author Cezary Kaliszyk <>
Tue, 23 Aug 2011 03:34:17 +0900
changeset 45272 80d460bc6fa8
parent 43232 23f352990944
child 46143 5995ab88a00f
permissions -rw-r--r--
Quotient Package: some infrastructure for lifting inside sets
     1 (*  Title:      HOL/Tools/Quotient/quotient_term.ML
     2     Author:     Cezary Kaliszyk and Christian Urban
     4 Constructs terms corresponding to goals from lifting theorems to
     5 quotient types.
     6 *)
     8 signature QUOTIENT_TERM =
     9 sig
    10   exception LIFT_MATCH of string
    12   datatype flag = AbsF | RepF
    14   val absrep_fun: flag -> Proof.context -> typ * typ -> term
    15   val absrep_fun_chk: flag -> Proof.context -> typ * typ -> term
    17   (* Allows Nitpick to represent quotient types as single elements from raw type *)
    18   val absrep_const_chk: flag -> Proof.context -> string -> term
    20   val equiv_relation: Proof.context -> typ * typ -> term
    21   val equiv_relation_chk: Proof.context -> typ * typ -> term
    23   val regularize_trm: Proof.context -> term * term -> term
    24   val regularize_trm_chk: Proof.context -> term * term -> term
    26   val inj_repabs_trm: Proof.context -> term * term -> term
    27   val inj_repabs_trm_chk: Proof.context -> term * term -> term
    29   val derive_qtyp: Proof.context -> typ list -> typ -> typ
    30   val derive_qtrm: Proof.context -> typ list -> term -> term
    31   val derive_rtyp: Proof.context -> typ list -> typ -> typ
    32   val derive_rtrm: Proof.context -> typ list -> term -> term
    33 end;
    35 structure Quotient_Term: QUOTIENT_TERM =
    36 struct
    38 exception LIFT_MATCH of string
    42 (*** Aggregate Rep/Abs Function ***)
    45 (* The flag RepF is for types in negative position; AbsF is for types
    46    in positive position. Because of this, function types need to be
    47    treated specially, since there the polarity changes.
    48 *)
    50 datatype flag = AbsF | RepF
    52 fun negF AbsF = RepF
    53   | negF RepF = AbsF
    55 fun is_identity (Const (@{const_name id}, _)) = true
    56   | is_identity _ = false
    58 fun mk_identity ty = Const (@{const_name id}, ty --> ty)
    60 fun mk_fun_compose flag (trm1, trm2) =
    61   case flag of
    62     AbsF => Const (@{const_name comp}, dummyT) $ trm1 $ trm2
    63   | RepF => Const (@{const_name comp}, dummyT) $ trm2 $ trm1
    65 fun get_mapfun ctxt s =
    66   let
    67     val thy = Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt
    68     val mapfun = #mapfun (Quotient_Info.maps_lookup thy s) handle Quotient_Info.NotFound =>
    69       raise LIFT_MATCH ("No map function for type " ^ quote s ^ " found.")
    70   in
    71     Const (mapfun, dummyT)
    72   end
    74 (* makes a Free out of a TVar *)
    75 fun mk_Free (TVar ((x, i), _)) = Free (unprefix "'" x ^ string_of_int i, dummyT)
    77 (* produces an aggregate map function for the
    78    rty-part of a quotient definition; abstracts
    79    over all variables listed in vs (these variables
    80    correspond to the type variables in rty)
    82    for example for: (?'a list * ?'b)
    83    it produces:     %a b. prod_map (map a) b
    84 *)
    85 fun mk_mapfun ctxt vs rty =
    86   let
    87     val vs' = map mk_Free vs
    89     fun mk_mapfun_aux rty =
    90       case rty of
    91         TVar _ => mk_Free rty
    92       | Type (_, []) => mk_identity rty
    93       | Type (s, tys) => list_comb (get_mapfun ctxt s, map mk_mapfun_aux tys)
    94       | _ => raise LIFT_MATCH "mk_mapfun (default)"
    95   in
    96     fold_rev Term.lambda vs' (mk_mapfun_aux rty)
    97   end
    99 (* looks up the (varified) rty and qty for
   100    a quotient definition
   101 *)
   102 fun get_rty_qty ctxt s =
   103   let
   104     val thy = Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt
   105     val qdata = Quotient_Info.quotdata_lookup thy s handle Quotient_Info.NotFound =>
   106       raise LIFT_MATCH ("No quotient type " ^ quote s ^ " found.")
