author Jan Rocnik <>
Thu, 13 Sep 2012 21:39:51 +0200
changeset 42509 89ce7be69cfa
parent 42507 629324e62a24
child 42510 d00e187450f2
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    97 \title{Trials with TP-based Programming
    98 \\
    99 for Interactive Course Material}%
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   104 \author{\begin{tabular}{c}
   105 \textit{Jan Ro\v{c}nik} \\
   106 \\
   107 IST, SPSC\\
   108 Graz University of Technologie\\
   109 Austria\end{tabular}
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   123 \begin{abstract}
   125 Traditional course material in engineering disciplines lacks an
   126 important component, interactive support for step-wise problem
   127 solving. Theorem-Proving (TP) technology is appropriate for one part
   128 of such support, in checking user-input. For the other part of such
   129 support, guiding the learner towards a solution, another kind of
   130 technology is required. %TODO ... connect to prototype ...
   132 Both kinds of support can be acchieved by so-called
   133 Lucas-Interpretation which combines deduction and computation and, for
   134 the latter, uses a novel kind of programming language. This language
   135 is based on (Computer) Theorem Proving (TP), thus called a ``TP-based
   136 programming language''.
   138 This paper is the experience report of the first ``application
   139 programmer'' using this language for creating exercises in step-wise
   140 problem solving for an advanced lab in Signal Processing. The tasks
   141 involved in TP-based programming are described together with the
   142 experience gained from a prototype of the programming language and of
   143 it's interpreter.
   145 The report concludes with a positive proof of concept, states
   146 insuggicient usability of the prototype and captures the requirements
   147 for further development of both, the programming language and the
   148 interpreter.
   149 %
   150 \end{abstract}%
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   165 \section{Introduction}\label{intro}
   167 % \paragraph{Didactics of mathematics} 
   168 %WN: wenn man in einem high-quality paper von 'didactics' spricht, 
   169 %WN muss man am state-of-the-art ankn"upfen -- siehe
   170 %WN W.Neuper, On the Emergence of TP-based Educational Math Assistants
   171 % faces a specific issue, a gap
   172 % between (1) introduction of math concepts and skills and (2)
   173 % application of these concepts and skills, which usually are separated
   174 % into different units in curricula (for good reasons). For instance,
   175 % (1) teaching partial fraction decomposition is separated from (2)
   176 % application for inverse Z-transform in signal processing.
   177 % 
   178 % \par This gap is an obstacle for applying math as an fundamental
   179 % thinking technology in engineering: In (1) motivation is lacking
   180 % because the question ``What is this stuff good for?'' cannot be
   181 % treated sufficiently, and in (2) the ``stuff'' is not available to
   182 % students in higher semesters as widespread experience shows.
   183 % 
   184 % \paragraph{Motivation} taken by this didactic issue on the one hand,
   185 % and ongoing research and development on a novel kind of educational
   186 % mathematics assistant at Graz University of
   187 % Technology~\footnote{} promising to
   188 % scope with this issue on the other hand, several institutes are
   189 % planning to join their expertise: the Institute for Information
   190 % Systems and Computer Media (IICM), the Institute for Software
   191 % Technology (IST), the Institutes for Mathematics, the Institute for
   192 % Signal Processing and Speech Communication (SPSC), the Institute for
   193 % Structural Analysis and the Institute of Electrical Measurement and
   194 % Measurement Signal Processing.
   195 %WN diese Information ist f"ur das Paper zu spezielle, zu aktuell 
   196 %WN und damit zu verg"anglich.
   197 % \par This thesis is the first attempt to tackle the above mentioned
   198 % issue, it focuses on Telematics, because these specific studies focus
   199 % on mathematics in \emph{STEOP}, the introductory orientation phase in
   200 % Austria. \emph{STEOP} is considered an opportunity to investigate the
   201 % impact of {\sisac}'s prototype on the issue and others.
   202 % 
   204 Traditional course material in engineering disciplines lacks an
   205 important component, interactive support for step-wise problem
   206 solving. Theorem-Proving (TP) technology can provide such support by
   207 specific services. An important part of such services is called
   208 ``next-step-guidance'', generated by a specific kind of ``TP-based
   209 programming language''. In the
   210 {\sisac}-project~\footnote{} such
   211 a language is prototyped in line with~\cite{plmms10} and built upon
   212 the theorem prover
   213 Isabelle~\cite{Nipkow-Paulson-Wenzel:2002}\footnote{}.
   214 The TP services are coordinated by a specific interpreter for the
   215 programming language, called
   216 Lucas-Interpreter~\cite{wn:lucas-interp-12}. The language and the
   217 interpreter will be briefly re-introduced in order to make the paper
   218 self-contained.
   220 The main part of the paper is an account of first experiences
   221 with programming in this TP-based language. The experience was gained
   222 in a case study by the author. The author was considered an ideal
   223 candidate for this study for the following reasons: as a student in
   224 Telematics (computer science with focus on Signal Processing) he had
   225 general knowledge in programming as well as specific domain knowledge
   226 in Signal Processing; and he was {\em not} involved in the development of
   227 {\sisac}'s programming language and interpeter, thus a novice to the
   228 language.
   230 The goal of the case study was (1) some TP-based programs for
   231 interactive course material for a specific ``Adavanced Signal
   232 Processing Lab'' in a higher semester, (2) respective program
   233 development with as little advice from the {\sisac}-team and (3) records
   234 and comments for the main steps of development in an Isabelle theory;
   235 this theory should provide guidelines for future programmers. An
   236 excerpt from this theory is the main part of this paper.
   237 \par
   238 The paper will use the problem in Fig.\ref{fig-interactive} as a
   239 running example:
   240 \begin{figure} [htb]
   241 \begin{center}
   242 \includegraphics[width=140mm]{fig/isac-Ztrans-math-3}
   243 %\includegraphics[width=140mm]{fig/isac-Ztrans-math}
   244 \caption{Step-wise problem solving guided by the TP-based program}
   245 \label{fig-interactive}
   246 \end{center}
   247 \end{figure}
   249 The problem is from the domain of Signal Processing and requests to
   250 determine the inverse ${\cal Z}$-transform for a given term. Fig.\ref{fig-interactive}
   251 also shows the beginning of the interactive construction of a solution
   252 for the problem. This construction is done in the right window named
   253 ``Worksheet''.
   254 \par
   255 User-interaction on the Worksheet is {\em checked} and {\em guided} by
   256 TP services:
   257 \begin{enumerate}
   258 \item Formulas input by the user are {\em checked} by TP: such a
   259 formula establishes a proof situation --- the prover has to derive the
   260 formula from the logical context. The context is built up from the
   261 formal specification of the problem (here hidden from the user) by the
   262 Lucas-Interpreter.
   263 \item If the user gets stuck, the program developed below in this
   264 paper ``knows the next step'' and Lucas-Interpretation provides services
   265 featuring so-called ``next-step-guidance''; this is out of scope of this
   266 paper and can be studied in~\cite{gdaroczy-EP-13}.
   267 \end{enumerate} It should be noted that the programmer using the
   268 TP-based language is not concerned with interaction at all; we will
   269 see that the program contains neither input-statements nor
   270 output-statements. Rather, interaction is handled by the interpreter
   271 pf the language.
   273 So there is a clear separation of concerns: Dialogues are adapted by
   274 dialogue authors (in Java-based tools), using TP services provided by
   275 Lucas-Interpretation. The latter acts on programs developed by
   276 mathematics-authors (in Isabelle/ML); their task is concern of this
   277 paper.
   279 \paragraph{The paper is structed} as follows: The introduction
   280 \S\ref{intro} is followed by a brief re-introduction of the TP-based
   281 programming language in \S\ref{PL}, which extends the executable
   282 fragment of Isabelle's language (\S\ref{PL-isab}) by tactics which
   283 play a specific role in Lucas-Interpretation and in providing the TP
   284 services (\S\ref{PL-tacs}). The main part \S\ref{trial} describes
   285 the main steps in developing the program for the running example:
   286 prepare domain knowledge, implement the formal specification of the
   287 problem, prepare the environment for the interpreter, implement the
   288 program in \S\ref{isabisac} to \S\ref{progr} respectively. 
   289 The workflow of programming, debugging and testing is
   290 described in \S\ref{workflow}. The conclusion \S\ref{conclusion} will
   291 give directions identified for future development. 
   294 \section{\isac's Prototype for a Programming Language}\label{PL} 
   295 The prototype of the language and of the Lucas-Interpreter are briefly
   296 described from the point of view of a programmer. The language extends
   297 the executable fragment in the language of the theorem prover
   298 Isabelle~\cite{Nipkow-Paulson-Wenzel:2002}\footnote{}.
   300 \subsection{The Executable Fragment of Isabelle's Language}\label{PL-isab}
   301 The executable fragment consists of data-type and function
   302 definitions.  It's usability even suggests that fragment for
   303 introductory courses \cite{nipkow-prog-prove}. HOL is a typed logic
   304 whose type system resembles that of functional programming
   305 languages. Thus there are
   306 \begin{description}
   307 \item[base types,] in particular \textit{bool}, the type of truth
   308 values, \textit{nat}, \textit{int}, \textit{complex}, and the types of
   309 natural, integer and complex numbers respectively in mathematics.
   310 \item[type constructors] allow to define arbitrary types, from
   311 \textit{set}, \textit{list} to advanced data-structures like
   312 \textit{trees}, red-black-trees etc.
   313 \item[function types,] denoted by $\Rightarrow$.
   314 \item[type variables,] denoted by $^\prime a, ^\prime b$ etc, provide
   315 type polymorphism. Isabelle automatically computes the type of each
   316 variable in a term by use of Hindley-Milner type inference
   317 \cite{pl:hind97,Milner-78}.
   318 \end{description}
   320 \textbf{Terms} are formed as in functional programming by applying
   321 functions to arguments. If $f$ is a function of type
   322 $\tau_1\Rightarrow \tau_2$ and $t$ is a term of type $\tau_1$ then
   323 $f\;t$ is a term of type~$\tau_2$. $t\;::\;\tau$ means that term $t$
   324 has type $\tau$. There are many predefined infix symbols like $+$ and
   325 $\leq$ most of which are overloaded for various types.
   327 HOL also supports some basic constructs from functional programming:
   328 {\it\label{isabelle-stmts}
   329 \begin{tabbing} 123\=\kill
   330 \>$( \; {\tt if} \; b \; {\tt then} \; t_1 \; {\tt else} \; t_2 \;)$\\
   331 \>$( \; {\tt let} \; x=t \; {\tt in} \; u \; )$\\
   332 \>$( \; {\tt case} \; t \; {\tt of} \; {\it pat}_1
   333   \Rightarrow t_1 \; |\dots| \; {\it pat}_n\Rightarrow t_n \; )$
   334 \end{tabbing} }
   335 \noindent The running example's program uses some of these elements
   336 (marked by {\tt tt-font} on p.\pageref{s:impl}): for instance {\tt
   337 let}\dots{\tt in} in lines {\rm 02} \dots {\rm 13}. In fact, the whole program
   338 is an Isabelle term with specific function constants like {\tt
   339 program}, {\tt Take}, {\tt Rewrite}, {\tt Subproblem} and {\tt
   340 Rewrite\_Set} in lines {\rm 01, 03. 04, 07, 10} and {\rm 11, 12}
   341 respectively.
   343 % Terms may also contain $\lambda$-abstractions. For example, $\lambda
   344 % x. \; x$ is the identity function.
   346 %JR warum auskommentiert? WN2...
   347 %WN2 weil ein Punkt wie dieser in weiteren Zusammenh"angen innerhalb
   348 %WN2 des Papers auftauchen m"usste; nachdem ich einen solchen
   349 %WN2 Zusammenhang _noch_ nicht sehe, habe ich den Punkt _noch_ nicht
   350 %WN2 gel"oscht.
   351 %WN2 Wenn der Punkt nicht weiter gebraucht wird, nimmt er nur wertvollen
   352 %WN2 Platz f"ur Anderes weg.
   354 \textbf{Formulae} are terms of type \textit{bool}. There are the basic
   355 constants \textit{True} and \textit{False} and the usual logical
   356 connectives (in decreasing order of precedence): $\neg, \land, \lor,
   357 \rightarrow$.
   359 \textbf{Equality} is available in the form of the infix function $=$
   360 of type $a \Rightarrow a \Rightarrow {\it bool}$. It also works for
   361 formulas, where it means ``if and only if''.
   363 \textbf{Quantifiers} are written $\forall x. \; P$ and $\exists x. \;
   364 P$.  Quantifiers lead to non-executable functions, so functions do not
   365 always correspond to programs, for instance, if comprising \\$(
   366 \;{\it if} \; \exists x.\;P \; {\it then} \; e_1 \; {\it else} \; e_2
   367 \;)$.
   369 \subsection{\isac's Tactics for Lucas-Interpretation}\label{PL-tacs}
   370 The prototype extends Isabelle's language by specific statements
   371 called tactics~\footnote{{\sisac}'s tactics are different from
   372 Isabelle's tactics: the former concern steps in a calculation, the
   373 latter concern proofs.}  and tacticals. For the programmer these
   374 statements are functions with the following signatures:
   376 \begin{description}
   377 \item[Rewrite:] ${\it theorem}\Rightarrow{\it term}\Rightarrow{\it
   378 term} * {\it term}\;{\it list}$:
   379 this tactic appplies {\it theorem} to a {\it term} yielding a {\it
   380 term} and a {\it term list}, the list are assumptions generated by
   381 conditional rewriting. For instance, the {\it theorem}
   382 $b\not=0\land c\not=0\Rightarrow\frac{a\cdot c}{b\cdot c}=\frac{a}{b}$
   383 applied to the {\it term} $\frac{2\cdot x}{3\cdot x}$ yields
   384 $(\frac{2}{3}, [x\not=0])$.
   386 \item[Rewrite\_Set:] ${\it ruleset}\Rightarrow{\it
   387 term}\Rightarrow{\it term} * {\it term}\;{\it list}$:
   388 this tactic appplies {\it ruleset} to a {\it term}; {\it ruleset} is
   389 a confluent and terminating term rewrite system, in general. If
   390 none of the rules ({\it theorem}s) is applicable on interpretation
   391 of this tactic, an exception is thrown.
