author Walther Neuper <>
Mon, 04 May 2020 09:25:51 +0200
changeset 59932 87336f3b021f
parent 59907 4c62e16e842e
child 59934 955d6fa8bb9b
permissions -rw-r--r--
separate Solve_Step.add, rearrange code, prep. Specify_Step
     1 (* Title:  Interpret/derive.sml
     2    Author: Walther Neuper 2019
     3    (c) due to copyright terms
     5 Derive makes (term * rule * result) steps (= derivation) for term transformations,
     6 which cannot be done by rewriting, e.g cancellation of polynomials.
     7 *)
     9 signature DERIVE =
    10 sig
    11   (*TODO cleanup signature*)
    12   type der
    13   type deri
    14   type derivation
    15 (*val make_deriv *)
    16   val do_one : theory -> Rule_Set.T -> Rule.rule list -> Rule_Def.rew_ord_ ->
    17     term option -> term -> derivation
    18 (*val reverse_deriv *)
    19   val steps_reverse : theory -> Rule_Set.T -> Rule.rule list -> Rule_Def.rew_ord_ ->
    20     term option -> term -> deri list
    21 (*val concat_deriv *)
    22   val steps : Rule_Def.rew_ord -> Rule_Set.T -> Rule.rule list -> term -> term ->
    23     bool * der list
    24   val embed: State_Steps.T -> Calc.T -> Pos.pos' list * Calc.T
    25 (* ---- for tests only: shifted from below to remove the Warning "unused" at fun.def. --------- *)
    26   (*  NONE *)
    27 (*/-------------------------------------------------------- ! aktivate for Test_Isac BEGIN ---\* )
    28   val trtas2str : (term * Rule.rule * (term * term list)) list -> string
    29   val deriv2str : (term * Rule.rule * (term * term list)) list -> string
    30   val rev_deriv' : 'a * Rule.rule * ('b * 'c) -> 'b * Rule.rule * ('a * 'c)
    31 ( *\--- ! aktivate for Test_Isac END ----------------------------------------------------------/*)
    32 end
    34 (**)
    35 structure Derive(**): DERIVE(**) =
    36 struct
    37 (**)
    39 (** the triple for a step **)
    41 type der =        (* derivation for inserting one level of nodes into the Ctree *) 
    42   ( term *        (* where the rule is applied to                               *)
    43     Rule.rule *   (* rule to be applied                                         *)
    44     ( term *      (* resulting from rule application                            *)
    45       term list));(* assumptions resulting from rule application                *)
    46 type deri = Rule.rule * (term * term list)
    47 type derivation = der list
    49 fun trta2str (t, r, (t', a)) =
    50   "\n(" ^ UnparseC.term t ^ ", " ^ Rule.to_string_short r ^ ", (" ^ UnparseC.term t' ^ ", " ^ UnparseC.terms a ^ "))"
    51 fun trtas2str trtas = (strs2str o (map trta2str)) trtas
    52 val deriv2str = trtas2str
    54 (** make one triple towards the goal term **)
    56 fun msg_1 rts =
    57   (tracing ("do_one exceeds " ^ int2str (! Rewrite.lim_deriv) ^ "with derivation =\n");
    58    tracing (deriv2str rts));
    59 fun msg_2 thmid =
    60   if not (! Rewrite.trace_on) then () else tracing ("### trying thm \"" ^ thmid ^ "\"");
    61 fun msg_3 t' =
    62   if ! Rewrite.trace_on then tracing ("=== rewrites to: " ^ UnparseC.term t') else ();
    63 fun msg_4 op_ =
    64   if not (! Rewrite.trace_on) then () else tracing ("### trying calc. \"" ^ op_^"\"");
    65 fun msg_5 t' =
    66   if not (! Rewrite.trace_on) then () else tracing("=== calc. to: " ^ UnparseC.term t')