   107   in
   108     (#rtyp qdata, #qtyp qdata)
   109   end
   111 (* takes two type-environments and looks
   112    up in both of them the variable v, which
   113    must be listed in the environment
   114 *)
   115 fun double_lookup rtyenv qtyenv v =
   116   let
   117     val v' = fst (dest_TVar v)
   118   in
   119     (snd (the (Vartab.lookup rtyenv v')), snd (the (Vartab.lookup qtyenv v')))
   120   end
   122 (* matches a type pattern with a type *)
   123 fun match ctxt err ty_pat ty =
   124   let
   125     val thy = Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt
   126   in
   127     Sign.typ_match thy (ty_pat, ty) Vartab.empty
   128       handle Type.TYPE_MATCH => err ctxt ty_pat ty
   129   end
   131 (* produces the rep or abs constant for a qty *)
   132 fun absrep_const flag ctxt qty_str =
   133   let
   134     val qty_name = Long_Name.base_name qty_str
   135     val qualifier = Long_Name.qualifier qty_str
   136   in
   137     case flag of
   138       AbsF => Const (Long_Name.qualify qualifier ("abs_" ^ qty_name), dummyT)
   139     | RepF => Const (Long_Name.qualify qualifier ("rep_" ^ qty_name), dummyT)
   140   end
   142 (* Lets Nitpick represent elements of quotient types as elements of the raw type *)
   143 fun absrep_const_chk flag ctxt qty_str =
   144   Syntax.check_term ctxt (absrep_const flag ctxt qty_str)
   146 fun absrep_match_err ctxt ty_pat ty =
   147   let
   148     val ty_pat_str = Syntax.string_of_typ ctxt ty_pat
   149     val ty_str = Syntax.string_of_typ ctxt ty
   150   in
   151     raise LIFT_MATCH (space_implode " "
   152       ["absrep_fun (Types ", quote ty_pat_str, "and", quote ty_str, " do not match.)"])
   153   end
   156 (** generation of an aggregate absrep function **)
   158 (* - In case of equal types we just return the identity.
   160    - In case of TFrees we also return the identity.
   162    - In case of function types we recurse taking
   163      the polarity change into account.
   165    - If the type constructors are equal, we recurse for the
   166      arguments and build the appropriate map function.
   168    - If the type constructors are unequal, there must be an
   169      instance of quotient types:
   171        - we first look up the corresponding rty_pat and qty_pat
   172          from the quotient definition; the arguments of qty_pat
   173          must be some distinct TVars
   174        - we then match the rty_pat with rty and qty_pat with qty;
   175          if matching fails the types do not correspond -> error
   176        - the matching produces two environments; we look up the
   177          assignments for the qty_pat variables and recurse on the
   178          assignments
   179        - we prefix the aggregate map function for the rty_pat,
   180          which is an abstraction over all type variables
   181        - finally we compose the result with the appropriate
   182          absrep function in case at least one argument produced
   183          a non-identity function /
   184          otherwise we just return the appropriate absrep
   185          function
   187      The composition is necessary for types like
   189         ('a list) list / ('a foo) foo
   191      The matching is necessary for types like
   193         ('a * 'a) list / 'a bar
   195      The test is necessary in order to eliminate superfluous
   196      identity maps.
