author obua
Tue, 11 May 2004 20:11:08 +0200
changeset 14738 83f1a514dcb4
child 15010 72fbe711e414
permissions -rw-r--r--
changes made due to new Ring_and_Field theory
     1 (*  Title:   HOL/LOrder.thy
     2     ID:      $Id$
     3     Author:  Steven Obua, TU Muenchen
     5 *)
     7 header {* Lattice Orders *}
     9 theory LOrder = HOL:
    11 text {*
    12   The theory of lattices developed here is taken from the book:
    13   \begin{itemize}
    14   \item \emph{Lattice Theory} by Garret Birkhoff, American Mathematical Society 1979. 
    15   \end{itemize}
    16 *}
    18 constdefs
    19   is_meet :: "(('a::order) \<Rightarrow> 'a \<Rightarrow> 'a) \<Rightarrow> bool"
    20   "is_meet m == ! a b x. m a b \<le> a \<and> m a b \<le> b \<and> (x \<le> a \<and> x \<le> b \<longrightarrow> x \<le> m a b)"
    21   is_join :: "(('a::order) \<Rightarrow> 'a \<Rightarrow> 'a) \<Rightarrow> bool"
    22   "is_join j == ! a b x. a \<le> j a b \<and> b \<le> j a b \<and> (a \<le> x \<and> b \<le> x \<longrightarrow> j a b \<le> x)"  
    24 lemma is_meet_unique: 
    25   assumes "is_meet u" "is_meet v" shows "u = v"
    26 proof -
    27   {
    28     fix a b :: "'a \<Rightarrow> 'a \<Rightarrow> 'a"
    29     assume a: "is_meet a"
    30     assume b: "is_meet b"
    31     {
    32       fix x y 
    33       let ?za = "a x y"
    34       let ?zb = "b x y"
    35       from a have za_le: "?za <= x & ?za <= y" by (auto simp add: is_meet_def)
    36       with b have "?za <= ?zb" by (auto simp add: is_meet_def)
    37     }
    38   }
    39   note f_le = this
    40   show "u = v" by ((rule ext)+, simp_all add: order_antisym prems f_le) 
    41 qed
    43 lemma is_join_unique: 
    44   assumes "is_join u" "is_join v" shows "u = v"
    45 proof -
    46   {
    47     fix a b :: "'a \<Rightarrow> 'a \<Rightarrow> 'a"
    48     assume a: "is_join a"
    49     assume b: "is_join b"
    50     {
    51       fix x y 
    52       let ?za = "a x y"
    53       let ?zb = "b x y"
    54       from a have za_le: "x <= ?za & y <= ?za" by (auto simp add: is_join_def)
    55       with b have "?zb <= ?za" by (auto simp add: is_join_def)
    56     }
    57   }
    58   note f_le = this
    59   show "u = v" by ((rule ext)+, simp_all add: order_antisym prems f_le) 
    60 qed
    62 axclass join_semilorder < order
    63   join_exists: "? j. is_join j"
    65 axclass meet_semilorder < order
    66   meet_exists: "? m. is_meet m"
    68 axclass lorder < join_semilorder, meet_semilorder
    70 constdefs
    71   meet :: "('a::meet_semilorder) \<Rightarrow> 'a \<Rightarrow> 'a"
    72   "meet == THE m. is_meet m"
    73   join :: "('a::join_semilorder) \<Rightarrow> 'a \<Rightarrow> 'a"
    74   "join ==  THE j. is_join j"
    76 lemma is_meet_meet: "is_meet (meet::'a \<Rightarrow> 'a \<Rightarrow> ('a::meet_semilorder))"
    77 proof -
    78   from meet_exists obtain k::"'a \<Rightarrow> 'a \<Rightarrow> 'a" where "is_meet k" ..
    79   with is_meet_unique[of _ k] show ?thesis
    80     by (simp add: meet_def theI[of is_meet])    
    81 qed
    83 lemma meet_unique: "(is_meet m) = (m = meet)" 
    84 by (insert is_meet_meet, auto simp add: is_meet_unique)
    86 lemma is_join_join: "is_join (join::'a \<Rightarrow> 'a \<Rightarrow> ('a::join_semilorder))"
    87 proof -
    88   from join_exists obtain k::"'a \<Rightarrow> 'a \<Rightarrow> 'a" where "is_join k" ..
