance and get the ability to replay proofs that rely on the \emph{smt}
   167 proof method without an Internet connection, you should at least install Z3
   168 locally.
   170 There are three main ways to install automatic provers on your machine:
   172 \begin{sloppy}
   173 \begin{enum}
   174 \item[\labelitemi] If you installed an official Isabelle package, it should
   175 already include properly setup executables for CVC3, E, SPASS, and Z3, ready to use.%
   176 \footnote{Vampire's and Yices's licenses prevent us from doing the same for
   177 these otherwise remarkable tools.}
   178 For Z3, you must additionally set the variable
   179 \texttt{Z3\_NON\_COMMERCIAL} to ``yes'' to confirm that you are a
   180 noncommercial user, either in the environment in which Isabelle is
   181 launched or in your
   182 \texttt{\$ISABELLE\_HOME\_USER/etc/settings} file.
   184 \item[\labelitemi] Alternatively, you can download the Isabelle-aware CVC3, E,
   185 SPASS, and Z3 binary packages from \download. Extract the archives, then add a
   186 line to your \texttt{\$ISABELLE\_HOME\_USER\slash etc\slash components}%
   187 \footnote{The variable \texttt{\$ISABELLE\_HOME\_USER} is set by Isabelle at
   188 startup. Its value can be retrieved by executing \texttt{isabelle}
   189 \texttt{getenv} \texttt{ISABELLE\_HOME\_USER} on the command line.}
   190 file with the absolute path to CVC3, E, SPASS, or Z3. For example, if the
   191 \texttt{components} file does not exist yet and you extracted SPASS to
   192 \texttt{/usr/local/spass-3.8ds}, create it with the single line
   194 \prew
   195 \texttt{/usr/local/spass-3.8ds}
   196 \postw
   198 in it.
   200 \item[\labelitemi] If you prefer to build E, LEO-II, Satallax, or SPASS
   201 manually, or found a Vampire executable somewhere (e.g.,
   202 \url{}), set the environment variable \texttt{E\_HOME},
   203 \texttt{LEO2\_HOME}, \texttt{SATALLAX\_HOME}, \texttt{SPASS\_HOME}, or
   204 \texttt{VAMPIRE\_HOME} to the directory that contains the \texttt{eproof},
   205 \texttt{leo}, \texttt{satallax}, \texttt{SPASS}, or \texttt{vampire} executable.
   206 Sledgehammer has been tested with E 1.0 to 1.4, LEO-II 1.3.4, Satallax 2.2, 2.3,
   207 and 2.4, SPASS 3.8ds, and Vampire 0.6, 1.0, and 1.8.%
   208 \footnote{Following the rewrite of Vampire, the counter for version numbers was
   209 reset to 0; hence the (new) Vampire versions 0.6, 1.0, and 1.8 are more recent
   210 than 9.0 or 11.5.}%
   211 Since the ATPs' output formats are neither documented nor stable, other
   212 versions might not work well with Sledgehammer. Ideally,
   213 you should also set \texttt{E\_VERSION}, \texttt{LEO2\_VERSION},
   214 \texttt{SATALLAX\_VERSION}, \texttt{SPASS\_VERSION}, or
   215 \texttt{VAMPIRE\_VERSION} to the prover's version number (e.g., ``1.4'').
   217 Similarly, if you want to build Alt-Ergo or CVC3, or found a
   218 Yices or Z3 executable somewhere (e.g.,
   219 \url{} or
   220 \url{}),
   221 set the environment variable \texttt{CVC3\_\allowbreak SOLVER},
   222 \texttt{YICES\_SOLVER}, or \texttt{Z3\_SOLVER} to the complete path of
   223 the executable, \emph{including the file name}. Sledgehammer has been tested
   224 with Alt-Ergo 0.93, CVC3 2.2 and 2.4.1, Yices 1.0.28 and 1.0.33, and Z3 3.0,
   225 3.1, 3.2, and 4.0. Since the SMT solvers' output formats are somewhat unstable,
   226 other versions of the solvers might not work well with Sledgehammer. Ideally,
   227 also set \texttt{CVC3\_VERSION}, \texttt{YICES\_VERSION}, or
   228 \texttt{Z3\_VERSION} to the solver's version number (e.g., ``4.0'').
   229 \end{enum}
   230 \end{sloppy}
   232 To check whether E, SPASS, Vampire, and/or Z3 are successfully installed, try
   233 out the example in \S\ref{first-steps}. If the remote versions of any of these
   234 provers is used (identified by the prefix ``\emph{remote\_\/}''), or if the
   235 local versions fail to solve the easy goal presented there, something must be
   236 wrong with the installation.
   238 Remote prover invocation requires Perl with the World Wide Web Library
   239 (\texttt{libwww-perl}) installed. If you must use a proxy server to access the
   240 Internet, set the \texttt{http\_proxy} environment variable to the proxy, either
   241 in the environment in which Isabelle is launched or in your
   242 \texttt{\$ISABELLE\_HOME\_USER/etc/settings} file. Here are a few
   243 examples:
   245 \prew
   246 \texttt{http\_proxy=} \\
   247 \texttt{http\_proxy=} \\
   248 \texttt{http\_proxy=}
   249 \postw
   251 \section{First Steps}
   252 \label{first-steps}
   254 To illustrate Sledgehammer in context, let us start a theory file and
   255 attempt to prove a simple lemma:
   257 \prew
   258 \textbf{theory}~\textit{Scratch} \\
   259 \textbf{imports}~\textit{Main} \\
   260 \textbf{begin} \\[2\smallskipamount]
   261 %
   262 \textbf{lemma} ``$[a] = [b] \,\Longrightarrow\, a = b$'' \\
   263 \textbf{sledgehammer}
   264 \postw
   266 Instead of issuing the \textbf{sledgehammer} command, you can also find
   267 Sledgehammer in the ``Commands'' submenu of the ``Isabelle'' menu in Proof
   268 General or press the Emacs key sequence C-c C-a C-s.
   269 Either way, Sledgehammer produces the following output after a few seconds:
   271 \prew
   272 \slshape
   273 Sledgehammer: ``\textit{e\/}'' on goal \\
   274 $[a] = [b] \,\Longrightarrow\, a = b$ \\
   275 Try this: \textbf{by} (\textit{metis last\_ConsL}) (64 ms). \\[3\smallskipamount]
   276 %
   277 Sledgehammer: ``\textit{z3\/}'' on goal \\
   278 $[a] = [b] \,\Longrightarrow\, a = b$ \\
   279 Try this: \textbf{by} (\textit{metis list.inject}) (20 ms). \\[3\smallskipamount]
   280 %
   281 Sledgehammer: ``\textit{vampire\/}'' on goal \\
   282 $[a] = [b] \,\Longrightarrow\, a = b$ \\
   283 Try this: \textbf{by} (\textit{metis hd.simps}) (14 ms). \\[3\smallskipamount]
   284 %
   285 Sledgehammer: ``\textit{spass\/}'' on goal \\
   286 $[a] = [b] \,\Longrightarrow\, a = b$ \\
   287 Try this: \textbf{by} (\textit{metis list.inject}) (17 ms). \\[3\smallskipamount]
   288 %
   289 Sledgehammer: ``\textit{remote\_waldmeister\/}'' on goal \\
   290 $[a] = [b] \,\Longrightarrow\, a = b$ \\
   291 Try this: \textbf{by} (\textit{metis hd.simps}) (15 ms). \\[3\smallskipamount]
   292 %
   293 Sledgehammer: ``\textit{remote\_e\_sine\/}'' on goal \\
   294 $[a] = [b] \,\Longrightarrow\, a = b$ \\
   295 Try this: \textbf{by} (\textit{metis hd.simps}) (18 ms).
   296 \postw
   298 Sledgehammer ran E, E-SInE, SPASS, Vampire, Waldmeister, and Z3 in parallel.
   299 Depending on which provers are installed and how many processor cores are
   300 available, some of the provers might be missing or present with a
   301 \textit{remote\_} prefix. Waldmeister is run only for unit equational problems,
   302 where the goal's conclusion is a (universally quantified) equation.