   197 *)
   199 fun absrep_fun flag ctxt (rty, qty) =
   200   if rty = qty
   201   then mk_identity rty
   202   else
   203     case (rty, qty) of
   204       (Type ("fun", [ty1, ty2]), Type ("fun", [ty1', ty2'])) =>
   205         let
   206           val arg1 = absrep_fun (negF flag) ctxt (ty1, ty1')
   207           val arg2 = absrep_fun flag ctxt (ty2, ty2')
   208         in
   209           list_comb (get_mapfun ctxt "fun", [arg1, arg2])
   210         end
   211 (* FIXME: use type_name antiquotation if set type becomes explicit *)
   212     | (Type ("Set.set", [ty]), Type ("Set.set", [ty'])) =>
   213         let
   214           val arg = absrep_fun (negF flag) ctxt (ty, ty')
   215         in
   216           get_mapfun ctxt "Set.set" $ arg
   217         end
   218     | (Type (s, tys), Type (s', tys')) =>
   219         if s = s'
   220         then
   221           let
   222             val args = map (absrep_fun flag ctxt) (tys ~~ tys')
   223           in
   224             list_comb (get_mapfun ctxt s, args)
   225           end
   226         else
   227           let
   228             val (rty_pat, qty_pat as Type (_, vs)) = get_rty_qty ctxt s'
   229             val rtyenv = match ctxt absrep_match_err rty_pat rty
   230             val qtyenv = match ctxt absrep_match_err qty_pat qty
   231             val args_aux = map (double_lookup rtyenv qtyenv) vs
   232             val args = map (absrep_fun flag ctxt) args_aux
   233           in
   234             if forall is_identity args
   235             then absrep_const flag ctxt s'
   236             else
   237               let
   238                 val map_fun = mk_mapfun ctxt vs rty_pat
   239                 val result = list_comb (map_fun, args)
   240               in
   241                 mk_fun_compose flag (absrep_const flag ctxt s', result)
   242               end
   243           end
   244     | (TFree x, TFree x') =>
   245         if x = x'
   246         then mk_identity rty
   247         else raise (LIFT_MATCH "absrep_fun (frees)")
   248     | (TVar _, TVar _) => raise (LIFT_MATCH "absrep_fun (vars)")
   249     | _ => raise (LIFT_MATCH "absrep_fun (default)")
   251 fun absrep_fun_chk flag ctxt (rty, qty) =
   252   absrep_fun flag ctxt (rty, qty)
   253   |> Syntax.check_term ctxt
   258 (*** Aggregate Equivalence Relation ***)
   261 (* works very similar to the absrep generation,
   262    except there is no need for polarities
   263 *)
   265 (* instantiates TVars so that the term is of type ty *)
   266 fun force_typ ctxt trm ty =
   267   let
   268     val thy = Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt
   269     val trm_ty = fastype_of trm
   270     val ty_inst = Sign.typ_match thy (trm_ty, ty) Vartab.empty
   271   in
   272     map_types (Envir.subst_type ty_inst) trm
   273   end
   275 fun is_eq (Const (@{const_name HOL.eq}, _)) = true
   276   | is_eq _ = false
   278 fun mk_rel_compose (trm1, trm2) =
   279   Const (@{const_abbrev "rel_conj"}, dummyT) $ trm1 $ trm2
   281 fun get_relmap ctxt s =
   282   let
   283     val thy = Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt
   284     val relmap = #relmap (Quotient_Info.maps_lookup thy s) handle Quotient_Info.NotFound =>
   285       raise LIFT_MATCH ("get_relmap (no relation map function found for type " ^ s ^ ")")
   286   in
   287     Const (relmap, dummyT)
   288   end
   290 fun mk_relmap ctxt vs rty =
   291   let
   292     val vs' = map (mk_Free) vs
   294     fun mk_relmap_aux rty =
   295       case rty of
   296         TVar _ => mk_Free rty
   297       | Type (_, []) => HOLogic.eq_const rty
   298       | Type (s, tys) => list_comb (get_relmap ctxt s, map mk_relmap_aux tys)
   299       | _ => raise LIFT_MATCH ("mk_relmap (default)")
   300   in
   301     fold_rev Term.lambda vs' (mk_relmap_aux rty)
   302   end
   304 fun get_equiv_rel ctxt s =
   305   let
   306     val thy = Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt
   307   in
   308     #equiv_rel (Quotient_Info.quotdata_lookup thy s) handle Quotient_Info.NotFound =>
   309       raise LIFT_MATCH ("get_quotdata (no quotient found for type " ^ s ^ ")")
   310   end
   312 fun equiv_match_err ctxt ty_pat ty =
   313   let
   314     val ty_pat_str = Syntax.string_of_typ ctxt ty_pat
   315     val ty_str = Syntax.string_of_typ ctxt ty
   316   in
   317     raise LIFT_MATCH (space_implode " "
   318       ["equiv_relation (Types ", quote ty_pat_str, "and", quote ty_str, " do not match.)"])
