author wneuper <Walther.Neuper@jku.at>
Sun, 29 Jan 2023 14:31:56 +0100
changeset 60659 873f40b097bb
parent 60590 35846e25713e
child 60675 d841c720d288
permissions -rw-r--r--
cleanup parse #2: repair error hidden by parse NONE in I_Model.check_single
     1 (* Title:  "Minisubpbl/150a-add-given-Maximum.sml"
     2    Author: Walther Neuper 1105
     3    (c) copyright due to lincense terms.
     5 Note: This test --- steps into me --- more than once, to a somewhat extreme extent;
     6   in order not to get lost while working in Test_Some etc, 
     7   re-introduce  ML (*--- step into XXXXX ---*) and Co.
     8   and use Sidekick for orientation.
     9   Nesting is indicated by  /---   //--   ///-  at the left margin of the comments.
    10 *)
    12 open Test_Code
    13 open Pos
    14 open Ctree
    15 open Tactic
    17 val (_(*example text*),
    18   (model as ("Constants [r = (7::real)]" :: "Maximum A" :: "AdditionalValues [u, v]" :: 
    19      "Extremum (A = 2 * u * v - u \<up> 2)" :: 
    20      "SideConditions [((u::real) / 2) \<up> 2 + (2 / v) \<up> 2 = r \<up> 2]" :: 
    21      "SideConditions [((u::real) / 2) \<up> 2 + (2 / v) \<up> 2 = r \<up> 2]" :: 
    22      "SideConditions [(u::real) / 2 = r * sin \<alpha>, 2 / v = r * cos \<alpha>]" :: 
    23      "FunctionVariable a" :: "FunctionVariable b" :: "FunctionVariable \<alpha>" :: 
    24      "Domain {0 <..< r}" :: "Domain {0 <..< r}" :: "Domain {0 <..< \<pi> / 2}" ::
    25      "ErrorBound (\<epsilon> = (0::real))" :: []), 
    26    refs as ("Diff_App", 
    27      ["univariate_calculus", "Optimisation"],
    28      ["Optimisation", "by_univariate_calculus"])))
    29   = Store.get (Know_Store.get_expls @{theory}) ["Diff_App-No.123a"] ["Diff_App-No.123a"];
    31 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = Test_Code.init_calc @{context} [(model, refs)]; val Model_Problem = nxt;
    32 val c = [];
    34 (*+*)val PblObj {ctxt, ...} = get_obj I pt [];
    35 (*+*)Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt (*= {Pure, .., Diff_App}*);
    36 (*val    Free ("r", TFree ("'a", []))       = Syntax.read_term ctxt "r" ..ERROR until cs.b7a2ad3b3d45*)
    37 (*+*)val Free ("r", Type ("Real.real", [])) = Syntax.read_term ctxt "r"
    39 val return_me_Model_Problem = 
    40            me nxt p c pt; val Add_Given "Constants [r = 7]" = #4 return_me_Model_Problem;
    41 (*/------------------- step into me Model_Problem ------------------------------------------\\*)
    42 "~~~~~ fun me , args:"; val (tac, (p:Pos.pos'), (_:Test_Code.NEW), (pt:Ctree.ctree)) = (nxt, p, c, pt);
    43     val (pt, p) = 
    44       (*ERROR Specify.item_to_add: types or dsc DO NOT MATCH BETWEEN fmz --- pbt ... see 100-init-rootpbl.sml*)
    45 	    case Step.by_tactic tac (pt,p) of
    46 		    ("ok", (_, _, ptp)) => ptp;
    48 (*val ("ok", (ts as (_, _, _) :: _, _, _)) = (*case*)*)
    49 val return_do_next = (*case*)
    50       Step.do_next p ((pt, Pos.e_pos'), []) (*of*);
    51 val ts = return_do_next |> #2 |> #1 |> hd   (* keep for continuing me Model_Problem *)
    52 val continue_Model_Problem = (ts, (pt, p))  (* keep for continuing me Model_Problem *);
    53 (*//------------------ step into do_next ---------------------------------------------------\\*)