   393 % \item[Rewrite\_Inst:] ${\it substitution}\Rightarrow{\it
   394 % theorem}\Rightarrow{\it term}\Rightarrow{\it term} * {\it term}\;{\it
   395 % list}$:
   396 % 
   397 % \item[Rewrite\_Set\_Inst:] ${\it substitution}\Rightarrow{\it
   398 % ruleset}\Rightarrow{\it term}\Rightarrow{\it term} * {\it term}\;{\it
   399 % list}$:
   401 %SPACEvvv
   402 \item[Substitute:] ${\it substitution}\Rightarrow{\it
   403 term}\Rightarrow{\it term}$: allows to access sub-terms.
   404 %SPACE^^^
   406 \item[Take:] ${\it term}\Rightarrow{\it term}$:
   407 this tactic has no effect in the program; but it creates a side-effect
   408 by Lucas-Interpretation (see below) and writes {\it term} to the
   409 Worksheet.
   411 \item[Subproblem:] ${\it theory} * {\it specification} * {\it
   412 method}\Rightarrow{\it argument}\;{\it list}\Rightarrow{\it term}$:
   413 this tactic is a generalisation of a function call: it takes an
   414 \textit{argument list} as usual, and additionally a triple consisting
   415 of an Isabelle \textit{theory}, an implicit \textit{specification} of the
   416 program and a \textit{method} containing data for Lucas-Interpretation,
   417 last not least a program (as an explicit specification)~\footnote{In
   418 interactive tutoring these three items can be determined explicitly
   419 by the user.}.
   420 \end{description}
   421 The tactics play a specific role in
   422 Lucas-Interpretation~\cite{wn:lucas-interp-12}: they are treated as
   423 break-points where, as a side-effect, a line is added to a calculation
   424 as a protocol for proceeding towards a solution in step-wise problem
   425 solving. At the same points Lucas-Interpretation serves interactive
   426 tutoring and hands over control to the user. The user is free to
   427 investigate underlying knowledge, applicable theorems, etc.  And the
   428 user can proceed constructing a solution by input of a tactic to be
   429 applied or by input of a formula; in the latter case the
   430 Lucas-Interpreter has built up a logical context (initialised with the
   431 precondition of the formal specification) such that Isabelle can
   432 derive the formula from this context --- or give feedback, that no
   433 derivation can be found.
   435 \subsection{Tacticals as Control Flow Statements}
   436 The flow of control in a program can be determined by {\tt if then else}
   437 and {\tt case of} as mentioned on p.\pageref{isabelle-stmts} and also
   438 by additional tacticals:
   439 \begin{description}
   440 \item[Repeat:] ${\it tactic}\Rightarrow{\it term}\Rightarrow{\it
   441 term}$: iterates over tactics which take a {\it term} as argument as
   442 long as a tactic is applicable (for instance, {\tt Rewrite\_Set} might
   443 not be applicable).
   445 \item[Try:] ${\it tactic}\Rightarrow{\it term}\Rightarrow{\it term}$:
   446 if {\it tactic} is applicable, then it is applied to {\it term},
   447 otherwise {\it term} is passed on without changes.
   449 \item[Or:] ${\it tactic}\Rightarrow{\it tactic}\Rightarrow{\it
   450 term}\Rightarrow{\it term}$: If the first {\it tactic} is applicable,
   451 it is applied to the first {\it term} yielding another {\it term},
   452 otherwise the second {\it tactic} is applied; if none is applicable an
   453 exception is raised.
   455 \item[@@:] ${\it tactic}\Rightarrow{\it tactic}\Rightarrow{\it
   456 term}\Rightarrow{\it term}$: applies the first {\it tactic} to the
   457 first {\it term} yielding an intermediate term (not appearing in the
   458 signature) to which the second {\it tactic} is applied.
   460 \item[While:] ${\it term::bool}\Rightarrow{\it tactic}\Rightarrow{\it
   461 term}\Rightarrow{\it term}$: if the first {\it term} is true, then the
   462 {\it tactic} is applied to the first {\it term} yielding an
   463 intermediate term (not appearing in the signature); the intermediate
   464 term is added to the environment the first {\it term} is evaluated in
   465 etc as long as the first {\it term} is true.
   466 \end{description}
   467 The tacticals are not treated as break-points by Lucas-Interpretation
   468 and thus do neither contribute to the calculation nor to interaction.
   470 \section{Concepts and Tasks in TP-based Programming}\label{trial}
   471 %\section{Development of a Program on Trial}
   473 This section presents all the concepts involved in TP-based
   474 programming and all the tasks to be accomplished by programmers. The
   475 presentation uses the running example from
   476 Fig.\ref{fig-interactive} on p.\pageref{fig-interactive}.
   478 \subsection{Mechanization of Math --- Domain Engineering}\label{isabisac}
   480 %WN was Fachleute unter obigem Titel interessiert findet sich
   481 %WN unterhalb des auskommentierten Textes.
   483 %WN der Text unten spricht Benutzer-Aspekte anund ist nicht speziell
   484 %WN auf Computer-Mathematiker fokussiert.
   485 % \paragraph{As mentioned in the introduction,} a prototype of an
   486 % educational math assistant called
   487 % {{\sisac}}\footnote{{{\sisac}}=\textbf{Isa}belle for
   488 % \textbf{C}alculations, see} bridges
   489 % the gap between (1) introducation and (2) application of mathematics:
   490 % {{\sisac}} is based on Computer Theorem Proving (TP), a technology which
   491 % requires each fact and each action justified by formal logic, so
   492 % {{{\sisac}{}}} makes justifications transparent to students in
   493 % interactive step-wise problem solving. By that way {{\sisac}} already
   494 % can serve both:
   495 % \begin{enumerate}
   496 %   \item Introduction of math stuff (in e.g. partial fraction
   497 % decomposition) by stepwise explaining and exercising respective
   498 % symbolic calculations with ``next step guidance (NSG)'' and rigorously
   499 % checking steps freely input by students --- this also in context with
   500 % advanced applications (where the stuff to be taught in higher
   501 % semesters can be skimmed through by NSG), and
   502 %   \item Application of math stuff in advanced engineering courses
   503 % (e.g. problems to be solved by inverse Z-transform in a Signal
   504 % Processing Lab) and now without much ado about basic math techniques
   505 % (like partial fraction decomposition): ``next step guidance'' supports
   506 % students in independently (re-)adopting such techniques.
   507 % \end{enumerate} 
   508 % Before the question is answers, how {{\sisac}}
   509 % accomplishes this task from a technical point of view, some remarks on
   510 % the state-of-the-art is given, therefor follow up Section~\ref{emas}.
   511 % 
   512 % \subsection{Educational Mathematics Assistants (EMAs)}\label{emas}
   513 % 
   514 % \paragraph{Educational software in mathematics} is, if at all, based
   515 % on Computer Algebra Systems (CAS, for instance), Dynamic Geometry
   516 % Systems (DGS, for instance \footnote{GeoGebra}
   517 % \footnote{Cinderella}\footnote{GCLC
   518 %}) or spread-sheets. These
   519 % base technologies are used to program math lessons and sometimes even
   520 % exercises. The latter are cumbersome: the steps towards a solution of
   521 % such an interactive exercise need to be provided with feedback, where
   522 % at each step a wide variety of possible input has to be foreseen by
   523 % the programmer - so such interactive exercises either require high
   524 % development efforts or the exercises constrain possible inputs.
   525 % 
   526 % \subparagraph{A new generation} of educational math assistants (EMAs)
   527 % is emerging presently, which is based on Theorem Proving (TP). TP, for
   528 % instance Isabelle and Coq, is a technology which requires each fact
   529 % and each action justified by formal logic. Pushed by demands for
   530 % \textit{proven} correctness of safety-critical software TP advances
   531 % into software engineering; from these advancements computer
   532 % mathematics benefits in general, and math education in particular. Two
   533 % features of TP are immediately beneficial for learning:
   534 % 
   535 % \paragraph{TP have knowledge in human readable format,} that is in
   536 % standard predicate calculus. TP following the LCF-tradition have that
   537 % knowledge down to the basic definitions of set, equality,
   538 % etc~\footnote{};
   539 % following the typical deductive development of math, natural numbers
   540 % are defined and their properties
   541 % proven~\footnote{\_Theory/Primes.html},
   542 % etc. Present knowledge mechanized in TP exceeds high-school
   543 % mathematics by far, however by knowledge required in software
   544 % technology, and not in other engineering sciences.
   545 % 
   546 % \paragraph{TP can model the whole problem solving process} in
   547 % mathematical problem solving {\em within} a coherent logical
   548 % framework. This is already being done by three projects, by
   549 % Ralph-Johan Back, by ActiveMath and by Carnegie Mellon Tutor.
   550 % \par
   551 % Having the whole problem solving process within a logical coherent
   552 % system, such a design guarantees correctness of intermediate steps and
   553 % of the result (which seems essential for math software); and the
   554 % second advantage is that TP provides a wealth of theories which can be
   555 % exploited for mechanizing other features essential for educational
   556 % software.
   557 % 
   558 % \subsubsection{Generation of User Guidance in EMAs}\label{user-guid}
   559 % 
   560 % One essential feature for educational software is feedback to user
   561 % input and assistance in coming to a solution.
   562 % 
   563 % \paragraph{Checking user input} by ATP during stepwise problem solving
   564 % is being accomplished by the three projects mentioned above
   565 % exclusively. They model the whole problem solving process as mentioned
   566 % above, so all what happens between formalized assumptions (or formal
   567 % specification) and goal (or fulfilled postcondition) can be
   568 % mechanized. Such mechanization promises to greatly extend the scope of
   569 % educational software in stepwise problem solving.
   570 % 
   571 % \paragraph{NSG (Next step guidance)} comprises the system's ability to
   572 % propose a next step; this is a challenge for TP: either a radical
   573 % restriction of the search space by restriction to very specific
   574 % problem classes is required, or much care and effort is required in
   575 % designing possible variants in the process of problem solving
   576 % \cite{proof-strategies-11}.
   577 % \par
   578 % Another approach is restricted to problem solving in engineering
   579 % domains, where a problem is specified by input, precondition, output
   580 % and postcondition, and where the postcondition is proven by ATP behind
   581 % the scenes: Here the possible variants in the process of problem
   582 % solving are provided with feedback {\em automatically}, if the problem
   583 % is described in a TP-based programing language: \cite{plmms10} the
   584 % programmer only describes the math algorithm without caring about
   585 % interaction (the respective program is functional and even has no
   586 % input or output statements!); interaction is generated as a
   587 % side-effect by the interpreter --- an efficient separation of concern
   588 % between math programmers and dialog designers promising application
   589 % all over engineering disciplines.
   590 % 
   591 % 
   592 % \subsubsection{Math Authoring in Isabelle/ISAC\label{math-auth}}
   593 % Authoring new mathematics knowledge in {{\sisac}} can be compared with
   594 % ``application programing'' of engineering problems; most of such
   595 % programing uses CAS-based programing languages (CAS = Computer Algebra
   596 % Systems; e.g. Mathematica's or Maple's programing language).
   597 % 
   598 % \paragraph{A novel type of TP-based language} is used by {{\sisac}{}}
   599 % \cite{plmms10} for describing how to construct a solution to an
   600 % engineering problem and for calling equation solvers, integration,
   601 % etc~\footnote{Implementation of CAS-like functionality in TP is not
   602 % primarily concerned with efficiency, but with a didactic question:
   603 % What to decide for: for high-brow algorithms at the state-of-the-art
   604 % or for elementary algorithms comprehensible for students?} within TP;
   605 % TP can ensure ``systems that never make a mistake'' \cite{casproto} -
   606 % are impossible for CAS which have no logics underlying.
   607 % 
   608 % \subparagraph{Authoring is perfect} by writing such TP based programs;
   609 % the application programmer is not concerned with interaction or with
   610 % user guidance: this is concern of a novel kind of program interpreter
   611 % called Lucas-Interpreter. This interpreter hands over control to a
   612 % dialog component at each step of calculation (like a debugger at
   613 % breakpoints) and calls automated TP to check user input following
   614 % personalized strategies according to a feedback module.
   615 % \par
   616 % However ``application programing with TP'' is not done with writing a
   617 % program: according to the principles of TP, each step must be
   618 % justified. Such justifications are given by theorems. So all steps
   619 % must be related to some theorem, if there is no such theorem it must
   620 % be added to the existing knowledge, which is organized in so-called
   621 % \textbf{theories} in Isabelle. A theorem must be proven; fortunately
   622 % Isabelle comprises a mechanism (called ``axiomatization''), which
   623 % allows to omit proofs. Such a theorem is shown in
   624 % Example~\ref{eg:neuper1}.
