author Walther Neuper <>
Wed, 13 May 2020 16:10:22 +0200
changeset 59973 8a46c2e7c27a
parent 59970 ab1c25c0339a
child 60154 2ab0d1523731
permissions -rw-r--r--
shift code from Specify to Problem, Method, Test_Tool
     1 (* Title:  Interpret/lucas-interpreter.sml
     2    Author: Walther Neuper 2019
     3    (c) due to copyright terms
     4 *)
     6 signature METHOD =
     7 sig
     8   type T = Meth_Def.T
     9   val empty: T
    11   type id =
    12   val id_empty: id
    13   val id_to_string: id -> string
    15   type input
    16   (* TODO: ------------- remove always empty --- vvvvvvvvvvv -- vvv*)
    17   val prep_input : theory -> -> string list -> id ->
    18      id * Problem.model_input * input * thm -> T * id
    20   val from_store: id -> T
    21   val from_store': theory -> id -> T
    23 (* ---- for tests only: shifted from below to remove the Warning "unused" at fun.def. --------- *)
    24   (*NONE*)
    25 (*/-------------------------------------------------------- ! aktivate for Test_Isac BEGIN ---\* )
    26   (*NONE*)
    27 ( *\--- ! aktivate for Test_Isac END ----------------------------------------------------------/*)
    28 end
    30 (**)
    31 structure Method(**): METHOD(**) =
    32 struct
    33 (**)
    35 type T = Meth_Def.T;
    36 val empty = Meth_Def.empty;
    38 type id =;
    39 val id_empty = Meth_Def.id_empty;
    40 val id_to_string = Meth_Def.id_to_string;
    43 (** prepare Method for Store **)
    45 (* a subset of Method.T record's fields *)
    46 type input = 
    47   {calc: Rule_Def.calc list, crls: Rule_Set.T, errpats: Error_Pattern_Def.T list, nrls: Rule_Set.T,
    48     prls: Rule_Set.T, rew_ord': Rewrite_Ord.rew_ord', rls': Rule_Set.T, srls: Rule_Set.T}
    50 fun prep_input thy guh maa init
    51 	    (metID, ppc,
    52         {rew_ord' = ro, rls' = rls, srls = srls, prls = prls, calc = _(*scr_isa_fns*), crls = cr,
    53           errpats = ep, nrls = nr}, scr) =
    54     let
    55       fun eq f (f', _) = f = f';
    56       val gi = filter (eq "#Given") ppc;
    57       val gi = (case gi of
    58 		    [] => (writeln ("prep_input: in " ^ guh ^ " #Given is empty ?!?"); [])
    59 		  | ((_, gi') :: []) => (map (Problem.split_did o Thm.term_of o the o (TermC.parse thy)) gi'
    60 		      handle _ => raise ERROR ("prep_pbt: syntax raise ERROR in '#Given' of " ^ strs2str metID))
    61 		  | _ => raise ERROR ("prep_pbt: more than one '#Given' in " ^ strs2str metID));
    62 		  val gi = map (pair "#Given") gi;
    64 		  val fi = filter (eq "#Find") ppc;
    65 		  val fi = (case fi of
    66 		    [] => (writeln ("prep_input: in " ^ guh ^ " #Find is empty ?!?"); [])
    67 		  | ((_, fi') :: []) =>  (map (Problem.split_did o Thm.term_of o the o (TermC.parse thy)) fi'
    68 		      handle _ => raise ERROR ("prep_pbt: syntax raise ERROR in '#Find' of " ^ strs2str metID))
    69 		  | _ => raise ERROR ("prep_pbt: more than one '#Find' in " ^ strs2str metID));
    70 		  val fi = map (pair "#Find") fi;
    72 		  val re = filter (eq "#Relate") ppc;
    73 		  val re = (case re of
    74 		    [] => (writeln ("prep_input: in " ^ guh ^ " #Relate is empty ?!?"); [])
    75 		  | ((_,re') :: []) => (map (Problem.split_did o Thm.term_of o the o (TermC.parse thy)) re'
    76 		      handle _ => raise ERROR ("prep_pbt: syntax raise ERROR in '#Relate' of " ^ strs2str metID))
    77 		  | _ => raise ERROR ("prep_pbt: more than one '#Relate' in " ^ strs2str metID));
    78 		  val re = map (pair "#Relate") re;
    80 		  val wh = filter (eq "#Where") ppc;
    81 		  val wh = (case wh of
    82 		    [] => (writeln ("prep_input: in " ^ guh ^ " #Where is empty ?!?"); [])
    83 		  | ((_, wh') :: []) => (map (TermC.parse_patt thy) wh'
    84 		      handle _ => raise ERROR ("prep_pbt: syntax raise ERROR in '#Where' of " ^ strs2str metID))
    85 		  | _ => raise ERROR ("prep_pbt: more than one '#Where' in " ^ strs2str metID));
    86 		  val sc = Program.prep_program scr
    87 		  val calc = if Thm.eq_thm (scr, @{thm refl}) then [] else Auto_Prog.get_calcs thy sc
    88     in
    89        ({guh = guh, mathauthors = maa, init = init, ppc = gi @ fi @ re, pre = wh, rew_ord' = ro,
    90          erls = rls, srls = srls, prls = prls, calc = calc,
    91          crls = cr, errpats = ep, nrls = nr, scr = Rule.Prog sc}, metID)
    92     end;
    95 (** get Method from Store **)
    97 (* TODO: throws exn 'get_pbt not found: ' ... confusing !! take 'ketype' as an argument *)
    98 fun from_store metID = Store.get (get_mets ()) metID metID;
    99 fun from_store' thy metID = Store.get (KEStore_Elems.get_mets thy) metID metID;
   101 (**)end(**)