author Walther Neuper <walther.neuper@jku.at>
Tue, 21 Apr 2020 12:26:08 +0200
changeset 59897 8cba439d0454
parent 59890 ba0757da0dc8
child 59898 68883c046963
permissions -rw-r--r--
use "Store" for renaming identifiers
     1 (* Title: "BridgeLibisabelle/thy-hierarchy.sml"
     2    Authors: Walther Neuper 060113
     3    (c) due to copyright terms
     5 theory Test_Some imports Isac.Build_Thydata begin 
     6 ML_file "~~/test/Tools/isac/ADDTESTS/accumulate-val/lucas_interpreter.sml"
     7 ML_file "xmlsrc/thy-hierarchy.sml"
     9 CAUTION with testing *2file functions -- they are actually writing to ~/tmp
    10 *)
    12 val thy = @{theory "Isac_Knowledge"};
    14 "-----------------------------------------------------------------";
    15 "table of contents -----------------------------------------------";
    16 "-----------------------------------------------------------------";
    17 "----------- fun thms_of -----------------------------------------";
    18 "----------- ### thes2file ... Exception- Match raised -----------";
    19 "----------- search for data error in thes2file ------------------";
    20 "----------- thes2file: thy_containing_rls : rls '...' not in ! --";
    21 "----------- fun Thm.make_thm ------------------------------------";
    22 "----------- correct theIDs for Rule_Set.empty -------------------";
    23 "----------- fun revert_sym_rule --------------------------------------";
    24 "----------- fun thms_of_rlss ------------------------------------";
    25 "----------- repair thydata2xml for rls --------------------------";
    26 "-----------------------------------------------------------------";
    27 "----------- gen.minimal KEStore_Elems from Test_Build_Thydata.thy";
    28 "----------- ..CONTINUED: we adapt some required MINIfunctions ---";
    29 "----------- ..CONTINUED: xml from Test_Build_Thydata.thy --------";
    30 "----------- ..CONTINUED: repair xml-format of thy_*-thm-*.xml ---";
    31 "-----------------------------------------------------------------";
    32 "-----------------------------------------------------------------";
    33 "-----------------------------------------------------------------";
    36 "----------- fun thms_of -----------------------------------------";
    37 "----------- fun thms_of -----------------------------------------";
    38 "----------- fun thms_of -----------------------------------------";
    39 (*WN160112 WE REPLACED vvv BY "fun thms_of" in src/../thy-hierarchy.sml
    40 val ths = MutabelleExtra.thms_of false @{theory Biegelinie};
    41 (*val it = 
    42   ["Q' ?x = - qq ?x", "- qq ?x = Q' ?x", "\<not> ?a =!= 0 \<Longrightarrow> (?a * ?f ?x = ?b) = (?f ?x = 1 / ?a * ?b)",
    43    "Q ?x = M_b' ?x", "M_b' ?x = Q ?x", "y'' ?x = - M_b ?x / EI", "M_b ?x = - EI * y'' ?x"]*)
    44 map ThmC.id_of_thm (thms_of thy) = 
    45   ["Querkraft_Belastung", "Belastung_Querkraft", "make_fun_explicit", 
    46    "Querkraft_Moment", "Moment_Querkraft", "Neigung_Moment", "Moment_Neigung"]
    47 *)
    48 val thy = @{theory Biegelinie};
    49 val thms = thms_of thy;
    50 if map ThmC.id_of_thm thms = 
    51   ["Querkraft_Belastung", "Belastung_Querkraft", "make_fun_explicit", "Querkraft_Moment", 
    52    "Moment_Querkraft", "Neigung_Moment", "Moment_Neigung"] then ()
    53 else error "fun thms_of ...changed";
    55 val without_partial_functions = thms_of @{theory Biegelinie};
    56 if length without_partial_functions = 7 then () else error "thms_of Biegelinie changed";
    58 "----------- ### thes2file ... Exception- Match raised -----------";
    59 "----------- ### thes2file ... Exception- Match raised -----------";
    60 "----------- ### thes2file ... Exception- Match raised -----------";
    61 writeln "what to do when you get, e.g. \n\
    62 \### thes2file: id = [\"IsacKnowledge\",\"Integrate\",\"Rulesets\"]\n\
    63 \### thes2file: id = [\"IsacKnowledge\",\"Integrate\",\"Rulesets\",\"integration_rules\"]\n\
    64 \### thes2file: id = [\"IsacKnowledge\",\"Integrate\",\"Rulesets\",\"add_new_c\"]\n\
    65 \Exception- Match raised\n";
    66 ;
    67 val theID = ["IsacKnowledge","Integrate","Rulesets","add_new_c"];
    68 val thydata = get_the theID;
    69 ;
    70 (* HERE WE DO NOT create a file ...