   626 The running example requires to determine the inverse $\cal
   627 Z$-transform for a class of functions. The domain of Signal Processing
   628 is accustomed to specific notation for the resulting functions, which
   629 are absolutely summable and are called step-response: $u[n]$, where $u$ is the
   630 function, $n$ is the argument and the brackets indicate that the
   631 arguments are discrete. Surprisingly, Isabelle accepts the rules for
   632 ${\cal Z}^{-1}$ in this traditional notation~\footnote{Isabelle
   633 experts might be particularly surprised, that the brackets do not
   634 cause errors in typing (as lists).}:
   635 %\vbox{
   636 % \begin{example}
   637   \label{eg:neuper1}
   638   {\footnotesize\begin{tabbing}
   639   123\=123\=123\=123\=\kill
   641   \>axiomatization where \\
   642   \>\>  rule1: ``${\cal Z}^{-1}\;1 = \delta [n]$'' and\\
   643   \>\>  rule2: ``$\vert\vert z \vert\vert > 1 \Rightarrow {\cal Z}^{-1}\;z / (z - 1) = u [n]$'' and\\
   644   \>\>  rule3: ``$\vert\vert$ z $\vert\vert$ < 1 ==> z / (z - 1) = -u [-n - 1]'' and \\
   645 %TODO
   646   \>\>  rule4: ``$\vert\vert$ z $\vert\vert$ > $\vert\vert$ $\alpha$ $\vert\vert$ ==> z / (z - $\alpha$) = $\alpha^n$ $\cdot$ u [n]'' and\\
   647 %TODO
   648   \>\>  rule5: ``$\vert\vert$ z $\vert\vert$ < $\vert\vert$ $\alpha$ $\vert\vert$ ==> z / (z - $\alpha$) = -($\alpha^n$) $\cdot$ u [-n - 1]'' and\\
   649 %TODO
   650   \>\>  rule6: ``$\vert\vert$ z $\vert\vert$ > 1 ==> z/(z - 1)$^2$ = n $\cdot$ u [n]''
   651 %TODO
   652   \end{tabbing}}
   653 % \end{example}
   654 %}
   655 These 6 rules can be used as conditional rewrite rules, depending on
   656 the respective convergence radius. Satisfaction from accordance with traditional notation
   657 contrasts with the above word {\em axiomatization}: As TP-based, the
   658 programming language expects these rules as {\em proved} theorems, and
   659 not as axioms implemented in the above brute force manner; otherwise
   660 all the verification efforts envisaged (like proof of the
   661 post-condition, see below) would be meaningless.
   663 Isabelle provides a large body of knowledge, rigorously proven from
   664 the basic axioms of mathematics~\footnote{This way of rigorously
   665 deriving all knowledge from first principles is called the
   666 LCF-paradigm in TP.}. In the case of the ${\cal Z}$-Transform the most advanced
   667 knowledge can be found in the theoris on Multivariate
   668 Analysis~\footnote{\_Analysis}. However,
   669 building up knowledge such that a proof for the above rules would be
   670 reasonably short and easily comprehensible, still requires lots of
   671 work (and is definitely out of scope of our case study).
   673 At the state-of-the-art in mechanization of knowledge in engineering
   674 sciences, the process does not stop with the mechanization of
   675 mathematics traditionally used in these sciences. Rather, ``Formal
   676 Methods''~\cite{ fm-03} are expected to proceed to formal and explicit
   677 description of physical items.  Signal Processing, for instance is
   678 concerned with physical devices for signal acquisition and
   679 reconstruction, which involve measuring a physical signal, storing it,
   680 and possibly later rebuilding the original signal or an approximation
   681 thereof. For digital systems, this typically includes sampling and
   682 quantization; devices for signal compression, including audio
   683 compression, image compression, and video compression, etc.  ``Domain
   684 engineering''\cite{db:dom-eng} is concerned with {\em specification}
   685 of these devices' components and features; this part in the process of
   686 mechanization is only at the beginning in domains like Signal
   687 Processing.
   689 TP-based programming, concern of this paper, is determined to
   690 add ``algorithmic knowledge'' to the mechanised body of knowledge.
   691 % in Fig.\ref{fig:mathuni} on
   692 % p.\pageref{fig:mathuni}.  As we shall see below, TP-based programming
   693 % starts with a formal {\em specification} of the problem to be solved.
   694 % \begin{figure}
   695 %   \begin{center}
   696 %     \includegraphics[width=110mm]{../../fig/jrocnik/math-universe-small}
   697 %     \caption{The three-dimensional universe of mathematics knowledge}
   698 %     \label{fig:mathuni}
   699 %   \end{center}
   700 % \end{figure}
   701 % The language for both axes is defined in the axis at the bottom, deductive
   702 % knowledge, in {\sisac} represented by Isabelle's theories.
   704 \subsection{Preparation of Simplifiers for the Program}\label{simp}
   706 All evaluation in the prototyp's Lucas-Interpreter is done by term rewriting on
   707 Isabelle's terms, see \S\ref{meth} below; in this section some of respective
   708 preparations are described. In order to work reliably with term rewriting, the
   709 respective rule-sets must be confluent and terminating~\cite{nipk:rew-all-that},
   710 then they are called (canonical) simplifiers. These properties do not go without
   711 saying, their establishment is a difficult task for the programmer; this task is
   712 not yet supported in the prototype.\par
   714 % If it is clear how the later calculation should look like
   715 % %WN3 ... Allgem.<-->Konkret ist gut: aber hier ist 'calculation'
   716 % %WN3 zu weit weg: der Satz geh"ort bestenfalls gleich an den
   717 % %WN3 Anfang von \sect.3
   718 % %WN3 
   719 % %WN3 Im Folgenden sind einige Ungenauigkeiten:
   720 %  and when
   721 % which mathematic rule 
   722 % %WN3 rewrite-rule oder theorem ! Ein Paper enth"alt viele Begriffe
   723 % %WN3 und man versucht, die Anzahl so gering wie m"oglich zu halten
   724 % %WN3 und die verbleibenden so pr"azise zu definieren wie m"oglich;
   725 % %WN3 das Vermeiden von Wiederholungen muss mit anderen Mitteln erfolgen,
   726 % %WN3 als dieselbe Sache mit verschiedenen Namen zu benennen;
   727 % %WN3 das gilt insbesonders f"ur technische Begriffe wie oben
   728 % should be applied, it can be started to find ways of
   729 % simplifications. 
   730 % %WN3 ... zu allgemein. Das Folgende w"urde durch einen Verweis in
   731 % %WN3 das Programm auf S.12 gewinnen.
   732 % This includes in e.g. the simplification of reational 
   733 % expressions or also rewrites of an expession.
   734 % \par
   735 % %WN3 das Folgende habe ich aus dem Beispielprogramm auf S.12
   736 % %WN3 gestrichen, weil es aus prinzipiellen Gr"unden unsch"on ist.
   737 % %WN3 Und es ist so kompliziert dass es mehr Platz zum Erkl"aren
   738 % %WN3 braucht, als es wert ist ...
   739 % Obligate is the use of the function \texttt{drop\_questionmarks} 
   740 % which excludes irrelevant symbols out of the expression. (Irrelevant symbols may 
   741 % be result out of the system during the calculation. The function has to be
   742 % applied for two reasons. First two make every placeholder in a expression 
   743 % useable as a constant and second to provide a better view at the frontend.) 
   744 % \par
   745 % %WN3 Da kommt eine ganze Reihe von Ungenauigkeiten:
   746 % Most rewrites are represented through rulesets
   747 % %WN3 ... das ist schlicht falsch:
   748 % %WN3 _alle_ rewrites werden durch rule-sets erzeugt (per definition
   749 % %WN3 dieser W"orter).
   750 %  this
   751 % rulesets tell the machine which terms have to be rewritten into which
   752 % representation. 
   753 % %WN3 ... ist ein besonders "uberzeugendes Beispiel von Allgem.<-->Konkret:
   754 % %WN3 so allgemein, wie es hier steht, ist es
   755 % %WN3 # f"ur einen Fachmann klar und nicht ganz fachgem"ass formuliert
   756 % %WN3   (a rule-set rewrites a certain term into another with certain properties)
   757 % %WN3 # f"ur einen Nicht-Fachmann trotz allem unverst"andlich.
   758 % %WN3 
   759 % %WN3 Wenn schon allgemeine S"atze, dann unmittelbar auf das Beispiel
   760 % %WN3 unten verweisen,
   761 % %WN3 oder besser: den Satz dorthin schreiben, wo er unmittelbar vom
   762 % %WN3 Beispiel gefolgt wird.
   763 % In the upcoming programm a rewrite can be applied only in using
   764 % such rulesets on existing terms.
   765 % %WN3 Du willst wohl soetwas sagen wie ...
   766 % %WN3 rewriting is the main concept to step-wise create and transform 
   767 % %WN3 formulas in order to proceed towards a solution of a problem
   768 % %WN3 ...?
   769 % \paragraph{The core} of our implemented problem is the Z-Transformation
   770 % %WN3 ^^^^^ ist nicht gut: was soll THE CORE vermitteln, wenn man die
   771 % %WN3 Seite "uberfliegt ? Dass hier das Zentrum Deiner Arbeit liegt ?
   772 % %WN3 
   773 % %WN3 Das Folgende ist eine allgemeine Design-"Uberlegung, die entweder
   774 % %WN3 vorne zur Einf"uhrung des Beispiels geh"ort,
   775 % %WN3 oder zur konkreten L"osung durch die Rechnung auf S.15/16.
   776 % (remember the description of the running example, introduced by
   777 % Fig.\ref{fig-interactive} on p.\pageref{fig-interactive}) due the fact that the
   778 % transformation itself would require higher math which isn't yet avaible in our system we decided to choose the way like it is applied in labratory and problem classes at our university - by applying transformation rules (collected in
   779 % transformation tables).
   780 % \par
   781 % %WN3 Zum Folgenden: 'axiomatization' ist schon in 3.1. angesprochen:
   782 % %WN3 entweder dort erg"anzen, wenn's wichtig ist, oder weglassen.
   783 % Rules, in {\sisac{}}'s programming language can be designed by the use of
   784 % axiomatization. In this axiomatization we declare how a term has to look like
   785 % (left side) to be rewritten into another form (right side). Every line of this 
   786 % axiomatizations starts with the name of the rule.
   788 The prototype rewrites using theorems only. Axioms which are theorems as well 
   789 have been already shown in \S\ref{eg:neuper1} on p.\pageref{eg:neuper1} , we
   790 assemble them in a rule-set and apply them as follows:
   792 % %WN3 Die folgenden Zeilen nehmen Platz weg: von hier auf S.6 verweisen
   793 % %\begin{example}
   794 % {\footnotesize
   795 %   \label{eg:ruledef}
   796 % %  \hfill\\
   797 %   \begin{verbatim}
   798 %   axiomatization where
   799 %     rule1: ``1 = $\delta$[n]'' and
   800 %     rule2: ``|| z || > 1 ==> z / (z - 1) = u [n]'' and
   801 %     rule3: ``|| z || < 1 ==> z / (z - 1) = -u [-n - 1]''
   802 % \end{verbatim}
   803 % %\end{example}
   804 % }
   806 % Rules can be summarized in a ruleset (collection of rules) and afterwards tried % to be applied to a given expression as puttet over in following code.
   807 %WN3 ... ist schon mehrmals gesagt worden. 1-mal pr"azise sagen gen"ugt.
   808 %WN3 
   809 %WN3 mit dem append_rls unten verbirgst Du die ganze Komplexit"at von
   810 %WN3 rule-sets --- ich w"urde diese hier ausbreiten, damit man die
   811 %WN3 Schwierigkeit von TP-based programming ermessen kann.
   812 %WN3 Eine Erkl"arung wie in 3.4 und 3.5 braucht viel Platz, der sich
   813 %WN3 meines Erachtens mehr auszahlt als die allgemeinen S"atze 
   814 %WN3 am Ende von 3.2 auf S.8.
   815 %WN3 
   816 %WN3 mache ein 'grep -r "and rls";
   817 %WN3 auch in Build_Inverse_Z_Transform.thy hast Du 'Rls'
   819 %\begin{example}
   820 %  \hfill\\
   822   \label{eg:ruleapp}
   823   \begin{enumerate}
   825   \item Store rules in ruleset:
   826   {\footnotesize\begin{verbatim}
   827 01  val inverse_Z = append_rls "inverse_Z" e_rls
   828 02    [ Thm ("rule1",num_str @{thm rule1}),
   829 03      Thm ("rule2",num_str @{thm rule2}),
   830 04      Thm ("rule3",num_str @{thm rule3})
   831 05    ];\end{verbatim}}
   833   \item Define exression:
   834   {\footnotesize\begin{verbatim}
   835 06  val sample_term = str2term "z/(z-1)+z/(z-</delta>)+1";\end{verbatim}}
   838 %WN3 vergleiche bitte obige Zeile mit den letzten 3 Zeilen aus S.8,
   839 %WN3 diese entsprechen dem g"angigen functional-programming Stil.
   844 %WN3 Super w"ar's, wenn Du hier schon die interne Darstellung von
   845 %WN3 Isabelle Termen zeigen k"onntest, dann w"urde ich den entsprechenden Teil
   846 %WN3 am Ende von S.8 und Anfang S.9 (erste 2.1 Zeilen) l"oschen.
   848 %JR ich habe einige male über seite acht gelesen, finde aber dass der teil über
   849 %JR die interne representation dorthin besser passt da diese in unserem 
   850 %JR gezeigten beispiel ja in direkter verbindung zur gezeigtem funktion besteht
   851 %JR und so der übergang exzellent ist.
   853   \item Apply ruleset:
   854   {\footnotesize\begin{verbatim}
   855 07  val SOME (sample_term', asm) = 
   856 08    rewrite_set_ thy true inverse_Z sample_term;\end{verbatim}}
   858   \end{enumerate}
   859 %\end{example}
   861 %WN3 Wie oben gesagt, die folgenden allgemeinen S"atze scheinen
   862 %WN3 weniger wert als eine konkrete Beschreibung der rls-Struktur.
   863 %WN3 
   864 %WN3 Ich nehme an, wir l"oschen das Folgende
   865 %WN3 und ich spare mir Kommentare (ausser Du hast noch Zeit/Energie
   866 %WN3 daf"ur und fragst extra nach).
   868 % The use of rulesets makes it much easier to develop our designated applications,
   869 % but the programmer has to be careful and patient. When applying rulesets
   870 % two important issues have to be mentionend:
   871 % \begin{enumerate}
   872 % \item How often the rules have to be applied? In case of
   873 % transformations it is quite clear that we use them once but other fields
   874 % reuqire to apply rules until a special condition is reached (e.g.
   875 % a simplification is finished when there is nothing to be done left).
   876 % \item The order in which rules are applied often takes a big effect
   877 % and has to be evaluated for each purpose once again.
   878 % \end{enumerate}
   879 % In the special case of Signal Processing the rules defined in the
   880 % Example upwards have to be applied in a dedicated order to transform all 
   881 % constants first of all. After this first transformation step has been done it no 
   882 % mather which rule fit's next.