    54 "~~~~~ fun do_next , args:"; val (((ip as (_,p_)):pos'), ((ptp as (pt,p), tacis):Calc.state_pre)) =
    55   (p, ((pt, e_pos'),[]));
    56     val pIopt = get_pblID (pt,ip);
    57     (*if*) ip = ([],Res); (* = false*)
    58       val _ = (*case*) tacis (*of*);
    59       val SOME _ = (*case*) pIopt (*of*);
    61     val ("ok", ([(Add_Given "Constants [r = 7]", _, _)], [], _)) =
    62       Step.switch_specify_solve p_ (pt, ip);
    63 "~~~~~ fun switch_specify_solve , args:"; val (state_pos, (pt, input_pos)) = (p_, (pt, ip));
    64       (*if*) Pos.on_specification ([], state_pos) (*then*);
    66     val ("ok", ([(Add_Given "Constants [r = 7]", _, _)], [], _)) =
    67       Step.specify_do_next (pt, input_pos);
    68 (*///----------------- step into specify_do_next -------------------------------------------\\*)
    69 "~~~~~ fun specify_do_next , args:"; val (ptp as (pt, (p, p_))) = (pt, input_pos);
    71 (*  val (_, (p_', tac)) =*)
    72 val return_find_next_step = (*keep for continuing specify_do_next*)
    73    Specify.find_next_step ptp;
    74 (*////---------------- step into find_next_step --------------------------------------------\\*)
    75 "~~~~~ fun find_next_step , args:"; val ((pt, pos as (_, p_))) = (ptp);
    76     val {meth = met, origin = origin as (oris, o_refs as (_, pI', mI'), _), probl = pbl,
    77       spec = refs, ...} = Calc.specify_data (pt, pos);
    78     val ctxt = Ctree.get_ctxt pt pos;
    79       (*if*) Ctree.just_created (pt, pos) andalso origin <> Ctree.e_origin (*else*);
    80         (*if*) p_ = Pos.Pbl (*then*);
    82    Specify.for_problem ctxt oris (o_refs, refs) (pbl, met);
    83 "~~~~~ fun for_problem , args:"; val (ctxt, oris, ((dI', pI', mI'), (dI, pI, mI)), (pbl, met))
    84   = (ctxt, oris, (o_refs, refs), (pbl, met));
    85     val cdI = if dI = ThyC.id_empty then dI' else dI;
    86     val cpI = if pI = Problem.id_empty then pI' else pI;
    87     val cmI = if mI = MethodC.id_empty then mI' else mI;
    88     val {model = pbt, where_rls, where_, ...} = Problem.from_store ctxt cpI;
    89     val {model = mpc, ...} = MethodC.from_store ctxt cmI
    90     val (preok, _) = Pre_Conds.check ctxt where_rls where_ pbl 0;
    91     (*if*) dI' = ThyC.id_empty andalso dI = ThyC.id_empty (*else*);
    92       (*if*) pI' = Problem.id_empty andalso pI = Problem.id_empty (*else*);
    93       (*case*) find_first (I_Model.is_error o #5) pbl (*of*);
    95         (*case*)
    96    Specify.item_to_add (ThyC.get_theory_PIDE ctxt
    97             (if dI = ThyC.id_empty then dI' else dI)) oris pbt pbl (*of*);
    98 "~~~~~ fun item_to_add , args:"; val (thy, oris, _, itms)
    99   = ((ThyC.get_theory_PIDE ctxt (if dI = ThyC.id_empty then dI' else dI)), oris, pbt, pbl);
   100       fun testr_vt v ori = member op= (#2 (ori : O_Model.single)) v andalso (#3 ori) <> "#undef"
   101       fun testi_vt v itm = member op= (#2 (itm : I_Model.single)) v
   102       fun test_id ids r = member op= ids (#1 (r : O_Model.single))
   103       fun test_subset itm (_, _, _, d, ts) = 
   104         (I_Model.descriptor (#5 (itm: I_Model.single))) = d andalso subset op = (I_Model.o_model_values (#5 itm), ts)
   105       fun false_and_not_Sup (_, _, false, _, I_Model.Sup _) = false
   106         | false_and_not_Sup (_, _, false, _, _) = true
   107         | false_and_not_Sup _ = false