   319   end
   321 (* builds the aggregate equivalence relation
   322    that will be the argument of Respects
   323 *)
   324 fun equiv_relation ctxt (rty, qty) =
   325   if rty = qty
   326   then HOLogic.eq_const rty
   327   else
   328     case (rty, qty) of
   329       (Type (s, tys), Type (s', tys')) =>
   330         if s = s'
   331         then
   332           let
   333             val args = map (equiv_relation ctxt) (tys ~~ tys')
   334           in
   335             list_comb (get_relmap ctxt s, args)
   336           end
   337         else
   338           let
   339             val (rty_pat, qty_pat as Type (_, vs)) = get_rty_qty ctxt s'
   340             val rtyenv = match ctxt equiv_match_err rty_pat rty
   341             val qtyenv = match ctxt equiv_match_err qty_pat qty
   342             val args_aux = map (double_lookup rtyenv qtyenv) vs
   343             val args = map (equiv_relation ctxt) args_aux
   344             val eqv_rel = get_equiv_rel ctxt s'
   345             val eqv_rel' = force_typ ctxt eqv_rel ([rty, rty] ---> @{typ bool})
   346           in
   347             if forall is_eq args
   348             then eqv_rel'
   349             else
   350               let
   351                 val rel_map = mk_relmap ctxt vs rty_pat
   352                 val result = list_comb (rel_map, args)
   353               in
   354                 mk_rel_compose (result, eqv_rel')
   355               end
   356           end
   357     | _ => HOLogic.eq_const rty
   359 fun equiv_relation_chk ctxt (rty, qty) =
   360   equiv_relation ctxt (rty, qty)
   361   |> Syntax.check_term ctxt
   365 (*** Regularization ***)
   367 (* Regularizing an rtrm means:
   369  - Quantifiers over types that need lifting are replaced
   370    by bounded quantifiers, for example:
   372       All P  ----> All (Respects R) P
   374    where the aggregate relation R is given by the rty and qty;
   376  - Abstractions over types that need lifting are replaced
   377    by bounded abstractions, for example:
   379       %x. P  ----> Ball (Respects R) %x. P
   381  - Equalities over types that need lifting are replaced by
   382    corresponding equivalence relations, for example:
   384       A = B  ----> R A B
   386    or
   388       A = B  ----> (R ===> R) A B
   390    for more complicated types of A and B
   393  The regularize_trm accepts raw theorems in which equalities
   394  and quantifiers match exactly the ones in the lifted theorem
   395  but also accepts partially regularized terms.
   397  This means that the raw theorems can have:
   398    Ball (Respects R),  Bex (Respects R), Bex1_rel (Respects R), Babs, R
   399  in the places where:
   400    All, Ex, Ex1, %, (op =)
   401  is required the lifted theorem.
   403 *)
   405 val mk_babs = Const (@{const_name Babs}, dummyT)
   406 val mk_ball = Const (@{const_name Ball}, dummyT)
   407 val mk_bex  = Const (@{const_name Bex}, dummyT)
   408 val mk_bex1_rel = Const (@{const_name Bex1_rel}, dummyT)
   409 val mk_resp = Const (@{const_name Respects}, dummyT)
   411 (* - applies f to the subterm of an abstraction,
   412      otherwise to the given term,
   413    - used by regularize, therefore abstracted
   414      variables do not have to be treated specially
   415 *)
   416 fun apply_subt f (trm1, trm2) =
   417   case (trm1, trm2) of
   418     (Abs (x, T, t), Abs (_ , _, t')) => Abs (x, T, f (t, t'))
   419   | _ => f (trm1, trm2)
   421 fun term_mismatch str ctxt t1 t2 =
   422   let
   423     val t1_str = Syntax.string_of_term ctxt t1
   424     val t2_str = Syntax.string_of_term ctxt t2
   425     val t1_ty_str = Syntax.string_of_typ ctxt (fastype_of t1)
   426     val t2_ty_str = Syntax.string_of_typ ctxt (fastype_of t2)
   427   in
   428     raise LIFT_MATCH (cat_lines [str, t1_str ^ "::" ^ t1_ty_str, t2_str ^ "::" ^ t2_ty_str])
   429   end
   431 (* the major type of All and Ex quantifiers *)