   884 %WN3 Beim Paper-Schreiben ist mir aufgefallen, dass eine Konstante ZZ_1
   885 %WN3 (f"ur ${\cal Z}^{-1}$) die eben beschriebenen Probleme gel"ost
   886 %WN3 h"atte: auf S.6 in rule1, auf S.12 in line 10 und in der Rechnung S.16
   887 %WN3 hab' ich die Konstante schon eingef"uhrt.
   888 %WN3 
   889 %WN3 Bite bei der rewrite_set_ demo oben bitte schummeln !
   891 %JR TODO es is klein z bitte auf S.6 in rule1, auf S.12 in line 10 ausbessern
   892 %JR  ${\cal z}^{-1}$
   895 In the first step of upper code we extend the method's own ruleset with
   896 the predefined rules.\par
   897 When adding rules to this set we already have to take care on the order the
   898 rules we be applied in later context, this can be an important point when it
   899 comes to a case where one rule has to be applied explicite before an other.
   900 \par Rules are added to the ruleset with an unique name and a reference to their
   901 defined theorem. After summerizing this rules we still have the posibility to
   902 pick out a single one.
   903 \par In upper example we define an expression, as it comes up in our running
   904 example, it can be useful to take a look at \S\ref{funs} on p.\pageref{funs} to
   905 get to know {\sisac}'s' internal representation of variables.
   906 \par Upper step three is the final use of a ruleset for rewriting expression.
   907 The inline declared \ttfamily sample\_term' \normalfont is the result of applying the upper
   908 rule set one time to the before defined \texttt{sample\_term'}.
   911 \subsection{Preparation of ML-Functions}\label{funs}
   912 Some functionality required in programming, cannot be accomplished by
   913 rewriting. So the prototype has a mechanism to call functions within
   914 the rewrite-engine: certain redexes in Isabelle terms call these
   915 functions written in SML~\cite{pl:milner97}, the implementation {\em
   916 and} meta-language of Isabelle. The programmer has to use this
   917 mechanism.
   919 In the running example's program on p.\pageref{s:impl} the lines {\rm
   920 05} and {\rm 06} contain such functions; we go into the details with
   921 \textit{argument\_in X\_z;}. This function fetches the argument from a
   922 function application: Line {\rm 03} in the example calculation on
   923 p.\pageref{exp-calc} is created by line {\rm 06} of the example
   924 program on p.\pageref{s:impl} where the program's environment assigns
   925 the value \textit{X z} to the variable \textit{X\_z}; so the function
   926 shall extract the argument \textit{z}.
   928 \medskip In order to be recognised as a function constant in the
   929 program source the constant needs to be declared in a theory, here in
   930 \textit{Build\_Inverse\_Z\_Transform.thy}; then it can be parsed in
   931 the context \textit{ctxt} of that theory:
   933 {\footnotesize
   934 \begin{verbatim}
   935    consts
   936      argument'_in :: "real => real" ("argument'_in _" 10)
   937 \end{verbatim}}
   939 %^3.2^    ML {* val SOME t = parse ctxt "argument_in (X z)"; *}
   940 %^3.2^    val t = Const ("Build_Inverse_Z_Transform.argument'_in", "RealDef.real ⇒ RealDef.real") 
   941 %^3.2^              $ (Free ("X", "RealDef.real ⇒ RealDef.real") $ Free ("z", "RealDef.real")): term
   942 %^3.2^ \end{verbatim}}
   943 %^3.2^ 
   944 %^3.2^ \noindent Parsing produces a term \texttt{t} in internal
   945 %^3.2^ representation~\footnote{The attentive reader realizes the 
   946 %^3.2^ differences between interal and extermal representation even in the
   947 %^3.2^ strings, i.e \texttt{'\_}}, consisting of \texttt{Const
   948 %^3.2^ ("argument'\_in", type)} and the two variables \texttt{Free ("X",
   949 %^3.2^ type)} and \texttt{Free ("z", type)}, \texttt{\$} is the term
   950 %^3.2^ constructor. 
   951 The function body below is implemented directly in SML,
   952 i.e in an \texttt{ML \{* *\}} block; the function definition provides
   953 a unique prefix \texttt{eval\_} to the function name:
   955 {\footnotesize
   956 \begin{verbatim}
   957    ML {*
   958      fun eval_argument_in _ 
   959        "Build_Inverse_Z_Transform.argument'_in" 
   960        (t as (Const ("Build_Inverse_Z_Transform.argument'_in", _) $ (f $ arg))) _ =
   961          if is_Free arg (*could be something to be simplified before*)
   962          then SOME (term2str t ^ " = " ^ term2str arg, Trueprop $ (mk_equality (t, arg)))
   963          else NONE
   964      | eval_argument_in _ _ _ _ = NONE;
   965    *}
   966 \end{verbatim}}
   968 \noindent The function body creates either creates \texttt{NONE}
   969 telling the rewrite-engine to search for the next redex, or creates an
   970 ad-hoc theorem for rewriting, thus the programmer needs to adopt many
   971 technicalities of Isabelle, for instance, the \textit{Trueprop}
   972 constant.
   974 \bigskip This sub-task particularly sheds light on basic issues in the
   975 design of a programming language, the integration of diffent language
   976 layers, the layer of Isabelle/Isar and Isabelle/ML.
   978 Another point of improvement for the prototype is the rewrite-engine: The
   979 program on p.\pageref{s:impl} would not allow to contract the two lines {\rm 05}
   980 and {\rm 06} to
   982 {\small\it\label{s:impl}
   983 \begin{tabbing}
   984 123l\=123\=123\=123\=123\=123\=123\=((x\=123\=(x \=123\=123\=\kill
   985 \>{\rm 05/6}\>\>\>  (z::real) = argument\_in (lhs X\_eq) ;
   986 \end{tabbing}}
   988 \noindent because nested function calls would require creating redexes
   989 inside-out; however, the prototype's rewrite-engine only works top down
   990 from the root of a term down to the leaves.
   992 How all these technicalities are to be checked in the prototype is 
   993 shown in \S\ref{flow-prep} below.
   995 % \paragraph{Explicit Problems} require explicit methods to solve them, and within
   996 % this methods we have some explicit steps to do. This steps can be unique for
   997 % a special problem or refindable in other problems. No mather what case, such
   998 % steps often require some technical functions behind. For the solving process
   999 % of the Inverse Z Transformation and the corresponding partial fraction it was
  1000 % neccessary to build helping functions like \texttt{get\_denominator},
  1001 % \texttt{get\_numerator} or \texttt{argument\_in}. First two functions help us
  1002 % to filter the denominator or numerator out of a fraction, last one helps us to
  1003 % get to know the bound variable in a equation.
  1004 % \par
  1005 % By taking \texttt{get\_denominator} as an example, we want to explain how to 
  1006 % implement new functions into the existing system and how we can later use them
  1007 % in our program.
  1008 % 
  1009 % \subsubsection{Find a place to Store the Function}
  1010 % 
  1011 % The whole system builds up on a well defined structure of Knowledge. This
  1012 % Knowledge sets up at the Path:
  1013 % \begin{center}\ttfamily src/Tools/isac/Knowledge\normalfont\end{center}
  1014 % For implementing the Function \texttt{get\_denominator} (which let us extract
  1015 % the denominator out of a fraction) we have choosen the Theory (file)
  1016 % \texttt{Rational.thy}.
  1017 % 
  1018 % \subsubsection{Write down the new Function}
  1019 % 
  1020 % In upper Theory we now define the new function and its purpose:
  1021 % \begin{verbatim}
  1022 %   get_denominator :: "real => real"
  1023 % \end{verbatim}
  1024 % This command tells the machine that a function with the name
  1025 % \texttt{get\_denominator} exists which gets a real expression as argument and
  1026 % returns once again a real expression. Now we are able to implement the function
  1027 % itself, upcoming example now shows the implementation of
  1028 % \texttt{get\_denominator}.
  1029 % 
  1030 % %\begin{example}
  1031 %   \label{eg:getdenom}
  1032 %   \begin{verbatim}
  1033 % 
  1034 % 01  (*
  1035 % 02   *("get_denominator",
  1036 % 03   *  ("Rational.get_denominator", eval_get_denominator ""))
  1037 % 04   *)
  1038 % 05  fun eval_get_denominator (thmid:string) _ 
  1039 % 06            (t as Const ("Rational.get_denominator", _) $
  1040 % 07                (Const ("Rings.inverse_class.divide", _) $num 
  1041 % 08                  $denom)) thy = 
  1042 % 09          SOME (mk_thmid thmid "" 
  1043 % 10              (Print_Mode.setmp [] 
  1044 % 11                (Syntax.string_of_term (thy2ctxt thy)) denom) "", 
  1045 % 12              Trueprop $ (mk_equality (t, denom)))
  1046 % 13    | eval_get_denominator _ _ _ _ = NONE;\end{verbatim}
  1047 % %\end{example}
  1048 % 
  1049 % Line \texttt{07} and \texttt{08} are describing the mode of operation the best -
  1050 % there is a fraction\\ (\ttfamily Rings.inverse\_class.divide\normalfont) 
  1051 % splittet
  1052 % into its two parts (\texttt{\$num \$denom}). The lines before are additionals
  1053 % commands for declaring the function and the lines after are modeling and 
  1054 % returning a real variable out of \texttt{\$denom}.
  1055 % 
  1056 % \subsubsection{Add a test for the new Function}
  1057 % 
  1058 % \paragraph{Everytime when adding} a new function it is essential also to add
  1059 % a test for it. Tests for all functions are sorted in the same structure as the
  1060 % knowledge it self and can be found up from the path:
  1061 % \begin{center}\ttfamily test/Tools/isac/Knowledge\normalfont\end{center}
  1062 % This tests are nothing very special, as a first prototype the functionallity
  1063 % of a function can be checked by evaluating the result of a simple expression
  1064 % passed to the function. Example~\ref{eg:getdenomtest} shows the test for our
  1065 % \textit{just} created function \texttt{get\_denominator}.
  1066 % 
  1067 % %\begin{example}
  1068 % \label{eg:getdenomtest}
  1069 % \begin{verbatim}
  1070 % 
  1071 % 01 val thy = @{theory Isac};
  1072 % 02 val t = term_of (the (parse thy "get_denominator ((a +x)/b)"));
  1073 % 03 val SOME (_, t') = eval_get_denominator "" 0 t thy;
  1074 % 04 if term2str t' = "get_denominator ((a + x) / b) = b" then ()
  1075 % 05 else error "get_denominator ((a + x) / b) = b" \end{verbatim}
  1076 % %\end{example}
  1077 % 
  1078 % \begin{description}
  1079 % \item[01] checks if the proofer set up on our {\sisac{}} System.
  1080 % \item[02] passes a simple expression (fraction) to our suddenly created
  1081 %           function.
  1082 % \item[04] checks if the resulting variable is the correct one (in this case
  1083 %           ``b'' the denominator) and returns.
  1084 % \item[05] handels the error case and reports that the function is not able to
  1085 %           solve the given problem.
  1086 % \end{description}
  1088 \subsection{Specification of the Problem}\label{spec}
  1089 %WN <--> \chapter 7 der Thesis
  1090 %WN die Argumentation unten sollte sich NUR auf Verifikation beziehen..
  1092 Mechanical treatment requires to translate a textual problem
  1093 description like in Fig.\ref{fig-interactive} on
  1094 p.\pageref{fig-interactive} into a {\em formal} specification. The
  1095 formal specification of the running example could look like is this:
  1097 %WN Hier brauchen wir die Spezifikation des 'running example' ...
  1098 %JR Habe input, output und precond vom Beispiel eingefügt brauche aber Hilfe bei
  1099 %JR der post condition - die existiert für uns ja eigentlich nicht aka
  1100 %JR haben sie bis jetzt nicht beachtet WN...
  1101 %WN2 Mein Vorschlag ist, das TODO zu lassen und deutlich zu kommentieren.
  1102 %JR2 done
  1104 \label{eg:neuper2}
  1105 {\small\begin{tabbing}
  1106   123\=123\=postcond \=: \= $\forall \,A^\prime\, u^\prime \,v^\prime.\,$\=\kill
  1107   %\hfill \\
  1108   \>Specification:\\
  1109   \>  \>input    \>: ${\it filterExpression} \;\;X\;z=\frac{3}{z-\frac{1}{4}+-\frac{1}{8}*\frac{1}{z}}, \;{\it domain}\;\mathbb{R}-\{\frac{1}{2}, \frac{-1}{4}\}$\\
  1110   \>\>precond  \>: $\frac{3}{z-\frac{1}{4}+-\frac{1}{8}*\frac{1}{z}}\;\; {\it continuous\_on}\; \mathbb{R}-\{\frac{1}{2}, \frac{-1}{4}\}$ \\
  1111   \>\>output   \>: stepResponse $x[n]$ \\
  1112   \>\>postcond \>: TODO
  1113 \end{tabbing}}
  1115 %JR wie besprochen, kein remark, keine begründung, nur simples "nicht behandelt"
  1117 % \begin{remark}
  1118 %    Defining the postcondition requires a high amount mathematical 
  1119 %    knowledge, the difficult part in our case is not to set up this condition 
  1120 %    nor it is more to define it in a way the interpreter is able to handle it. 
  1121 %    Due the fact that implementing that mechanisms is quite the same amount as 
  1122 %    creating the programm itself, it is not avaible in our prototype.