    71 thydata2file "/tmp/" [] theID thydata (*reports Exception- Match in question*);
    72 *)
    73 ;
    74 thydata2xml (theID, thydata) (*reported Exception- Match in question*);
    75 val i = 2;
    76 ;
    77 val (theID:theID, Hrls {guh, coursedesign, mathauthors, thy_rls}) = (theID, thydata);
    78 rls2xml i thy_rls            (*reported Exception- Match in question*);
    79 ;
    80 val (j, (thyID, Rule_Set.Sequence data)) = (i, thy_rls);
    81 rls2xml j (thyID, Rule_Set.Sequence data)  (*reported Exception- Match in question*);
    82 ;
    83 val (j, (thyID, Rule_Set.Sequence {id, preconds, rew_ord=(ord,_), erls, errpatts, srls, calc, rules, scr})) = 
    84   (j, (thyID, Rule_Set.Sequence data));
    85 ;
    86 rules2xml (j+2*i) thyID rules  (*reports Exception- Match in question*);
    87 (*TODO: Eval + Cal1 in datatypes.sml *)
    89 "----------- search for data error in thes2file ------------------";
    90 "----------- search for data error in thes2file ------------------";
    91 "----------- search for data error in thes2file ------------------";
    92 val TESTdump = Unsynchronized.ref 
    93   ("path": filepath, ["ids"]: theID, []: pos, thydata2file, Store.Node ("xxx", [], []): thydata Store.node);
    95 fun TESTthenode (pa:filepath) ids po wfn (Store.Node (id, [n], ns)) TESTids = 
    96     let val po' = lev_on po
    97     in 
    98       if (ids@[id]) = TESTids
    99       then
   100         (TESTdump := (pa, ids, po', wfn, (Store.Node (id, [n], ns))); 
   101           error "stopped before error, created TESTdump") (* this exn creates right signature*)
   102       else
   103         wfn pa po' (ids @ [id]) n; TESTthenodes pa (ids @ [id]) ((lev_dn po'): pos) wfn ns TESTids
   104     end
   105 and TESTthenodes _ _ _ _ [] _ = ()
   106   | TESTthenodes pa ids po wfn (n::ns) TESTids =
   107       (TESTthenode pa ids po wfn n TESTids; TESTthenodes pa ids (lev_on po) wfn ns TESTids);
   109 (* /--- side effects from previous test files ---\*)
   110     val i = indentation;
   111     val j = indentation;
   112 (* \--- side effects from previous test files ---/*)
   114 "~~~~~ fun thes2file, args:"; val (p : filepath) = ("/tmp/");
   115 (* recursively descend into thehier just before the error
   116    by setting TESTids according to the last line in ouput 
   117    ### thes2file: id = : *)
   118 (TESTthenodes p [] [0] thydata2file (get_thes ()) 
   119   ["IsacKnowledge","Rational","Rulesets","norm_Rational_parenthesized"] 
   120 handle _(* "stopped before error, created TESTdump" *) => ());
   121 ;
   122 (* /----- uncomment in case of "data error in thes2file" ----------------------------(*1*)-----\*)
   123 val (pa, ids, po', wfn, (Store.Node (id, [n], ns))) = ! TESTdump; 
   124 ;