   432 fun qnt_typ ty = domain_type (domain_type ty)
   434 (* Checks that two types match, for example:
   435      rty -> rty   matches   qty -> qty *)
   436 fun matches_typ thy rT qT =
   437   if rT = qT then true
   438   else
   439     (case (rT, qT) of
   440       (Type (rs, rtys), Type (qs, qtys)) =>
   441         if rs = qs then
   442           if length rtys <> length qtys then false
   443           else forall (fn x => x = true) (map2 (matches_typ thy) rtys qtys)
   444         else
   445           (case Quotient_Info.quotdata_lookup_raw thy qs of
   446             SOME quotinfo => Sign.typ_instance thy (rT, #rtyp quotinfo)
   447           | NONE => false)
   448     | _ => false)
   451 (* produces a regularized version of rtrm
   453    - the result might contain dummyTs
   455    - for regularization we do not need any
   456      special treatment of bound variables
   457 *)
   458 fun regularize_trm ctxt (rtrm, qtrm) =
   459   case (rtrm, qtrm) of
   460     (Abs (x, ty, t), Abs (_, ty', t')) =>
   461       let
   462         val subtrm = Abs(x, ty, regularize_trm ctxt (t, t'))
   463       in
   464         if ty = ty' then subtrm
   465         else mk_babs $ (mk_resp $ equiv_relation ctxt (ty, ty')) $ subtrm
   466       end
   467   | (Const (@{const_name Babs}, T) $ resrel $ (t as (Abs (_, ty, _))), t' as (Abs (_, ty', _))) =>
   468       let
   469         val subtrm = regularize_trm ctxt (t, t')
   470         val needres = mk_resp $ equiv_relation_chk ctxt (ty, ty')
   471       in
   472         if resrel <> needres
   473         then term_mismatch "regularize (Babs)" ctxt resrel needres
   474         else mk_babs $ resrel $ subtrm
   475       end
   477   | (Const (@{const_name All}, ty) $ t, Const (@{const_name All}, ty') $ t') =>
   478       let
   479         val subtrm = apply_subt (regularize_trm ctxt) (t, t')
   480       in
   481         if ty = ty' then Const (@{const_name All}, ty) $ subtrm
   482         else mk_ball $ (mk_resp $ equiv_relation ctxt (qnt_typ ty, qnt_typ ty')) $ subtrm
   483       end
   485   | (Const (@{const_name Ex}, ty) $ t, Const (@{const_name Ex}, ty') $ t') =>
   486       let
   487         val subtrm = apply_subt (regularize_trm ctxt) (t, t')
   488       in
   489         if ty = ty' then Const (@{const_name Ex}, ty) $ subtrm
   490         else mk_bex $ (mk_resp $ equiv_relation ctxt (qnt_typ ty, qnt_typ ty')) $ subtrm
   491       end
   493   | (Const (@{const_name Ex1}, ty) $ (Abs (_, _,
   494       (Const (@{const_name HOL.conj}, _) $ (Const (@{const_name Set.member}, _) $ _ $
   495         (Const (@{const_name Respects}, _) $ resrel)) $ (t $ _)))),
   496      Const (@{const_name Ex1}, ty') $ t') =>
   497       let
   498         val t_ = incr_boundvars (~1) t
   499         val subtrm = apply_subt (regularize_trm ctxt) (t_, t')
   500         val needrel = equiv_relation_chk ctxt (qnt_typ ty, qnt_typ ty')
   501       in
   502         if resrel <> needrel
   503         then term_mismatch "regularize (Bex1)" ctxt resrel needrel
   504         else mk_bex1_rel $ resrel $ subtrm
   505       end
   507   | (Const (@{const_name Ex1}, ty) $ t, Const (@{const_name Ex1}, ty') $ t') =>
   508       let
   509         val subtrm = apply_subt (regularize_trm ctxt) (t, t')
   510       in
   511         if ty = ty' then Const (@{const_name Ex1}, ty) $ subtrm
   512         else mk_bex1_rel $ (equiv_relation ctxt (qnt_typ ty, qnt_typ ty')) $ subtrm
   513       end
   515   | (Const (@{const_name Ball}, ty) $ (Const (@{const_name Respects}, _) $ resrel) $ t,
   516      Const (@{const_name All}, ty') $ t') =>
   517       let
   518         val subtrm = apply_subt (regularize_trm ctxt) (t, t')
   519         val needrel = equiv_relation_chk ctxt (qnt_typ ty, qnt_typ ty')
   520       in
   521         if resrel <> needrel
   522         then term_mismatch "regularize (Ball)" ctxt resrel needrel
   523         else mk_ball $ (mk_resp $ resrel) $ subtrm