  1123 %    \label{rm:postcond}
  1124 % \end{remark}
  1126 The implementation of the formal specification in the present
  1127 prototype, still bar-bones without support for authoring, is done
  1128 like that:
  1129 %WN Kopie von Inverse_Z_Transform.thy, leicht versch"onert:
  1131 {\footnotesize\label{exp-spec}
  1132 \begin{verbatim}
  1133    00 ML {*
  1134    01  store_specification
  1135    02    (prepare_specification
  1136    03      "pbl_SP_Ztrans_inv"
  1137    04      ["Jan Rocnik"]
  1138    05      thy
  1139    06      ( ["Inverse", "Z_Transform", "SignalProcessing"],
  1140    07        [ ("#Given", ["filterExpression X_eq", "domain D"]),
  1141    08          ("#Pre"  , ["(rhs X_eq) is_continuous_in D"]),
  1142    09          ("#Find" , ["stepResponse n_eq"]),
  1143    10          ("#Post" , [" TODO "])])
  1144    11        prls
  1145    12        NONE
  1146    13        [["SignalProcessing","Z_Transform","Inverse"]]);
  1147    14 *}
  1148 \end{verbatim}}
  1150 Although the above details are partly very technical, we explain them
  1151 in order to document some intricacies of TP-based programming in the
  1152 present state of the {\sisac} prototype:
  1153 \begin{description}
  1154 \item[01..02]\textit{store\_specification:} stores the result of the
  1155 function \textit{prep\_specification} in a global reference
  1156 \textit{Unsynchronized.ref}, which causes principal conflicts with
  1157 Isabelle's asyncronous document model~\cite{Wenzel-11:doc-orient} and
  1158 parallel execution~\cite{Makarius-09:parall-proof} and is under
  1159 reconstruction already.
  1161 \textit{prep\_specification:} translates the specification to an internal format
  1162 which allows efficient processing; see for instance line {\rm 07}
  1163 below.
  1164 \item[03..04] are a unique identifier for the specification within {\sisac}
  1165 and the ``mathematics author'' holding the copy-rights.
  1166 \item[05] is the Isabelle \textit{theory} required to parse the
  1167 specification in lines {\rm 07..10}.
  1168 \item[06] is a key into the tree of all specifications as presented to
  1169 the user (where some branches might be hidden by the dialog
  1170 component).
  1171 \item[07..10] are the specification with input, pre-condition, output
  1172 and post-condition respectively; note that the specification contains
  1173 variables to be instantiated with concrete values for a concrete problem ---
  1174 thus the specification actually captures a class of problems. The post-condition is not handled in
  1175 the prototype presently.
  1176 \item[11] is a rule-set (defined elsewhere) for evaluation of the pre-condition: \textit{(rhs X\_eq) is\_continuous\_in D}, instantiated with the values of a concrete problem, evaluates to true or false --- and all evaluation is done by
  1177 rewriting determined by rule-sets.
  1178 \item[12]\textit{NONE:} could be \textit{SOME ``solve ...''} for a
  1179 problem associated to a function from Computer Algebra (like an
  1180 equation solver) which is not the case here.
  1181 \item[13] is a list of methods solving the specified problem (here
  1182 only one list item) represented analogously to {\rm 06}.
  1183 \end{description}
  1186 %WN die folgenden Erkl"arungen finden sich durch "grep -r 'datatype pbt' *"
  1187 %WN ...
  1188 %  type pbt = 
  1189 %     {guh  : guh,         (*unique within this isac-knowledge*)
  1190 %      mathauthors: string list, (*copyright*)
  1191 %      init  : pblID,      (*to start refinement with*)
  1192 %      thy   : theory,     (* which allows to compile that pbt
  1193 %			  TODO: search generalized for subthy (ref.p.69*)
  1194 %      (*^^^ WN050912 NOT used during application of the problem,
  1195 %       because applied terms may be from 'subthy' as well as from super;
  1196 %       thus we take 'maxthy'; see match_ags !*)
  1197 %      cas   : term option,(*'CAS-command'*)
  1198 %      prls  : rls,        (* for preds in where_*)
  1199 %      where_: term list,  (* where - predicates*)
  1200 %      ppc   : pat list,
  1201 %      (*this is the model-pattern; 
  1202 %       it contains "#Given","#Where","#Find","#Relate"-patterns
  1203 %       for constraints on identifiers see "fun cpy_nam"*)
  1204 %      met   : metID list}; (* methods solving the pbt*)
  1205 %
  1206 %WN weil dieser Code sehr unaufger"aumt ist, habe ich die Erkl"arungen
  1207 %WN oben selbst geschrieben.
  1212 %WN das w"urde ich in \sec\label{progr} verschieben und
  1213 %WN das SubProblem partial fractions zum Erkl"aren verwenden.
  1214 % Such a specification is checked before the execution of a program is
  1215 % started, the same applies for sub-programs. In the following example
  1216 % (Example~\ref{eg:subprob}) shows the call of such a subproblem:
  1217 % 
  1218 % \vbox{
  1219 %   \begin{example}
  1220 %   \label{eg:subprob}
  1221 %   \hfill \\
  1222 %   {\ttfamily \begin{tabbing}
  1223 %   ``(L\_L::bool list) = (\=SubProblem (\=Test','' \\
  1224 %   ``\>\>[linear,univariate,equation,test],'' \\
  1225 %   ``\>\>[Test,solve\_linear])'' \\
  1226 %   ``\>[BOOL equ, REAL z])'' \\
  1227 %   \end{tabbing}
  1228 %   }
  1229 %   {\small\textit{
  1230 %     \noindent If a program requires a result which has to be
  1231 % calculated first we can use a subproblem to do so. In our specific
  1232 % case we wanted to calculate the zeros of a fraction and used a
  1233 % subproblem to calculate the zeros of the denominator polynom.
  1234 %     }}
  1235 %   \end{example}
  1236 % }
  1238 \subsection{Implementation of the Method}\label{meth}
  1239 A method collects all data required to interpret a certain program by
  1240 Lucas-Interpretation. The \texttt{program} from p.\pageref{s:impl} of
  1241 the running example is embedded on the last line in the following method:
  1242 %The methods represent the different ways a problem can be solved. This can
  1243 %include mathematical tactics as well as tactics taught in different courses.
  1244 %Declaring the Method itself gives us the possibilities to describe the way of 
  1245 %calculation in deep, as well we get the oppertunities to build in different
  1246 %rulesets.
  1248 {\footnotesize
  1249 \begin{verbatim}
  1250    00 ML {*
  1251    01  store_method
  1252    02    (prep_method
  1253    03      "SP_InverseZTransformation_classic" 
  1254    04      ["Jan Rocnik"]
  1255    05      thy 
  1256    06      ( ["SignalProcessing", "Z_Transform", "Inverse"], 
  1257    07        [ ("#Given", ["filterExpression X_eq", "domain D"]),
  1258    08          ("#Pre"  , ["(rhs X_eq) is_continuous_in D"]),
  1259    09          ("#Find" , ["stepResponse n_eq"]),
  1260    10        rew_ord  erls
  1261    11        srls  prls  nrls
  1262    12        errpats 
  1263    13        program);
  1264    14 *}
  1265 \end{verbatim}}
  1267 \noindent The above code stores the whole structure analogously to a
  1268 specification as described above:
  1269 \begin{description}
  1270 \item[01..06] are identical to those for the example specification on
  1271 p.\pageref{exp-spec}.
  1273 \item[07..09] show something looking like the specification; this is a
  1274 {\em guard}: as long as not all \textit{Given} items are present and
  1275 the \textit{Pre}-conditions is not true, interpretation of the program
  1276 is not started.
  1278 \item[10..11] all concern rewriting (the respective data are defined elsewhere): \textit{rew\_ord} is the rewrite order~\cite{nipk:rew-all-that} in case
  1279 \textit{program} contains a \textit{Rewrite} tactic; and in case the respective rule is a conditional rewrite-rule, \textit{erls} features evaluating the conditions. The rule-sets 
  1280 \textit{srls, prls, nrls} feature evaluating (a) the ML-functions in the program (e.g.
  1281 \textit{lhs, argument\_in, rhs} in the program on p.\pageref{s:impl}, (b) the pre-condition analoguous to the specification in line 11 on p.\pageref{exp-spec}
  1282 and (c) is required for the derivation-machinery checking user-input formulas.
  1284 \item[12..13] \textit{errpats} are error-patterns~\cite{gdaroczy-EP-13} for this method and \textit{program} is the variable holding the example from p.\pageref {s:impl}.
  1285 \end{description}
  1286 The many rule-sets above cause considerable efforts for the
  1287 programmers, in particular, because there are no tools for checking
  1288 essential features of rule-sets.
  1290 % is again very technical and goes hard in detail. Unfortunataly
  1291 % most declerations are not essential for a basic programm but leads us to a huge
  1292 % range of powerful possibilities.
  1293 % 
  1294 % \begin{description}
  1295 % \item[01..02] stores the method with the given name into the system under a global
  1296 % reference.
  1297 % \item[03] specifies the topic within which context the method can be found.
  1298 % \item[04..05] as the requirements for different methods can be deviant we 
  1299 % declare what is \emph{given} and and what to \emph{find} for this specific method.
  1300 % The code again helds on the topic of the case studie, where the inverse 
  1301 % z-transformation does a switch between a term describing a electrical filter into
  1302 % its step response. Also the datatype has to be declared (bool - due the fact that 
  1303 % we handle equations).
  1304 % \item[06] \emph{rewrite order} is the order of this rls (ruleset), where one 
  1305 % theorem of it is used for rewriting one single step.
  1306 % \item[07] \texttt{rls} is the currently used ruleset for this method. This set
  1307 % has already been defined before.
  1308 % \item[08] we would have the possiblitiy to add this method to a predefined tree of
  1309 % calculations, if it would be a sub of a bigger problem, here we leave it
  1310 % independend.
  1311 % \item[09] The \emph{source ruleset}, can be used to evaluate list expressions in 
  1312 % the source.
  1313 % \item[10] \emph{predicates ruleset} can be used to indicates predicates within 
  1314 % model patterns.
  1315 % \item[11] The \emph{check ruleset} summarizes rules for checking formulas 
  1316 % elementwise.
  1317 % \item[12] \emph{error patterns} which are expected in this kind of method can be
  1318 % pre-specified to recognize them during the method.
  1319 % \item[13] finally the \emph{canonical ruleset}, declares the canonical simplifier 
  1320 % of the specific method.
  1321 % \item[14] for this code snipset we don't specify the programm itself and keep it 
  1322 % empty. Follow up \S\ref{progr} for informations on how to implement this
  1323 % \textit{main} part.
  1324 % \end{description}
  1326 \subsection{Implementation of the TP-based Program}\label{progr} 
  1327 So finally all the prerequisites are described and the final task can
  1328 be addressed. The program below comes back to the running example: it
  1329 computes a solution for the problem from Fig.\ref{fig-interactive} on
  1330 p.\pageref{fig-interactive}. The reader is reminded of
  1331 \S\ref{PL-isab}, the introduction of the programming language:
  1333 {\footnotesize\it\label{s:impl}
  1334 \begin{tabbing}
  1335 123l\=123\=123\=123\=123\=123\=123\=((x\=123\=(x \=123\=123\=\kill
  1336 \>{\rm 00}\>ML \{*\\
  1337 \>{\rm 00}\>val program =\\
  1338 \>{\rm 01}\>  "{\tt Program} InverseZTransform (X\_eq::bool) =   \\
  1339 \>{\rm 02}\>\>  {\tt let}                                       \\
  1340 \>{\rm 03}\>\>\>  X\_eq = {\tt Take} X\_eq ;   \\
  1341 \>{\rm 04}\>\>\>  X\_eq = {\tt Rewrite} prep\_for\_part\_frac X\_eq ; \\
  1342 \>{\rm 05}\>\>\>  (X\_z::real) = lhs X\_eq ;       \\ %no inside-out evaluation
  1343 \>{\rm 06}\>\>\>  (z::real) = argument\_in X\_z; \\
  1344 \>{\rm 07}\>\>\>  (part\_frac::real) = {\tt SubProblem} \\
  1345 \>{\rm 08}\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>  ( Isac, [partial\_fraction, rational, simplification], [] )\\
  1346 %\>{\rm 10}\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>  [simplification, of\_rationals, to\_partial\_fraction] ) \\
  1347 \>{\rm 09}\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>  [ (rhs X\_eq)::real, z::real ]; \\
  1348 \>{\rm 10}\>\>\>  (X'\_eq::bool) = {\tt Take} ((X'::real =$>$ bool) z = ZZ\_1 part\_frac) ; \\
  1349 \>{\rm 11}\>\>\>  X'\_eq = (({\tt Rewrite\_Set} prep\_for\_inverse\_z) @@   \\
  1350 \>{\rm 12}\>\>\>\>\>  $\;\;$ ({\tt Rewrite\_Set} inverse\_z)) X'\_eq \\
  1351 \>{\rm 13}\>\>  {\tt in } \\
  1352 \>{\rm 14}\>\>\>  X'\_eq"\\
  1353 \>{\rm 15}\>*\}
  1354 \end{tabbing}}
  1355 % ORIGINAL FROM Inverse_Z_Transform.thy
  1356 % "Script InverseZTransform (X_eq::bool) =            "^(*([], Frm), Problem (Isac, [Inverse, Z_Transform, SignalProcessing])*)
  1357 % "(let X = Take X_eq;                                "^(*([1], Frm), X z = 3 / (z - 1 / 4 + -1 / 8 * (1 / z))*)
  1358 % "  X' = Rewrite ruleZY False X;                     "^(*([1], Res), ?X' z = 3 / (z * (z - 1 / 4 + -1 / 8 * (1 / z)))*)
  1359 % "  (X'_z::real) = lhs X';                           "^(*            ?X' z*)
  1360 % "  (zzz::real) = argument_in X'_z;                  "^(*            z *)
  1361 % "  (funterm::real) = rhs X';                        "^(*            3 / (z * (z - 1 / 4 + -1 / 8 * (1 / z)))*)
  1362 %
  1363 % "  (pbz::real) = (SubProblem (Isac',                "^(**)
  1364 % "    [partial_fraction,rational,simplification],    "^
  1365 % "    [simplification,of_rationals,to_partial_fraction]) "^
  1366 % "    [REAL funterm, REAL zzz]);                     "^(*([2], Res), 4 / (z - 1 / 2) + -4 / (z - -1 / 4)*)
  1367 %
  1368 % "  (pbz_eq::bool) = Take (X'_z = pbz);              "^(*([3], Frm), ?X' z = 4 / (z - 1 / 2) + -4 / (z - -1 / 4)*)
  1369 % "  pbz_eq = Rewrite ruleYZ False pbz_eq;            "^(*([3], Res), ?X' z = 4 * (?z / (z - 1 / 2)) + -4 * (?z / (z - -1 / 4))*)
  1370 % "  pbz_eq = drop_questionmarks pbz_eq;              "^(*               4 * (z / (z - 1 / 2)) + -4 * (z / (z - -1 / 4))*)
  1371 % "  (X_zeq::bool) = Take (X_z = rhs pbz_eq);         "^(*([4], Frm), X_z = 4 * (z / (z - 1 / 2)) + -4 * (z / (z - -1 / 4))*)
  1372 % "  n_eq = (Rewrite_Set inverse_z False) X_zeq;      "^(*([4], Res), X_z = 4 * (1 / 2) ^^^ ?n * ?u [?n] + -4 * (-1 / 4) ^^^ ?n * ?u [?n]*)
  1373 % "  n_eq = drop_questionmarks n_eq                   "^(*            X_z = 4 * (1 / 2) ^^^ n * u [n] + -4 * (-1 / 4) ^^^ n * u [n]*)
  1374 % "in n_eq)"                                            (*([], Res), X_z = 4 * (1 / 2) ^^^ n * u [n] + -4 * (-1 / 4) ^^^ n * u [n]*)
  1375 The program is represented as a string and part of the method in
  1376 \S\ref{meth}.  As mentioned in \S\ref{PL} the program is purely
  1377 functional and lacks any input statements and output statements. So
  1378 the steps of calculation towards a solution (and interactive tutoring
  1379 in step-wise problem solving) are created as a side-effect by
  1380 Lucas-Interpretation.  The side-effects are triggered by the tactics
  1381 \texttt{Take}, \texttt{Rewrite}, \texttt{SubProblem} and
  1382 \texttt{Rewrite\_Set} in the above lines {\rm 03, 04, 07, 10, 11} and
  1383 {\rm 12} respectively. These tactics produce the respective lines in the
  1384 calculation on p.\pageref{flow-impl}.