   108       val v = if itms = [] then 1 else I_Model.max_variant itms
   109       val vors = if v = 0 then oris else filter (testr_vt v) oris
   110       val vits =
   111         if v = 0
   112         then itms                                 (* because of dsc without dat *)
   113   	    else filter (testi_vt v) itms;                             (* itms..vat *)
   114       val icl = filter false_and_not_Sup vits;                    (* incomplete *)
   115       (*if*) icl = [] (*else*);
   116 val SOME ori =
   117         (*case*) find_first (test_subset (hd icl)) vors (*of*);
   118 (*\\\\---------------- step into find_next_step --------------------------------------------//*)
   119 (*|||----------------- continuing specify_do_next --------------------------------------------*)
   120 val (_, (p_', tac)) = return_find_next_step (*kept for continuing specify_do_next*)
   122     val ist_ctxt =  Ctree.get_loc pt (p, p_)
   123 (*+*)val Add_Given "Constants [r = 7]" = tac
   124 val _ =
   125     (*case*) tac (*of*);
   127 Step_Specify.by_tactic_input tac (pt, (p, p_'));
   128 "~~~~~ fun by_tactic_input , args:"; val ((Tactic.Add_Given ct), ptp) =
   129   (tac, (pt, (p, p_')));
   131    Specify.by_Add_ "#Given" ct ptp;
   132 "~~~~~ fun by_Add_ , args:"; val (m_field, ct ,(pt, pos as (_, p_))) =
   133   ("#Given", ct, ptp);
   134     val (met, oris, (_, pI', mI'), pbl, (_, pI, mI), ctxt) = SpecificationC.get_data (pt, pos)
   135     val (i_model, m_patt) =
   136        if p_ = Pos.Met then
   137          (met,
   138            (if mI = MethodC.id_empty then mI' else mI) |> MethodC.from_store ctxt |> #model)
   139        else
   140          (pbl,
   141            (if pI = Problem.id_empty then pI' else pI) |> Problem.from_store ctxt |> #model);
   142       (*case*)
   143    I_Model.check_single ctxt m_field oris i_model m_patt ct (*of*);
   144 "~~~~~ fun check_single , args:"; val (ctxt, m_field, o_model, i_model, m_patt, (str(*, pos*))) =
   145   (ctxt, m_field, oris, i_model, m_patt, ct);
   146 (*new*) val (t as (descriptor $ _)) = Syntax.read_term ctxt str
   148 (*+*)val "Constants [r = 7]" = UnparseC.term_in_ctxt @{context} t;
   150 (*new*)val SOME m_field' =
   151 (*new*)  (*case*) Model_Pattern.get_field descriptor m_patt (*of*);
   152 (*new*)   (*if*) m_field <> m_field' (*else*);
   154 (*+*)val "#Given" = m_field; val "#Given" = m_field'
   156 (*new*)val (msg, _, _) =
   157 (*new*)  (*case*) O_Model.contains ctxt m_field o_model t (*of*);
   159 (*+*)val (_, _, _, _, vals) = hd o_model;
   160 (*+*)val "Constants [r = 7]" = UnparseC.term_in_ctxt @{context} (@{term Constants} $ (hd vals));
   161 (*+*) if "[\n(1, [\"1\", \"2\", \"3\"], #Given, Constants, [\"[r = 7]\"]), " ^ 
   162 (*+*)     "\n(2, [\"1\", \"2\", \"3\"], #Find, Maximum, [\"A\"]), " ^ 
   163 (*+*)     "\n(3, [\"1\", \"2\", \"3\"], #Find, AdditionalValues, [\"[u]\", \"[v]\"]), " ^ 
   164 (*+*)     "\n(4, [\"1\", \"2\", \"3\"], #Relate, Extremum, [\"A = 2 * u * v - u \<up> 2\"]), " ^ 
   165 (*+*)     "\n(5, [\"1\", \"2\"], #Relate, SideConditions, [\"[(u / 2) \<up> 2 + (2 / v) \<up> 2 = r \<up> 2]\"]), " ^ 
   166 (*+*)     "\n(6, [\"3\"], #Relate, SideConditions, [\"[u / 2 = r * sin \<alpha>]\", \"[2 / v = r * cos \<alpha>]\"]), " ^ 