   125 "~~~~~ fun thydata2file, args:"; val ((xmldata:filepath), (pos:pos), (theID:theID), thydata) =
   126   (pa, po', (ids@[id]), n);
   127 "~~~~~ fun thydata2xml, args:"; val (theID, Hrls {guh, coursedesign, mathauthors, thy_rls}) =
   128   (theID:theID, thydata);
   129 "~~~~~ fun rls2xml, args:"; val (j, (thyID, Rule_Set.Sequence data)) = (i, thy_rls);
   130 "~~~~~ fun rls2xm, args:"; val (j, (thyID, seqrls, {id, preconds, rew_ord=(ord,_), erls,
   131 		      srls, calc, errpatts, rules, scr})) = (j, (thyID, "Rule_Set.Sequence", data));
   132 "~~~~~ fun rules2xml, args:"; val (j, thyID, (r::rs)) = ((j+2*i), thyID, rules);
   133 "~~~~~ fun rule2xml, args:"; val (j, thyID, (Rls_ rls)) = (j, thyID, r);
   134 val rls' = (#id o Rule_Set.rep) rls;
   135 (* \----- uncomment in case of "data error in thes2file" ----------------------------(*1*)-----/
   136   another way to tackle this kind of error is shown in
   137 "----------- thes2file: thy_containing_rls : rls '...' not in ! --";   ------------------------*)
   139 "----------- thes2file: thy_containing_rls : rls '...' not in ! --";
   140 "----------- thes2file: thy_containing_rls : rls '...' not in ! --";
   141 "----------- thes2file: thy_containing_rls : rls '...' not in ! --";
   142 val theID = ["IsacKnowledge","Rational","Rulesets","norm_Rational_parenthesized"]
   143 val thydata = get_the theID
   144 ;
   145 thydata2xml (theID, thydata);
   147 "----------- fun ThmC_Def.make_thm ------------------------------------";
   148 "----------- fun ThmC_Def.make_thm ------------------------------------";
   149 "----------- fun ThmC_Def.make_thm ------------------------------------";
   150 "~~~~~ fun ThmC_Def.make_thm, args:"; val (thy, part, (thmID : ThmC.id, thm), (mathauthors : authors)) =
   151   (@{theory "Biegelinie"}, "IsacKnowledge",
   152     ("Belastung_Querkraft", Thm.prop_of @{thm Belastung_Querkraft}),
   153 	      ["Walther Neuper 2005 supported by a grant from NMI Austria"]);
   154     val guh = thm2guh (part, Context.theory_name thy) thmID
   155     val theID = guh2theID guh;
   156 if guh = "thy_isac_Biegelinie-thm-Belastung_Querkraft" andalso
   157   theID = ["IsacKnowledge", "Biegelinie", "Theorems", "Belastung_Querkraft"]
   158 then () else error "store_thm: guh | theID changed";
   160 "----------- correct theIDs for Rule_Set.empty ----------------------------";
   161 "----------- correct theIDs for Rule_Set.empty ----------------------------";
   162 "----------- correct theIDs for Rule_Set.empty ----------------------------";
   163 if thy_containing_rls "Build_Thydata" "empty" = ("IsacScripts", "Know_Store") then ()
   164 else error "thy_containing_rls Rule_Set.empty changed";
   165 show_thes ();
   166 (*shows different assignment for "empty"...