   304 For each successful prover, Sledgehammer gives a one-liner proof that uses
   305 the \textit{metis} or \textit{smt} proof method. Approximate timings are shown
   306 in parentheses, indicating how fast the call is. You can click the proof to
   307 insert it into the theory text.
   309 In addition, you can ask Sledgehammer for an Isar text proof by passing the
   310 \textit{isar\_proof} option (\S\ref{output-format}):
   312 \prew
   313 \textbf{sledgehammer} [\textit{isar\_proof}]
   314 \postw
   316 When Isar proof construction is successful, it can yield proofs that are more
   317 readable and also faster than the \textit{metis} or \textit{smt} one-liners.
   318 This feature is experimental and is only available for ATPs.
   320 \section{Hints}
   321 \label{hints}
   323 This section presents a few hints that should help you get the most out of
   324 Sledgehammer. Frequently asked questions are answered in
   325 \S\ref{frequently-asked-questions}.
   327 %\newcommand\point[1]{\medskip\par{\sl\bfseries#1}\par\nopagebreak}
   328 \newcommand\point[1]{\subsection{\emph{#1}}}
   330 \point{Presimplify the goal}
   332 For best results, first simplify your problem by calling \textit{auto} or at
   333 least \textit{safe} followed by \textit{simp\_all}. The SMT solvers provide
   334 arithmetic decision procedures, but the ATPs typically do not (or if they do,
   335 Sledgehammer does not use it yet). Apart from Waldmeister, they are not
   336 especially good at heavy rewriting, but because they regard equations as
   337 undirected, they often prove theorems that require the reverse orientation of a
   338 \textit{simp} rule. Higher-order problems can be tackled, but the success rate
   339 is better for first-order problems. Hence, you may get better results if you
   340 first simplify the problem to remove higher-order features.
   342 \point{Make sure E, SPASS, Vampire, and Z3 are locally installed}
   344 Locally installed provers are faster and more reliable than those running on
   345 servers. See \S\ref{installation} for details on how to install them.
   347 \point{Familiarize yourself with the most important options}
   349 Sledgehammer's options are fully documented in \S\ref{command-syntax}. Many of
   350 the options are very specialized, but serious users of the tool should at least
   351 familiarize themselves with the following options:
   353 \begin{enum}
   354 \item[\labelitemi] \textbf{\textit{provers}} (\S\ref{mode-of-operation}) specifies
   355 the automatic provers (ATPs and SMT solvers) that should be run whenever
   356 Sledgehammer is invoked (e.g., ``\textit{provers}~= \textit{e spass
   357 remote\_vampire\/}''). For convenience, you can omit ``\textit{provers}~=''
   358 and simply write the prover names as a space-separated list (e.g., ``\textit{e
   359 spass remote\_vampire\/}'').
   361 \item[\labelitemi] \textbf{\textit{max\_relevant}} (\S\ref{relevance-filter})
   362 specifies the maximum number of facts that should be passed to the provers. By
   363 default, the value is prover-dependent but varies between about 150 and 1000. If
   364 the provers time out, you can try lowering this value to, say, 100 or 50 and see
   365 if that helps.
   367 \item[\labelitemi] \textbf{\textit{isar\_proof}} (\S\ref{output-format}) specifies
   368 that Isar proofs should be generated, instead of one-liner \textit{metis} or
   369 \textit{smt} proofs. The length of the Isar proofs can be controlled by setting
   370 \textit{isar\_shrink\_factor} (\S\ref{output-format}).
   372 \item[\labelitemi] \textbf{\textit{timeout}} (\S\ref{timeouts}) controls the
   373 provers' time limit. It is set to 30 seconds, but since Sledgehammer runs
   374 asynchronously you should not hesitate to raise this limit to 60 or 120 seconds
   375 if you are the kind of user who can think clearly while ATPs are active.
   376 \end{enum}
   378 Options can be set globally using \textbf{sledgehammer\_params}
   379 (\S\ref{command-syntax}). The command also prints the list of all available
   380 options with their current value. Fact selection can be influenced by specifying
   381 ``$(\textit{add}{:}~\textit{my\_facts})$'' after the \textbf{sledgehammer} call
   382 to ensure that certain facts are included, or simply ``$(\textit{my\_facts})$''
   383 to force Sledgehammer to run only with $\textit{my\_facts}$.
   385 \section{Frequently Asked Questions}
   386 \label{frequently-asked-questions}
   388 This sections answers frequently (and infrequently) asked questions about
   389 Sledgehammer. It is a good idea to skim over it now even if you don't have any
   390 questions at this stage. And if you have any further questions not listed here,
   391 send them to the author at \authoremail.
   393 \point{Which facts are passed to the automatic provers?}
   395 The relevance filter assigns a score to every available fact (lemma, theorem,
   396 definition, or axiom) based upon how many constants that fact shares with the
   397 conjecture. This process iterates to include facts relevant to those just
   398 accepted, but with a decay factor to ensure termination. The constants are
   399 weighted to give unusual ones greater significance. The relevance filter copes
   400 best when the conjecture contains some unusual constants; if all the constants
   401 are common, it is unable to discriminate among the hundreds of facts that are
   402 picked up. The relevance filter is also memoryless: It has no information about
   403 how many times a particular fact has been used in a proof, and it cannot learn.
   405 The number of facts included in a problem varies from prover to prover, since
   406 some provers get overwhelmed more easily than others. You can show the number of
   407 facts given using the \textit{verbose} option (\S\ref{output-format}) and the
   408 actual facts using \textit{debug} (\S\ref{output-format}).
   410 Sledgehammer is good at finding short proofs combining a handful of existing
   411 lemmas. If you are looking for longer proofs, you must typically restrict the
   412 number of facts, by setting the \textit{max\_relevant} option
   413 (\S\ref{relevance-filter}) to, say, 25 or 50.
   415 You can also influence which facts are actually selected in a number of ways. If
   416 you simply want to ensure that a fact is included, you can specify it using the
   417 ``$(\textit{add}{:}~\textit{my\_facts})$'' syntax. For example:
   418 %
   419 \prew
   420 \textbf{sledgehammer} (\textit{add}: \textit{hd.simps} \textit{tl.simps})
   421 \postw
   422 %
   423 The specified facts then replace the least relevant facts that would otherwise be
   424 included; the other selected facts remain the same.
   425 If you want to direct the selection in a particular direction, you can specify
   426 the facts via \textbf{using}:
   427 %
   428 \prew
   429 \textbf{using} \textit{hd.simps} \textit{tl.simps} \\
   430 \textbf{sledgehammer}
   431 \postw
   432 %
   433 The facts are then more likely to be selected than otherwise, and if they are
   434 selected at iteration $j$ they also influence which facts are selected at
   435 iterations $j + 1$, $j + 2$, etc. To give them even more weight, try
   436 %
   437 \prew
   438 \textbf{using} \textit{hd.simps} \textit{tl.simps} \\
   439 \textbf{apply}~\textbf{--} \\
   440 \textbf{sledgehammer}
   441 \postw
   443 \point{Why does Metis fail to reconstruct the proof?}
   445 There are many reasons. If Metis runs seemingly forever, that is a sign that the
   446 proof is too difficult for it. Metis's search is complete, so it should
   447 eventually find it, but that's little consolation. There are several possible
   448 solutions:
   450 \begin{enum}
   451 \item[\labelitemi] Try the \textit{isar\_proof} option (\S\ref{output-format}) to
   452 obtain a step-by-step Isar proof where each step is justified by \textit{metis}.
   453 Since the steps are fairly small, \textit{metis} is more likely to be able to
   454 replay them.
   456 \item[\labelitemi] Try the \textit{smt} proof method instead of \textit{metis}. It
   457 is usually stronger, but you need to either have Z3 available to replay the
   458 proofs, trust the SMT solver, or use certificates. See the documentation in the
   459 \emph{SMT} theory (\texttt{\$ISABELLE\_HOME/src/HOL/SMT.thy}) for details.