    89   with is_join_unique[of _ k] show ?thesis
    90     by (simp add: join_def theI[of is_join])    
    91 qed
    93 lemma join_unique: "(is_join j) = (j = join)"
    94 by (insert is_join_join, auto simp add: is_join_unique)
    96 lemma meet_left_le: "meet a b \<le> (a::'a::meet_semilorder)"
    97 by (insert is_meet_meet, auto simp add: is_meet_def)
    99 lemma meet_right_le: "meet a b \<le> (b::'a::meet_semilorder)"
   100 by (insert is_meet_meet, auto simp add: is_meet_def)
   102 lemma meet_imp_le: "x \<le> a \<Longrightarrow> x \<le> b \<Longrightarrow> x \<le> meet a (b::'a::meet_semilorder)"
   103 by (insert is_meet_meet, auto simp add: is_meet_def)
   105 lemma join_left_le: "a \<le> join a (b::'a::join_semilorder)"
   106 by (insert is_join_join, auto simp add: is_join_def)
   108 lemma join_right_le: "b \<le> join a (b::'a::join_semilorder)"
   109 by (insert is_join_join, auto simp add: is_join_def)
   111 lemma join_imp_le: "a \<le> x \<Longrightarrow> b \<le> x \<Longrightarrow> join a b \<le> (x::'a::join_semilorder)"
   112 by (insert is_join_join, auto simp add: is_join_def)
   114 lemmas meet_join_le = meet_left_le meet_right_le join_left_le join_right_le
   116 lemma is_meet_min: "is_meet (min::'a \<Rightarrow> 'a \<Rightarrow> ('a::linorder))"
   117 by (auto simp add: is_meet_def min_def)
   119 lemma is_join_max: "is_join (max::'a \<Rightarrow> 'a \<Rightarrow> ('a::linorder))"
   120 by (auto simp add: is_join_def max_def)
   122 instance linorder \<subseteq> meet_semilorder
   123 proof
   124   from is_meet_min show "? (m::'a\<Rightarrow>'a\<Rightarrow>('a::linorder)). is_meet m" by auto
   125 qed
   127 instance linorder \<subseteq> join_semilorder
   128 proof
   129   from is_join_max show "? (j::'a\<Rightarrow>'a\<Rightarrow>('a::linorder)). is_join j" by auto 
   130 qed
   132 instance linorder \<subseteq> lorder ..
   134 lemma meet_min: "meet = (min :: 'a\<Rightarrow>'a\<Rightarrow>('a::linorder))" 
   135 by (simp add: is_meet_meet is_meet_min is_meet_unique)
   137 lemma join_max: "join = (max :: 'a\<Rightarrow>'a\<Rightarrow>('a::linorder))"
   138 by (simp add: is_join_join is_join_max is_join_unique)
   140 lemma meet_idempotent[simp]: "meet x x = x"
   141 by (rule order_antisym, simp_all add: meet_left_le meet_imp_le)
   143 lemma join_idempotent[simp]: "join x x = x"
   144 by (rule order_antisym, simp_all add: join_left_le join_imp_le)
   146 lemma meet_comm: "meet x y = meet y x" 
   147 by (rule order_antisym, (simp add: meet_left_le meet_right_le meet_imp_le)+)
   149 lemma join_comm: "join x y = join y x"
   150 by (rule order_antisym, (simp add: join_right_le join_left_le join_imp_le)+)
   152 lemma meet_assoc: "meet (meet x y) z = meet x (meet y z)" (is "?l=?r")
   153 proof - 
   154   have "?l <= meet x y & meet x y <= x & ?l <= z & meet x y <= y" by (simp add: meet_left_le meet_right_le)
   155   hence "?l <= x & ?l <= y & ?l <= z" by auto
   156   hence "?l <= ?r" by (simp add: meet_imp_le)
   157   hence a:"?l <= meet x (meet y z)" by (simp add: meet_imp_le)
   158   have "?r <= meet y z & meet y z <= y & meet y z <= z & ?r <= x" by (simp add: meet_left_le meet_right_le)  
   159   hence "?r <= x & ?r <= y & ?r <= z" by (auto) 
   160   hence "?r <= meet x y & ?r <= z" by (simp add: meet_imp_le)
   161   hence b:"?r <= ?l" by (simp add: meet_imp_le)
   162   from a b show "?l = ?r" by auto
   163 qed
   165 lemma join_assoc: "join (join x y) z = join x (join y z)" (is "?l=?r")
   166 proof -