   167 (*+*)     "\n(7, [\"1\"], #undef, FunctionVariable, [\"a\"]), " ^ 
   168 (*+*)     "\n(8, [\"2\"], #undef, FunctionVariable, [\"b\"]), \n(9, [\"3\"], #undef, FunctionVariable, [\"\<alpha>\"]), " ^ 
   169 (*+*)     "\n(10, [\"1\", \"2\"], #undef, Input_Descript.Domain, [\"{0<..<r}\"]), " ^ 
   170 (*+*)     "\n(11, [\"3\"], #undef, Input_Descript.Domain, [\"{0<..<\<pi> / 2}\"]), " ^ 
   171 (*+*)     "\n(12, [\"1\", \"2\", \"3\"], #undef, ErrorBound, [\"\<epsilon> = 0\"])]"
   172 (*+*) = O_Model.to_string @{context} o_model then () else error "o_model CHANGED";
   173 (*\\------------------ step into into do_next ----------------------------------------------//*)
   175 (*|------------------- continue with me Model_Problem ----------------------------------------*)
   176 val (ts, (pt, p)) = continue_Model_Problem;
   177 val ("ok", (ts as (_, _, _) :: _, _, _)) = return_do_next
   179 val tacis as (_::_) =
   180         (*case*) ts (*of*);
   181           val (tac, _, _) = last_elem tacis
   183 val return = (p, [] : NEW,
   184            TESTg_form ctxt (pt, p), tac, Celem.Sundef, pt);
   185 "~~~~~ fun TESTg_form , args:"; val (ctxt, ptp) = (ctxt, (pt, p));
   186     val (form, _, _) = ME_Misc.pt_extract ctxt ptp
   187 val Ctree.ModSpec (_, p_, _, gfr, where_, _) =
   188     (*case*) form (*of*);
   190 (*+*)val Pos.Pbl = p_;
   191     Test_Out.PpcKF (  (Test_Out.Problem [],
   192  			P_Model.from (Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt) gfr where_));
   194    P_Model.from (Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt) gfr where_;
   195 "~~~~~ fun from , args:"; val (thy, itms, where_) = ((Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt), gfr, where_);
   196     fun coll model [] = model
   197       | coll model ((_, _, _, field, itm_) :: itms) =
   198         coll (add_sel_ppc thy field model (item_from_feedback thy itm_)) itms;
   200  val gfr = coll P_Model.empty itms;
   201 "~~~~~ fun coll , args:"; val (model, ((aaa, bbb_,ccc_, field, itm_) :: itms))
   202   = (P_Model.empty, itms);
   204 (*+*)val 4 = length itms;
   205 (*+*)val itm = nth 1 itms;
   207            coll P_Model.empty [itm];
   208 "~~~~~ fun coll , iterate:"; val (model, ((aaa, bbb_,ccc_, field, itm_) :: []))
   209   = (P_Model.empty, [itm]);
   211           (add_sel_ppc thy field model (item_from_feedback thy itm_));
   212 "~~~~~ fun add_sel_ppc , args:"; val ((_: theory), sel, {Given = gi, Where = wh, Find = fi, With = wi, Relate = re}, x )
   213   = (thy, field, model, (item_from_feedback thy itm_));
   215    P_Model.item_from_feedback thy itm_;
   216 "~~~~~ fun item_from_feedback , args:"; val (thy, (I_Model.Inc ((d, ts), _))) = (thy, itm_);
   217   P_Model.Incompl (UnparseC.term_in_thy thy (Input_Descript.join (d, ts)));
   218 (*\------------------- step into into me Model_Problem -------------------------------------//*)
   219 val (p, _, f, nxt, _, pt) = return_me_Model_Problem
   221 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt; val Add_Find "Maximum A" = nxt;
   222 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt; val Add_Find "AdditionalValues [u]" = nxt;
   223 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt; val Add_Find "AdditionalValues [v]" = nxt;
   224 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt; val Add_Relation "Extremum (A = 2 * u * v - u \<up> 2)" = nxt;