  1386 The above lines {\rm 05, 06} do not contain a tactics, so they do not
  1387 immediately contribute to the calculation on p.\pageref{flow-impl};
  1388 rather, they compute actual arguments for the \texttt{SubProblem} in
  1389 line {\rm 09}~\footnote{The tactics also are break-points for the
  1390 interpreter, where control is handed over to the user in interactive
  1391 tutoring.}. Line {\rm 11} contains tactical \textit{@@}.
  1393 \medskip The above program also indicates the dominant role of interactive
  1394 selection of knowledge in the three-dimensional universe of
  1395 mathematics as depicted in Fig.\ref{fig:mathuni} on
  1396 p.\pageref{fig:mathuni}, The \texttt{SubProblem} in the above lines
  1397 {\rm 07..09} is more than a function call with the actual arguments
  1398 \textit{[ (rhs X\_eq)::real, z::real ]}. The programmer has to determine
  1399 three items:
  1401 \begin{enumerate}
  1402 \item the theory, in the example \textit{Isac} because different
  1403 methods can be selected in Pt.3 below, which are defined in different
  1404 theories with \textit{Isac} collecting them.
  1405 \item the specification identified by \textit{[partial\_fraction,
  1406 rational, simplification]} in the tree of specifications; this
  1407 specification is analogous to the specification of the main program
  1408 described in \S\ref{spec}; the problem is to find a ``partial fraction
  1409 decomposition'' for a univariate rational polynomial.
  1410 \item the method in the above example is \textit{[ ]}, i.e. empty,
  1411 which supposes the interpreter to select one of the methods predefined
  1412 in the specification, for instance in line {\rm 13} in the running
  1413 example's specification on p.\pageref{exp-spec}~\footnote{The freedom
  1414 (or obligation) for selection carries over to the student in
  1415 interactive tutoring.}.
  1416 \end{enumerate}
  1418 The program code, above presented as a string, is parsed by Isabelle's
  1419 parser --- the program is an Isabelle term. This fact is expected to
  1420 simplify verification tasks in the future; on the other hand, this
  1421 fact causes troubles in error detectetion which are discussed as part
  1422 of the workflow in the subsequent section.
  1424 \section{Workflow of Programming in the Prototype}\label{workflow}
  1425 The new prover IDE Isabelle/jEdit~\cite{makar-jedit-12} is a great
  1426 step forward for interactive theory and proof development. The
  1427 {\sisac}-prototype re-uses this IDE as a programming environment.  The
  1428 experiences from this re-use show, that the essential components are
  1429 available from Isabelle/jEdit. However, additional tools and features
  1430 are required to acchieve acceptable usability.
  1432 So notable experiences are reported here, also as a requirement
  1433 capture for further development of TP-based languages and respective
  1434 IDEs.
  1436 \subsection{Preparations and Trials}\label{flow-prep}
  1437 The many sub-tasks to be accomplished {\em before} the first line of
  1438 program code can be written and tested suggest an approach which
  1439 step-wise establishes the prerequisites. The case study underlying
  1440 this paper~\cite{jrocnik-bakk} documents the approach in a separate
  1441 Isabelle theory,
  1442 \textit{Build\_Inverse\_Z\_Transform.thy}~\footnote{\_Inverse\_Z\_Transform.thy}. Part
  1443 II in the study comprises this theory, \LaTeX ed from the theory by
  1444 use of Isabelle's document preparation system. This paper resembles
  1445 the approach in \S\ref{isabisac} to \S\ref{meth}, which in actual
  1446 implementation work involves several iterations.
  1448 \bigskip For instance, only the last step, implementing the program
  1449 described in \S\ref{meth}, reveals details required. Let us assume,
  1450 this is the ML-function \textit{argument\_in} required in line {\rm 06}
  1451 of the example program on p.\pageref{s:impl}; how this function needs
  1452 to be implemented in the prototype has been discussed in \S\ref{funs}
  1453 already.
  1455 Now let us assume, that calling this function from the program code
  1456 does not work; so testing this function is required in order to find out
  1457 the reason: type errors, a missing entry of the function somewhere or
  1458 even more nasty technicalities \dots
  1460 {\footnotesize
  1461 \begin{verbatim}
  1462    ML {*
  1463      val SOME t = parseNEW ctxt "argument_in (X (z::real))";
  1464      val SOME (str, t') = eval_argument_in "" 
  1465        "Build_Inverse_Z_Transform.argument'_in" t 0;
  1466    *}
  1467    ML {*
  1468      term2str t';
  1469    *}
  1470    val it = "(argument_in X z) = z": string
  1471 \end{verbatim}}
  1473 \noindent So, this works: we get an ad-hoc theorem, which used in
  1474 rewriting would reduce \texttt{argument\_in X z} to \texttt{z}. Now we check this
  1475 reduction and create a rule-set \texttt{rls} for that purpose:
  1477 {\footnotesize
  1478 \begin{verbatim}
  1479    ML {*
  1480      val rls = append_rls "test" e_rls 
  1481        [Calc ("Build_Inverse_Z_Transform.argument'_in", eval_argument_in "")]
  1482    *}
  1483    ML {*
  1484      val SOME (t', asm) = rewrite_set_ @{theory} rls t;
  1485    *}
  1486    val t' = Free ("z", "RealDef.real"): term
  1487    val asm = []: term list
  1488 \end{verbatim}}
  1490 \noindent The resulting term \texttt{t'} is \texttt{Free ("z",
  1491 "RealDef.real")}, i.e the variable \texttt{z}, so all is
  1492 perfect. Probably we have forgotten to store this function correctly~?
  1493 We review the respective \texttt{calclist} (again an
  1494 \textit{Unsynchronized.ref} to be removed in order to adjust to
  1495 IsabelleIsar's asyncronous document model):
  1497 {\footnotesize
  1498 \begin{verbatim}
  1499    calclist:= overwritel (! calclist, 
  1500     [("argument_in",("Build_Inverse_Z_Transform.argument'_in", eval_argument_in "")),
  1501      ...
  1502      ]);
  1503 \end{verbatim}}
  1505 \noindent The entry is perfect. So what is the reason~? Ah, probably there
  1506 is something messed up with the many rule-sets in the method, see \S\ref{meth} ---
  1507 right, the function \texttt{argument\_in} is not contained in the respective
  1508 rule-set \textit{srls} \dots this just as an example of the intricacies in
  1509 debugging a program in the present state of the prototype.
  1511 \subsection{Implementation in Isabelle/{\isac}}\label{flow-impl}
  1512 Given all the prerequisites from \S\ref{isabisac} to \S\ref{meth},
  1513 usually developed within several iterations, the program can be
  1514 assembled; on p.\pageref{s:impl} there is the complete program of the
  1515 running example.
  1517 The completion of this program required efforts for several weeks
  1518 (after some months of familiarisation with {\sisac}), caused by the
  1519 abundance of intricacies indicated above. Also writing the program is
  1520 not pleasant, given Isabelle/Isar/ without add-ons for
  1521 programming. Already writing and parsing a few lines of program code
  1522 is a challenge: the program is an Isabelle term; Isabelle's parser,
  1523 however, is not meant for huge terms like the program of the running
  1524 example. So reading out the specific error (usually type errors) from
  1525 Isabelle's message is difficult.
  1527 \medskip Testing the evaluation of the program has to rely on very
  1528 simple tools. Step-wise execution is modelled by a function
  1529 \texttt{me}, short for mathematics-engine~\footnote{The interface used
  1530 by the fron-end which created the calculation on
  1531 p.\pageref{fig-interactive} is different from this function}:
  1532 %the following is a simplification of the actual function 
  1534 {\footnotesize
  1535 \begin{verbatim}
  1536    ML {* me; *}
  1537    val it = tac -> ctree * pos -> mout * tac * ctree * pos
  1538 \end{verbatim}} 
  1540 \noindent This function takes as arguments a tactic \texttt{tac} which
  1541 determines the next step, the step applied to the interpreter-state
  1542 \texttt{ctree * pos} as last argument taken. The interpreter-state is
  1543 a pair of a tree \texttt{ctree} representing the calculation created
  1544 (see the example below) and a position \texttt{pos} in the
  1545 calculation. The function delivers a quadrupel, beginning with the new
  1546 formula \texttt{mout} and the next tactic followed by the new
  1547 interpreter-state.
  1549 This function allows to stepwise check the program:
  1551 {\footnotesize
  1552 \begin{verbatim}
  1553    ML {*
  1554      val fmz =
  1555        ["filterExpression (X z = 3 / ((z::real) + 1/10 - 1/50*(1/z)))",
  1556         "stepResponse (x[n::real]::bool)"];     
  1557      val (dI,pI,mI) =
  1558        ("Isac", 
  1559         ["Inverse", "Z_Transform", "SignalProcessing"], 
  1560         ["SignalProcessing","Z_Transform","Inverse"]);
  1562      val (mout, tac, ctree, pos)  = CalcTreeTEST [(fmz, (dI, pI, mI))];
  1563      val (mout, tac, ctree, pos)  = me tac (ctree, pos);
  1564      val (mout, tac, ctree, pos)  = me tac (ctree, pos);
  1565      val (mout, tac, ctree, pos)  = me tac (ctree, pos);
  1566      ...
  1567 \end{verbatim}} 
  1569 \noindent Several douzens of calls for \texttt{me} are required to
  1570 create the lines in the calculation below (including the sub-problems
  1571 not shown). When an error occurs, the reason might be located
  1572 many steps before: if evaluation by rewriting, as done by the prototype,
  1573 fails, then first nothing happens --- the effects come later and
  1574 cause unpleasant checks.
  1576 The checks comprise watching the rewrite-engine for many different
  1577 kinds of rule-sets (see \S\ref{meth}), the interpreter-state, in
  1578 particular the environment and the context at the states position ---
  1579 all checks have to rely on simple functions accessing the
  1580 \texttt{ctree}. So getting the calculation below (which resembles the
  1581 calculation in Fig.\ref{fig-interactive} on p.\pageref{fig-interactive})
  1582 is the result of several weeks of development:
  1584 {\small\it\label{exp-calc}
  1585 \begin{tabbing}
  1586 123l\=123\=123\=123\=123\=123\=123\=123\=123\=123\=123\=123\=\kill
  1587 \>{\rm 01}\> $\bullet$  \> {\tt Problem } (Inverse\_Z\_Transform, [Inverse, Z\_Transform, SignalProcessing])       \`\\
  1588 \>{\rm 02}\>\> $\vdash\;\;X z = \frac{3}{z - \frac{1}{4} - \frac{1}{8} \cdot z^{-1}}$       \`{\footnotesize {\tt Take} X\_eq}\\
  1589 \>{\rm 03}\>\> $X z = \frac{3}{z + \frac{-1}{4} + \frac{-1}{8} \cdot \frac{1}{z}}$          \`{\footnotesize {\tt Rewrite} prep\_for\_part\_frac X\_eq}\\
  1590 \>{\rm 04}\>\> $\bullet$\> {\tt Problem } [partial\_fraction,rational,simplification]        \`{\footnotesize {\tt SubProblem} \dots}\\
  1591 \>{\rm 05}\>\>\>  $\vdash\;\;\frac{3}{z + \frac{-1}{4} + \frac{-1}{8} \cdot \frac{1}{z}}=$    \`- - -\\
  1592 \>{\rm 06}\>\>\>  $\frac{24}{-1 + -2 \cdot z + 8 \cdot z^2}$                                   \`- - -\\
  1593 \>{\rm 07}\>\>\>  $\bullet$\> solve ($-1 + -2 \cdot z + 8 \cdot z^2,\;z$ )                      \`- - -\\
  1594 \>{\rm 08}\>\>\>\>   $\vdash$ \> $\frac{3}{z + \frac{-1}{4} + \frac{-1}{8} \cdot \frac{1}{z}}=0$ \`- - -\\
  1595 \>{\rm 09}\>\>\>\>   $z = \frac{2+\sqrt{-4+8}}{16}\;\lor\;z = \frac{2-\sqrt{-4+8}}{16}$           \`- - -\\
  1596 \>{\rm 10}\>\>\>\>   $z = \frac{1}{2}\;\lor\;z =$ \_\_\_                                           \`- - -\\
  1597 \>        \>\>\>\>   \_\_\_                                                                        \`- - -\\
  1598 \>{\rm 11}\>\> \dots\> $\frac{4}{z - \frac{1}{2}} + \frac{-4}{z - \frac{-1}{4}}$                   \`\\
  1599 \>{\rm 12}\>\> $X^\prime z = {\cal Z}^{-1} (\frac{4}{z - \frac{1}{2}} + \frac{-4}{z - \frac{-1}{4}})$ \`{\footnotesize {\tt Take} ((X'::real =$>$ bool) z = ZZ\_1 part\_frac)}\\
  1600 \>{\rm 13}\>\> $X^\prime z = {\cal Z}^{-1} (4\cdot\frac{z}{z - \frac{1}{2}} + -4\cdot\frac{z}{z - \frac{-1}{4}})$ \`{\footnotesize{\tt Rewrite\_Set} prep\_for\_inverse\_z X'\_eq }\\
  1601 \>{\rm 14}\>\> $X^\prime z = 4\cdot(\frac{1}{2})^n \cdot u [n] + -4\cdot(\frac{-1}{4})^n \cdot u [n]$  \`{\footnotesize {\tt Rewrite\_Set} inverse\_z X'\_eq}\\
  1602 \>{\rm 15}\> \dots\> $X^\prime z = 4\cdot(\frac{1}{2})^n \cdot u [n] + -4\cdot(\frac{-1}{4})^n \cdot u [n]$ \`{\footnotesize {\tt Check\_Postcond}}
  1603 \end{tabbing}}
  1604 The tactics on the right margin of the above calculation are those in
  1605 the program on p.\pageref{s:impl} which create the respective formulas
  1606 on the left.