   167   have "join x y <= ?l & x <= join x y & z <= ?l & y <= join x y" by (simp add: join_left_le join_right_le)
   168   hence "x <= ?l & y <= ?l & z <= ?l" by auto
   169   hence "join y z <= ?l & x <= ?l" by (simp add: join_imp_le)
   170   hence a:"?r <= ?l" by (simp add: join_imp_le)
   171   have "join y z <= ?r & y <= join y z & z <= join y z & x <= ?r" by (simp add: join_left_le join_right_le)
   172   hence "y <= ?r & z <= ?r & x <= ?r" by auto
   173   hence "join x y <= ?r & z <= ?r" by (simp add: join_imp_le)
   174   hence b:"?l <= ?r" by (simp add: join_imp_le)
   175   from a b show "?l = ?r" by auto
   176 qed
   178 lemma meet_left_comm: "meet a (meet b c) = meet b (meet a c)"
   179 by (simp add: meet_assoc[symmetric, of a b c], simp add: meet_comm[of a b], simp add: meet_assoc)
   181 lemma meet_left_idempotent: "meet y (meet y x) = meet y x"
   182 by (simp add: meet_assoc meet_comm meet_left_comm)
   184 lemma join_left_comm: "join a (join b c) = join b (join a c)"
   185 by (simp add: join_assoc[symmetric, of a b c], simp add: join_comm[of a b], simp add: join_assoc)
   187 lemma join_left_idempotent: "join y (join y x) = join y x"
   188 by (simp add: join_assoc join_comm join_left_comm)
   190 lemmas meet_aci = meet_assoc meet_comm meet_left_comm meet_left_idempotent
   192 lemmas join_aci = join_assoc join_comm join_left_comm join_left_idempotent
   194 lemma le_def_meet: "(x <= y) = (meet x y = x)" 
   195 proof -
   196   have u: "x <= y \<longrightarrow> meet x y = x"
   197   proof 
   198     assume "x <= y"
   199     hence "x <= meet x y & meet x y <= x" by (simp add: meet_imp_le meet_left_le)
   200     thus "meet x y = x" by auto
   201   qed
   202   have v:"meet x y = x \<longrightarrow> x <= y" 
   203   proof 
   204     have a:"meet x y <= y" by (simp add: meet_right_le)
   205     assume "meet x y = x"
   206     hence "x = meet x y" by auto
   207     with a show "x <= y" by (auto)
   208   qed
   209   from u v show ?thesis by blast
   210 qed
   212 lemma le_def_join: "(x <= y) = (join x y = y)" 
   213 proof -
   214   have u: "x <= y \<longrightarrow> join x y = y"
   215   proof 
   216     assume "x <= y"
   217     hence "join x y <= y & y <= join x y" by (simp add: join_imp_le join_right_le)
   218     thus "join x y = y" by auto
   219   qed
   220   have v:"join x y = y \<longrightarrow> x <= y" 
   221   proof 
   222     have a:"x <= join x y" by (simp add: join_left_le)
   223     assume "join x y = y"
   224     hence "y = join x y" by auto
   225     with a show "x <= y" by (auto)
   226   qed
   227   from u v show ?thesis by blast
   228 qed
   230 lemma meet_join_absorp: "meet x (join x y) = x"
   231 proof -
   232   have a:"meet x (join x y) <= x" by (simp add: meet_left_le)
   233   have b:"x <= meet x (join x y)" by (rule meet_imp_le, simp_all add: join_left_le)
   234   from a b show ?thesis by auto
   235 qed
   237 lemma join_meet_absorp: "join x (meet x y) = x"
   238 proof - 
   239   have a:"x <= join x (meet x y)" by (simp add: join_left_le)
   240   have b:"join x (meet x y) <= x" by (rule join_imp_le, simp_all add: meet_left_le)
   241   from a b show ?thesis by auto
   242 qed
   244 lemma meet_mono: "y \<le> z \<Longrightarrow> meet x y \<le> meet x z"
   245 proof -
   246   assume a: "y <= z"
   247   have "meet x y <= x & meet x y <= y" by (simp add: meet_left_le meet_right_le)
   248   with a have "meet x y <= x & meet x y <= z" by auto 
   249   thus "meet x y <= meet x z" by (simp add: meet_imp_le)
   250 qed
   252 lemma join_mono: "y \<le> z \<Longrightarrow> join x y \<le> join x z"