   225 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt; val Add_Relation "SideConditions [(u / 2) \<up> 2 + (2 / v) \<up> 2 = r \<up> 2]" = nxt;
   226 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt; val Specify_Theory "Diff_App" = nxt;
   227 val return_me_Specify_Theory
   228                      = me nxt p c pt; val Specify_Problem ["univariate_calculus", "Optimisation"] = #4 return_me_Specify_Theory;
   230 (*/------------------- step into me Specify_Theory -----------------------------------------\\*)
   231 "~~~~~ fun me , args:"; val (tac, p, _, pt) = (nxt, p, c, pt);
   232       val ctxt = Ctree.get_ctxt pt p
   233       val (pt, p) = 
   234   	    case Step.by_tactic tac (pt, p) of
   235   		    ("ok", (_, _, ptp)) => ptp
   237 val ("ok", (ts as (_, _, _) :: _, _, _)) =
   238     (*case*)
   239       Step.do_next p ((pt, Pos.e_pos'), []) (*of*);
   240 (*//------------------ step into do_next ---------------------------------------------------\\*)
   241 "~~~~~ fun do_next , args:"; val ((ip as (_, p_)), (ptp as (pt, p), tacis))
   242   = (p, ((pt, Pos.e_pos'), [])) (*of*);
   243   (*if*) Pos.on_calc_end ip (*else*);
   244       val (_, probl_id, _) = Calc.references (pt, p);
   245 val _ =
   246       (*case*) tacis (*of*);
   247         (*if*) probl_id = Problem.id_empty (*else*);
   249       Step.switch_specify_solve p_ (pt, ip);
   250 "~~~~~ fun switch_specify_solve , args:"; val (state_pos, (pt, input_pos)) = (p_, (pt, ip));
   251       (*if*) Pos.on_specification ([], state_pos) (*then*);
   253       Step.specify_do_next (pt, input_pos);
   254 "~~~~~ fun specify_do_next , args:"; val ((ptp as (pt, (p, p_)))) = (pt, input_pos);
   255     val (_, (p_', tac)) = Specify.find_next_step ptp
   256     val ist_ctxt =  Ctree.get_loc pt (p, p_);
   257     (*case*) tac (*of*);
   259 Step_Specify.by_tactic_input  tac (pt, (p, p_'));
   260 "~~~~~ fun by_tactic_input , args:"; val ((Tactic.Specify_Problem pI), (pt, pos as (p, _)))
   261   = (tac, (pt, (p, p_')));
   262       val (oris, dI, dI', pI', probl, ctxt) = case get_obj I pt p of
   263         PblObj {origin = (oris, (dI,_,_),_), spec = (dI',pI',_), probl, ctxt, ...} =>
   264           (oris, dI, dI', pI', probl, ctxt)
   265 	    val thy = ThyC.get_theory_PIDE ctxt (if dI' = ThyC.id_empty then dI else dI');
   266       val {model, where_, where_rls,...} = Problem.from_store (Ctree.get_ctxt pt pos) pI
   267 (*\\------------------ step into do_next ---------------------------------------------------//*)
   268 (*\------------------- step into me Specify_Theory -----------------------------------------//*)
   269 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = return_me_Specify_Theory;
   271 val return_me_Specify_Problem (* keep for continuing me *)
   272                      = me nxt p c pt; val Specify_Method ["Optimisation", "by_univariate_calculus"] = #4 return_me_Specify_Problem;
   273 (*/------------------- step into me Specify_Problem ----------------------------------------\\*)
   274 "~~~~~ fun me , args:"; val (tac, p, _, pt) = (nxt, p, c, pt);
   275       val ctxt = Ctree.get_ctxt pt p
   277 (** )  val ("ok", (_, _, ptp as (pt, p))) =( **)
   278 (**)    val return_by_tactic =(**) (*case*)