   167   : 
   168                                                 ["IsacScripts", "Know_Store", "Rulesets", "empty"], 
   169   :*)
   171 "----------- fun revert_sym_rule --------------------------------------";
   172 "----------- fun revert_sym_rule --------------------------------------";
   173 "----------- fun revert_sym_rule --------------------------------------";
   174 val thy = @{theory Isac_Knowledge}
   175 val (Thm (thmID, thm)) = ThmC.revert_sym_rule thy
   176   (Thm ("sym_real_mult_minus1", ThmC.numerals_to_Free (@{thm real_mult_minus1} RS @{thm sym})))
   177 ;
   178 if thmID = "Poly.real_mult_minus1" andalso ThmC.string_of_thm thm = "-1 * ?z = - ?z"
   179 then () else error "fun revert_sym_rule changed 1";
   181 val (Thm (thmID, thm)) = ThmC.revert_sym_rule thy
   182   (Thm ("real_diff_minus", ThmC.numerals_to_Free @{thm real_diff_minus}))
   183 ;
   184 if thmID = "Root.real_diff_minus" andalso ThmC.string_of_thm thm = "?a - ?b = ?a + -1 * ?b"
   185 then () else error "fun revert_sym_rule changed 2"
   187 "----------- fun thms_of_rlss ------------------------------------";
   188 "----------- fun thms_of_rlss ------------------------------------";
   189 "----------- fun thms_of_rlss ------------------------------------";
   190 val rlss = 
   191   [("empty" : Rule_Set.id, ("Know_Store": ThyC.id, Rule_Set.empty)),
   192   ("discard_minus" : Rule_Set.id, ("Poly": ThyC.id, discard_minus))]
   193 ;
   194 val [_, (thmID, term)] = thms_of_rlss thy rlss;
   195 (*
   196 if thmID = "real_mult_minus1" (* WAS "??.unknown" *)
   197 then () else error "thms_of_rlss changed"
   198 *)
   199 ;
   200 "~~~~~ fun thms_of_rlss, args:"; val (thy, rlss) = (@{theory Isac_Knowledge}, rlss);
   201 val rlss' = (rlss : (Rule_Set.id * (ThyC.id * Rule_Set.T)) list)
   202   |> map (thms_of_rls o #2 o #2)
   203     (* = [[], [Thm ("real_diff_minus", "?a - ?b = ?a + -1 * ?b"), 
   204       Thm ("sym_real_mult_minus1", "- ?z1 = -1 * ?z1")]]*)
   205   |> flat
   206     (* = [Thm ("real_diff_minus", "?a - ?b = ?a + -1 * ?b"), 
   207       Thm ("sym_real_mult_minus1", "- ?z1 = -1 * ?z1")]*)
   208   |> map (ThmC.revert_sym_rule thy)
   209     (* = [Thm ("Poly.real_diff_minus", "?a - ?b = ?a + -1 * ?b"), 
   210       Thm ("Delete.real_mult_minus1", "-1 * ?z = - ?z")] : rule list*)
   211   |> map (fn Thm (thmID, thm) => (thmID, Thm.prop_of thm))
   212     (* = [("Poly.real_diff_minus", Const ("HOL.Trueprop", "bool \<Rightarrow> prop") $ ...,
   213       ("Delete.real_mult_minus1", Const ("HOL.Trueprop", ...)] : (string * term) list*)
   214   |> gen_distinct (fn ((thmID1, thm1), (thmID2, thm2)) => thmID1 = thmID2);
   216 "----------- repair thydata2xml for rls --------------------------";
   217 "----------- repair thydata2xml for rls --------------------------";
   218 "----------- repair thydata2xml for rls --------------------------";
   219 val theID = ["IsacKnowledge", "Poly", "Rulesets", "expand"]
   220 val hrls = get_the theID
   221 ;
   222 if thydata2xml (theID, hrls) = (
   223 "<RULESETDATA>\n" ^
   224 "  <GUH> thy_isac_Poly-rls-expand </GUH>\n" ^
   225 "  <STRINGLIST>\n" ^
   226 "    <STRING> IsacKnowledge </STRING>\n" ^
   227 "    <STRING> Poly </STRING>\n" ^
   228 "    <STRING> Rulesets </STRING>\n" ^
   229 "    <STRING> expand </STRING>\n" ^