   253 proof -
   254   assume a: "y \<le> z"
   255   have "x <= join x z & z <= join x z" by (simp add: join_left_le join_right_le)
   256   with a have "x <= join x z & y <= join x z" by auto
   257   thus "join x y <= join x z" by (simp add: join_imp_le)
   258 qed
   260 lemma distrib_join_le: "join x (meet y z) \<le> meet (join x y) (join x z)" (is "_ <= ?r")
   261 proof -
   262   have a: "x <= ?r" by (rule meet_imp_le, simp_all add: join_left_le)
   263   from meet_join_le have b: "meet y z <= ?r" 
   264     by (rule_tac meet_imp_le, (blast intro: order_trans)+)
   265   from a b show ?thesis by (simp add: join_imp_le)
   266 qed
   268 lemma distrib_meet_le: "join (meet x y) (meet x z) \<le> meet x (join y z)" (is "?l <= _") 
   269 proof -
   270   have a: "?l <= x" by (rule join_imp_le, simp_all add: meet_left_le)
   271   from meet_join_le have b: "?l <= join y z" 
   272     by (rule_tac join_imp_le, (blast intro: order_trans)+)
   273   from a b show ?thesis by (simp add: meet_imp_le)
   274 qed
   276 lemma meet_join_eq_imp_le: "a = c \<or> a = d \<or> b = c \<or> b = d \<Longrightarrow> meet a b \<le> join c d"
   277 by (insert meet_join_le, blast intro: order_trans)
   279 lemma modular_le: "x \<le> z \<Longrightarrow> join x (meet y z) \<le> meet (join x y) z" (is "_ \<Longrightarrow> ?t <= _")
   280 proof -
   281   assume a: "x <= z"
   282   have b: "?t <= join x y" by (rule join_imp_le, simp_all add: meet_join_le meet_join_eq_imp_le)
   283   have c: "?t <= z" by (rule join_imp_le, simp_all add: meet_join_le a)
   284   from b c show ?thesis by (simp add: meet_imp_le)
   285 qed
   287 ML {*
   288 val is_meet_unique = thm "is_meet_unique";
   289 val is_join_unique = thm "is_join_unique";
   290 val join_exists = thm "join_exists";
   291 val meet_exists = thm "meet_exists";
   292 val is_meet_meet = thm "is_meet_meet";
   293 val meet_unique = thm "meet_unique";
   294 val is_join_join = thm "is_join_join";
   295 val join_unique = thm "join_unique";
   296 val meet_left_le = thm "meet_left_le";
   297 val meet_right_le = thm "meet_right_le";
   298 val meet_imp_le = thm "meet_imp_le";
   299 val join_left_le = thm "join_left_le";
   300 val join_right_le = thm "join_right_le";
   301 val join_imp_le = thm "join_imp_le";
   302 val meet_join_le = thms "meet_join_le";
   303 val is_meet_min = thm "is_meet_min";
   304 val is_join_max = thm "is_join_max";
   305 val meet_min = thm "meet_min";
   306 val join_max = thm "join_max";
   307 val meet_idempotent = thm "meet_idempotent";
   308 val join_idempotent = thm "join_idempotent";
   309 val meet_comm = thm "meet_comm";
   310 val join_comm = thm "join_comm";
   311 val meet_assoc = thm "meet_assoc";
   312 val join_assoc = thm "join_assoc";
   313 val meet_left_comm = thm "meet_left_comm";
   314 val meet_left_idempotent = thm "meet_left_idempotent";
   315 val join_left_comm = thm "join_left_comm";
   316 val join_left_idempotent = thm "join_left_idempotent";
   317 val meet_aci = thms "meet_aci";
   318 val join_aci = thms "join_aci";
   319 val le_def_meet = thm "le_def_meet";
   320 val le_def_join = thm "le_def_join";
   321 val meet_join_absorp = thm "meet_join_absorp";
   322 val join_meet_absorp = thm "join_meet_absorp";
   323 val meet_mono = thm "meet_mono";
   324 val join_mono = thm "join_mono";
   325 val distrib_join_le = thm "distrib_join_le";
   326 val distrib_meet_le = thm "distrib_meet_le";
   327 val meet_join_eq_imp_le = thm "meet_join_eq_imp_le";
   328 val modular_le = thm "modular_le";
   329 *}
   331 end