   524       end
   526   | (Const (@{const_name Bex}, ty) $ (Const (@{const_name Respects}, _) $ resrel) $ t,
   527      Const (@{const_name Ex}, ty') $ t') =>
   528       let
   529         val subtrm = apply_subt (regularize_trm ctxt) (t, t')
   530         val needrel = equiv_relation_chk ctxt (qnt_typ ty, qnt_typ ty')
   531       in
   532         if resrel <> needrel
   533         then term_mismatch "regularize (Bex)" ctxt resrel needrel
   534         else mk_bex $ (mk_resp $ resrel) $ subtrm
   535       end
   537   | (Const (@{const_name Bex1_rel}, ty) $ resrel $ t, Const (@{const_name Ex1}, ty') $ t') =>
   538       let
   539         val subtrm = apply_subt (regularize_trm ctxt) (t, t')
   540         val needrel = equiv_relation_chk ctxt (qnt_typ ty, qnt_typ ty')
   541       in
   542         if resrel <> needrel
   543         then term_mismatch "regularize (Bex1_res)" ctxt resrel needrel
   544         else mk_bex1_rel $ resrel $ subtrm
   545       end
   547   | (* equalities need to be replaced by appropriate equivalence relations *)
   548     (Const (@{const_name HOL.eq}, ty), Const (@{const_name HOL.eq}, ty')) =>
   549         if ty = ty' then rtrm
   550         else equiv_relation ctxt (domain_type ty, domain_type ty')
   552   | (* in this case we just check whether the given equivalence relation is correct *)
   553     (rel, Const (@{const_name HOL.eq}, ty')) =>
   554       let
   555         val rel_ty = fastype_of rel
   556         val rel' = equiv_relation_chk ctxt (domain_type rel_ty, domain_type ty')
   557       in
   558         if rel' aconv rel then rtrm
   559         else term_mismatch "regularize (relation mismatch)" ctxt rel rel'
   560       end
   562   | (_, Const _) =>
   563       let
   564         val thy = Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt
   565         fun same_const (Const (s, T)) (Const (s', T')) = (s = s') andalso matches_typ thy T T'
   566           | same_const _ _ = false
   567       in
   568         if same_const rtrm qtrm then rtrm
   569         else
   570           let
   571             val rtrm' = #rconst (Quotient_Info.qconsts_lookup thy qtrm)
   572               handle Quotient_Info.NotFound =>
   573                 term_mismatch "regularize (constant not found)" ctxt rtrm qtrm
   574           in
   575             if Pattern.matches thy (rtrm', rtrm)
   576             then rtrm else term_mismatch "regularize (constant mismatch)" ctxt rtrm qtrm
   577           end
   578       end
   580   | (((t1 as Const (@{const_name prod_case}, _)) $ Abs (v1, ty, Abs(v1', ty', s1))),
   581      ((t2 as Const (@{const_name prod_case}, _)) $ Abs (v2, _ , Abs(v2', _  , s2)))) =>
   582        regularize_trm ctxt (t1, t2) $ Abs (v1, ty, Abs (v1', ty', regularize_trm ctxt (s1, s2)))
   584   | (((t1 as Const (@{const_name prod_case}, _)) $ Abs (v1, ty, s1)),
   585      ((t2 as Const (@{const_name prod_case}, _)) $ Abs (v2, _ , s2))) =>
   586        regularize_trm ctxt (t1, t2) $ Abs (v1, ty, regularize_trm ctxt (s1, s2))
   588   | (t1 $ t2, t1' $ t2') =>
   589        regularize_trm ctxt (t1, t1') $ regularize_trm ctxt (t2, t2')
   591   | (Bound i, Bound i') =>
   592       if i = i' then rtrm
   593       else raise (LIFT_MATCH "regularize (bounds mismatch)")
   595   | _ =>
   596       let
   597         val rtrm_str = Syntax.string_of_term ctxt rtrm
   598         val qtrm_str = Syntax.string_of_term ctxt qtrm
   599       in
   600         raise (LIFT_MATCH ("regularize failed (default: " ^ rtrm_str ^ "," ^ qtrm_str ^ ")"))
   601       end
   603 fun regularize_trm_chk ctxt (rtrm, qtrm) =
   604   regularize_trm ctxt (rtrm, qtrm)
   605   |> Syntax.check_term ctxt
   609 (*** Rep/Abs Injection ***)
   611 (*
   612 Injection of Rep/Abs means:
   614   For abstractions:
   616   * If the type of the abstraction needs lifting, then we add Rep/Abs
   617     around the abstraction; otherwise we leave it unchanged.
