author wneuper <walther.neuper@jku.at>
Thu, 29 Apr 2021 17:02:10 +0200
changeset 60270 844610c5c943
parent 60230 0ca0f9363ad3
child 60565 f92963a33fe3
permissions -rw-r--r--
eliminate "handle _ => ..." finished
     1 (* Title:  BaseDefinitions/calcelems.sml
     2    Author: Walther Neuper 060113
     3    (c) due to copyright terms
     4 *)
     6 "--------------------------------------------------------";
     7 "--------------------------------------------------------";
     8 "table of contents --------------------------------------";
     9 "--------------------------------------------------------";
    10 "-------- Unsynchronized.ref doesn't work any more ------";
    11 "-------- fun ThmC.cut_id ------------------";
    12 "-------- fun UnparseC.term ----------------------------------";
    13 "-------- fun ThmC.cut_id 000---------------";
    14 "-------- fun Rule_Set.merge -----------------------------------------------------";
    15 "-------- fun update_ptyps --------------------------------------------------";
    16 "-------- fun subst2str' -----------------------------------------------------------------------";
    17 "--------------------------------------------------------";
    18 "--------------------------------------------------------";
    19 "--------------------------------------------------------";
    21 "-------- Unsynchronized.ref doesn't work any more ------";
    22 "-------- Unsynchronized.ref doesn't work any more ------";
    23 "-------- Unsynchronized.ref doesn't work any more ------";
    24 (* this code resembles what would be needed to intermediately save original data ... *)
    26 val ref_ = Unsynchronized.ref "original-data";
    27 (* save intermediately *) val val_ = ! ref_;
    28 ref_ := "test-data";
    29 (* restore original    *) ref_ := val_;
    30 if ! ref_ = "original-data"
    31 then writeln "~~~~~ that's what we want"
    32 else writeln "===== why not original ?";
    34 (* ... which works in this simple case. But the same did not work with 
    35   --- fun insert_errpats ---, see changeset 90f3855dee3b *)
    38 "-------- fun ThmC.cut_id ----------------";
    39 "-------- fun ThmC.cut_id ----------------";
    40 "-------- fun ThmC.cut_id ----------------";
    41 val thm = @{thm radd_0};
    42 val dn = Thm.derivation_name thm;
    43 if dn = "Test.radd_0" then () 
    44 else error "calcelems.sml Thm.derivation_name changed 1";
    46 val thmID = ThmC.cut_id dn;
    47 val thyID = ThyC.cut_id dn;
    48 if thmID = "radd_0" andalso thyID = "Test" then ()
    49 else error "calcelems.sml Thm.derivation_name changed 2";
    51 "--- thm2 --";
    52 val thm = @{thm add_divide_distrib}
    53 val dn = Thm.derivation_name thm;
    54 val thmID = ThmC.cut_id dn;
    55 val thyID = ThyC.cut_id dn;
    56 if thmID = "add_divide_distrib" andalso thyID = "Fields" then ()
    57 else error "calcelems.sml Thm.derivation_name changed 3";
    59 "-------- fun UnparseC.term ----------------------------------";
    60 "-------- fun UnparseC.term ----------------------------------";
    61 "-------- fun UnparseC.term ----------------------------------";
    62 (*Quick notes from Makarius.1003
    64  @{term "2::int"} 
    66  term "(1.24444) :: real"
    68  ThmC_Def.num_to_Free @{term "%x. (-9993::int) + x + 1"} 
    70  Toplevel.debug := true;
    72  literal types:
    73  PolyML.addPrettyPrinter
    74   (fn _ => fn _ => ml_pretty o Pretty.to_ML o raw_pp_typ);
    76 pretty types:
    77  PolyML.addPrettyPrinter
    78    (fn _ => fn _ => ml_pretty o Pretty.to_ML o Proof_Display.pp_typ Pure.thy);
    79  (*default_print_depth 3;*)
    80 *)
    82 "-------- fun ThmC.cut_id 000---------------";
    83 "-------- fun ThmC.cut_id 000---------------";
    84 "-------- fun ThmC.cut_id 000---------------";
    85 val long_id = Thm.get_name_hint @{thm mult_1_left};