   230 "  </STRINGLIST>\n  <RULESET>\n" ^
   231 "    <ID> expand </ID>\n" ^
   232 "    <TYPE> Rls </TYPE>\n" ^
   233 "    <RULES>\n" ^
   234 "      <RULE>\n" ^
   235 "        <TAG> Theorem </TAG>\n" ^
   236 "        <STRING> distrib_right </STRING>\n" ^
   237 "        <GUH> thy_isac_distrib_right-thm-distrib_right </GUH>\n" ^
   238 "      </RULE>\n" ^
   239 "      <RULE>\n" ^
   240 "        <TAG> Theorem </TAG>\n" ^
   241 "        <STRING> distrib_left </STRING>\n" ^
   242 "        <GUH> thy_isac_distrib_left-thm-distrib_left </GUH>\n" ^
   243 "      </RULE>\n" ^
   244 "    </RULES>\n" ^
   245 "    <PRECONDS>" ^
   246 "     </PRECONDS>\n" ^
   247 "    <ORDER>\n" ^
   248 "      <STRING> dummy_ord </STRING>\n" ^
   249 "    </ORDER>\n" ^
   250 "    <ERLS>\n" ^
   251 "      <TAG> Ruleset </TAG>\n" ^
   252 "      <STRING> empty </STRING>\n" ^
   253 "      <GUH> thy_isac_Poly-rls-empty </GUH>\n" ^
   254 "    </ERLS>\n" ^
   255 "    <SRLS>\n" ^
   256 "      <TAG> Ruleset </TAG>\n" ^
   257 "      <STRING> empty </STRING>\n" ^
   258 "      <GUH> thy_isac_Poly-rls-empty </GUH>\n" ^
   259 "    </SRLS>\n" ^
   260 "    <SCRIPT>  </SCRIPT>\n" ^
   261 (*
   262 "    <SCRIPT>\n" ^
   263 "      <MATHML>\n" ^
   264 "        <ISA> auto_generated t_t =\nRepeat\n ((Try (Repeat (Rewrite ''distrib_right'')) #&gt;\n   Try (Repeat (Rewrite ''distrib_left'')))\n   ??.empty) </ISA>\n" ^
   265 "      </MATHML>\n" ^
   266 "    </SCRIPT>\n" ^
   267 *)
   268 "  </RULESET>\n" ^
   270 "  <MATHAUTHORS>\n" ^
   271 "    <STRING> isac-team </STRING>\n" ^
   272 "  </MATHAUTHORS>\n" ^
   273 "  <COURSEDESIGNS>\n" ^
   274 "  </COURSEDESIGNS>\n" ^
   275 "</RULESETDATA>\n") then ()
   276 else error "thydata2xml for rls changed";
   278 "----------- gen.minimal KEStore_Elems from Test_Build_Thydata.thy";
   279 "----------- gen.minimal KEStore_Elems from Test_Build_Thydata.thy";
   280 "----------- gen.minimal KEStore_Elems from Test_Build_Thydata.thy";
   281   val isacrlsthms = KEStore_Elems.get_rlss @{theory Test_Build_Thydata}
   282 (*                         CHANGE FOR CODE ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^*)
   283     |> remove (fn (rlsID, (rls', (_, _))) => rlsID = rls') "prog_expr" (*unpleasant in test*)
   284     |> remove (fn (rlsID, (rls', (_, _))) => rlsID = rls') "e_rrls"   (*unpleasant in test*)
   285     |> remove (fn (rlsID, (rls', (_, _))) => rlsID = rls') "empty"    (*unpleasant in test*)
   286     |> thms_of_rlss @{theory}            (*length =  4*)
   288   val rlsthmsNOTisac = isacrlsthms       (*length =  2*)
   289     |> filter (fn (deriv, _) => 
   290       member op= (map Context.theory_name isabthys') (ThyC.cut_id deriv))
   291 ;
   292 val (knowthys', progthys') = ([@{theory Test_Build_Thydata}], [@{theory Test_Build_Thydata}])
   293 ;
   294 val thydata_list = 
   295   collect_part       "IsacKnowledge" knowledge_parent knowthys' @
   296   (map (collect_isab "Isabelle") rlsthmsNOTisac) @
   297   collect_part       "IsacScripts" proglang_parent progthys' (* only the thms, no rls *)
   298 ;
   299 case thydata_list of                     (*length =  8*)
   300   [(["IsacKnowledge", "Test_Build_Thydata", "Theorems", "thm111"],
   301     Hthm {coursedesign = [], fillpats = [], guh = "thy_isac_Test_Build_Thydata-thm-thm111", 