    68 fun do_one thy erls rs ro goal tt = 
    69   let 
    70     datatype switch = Appl | Noap (* TODO: unify with version in Rewrite *)
    71     fun rew_once _ rts t Noap [] = 
    72         (case goal of NONE => rts | SOME _ =>
    73           raise ERROR ("do_one: no derivation for " ^ UnparseC.term t))
    74       | rew_once lim rts t Appl [] = rew_once lim rts t Noap rs
    75         (*| Seq _ => rts) FIXXXXXME 14.3.03*)
    76       | rew_once lim rts t apno rs' =
    77         (case goal of 
    78           NONE => rew_or_calc lim rts t apno rs'
    79         | SOME g => if g = t then rts else rew_or_calc lim rts t apno rs')
    80     and rew_or_calc lim rts t apno (rrs' as (r :: rs')) =
    81       if lim < 0 
    82       then (msg_1 rts; rts)
    83       else
    84         (case r of
    85           Rule.Thm (thmid, tm) => 
    86             (msg_2 thmid;
    87             case Rewrite.rewrite_ thy ro erls true tm t of
    88               NONE => rew_once lim rts t apno rs'
    89             | SOME (t', a') =>
    90               (msg_3 t'; rew_once (lim - 1) (rts @ [(t, r, (t', a'))]) t' Appl rrs'))
    91         | Rule.Eval (c as (op_, _)) => 
    92             (msg_4 op_;
    93             case Eval.adhoc_thm thy c (TermC.uminus_to_string t) of
    94               NONE => rew_once lim rts t apno rs'
    95             | SOME (thmid, tm) => 
    96               (let
    97                 val (t', a') = case Rewrite.rewrite_ thy ro erls true tm t of
    98                   SOME ta => ta
    99                 | NONE => raise ERROR "adhoc_thm: NONE"
   100                 val _ = msg_5 t'
   101                 val r' = Rule.Thm (thmid, tm)
   102               in rew_once (lim - 1) (rts @ [(t, r', (t', a'))]) t' Appl rrs' end) 
   103                 handle _ => raise ERROR "derive_norm, Eval: no rewrite")
   104         | Rule.Rls_ rls =>
   105           (case Rewrite.rewrite_set_ thy true rls t of
   106             NONE => rew_once lim rts t apno rs'
   107           | SOME (t', a') => rew_once (lim - 1) (rts @ [(t, r, (t', a'))]) t' Appl rrs')
   108         | rule => raise ERROR ("rew_once: uncovered case " ^ Rule.to_string rule))
   109     | rew_or_calc _ _ _ _ [] = raise ERROR "rew_or_calc: called with []"
   110   in rew_once (! Rewrite.lim_deriv) [] tt Noap rs end
   113 (** concatenate several steps in revers order **)
   115 fun rev_deriv (t, r, (_, a)) = (ThmC.make_sym_rule r, (t, a));
   116 fun steps_reverse thy erls rs ro goal t =
   117     (rev o (map rev_deriv)) (do_one thy erls rs ro goal t)
   120 (** concatenate several steps **)
   122 fun rev_deriv' (t, r, (t', a)) = (t', ThmC.make_sym_rule r, (t, a));
   124 (* fo = ifo excluded already in inform *)
   125 fun steps rew_ord erls rules fo ifo =
   126   let 
   127     fun derivat ([]:(term * Rule.rule * (term * term list)) list) = TermC.empty
   128       | derivat dt = (#1 o #3 o last_elem) dt
   129     fun equal (_, _, (t1, _)) (_, _, (t2, _)) = t1 = t2
   130     val  fod = do_one (ThyC.Isac()) erls rules (snd rew_ord) NONE  fo
   131     val ifod = do_one (ThyC.Isac()) erls rules (snd rew_ord) NONE ifo
   132   in 
   133     case (fod, ifod) of
   134       ([], []) => if fo = ifo then (true, []) else (false, [])
   135     | (fod, []) => if derivat fod = ifo then (true, fod) (*ifo is normal form*) else (false, [])