   461 \item[\labelitemi] Try the \textit{blast} or \textit{auto} proof methods, passing
   462 the necessary facts via \textbf{unfolding}, \textbf{using}, \textit{intro}{:},
   463 \textit{elim}{:}, \textit{dest}{:}, or \textit{simp}{:}, as appropriate.
   464 \end{enum}
   466 In some rare cases, \textit{metis} fails fairly quickly, and you get the error
   467 message
   469 \prew
   470 \slshape
   471 One-line proof reconstruction failed.
   472 \postw
   474 This message indicates that Sledgehammer determined that the goal is provable,
   475 but the proof is, for technical reasons, beyond \textit{metis}'s power. You can
   476 then try again with the \textit{strict} option (\S\ref{problem-encoding}).
   478 If the goal is actually unprovable and you did not specify an unsound encoding
   479 using \textit{type\_enc} (\S\ref{problem-encoding}), this is a bug, and you are
   480 strongly encouraged to report this to the author at \authoremail.
   482 \point{Why are the generated Isar proofs so ugly/broken?}
   484 The current implementation of the Isar proof feature,
   485 enabled by the \textit{isar\_proof} option (\S\ref{output-format}),
   486 is highly experimental. Work on a new implementation has begun. There is a large body of
   487 research into transforming resolution proofs into natural deduction proofs (such
   488 as Isar proofs), which we hope to leverage. In the meantime, a workaround is to
   489 set the \textit{isar\_shrink\_factor} option (\S\ref{output-format}) to a larger
   490 value or to try several provers and keep the nicest-looking proof.
   492 \point{How can I tell whether a suggested proof is sound?}
   494 Earlier versions of Sledgehammer often suggested unsound proofs---either proofs
   495 of nontheorems or simply proofs that rely on type-unsound inferences. This
   496 is a thing of the past, unless you explicitly specify an unsound encoding
   497 using \textit{type\_enc} (\S\ref{problem-encoding}).
   498 %
   499 Officially, the only form of ``unsoundness'' that lurks in the sound
   500 encodings is related to missing characteristic theorems of datatypes. For
   501 example,
   503 \prew
   504 \textbf{lemma}~``$\exists \mathit{xs}.\; \mathit{xs} \neq []$'' \\
   505 \textbf{sledgehammer} ()
   506 \postw
   508 suggests an argumentless \textit{metis} call that fails. However, the conjecture
   509 does actually hold, and the \textit{metis} call can be repaired by adding
   510 \textit{list.distinct}.
   511 %
   512 We hope to address this problem in a future version of Isabelle. In the
   513 meantime, you can avoid it by passing the \textit{strict} option
   514 (\S\ref{problem-encoding}).
   516 \point{What are the \textit{full\_types}, \textit{no\_types}, and
   517 \textit{mono\_tags} arguments to Metis?}
   519 The \textit{metis}~(\textit{full\_types}) proof method
   520 and its cousin \textit{metis}~(\textit{mono\_tags}) are fully-typed
   521 version of Metis. It is somewhat slower than \textit{metis}, but the proof
   522 search is fully typed, and it also includes more powerful rules such as the
   523 axiom ``$x = \const{True} \mathrel{\lor} x = \const{False}$'' for reasoning in
   524 higher-order places (e.g., in set comprehensions). The method kicks in
   525 automatically as a fallback when \textit{metis} fails, and it is sometimes
   526 generated by Sledgehammer instead of \textit{metis} if the proof obviously
   527 requires type information or if \textit{metis} failed when Sledgehammer
   528 preplayed the proof. (By default, Sledgehammer tries to run \textit{metis} with
   529 various options for up to 3 seconds each time to ensure that the generated
   530 one-line proofs actually work and to display timing information. This can be
   531 configured using the \textit{preplay\_timeout} and \textit{dont\_preplay}
   532 options (\S\ref{timeouts}).)
   533 %
   534 At the other end of the soundness spectrum, \textit{metis} (\textit{no\_types})
   535 uses no type information at all during the proof search, which is more efficient
   536 but often fails. Calls to \textit{metis} (\textit{no\_types}) are occasionally
   537 generated by Sledgehammer.
   538 %
   539 See the \textit{type\_enc} option (\S\ref{problem-encoding}) for details.
   541 Incidentally, if you ever see warnings such as
   543 \prew
   544 \slshape
   545 Metis: Falling back on ``\textit{metis} (\textit{full\_types})''.
   546 \postw
   548 for a successful \textit{metis} proof, you can advantageously pass the
   549 \textit{full\_types} option to \textit{metis} directly.
   551 \point{And what are the \textit{lifting} and \textit{hide\_lams} arguments
   552 to Metis?}
   554 Orthogonally to the encoding of types, it is important to choose an appropriate
   555 translation of $\lambda$-abstractions. Metis supports three translation schemes,
   556 in decreasing order of power: Curry combinators (the default),
   557 $\lambda$-lifting, and a ``hiding'' scheme that disables all reasoning under
   558 $\lambda$-abstractions. The more powerful schemes also give the automatic
   559 provers more rope to hang themselves. See the \textit{lam\_trans} option (\S\ref{problem-encoding}) for details.
   561 \point{Are generated proofs minimal?}
   563 Automatic provers frequently use many more facts than are necessary.
   564 Sledgehammer inclues a minimization tool that takes a set of facts returned by a
   565 given prover and repeatedly calls the same prover, \textit{metis}, or
   566 \textit{smt} with subsets of those axioms in order to find a minimal set.
   567 Reducing the number of axioms typically improves Metis's speed and success rate,
   568 while also removing superfluous clutter from the proof scripts.
   570 In earlier versions of Sledgehammer, generated proofs were systematically
   571 accompanied by a suggestion to invoke the minimization tool. This step is now
   572 performed implicitly if it can be done in a reasonable amount of time (something
   573 that can be guessed from the number of facts in the original proof and the time
   574 it took to find or preplay it).
   576 In addition, some provers (e.g., Yices) do not provide proofs or sometimes
   577 produce incomplete proofs. The minimizer is then invoked to find out which facts
   578 are actually needed from the (large) set of facts that was initially given to
   579 the prover. Finally, if a prover returns a proof with lots of facts, the
   580 minimizer is invoked automatically since Metis would be unlikely to re-find the
   581 proof.
   582 %
   583 Automatic minimization can be forced or disabled using the \textit{minimize}
   584 option (\S\ref{mode-of-operation}).
   586 \point{A strange error occurred---what should I do?}
   588 Sledgehammer tries to give informative error messages. Please report any strange
   589 error to the author at \authoremail. This applies double if you get the message
   591 \prew
   592 \slshape
   593 The prover found a type-unsound proof involving ``\textit{foo\/}'',
   594 ``\textit{bar\/}'', and ``\textit{baz\/}'' even though a supposedly type-sound
   595 encoding was used (or, less likely, your axioms are inconsistent). You might
   596 want to report this to the Isabelle developers.
   597 \postw
   599 \point{Auto can solve it---why not Sledgehammer?}
   601 Problems can be easy for \textit{auto} and difficult for automatic provers, but
   602 the reverse is also true, so don't be discouraged if your first attempts fail.
   603 Because the system refers to all theorems known to Isabelle, it is particularly
   604 suitable when your goal has a short proof from lemmas that you don't know about.
   606 \point{Why are there so many options?}
   608 Sledgehammer's philosophy should work out of the box, without user guidance.
   609 Many of the options are meant to be used mostly by the Sledgehammer developers
   610 for experimentation purposes. Of course, feel free to experiment with them if
   611 you are so inclined.
   613 \section{Command Syntax}
   614 \label{command-syntax}
   616 \subsection{Sledgehammer}
   618 Sledgehammer can be invoked at any point when there is an open goal by entering
   619 the \textbf{sledgehammer} command in the theory file. Its general syntax is as
   620 follows:
   622 \prew
   623 \textbf{sledgehammer} \qty{subcommand}$^?$ \qty{options}$^?$ \qty{facts\_override}$^?$ \qty{num}$^?$
   624 \postw
   626 For convenience, Sledgehammer is also available in the ``Commands'' submenu of
   627 the ``Isabelle'' menu in Proof General or by pressing the Emacs key sequence C-c
   628 C-a C-s. This is equivalent to entering the \textbf{sledgehammer} command with
   629 no arguments in the theory text.