   302     mathauthors = ["isac-team"], thm = _}),
   303   (["IsacKnowledge", "Test_Build_Thydata", "Theorems", "thm222"],
   304     Hthm {coursedesign = [], fillpats = [], guh = "thy_isac_Test_Build_Thydata-thm-thm222", 
   305     mathauthors = ["isac-team"], thm = _}),
   306   (["IsacKnowledge", "Test_Build_Thydata", "Rulesets", "rls111"],
   307     Hrls {coursedesign = [], guh = "thy_isac_Test_Build_Thydata-rls-rls111", 
   308     mathauthors = ["isac-team"], thy_rls = ("Test_Build_Thydata", Rule_Set.Repeat _)}),
   309   (["IsacKnowledge", "Test_Build_Thydata", "Rulesets", "rls222"],
   310     Hrls {coursedesign = [], guh = "thy_isac_Test_Build_Thydata-rls-rls222", 
   311     mathauthors = ["isac-team"], thy_rls = ("Test_Build_Thydata", Rule_Set.Repeat _)}),
   312   (["Isabelle", "HOL", "Theorems", "refl"],
   313     Hthm {coursedesign = [], fillpats = [], guh = "thy_isab_HOL-thm-refl", 
   314     mathauthors = ["Isabelle team, TU Munich"], thm = _}),
   315   (["Isabelle", "Fun", "Theorems", "o_def"], Hthm {coursedesign = [], fillpats = [], 
   316     guh = "thy_isab_Fun-thm-o_def", mathauthors = ["Isabelle team, TU Munich"], thm = _}),
   317   (["IsacScripts", "Test_Build_Thydata", "Theorems", "thm111"],
   318     Hthm {coursedesign = [], fillpats = [], guh = "thy_scri_Test_Build_Thydata-thm-thm111", 
   319     mathauthors = ["isac-team"], thm = _}),
   320   (["IsacScripts", "Test_Build_Thydata", "Theorems", "thm222"],
   321     Hthm {coursedesign = [], fillpats = [], guh = "thy_scri_Test_Build_Thydata-thm-thm222", 
   322     mathauthors = ["isac-team"], thm = _})] => ()
   323 | _ => error "collect thydata from Test_Build_Thydata changed";
   324 ;
   325 (* we store locally on MINIthehier instead on Know_Store, see Know_Store: *)
   326     fun add_the (thydata, theID) = add_thydata ([], theID) thydata;
   327 val thes = map (fn (a, b) => (b, a)) thydata_list
   328 val MINIthehier = (fold add_the thes) (KEStore_Elems.get_thes @{theory Test_Build_Thydata});
   330 "----------- ..CONTINUED: we adapt some required MINIfunctions ---";
   331 "----------- ..CONTINUED: we adapt some required MINIfunctions ---";
   332 "----------- ..CONTINUED: we adapt some required MINIfunctions ---";
   333 fun MINIget_the (theID : theID) = get_py MINIthehier theID theID (*see ptyps.sml*)
   334 fun MINIthy_hierarchy2file (path:filepath) = 
   335   str2file (path ^ "thy_hierarchy.xml") 
   336     ("<NODE>\n" ^
   337     "  <ID> theory hierarchy </ID>\n" ^
   338     "  <NO> 1 </NO>\n" ^
   339     "  <CONTENTREF> thy_ROOT </CONTENTREF>\n" ^
   340     (hierarchy_guh MINIthehier) ^
   341     "</NODE>");
   342 fun MINIthes2file (p : filepath) = thenodes p [] [0] thydata2file MINIthehier;
   344 "----------- ..CONTINUED: xml from Test_Build_Thydata.thy --------";
   345 "----------- ..CONTINUED: xml from Test_Build_Thydata.thy --------";
   346 "----------- ..CONTINUED: xml from Test_Build_Thydata.thy --------";
   347 case MINIget_the ["IsacScripts", "Test_Build_Thydata", "Theorems", "thm111"] of
   348   Hthm {guh = "thy_scri_Test_Build_Thydata-thm-thm111", ...} => ()
   349 | _ => error "MINIget_the thm111 changed"
   350 ;
   351 val path = "/tmp/"
   352 ;
   353 MINIthy_hierarchy2file path            (* ---> /tmp/thy_hierarchy.xml *);