   279       Step.by_tactic tac (pt, p) (*of*);
   280 (*//------------------ step into by_tactic -------------------------------------------------\\*)
   281 "~~~~~ fun by_tactic , args:"; val (tac, (ptp as (pt, p))) = (tac, (pt, p));
   283     (*case*)
   284       Step.check tac (pt, p) (*of*);
   285 "~~~~~ fun check , args:"; val (tac, (ctree, pos)) = (tac, (pt, p));
   286   (*if*) Tactic.for_specify tac (*then*);
   288 Specify_Step.check tac (ctree, pos);
   289 "~~~~~ fun check , args:"; val ((Tactic.Specify_Problem pID), (pt, pos as (p, _)))
   290   = (tac, (ctree, pos));
   291 		    val (oris, dI, pI, dI', pI', itms) = case Ctree.get_obj I pt p of
   292 		      Ctree.PblObj {origin = (oris, (dI, pI, _), _), spec = (dI', pI', _), probl = itms, ...}
   293 		        => (oris, dI, pI, dI', pI', itms)
   294 	      val thy = ThyC.get_theory_PIDE ctxt (if dI' = ThyC.id_empty then dI else dI');
   295 (*\\------------------ step into by_tactic -------------------------------------------------//*)
   296 val ("ok", (_, _, ptp as (pt, p))) = return_by_tactic (* kept for continuing me *);
   298       (*case*)
   299       Step.do_next p ((pt, Pos.e_pos'), []) (*of*);
   300 "~~~~~ fun do_next , args:"; val ((ip as (_, p_)), (ptp as (pt, p), tacis)) = (p, ((pt, Pos.e_pos'), []));
   301   (*if*) Pos.on_calc_end ip (*else*);
   302       val (_, probl_id, _) = Calc.references (pt, p);
   303 val _ =
   304       (*case*) tacis (*of*);
   305         (*if*) probl_id = Problem.id_empty (*else*);
   307       Step.switch_specify_solve p_ (pt, ip);
   308 "~~~~~ fun switch_specify_solve , args:"; val (state_pos, (pt, input_pos)) = (p_, (pt, ip));
   309       (*if*) Pos.on_specification ([], state_pos) (*then*);
   311       Step.specify_do_next (pt, input_pos);
   312 "~~~~~ fun specify_do_next , args:"; val ((ptp as (pt, (p, p_)))) = ((pt, input_pos));
   313     val (_, (p_', tac)) = Specify.find_next_step ptp
   314     val ist_ctxt =  Ctree.get_loc pt (p, p_)
   315 val _ =
   316     (*case*) tac (*of*);
   318 Step_Specify.by_tactic_input tac (pt, (p, p_'));
   319 "~~~~~ fun by_tactic_input , args:"; val ((Tactic.Specify_Method id), (pt, pos))
   320   = (tac, (pt, (p, p_')));
   322       val (o_model, ctxt, i_model) =
   323 Specify_Step.complete_for id (pt, pos);
   324 "~~~~~ fun complete_for , args:"; val (mID, (ctree, pos)) = (id, (pt, pos));
   325     val {origin = (o_model, o_refs, _), spec = refs, probl = i_prob, ctxt,
   326        ...} = Calc.specify_data (ctree, pos);
   327     val ctxt = Ctree.get_ctxt ctree pos
   328     val (dI, _, _) = References.select_input o_refs refs;
   329     val {model = m_patt, where_, where_rls, ...} = MethodC.from_store ctxt mID
   330     val {origin = (root_model, _, _), ...} = Calc.specify_data (ctree, ([], Pos.Und))
   331     val (o_model', ctxt') = O_Model.complete_for m_patt root_model (o_model, ctxt)
   332     val thy = ThyC.get_theory_PIDE ctxt dI
   333     val (_, (i_model, _)) = M_Match.match_itms_oris ctxt i_prob (m_patt, where_, where_rls) o_model';
   334 (*\------------------- step into me Specify_Problem ----------------------------------------//*)
   335 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = return_me_Specify_Problem
   337 val return_me_Add_Given_FunctionVariable