    86 if long_id = "Groups.monoid_mult_class.mult_1_left" then ()
    87 else error "fun Thm.get_name_hint or @{thm mult_1_left} changed";
    89 if ThmC.cut_id long_id = "mult_1_left" then ()
    90 else error "fun ThmC.cut_id broken";
    92 if ThyC.cut_id long_id = "Groups" then ()
    93 else error "fun ThyC.cut_id broken";
    95 "-------- fun Rule_Set.merge -----------------------------------------------------";
    96 "-------- fun Rule_Set.merge -----------------------------------------------------";
    97 "-------- fun Rule_Set.merge -----------------------------------------------------";
    98 (*theory Thy_2 imports Thy_1*)
    99 val rlss2 = [("test_list_rls", (Context.theory_name @{theory},
   100   Rule_Set.append_rules "test_list_rls" Rule_Set.empty [Thm ("refl", @{thm refl}), Thm ("subst", @{thm subst})]))]
   101 (*theory Thy_2b imports Thy_1*)
   102 val rlss2b = [("test_list_rls", (Context.theory_name @{theory},
   103   Rule_Set.append_rules "test_list_rls" Rule_Set.empty [Thm ("False_def", @{thm False_def})]))]
   105 val [(_, (_, Rule_Set.Repeat {rules, ...}))] = Rule_Set.to_kestore (rlss2, rlss2b)
   106 ;
   107 case rules of
   108   [Thm ("subst", _), Thm ("refl", _), Thm ("False_def", _)] => ()
   109 | _ => error "Rule_Set.merge changed"
   111 "-------- fun update_ptyps --------------------------------------------------";
   112 "-------- fun update_ptyps --------------------------------------------------";
   113 "-------- fun update_ptyps --------------------------------------------------";
   114 val pty = [
   115   Store.Node ("aaa", [1], [
   116     Store.Node ("aaa-1", [11], [])]),
   117   Store.Node ("bbb", [2], [
   118     Store.Node ("bbb-1", [21], []),
   119     Store.Node ("bbb-2", [22], [
   120       Store.Node ("bbb-21", [221], []),
   121       Store.Node ("bbb-22", [222], [])])]),
   122   Store.Node ("ccc", [3], [])] : int Store.T
   124 val ID = ["ddd"];
   125 (*update_ptyps ID ID 99999 pty; ERROR update_ptyps: [aaa] does not exist*)
   127 val ID = ["ccc"];
   128 if Store.update ID ID 99999 pty = 
   129   [Store.Node ("aaa", [1], [Store.Node ("aaa-1", [11], [])]), 
   130   Store.Node ("bbb", [2], [Store.Node ("bbb-1", [21], []), 
   131     Store.Node ("bbb-2", [22], [Store.Node ("bbb-21", [221], []), Store.Node ("bbb-22", [222], [])])]),
   132   Store.Node ("ccc", [99999], [])] 
   133   then () else error "update_ptyps has changed 1";
   135 val ID = ["aaa"];
   136 (*update_ptyps ID ID 99999 pty; ERROR update_ptyps: [aaa] has descendants*)
   138 val ID = ["bbb", "bbb-2", "bbb-21"];
   139 if Store.update ID ID 99999 pty = 
   140   [Store.Node ("aaa", [1], [Store.Node ("aaa-1", [11], [])]), 
   141   Store.Node ("bbb", [2], [Store.Node ("bbb-1", [21], []), Store.Node ("bbb-2", [22], 
   142     [Store.Node ("bbb-21", [99999], []), Store.Node ("bbb-22", [222], [])])]), 
   143   Store.Node ("ccc", [3], [])] 
   144 then () else error "update_ptyps has changed 2";
   146 val ID = ["bbb", "bbb-2", "bbb-22"];
   147 if Store.update ID ID 99999 pty = 
   148   [Store.Node ("aaa", [1], [Store.Node ("aaa-1", [11], [])]), 
   149   Store.Node ("bbb", [2], [Store.Node ("bbb-1", [21], []), 
   150       Store.Node ("bbb-2", [22], [Store.Node ("bbb-21", [221], []), Store.Node ("bbb-22", [99999], [])])]), 
   151   Store.Node ("ccc", [3], [])] 
   152 then () else error "update_ptyps has changed 3";
   154 "----------- fun subst2str' --------------------------------------------------------------------";
   155 "----------- fun subst2str' --------------------------------------------------------------------";
   156 "----------- fun subst2str' --------------------------------------------------------------------";
   157 (*> subst2str' [(TermC.str2term "bdv", TermC.str2term "x"),
   158 		(TermC.str2term "bdv_2", TermC.str2term "y")];
   159 val it = "[(bdv, x)]" : string
   160 *)