   631 In the general syntax, the \qty{subcommand} may be any of the following:
   633 \begin{enum}
   634 \item[\labelitemi] \textbf{\textit{run} (the default):} Runs Sledgehammer on
   635 subgoal number \qty{num} (1 by default), with the given options and facts.
   637 \item[\labelitemi] \textbf{\textit{min}:} Attempts to minimize the facts
   638 specified in the \qty{facts\_override} argument to obtain a simpler proof
   639 involving fewer facts. The options and goal number are as for \textit{run}.
   641 \item[\labelitemi] \textbf{\textit{messages}:} Redisplays recent messages issued
   642 by Sledgehammer. This allows you to examine results that might have been lost
   643 due to Sledgehammer's asynchronous nature. The \qty{num} argument specifies a
   644 limit on the number of messages to display (10 by default).
   646 \item[\labelitemi] \textbf{\textit{supported\_provers}:} Prints the list of
   647 automatic provers supported by Sledgehammer. See \S\ref{installation} and
   648 \S\ref{mode-of-operation} for more information on how to install automatic
   649 provers.
   651 \item[\labelitemi] \textbf{\textit{running\_provers}:} Prints information about
   652 currently running automatic provers, including elapsed runtime and remaining
   653 time until timeout.
   655 \item[\labelitemi] \textbf{\textit{kill\_provers}:} Terminates all running
   656 automatic provers.
   658 \item[\labelitemi] \textbf{\textit{refresh\_tptp}:} Refreshes the list of remote
   659 ATPs available at System\-On\-TPTP \cite{sutcliffe-2000}.
   660 \end{enum}
   662 Sledgehammer's behavior can be influenced by various \qty{options}, which can be
   663 specified in brackets after the \textbf{sledgehammer} command. The
   664 \qty{options} are a list of key--value pairs of the form ``[$k_1 = v_1,
   665 \ldots, k_n = v_n$]''. For Boolean options, ``= \textit{true\/}'' is optional. For
   666 example:
   668 \prew
   669 \textbf{sledgehammer} [\textit{isar\_proof}, \,\textit{timeout} = 120]
   670 \postw
   672 Default values can be set using \textbf{sledgehammer\_\allowbreak params}:
   674 \prew
   675 \textbf{sledgehammer\_params} \qty{options}
   676 \postw
   678 The supported options are described in \S\ref{option-reference}.
   680 The \qty{facts\_override} argument lets you alter the set of facts that go
   681 through the relevance filter. It may be of the form ``(\qty{facts})'', where
   682 \qty{facts} is a space-separated list of Isabelle facts (theorems, local
   683 assumptions, etc.), in which case the relevance filter is bypassed and the given
   684 facts are used. It may also be of the form ``(\textit{add}:\ \qty{facts\/_{\mathrm{1}}})'',
   685 ``(\textit{del}:\ \qty{facts\/_{\mathrm{2}}})'', or ``(\textit{add}:\ \qty{facts\/_{\mathrm{1}}}\
   686 \textit{del}:\ \qty{facts\/_{\mathrm{2}}})'', where the relevance filter is instructed to
   687 proceed as usual except that it should consider \qty{facts\/_{\mathrm{1}}}
   688 highly-relevant and \qty{facts\/_{\mathrm{2}}} fully irrelevant.
   690 You can instruct Sledgehammer to run automatically on newly entered theorems by
   691 enabling the ``Auto Sledgehammer'' option in Proof General's ``Isabelle'' menu.
   692 For automatic runs, only the first prover set using \textit{provers}
   693 (\S\ref{mode-of-operation}) is considered, fewer facts are passed to the prover,
   694 \textit{slice} (\S\ref{mode-of-operation}) is disabled, \textit{strict}
   695 (\S\ref{problem-encoding}) is enabled, \textit{verbose} (\S\ref{output-format})
   696 and \textit{debug} (\S\ref{output-format}) are disabled, and \textit{timeout}
   697 (\S\ref{timeouts}) is superseded by the ``Auto Tools Time Limit'' in Proof
   698 General's ``Isabelle'' menu. Sledgehammer's output is also more concise.
   700 \subsection{Metis}
   702 The \textit{metis} proof method has the syntax
   704 \prew
   705 \textbf{\textit{metis}}~(\qty{options})${}^?$~\qty{facts}${}^?$
   706 \postw
   708 where \qty{facts} is a list of arbitrary facts and \qty{options} is a
   709 comma-separated list consisting of at most one $\lambda$ translation scheme
   710 specification with the same semantics as Sledgehammer's \textit{lam\_trans}
   711 option (\S\ref{problem-encoding}) and at most one type encoding specification
   712 with the same semantics as Sledgehammer's \textit{type\_enc} option
   713 (\S\ref{problem-encoding}).
   714 %
   715 The supported $\lambda$ translation schemes are \textit{hide\_lams},
   716 \textit{lifting}, and \textit{combs} (the default).
   717 %
   718 All the untyped type encodings listed in \S\ref{problem-encoding} are supported.
   719 For convenience, the following aliases are provided:
   720 \begin{enum}
   721 \item[\labelitemi] \textbf{\textit{full\_types}:} Synonym for \textit{poly\_guards\_query}.
   722 \item[\labelitemi] \textbf{\textit{partial\_types}:} Synonym for \textit{poly\_args}.
   723 \item[\labelitemi] \textbf{\textit{no\_types}:} Synonym for \textit{erased}.
   724 \end{enum}
   726 \section{Option Reference}
   727 \label{option-reference}
   729 \def\defl{\{}
   730 \def\defr{\}}
   732 \def\flushitem#1{\item[]\noindent\kern-\leftmargin \textbf{#1}}
   733 \def\optrueonly#1{\flushitem{\textit{#1} $\bigl[$= \textit{true}$\bigr]$\enskip}\nopagebreak\\[\parskip]}
   734 \def\optrue#1#2{\flushitem{\textit{#1} $\bigl[$= \qtybf{bool}$\bigr]$\enskip \defl\textit{true}\defr\hfill (neg.: \textit{#2})}\nopagebreak\\[\parskip]}
   735 \def\opfalse#1#2{\flushitem{\textit{#1} $\bigl[$= \qtybf{bool}$\bigr]$\enskip \defl\textit{false}\defr\hfill (neg.: \textit{#2})}\nopagebreak\\[\parskip]}
   736 \def\opsmart#1#2{\flushitem{\textit{#1} $\bigl[$= \qtybf{smart\_bool}$\bigr]$\enskip \defl\textit{smart}\defr\hfill (neg.: \textit{#2})}\nopagebreak\\[\parskip]}
   737 \def\opsmartx#1#2{\flushitem{\textit{#1} $\bigl[$= \qtybf{smart\_bool}$\bigr]$\enskip \defl\textit{smart}\defr\\\hbox{}\hfill (neg.: \textit{#2})}\nopagebreak\\[\parskip]}
   738 \def\opnodefault#1#2{\flushitem{\textit{#1} = \qtybf{#2}} \nopagebreak\\[\parskip]}
   739 \def\opnodefaultbrk#1#2{\flushitem{$\bigl[$\textit{#1} =$\bigr]$ \qtybf{#2}} \nopagebreak\\[\parskip]}
   740 \def\opdefault#1#2#3{\flushitem{\textit{#1} = \qtybf{#2}\enskip \defl\textit{#3}\defr} \nopagebreak\\[\parskip]}
   741 \def\oparg#1#2#3{\flushitem{\textit{#1} \qtybf{#2} = \qtybf{#3}} \nopagebreak\\[\parskip]}
   742 \def\opargbool#1#2#3{\flushitem{\textit{#1} \qtybf{#2} $\bigl[$= \qtybf{bool}$\bigr]$\hfill (neg.: \textit{#3})}\nopagebreak\\[\parskip]}
   743 \def\opargboolorsmart#1#2#3{\flushitem{\textit{#1} \qtybf{#2} $\bigl[$= \qtybf{smart\_bool}$\bigr]$\hfill (neg.: \textit{#3})}\nopagebreak\\[\parskip]}
   745 Sledgehammer's options are categorized as follows:\ mode of operation
   746 (\S\ref{mode-of-operation}), problem encoding (\S\ref{problem-encoding}),
   747 relevance filter (\S\ref{relevance-filter}), output format
   748 (\S\ref{output-format}), authentication (\S\ref{authentication}), and timeouts
   749 (\S\ref{timeouts}).