  1607 % ORIGINAL FROM Inverse_Z_Transform.thy
  1608 %    "Script InverseZTransform (X_eq::bool) =            "^(*([], Frm), Problem (Isac, [Inverse, Z_Transform, SignalProcessing])*)
  1609 %    "(let X = Take X_eq;                                "^(*([1], Frm), X z = 3 / (z - 1 / 4 + -1 / 8 * (1 / z))*)
  1610 %    "  X' = Rewrite ruleZY False X;                     "^(*([1], Res), ?X' z = 3 / (z * (z - 1 / 4 + -1 / 8 * (1 / z)))*)
  1611 %    "  (X'_z::real) = lhs X';                           "^(*            ?X' z*)
  1612 %    "  (zzz::real) = argument_in X'_z;                  "^(*            z *)
  1613 %    "  (funterm::real) = rhs X';                        "^(*            3 / (z * (z - 1 / 4 + -1 / 8 * (1 / z)))*)
  1614 % 
  1615 %    "  (pbz::real) = (SubProblem (Isac',                "^(**)
  1616 %    "    [partial_fraction,rational,simplification],    "^
  1617 %    "    [simplification,of_rationals,to_partial_fraction]) "^
  1618 %    "    [REAL funterm, REAL zzz]);                     "^(*([2], Res), 4 / (z - 1 / 2) + -4 / (z - -1 / 4)*)
  1619 % 
  1620 %    "  (pbz_eq::bool) = Take (X'_z = pbz);              "^(*([3], Frm), ?X' z = 4 / (z - 1 / 2) + -4 / (z - -1 / 4)*)
  1621 %    "  pbz_eq = Rewrite ruleYZ False pbz_eq;            "^(*([3], Res), ?X' z = 4 * (?z / (z - 1 / 2)) + -4 * (?z / (z - -1 / 4))*)
  1622 %    "  pbz_eq = drop_questionmarks pbz_eq;              "^(*               4 * (z / (z - 1 / 2)) + -4 * (z / (z - -1 / 4))*)
  1623 %    "  (X_zeq::bool) = Take (X_z = rhs pbz_eq);         "^(*([4], Frm), X_z = 4 * (z / (z - 1 / 2)) + -4 * (z / (z - -1 / 4))*)
  1624 %    "  n_eq = (Rewrite_Set inverse_z False) X_zeq;      "^(*([4], Res), X_z = 4 * (1 / 2) ^^^ ?n * ?u [?n] + -4 * (-1 / 4) ^^^ ?n * ?u [?n]*)
  1625 %    "  n_eq = drop_questionmarks n_eq                   "^(*            X_z = 4 * (1 / 2) ^^^ n * u [n] + -4 * (-1 / 4) ^^^ n * u [n]*)
  1626 %    "in n_eq)"                                            (*([], Res), X_z = 4 * (1 / 2) ^^^ n * u [n] + -4 * (-1 / 4) ^^^ n * u [n]*)
  1628 \subsection{Transfer into the Isabelle/{\isac} Knowledge}\label{flow-trans}
  1629 Finally \textit{Build\_Inverse\_Z\_Transform.thy} has got the job done
  1630 and the knowledge accumulated in it can be distributed to appropriate
  1631 theories: the program to \textit{Inverse\_Z\_Transform.thy}, the
  1632 sub-problem accomplishing the partial fraction decomposition to
  1633 \textit{Partial\_Fractions.thy}. Since there are hacks into Isabelle's
  1634 internals, this kind of distribution is not trivial. For instance, the
  1635 function \texttt{argument\_in} in \S\ref{funs} explicitly contains a
  1636 string with the theory it has been defined in, so this string needs to
  1637 be updated from \texttt{Build\_Inverse\_Z\_Transform} to
  1638 \texttt{Atools} if that function is transferred to theory
  1639 \textit{Atools.thy}.
  1641 In order to obtain the functionality presented in Fig.\ref{fig-interactive} on p.\pageref{fig-interactive} data must be exported from SML-structures to XML.
  1642 This process is also rather bare-bones without authoring tools and is
  1643 described in detail in the {\sisac} wiki~\footnote{\_representations\_for\_ISAC\_Knowledge}.
  1645 % \newpage
  1646 % -------------------------------------------------------------------
  1647 % 
  1648 % Material, falls noch Platz bleibt ...
  1649 % 
  1650 % -------------------------------------------------------------------
  1651 % 
  1652 % 
  1653 % \subsubsection{Trials on Notation and Termination}
  1654 % 
  1655 % \paragraph{Technical notations} are a big problem for our piece of software,
  1656 % but the reason for that isn't a fault of the software itself, one of the
  1657 % troubles comes out of the fact that different technical subtopics use different
  1658 % symbols and notations for a different purpose. The most famous example for such
  1659 % a symbol is the complex number $i$ (in cassique math) or $j$ (in technical
  1660 % math). In the specific part of signal processing one of this notation issues is
  1661 % the use of brackets --- we use round brackets for analoge signals and squared
  1662 % brackets for digital samples. Also if there is no problem for us to handle this
  1663 % fact, we have to tell the machine what notation leads to wich meaning and that
  1664 % this purpose seperation is only valid for this special topic - signal
  1665 % processing.
  1666 % \subparagraph{In the programming language} itself it is not possible to declare
  1667 % fractions, exponents, absolutes and other operators or remarks in a way to make
  1668 % them pretty to read; our only posssiblilty were ASCII characters and a handfull
  1669 % greek symbols like: $\alpha, \beta, \gamma, \phi,\ldots$.
  1670 % \par
  1671 % With the upper collected knowledge it is possible to check if we were able to
  1672 % donate all required terms and expressions.
  1673 % 
  1674 % \subsubsection{Definition and Usage of Rules}
  1675 % 
  1676 % \paragraph{The core} of our implemented problem is the Z-Transformation, due
  1677 % the fact that the transformation itself would require higher math which isn't
  1678 % yet avaible in our system we decided to choose the way like it is applied in
  1679 % labratory and problem classes at our university - by applying transformation
  1680 % rules (collected in transformation tables).
  1681 % \paragraph{Rules,} in {\sisac{}}'s programming language can be designed by the
  1682 % use of axiomatizations like shown in Example~\ref{eg:ruledef}
  1683 % 
  1684 % \begin{example}
  1685 %   \label{eg:ruledef}
  1686 %   \hfill\\
  1687 %   \begin{verbatim}
  1688 %   axiomatization where
  1689 %     rule1: ``1 = $\delta$[n]'' and
  1690 %     rule2: ``|| z || > 1 ==> z / (z - 1) = u [n]'' and
  1691 %     rule3: ``|| z || < 1 ==> z / (z - 1) = -u [-n - 1]''
  1692 %   \end{verbatim}
  1693 % \end{example}
  1694 % 
  1695 % This rules can be collected in a ruleset and applied to a given expression as
  1696 % follows in Example~\ref{eg:ruleapp}.
  1697 % 
  1698 % \begin{example}
  1699 %   \hfill\\
  1700 %   \label{eg:ruleapp}
  1701 %   \begin{enumerate}
  1702 %   \item Store rules in ruleset:
  1703 %   \begin{verbatim}
  1704 %   val inverse_Z = append_rls "inverse_Z" e_rls
  1705 %     [ Thm ("rule1",num_str @{thm rule1}),
  1706 %       Thm ("rule2",num_str @{thm rule2}),
  1707 %       Thm ("rule3",num_str @{thm rule3})
  1708 %     ];\end{verbatim}
  1709 %   \item Define exression:
  1710 %   \begin{verbatim}
  1711 %   val sample_term = str2term "z/(z-1)+z/(z-</delta>)+1";\end{verbatim}
  1712 %   \item Apply ruleset:
  1713 %   \begin{verbatim}
  1714 %   val SOME (sample_term', asm) = 
  1715 %     rewrite_set_ thy true inverse_Z sample_term;\end{verbatim}
  1716 %   \end{enumerate}
  1717 % \end{example}
  1718 % 
  1719 % The use of rulesets makes it much easier to develop our designated applications,
  1720 % but the programmer has to be careful and patient. When applying rulesets
  1721 % two important issues have to be mentionend:
  1722 % \subparagraph{How often} the rules have to be applied? In case of
  1723 % transformations it is quite clear that we use them once but other fields
  1724 % reuqire to apply rules until a special condition is reached (e.g.
  1725 % a simplification is finished when there is nothing to be done left).
  1726 % \subparagraph{The order} in which rules are applied often takes a big effect
  1727 % and has to be evaluated for each purpose once again.
  1728 % \par
  1729 % In our special case of Signal Processing and the rules defined in
  1730 % Example~\ref{eg:ruledef} we have to apply rule~1 first of all to transform all
  1731 % constants. After this step has been done it no mather which rule fit's next.
  1732 % 
  1733 % \subsubsection{Helping Functions}
  1734 % 
  1735 % \paragraph{New Programms require,} often new ways to get through. This new ways
  1736 % means that we handle functions that have not been in use yet, they can be 
  1737 % something special and unique for a programm or something famous but unneeded in
  1738 % the system yet. In our dedicated example it was for example neccessary to split
  1739 % a fraction into numerator and denominator; the creation of such function and
  1740 % even others is described in upper Sections~\ref{simp} and \ref{funs}.
  1741 % 
  1742 % \subsubsection{Trials on equation solving}
  1743 % %simple eq and problem with double fractions/negative exponents
  1744 % \paragraph{The Inverse Z-Transformation} makes it neccessary to solve
  1745 % equations degree one and two. Solving equations in the first degree is no 
  1746 % problem, wether for a student nor for our machine; but even second degree
  1747 % equations can lead to big troubles. The origin of this troubles leads from
  1748 % the build up process of our equation solving functions; they have been
  1749 % implemented some time ago and of course they are not as good as we want them to
  1750 % be. Wether or not following we only want to show how cruel it is to build up new
  1751 % work on not well fundamentials.
  1752 % \subparagraph{A simple equation solving,} can be set up as shown in the next
  1753 % example:
  1754 % 
  1755 % \begin{example}
  1756 % \begin{verbatim}
  1757 %   
  1758 %   val fmz =
  1759 %     ["equality (-1 + -2 * z + 8 * z ^^^ 2 = (0::real))",
  1760 %      "solveFor z",
  1761 %      "solutions L"];                                    
  1762 % 
  1763 %   val (dI',pI',mI') =
  1764 %     ("Isac", 
  1765 %       ["abcFormula","degree_2","polynomial","univariate","equation"],
  1766 %       ["no_met"]);\end{verbatim}
  1767 % \end{example}
  1768 % 
  1769 % Here we want to solve the equation: $-1+-2\cdot z+8\cdot z^{2}=0$. (To give
  1770 % a short overview on the commands; at first we set up the equation and tell the
  1771 % machine what's the bound variable and where to store the solution. Second step 
  1772 % is to define the equation type and determine if we want to use a special method
  1773 % to solve this type.) Simple checks tell us that the we will get two results for
  1774 % this equation and this results will be real.
  1775 % So far it is easy for us and for our machine to solve, but
  1776 % mentioned that a unvariate equation second order can have three different types
  1777 % of solutions it is getting worth.
  1778 % \subparagraph{The solving of} all this types of solutions is not yet supported.
  1779 % Luckily it was needed for us; but something which has been needed in this 
  1780 % context, would have been the solving of an euation looking like:
  1781 % $-z^{-2}+-2\cdot z^{-1}+8=0$ which is basically the same equation as mentioned
  1782 % before (remember that befor it was no problem to handle for the machine) but
  1783 % now, after a simple equivalent transformation, we are not able to solve
  1784 % it anymore.
  1785 % \subparagraph{Error messages} we get when we try to solve something like upside
  1786 % were very confusing and also leads us to no special hint about a problem.
  1787 % \par The fault behind is, that we have no well error handling on one side and
  1788 % no sufficient formed equation solving on the other side. This two facts are
  1789 % making the implemention of new material very difficult.
  1790 % 
  1791 % \subsection{Formalization of missing knowledge in Isabelle}
  1792 % 
  1793 % \paragraph{A problem} behind is the mechanization of mathematic
  1794 % theories in TP-bases languages. There is still a huge gap between
  1795 % these algorithms and this what we want as a solution - in Example
  1796 % Signal Processing. 