   619   For applications:
   621   * If the application involves a bounded quantifier, we recurse on
   622     the second argument. If the application is a bounded abstraction,
   623     we always put an Rep/Abs around it (since bounded abstractions
   624     are assumed to always need lifting). Otherwise we recurse on both
   625     arguments.
   627   For constants:
   629   * If the constant is (op =), we leave it always unchanged.
   630     Otherwise the type of the constant needs lifting, we put
   631     and Rep/Abs around it.
   633   For free variables:
   635   * We put a Rep/Abs around it if the type needs lifting.
   637   Vars case cannot occur.
   638 *)
   640 fun mk_repabs ctxt (T, T') trm =
   641   absrep_fun RepF ctxt (T, T') $ (absrep_fun AbsF ctxt (T, T') $ trm)
   643 fun inj_repabs_err ctxt msg rtrm qtrm =
   644   let
   645     val rtrm_str = Syntax.string_of_term ctxt rtrm
   646     val qtrm_str = Syntax.string_of_term ctxt qtrm
   647   in
   648     raise LIFT_MATCH (space_implode " " [msg, quote rtrm_str, "and", quote qtrm_str])
   649   end
   652 (* bound variables need to be treated properly,
   653    as the type of subterms needs to be calculated   *)
   654 fun inj_repabs_trm ctxt (rtrm, qtrm) =
   655  case (rtrm, qtrm) of
   656     (Const (@{const_name Ball}, T) $ r $ t, Const (@{const_name All}, _) $ t') =>
   657        Const (@{const_name Ball}, T) $ r $ (inj_repabs_trm ctxt (t, t'))
   659   | (Const (@{const_name Bex}, T) $ r $ t, Const (@{const_name Ex}, _) $ t') =>
   660        Const (@{const_name Bex}, T) $ r $ (inj_repabs_trm ctxt (t, t'))
   662   | (Const (@{const_name Babs}, T) $ r $ t, t' as (Abs _)) =>
   663       let
   664         val rty = fastype_of rtrm
   665         val qty = fastype_of qtrm
   666       in
   667         mk_repabs ctxt (rty, qty) (Const (@{const_name Babs}, T) $ r $ (inj_repabs_trm ctxt (t, t')))
   668       end
   670   | (Abs (x, T, t), Abs (x', T', t')) =>
   671       let
   672         val rty = fastype_of rtrm
   673         val qty = fastype_of qtrm
   674         val (y, s) = Term.dest_abs (x, T, t)
   675         val (_, s') = Term.dest_abs (x', T', t')
   676         val yvar = Free (y, T)
   677         val result = Term.lambda_name (y, yvar) (inj_repabs_trm ctxt (s, s'))
   678       in
   679         if rty = qty then result
   680         else mk_repabs ctxt (rty, qty) result
   681       end
   683   | (t $ s, t' $ s') =>
   684        (inj_repabs_trm ctxt (t, t')) $ (inj_repabs_trm ctxt (s, s'))
   686   | (Free (_, T), Free (_, T')) =>
   687         if T = T' then rtrm
   688         else mk_repabs ctxt (T, T') rtrm
   690   | (_, Const (@{const_name HOL.eq}, _)) => rtrm
   692   | (_, Const (_, T')) =>
   693       let
   694         val rty = fastype_of rtrm
   695       in
   696         if rty = T' then rtrm
   697         else mk_repabs ctxt (rty, T') rtrm
   698       end
   700   | _ => inj_repabs_err ctxt "injection (default):" rtrm qtrm
   702 fun inj_repabs_trm_chk ctxt (rtrm, qtrm) =
   703   inj_repabs_trm ctxt (rtrm, qtrm)
   704   |> Syntax.check_term ctxt
   708 (*** Wrapper for automatically transforming an rthm into a qthm ***)
   710 (* substitutions functions for r/q-types and
   711    r/q-constants, respectively
   712 *)
   713 fun subst_typ ctxt ty_subst rty =
   714   case rty of
   715     Type (s, rtys) =>
   716       let