   751 The descriptions below refer to the following syntactic quantities:
   753 \begin{enum}
   754 \item[\labelitemi] \qtybf{string}: A string.
   755 \item[\labelitemi] \qtybf{bool\/}: \textit{true} or \textit{false}.
   756 \item[\labelitemi] \qtybf{smart\_bool\/}: \textit{true}, \textit{false}, or
   757 \textit{smart}.
   758 \item[\labelitemi] \qtybf{int\/}: An integer.
   759 %\item[\labelitemi] \qtybf{float\/}: A floating-point number (e.g., 2.5).
   760 \item[\labelitemi] \qtybf{float\_pair\/}: A pair of floating-point numbers
   761 (e.g., 0.6 0.95).
   762 \item[\labelitemi] \qtybf{smart\_int\/}: An integer or \textit{smart}.
   763 \item[\labelitemi] \qtybf{float\_or\_none\/}: A floating-point number (e.g., 60 or
   764 0.5) expressing a number of seconds, or the keyword \textit{none} ($\infty$
   765 seconds).
   766 \end{enum}
   768 Default values are indicated in curly brackets (\textrm{\{\}}). Boolean options
   769 have a negative counterpart (e.g., \textit{blocking} vs.\
   770 \textit{non\_blocking}). When setting Boolean options or their negative
   771 counterparts, ``= \textit{true\/}'' may be omitted.
   773 \subsection{Mode of Operation}
   774 \label{mode-of-operation}
   776 \begin{enum}
   777 \opnodefaultbrk{provers}{string}
   778 Specifies the automatic provers to use as a space-separated list (e.g.,
   779 ``\textit{e}~\textit{spass}~\textit{remote\_vampire\/}'').
   780 Provers can be run locally or remotely; see \S\ref{installation} for
   781 installation instructions.
   783 The following local provers are supported:
   785 \begin{enum}
   786 \item[\labelitemi] \textbf{\textit{alt\_ergo}:} Alt-Ergo is a polymorphic
   787 SMT solver developed by Bobot et al.\ \cite{alt-ergo}.
   788 It supports the TPTP polymorphic typed first-order format (TFF1) via Why3
   789 \cite{why3}. It is included for experimental purposes. To use Alt-Ergo, set the
   790 environment variable \texttt{WHY3\_HOME} to the directory that contains the
   791 \texttt{why3} executable. Sledgehammer has been tested with Alt-Ergo 0.93 and an
   792 unidentified development version of Why3.
   794 \item[\labelitemi] \textbf{\textit{cvc3}:} CVC3 is an SMT solver developed by
   795 Clark Barrett, Cesare Tinelli, and their colleagues \cite{cvc3}. To use CVC3,
   796 set the environment variable \texttt{CVC3\_SOLVER} to the complete path of the
   797 executable, including the file name, or install the prebuilt CVC3 package from
   798 \download. Sledgehammer has been tested with version 2.2 and 2.4.1.
   800 \item[\labelitemi] \textbf{\textit{e}:} E is a first-order resolution prover
   801 developed by Stephan Schulz \cite{schulz-2002}. To use E, set the environment
   802 variable \texttt{E\_HOME} to the directory that contains the \texttt{eproof}
   803 executable and \texttt{E\_VERSION} to the version number (e.g., ``1.4''), or
   804 install the prebuilt E package from \download. Sledgehammer has been tested with
   805 versions 1.0 to 1.4.
   807 \item[\labelitemi] \textbf{\textit{leo2}:} LEO-II is an automatic
   808 higher-order prover developed by Christoph Benzm\"uller et al.\ \cite{leo2},
   809 with support for the TPTP typed higher-order syntax (THF0). To use LEO-II, set
   810 the environment variable \texttt{LEO2\_HOME} to the directory that contains the
   811 \texttt{leo} executable. Sledgehammer requires version 1.2.9 or above.
   813 \item[\labelitemi] \textbf{\textit{metis}:} Although it is much less powerful than
   814 the external provers, Metis itself can be used for proof search.
   816 \item[\labelitemi] \textbf{\textit{satallax}:} Satallax is an automatic
   817 higher-order prover developed by Chad Brown et al.\ \cite{satallax}, with
   818 support for the TPTP typed higher-order syntax (THF0). To use Satallax, set the
   819 environment variable \texttt{SATALLAX\_HOME} to the directory that contains the
   820 \texttt{satallax} executable. Sledgehammer requires version 2.2 or above.
   822 \item[\labelitemi] \textbf{\textit{smt}:} The \textit{smt} proof method with the
   823 current settings (usually:\ Z3 with proof reconstruction).
   825 \item[\labelitemi] \textbf{\textit{spass}:} SPASS is a first-order resolution
   826 prover developed by Christoph Weidenbach et al.\ \cite{weidenbach-et-al-2009}.
   827 To use SPASS, set the environment variable \texttt{SPASS\_HOME} to the directory
   828 that contains the \texttt{SPASS} executable and \texttt{SPASS\_VERSION} to the
   829 version number (e.g., ``3.8ds''), or install the prebuilt SPASS package from
   830 \download. Sledgehammer requires version 3.8ds or above.
   832 \item[\labelitemi] \textbf{\textit{vampire}:} Vampire is a first-order resolution
   833 prover developed by Andrei Voronkov and his colleagues
   834 \cite{riazanov-voronkov-2002}. To use Vampire, set the environment variable
   835 \texttt{VAMPIRE\_HOME} to the directory that contains the \texttt{vampire}
   836 executable and \texttt{VAMPIRE\_VERSION} to the version number (e.g.,
   837 ``1.8rev1435''). Sledgehammer has been tested with versions 0.6, 1.0, and 1.8.
   838 Versions strictly above 1.8 (e.g., ``1.8rev1435'') support the TPTP typed
   839 first-order format (TFF0).
   841 \item[\labelitemi] \textbf{\textit{yices}:} Yices is an SMT solver developed at
   842 SRI \cite{yices}. To use Yices, set the environment variable
   843 \texttt{YICES\_SOLVER} to the complete path of the executable, including the
   844 file name. Sledgehammer has been tested with version 1.0.28.
   846 \item[\labelitemi] \textbf{\textit{z3}:} Z3 is an SMT solver developed at
   847 Microsoft Research \cite{z3}. To use Z3, set the environment variable
   848 \texttt{Z3\_SOLVER} to the complete path of the executable, including the file
   849 name, and set \texttt{Z3\_NON\_COMMERCIAL} to ``yes'' to confirm that you are a
   850 noncommercial user. Sledgehammer has been tested with versions 3.0, 3.1, 3.2,
   851 and 4.0.
   853 \item[\labelitemi] \textbf{\textit{z3\_tptp}:} This version of Z3 pretends to be
   854 an ATP, exploiting Z3's support for the TPTP untyped and typed first-order
   855 formats (FOF and TFF0). It is included for experimental purposes. It
   856 requires version 3.0 or above. To use it, set the environment variable
   857 \texttt{Z3\_HOME} to the directory that contains the \texttt{z3}
   858 executable.
   859 \end{enum}
   861 The following remote provers are supported:
   863 \begin{enum}
   864 \item[\labelitemi] \textbf{\textit{remote\_cvc3}:} The remote version of CVC3 runs
   865 on servers at the TU M\"unchen (or wherever \texttt{REMOTE\_SMT\_URL} is set to
   866 point).