  1797 % 
  1798 % \vbox{
  1799 %   \begin{example}
  1800 %     \label{eg:gap}
  1801 %     \[
  1802 %       X\cdot(a+b)+Y\cdot(c+d)=aX+bX+cY+dY
  1803 %     \]
  1804 %     {\small\textit{
  1805 %       \noindent A very simple example on this what we call gap is the
  1806 % simplification above. It is needles to say that it is correct and also
  1807 % Isabelle for fills it correct - \emph{always}. But sometimes we don't
  1808 % want expand such terms, sometimes we want another structure of
  1809 % them. Think of a problem were we now would need only the coefficients
  1810 % of $X$ and $Y$. This is what we call the gap between mechanical
  1811 % simplification and the solution.
  1812 %     }}
  1813 %   \end{example}
  1814 % }
  1815 % 
  1816 % \paragraph{We are not able to fill this gap,} until we have to live
  1817 % with it but first have a look on the meaning of this statement:
  1818 % Mechanized math starts from mathematical models and \emph{hopefully}
  1819 % proceeds to match physics. Academic engineering starts from physics
  1820 % (experimentation, measurement) and then proceeds to mathematical
  1821 % modeling and formalization. The process from a physical observance to
  1822 % a mathematical theory is unavoidable bound of setting up a big
  1823 % collection of standards, rules, definition but also exceptions. These
  1824 % are the things making mechanization that difficult.
  1825 % 
  1826 % \vbox{
  1827 %   \begin{example}
  1828 %     \label{eg:units}
  1829 %     \[
  1830 %       m,\ kg,\ s,\ldots
  1831 %     \]
  1832 %     {\small\textit{
  1833 %       \noindent Think about some units like that one's above. Behind
  1834 % each unit there is a discerning and very accurate definition: One
  1835 % Meter is the distance the light travels, in a vacuum, through the time
  1836 % of 1 / 299.792.458 second; one kilogram is the weight of a
  1837 % platinum-iridium cylinder in paris; and so on. But are these
  1838 % definitions usable in a computer mechanized world?!
  1839 %     }}
  1840 %   \end{example}
  1841 % }
  1842 % 
  1843 % \paragraph{A computer} or a TP-System builds on programs with
  1844 % predefined logical rules and does not know any mathematical trick
  1845 % (follow up example \ref{eg:trick}) or recipe to walk around difficult
  1846 % expressions. 
  1847 % 
  1848 % \vbox{
  1849 %   \begin{example}
  1850 %     \label{eg:trick}
  1851 %   \[ \frac{1}{j\omega}\cdot\left(e^{-j\omega}-e^{j3\omega}\right)= \]
  1852 %   \[ \frac{1}{j\omega}\cdot e^{-j2\omega}\cdot\left(e^{j\omega}-e^{-j\omega}\right)=
  1853 %      \frac{1}{\omega}\, e^{-j2\omega}\cdot\colorbox{lgray}{$\frac{1}{j}\,\left(e^{j\omega}-e^{-j\omega}\right)$}= \]
  1854 %   \[ \frac{1}{\omega}\, e^{-j2\omega}\cdot\colorbox{lgray}{$2\, sin(\omega)$} \]
  1855 %     {\small\textit{
  1856 %       \noindent Sometimes it is also useful to be able to apply some
  1857 % \emph{tricks} to get a beautiful and particularly meaningful result,
  1858 % which we are able to interpret. But as seen in this example it can be
  1859 % hard to find out what operations have to be done to transform a result
  1860 % into a meaningful one.
  1861 %     }}
  1862 %   \end{example}
  1863 % }
  1864 % 
  1865 % \paragraph{The only possibility,} for such a system, is to work
  1866 % through its known definitions and stops if none of these
  1867 % fits. Specified on Signal Processing or any other application it is
  1868 % often possible to walk through by doing simple creases. This creases
  1869 % are in general based on simple math operational but the challenge is
  1870 % to teach the machine \emph{all}\footnote{Its pride to call it
  1871 % \emph{all}.} of them. Unfortunately the goal of TP Isabelle is to
  1872 % reach a high level of \emph{all} but it in real it will still be a
  1873 % survey of knowledge which links to other knowledge and {{\sisac}{}} a
  1874 % trainer and helper but no human compensating calculator. 
  1875 % \par
  1876 % {{{\sisac}{}}} itself aims to adds \emph{Algorithmic Knowledge} (formal
  1877 % specifications of problems out of topics from Signal Processing, etc.)
  1878 % and \emph{Application-oriented Knowledge} to the \emph{deductive} axis of
  1879 % physical knowledge. The result is a three-dimensional universe of
  1880 % mathematics seen in Figure~\ref{fig:mathuni}.
  1881 % 
  1882 % \begin{figure}
  1883 %   \begin{center}
  1884 %     \includegraphics{fig/universe}
  1885 %     \caption{Didactic ``Math-Universe'': Algorithmic Knowledge (Programs) is
  1886 %              combined with Application-oriented Knowledge (Specifications) and Deductive Knowledge (Axioms, Definitions, Theorems). The Result
  1887 %              leads to a three dimensional math universe.\label{fig:mathuni}}
  1888 %   \end{center}
  1889 % \end{figure}
  1890 % 
  1891 % %WN Deine aktuelle Benennung oben wird Dir kein Fachmann abnehmen;
  1892 % %WN bitte folgende Bezeichnungen nehmen:
  1893 % %WN 
  1894 % %WN axis 1: Algorithmic Knowledge (Programs)
  1895 % %WN axis 2: Application-oriented Knowledge (Specifications)
  1896 % %WN axis 3: Deductive Knowledge (Axioms, Definitions, Theorems)
  1897 % %WN 
  1898 % %WN und bitte die R"ander von der Grafik wegschneiden (was ich f"ur *.pdf
  1899 % %WN nicht hinkriege --- weshalb ich auch die eJMT-Forderung nicht ganz
  1900 % %WN verstehe, separierte PDFs zu schicken; ich w"urde *.png schicken)
  1901 % 
  1902 % %JR Ränder und beschriftung geändert. Keine Ahnung warum eJMT sich pdf's
  1903 % %JR wünschen, würde ebenfalls png oder ähnliches verwenden, aber wenn pdf's
  1904 % %JR gefordert werden WN2...
  1905 % %WN2 meiner Meinung nach hat sich eJMT unklar ausgedr"uckt (z.B. kann
  1906 % %WN2 man meines Wissens pdf-figures nicht auf eine bestimmte Gr"osse
  1907 % %WN2 zusammenschneiden um die R"ander weg zu bekommen)
  1908 % %WN2 Mein Vorschlag ist, in umserem tex-file bei *.png zu bleiben und
  1909 % %WN2 png + pdf figures mitzuschicken.
  1910 % 
  1911 % \subsection{Notes on Problems with Traditional Notation}
  1912 % 
  1913 % \paragraph{During research} on these topic severely problems on
  1914 % traditional notations have been discovered. Some of them have been
  1915 % known in computer science for many years now and are still unsolved,
  1916 % one of them aggregates with the so called \emph{Lambda Calculus},
  1917 % Example~\ref{eg:lamda} provides a look on the problem that embarrassed
  1918 % us.
  1919 % 
  1920 % \vbox{
  1921 %   \begin{example}
  1922 %     \label{eg:lamda}
  1923 % 
  1924 %   \[ f(x)=\ldots\;  \quad R \rightarrow \quad R \]
  1925 % 
  1926 % 
  1927 %   \[ f(p)=\ldots\;  p \in \quad R \]
  1928 % 
  1929 %     {\small\textit{
  1930 %       \noindent Above we see two equations. The first equation aims to
  1931 % be a mapping of an function from the reel range to the reel one, but
  1932 % when we change only one letter we get the second equation which
  1933 % usually aims to insert a reel point $p$ into the reel function. In
  1934 % computer science now we have the problem to tell the machine (TP) the
  1935 % difference between this two notations. This Problem is called
  1936 % \emph{Lambda Calculus}.
  1937 %     }}
  1938 %   \end{example}
  1939 % }
  1940 % 
  1941 % \paragraph{An other problem} is that terms are not full simplified in
  1942 % traditional notations, in {{\sisac}} we have to simplify them complete
  1943 % to check weather results are compatible or not. in e.g. the solutions
  1944 % of an second order linear equation is an rational in {{\sisac}} but in
  1945 % tradition we keep fractions as long as possible and as long as they
  1946 % aim to be \textit{beautiful} (1/8, 5/16,...).
  1947 % \subparagraph{The math} which should be mechanized in Computer Theorem
  1948 % Provers (\emph{TP}) has (almost) a problem with traditional notations
  1949 % (predicate calculus) for axioms, definitions, lemmas, theorems as a
  1950 % computer program or script is not able to interpret every Greek or
  1951 % Latin letter and every Greek, Latin or whatever calculations
  1952 % symbol. Also if we would be able to handle these symbols we still have
  1953 % a problem to interpret them at all. (Follow up \hbox{Example
  1954 % \ref{eg:symbint1}})
  1955 % 
  1956 % \vbox{
  1957 %   \begin{example}
  1958 %     \label{eg:symbint1}
  1959 %     \[
  1960 %       u\left[n\right] \ \ldots \ unitstep
  1961 %     \]
  1962 %     {\small\textit{
  1963 %       \noindent The unitstep is something we need to solve Signal
  1964 % Processing problem classes. But in {{{\sisac}{}}} the rectangular
  1965 % brackets have a different meaning. So we abuse them for our
  1966 % requirements. We get something which is not defined, but usable. The
  1967 % Result is syntax only without semantic.
  1968 %     }}
  1969 %   \end{example}
  1970 % }
  1971 % 
  1972 % In different problems, symbols and letters have different meanings and
  1973 % ask for different ways to get through. (Follow up \hbox{Example
  1974 % \ref{eg:symbint2}}) 
  1975 % 
  1976 % \vbox{
  1977 %   \begin{example}
  1978 %     \label{eg:symbint2}
  1979 %     \[
  1980 %       \widehat{\ }\ \widehat{\ }\ \widehat{\ } \  \ldots \  exponent
  1981 %     \]
  1982 %     {\small\textit{
  1983 %     \noindent For using exponents the three \texttt{widehat} symbols
  1984 % are required. The reason for that is due the development of
  1985 % {{{\sisac}{}}} the single \texttt{widehat} and also the double were
  1986 % already in use for different operations.
  1987 %     }}
  1988 %   \end{example}
  1989 % }
  1990 % 
  1991 % \paragraph{Also the output} can be a problem. We are familiar with a
  1992 % specified notations and style taught in university but a computer
  1993 % program has no knowledge of the form proved by a professor and the
  1994 % machines themselves also have not yet the possibilities to print every
  1995 % symbol (correct) Recent developments provide proofs in a human
  1996 % readable format but according to the fact that there is no money for
  1997 % good working formal editors yet, the style is one thing we have to
  1998 % live with.
  1999 % 
  2000 % \section{Problems rising out of the Development Environment}
  2001 % 
  2002 % fehlermeldungen! TODO
  2004 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%\end{verbatim}
  2006 \section{Conclusion}\label{conclusion}
  2007 This paper gives a first experience report about programming with a
  2008 TP-based programming language.
  2010 \medskip A brief re-introduction of the novel kind of programming
  2011 language by example of the {\sisac}-prototype makes the paper
  2012 self-contained. The main section describes all the main concepts
  2013 involved in TP-based programming and all the sub-tasks concerning
  2014 respective implementation: mechanisation of mathematics and domain
  2015 modelling, implementation of term rewriting systems for the
  2016 rewriting-engine, formal (implicit) specification of the problem to be
  2017 (explicitly) described by the program, implementation of the many components
  2018 required for Lucas-Interpretation and finally implementation of the
  2019 program itself.
  2021 The many concepts and sub-tasks involved in programming require a
  2022 comprehensive workflow; first experiences with the workflow as
  2023 supported by the present prototype are described as well: Isabelle +
  2024 Isar + jEdit provide appropriate components for establishing an
  2025 efficient development environment integrating computation and
  2026 deduction. However, the present state of the prototype is far off a
  2027 state appropriate for wide-spread use: the prototype of the program
  2028 language lacks expressiveness and elegance, the prototype of the
  2029 development environment is hardly usable: error messages still address
  2030 the developer of the prototype's interpreter rather than the
  2031 application programmer, implementation of the many settings for the
  2032 Lucas-Interpreter is cumbersome.
  2034 From these experiences a successful proof of concept can be concluded:
  2035 programming arbitrary problems from engineering sciences is possible,
  2036 in principle even in the prototype. Furthermore the experiences allow
  2037 to conclude detailed requirements for further development:
  2038 \begin{itemize}
  2039 \item Clarify underlying logics such that programming is smoothly
  2040 integrated with verification of the program; the post-condition should
  2041 be proved more or less automatically, otherwise working engineers
  2042 would not encounter such programming.
  2043 \item Combine the prototype's programming language with Isabelle's
  2044 powerful function package and probably with more of SML's
  2045 pattern-matching features; include parallel execution on multi-core
  2046 machines into the language desing.
  2047 \item Extend the prototype's Lucas-Interpreter such that it also
  2048 handles functions defined by use of Isabelle's functions package; and
  2049 generalize Isabelle's code generator such that efficient code for the
  2050 whole definition of the programming language can be generated (for
  2051 multi-core machines).
  2052 \item Develop an efficient development environment with
  2053 integration of programming and proving, with management not only of
  2054 Isabelle theories, but also of large collections of specifications and
  2055 of programs.
  2056 \end{itemize} 
  2057 Provided successful accomplishment, these points provide distinguished
  2058 components for virtual workbenches appealing to practictioner of
  2059 engineering in the near future.
  2061 \medskip Interactive couse material, as addressed by the title, then
  2062 can comprise step-wise problem solving created as a side-effect of a
  2063 TP-based program: Lucas-Interpretation not only provides an
  2064 interactive programming environment, Lucas-Interpretation also can
  2065 provide TP-based services for a flexible dialog component with
  2066 adaptive user guidance for independent and inquiry-based learning.
  2069 \bibliographystyle{alpha}
  2070 {\small\bibliography{references}}
  2072 \end{document}