   717         val thy = Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt
   718         val rty' = Type (s, map (subst_typ ctxt ty_subst) rtys)
   720         fun matches [] = rty'
   721           | matches ((rty, qty)::tail) =
   722               case try (Sign.typ_match thy (rty, rty')) Vartab.empty of
   723                 NONE => matches tail
   724               | SOME inst => Envir.subst_type inst qty
   725       in
   726         matches ty_subst
   727       end
   728   | _ => rty
   730 fun subst_trm ctxt ty_subst trm_subst rtrm =
   731   case rtrm of
   732     t1 $ t2 => (subst_trm ctxt ty_subst trm_subst t1) $ (subst_trm ctxt ty_subst trm_subst t2)
   733   | Abs (x, ty, t) => Abs (x, subst_typ ctxt ty_subst ty, subst_trm ctxt ty_subst trm_subst t)
   734   | Free(n, ty) => Free(n, subst_typ ctxt ty_subst ty)
   735   | Var(n, ty) => Var(n, subst_typ ctxt ty_subst ty)
   736   | Bound i => Bound i
   737   | Const (a, ty) =>
   738       let
   739         val thy = Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt
   741         fun matches [] = Const (a, subst_typ ctxt ty_subst ty)
   742           | matches ((rconst, qconst)::tail) =
   743               case try (Pattern.match thy (rconst, rtrm)) (Vartab.empty, Vartab.empty) of
   744                 NONE => matches tail
   745               | SOME inst => Envir.subst_term inst qconst
   746       in
   747         matches trm_subst
   748       end
   750 (* generate type and term substitutions out of the
   751    qtypes involved in a quotient; the direction flag
   752    indicates in which direction the substitutions work:
   754      true:  quotient -> raw
   755      false: raw -> quotient
   756 *)
   757 fun mk_ty_subst qtys direction ctxt =
   758   let
   759     val thy = Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt
   760   in
   761     Quotient_Info.quotdata_dest ctxt
   762     |> map (fn x => (#rtyp x, #qtyp x))
   763     |> filter (fn (_, qty) => member (Sign.typ_instance thy o swap) qtys qty)
   764     |> map (if direction then swap else I)
   765   end
   767 fun mk_trm_subst qtys direction ctxt =
   768   let
   769     val subst_typ' = subst_typ ctxt (mk_ty_subst qtys direction ctxt)
   770     fun proper (t1, t2) = subst_typ' (fastype_of t1) = fastype_of t2
   772     val const_substs =
   773       Quotient_Info.qconsts_dest ctxt
   774       |> map (fn x => (#rconst x, #qconst x))
   775       |> map (if direction then swap else I)
   777     val rel_substs =
   778       Quotient_Info.quotdata_dest ctxt
   779       |> map (fn x => (#equiv_rel x, HOLogic.eq_const (#qtyp x)))
   780       |> map (if direction then swap else I)
   781   in
   782     filter proper (const_substs @ rel_substs)
   783   end
   786 (* derives a qtyp and qtrm out of a rtyp and rtrm,
   787    respectively
   788 *)
   789 fun derive_qtyp ctxt qtys rty =
   790   subst_typ ctxt (mk_ty_subst qtys false ctxt) rty
   792 fun derive_qtrm ctxt qtys rtrm =
   793   subst_trm ctxt (mk_ty_subst qtys false ctxt) (mk_trm_subst qtys false ctxt) rtrm
   795 (* derives a rtyp and rtrm out of a qtyp and qtrm,
   796    respectively
   797 *)
   798 fun derive_rtyp ctxt qtys qty =
   799   subst_typ ctxt (mk_ty_subst qtys true ctxt) qty
   801 fun derive_rtrm ctxt qtys qtrm =
   802   subst_trm ctxt (mk_ty_subst qtys true ctxt) (mk_trm_subst qtys true ctxt) qtrm
   805 end; (* structure *)