   868 \item[\labelitemi] \textbf{\textit{remote\_e}:} The remote version of E runs
   869 on Geoff Sutcliffe's Miami servers \cite{sutcliffe-2000}.
   871 \item[\labelitemi] \textbf{\textit{remote\_e\_sine}:} E-SInE is a metaprover
   872 developed by Kry\v stof Hoder \cite{sine} based on E. It runs on Geoff
   873 Sutcliffe's Miami servers.
   875 \item[\labelitemi] \textbf{\textit{remote\_e\_tofof}:} E-ToFoF is a metaprover
   876 developed by Geoff Sutcliffe \cite{tofof} based on E running on his Miami
   877 servers. This ATP supports the TPTP typed first-order format (TFF0). The
   878 remote version of E-ToFoF runs on Geoff Sutcliffe's Miami servers.
   880 \item[\labelitemi] \textbf{\textit{remote\_iprover}:} iProver is a pure
   881 instantiation-based prover developed by Konstantin Korovin \cite{korovin-2009}. The
   882 remote version of iProver runs on Geoff Sutcliffe's Miami servers
   883 \cite{sutcliffe-2000}.
   885 \item[\labelitemi] \textbf{\textit{remote\_iprover\_eq}:} iProver-Eq is an
   886 instantiation-based prover with native support for equality developed by
   887 Konstantin Korovin and Christoph Sticksel \cite{korovin-sticksel-2010}. The
   888 remote version of iProver-Eq runs on Geoff Sutcliffe's Miami servers
   889 \cite{sutcliffe-2000}.
   891 \item[\labelitemi] \textbf{\textit{remote\_leo2}:} The remote version of LEO-II
   892 runs on Geoff Sutcliffe's Miami servers \cite{sutcliffe-2000}.
   894 \item[\labelitemi] \textbf{\textit{remote\_satallax}:} The remote version of
   895 Satallax runs on Geoff Sutcliffe's Miami servers \cite{sutcliffe-2000}.
   897 \item[\labelitemi] \textbf{\textit{remote\_snark}:} SNARK is a first-order
   898 resolution prover developed by Stickel et al.\ \cite{snark}. It supports the
   899 TPTP typed first-order format (TFF0). The remote version of SNARK runs on
   900 Geoff Sutcliffe's Miami servers.
   902 \item[\labelitemi] \textbf{\textit{remote\_vampire}:} The remote version of
   903 Vampire runs on Geoff Sutcliffe's Miami servers.
   905 \item[\labelitemi] \textbf{\textit{remote\_waldmeister}:} Waldmeister is a unit
   906 equality prover developed by Hillenbrand et al.\ \cite{waldmeister}. It can be
   907 used to prove universally quantified equations using unconditional equations,
   908 corresponding to the TPTP CNF UEQ division. The remote version of Waldmeister
   909 runs on Geoff Sutcliffe's Miami servers.
   911 \item[\labelitemi] \textbf{\textit{remote\_z3}:} The remote version of Z3 runs on
   912 servers at the TU M\"unchen (or wherever \texttt{REMOTE\_SMT\_URL} is set to
   913 point).
   915 \item[\labelitemi] \textbf{\textit{remote\_z3\_tptp}:} The remote version of ``Z3
   916 with TPTP syntax'' runs on Geoff Sutcliffe's Miami servers.
   917 \end{enum}
   919 By default, Sledgehammer runs E, E-SInE, SPASS, Vampire, Z3 (or whatever
   920 the SMT module's \textit{smt\_solver} configuration option is set to), and (if
   921 appropriate) Waldmeister in parallel---either locally or remotely, depending on
   922 the number of processor cores available. For historical reasons, the default
   923 value of this option can be overridden using the option ``Sledgehammer:
   924 Provers'' in Proof General's ``Isabelle'' menu.
   926 It is generally a good idea to run several provers in parallel. Running E,
   927 SPASS, and Vampire for 5~seconds yields a similar success rate to running the
   928 most effective of these for 120~seconds \cite{boehme-nipkow-2010}.
   930 For the \textit{min} subcommand, the default prover is \textit{metis}. If
   931 several provers are set, the first one is used.
   933 \opnodefault{prover}{string}
   934 Alias for \textit{provers}.
   936 \opfalse{blocking}{non\_blocking}
   937 Specifies whether the \textbf{sledgehammer} command should operate
   938 synchronously. The asynchronous (non-blocking) mode lets the user start proving
   939 the putative theorem manually while Sledgehammer looks for a proof, but it can
   940 also be more confusing. Irrespective of the value of this option, Sledgehammer
   941 is always run synchronously for the new jEdit-based user interface or if
   942 \textit{debug} (\S\ref{output-format}) is enabled.
   944 \optrue{slice}{dont\_slice}
   945 Specifies whether the time allocated to a prover should be sliced into several
   946 segments, each of which has its own set of possibly prover-dependent options.
   947 For SPASS and Vampire, the first slice tries the fast but incomplete
   948 set-of-support (SOS) strategy, whereas the second slice runs without it. For E,
   949 up to three slices are tried, with different weighted search strategies and
   950 number of facts. For SMT solvers, several slices are tried with the same options
   951 each time but fewer and fewer facts. According to benchmarks with a timeout of
   952 30 seconds, slicing is a valuable optimization, and you should probably leave it
   953 enabled unless you are conducting experiments. This option is implicitly
   954 disabled for (short) automatic runs.
   956 \nopagebreak
   957 {\small See also \textit{verbose} (\S\ref{output-format}).}
   959 \opsmart{minimize}{dont\_minimize}
   960 Specifies whether the minimization tool should be invoked automatically after
   961 proof search. By default, automatic minimization takes place only if
   962 it can be done in a reasonable amount of time (as determined by
   963 the number of facts in the original proof and the time it took to find or
   964 preplay it) or the proof involves an unreasonably large number of facts.
   966 \nopagebreak
   967 {\small See also \textit{preplay\_timeout} (\S\ref{timeouts})
   968 and \textit{dont\_preplay} (\S\ref{timeouts}).}
   970 \opfalse{overlord}{no\_overlord}
   971 Specifies whether Sledgehammer should put its temporary files in
   972 \texttt{\$ISA\-BELLE\_\allowbreak HOME\_\allowbreak USER}, which is useful for
   973 debugging Sledgehammer but also unsafe if several instances of the tool are run
   974 simultaneously. The files are identified by the prefix \texttt{prob\_}; you may
   975 safely remove them after Sledgehammer has run.
   977 \nopagebreak
   978 {\small See also \textit{debug} (\S\ref{output-format}).}
   979 \end{enum}
   981 \subsection{Problem Encoding}
   982 \label{problem-encoding}
   984 \newcommand\comb[1]{\const{#1}}
   986 \begin{enum}
   987 \opdefault{lam\_trans}{string}{smart}
   988 Specifies the $\lambda$ translation scheme to use in ATP problems. The supported
   989 translation schemes are listed below:
   991 \begin{enum}
   992 \item[\labelitemi] \textbf{\textit{hide\_lams}:} Hide the $\lambda$-abstractions
   993 by replacing them by unspecified fresh constants, effectively disabling all
   994 reasoning under $\lambda$-abstractions.
   996 \item[\labelitemi] \textbf{\textit{lifting}:} Introduce a new
   997 supercombinator \const{c} for each cluster of $n$~$\lambda$-abstractions,
   998 defined using an equation $\const{c}~x_1~\ldots~x_n = t$ ($\lambda$-lifting).
  1000 \item[\labelitemi] \textbf{\textit{combs}:} Rewrite lambdas to the Curry
  1001 combinators (\comb{I}, \comb{K}, \comb{S}, \comb{B}, \comb{C}). Combinators
  1002 enable the ATPs to synthesize $\lambda$-terms but tend to yield bulkier formulas
  1003 than $\lambda$-lifting: The translation is quadratic in the worst case, and the
  1004 equational definitions of the combinators are very prolific in the context of
  1005 resolution.