   136     | ([], ifod) => if fo = derivat ifod then (true, ((map rev_deriv') o rev) ifod) else (false, [])
   137     | (fod, ifod) =>
   138       if derivat fod = derivat ifod (*common normal form found*) then
   139         let 
   140           val (fod', rifod') = dropwhile' equal (rev fod) (rev ifod)
   141         in (true, fod' @ (map rev_deriv' rifod')) end
   142       else (false, [])
   143   end
   145 (* embed the tacis created by a '_deriv'ation; sys.form <> input.form
   146   tacis are in order, thus are reverted for generate *)
   147 fun embed tacis (pt, pos as (p, Pos.Frm)) =
   148   (*inform at Frm: replace the whole PrfObj by a Transitive-ProfObj FIXME?0402
   149     and transfer the istate (from _after_ compare_deriv) from Frm to Res*)
   150     let
   151       val (res, asm) = (State_Steps.result o last_elem) tacis
   152     	val (ist, ctxt) = case Ctree.get_obj Ctree.g_loc pt p of
   153     	  (SOME (ist, ctxt), _) => (ist, ctxt)
   154       | (NONE, _) => error "Derive.embed Frm: uncovered case get_obj"
   155     	val form =  Ctree.get_obj  Ctree.g_form pt p
   156       (*val p = lev_on p; ---------------only difference to (..,Res) below*)
   157     	val tacis = (Tactic.Begin_Trans, Tactic.Begin_Trans' form, (pos, (Istate_Def.Uistate, ctxt))) ::
   158     		(State_Steps.insert_pos ((Pos.lev_on o Pos.lev_dn) p) tacis) @ [(Tactic.End_Trans, Tactic.End_Trans' (res, asm),
   159     			(Pos.pos_plus (length tacis) (Pos.lev_dn p, Pos.Res), (Ctree.new_val res ist, ctxt)))]
   160     	val {nrls, ...} = Specify.get_met (Ctree.get_obj Ctree.g_metID pt (Ctree.par_pblobj pt p))
   161     	val (pt, c, pos as (p, _)) = Solve_Step.s_add_general (rev tacis) (pt, [], (p, Pos.Res))
   162     	val pt = Ctree.update_tac pt p (Tactic.Derive ( nrls))
   163     	val pt = Ctree.update_branch pt p Ctree.TransitiveB
   164     in (c, (pt, pos)) end
   165   | embed tacis (pt, (p, Pos.Res)) =
   166     (*inform at Res: append a Transitive-PrfObj FIXME?0402 other branch-types ?
   167       and transfer the istate (from _after_ compare_deriv) from Res to new Res*)
   168     let
   169       val (res, asm) = (State_Steps.result o last_elem) tacis
   170     	val (ist, ctxt) = case Ctree.get_obj Ctree.g_loc pt p of
   171     	  (_, SOME (ist, ctxt)) => (ist, ctxt)
   172       | (_, NONE) => error "Derive.embed Frm: uncovered case get_obj"
   173     	val (f, _) = Ctree.get_obj Ctree.g_result pt p
   174     	val p = Pos.lev_on p(*---------------only difference to (..,Frm) above*);
   175     	val tacis = (Tactic.Begin_Trans, Tactic.Begin_Trans' f, ((p, Pos.Frm), (Istate_Def.Uistate, ctxt))) ::
   176     		(State_Steps.insert_pos ((Pos.lev_on o Pos.lev_dn) p) tacis) @ [(Tactic.End_Trans, Tactic.End_Trans' (res, asm), 
   177     			(Pos.pos_plus (length tacis) (Pos.lev_dn p, Pos.Res), (Ctree.new_val res ist, ctxt)))];
   178     	val {nrls, ...} = Specify.get_met (Ctree.get_obj Ctree.g_metID pt (Ctree.par_pblobj pt p))
   179     	val (pt, c, pos as (p, _)) = Solve_Step.s_add_general (rev tacis) (pt, [], (p, Pos.Res))
   180     	val pt = Ctree.update_tac pt p (Tactic.Derive ( nrls))
   181     	val pt = Ctree.update_branch pt p Ctree.TransitiveB
   182     in (c, (pt, pos)) end
   183   | embed _ _ = error "Derive.embed: uncovered definition"
   185 (**)end(**)