   338                      = me nxt p c pt; val Add_Given "FunctionVariable a" = #4 return_me_Add_Given_FunctionVariable;
   339 (*/------------------- step into me Specify_Method -----------------------------------------\\*)
   340 "~~~~~ fun me , args:"; val (tac, p, _, pt) = (nxt, p, c, pt);
   341       val ctxt = Ctree.get_ctxt pt p
   342       val (pt, p) = 
   343   	    (*Step.by_tactic is here for testing by me; do_next would suffice in me*)
   344   	    case Step.by_tactic tac (pt, p) of
   345   		    ("ok", (_, _, ptp)) => ptp;
   347          (*case*)
   348       Step.do_next p ((pt, Pos.e_pos'), []) (*of*);
   349 "~~~~~ fun do_next , args:"; val ((ip as (_, p_)), (ptp as (pt, p), tacis)) = (p, ((pt, Pos.e_pos'), []));
   350   (*if*) Pos.on_calc_end ip (*else*);
   351       val (_, probl_id, _) = Calc.references (pt, p);
   352 val _ =
   353       (*case*) tacis (*of*);
   354         (*if*) probl_id = Problem.id_empty (*else*);
   356       Step.switch_specify_solve p_ (pt, ip);
   357 "~~~~~ fun switch_specify_solve , args:"; val (state_pos, (pt, input_pos)) = (p_, (pt, ip));
   358       (*if*) Pos.on_specification ([], state_pos) (*then*);
   360       Step.specify_do_next (pt, input_pos);
   361 "~~~~~ fun specify_do_next , args:"; val ((ptp as (pt, (p, p_)))) = (pt, input_pos);
   363     val (_, (p_', tac)) =
   364    Specify.find_next_step ptp;
   365 "~~~~~ fun find_next_step , args:"; val ((pt, pos as (_, p_))) = (ptp);
   366     val {meth = met, origin = origin as (oris, o_refs as (_, pI', mI'), _), probl = pbl,
   367       spec = refs, ...} = Calc.specify_data (pt, pos);
   368     val ctxt = Ctree.get_ctxt pt pos;
   369       (*if*) Ctree.just_created (pt, pos) andalso origin <> Ctree.e_origin (*else*);
   370         (*if*) p_ = Pos.Pbl (*else*);
   372    Specify.for_method ctxt oris (o_refs, refs) (pbl, met);
   373 "~~~~~ fun for_method , args:"; val (ctxt, oris, ((dI', pI', mI'), (dI, pI, mI)), (pbl, met))
   374   = (ctxt, oris, (o_refs, refs), (pbl, met));
   375     val cmI = if mI = MethodC.id_empty then mI' else mI;
   376     val {model = mpc, where_rls, where_, ...} = MethodC.from_store ctxt cmI;    (*..MethodC ?*)
   377     val (preok, _) = Pre_Conds.check ctxt where_rls where_ pbl 0;
   378 val NONE =
   379     (*case*) find_first (I_Model.is_error o #5) met (*of*);
   381       (*case*)
   382    Specify.item_to_add (ThyC.get_theory_PIDE ctxt 
   383      (if dI = ThyC.id_empty then dI' else dI)) oris mpc met (*of*);
   384 "~~~~~ fun item_to_add , args:"; val (thy, oris, _, itms)
   385   = ((ThyC.get_theory_PIDE ctxt (if dI = ThyC.id_empty then dI' else dI)), oris, mpc, met);
   386 (*\------------------- step into me Specify_Method -----------------------------------------//*)
   387 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = return_me_Add_Given_FunctionVariable
   389 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt; val Add_Given "Input_Descript.Domain {0<..<r}" = nxt;
   390 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt; val Add_Given "ErrorBound (\<epsilon> = 0)" = nxt;
   391 (*
   392   nxt would be Tactic.Apply_Method, which tries to determine a next step in the ***Program***,
   393   but the ***Program*** is not yet perfectly implemented.
   394 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p c pt;
   395 *)