  1007 \item[\labelitemi] \textbf{\textit{combs\_and\_lifting}:} Introduce a new
  1008 supercombinator \const{c} for each cluster of $\lambda$-abstractions and characterize it both using a
  1009 lifted equation $\const{c}~x_1~\ldots~x_n = t$ and via Curry combinators.
  1011 \item[\labelitemi] \textbf{\textit{combs\_or\_lifting}:} For each cluster of
  1012 $\lambda$-abstractions, heuristically choose between $\lambda$-lifting and Curry
  1013 combinators.
  1015 \item[\labelitemi] \textbf{\textit{keep\_lams}:}
  1016 Keep the $\lambda$-abstractions in the generated problems. This is available
  1017 only with provers that support the THF0 syntax.
  1019 \item[\labelitemi] \textbf{\textit{smart}:} The actual translation scheme used
  1020 depends on the ATP and should be the most efficient scheme for that ATP.
  1021 \end{enum}
  1023 For SMT solvers, the $\lambda$ translation scheme is always \textit{lifting},
  1024 irrespective of the value of this option.
  1026 \opsmartx{uncurried\_aliases}{no\_uncurried\_aliases}
  1027 Specifies whether fresh function symbols should be generated as aliases for
  1028 applications of curried functions in ATP problems.
  1030 \opdefault{type\_enc}{string}{smart}
  1031 Specifies the type encoding to use in ATP problems. Some of the type encodings
  1032 are unsound, meaning that they can give rise to spurious proofs
  1033 (unreconstructible using \textit{metis}). The supported type encodings are
  1034 listed below, with an indication of their soundness in parentheses.
  1035 An asterisk (*) means that the encoding is slightly incomplete for
  1036 reconstruction with \textit{metis}, unless the \emph{strict} option (described
  1037 below) is enabled.
  1039 \begin{enum}
  1040 \item[\labelitemi] \textbf{\textit{erased} (very unsound):} No type information is
  1041 supplied to the ATP, not even to resolve overloading. Types are simply erased.
  1043 \item[\labelitemi] \textbf{\textit{poly\_guards} (sound):} Types are encoded using
  1044 a predicate \const{g}$(\tau, t)$ that guards bound
  1045 variables. Constants are annotated with their types, supplied as additional
  1046 arguments, to resolve overloading.
  1048 \item[\labelitemi] \textbf{\textit{poly\_tags} (sound):} Each term and subterm is
  1049 tagged with its type using a function $\const{t\/}(\tau, t)$.
  1051 \item[\labelitemi] \textbf{\textit{poly\_args} (unsound):}
  1052 Like for \textit{poly\_guards} constants are annotated with their types to
  1053 resolve overloading, but otherwise no type information is encoded. This
  1054 coincides with the default encoding used by the \textit{metis} command.
  1056 \item[\labelitemi]
  1057 \textbf{%
  1058 \textit{raw\_mono\_guards}, \textit{raw\_mono\_tags} (sound); \\
  1059 \textit{raw\_mono\_args} (unsound):} \\
  1060 Similar to \textit{poly\_guards}, \textit{poly\_tags}, and \textit{poly\_args},
  1061 respectively, but the problem is additionally monomorphized, meaning that type
  1062 variables are instantiated with heuristically chosen ground types.
  1063 Monomorphization can simplify reasoning but also leads to larger fact bases,
  1064 which can slow down the ATPs.
  1066 \item[\labelitemi]
  1067 \textbf{%
  1068 \textit{mono\_guards}, \textit{mono\_tags} (sound);
  1069 \textit{mono\_args} (unsound):} \\
  1070 Similar to
  1071 \textit{raw\_mono\_guards}, \textit{raw\_mono\_tags}, and
  1072 \textit{raw\_mono\_args}, respectively but types are mangled in constant names
  1073 instead of being supplied as ground term arguments. The binary predicate
  1074 $\const{g}(\tau, t)$ becomes a unary predicate
  1075 $\const{g\_}\tau(t)$, and the binary function
  1076 $\const{t}(\tau, t)$ becomes a unary function
  1077 $\const{t\_}\tau(t)$.
  1079 \item[\labelitemi] \textbf{\textit{mono\_native} (sound):} Exploits native
  1080 first-order types if the prover supports the TFF0, TFF1, or THF0 syntax;
  1081 otherwise, falls back on \textit{mono\_guards}. The problem is monomorphized.
  1083 \item[\labelitemi] \textbf{\textit{mono\_native\_higher} (sound):} Exploits
  1084 native higher-order types if the prover supports the THF0 syntax; otherwise,
  1085 falls back on \textit{mono\_native} or \textit{mono\_guards}. The problem is
  1086 monomorphized.
  1088 \item[\labelitemi] \textbf{\textit{poly\_native} (sound):} Exploits native
  1089 polymorphic first-order types if the prover supports the TFF1 syntax; otherwise,
  1090 falls back on \textit{mono\_native}.
  1092 \item[\labelitemi]
  1093 \textbf{%
  1094 \textit{poly\_guards}?, \textit{poly\_tags}?, \textit{raw\_mono\_guards}?, \\
  1095 \textit{raw\_mono\_tags}?, \textit{mono\_guards}?, \textit{mono\_tags}?, \\
  1096 \textit{mono\_native}? (sound*):} \\
  1097 The type encodings \textit{poly\_guards}, \textit{poly\_tags},
  1098 \textit{raw\_mono\_guards}, \textit{raw\_mono\_tags}, \textit{mono\_guards},
  1099 \textit{mono\_tags}, and \textit{mono\_native} are fully typed and sound. For
  1100 each of these, Sledgehammer also provides a lighter variant identified by a
  1101 question mark (`\hbox{?}')\ that detects and erases monotonic types, notably
  1102 infinite types. (For \textit{mono\_native}, the types are not actually erased
  1103 but rather replaced by a shared uniform type of individuals.) As argument to the
  1104 \textit{metis} proof method, the question mark is replaced by a
  1105 \hbox{``\textit{\_query\/}''} suffix.
  1107 \item[\labelitemi]
  1108 \textbf{%
  1109 \textit{poly\_guards}??, \textit{poly\_tags}??, \textit{raw\_mono\_guards}??, \\
  1110 \textit{raw\_mono\_tags}??, \textit{mono\_guards}??, \textit{mono\_tags}?? \\
  1111 (sound*):} \\
  1112 Even lighter versions of the `\hbox{?}' encodings. As argument to the
  1113 \textit{metis} proof method, the `\hbox{??}' suffix is replaced by
  1114 \hbox{``\textit{\_query\_query\/}''}.
  1116 \item[\labelitemi]
  1117 \textbf{%
  1118 \textit{poly\_guards}@?, \textit{raw\_mono\_guards}@? (sound*):} \\
  1119 Alternative versions of the `\hbox{??}' encodings. As argument to the
  1120 \textit{metis} proof method, the `\hbox{@?}' suffix is replaced by
  1121 \hbox{``\textit{\_at\_query\/}''}.
  1123 \item[\labelitemi]
  1124 \textbf{%
  1125 \textit{poly\_guards}!, \textit{poly\_tags}!, \textit{raw\_mono\_guards}!, \\
  1126 \textit{raw\_mono\_tags}!, \textit{mono\_guards}!, \textit{mono\_tags}!, \\
  1127 \textit{mono\_native}!, \textit{mono\_native\_higher}! (mildly unsound):} \\
  1128 The type encodings \textit{poly\_guards}, \textit{poly\_tags},
  1129 \textit{raw\_mono\_guards}, \textit{raw\_mono\_tags}, \textit{mono\_guards},
  1130 \textit{mono\_tags}, \textit{mono\_native}, and \textit{mono\_native\_higher}
  1131 also admit a mildly unsound (but very efficient) variant identified by an
  1132 exclamation mark (`\hbox{!}') that detects and erases erases all types except
  1133 those that are clearly finite (e.g., \textit{bool}). (For \textit{mono\_native}
  1134 and \textit{mono\_native\_higher}, the types are not actually erased but rather
  1135 replaced by a shared uniform type of individuals.) As argument to the
  1136 \textit{metis} proof method, the exclamation mark is replaced by the suffix
  1137 \hbox{``\textit{\_bang\/}''}.