   354 writeln (file2str path "thy_hierarchy.xml") (* better check in editor *)
   355 ;
   356 MINIthes2file path                               (* ---> /tmp/thy_... *);
   358 "----------- ..CONTINUED: repair xml-format of thy_*-thm-*.xml ---";
   359 "----------- ..CONTINUED: repair xml-format of thy_*-thm-*.xml ---";
   360 "----------- ..CONTINUED: repair xml-format of thy_*-thm-*.xml ---";
   361 "~~~~~ fun MINIthes2file, args:"; val (path) = ("/tmp/");
   362 "~~~~~ and thenodes, args:"; val (pa, ids, po, wfn, (n::ns)) = 
   363   (path, [], [0], thydata2file, MINIthehier);
   364 "~~~~~ fun thenode, args:"; val ((pa : filepath), ids, po, wfn, (Store.Node (id, [n], ns))) = 
   365   (pa, ids, po, wfn, n);
   366 val po' = lev_on po;
   367 (*wfn pa po' (ids @ [id]) n  -------------> writes xml to file; we want xml before written: *)
   369 (* we take (theID, thydata) from thydata_list ABOVE: *)
   370 case hd thydata_list of
   371   (["IsacKnowledge", "Test_Build_Thydata", "Theorems", "thm111"],
   372     Hthm {guh = "thy_isac_Test_Build_Thydata-thm-thm111", mathauthors = ["isac-team"], ...}) => ()
   373 | _ => error "a change inhibits successful continuation of this test";
   374 val (theID, thydata) = hd thydata_list;
   375 "~~~~~ fun thydata2file, args:"; val ((path : filepath), (pos : pos), (theID : theID), thydata) =
   376   (pa, po', (*ids @ [id]*)theID, (*n*)thydata);
   377 "~~~~~ fun thydata2xml, args:"; val ((theID, Hthm {guh, coursedesign, mathauthors, fillpats, thm}))=
   378   ((theID, thydata));
   379 "~~~~~ to str2file return val:"; val (xml) = 
   380       "<THEOREMDATA>\n" ^
   381       indt i ^ "<GUH> "^ guh ^" </GUH>\n" ^
   382       id2xml i theID ^
   383       thm''2xml i thm ^
   384       indt i ^ "<PROOF>\n" ^
   385       extref2xml (i+i) "Proof of the theorem" 
   386 	      ("http://www.ist.tugraz.at/projects/isac/www/kbase/thy/browser_info/HOL/HOL-Real/Isac/" ^
   387 	        nth 2 theID ^ ".html") ^
   388 	    indt i ^  "</PROOF>\n" ^
   389 	    indt i ^ "<EXPLANATIONS> </EXPLANATIONS>\n" ^
   390 	    authors2xml i "MATHAUTHORS" mathauthors ^
   391 	    authors2xml i "COURSEDESIGNS" coursedesign ^
   392 	    "</THEOREMDATA>\n"
   393 ;
   394 if xml = ("<THEOREMDATA>\n" ^
   395 "  <GUH> thy_isac_Test_Build_Thydata-thm-thm111 </GUH>\n" ^
   396 "  <STRINGLIST>\n" ^
   397 "    <STRING> IsacKnowledge </STRING>\n" ^
   398 "    <STRING> Test_Build_Thydata </STRING>\n" ^
   399 "    <STRING> Theorems </STRING>\n" ^
   400 "    <STRING> thm111 </STRING>\n" ^
   401 "  </STRINGLIST>\n" ^
   402 "  <THEOREM>\n" ^
   403 "    <ID> thm111 </ID>\n" ^
   404 "    <MATHML>\n" ^
   405 "      <ISA> ?thm111.0 = ?thm111.0 + 111 </ISA>\n" ^
   406 "    </MATHML>\n" ^
   407 "  </THEOREM>\n" ^
   408 "  <PROOF>\n" ^
   409 "    <EXTREF>\n" ^
   410 "      <TEXT> Proof of the theorem </TEXT>\n" ^
   411 "      <URL> http://www.ist.tugraz.at/projects/isac/www/kbase/thy/browser_info/HOL/HOL-Real/Isac/Test_Build_Thydata.html </URL>\n" ^
   412 "    </EXTREF>\n" ^
   413 "  </PROOF>\n" ^
   415 "  <MATHAUTHORS>\n" ^
   416 "    <STRING> isac-team </STRING>\n" ^
   417 "  </MATHAUTHORS>\n" ^
   418 "  <COURSEDESIGNS>\n" ^
   419 "  </COURSEDESIGNS>\n" ^
   420 "</THEOREMDATA>\n") then () else error "thy_isac_Test_Build_Thydata-thm-thm111.xml changed"