  1139 \item[\labelitemi]
  1140 \textbf{%
  1141 \textit{poly\_guards}!!, \textit{poly\_tags}!!, \textit{raw\_mono\_guards}!!, \\
  1142 \textit{raw\_mono\_tags}!!, \textit{mono\_guards}!!, \textit{mono\_tags}!! \\
  1143 (mildly unsound):} \\
  1144 Even lighter versions of the `\hbox{!}' encodings. As argument to the
  1145 \textit{metis} proof method, the `\hbox{!!}' suffix is replaced by
  1146 \hbox{``\textit{\_bang\_bang\/}''}.
  1148 \item[\labelitemi]
  1149 \textbf{%
  1150 \textit{poly\_guards}@!, \textit{raw\_mono\_guards}@! (mildly unsound):} \\
  1151 Alternative versions of the `\hbox{!!}' encodings. As argument to the
  1152 \textit{metis} proof method, the `\hbox{@!}' suffix is replaced by
  1153 \hbox{``\textit{\_at\_bang\/}''}.
  1155 \item[\labelitemi] \textbf{\textit{smart}:} The actual encoding used depends on
  1156 the ATP and should be the most efficient sound encoding for that ATP.
  1157 \end{enum}
  1159 For SMT solvers, the type encoding is always \textit{mono\_native}, irrespective
  1160 of the value of this option.
  1162 \nopagebreak
  1163 {\small See also \textit{max\_new\_mono\_instances} (\S\ref{relevance-filter})
  1164 and \textit{max\_mono\_iters} (\S\ref{relevance-filter}).}
  1166 \opfalse{strict}{non\_strict}
  1167 Specifies whether Sledgehammer should run in its strict mode. In that mode,
  1168 sound type encodings marked with an asterisk (*) above are made complete
  1169 for reconstruction with \textit{metis}, at the cost of some clutter in the
  1170 generated problems. This option has no effect if \textit{type\_enc} is
  1171 deliberately set to an unsound encoding.
  1172 \end{enum}
  1174 \subsection{Relevance Filter}
  1175 \label{relevance-filter}
  1177 \begin{enum}
  1178 \opdefault{relevance\_thresholds}{float\_pair}{\upshape 0.45~0.85}
  1179 Specifies the thresholds above which facts are considered relevant by the
  1180 relevance filter. The first threshold is used for the first iteration of the
  1181 relevance filter and the second threshold is used for the last iteration (if it
  1182 is reached). The effective threshold is quadratically interpolated for the other
  1183 iterations. Each threshold ranges from 0 to 1, where 0 means that all theorems
  1184 are relevant and 1 only theorems that refer to previously seen constants.
  1186 \opdefault{max\_relevant}{smart\_int}{smart}
  1187 Specifies the maximum number of facts that may be returned by the relevance
  1188 filter. If the option is set to \textit{smart}, it is set to a value that was
  1189 empirically found to be appropriate for the prover. Typical values range between
  1190 50 and 1000.
  1192 \opdefault{max\_new\_mono\_instances}{int}{smart}
  1193 Specifies the maximum number of monomorphic instances to generate beyond
  1194 \textit{max\_relevant}. The higher this limit is, the more monomorphic instances
  1195 are potentially generated. Whether monomorphization takes place depends on the
  1196 type encoding used. If the option is set to \textit{smart}, it is set to a value
  1197 that was empirically found to be appropriate for the prover. For most provers,
  1198 this value is 200.
  1200 \nopagebreak
  1201 {\small See also \textit{type\_enc} (\S\ref{problem-encoding}).}
  1203 \opdefault{max\_mono\_iters}{int}{smart}
  1204 Specifies the maximum number of iterations for the monomorphization fixpoint
  1205 construction. The higher this limit is, the more monomorphic instances are
  1206 potentially generated. Whether monomorphization takes place depends on the
  1207 type encoding used. If the option is set to \textit{smart}, it is set to a value
  1208 that was empirically found to be appropriate for the prover. For most provers,
  1209 this value is 3.
  1211 \nopagebreak
  1212 {\small See also \textit{type\_enc} (\S\ref{problem-encoding}).}
  1213 \end{enum}
  1215 \subsection{Output Format}
  1216 \label{output-format}
  1218 \begin{enum}
  1220 \opfalse{verbose}{quiet}
  1221 Specifies whether the \textbf{sledgehammer} command should explain what it does.
  1222 This option is implicitly disabled for automatic runs.
  1224 \opfalse{debug}{no\_debug}
  1225 Specifies whether Sledgehammer should display additional debugging information
  1226 beyond what \textit{verbose} already displays. Enabling \textit{debug} also
  1227 enables \textit{verbose} and \textit{blocking} (\S\ref{mode-of-operation})
  1228 behind the scenes. The \textit{debug} option is implicitly disabled for
  1229 automatic runs.
  1231 \nopagebreak
  1232 {\small See also \textit{overlord} (\S\ref{mode-of-operation}).}
  1234 \opfalse{isar\_proof}{no\_isar\_proof}
  1235 Specifies whether Isar proofs should be output in addition to one-liner
  1236 \textit{metis} proofs. Isar proof construction is still experimental and often
  1237 fails; however, they are usually faster and sometimes more robust than
  1238 \textit{metis} proofs.
  1240 \opdefault{isar\_shrink\_factor}{int}{\upshape 1}
  1241 Specifies the granularity of the Isar proof. A value of $n$ indicates that each
  1242 Isar proof step should correspond to a group of up to $n$ consecutive proof
  1243 steps in the ATP proof.
  1244 \end{enum}
  1246 \subsection{Authentication}
  1247 \label{authentication}
  1249 \begin{enum}
  1250 \opnodefault{expect}{string}
  1251 Specifies the expected outcome, which must be one of the following:
  1253 \begin{enum}
  1254 \item[\labelitemi] \textbf{\textit{some}:} Sledgehammer found a proof.
  1255 \item[\labelitemi] \textbf{\textit{none}:} Sledgehammer found no proof.
  1256 \item[\labelitemi] \textbf{\textit{timeout}:} Sledgehammer timed out.
  1257 \item[\labelitemi] \textbf{\textit{unknown}:} Sledgehammer encountered some
  1258 problem.
  1259 \end{enum}
  1261 Sledgehammer emits an error (if \textit{blocking} is enabled) or a warning
  1262 (otherwise) if the actual outcome differs from the expected outcome. This option
  1263 is useful for regression testing.
  1265 \nopagebreak
  1266 {\small See also \textit{blocking} (\S\ref{mode-of-operation}) and
  1267 \textit{timeout} (\S\ref{timeouts}).}
  1268 \end{enum}
  1270 \subsection{Timeouts}
  1271 \label{timeouts}
  1273 \begin{enum}
  1274 \opdefault{timeout}{float\_or\_none}{\upshape 30}
  1275 Specifies the maximum number of seconds that the automatic provers should spend
  1276 searching for a proof. This excludes problem preparation and is a soft limit.
  1277 For historical reasons, the default value of this option can be overridden using
  1278 the option ``Sledgehammer: Time Limit'' in Proof General's ``Isabelle'' menu.
  1280 \opdefault{preplay\_timeout}{float\_or\_none}{\upshape 3}
  1281 Specifies the maximum number of seconds that \textit{metis} or \textit{smt}
  1282 should spend trying to ``preplay'' the found proof. If this option is set to 0,
  1283 no preplaying takes place, and no timing information is displayed next to the
  1284 suggested \textit{metis} calls.
  1286 \nopagebreak
  1287 {\small See also \textit{minimize} (\S\ref{mode-of-operation}).}
  1289 \optrueonly{dont\_preplay}
  1290 Alias for ``\textit{preplay\_timeout} = 0''.
  1292 \end{enum}
  1294 \let\em=\sl
  1295 \bibliography{../manual}{}
  1296 \bibliographystyle{abbrv}
  1298 \end{document}